Report to the Community 2016
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
mission and vision
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
M i ss i o n S tat e m e n t
Milwaukee Public Schools is a diverse district that welcomes all students, preparing them for success in higher education, post-educational opportunities, work and citizenship. V i s i o n S tat e m e n t
Milwaukee Public Schools will be among the highest student growth school systems in the country. All district staff will be committed to providing an educational environment that is child-centered, supports achievement, and respects diversity. Schools will be safe, welcoming, well-maintained and accessible community centers meeting the needs of all. Relevant, rigorous and successful instructional programs will be recognized and replicated. The district and its schools will collaborate with students, families and community for the benefit of all.
start. stay. succeed.
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
Executive letter
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
Positive momentum is building at Milwaukee Public Schools. Across our district, we are relentlessly focused on achieving our board-driven strategic goals of academic achievement; student, family and community engagement; and effective and efficient operations. Through our Eight Big Ideas, we are connecting strategy to action, investing in initiatives that will collectively improve student outcomes. Our goals are ambitious, but our team’s efforts coupled with solid planning processes make them achievable. The following pages offer a sense of what our students, staff, families and partners are accomplishing, together. Evidence of our progress is tangible. ACT scores are the highest they’ve been in eight years. Reading proficiency is increasing across many grade levels. School climates are improving and enrollment has increased. Our work is far from complete. Milwaukee’s young people continue to face inequities in and out of their classrooms. We are determined to bridge opportunity gaps so all students have the chance to succeed. The challenges we face most certainly require our best effort, coupled with the time, resources and continued commitment of our entire community. We hope this report connects you with our progress at MPS, and inspires you to join us on this journey. Milwaukee’s children deserve nothing less. We are MPS Proud!
Darie n n e B . Dri v er , E d . D . Superintendent of Schools, Milwaukee Public Schools
M ar k S ai n P resi d e n t, M i lwa u k ee B oar d o f S c h oo l Directors
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
three strategic GOALS
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
Academic achievement
effective and efficient operations
student, family and community engagement
The Milwaukee Board of School Directors’ goals guide all district initiatives. These key elements serve as the foundation for our district-wide strategy, ensuring that we prioritize our resources and funding to improve student outcomes.
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
the eight big ideas
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
1. Close the Gap
8. Improve Organizational Processes
MPS is a national symbol of excellence for educating all students, providing a rigorous academic program that ensures equitable opportunities for all children to reach their full potential.
MPS is a leader in using best practices, systems and processes equitably and efficiently to align and maximize resources in support of our strategic objectives.
MPS provides a nurturing, consistent and validating experience for every child so that both educational and social-emotional needs are met.
3. Redefine the MPS Experience
7. Develop Our Workforce
Every MPS school provides robust co/extracurricular experiences that engage and inspire every child.
As an organization respected for supporting diverse, healthy, highly skilled and engaged employees, MPS is an employer of choice.
6. Strengthen Communications Systems and Outreach Strategies The community is engaged in, understands and supports the work of MPS and families choose our district as a trusted and valued education provider.
2. Educate the Whole Child
4. Rethink High Schools Every MPS student graduates on time with a personalized pathway to success in college, career and life.
5. Re-Envision Partnerships MPS cultivates and maintains mutually beneficial partnerships and collective impact efforts to maximize resources that promote greater student outcomes.
THE EI G HT b i g I d e a s
To advance the Board of School Directors’ goals, the district has developed a set of strategic objectives known as the “Eight Big Ideas.” These Eight Big Ideas include outcome statements that describe MPS in five years. Together, the Board’s goals and the Eight Big Ideas create a cohesive yet flexible strategic plan that aligns, drives and prioritizes our work in service of Milwaukee’s children.
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
Academic Achievement
We are the largest and most diverse school district in the state of Wisconsin, educating nearly 77,000 students each year who represent a multitude of races, ethnicities, income levels and life experiences. Our diversity strengthens our community and uniquely prepares our students for an increasingly global society. At MPS, accelerating student achievement is our most important goal. Working together with students, staff, parents and the community, we are improving outcomes, increasing the number of MPS students ready for success in college, career and life.
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
Academic Achievement
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
We are proud that nearly one-third of MPS schools moved up a category on the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction 2015-16 School and District Report Cards. In total, 55 of our schools met, exceeded or significantly exceeded expectations. While we are headed in the right direction, we are not satisfied until all schools meet or exceed expectations and all students demonstrate grade level proficiency or above. As our work continues, we are evaluating our progress toward specific, measurable goals.
ACADE M IC TA R G ET S & G OAL S 2015-16 Baseline
2017-18 Target
2019-20 Goal
WFE* English Language Arts % of grade 3-8 students proficient or above
18.4% MPS 42.7% WI
WFE* Math % of grade 3-8 students proficient or above
14.8% MPS 42.6% WI
ACT % of high school students meeting readiness scores in one or more ACT subjects
31.5% MPS
4-year Graduation Rate % of high school students graduating in four years
58.2% MPS 88.4% WI
*Wisconsin Forward Exam
O u r pr o gr e ss i n 2 0 1 6 p o i n t s t o t h e p o ss i b i l i t i e s .
MPS is home to eight of the state’s and
Between 2012 and 2015, we increased the
nation’s top high schools, according to
number of Advanced Placement exams
U.S. News and World Report and The
taken by 40%, and the number of exams
Washington Post.
passed (score of 3 or better) by 42%.
MPS earned Wisconsin’s top two spots
MPS has more students of color in Project
on The Washington Post’s 2016 list of
Lead The Way, a high quality STEM program,
“America’s Most Challenging High
than any other district in the nation.
MPS’ Class of 2016 won $51 million in scholarships, nearly triple the Class of 2012.
Academic Achievement
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
c o mm u n i t y Pa r t n e r P r o f i l e
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
ClosE the Gap
A l icia D u pies ( l e f t ) , Vice P resi d e n t, C orporate S ocia l R espo n sibi l it y, M i lwa u k ee B u c k s
The Milwaukee Bucks believe that every single student has the potential to lead Milwaukee into the future. Given our position in the community, it’s our job to
We strive to close the gap between below grade-level performance and proficiency, working to
help make that a reality!
ensure that every student has access to high-quality academic and enrichment opportunities.
Our partnership takes many forms. Jabari
Students succeed in school when they are welcomed, respected and inspired to engage in rigor-
Parker has served as the face of MPS’
ous curriculum. We have taken critical steps to improve our schools’ cultures and climates, with a
“Be in School” attendance campaign. Peter Feigin, our team’s President, actively serves on the Board of Directors of the MPS Foundation.
dedicated focus on equity, through: • The development of a district equity framework and theory of action for addressing
inequities among our student population
• An aggressive focus on transformation within our low-performing schools,
implementing innovative programs such as the President’s Committee on the Arts
Our staff are “regulars” at MPS schools.
and the Humanities’ Turnaround Arts program, now in place at four schools
We have collaborated to support reading
• Increased expectations of our high school students, including more rigorous
initiatives, develop the My Brother’s Keeper
science and math credit requirements for graduation and a minimum of two hours
Mentor Network, and launch the MPS
of writing and literacy every school day
C.A.R.E.S. Midnight Sports league.
For students to experience the benefits of these changes, we must ensure that every child is in
Our partnership with MPS is very collab-
school all day, every day. MPS has built an attendance improvement plan and enlisted partners,
orative, and we look forward to supporting MPS well into the future!
such as the Milwaukee Bucks, to help us increase attendance from 89.3% in school year 2015-16 to 93% district-wide by school year 2019-20.
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
Academic Achievement
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
Educate the Whole Child
We know that life experiences, health and wellness, nutrition and other external factors contribute to a child’s academic success. At MPS, we are working to better align our policies and practices to help every student arrive at school ready to learn. This includes personalized intervention strategies to address each child’s unique needs. It also involves strengthening student-teacher relationships; encouraging healthy choices in and out of the classroom; making sure school is a safe place before, during and after school; and connecting
students and families in need to vital community resources.
At MPS, we take care of our students all year, every year. Providing more than 100 convenient and safe locations for before- and after-school programming Connecting 9,315 students to free dental screenings Employing 138 school psychologists, 164 school social workers and 100 school counselors Serving 16,363 students with disabilities
Preparing nearly 15 million nutritious meals at our schools
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
Academic Achievement
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
Redefine the MPS Experience Fine arts, extracurricular activities, student clubs and organizations and extended learning opportunities are a vital part of the academic experience and essential to fostering wellrounded students. MPS has worked hard to increase its offerings in these areas.
• We added more than 130 arts, music and physical education positions across
the district.
• We allocated approximately $1.5 million per year for after-school and summer
arts programming.
s t u d e n t pr o f i l e
• We introduced free driver education for hundreds of MPS students between
the ages of 15 ½ and 17 ¾, eliminating barriers to obtaining a driver’s license. In
G u rtej S i n g h G rewa l S e n ior , R i v ersi d e U n i v ersit y Hig h S c h oo l
2016, 99% of participating students passed their permit test.
What I like most about Riverside is the
diversity. Here you can meet people of all
• We expanded our Learning Journeys program to connect the classroom to
Milwaukee’s cultural institutions for nearly every kindergarten through eighth grade student.
different ethnicities and cultures. It’s easy to make friends here. Riverside has done so much for me. My
In 2016, MPS students achieved extracurricular success.
AP teachers have challenged me to work harder and more efficiently. My coaches
A cross-district student robotics team won 10th place at the prestigious 2016 FIRST Robotics World Championship, placing higher than all other Wisconsin teams. Thirty-five students competed at two of the nation’s top speech and debate tournaments. Six students won national Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Eleven students won Exemplary Soloist awards at the Wisconsin State Music Association’s State Solo and Ensemble Festival. Milwaukee School of Languages’ Lady Hawks varsity basketball team took second place in the 2016 WIAA State Championship. Rufus King International High School’s Lady Generals track and field team took home the WIAA track and field state championship.
prepared me for success on the football field and in life. And my parents have been my constant support. They are both MPS educators and encourage me to accept nothing less than my absolute best. While my dream is to play professional football, I know that one day football must end. I plan to attend the UW-Madison where I hope to become an athletic trainer. It will allow me to stay close to the game I love so much, and to help others fulfill their dreams.
Academic Achievement
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
Rethink High Schools MPS has a high school for every student. Traditional comprehensive schools. Alternative schools. International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement Capstone schools. Specialty schools focused on language immersion, performing arts, or technology and trade. At every high school, we are committed to college and career readiness for all. This year, we expanded access to college-level Advanced Placement (AP) courses throughout the district and grew from two to five AP Capstone high schools. We enhanced our workforce development efforts by growing our district culinary arts program. Through a partnership with the Bartolotta Restaurants and the commitment of 16 volunteer chef mentors from area restaurants, culinary arts is flourishing at four MPS high schools. Thanks to industry and college partners like these from across the region, more than 4,800 high school students participated in Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses, and 429 of those students gained college-level CTE credits from MATC and UW-Milwaukee. MPS Culinary Arts Program expansion
2015 1 high school participating
4 high schools participating
49 students
352 students
0 chef mentors
16 chef mentors from 11 restaurants
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
Student, Family and Community Engagement
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
Improving our schools requires the time and resources of those dedicated to the success of public education and Milwaukee’s children. At MPS, we are purposefully and enthusiastically engaging students, families and the entire community. We are showing students what can be achieved when our community comes together for the benefit of its children.
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
Student, Family and Community Engagement
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
Re-envision partnerships MPS families, alumni, corporate and non-profit organizations, academic partners, community leaders, and community members are wrapping their arms around MPS in new and impactful ways. The transformation at Carver Academy is one powerful example. In 2013, Carver was widely viewed as a “failing school.” Together with partners at the Northwestern Mutual Foundation, Schools That Can Milwaukee, City Year Milwaukee, and Teach for America Milwaukee, MPS began a full turnaround plan for the school. Thanks to the hard work by students, educators and partners, Carver was designated a “Meets Expectations” school on the 2015-16 state report card. Collaborations such as this can be found throughout MPS. From the far-reaching community outreach initiative MPS C.A.R.E.S. to the small business focus of the Council of Small Business Executives’ “Be the Spark” student tours, partners dedicate time and resources to schools across our city. o u r pa r t n e rs w e r e e ss e n t i a l t o pr o gr e ss i n 2 0 1 6 . * 88Nine Radio Milwaukee
Feed the Children
Milwaukee Area Health Education Center
Alverno College
FELD Entertainment
Milwaukee Art Museum
Salvation Army
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield
First Stage
Milwaukee Area Technical College
Arts @ Large
Foley and Lardner LLP
Milwaukee Brewers
Schools That Can Milwaukee
AT&T Pioneers
Froedtert Hospital
Milwaukee Bucks
Seaway Bank and Trust Company
Aurora Health Care
GE Healthcare
Milwaukee Christian Center
Sebastian Family Psychology Practice
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Milwaukee
Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast
Milwaukee County
Blessings in a Backpack
Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin
Milwaukee Fire Department
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Dental Clinic
BMO Harris Bradley Center
Greater Milwaukee Committee
Milwaukee Police Department
STEM Forward
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Milwaukee Public Library
Teach for America - Milwaukee
Boy Scouts of America Three Harbors Council
Green Bay Packers
Milwaukee Repertory Theater
TCF Bank
Briggs & Stratton
Gruber Law Offices LLC
Milwaukee School of Engineering
The Bartolotta Restaurants
Cardinal Stritch University
Harlem Globetrotters
Milwaukee Succeeds
The City of Milwaukee
Harley-Davidson Foundation
Milwaukee World Festival, Inc.
Turnaround Arts
Center for Healthcare Careers
Helen Bader Foundation
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra
Children’s Community Health Plan
Herb Kohl Educational Foundation
Molina Healthcare
United Healthcare
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Hilton Milwaukee City Center
City of Milwaukee Health Department
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
National Association of Black Accountants
United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County
City Year Milwaukee
Interfaith Alliance
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Concordia University Wisconsin
IT United
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc.
Council of Small Business Executives (COSBE)
Johnson Controls
Panasonic Foundation
Council of the Great City Schools
Junior Achievement
Joy Global Inc.
Direct Supply
Koos for Kids Foundation
Prism Technical Management & Marketing Services, LLC
Discovery World
Ladies of Lambeau
Quarles & Brady LLP
Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiative
Educators Credit Union
Landmark Credit Union
Richard and Ethel Herzfeld Foundation
Young Enterprising Society
Employ Milwaukee
Make a Difference Wisconsin
Rockwell Automation
Zilber Family Foundation
Ernst & Young
Marquette University
Rotary Club of Milwaukee
Fight Asthma Milwaukee Allies
Medical College of Wisconsin
Running Rebels
Feeding America
Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce
Safe and Sound
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Verizon Wireless Waukesha County Technical College We Energies Wisconsin Bike Fed Wisconsin Seal-A-Smile
*This list of partners is representative, not exhaustive.
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
Student, Family and Community Engagement
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
PA R t n e rs h i p P R OFILE G E Fo u n d atio n
Thanks to a five-year, $20 million GE Foundation grant, more MPS students are prepared for future success. Employers like GE rely on skilled employees with strong foundations in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). That is why GE has actively invested in development of STEM-literate students, providing them with the academic foundation and life skills necessary to succeed in both college and career. Impacts of the grant can be seen throughout the district. For example, elementary and middle school students are engaging in STEM subjects during their literacy instruction. Not only are they working on reading, writing and oral skills, but they are doing so in alignment with STEM projects. This integration builds skills critical in high school such as data analysis, evidence citation and concept synthesis. Knowing it takes more than competency to realize career and college ambitions, GE also supports MPS in developing “employability skills” among students and establishing school-based College and Career Centers across the district. “Without quality candidates, companies like GE would not be able to fill openings with skilled individuals,” said Dr. Bill Berezowitz, vice president and general manager of GE Healthcare. “We have had an excellent experience working with the current leadership team at MPS, and are committed to helping more MPS students become college and career ready.” In addition to funding, GE has been hands-on with the district, hosting GE Community Service Day for the past 22 years. This year, 2,100 GE employees painted, cleaned, landscaped and organized, refreshing classrooms and school buildings across 16 MPS schools.
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
Student, Family and Community Engagement
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
Strengthen Communications Systems and Outreach Strategies
ALU M NA P R OFILE Y v o n n e ( M arti n ) M c C as k i l l A l u m n a , Nort h Di v isio n Hig h S c h oo l C u rre n t I n terim P resi d e n t, Nort h Di v isio n H S A l u m n i A ssociatio n
I have served on the North Division Alumni Communication is central to building trust. At both district and school levels, we use an array of
Board for the past several years. I have a
communication channels to ensure students, families, alumni and the community know what is
strong desire to see North Division become
happening at MPS.
a school of excellence as well as to support
We are also listening, regularly seeking input regarding what is working and how we can improve.
public education generally.
This engagement allows us to better know what our students and families want, and ensures that
I am engaged in MPS because our children
we connect them to the right school for their ambitions.
need advocates and educators need direction. I believe I have the passion and skills
In 2016, we expanded quality programs. These expansions included: • Completing an addition to the top-performing Fernwood Montessori School • Moving Rufus King International Middle School into a larger, newly renovated home • Growing the successful Milwaukee Spanish Immersion School into a second campus We were excited to see MPS enrollment grow to 76,857 in 2016-17, up 2% from the previous year. More families are choosing Milwaukee Public Schools, and we are excited to continue that growth as we increasingly reach out to learn more about our families and the programs they seek.
to do both. When MPS can ensure all children, every day, an opportunity to learn in a safe environment where they reach their natural potential, it will not matter how many other schools pop up. MPS schools will be the community’s school system of choice–integrated places where all children can experience diversity, high academic expectations, and pride in their education. I am proud to contribute to MPS’ effort to make this happen.
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
effective and efficient operations
As an organization respected for supporting diverse, healthy, highly skilled and engaged employees, MPS is striving to be an employer of choice for the best and brightest professionals. As we build and sustain a high-performing team, we are also focused on using best practices, systems and processes equitably and efficiently to achieve savings that can be reallocated to the benefit of our students.
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
effective and efficient operations
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
develop our workforce Improve organizational processes Walk through any school – as our district-level administrators do every week – and you will see MPS educators and district staff working together to identify and put in practice what works for Teacher Profile
our students, from academics to operations. As the third largest employer in Milwaukee, we aim to establish MPS as a career destination for both teaching and non-teaching professionals through robust on-the-job training, continuing education opportunities and standardized performance criteria.
E n rica f racc h ia - mi l l er I ta l ia n I mmersio n T eac h er , Victor y K - 8 & M i lwa u k ee I ta l ia n I mmersio n S c h oo l
I’m an MPS Proud teacher!
High-performing organizations not only have strong teams, but also effectively maximize their resources. We are relentlessly focused on:
At MPS, I teach in a very stimulating environment with a lot of opportunities
• Removing unnecessary bureaucracy and duplication • Creating common administrative and project management platforms • Leveraging best practices system-wide
for professional and personal growth. I’m surrounded by people who really care about me. I do not feel like a number, but
• Providing clear roles, responsibilities and performance expectations • Taking care of our employees through wellness benefits that support physical, emotional and professional well-being
someone who is important and contributes. MPS schools are important because they give opportunities for all students to learn and grow, no matter where they come from and what community they belong to. I know my students are unique and belong to a world full of a variety of races, religions, languages and families. In fact, when my family from Italy visited recently, they were amazed and proud that I teach in such a diverse environment!
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
Financial Report
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
Our award-winning budget document and process exemplify
our plan to succeed.
While every dollar is spent in service of students, current
revenues do not keep pace with the cost of the resources
our students deserve. In light of this challenge, MPS’ budget
maximizes every resource and tool to fund student success.
$.91 of every $1.00 budgeted is dedicated to schools in service of MPS students. In 2010, only $.80 of every $1.00 served our schools.
2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7 F i n a l A d o p t e d ( F. A . ) B u d g e t - r e v e n u e s
Local Non-Property Tax $52,977,837 Federal Aids $193,552,073
A n n u a l C o mpa r i s o n o f R e v e n u e s b y S o u r c e Property Tax $281,169,165
State Other Aids $106,319,471
Revenue Source
2015-16 F.A. Budget
2016-17 F.A. Budget
2015-16 to 2016-17
Property Tax
State Equalization/ Integration Aids
State Other Aids
Federal Aids
Local Non-Property Tax Revenues Total
State Equalization/ Integration Aids $562,335,900
2 0 1 6 - 1 7 F i n a l A d o p t e d ( F. A . ) B u d g e t - E x p e n d i t u r e s Debt Service $16,788,201 Supplies $73,298,107
Capital Expenditures $7,730,456
A n n u a l C o mpa r i s o n o f E x p e n d i t u r e s b y O b j e c t
Salaries $487,327,630 Purchased Services $342,519,793
Expenditure Object
2015-16 F.A. Budget
2016-17 F.A. Budget
2015-16 to 2016-17
Employee Benefits
Purchased Services
Debt Service
Other Wages
Capital Expenses Other Expenditures* Employee Benefits $249,157,165
Other Wages $30,172,926
* Other Expenditures ($10,639,832)
M i lwa u k e e P u b l i c S c h o o l s
call to action
R e p o r t t o t h e c o mm u n i t y 2 0 1 6
Great things are happening at MPS! Through the Eight Big Ideas we are purposefully building our strategy for improvement, ensuring what we do day-to-day aligns with our long-term vision. We are investing in our students, teachers and classrooms so we can recognize, grow and reward talent and diversity, building a solid foundation for our students’ futures. We are changing what is not working and seeking innovative ways to drive the improvements we all seek. As we look forward, this includes: • Moving our traditional high and middle schools to an early start calendar with a mid-August start and mid-May end date to boost academic achievement • Coupling a common calendar with a new June Term (J-Term) to increase students’ instruction time and enrichment opportunities • Taking swift action to bolster student achievement through robust programs such as Freshman Bridge, Saturday Academy and July Summer Academy • Proposing a district-wide uniform policy Join us. you can support the students of MPS in many ways. • Partner: Share your or your organization’s time and talents with our students. To learn more, visit • Give: Giving to the MPS Foundation funds scholarships, programs and other services not available via public funding. To learn more, visit • Advocate: Encourage our state legislators to value every public school student in Wisconsin equally by solving external funding imbalances.
m i lwa u k e e p u b l i c s c h o o l s 5 2 2 5 W. V l i e t S t r e e t, M i lwa u k e e , WI 5 3 2 0 8
MILWAUKEE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Mark Sain, President, District 1 Wendell J. Harris, Sr., District 2 Michael Bonds, Ph.D., District 3 Annie Woodward, District 4 Larry Miller, Vice President, District 5 Tatiana Joseph, Ph.D., District 6 Claire Zautke, District 7 Carol Voss, District 8 Terry Falk, Member-at-Large