Connections eMagazine May 2023 Edition

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Connections eMagazine

Message from the Editor

The Purpose of this eMagazine is to connect readers and bloggers with authors. This is a FREE eMagazine that is produced quarterly. Welcome to spring. It’s been a crazy year. Here in Utah we’ve had record snowfall. For me, the long winter makes spring even sweeter. I’m looking forward to a few lazy days in the sun, spring flowers, and a good book. The second magazine of the year is always dedicated to summer fun, easy reading and adventure. This month we are also excited to celebrate the art of music. Seriously, who doesn’t love a little rock n’ roll?

“There are many little ways to enlarge your world. Love of books is the best of all.”

While you’re here, don’t forget to subscribe. You’ll receive an automatic email with a link to each new edition. Just click the box below and fill out the form. Be sure to include all required information. Don’t worry, your information will never be shared or sold.

Dave Bray USA… A husband, father, veteran, performer, God-fearing, freedom loving patriot and storyteller. (Page 6)

Author Interviews

In this issue the writing duo of Kelly Florence & Meg

Hafdahl (Page 24) GS Gerry (Page 80 ), Marilyn Kriete (Page 96), and Dr. Teresa Cody (Page 126)

Volume 9 Issue 2 Subscribe

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words

Book Reviews

First Chapters

Author Tips and Tricks

Blogs | Articles

• 77 1/2 Herbs — Marigold

• The Golden Age of Hollywood by Hannah Howe

• Growing Bookworms

• Travel: Moab, Utah

• A Flower Falls

- Poetry by Joe DeRouen

• 7 Signs You Might be a Writer by Sarah Hindmarsh

• The Mouse Family that live by the Brambles by Gez Robinson

• Coronation of the King by Melanie

• Voices by Sarah

“Reading is like thinking, like praying, like talking to a friend, like expressing your ideas, like listening to other people’s ideas, like listening to music, like looking at the view, like taking a walk on the beach.”
Roberto Bolaño

Editorial Team


Melanie P. Smith


Sylva Fae


LaPriel Dye


Sarah Hindmarsh

Ronesa Aveela

Creative Edge https://www.creative


Mom’s Favorite Reads Review Group


MPSmith Publishing

Publishing and Connections eMagazine does not endorse any information contained in the articles or advertisements throughout this magazine. All contents
© the individual authors and used with their permission. All rights reserved.

♦ Francesca Maria

♦ Reader’s Choice Awards

♦ Tom Benson

♦ David A. Bowles

♦ Melanie P. Smith

♦ Katya Cumming

♦ Eddie Holden

♦ Peter Thomas Pontsa

♦ Ronesa Aveela & Sylva Fae

♦ DC Gomez

♦ Roger Leslie, PHD

♦ Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas

♦ Kalee Boisvert

Would you like a listing in the next issue of Connections eMagazine? Click here for submission requirements.

Feature arti cle


My name is Dave “Doc” Bray and I served as an FMF Corpsman for 2/2 STA Platoon out of Camp Lejeune, NC. I am a husband, father, Marine Corps League member and proud American Patriot.

I am now a full-time touring musician and my family and I have created our own record label, apparel brand, and patriotic entertainment company!

For the last decade, we have used our music to support our men and women of service and the families who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our civility and our freedom.

Looking back, there is absolutely NO way I could have persevered and flourished in one of the hardest and most competitive businesses in the world without leaning into what I learned from my time and service with the United States Marine Corps.

bearded, miserable, tired, and unexpectedly cantankerous. Not quite the reception I had in mind during my cab ride from Camp Johnson.

They had just gotten out of a field op and I had just graduated from some place up the road where Navy guys with a pocket full of Motrin, wearing pressed camos and polished boots are born.

Although it took me a few weeks to prove my worth to these Devil Dogs, they taught me everything from dealing with unplanned situations in the field to surviving your standard issue, Friday night, bar fight at the Driftwood..

My Marines took a young, Dixie cup-wearin’, Rock and Roll-lovin’, fresh out of the can,

Welcome Aboard:

After graduating from Field Medical School and receiving the coveted “Top Dog” award I was highly motivated to meet my guys and finally be a part of the Marine Brotherhood I had heard so much about.

STA Platoon on the other hand was not so excited to receive a super green “Doc” fresh out of school. They were dirty,

squid and taught me how to improvise, overcome and adapt my way out of just about any situation that came along. I very soon realized that most situations could be fixed with 550 cord, some kind of tape, water or just plain destroying everything within a square kilometer.

The thing is...once I had earned their trust, those Marines had my back at all times no matter what came along!

Unfortunately, that loyalty is a VERY rare thing these days. After my service, I learned the hard way that loyalty is most certainly NOT a common trait among those who inhabit the bowels of the music business. But there are some similarities.

Being a part of the sniper teams on Lejeune, I got to meet many of those similarities face to face while crawling on my belly. If you’ve been blessed enough to serve on old Camp Swampy, I’m sure you’ll remember the chiggers biting your ankles, the snakes who liked to catch you off guard and every other matter of insect that enjoyed living off the blood of Marines in that insane and Godforsaken humidity. Some days, I can still smell that nasty rich, clay-toned, swamp water that had no problem gushing into your boots and ruining your life for the day.

I learned a lot at Lejeune but little did I know, at that time, that my future would find me with guns pointing down range on top of an American Embassy in some far away country or that I would once again, be dealing with all of those creatures I got to know so well in that swamp, thriving so effortlessly within the music industry.

Life of a Music Man:

After the Military, I needed an outlet. Writing and performing my music on stage was the perfect means to fill the void after service. It was a huge part of my transition back into civilian life and it was also the point in time that I met my wife, Becky who turned out to be the best little battle buddy a guy could ask for.

Dave Bray
“”Where Words Fail…Music Speaks"

Becky and I would spend the next ten years of our lives grinding it out in the clubs and bars with numerous musical projects both while working full time jobs. We found some success, but the later years would leave us chewed up and spit out by our record label and the project into which we had poured our blood, sweat and tears. We were broken.

I felt lost and angry. I was seriously considering hanging up my guitar and giving up on my dream to honor our American Heroes through music. However, somewhere within my emptiness and resentment, there resided a small flame still burning inside.

We all go through dark times and it’s easy to get lost and lose hope. You are very open about your faith and how it has carried you through difficult times as you pursue your dream of a successful music career. Can you talk about this spiritual journey? Do you have any advice for those struggling to remain vigilant as they battle their adversaries and fight through the chaos?

Leap of Faith:

I just couldn’t believe that God had brought us all this way, just to drop us off the edge of a cliff. We started over. We began to reignite our faith. We went back to the basics of honor, courage and commitment and readied ourselves for the battle to come. We knew that if we were going to get back into the fight we would have to “Stay the Course-Finish that Fight & Never Surrender.”

It was on! Becky, AKA-“Mission Control” and I decided to start our own entertainment company and record label instead of hanging our heads and accepting defeat.

With two young boys to raise, we knew we were taking a huge gamble. We knew what kind of time and effort it would take, and we knew from the second we put our boat in the water that we would be paddling upstream from the get go.

With little time to prepare and practically zero financial resources to draw from, we were knee deep in the brass, so to speak, and running low on ammo.

At a minimum, we needed computers to work from, professional music and production, gigs and transportation, videos and editors, connections on social media, designers and printers and merchandise to fund it all. Most importantly, we needed

Faith. Not just a “we’re going to church now” type of faith, but a deep down ancient kind of faith...the fearless kind...The St. Michael has my 6 with solid coms and is waiting for a 10 digit grid coordinate type of faith...and boy did we find it! We found our faith in friends and family we never knew we had. We also found businesses and events who knew our situation and wanted to help and help they did! Without them, we never would have made it to where we are today, and we are forever grateful for their belief in us.

At that time, what would become my first solo album “Music on a Mission” had only a few songs finished, and Becky began sending out the singles to as many military, veteran and law enforcement organizations we could find.

As Becky began building the tour and booking the dates, I began focusing on the merchandise and apparel. Just like our music, we wanted our shirts to pay tribute to the patriotism as well as the faith that we carried within our hearts. We wanted people from all walks of life, not just the service, to feel empowered when they put on one of our shirts. We wanted them to know what it feels like to put on a uniform and to feel that feeling you get when you are a part of a team, a squad or a platoon. It’s that unexplainable feeling of pride, invincibility, fearlessness and patriotism. It is the same feeling I want people to get when they hear my music. So, we searched until we found the most comfortable shirts we could find and started sketching our designs. Our Apparel line “Brave Day USA” was born. We finally had a tangible product to sell at the shows and events that we were playing in order to fuel our mission and help get us across the finish line!

That Finish Line was also the starting line:

After two long, hard years and with the help and support of so many God-Fearing, Freedom-Loving, Flag-Waving Patriots across this Country, Music on a Mission (Storyteller Edition) the full length album was released and debuted at #6 on the iTunes global charts. As a true first of its kind, this narrated album listens much like an audiobook with some absolutely, awesome songs in between. I tell the history of Amazing Grace, God Bless America and the Star-Spangled Banner as well as the stories of my service and the victories and heartbreaks along the way.

“When your fear of being judged or ridiculed for believing in things like "God & Country", "Law & Order" and "Respect & Honor" takes over your willingness to outwardly represent those values, then the ones who are trying to suppress, deter or undermine them become empowered to act out in more Godless, Lawless and disrespectful ways.”

As a testimony, the album, Music on a Mission, and the videos on YouTube have been shared and viewed millions of times. It has been used as a teaching tool to remind school kids about the price that has been paid for their freedom. It has also been used by Sunday schools to teach the importance of patriotism as well as faith and how the two go hand-in-hand in order to keep America the “Land of the Free.”.

In the end I consider “Music on a Mission” my “Continuation of Service.” I feel like every service man or woman has earned the right to chase down their dreams in doing what they love for a living. This album and our mission is our way of returning the favor to the brave men and women who have served, will serve and who continue to serve to this day. It is an audio memorial, not only to our military and our veterans but also to our law enforcement, fire fighter and first responder brothers and sisters.

It is a reminder to the next generation that “Freedom isn’t Free” and that it has been paid for by the blood of heroes. It is also a reminder to the next generation that freedom’s flame will one day belong to them to protect, carry, and pass along.

- Dave Bray

I’ve always thought Christian music “gave up The Ghost ” too easily…I like to slip my Faith in on the listener like a magic trick!

- Dave Bray on his new song The Storm

Albums available on • iTunes, • Amazon • & Spotify

Find it on Spotify:

The Reward:

There is a reward that comes with being a US NAVY (FMF) DEVIL DOC. It is one that very few will ever get to know. It’s earning the trust of your Marines and being honored to witness what makes them truly elite.

When you have proven your ability to save their lives on the battlefield, it allows them to be the most fearless and deadliest war fighting element on the planet. Because of their faith in you, they will fight fearlessly and to the death.

Along with that trust, they give you a glimpse of what it means to be a United States Marine. They teach you brotherhood and ingenuity. They teach you that failure and surrender is never an option. They prove time and again that every hill can be taken and that every enemy can and will be defeated. They teach you honor, courage and commitment and they teach you to learn these things because you’ll need to know those things if you’re crazy enough to march beside them and reciprocate that trust. In my eyes, there is no greater reward and I will forever be grateful for the time they called me “DOC.”

Last Call is one of my favorite songs, although for me it’s difficult to listen to. My husband is a retired cop and I spent over 25 years as a civilian in law enforcement. My closest friends are cops and police wives. Unfortunately, you only know — if you know. Can you talk a little about the making of that song and why you felt compelled to share the story of the fallen?

A buddy of mine sent me this audio recording of Officer Brad Fox’s last call. Brad was a nine-year Marine. That’s how I found out about it. He was a Pennsylvania guy, and I got this email. The story was ‘Hey man, you gotta listen to this’ and that’s basically it. It said Brad was a Marine, he was one of us, he was a brother; and, he had a wife and a couple of kids.

and it’s still radio silence. Then, the third time she calls the badge number, you can hear in her voice, she’s broken. She obviously knew Brad; he was a big part of the department, and then you hear her give the last call for Brad.

Those three moments of silence after she called that badge number, I went back and listened to it, and I thought that is the worst deathly silence I have ever heard in my life. It was a tangible feeling of death. If you’ve seen a dead body, you understand what it means. Just like in Stand By Me, he wasn’t hurt, he wasn’t injured, he wasn’t sick, he wasn’t ill, he was dead. That’s what that silence was.

I never knew that law enforcement did an on -air final roll call. In the military, we have a roll call where we muster up and everybody gets information, and they will call a couple people that are present and then they will give the name of the person who has fallen and that was hard enough.

But, when I heard the dispatcher reading Brad’s number the first time, I was like okay what is this? You hear them call out the badge number and I’m thinking, What is this? Then you hear silence. And then you hear the badge number getting called again

Then you realize the finality behind it, and it was just crushing to me. You think about his wife, think about his kids, think about all his brothers and sisters that wear the uniform; and, everybody that he helped along the way, all the people nine years in the Marines, plus going out and serving the communities.

You can find Last Call on the album Music on a Mission. Watch the YouTube video here

Was he a coach? Did he drive some drunk guy home one night. All the things that law enforcement does and that the military and service community does, what the warrior spirit inevitably ends up doing, and then he gets ambushed chasing down a bad guy and that’s it — it’s over — it's done. All of it is just nothing but memories now.

So, I sat down and put myself in that position. What would I say if they called my badge number three times. The answer is what you hear in the song Last Call. The first call for the badge number it’s… Tell my wife I love her. The second call of the badge number is… Tell my children I’ll always be there for them. Then, the third call for the badge number is for those who stood beside and walked the thin blue line — hold your head up high, and stay the course, and finish the fight. In the end just ring a bell for me, and send them straight to hell for me, and raise a glass for me. That’s it, I’ve done my time, I’ve done my duty, it’s time for me to move on.

That’s the song Last Call. Currently ranked in the Top 20
No matter what you are singing, your passion and empathy shine through. It’s what makes your songs so powerful. What are some of your recent project?
“I feel like we're seeing an overall suppression of goodness in our society due to a lack of vigilance that exists within those who should be expressing it the most.”

Where can we find your work and how can our readers connect with you and support your mission?

You can order our merchandise at:

Social Media Platforms






Together, we can all soldier on in the name of those who have paid the ultimate price for our Freedom and Honor those who are still fighting on the front lines overseas or on our very own soil.

As a way of saying “THANK YOU” for your support, I’d like to send you a FREE Autographed Album with every order from our online store: Please go to — And order today!

If you made it this far – Thank You! We hope you will consider us for your entertainment or opening ceremonies at your next event!

Booking: Becky

surrender!!” - Dave
the Course Finish the Fight
Bray USA

And finally, would you like to share your upcoming tour dates with us?

SEMPER FI my Brothers and Sisters, Be well and God Bless!

– Doc Bray & Becky









Dave, thank you for joining us today. It’s been an honor to help tell your story, discover your mission, and spread the word about your music. We wish you success in your recording journey and can’t wait to see what you have instore for us in the future.

Thank you for your service!

Pensacola FL
Old Glory
DC vs
Seawolves Concert Leesburg, VA
Roger Up Event Lombard IL
Project Lifesaver
Lake Buena Vista FL
OC Adventurefest w/ Lee Greenwood
OC Adventurefest w/ Don McLeon
Rod of Iron Freedom Festival
Greeley PA
The McDavid
Group 8th Annual GOLF FOR COPS Jupiter FL
More Information...

77 ½ Magical Healing Herbs


Venture into the magical, healing world of herbs and embrace the power of nature. This article is taken from the book 77 ½ Magical Healing Herbs, which is an introduction to herbs found in a special Midsummer’s wreath. This is an especially enchanting time of year. Among the Bulgarians, the day is called Eniovden. You may think herbs are only for spicing up food and healing the body and mind, but they have other uses, as well. This unique herbal book is an essential guide for tapping into the power of herbs. It highlights centuries of lore and historical facts about healing and magical uses of herbs from Slavic and other traditions.

Please see the medical and magical disclaimers before you try any of the recipes from the book. ***

Calendula officinalis


Description: Marigold grows up to 31 inches (80 cm) on a sparsely branched stem covered with hairs. Slightly hairy green leaves spiral around the stem. The upper leaves are

more lance-shaped, while lower ones are larger and oblong. Flowers range in color from pale yellow to deep orange. They may be single - or double-headed and surround a darker, central disk. The blossoms open in the morning and close in the afternoon. After they finish blooming, they produce a curved, thorny dry fruit.

History and Traditions: The plant’s genus comes from the Latin calendae for “the first day of the month,” because the flower was believed to bloom on this day each month. Its common name is a corruption of the Anglo -Saxon merso-meargealla, the marsh marigold, and has become associated with the Virgin Mary over time. Marigold is now a part of ceremonies honoring her in the Catholic Church. The flowers also had an association with Queen Mary, were popular in Shakespeare’s time, decorated sacred statues in Hinduism, and were highly valued by ancient Egyptians for their healing and beautifying properties. Besides its medicinal value in treating infected wounds, irregular menstruation, and skin diseases, the flowers have a history of being used as a garden plant, in cooking, and to give cheese a yellow color.

Habitat and Distribution: The precise origin of the plant is unknown, although it’s likely to have been native to southern Europe. It’s now found worldwide in temperate zones and is cultivated as an ornamental plant.

Growth: Perennial, but commonly treated as an annual, because it doesn’t survive cold winters and hot summers. The plant blooms from May to June, or all year in suitable environments, and the fruit ripens from August to November. Marigold tolerates most soil types but prefers rich, well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Snapping off dead flowers helps promote additional blooms.

Harvesting: Flowers and leaves are used. The deep -orange flowering plants are harvested for medicinal purposes. Gather them on a clear day after the dew has evaporated. Spread them out on trays, without the parts touching each other to avoid discoloration. Dry them in the shade where warm air circulates.

Medical Use: The brighter the flower color, the greater healing substances the plant produces. Marigold has antibacterial, anti -inflammatory, and astringent effects, making some people call it a pharmacy in one plant. It ’s believed to assist in strengthening the heart, reducing pain and swelling from insect stings and burns, lowering blood pressure, and stopping pathogenic bacteria. In folk medicine, it’s been a treatment for jaundice, varicose veins, menopause, headaches, spleen diseases, painful and irregular menstruation, skin cancer, lymph node infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, and loss of appetite.

Rituals and Magical Use: In Bulgarian folklore, marigold was considered one of the most healing herbs. It was a protection against spells and the “evil eye” (uroki). Having a bouquet of the flowers in your home will protect you and your family from harm and will give everyone more energy. The plant also protects people from bad thoughts and can give them prophetic dreams. Brides and grooms wore it to ensure dragons and Samodivi didn’t harm them. In addition, at Slavic weddings, newlyweds once danced barefoot on the ground. Afterward, their fathers dug up some of that soil, put it into a pot, and planted marigold, because it was believed to bring joy, affection, love, and longevity to the couple.

Other Use: Marigold’s florets are edible and are added fresh or dried to tea, salads, soups, and rice dishes for color and flavor. The oil from the petals can substitute for saffron. You can extract a yellow dye from the flower by boiling it. The herb extract is an ingredient in cosmetics and aromatherapy. Rinsing with the extract gives hair golden to brown shades.

Other Names: Pot marigold, common marigold, Mary’s gold, poor man’s saffron.

Aromatic: The smell of the flowers is balsamic or spicy, and the leaves are fragrant as well. Flowers and leaves are both somewhat bitter (seeds are not edible). The taste of the leaves is a viscid sweetness at first that turns more saline.

CAUTION: The herb may cause drowsiness, so don ’t use it with other sleep-inducing medication. Some people have allergic reactions to the plant that may cause rash or redness. Cease use at least two weeks before surgery.

Homemade Marigold Remedy

This tincture can be used internally for ulcers and gastritis, or for rinsing wounds, inflamed eyes, or for gargling for sore throats, periodontitis, and other dental problems. Add a handful of freshly picked marigolds and 150 to 200 ml of strong vodka to a jar. Close the lid tightly and soak for two weeks. Filter and dilute 1 teaspoon of the tincture in a glass of water (Videnova).

spots. It performs miracles.

500 g of organic lard

1 handful of marigold petals

Dissolve the lard in a clean pan over low heat. Add the marigold petals. Leave it on the stove for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let it stand for 24 hours. Reheat two more times and then strain out the flowers. When it’s cool, store the ointment in a jar.

If you don’t like lard, substitute coconut oil or shea butter. You can also add beeswax to the recipe, but I keep mine easy and simple.

Herbs are powerful, but they can also be dangerous.

MEDICAL LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: The information in this article, in the book and on our website is not intended to be medical advice, nor does it claim that the herbs listed are safe or effective to use in the manners described. It is not meant to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. It is merely a brief summary of various herbal folk remedies and how they have been used in the past and may still be used today. With the exception of a few personal recipes, we have not tried any of these remedies and cannot verify their effectiveness or safety.

MAGICAL DISCLAIMER: Magical ingredients and spells are for entertainment only. We have not tried any of these remedies, nor do we make any claims as to their effectiveness or safety.

77 and a Half Herbs?

The wheels in your mind have probably been turning as you think, “77½ herbs is an odd number.” And you’re right. But it’s a special, magical number, referring to herbs gathered on Eniovden, June 24, when Bulgarians celebrate Midsummer’s Day. If you want to find out the secret of the half herb, you’ll have to read the book. -aveela/77-1-2-magical-healing-herbsthe-secret-power -of-herbs

Ronesa Aveela is “the creative power of two.” Two authors that is. The main force behind the work, the creative genius, was born in Bulgaria and moved to the US in the 1990s. She grew up with stories of wild Samodivi, Kikimora, the dragons Zmey and Lamia, Baba Yaga, and much more. Her writing partner was born and raised in the New England area. She has a background in writing and editing, as well as having a love of all things from different cultures. She’s learned so much about Bulgarian culture, folklore, and rituals, and writes to share that knowledge with others.


Can you tell us a little about yourself?

We are best friends and writing partners! Together we have written six books for Skyhorse Publishing; The Science of Monsters, The Science of Women in Horror, The Science of Stephen King, The Science of Serial Killers, The Science of Witchcraft, and the upcoming The Science of Agatha Christie. We are both lifelong horror fans so writing in the non-fiction horror space has been a dream come true! We are currently working on our first travel book for Sourcebooks, called The Goth Girls Guide to Travel. Meg is a horror fiction writer as well, and Kelly writes articles and books on communication in media. We are the co-hosts of the podcast Horror Rewind, and also write screenplays together!

When did you start writing? Did an event or person prompt you to take that leap?

We both are lifelong writers and readers. We began writing plays together about twenty years ago. We’ve always yearned to be creative. Kelly has a theater background, so she has expressed herself on stage, while Meg has found novel and short story writing as an outlet. We started writing nonfiction together several years ago and never looked back! Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Feminism and diversity are two things we like to focus on in our work. We believe horror is a splendid place for creators of all backgrounds to come together.

How / where do you find the plots you write about?

For our nonfiction, we start with what we love. For instance, our book on Stephen King was a natural choice because we both have read his work since we were little. He has been a great inspiration. As far as fiction, Meg is inspired to tell stories about complicated women in horrific situations. There is actually something uplifting in these kind of stories.

Mark Twain said “Write what you know.” Tell us about your writing process. Are you a plotter or a panster? Do you plot, plan, and conduct hours of research; or, do you just sit down and write whatever comes to mind based on your personal history and knowledge?

Again, this kind of depends on the style of writing. When it comes to our nonfiction books, we have to do research. But, we are open to falling down the proverbial rabbit hole which leads us away to something more intriguing than maybe we planned. When we write screenplays together, we have to get some structure in place first, like characters, setting, tone etc. Again, though, we let the story take us on a ride. So, we’d say we’re a bit of both?!

Tell us your latest news

We are looking forward to The Science of Agatha Christie coming in October 2023, and Goth Girls Guide to Travel coming in October 2024. We will also be special guests at the Horror on Main convention in Maryland this Memorial Day weekend!

Do you have any advice for other writers?

We encourage those who want to write to not be afraid and just go for it! It’s important not to over analyze or over edit as you’re writing. Get your first draft done then go back and make the changes you need to. Get a trusted second set of eyes who will give you honest, constructive feedback and go from there!

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

We love to learn along with readers how truth can be scarier than fiction and how real science, history, and lore have inspired horror movies for generations. We believe our research enhances a reader’s and viewer’s perspective of the genre and can inspire others to seek even more knowledge of the truth behind their favorite TV show, film, or novel.

Is there one person past or present you would like to meet and why?

We would have loved to have met Shirley Jackson who wrote incredible stories all while raising kids, maintaining a house, and being a vital voice in horror literature! She was a queen!

The Science of Agatha Christie

What do you want written on your headstone and why?

We have a few favorite expressions including “Ghouls Rule,” “I am fearless and therefore powerful,” and “Insist on your cup of stars.”

Other than writing do you have any hobbies?

We love reading, watching television shows and movies, spending time with our families, and traveling. You’ll most likely find us doing one of those things when we’re not writing.

If money was no issue would you prefer a cozy beach bungalow or a rustic cabin overlooking a mountain lake?

Why not both? Since we live in Minnesota we absolutely appreciate the serenity of the woods, a cabin, and a beautiful lake but since we know what winters can bring we may opt for the beach bungalow at this point. Ask us again in the heat of summer and we may opt for the other!

One final question...Do you have a blog/website? If so, what is it? Do you have a social media platform where your fans can go to interact with you and follow your progress?

You can find us at our websites:,, and as well as on all social media platforms under those names. We’re on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube and love to interact with readers and fellow horror fans!

Who are we if not for the monsters that we keep?

They Hide: Short Stories to Tell in the Dark collects thirteen chilling tales that weave through the shadows, exploring the nature of fear, powerlessness, and control.

- A series of murders in a New England colony

- An untamed beast in pre-revolutionary France

- A mysterious stranger who invades 18th-century Ireland

- A traveling circus that takes more than the price of admission

- A gathering of the Dark, telling tales on the longest night of the year, and more.

Francesca Maria writes dark fiction surrounded by cats near the Pacific Ocean. She is the creator of the BLACK CAT CHRONICLES comic book series and her short story collection, THEY HIDE: SHORT STORIES TO TELL IN THE DARK will be out from Brigid's Gate Press in 2023. You can find her at and on Twitter @Writer_of_Weird.


The Connections eMagazine

Reader's Choice Award is open to all independently published authors and their work. Nominations close June 10th and the Finalists will be selected and posted by June 20th. Visit our Finalist page for this year’s options and be sure to come back and vote June 23rd.

Voting Ends

June 30th

Help Choose your Favorite Novel Winners featured in Special July Issue of the eMagazine

We had some great stories submitted for our last contest. They were included in the previous edition of the magazine. A poll was conducted on our Facebook page where readers could vote for their favorite story. Congratulations to Sylva Fae for her story No Fairytale. Our readers loved your story. For those of you that didn’t get a chance to read Sylva’s amazing tale based on the picture above, you can find it here…

1st Place No Fairytale by Sylva Fae

2nd Place Royal Matrimony by Melanie P. Smith

3rd Place The CK Scarf by Tom Benson

Once again, we posted a picture to an amazing group of authors with instructions to tell a story in approximately 1000 words. Each story is unique, compelling and interesting. I guess it just goes to show, that while the picture might be worth a thousand words… those words can be as diverse as the authors writing them.

Keep reading to discover new authors and their stories based on the picture provided. And be sure to visit our Facebook page to vote for your favorite.

The Woman in the Raincoat

Pouring rain beat down on my olive-green raincoat as I trudged along the muddy trail, my brown boots sinking into the soft earth. Thick bushes and tall trees bordering the path closed in around me, as if conspiring to keep me trapped in this desolate place. The rain was relentless, and the trail seemed to stretch out endlessly before me.

When I spotted my quarry up ahead, my fangs sprang out. I just as quickly retracted them. The woman, dressed in an olive-green raincoat identical to mine, wore black-and-white-striped boots that stood out against the dreary landscape.

I drew closer, keeping a safe distance behind her. Her eyes remained fixed on the ground as she raced away from me down the muddy trail.

Quickening my pace, I drew almost level with her. She veered off the trail and headed toward a farmer's field bordered by a wire fence with trees evenly spaced along its length.

I approached the fence as the woman climbed over it, her movements swift and agile. She dropped onto the other side and disappeared into the field beyond.

Without hesitating, I scaled the fence. The rain had turned the field into a quagmire, and my boots sank deep into the mud as I stumbled forward.

The woman’s body was a tall blob in the murk, her olive-green raincoat blending into the environment, but her black-and-white boots flagging her position. Her footsteps punctuated her movements as she splashed through the mud and moved deeper into the field.

Using my vampire speed, I caught up to her.

She halted, and I slammed into her. She spun around, her face a mask of fury. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Ending this," I said, contempt lacing my voice.

"It’s not your business."

I closed in on her. "Yes, it is."

She ignored me and scanned the field, her gaze darting back and forth as if searching for something.

A sound in the distance a low growl, like an animal in pain made us both turn. The woman's eyes widened, and she took off in a sprint toward the source of the noise.

I followed. As we approached a cluster of trees, I spotted something lying on the ground: a man, sprawled on the muddy earth, his face contorted in agony.

The woman rushed to his side and checked his pulse and his breathing. I hung back as she tried to revive him.

After a few futile minutes, she stared up at me, her eyes filled with tears. "He’s dead. We need to get out of here."

I flashed my fangs at her. “We go when I say we go.”

Fear crossed her face. “You’re making a mistake.”

I nodded at the body. “Your husband?”

“Yes.” Tears rolled down her face. Or maybe it was rain. Maybe she wasn’t sorry to find him dead.

The woman stood and made a move as if to run.

I pulled a gun. “Freeze.” Flashed a badge. “Toronto PD.”

She gasped, panted, but remained in place.

I waved the gun, indicating she should follow me.

She must’ve seen death in my expression, because she shuddered and said, “No.”

My eyes narrowed, and I grimaced.

When she saw I meant it, she begged. “Please, you don’t have to do this. Let me go. If you kill me, they’ll hunt you down. You think they won’t kill a vampire?”

“They won’t,” I said, my voice almost a whisper but deadly certain. She squinted at me; took a good look. Realization dawned slowly. She stepped forward and stared into my eyes with a sultry gaze. “We could escape together.” She licked her lips. “Take care of each other.”

My low chuckle enraged her, and she spat out a series of curses that would ’ve made a human blush. Vampires can’t, so my skin remained unflushed.

“Why interfere?” Her voice quivered, and I smelled her fear.

I said nothing. Let her put the pieces together.

“But they already killed him. What do you want with me? You won’t get away with this. You’ll go to prison.”

I shook my head. “Move it.”

She did as I ordered. I walked her to the barn. Made her kneel and put a bullet in her back, another in her head. Wiped the unregistered gun and dropped it beside the body. The smell of her blood had my fangs thrusting out. A vampire always reacts to blood with a show of fangs.

I left the barn and raced back to my car at a vampire’s pace in the blink of an eye, as they say. Using a burner phone, I called in the homicides. Anonymous tip. They’d hunt for two killers and probably find one of them. Not me, in case you’re wondering.

I’m no cop. The badge was a fake. I’m a vigilante.

That couple had already gotten away with murder. More than murder. Those two had loosed evil on the world, and I’d have to clean it up. Even more irritating, they’d made me leave my nest during the day. At least the cloud cover and my rain gear kept my skin from blistering. No, I wouldn’t lose sleep over those two deaths, but even dead, they’d keep me from getting any peace. I had work to do now because of what they’d released from the underworld, and most of the genies I’d have to stuff back in the bottle wouldn’t go down with a bullet or two.

Why do humans insist on dabbling in dark magick? I knew the answer, though: greed, power. Always the same shit.

I got into my car and headed to my office to begin the hunt.


Clara Bow by Hannah Howe, author of Tula, a novel about an actress in the Golden Age of Hollywood.

Clara Bow was born into poverty in Brooklyn on 29 July 1905. Her father was an alcoholic while her mother suffered from severe mental health problems; she died in an asylum when Clara was a teenager.

Just before her mother’s death, Clara entered an acting competition. One of the prizes was a small part in a movie. Clara won that competition and was so impressive in the small part that she won further roles, and a contract in the newly -developing Hollywood.

Clara’s great ‘skill’ was to cry on demand. She later said that she only had to think of her home life and it reduced her to tears. She became the leading star of the silent era and made the transition into talkies.

In total, Clara made 46 silent films and 11 talkies. However, the strain of Hollywood and her bohemian lifestyle meant that she retired from movies in 1933 to live on a ranch in Nevada. Must see Clara Bow movie: It, 1927, a movie that made Clara the leading symbol of the Roaring Twenties. ***

Was Clara Bow a good actress? On a human level, this question is irrelevant – Clara dragged herself out of abject poverty and pursued her dream; that’s all that matters. On an artistic level, it would be nice to answer the question, so here ’s my opinion.

First, what other people said about Clara’s acting ability. Fellow actress Louise Brooks: “She

was absolutely sensational in the United States … in Dancing Mothers … she just swept the country … I know I saw her … and I thought … wonderful.”

In 1981, producer Budd Schulberg described Clara as “an easy winner of the dumbbell award” who “couldn’t act.” Furthermore, he compared her to a puppy that his father B. P. Schulberg had trained to become Lassie.

Director Victor Fleming compared Clara to a Stradivarius violin: “Touch her, and she responded with genius.”

Another director, William Wellman said, “ Movie stardom isn’t acting ability – it’s personality and temperament … I once directed Clara Bow (Wings). She was mad and crazy, but WHAT a personality!”

While Grace Kingsley of the Los Angeles Times said; “Don’t miss Wine. It’s a thoroughly refreshing draught … there are only about five actresses who give me a real thrill on the screen – and Clara is nearly five of them.”

Clara Bow didn’t require direction: she required background about a particular scene, then a wise director would light the set and allow her to go with the flow. She understood character, and how to convey that character to an audience, not en block, but with subtle asides that would convey different messages to males and females, to those who would love her character, and to those who would disapprove. The net result: (nearly) everyone loved her performances.

Brought up in the silent era, Clara knew how to convey emotions through facial expressions, particularly through her eyes. Her glances were worth a page of dialogue, while her ability to cry on demand was legendary.

My opinion: Clara Bow was a great emotional actress. She knew how to get inside a character, how to portray a character, and how to connect with an audience. I agree with Victor Fleming – on the silver screen, Clara Bow responded with genius.

Clara Bow - In Her Own Words

“When I was ten years old I knew what I wanted – to be a screen star was my idea of heaven. But what chance had I? My family was poor. We lived in a not too pleasing section of Brooklyn, and my only contact with the screen was an occasional visit to a


neighbourhood theatre, paying my admission with pennies and nickels earned by taking care of neighbours’ children when not looking after my (sick) mother.”

“Sitting there alone in the darkened theatre, I studied the movements of my favourites. I did not know good acting from bad, but instinctively something within me revolted at portrayals which, to my mind, were off -key. Alone in my bedroom at night, I would re-act the portrayal, according to my own interpretation, in front of my mirror.”

“I was an expert in make-up, which always mystified my mother. Appearing in her presence with lips heavily smeared with red and whiteish powder, I never failed to draw the parental wrath.

For days she searched my bedroom for cosmetics, but found nothing. The truth of the matter was that the wallpaper in our flat had a decided tinge of red colouring. I discovered that this colouring would come off quite readily, and so with the true touch of an artist I coloured my lips with dabs of tint from the paper itself by dampening my finger.”

In January 1921 Clara entered the ‘Fame and Fortune Contest’ organised by Motion Picture Magazine…

“Imagine my surprise when a letter arrived one day stating that I had been declared the winner. According to the rules of the contest, the winner was to be given an evening dress and also a role in a motion picture.

I was in seventh heaven. My prayers had been answered. My whole future and happiness had been secured. What luck!”

Clara Bow’s touching letter to Brewster Publications, Inc, which appeared in the January 1922 issue of Motion Picture Magazine.


I want to thank all those in the Brewster Publications, Inc, who have been responsible for the kind treatment and many efforts in my behalf, from the day of my entrance into the Fame and Fortune Contest of 1921 up until the present time, and also for the beautiful outfit, which they so kindly presented me with. Everyone thinks the outfit beautiful, and is so very becoming, thanks to the taste of Mrs Gleason and Miss Palmer.

Now, about my future. I hope that everything you credit me with will prove true, and that all your hopes and expectations will also do the same. I hope that with the proper training I will grow into a good actress, worthy of the Brewster Publications’ help, and hope that some day Mr Brewster and the rest will be proud of me and my work. I intend to work very hard and try and perform the smallest role that is given to me to the best of my ability.

I thought that writing to you would be better than trying to get an interview. In any business matters, I hope to rely upon your judgement, as I am inexperienced in that direction.

Feeling that I have said all I wish to say, I will close, with much appreciation and thanks to the Brewster Publications, Inc.

I am, Yours sincerely,

Hannah Howe is the author of the Sam Smith Mystery Series, the Ann's War Mystery Series and the #1 international bestseller Saving Grace. Hannah's books are published by Goylake Publishing and distributed through Gardners Books to over 300 outlets worldwide. Visit her website to learn more.
Hollywood Author Website

Royal Standards

Tom Benson

Windsor Estate


June 2010

Her Royal Highness, Princess Selena strolled through the vast grounds. The presence of Royal Protection Officer, DS Eddie Nelson, reminded the young woman of her status; leaving normal life to marry a royal.

Selena looked elegant at six feet tall, with an athletic figure and long chestnut hair. The twentysix-year-old understood protocol but enjoyed time outdoors alone. While appreciating the tranquillity of the grounds, she was aware of the kidnap or assassination threat, and her vulnerability. She and the prince agreed to make a stand, refusing advice to reduce public appearances. She launched a tennis ball into the distance, and Bertie, her Cocker Spaniel, bolted away. Selena turned. “Sergeant Nelson, I appreciate your role but I’d love a sense of solitude.”

“It would be contrary to my brief if I were farther back, ma ’am.”

Bertie dropped his ball at her feet.

“Excuse me, please.” Selena hurled the ball across the meadow. “How fast are you over fifty metres?”

“Not as fast as Bertie.” He joined her when she laughed.

Seriously, when not in a suit?”

“One hundred metres in eleven seconds.”

“Two seconds faster than me.” She grinned and threw the ball. “I prefer long distance.”

“I like running ten miles.”

“Really?” This captured her imagination.

Later, Selena talked to her husband about running on the spacious grounds.

Prince James shrugged. “We have public duties but we’re allowed to maintain our well-being.”

She said, “I’m concerned about the media and long-distance pictures while training.”

“If you and DS Nelson were to conceal your identities, it might help.”

The next day, Selena and her bodyguard, both in tracksuits, ran within the grounds. Selena had understood she’d make sacrifices, but she missed running in the countryside.

Four days later, the princess and protector acknowledged two similarly dressed staff running towards the residence.

“I reckon your idea,” DS Nelson inhaled deeply, “will pay dividends … ma’am.”

Selena half-turned, breathing easily. “How so?”

“Your suggestion household staff,” He panted. “Personal training on the grounds.” She controlled her breathing. “I’ve seen a few … out running.”

“While encouraging staff fitness … seeing the different pairs,” he gasped, laughing. “It frustrates the media’s efforts.”

“Good.” She gave a thumbs-up, laughing.

Catchy headlines appeared, accompanied by pithy articles and unclear photographs of runners on the royal estate.

Marion, the head housekeeper found DS Nelson enjoying coffee in the kitchen one morning. “Hello.”

“Hi, I’m sneaking a brew before training with HRH.”


“Do you get along well?”

“She’s a delight but a nightmare to protect.”

Marion laughed. “She married her handsome prince, and everyone here likes her.”

“What’s your opinion of the couple?”

“They both treat people with respect.”

“I mentioned the activist and terrorist threats, and the princess said she’d be happier armed.” “You’re joking?”

“No, and I reminded her that I’d guard her with my life.”

“How did she react?”

“Apparently, she met the prince in a shooting club at uni. She is fiercely competitive and has a strong character beneath that sweet smile.”

Marion said, “Her father served with distinction in our Special Forces.”

“I know.” He nodded. “Perhaps our young royals prefer not being wrapped in cotton wool.”

Selena accepted appointments, including children’s charities and veterans’ widows. She composed her own speeches, and her empathy was obvious. The princess avoided invasive media questions by humorously telling them that she knew her duties.

DS Nelson approached Prince James and told him in confidence about the princess ’s wish for shooting practice.

The prince grinned. “Use the fifty-metre range on the estate, but I’d advise against accepting a wager. My wife was a target pistol champion at uni.”

“Thank you for the heads-up, sir.”

DS Eddie Nelson enjoyed training with Princess Selena, codename, Butterfly. The princess was as comfortable in a public walkabout as at a state dinner. She appeared relaxed, whether walking in the rain in an outdoor jacket, running in a tracksuit, or wearing high-street fashion.

Selena was delighted that her bodyguard adapted, allowing more space between them if walking, but not if training. One early morning as they approached the woodland, DS Nelson was running at Selena’s left side.

A man in a camouflage suit stepped out, and raised a pistol “We don’t need you.” As he fired, his royal target was bundled into the undergrowth by her bodyguard.


Selena gasped, seeing a red stain expanding from her bodyguard’s right side. The princess panted, removing her woolly hat to staunch the bleeding. DS Nelson groaned, and winced, applying pressure with his left hand.

The would-be assassin shouted, “Oh dear, did I hit a hero?” He advanced. “Don’t worry, sweetie, I’ve got more bullets. You won’t be producing heirs ”

“Drop it.” Selena rose to one knee from the greenery, a pistol in a two-handed grip.

“Ha, look at the action girl.” The man grinned. “You have to cock it first.” He raised his weapon, but Selena fired first.

“It’s always cocked,” Selena murmured. She placed DS Nelson’s weapon in his right hand, and she applied pressure to his wound. “Eddie stay with me call it in.”

He stared at her. “Are you ”

“Call it in he’s dead.” Selena pressed his throat mic.

“Romeo Control … this is Romeo Six … Contact.”

A muffled noise sounded in his earpiece.

DS Nelson coughed, and looked at his gun, brow furrowed. “Officer down … X-ray down …

Butterfly safe … East Wood entrance.” He coughed again, and his eyes closed.

DS Nelson stared when his Principal entered the hospital room. Selena said. “How’s the ribcage?”

He grinned. “I owe you my life, ma’am.”

“That makes us even.”

He enjoyed her radiant smile. “My boss congratulated me, but I don’t understand why.”

“There’s a media blackout.” She held his hand. “You may not remember it clearly, so I’ll suggest how you report it.” She explained her revised version of events.

“I feel guilty, ma’am.” His brow creased. “I didn’t shoot ”

“Yes, you did … you’ve got amnesia.” She winked and left.

Eddie murmured, “A royal standard isn’t just a flag.”


In 1969 at the age of 17, Tom left his native Glasgow to join the British Army. Tom’s military career spanned 23 years, from 1969 to 1992. He followed this with a 25year career in retail, and retired in 2017. Tom has been writing since 2007, publishing novels, anthologies of short stories, novellas, and collections of poetry.

Detective Sergeant Jason Knight knew who murdered his partner and mentor. In court, he saw the three killers smile as they walked out, freed on a technicality.

Within weeks Jason would resign from the London Metropolitan Police, and what he planned wasn't in a handbook. All of the training and advice he'd received from his old boss would prove useful.

Jason was a good police officer but intended to be a bad civilian.


Sheriff of Starr County

The true elements of Texas continue with critically acclaimed author and fifth generation pioneer, David A. Bowles

When Texas becomes a newly-minted state, good men and women work hard toward progress and peace. Texas Ranger Will Smith travels to the borderlands of the Nueces Strip to become the first Sheriff of Starr County. He’ll do what he must to bring justice to the frontier, including wrangling outlaws, navigating political intrigues, fighting Indians, and keeping the tenuous peace between the Tejano and Anglo residents. He encounters influential statesmen and entrepreneurs of early Texas, assists the US Army, and falls for two very different women.

This is exciting and authentic fiction based on the author’s own ancestors. It’s a compelling story in readible format for anyone who appreciates Texas history.


David A. Bowles is the fifth generation of his family to be born in Austin Texas. Both parents were from pioneer settlers. His great grandmother, Elnora Van Cleve was the first child born in Austin on April 14, 1841. His award-winning series, the Westward Sagas is based on her family and their one-hundredyear journey from Pennsylvania to Texas. David and his dog Becka, enjoy Texas from October-May. When the last bluebonnet has lost its bloom, they pack up the RV and head for cooler weather telling and writing stories.

David A. Bowles

When I was at school, we had music lessons during which we learned to play certain easy songs on an instrument like a recorder or a xylophone. We were also taught to sing musical notes in much the same way as Maria teaches the von Trapp children to sing notes in the film The Sound of Music.

I can remember listening to stories that taught me and my classmates about musical instruments and the different sounds they make. Peter and the Wolf comes to mind, as well as my personal favourite, Sparky’s Magic Piano. If you are interested in watching Sparky’s Magic Piano, or have a child you would like to share it with, you can watch it here:

I always wanted to learn how to play the piano. Our neighbour started teaching me once and I was getting along nicely, but then we moved to another town and the opportunity didn’t present itself again.

Both my sons had music lessons and Gregory passed Grade 5 theory and practical piano. Michael initially wanted to learn the violin, but that didn’t last very long. He went on to learn the piano for a few years and is now having drum lessons.

Before my sons were born, I remember reading that learning to play an instrument was beneficial to the study of mathematics and this is one of the reasons I encouraged music so much with my sons. I understand that this link has been demonstrated through a study conducted by NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants Foundation) (You can read more about it here:

More recently, I discovered recently that scientists at the University of Southern California ’s Brain and Creativity Institute have discovered a link between music in early childhood and accelerated brain development. You can read more about that study here:

Studies have demonstrated that learning music can improve speech and reading skills in children by increasing their abilities to differentiate between different sounds and understand the patterns of language.

The top ten benefits of music and learning a musical instrument for children are as follows:

1. Improves brain development due to music’s ability to stimulate parts of the brain that govern hearing, memory, movement, and emotion.

2. Improves social skills as music helps children identify facial expressions, communicate with peers, and empathise with others.

3. Increases creativity and builds problem solving skills.

4. Learning to play an instrument promotes self -discipline in children.

5. Learning to play an instrument increases children ’s self-esteem.

6. Musically-trained children have better memories as music strengthens the hippocampus in the brain, which plays a vital role in regulating learning, memory encoding, memory consolidation, and spatial navigation.

7. There is an overlap of the brain connections which process music and language with the result that learning music and learning to read complement each other.

8. Music is a natural mood enhancer and helps children to reduce stress by calming and soothing them.

9. Children who learn music have a better ability to control their own behaviour, emotions, and impulses.

10. Learning a musical instrument improves co -ordination in children.

The one thing I noticed with my son, Gregory, who was reading music fluently at the age of five, was that the transition from written musical notes to written letters was a bit of an effort for him. It was a bit like learning a second language. This was not a big disadvantage for him, but it did take a little longer for him to learn the alphabet than I expected. Michael learned the alphabet before I started music lessons with him, and he found it more difficult to learn the music notes than the alphabet.

Robbie Cheadle is a South African children’s author and poet with 9 children’s books and 2 poetry books. She has also published 2 books for older children which incorporate recipes that are relevant to the storylines. Robbie has 2 adult novels in the paranormal historical and supernatural fantasy genres published under the name Roberta Eaton Cheadle. She also has short stories in the horror and paranormal genre and poems included in several anthologies.

Connect with Robbie…


The wolf crouched low, hidden in the deep shadows of the trees. It was nearly time. Her crystal blue eyes glowed in the darkness when a bright flash of lightning filled the ominous sky. Rain pelted the mossy ground, dripped from the leaves on the trees, and slid over her thick gray fur, but she didn’t care. The beast within her yearned to howl, to let loose and get lost in the wild animalistic need that threatened to overwhelm her. She whined and paced but held firm to the tiny shred of control that was slowly slipping from her grasp. She had a plan, a mission to fulfill, and she would only get one chance at this she would not allow the beast to consume her, to take over and become the uninhibited creature she feared and craved. Dark, menacing clouds filled the afternoon sky, torrential rain sliced through the air, and lightning crackled in the distance, followed by the loud boom of thunder. The wind seemed to sizzle as it whipped and circled, leaving a cold chill in its wake. Her entire body tingled she felt electrified and invincible. The beast within her clawed at the ground and fought to be set free. Still, she held firm and waited.

Finally, the distinct glare of headlights rounded the bend. The wolf raised her head and scented the air, then let out a low growl. Her target just arrived. She moved silently through the trees, a predator stalking its prey. When she reached the edge of the forest, she paused and waited. It didn’t take long.

Reginald Wallace stepped from his expensive Bugatti, an extravagance purchased with his deceased wife’s fortune, and darted for the back door. The wolf charged. She circled her prey, blocked his escape, and growled a low menacing sound that promised retribution.

Reginald slank back. He was shaking with fear but tried to hide it. Suddenly, he straightened and began to yell, curse and threaten. Then, he begged. Nobody heard his plea for help. For the first time since moving into the large expensive home, his closest neighbors were out of town. They won a surprise trip to Disneyland and wouldn’t be back for another week.

Reginald sobbed and shook in fear, finally realizing there would be no mercy. Defeated, he fell to the ground and curled into a fetal position.

The wolf lunged.

Payton pulled on the dark green raincoat and slid into her rubber boots. Then, she slowly walked across the perfectly manicured lawn and stood over the lifeless body of Reginald Wallace. Blood oozed from his neck, instantly became diluted by the heavy rain, seeped into the grass, and melded with the muddy earth below. Payton watched, mesmerized by the scene as memories of her mother flooded her mind.

Sabrina Jennings was beautiful and so full of life and love. She was devastated when her husband, Payton’s father, was killed by hunters when Payton was twelve. Over the years, Payton and her mother grew closer. They cherished weekend movie nights and mother daughter trips to the mall.

By the time Payton graduated from high school and headed off to college, they were friends and confidants. That all changed when Sabrina met Reginald Wallace. He was charming and charismatic. Sabrina was smitten almost immediately. She couldn’t wait to tell her daughter about the dashing new man in her life.

Payton spoke to her mother often by phone, but her university courses were far more challenging than high school, and three months passed before she made it home for a visit. The first time Payton met Reginald, he feigned excitement; but, underneath the smile, Payton sensed annoyance. She brushed it off and convinced herself she was imagining things. They spent a cordial weekend together before Payton returned to school.


Two months later, Sabrina surprised her daughter with an excited phone call to announce she had a new husband. Reginald insisted on a small, courthouse wedding and Sabrina didn ’t mind. Things changed overnight. Sabrina became evasive and her phone calls were more sporadic.

When Payton returned home without notice, Reginald refused to accommodate her. Sabrina was visibly upset, but agreed with her husband and suggested Payton might be more comfortable staying with her uncle Cade Jennings, the brother of Payton’s father. That weekend, Cade admitted he didn’t trust Reginald Wallace and was concerned about the quick wedding. He promised to keep an eye on Sabrina once Payton returned to school.

Cade kept his promise and checked in regularly. When Sabrina went missing, he called Payton immediately. She drove home that night and tried to get answers; but, Reginald wasn ’t talking. He insisted Sabrina went to the store and never returned. He said he had no idea where she could be or why she didn’t come home. Payton, Cade and their entire family searched every day for over a week, but Sabrina had just vanished.

A month later, Sabrina’s body was discovered by two local fishermen, floating in a nearby lake. Reginald was the prime suspect. He hired a ruthless lawyer with Sabrina’s money, dodged the investigation, and walked free. Payton returned to school distraught and emotionally destroyed. She watched for six long months while Reginald bought expensive toys and taunted the police. He practically dared them to arrest him. He strutted around town, cocky and confident that he’d gotten away with murdering his wife and stealing her money.

Eventually, Sabrina’s case grew cold. The police stopped searching for new leads. They stopped looking for the killer, because they knew Reginald was the killer. They just couldn ’t prove it.

Payton took one last long look at the lifeless body of a sadistic coward and smiled. Justice was finally served; her mother’s killer had been sentenced to death. The execution carried out by a wild animal. Case closed.

She turned and casually strolled away. Once she hit the muddy roadway, she pulled the green hood of her raincoat over her head and carefully maneuvered around large puddles and slick rocks. The song Roar by Katie Perry played in her head. Lightning flashed up ahead and thunder shook the ground, making the water in the shallow puddles ripple around her. Payton threw her head back and laughed. She didn’t roar she howled.


Long before she delved into the world of fantasy and suspense, Melanie P. Smith served nearly three decades in the Special Operations Division at her local sheriff ’s office supporting and working with SWAT, Search & Rescue, K9, the Motor Unit, Investigations and the Child Abduction Response Team. She now uses that training and knowledge to create stories that are action-packed, gripping and realistic. When Melanie’s not writing, she can be found riding her Harley, exploring the wilderness, or capturing that next great photo.


Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Police Procedural

Moab Utah — An Adventure for Everyone


Moab, Utah is known for its dramatic scenery and extensive trail system. So, what is there to do in Moab? Well, that depends on what you like, which is why it ’s such a popular vacation spot. If you have lots of time, consider a rafting adventure. You can also go horseback riding, mountain biking, rock climbing, off-roading or hiking on one of the many trails.

If your vacation is limited, you might want to stick to the most popular and dramatic views but, don’t forget your camera. Spring and Fall are the best time to visit because Moab can get extremely hot in the summer.

Interesting Facts —

• Approximately 3 million people visit the area covering Arches National Park, Canyonlands National Park and Deadhorse point annually.

• Animals indigenous to the area are mule deer, black bear, mountain lions, and bighorn sheep.

• Many movies have been filmed in the Moab area including Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Mission Impossible II, Thelma and Louis, ConAir, several John Wayne westerns, and many more.

• The worlds largest concentration of natural stone arches can be found just a few miles from Moab. Over 2,000 including Delicate Arch are located in Arches National Park.

All images © MPSmith Publishing

“Moab” is the biblical name for a kingdom between the Jordan River and the Dead Sea. “Utah originates from the Ute language and means “people of the mountains.”

• More than 43 arches located in Arches National Park have collapsed since 1977.

• The first person to successfully raft the length of the Colorado River was explorer John Wesley Powell in 1869.

• Airplanes are prohibited from flying above Arches National Park due to risk of vibrations breaking delicate parts of the structure.


If you find yourself in Moab, Utah be sure to drive the Scenic Utah Byway State Route 128. It’s one of the best kept secrets of the Moab area. This section of the river takes you to the sixth-longest natural rock span in the United States.

The route begins at the Colorado River Bridge on the north end of Moab. The jaw dropping desert scenery set against the green hew of the Colorado is majestic, beautiful and impressive. The road from Cisco to Moab is approximately 46 miles and takes about an hour.

The route takes you through Castle Valley home of Castleton Tower, a 400 foot Wingate Sandstone tower with a 1,000 foot Moenkopi Chinle cone above the northeastern border of Castle Valley. The tower is world-renowned and a classic rock climbing route.

Adjacent to Castleton Tower is The Rectory — a thin 200 foot wide, 1,000 foot long butte. The Jon Bon Jovi music video Blaze of Glory was filmed at the Rectory.

Fisher tower was extremely hazy during our trip so the pictures aren’t great, you can see the basic outline of The Titan but there was a lot of fog at the base (images below). There’s a well-grated dirt road that takes you to the trailhead. If you decide to tackle this hike, it will take you past three formations — The Kingfisher, Echo Tower, and the Titan. The area is very popular with rock climbers; so, keep an eye out for falling rock. This is a moderately challenging hike and will take nearly three hours to complete. The overall elevation gain is about 1,000 feet, so be sure to take plenty of water. The best picture time is during the afternoon, but that is also the most unforgiving time — especially during the summer.


Canyonlands is a hidden gem among Utah’s five National Parks. Despite being the largest, it is often overlooked. It is so large, it has been divided into four districts: Island in the Sky, the Needles, the Maze, and the Rivers. It would take several hours to drive through the entire park.

Island in the Sky is the easiest to visit on your own. The Needles is accessible with four-wheel drive from Moab. Both The Maze and The Rivers are for the most adventurous travelers and requires more preparation.

For our trip, we toured Island In the Sky, so the information and images will be limited to that area. First up, is Upheaval Dome. The first overlook is easy to reach and is approximately 0.3 miles from the parking lot. The second viewpoint is another 0.5 miles out. The hike is a bit steep and takes approximately one-to-one-and-a-half hours.

Trail to Upheaval Dome
Upheaval Dome Overlook

Upheaval Dome. There is a strange crater in Canyonlands National Park called Upheaval Dome that is considered a geological anomaly. Rocks that were a mile deep in the earth are now on the surface. There are two competing theories to explain this phenomenon. The first is the Salt Dome Theory stating the formation was created by large salt bubbles eroding the rock as it rose to the surface. The second, more widely accepted theory, is that a meteorite collided with earth creating an unstable crater that was filled with rocks from beneath the earths surface.

On our last trip to Moab, my husband wanted to hike up to Upheaval Dome. The image to the right is a portion of the trail leading to the top. HIKERS TIP… don’t wear sandals. I can confirm, from personal experience, that you will definitely regret it.

Another stunning view is from The Green River Overlook. It is just a short walk from the parking lot and you can actually see the Green River that carved its way through this vast canyon below.

This is a southwest-facing view of the Green River, 1,300 feet below. This is also one of the best places in Island in the Sky to stop and watch the sunset.

Upheaval Dome

You can also see White Rim Road, Ekker Butte, Orange Cliffs, and The Maze District in the distance. If you’re passing through, you don’t want to miss it.

Green River Overlook

Finally (or it can also be the beginning) be sure to stop at the viewpoint across from the Sky Visitor Center. The views are excellent and you won’t regret it.


There are few places as stunning as the view from Dead Horse Point. It’s just a short drive from Canyonlands National Park and should not be missed. This stunning view is one of the most photographed vistas in the world. It towers over 2,000 feet above the Colorado River. The park is located nine miles northwest of Moab on US 191 and then 23 miles southwest on Utah 313. Drivetime is approximately 45 minutes.


The legend of Dead Horse Point states that in the late 1800’s the point was used as a corral for wild mustangs. Cowboys herded them across the narrow neck of the land onto the point. The neck was then fenced off making it impossible to escape. During one of these roundups, for some reason, the cowboys were delayed and unable to return for these wild horses.

Dead Horse Point Overlook

They were left on the point, trapped, without water or food. The horses perished 2,000 feet above a natural water source unable to escape or reach the river below.


One of the main reasons people visit the Moab area is to see what has been called the most beautiful National Park in the United States. If you have time, there are tons of great trails to be explored. One of the most popular hiking trails is the Delicate Arch Trail.

If you’re short on time, one of the main highlights of the park is the scenic road in Arches. This road will take you past Balanced Rock, Double Arch, The Windows, and Park Avenue viewpoint.

Due to the volume of visitors, from April to October there is a timed -entry system and visitors are required to obtain reservations in advance.

However, you can avoid the lines by arriving prior to 7AM or after 5PM

Delicate Arch
The Windows
Balanced Rock

Moab Utah is a special place. As a photographer, it’s one of my go-to places because no matter what time of year you visit, or how long you can stay the one thing you can count on is beautiful scenery and amazing photos. As many times as I have been to the area, there are still activities and places I haven’t had a chance to visit.

Moab is an adventurer’s mecca. Whether you’re planning a romantic dinner cruise on the Colorado River, touring the trails in an off -road vehicle, hiking, river rafting, or in the mood to explore, you can find it in Moab.

If you get the chance, I highly recommend you take the time to visit this vacation paradise. You’ll want to experience the gorgeous red rock scenery first-hand and experience the adventure for yourself.

Find more from Author Melanie P. Smith on her website:

Melanie P. Smith — An American, multi-genre author of Paranormal, Criminal Suspense, Police Procedural and Romance novels. Embark on a rollercoaster journey of discovery.

It was a long walk to the station and it was raining, but I didn’t mind. I had met my father and I was glad. He wasn’t overly friendly to begin with, and he didn’t really want to know me, but that was fine. I now knew who he was and what made him tick. He lived in an austere farmhouse, isolated from real life, with as minimal contact with people as he could manage. He treated his few animals with kindness but not sentiment.

I found his address when I was clearing out my mother’s things, contacted him and asked if I could visit.

‘I don’t know why you’d want to visit me. I never bothered visiting you, but if you need to, you can come. Not that there’s anything for you here,’ he’d said.

I’d been quite excited getting off the train. He didn’t come to meet me so, having asked directions, I’d walked through the woods. The sun had been shining that day and I could hear birdsong and the rustle of leaves.

‘So, girl, why’ve you come? Does your mother know that you’re visiting? Can’t think she’ll be too pleased.’

‘I’m sorry to say Mum died three months ago and I wanted to meet my other parent. I don’t want anything from you. I have a good job and can support myself.’

William stuttered, ‘I didn’t know. I suppose I should’ve. Would you like a cup of tea?’

We sat down on the faded, floral patterned, armchairs.

‘Your mum was a beautiful girl, but she wanted more than I could offer. This farm has been in my family for nigh on three hundred years. She wanted me to sell up. I couldn’t do that.’

‘I’d love to see round it.’

‘You’re welcome to explore it tomorrow. I’ve got work to do now. I won’t be long.’

‘Perhaps I could help?’

‘I daresay you could, but I don’t need help,’ he said.

‘Did you ever want to see me?’ I asked, hating the needy sound of my voice.

‘I knew I could never be a dad to you, so what would’ve been the point? I could never compete with your mum. She was full of energy and plans. She never sat still for a moment. ’

I smiled. That was my mum, exactly. I had trouble keeping up with her, until her illness, which didn’t last long.

‘Anyway, your room’s upstairs, on the left. Go make yourself comfortable, while I see to the animals.’

There was a bark at the door and Wolf, a black and white border collie, ran in.

‘Probably a fox, bothering the hens,’ said Dad as he left the house.

I went up to my room, looked out of the window and saw my dad secure the chickens in the coup, while Wolf followed his every move. My room was bare. There was a bed and a small wardrobe. I opened the window to let the sunlight in. Everything looked clean, but it was as if it was out of the last century.

After our meal, Dad asked about my mum, my job and my life, and I asked how he lived in such an isolated place. We settled down to a quiet evening. He sat at the table doing paperwork and I read a book I’d bought with me. Wolf spent a little time running backwards and forwards to me and then he launched himself onto my lap and snuggled in for a cuddle.

The next day, Dad was up and out before me, so I had breakfast and went for a wander. Although the farmhouse was old, the main part of the farm was laid to crops and Dad was driving a modern tractor. Wolf bounded up to me as I leaned on a gate and when I left, Wolf followed.

The bread and cheese lunch was delicious and we ate in silence at first.

‘I see I’ve lost my dog to you. Don’t have many visitors, but Wolf usually doesn’t like them.’

‘Oh, I’m sorry. I saw you were busy. I didn’t think you’d mind.’

He smiled and it changed his face completely.

‘I don’t mind at all, lass. Wolf has good taste. Never seen him snuggle up, like he did to you, last night. I trust his judgement.’

We muddled along for a few days and I fed the chickens and cooked the evening meals. ‘I’m off home tomorrow, Dad. Back to work on Monday. I ’ll say good-bye tonight as I know you’ll be off early, working.’

‘Hmmph,’ he said. ‘It’s been good to meet you, lass. Wolf will miss you.’

I would’ve given anything for him to say that he’d miss me, but he told me from the start there was nothing for me here.

So now I’m walking back, along this beautiful woodland path. I’m still glad I came. I know where the quieter side of my nature comes from. My dad could’ve been anything, but he’s a hardworking introvert, who prefers animals to people. Lost in my own thoughts I was surprised when Wolf ran up to me and brushed passed my legs.

‘Oh Wolf, you’re not meant to be here. I can’t take you home with me.’

But Wolf barked and jumped up at me. I couldn’t help but laugh. Suddenly Dad was there too. His tall lanky frame stood beside me.

‘Sorry, I thought I’d see you before you left, Charlie.’

We looked at each other. Then he hung his head down.

‘I should’ve been a father to you. I know it’s too late, but I wanted you to know, that you’re welcome to visit, anytime. I’ve loved getting to know you.’

I reached up and hugged him.

‘Of course, it’s not too late. I don’t know when, but I will be back.’ I smiled.

‘Come on we better get you to that train,’ he said, walking on.

Wolf trotted between us, happy with his extended family.


How to Avoid Harvesting or Consuming Plants Without Being 100% Sure Of Their Identity

It seems like common sense to say “if you’re not sure what it is, don’t eat it”, but you’d be surprised at how easy it is to assume something is what you think it is. While the world of edible plants is full of so many wonderful species to explore and find out about, you must do so with extreme caution. There are many instances of look-alike plants where one plant is a nutritious treat that you can eat with your dinner, and the other is a toxic plant that could not only be unpleasant to eat but potentially dangerous to your body as well.

I remember one particular summer outing in Kalamazoo, Michigan where I came across what I thought was a group of wild carrots (also known as Queen Anne’s lace). They were 4 or 5 feet taller than wild carrots that I had seen in the past but they had white umbrella-like flowers which looked extremely similar to the wild carrots I’d previously encountered. So, I consulted the multiple foraging guides that I had brought along with me and one of them mentioned a look-alike plant to the wild carrot called poison hemlock. The only discernible differences between the two plants are that the poison hemlock is considerably taller and can have purple spots on its stem and that wild carrot stems also tend to be hairy whereas poison hemlock stems are hairless. I inspected the plant that I had encountered more closely and, sure enough, there were purple spots and no hairs on the stems. A more foolhardy forager might have assumed they had found a taller species of wild carrot, harvested it, taken it home, and added it to one of their meals. Now would be a good time to mention that even ingesting a small amount of poison hemlock can lead to respiratory failure and in the worst case, death. That’s right, it’s got “poison” in the name for a reason. My intention here is not to discourage you from foraging, but it wouldn’t be right for me to sugarcoat the potential risks and dangers that come with consuming plants that have not been properly identified.

So then, the question is what steps must you take to successfully identify a wild plant and how can you be sure that you’ve done so correctly? I’ve touched on some of these points in the previous paragraph but hopefully, the tips mentioned below will give you the peace of mind you need to be able to go out there and explore the world of plants yourself!

One of these is wild carrot, the other is poison

hemlock. Can you tell which is which?


Bring multiple sources of information with you

Back when I first started foraging, I had to carry a rucksack full of foraging books, local field guides, and journals that I used to reference and identify any new plants I came across in my travels. Nowadays these books can be read electronically which, as you might imagine, is much more convenient, so there are no excuses for not coming prepared on your foraging trips! Just make sure that you either have physical copies of books or ebooks and other resources already downloaded on your device before you leave home. The last thing you want is to be in the middle of a remote area desperately trying to get a strong enough signal to download that guide you’d forgotten about until just now.

Make sure that the guides you’re bringing with you are specific to your local area and have detailed pictures and descriptions of all the plants mentioned within its pages. They should also detail the look-alikes of these plants and how to distinguish between them. When you think you’ve successfully identified a plant, you should ensure that the plant matches the description in every detail – close doesn’t cut it when it comes to foraging. This brings us back to the start of this section, “if you’re not sure what it is, don’t eat it”. If you do find a plant that you’re not sure about and want some advice, you can take pictures yourself and share them with a local foraging community. I wouldn’t suggest taking their advice as a primary source of information but it should at least give you starting points to do your own research. This research can in turn assure you that you’ve correctly identified the plant in question.

Consult an Expert

Depending on where you are in the world, this might be easy or difficult to do. However, if it is possible to talk to or even go out foraging with an expert, then it’s an opportunity that you should be grabbing with both hands (potentially like some of the plants you’ll be finding). As a child, I had the advantage of my parents, but I had to find other guides as I traveled around the country. There’s no adequate substitute for experience when it comes to foraging, so locating those with at least some degree of first-hand experience out in the field is an excellent way to gather a strong base of knowledge of your local area, as well as which plants to harvest, which plants to turn away from, and any recommended literature and field guides that will best serve you on your travels.

“How do I find a local foraging guide?” You may ask. You can search on Facebook for local foraging groups and ask around there if anyone more experienced would be willing to tag along on one or more of your trips. I found a couple of websites with a list of foraging contacts and how to reach them, organized by country (and state if you’re in North America).

Foraging alongside a local expert will give you a big boost in confidence and reassure you that you are doing it safely. It will also ensure that you have access to expertise that is specific to your local area.

Start with Plants that are Easy to Identify

Hopefully, you’ll have already talked to a local expert by now and they will have given you recommendations for how and where to start your foraging journey. They should point you in the direction of plants that you’re less likely to misidentify. But even if you’re finding plants that are simple to spot, it is best to get into the habit of checking all the features of the plant you’re looking to harvest and making sure they match up with the description in your local foraging guide. Examples of plants that can be easier to identify include dandelions, asparagus, elderberries, and acorns.

When you’re more comfortable as a forager and, more importantly, with the identifying process you can progress to more complicated plants. Always remember to check multiple sources and ask for guidance and support if you’re unsure whether you should be harvesting a particular plant though!

Don’t Consume Multiple New Plants At Once

As tempting as it may be to try that amazing complicated recipe you recently found on a foraging blog I’m going to advise that you save it for later if you’re just getting your feet wet in foraging. The main reason for this is you don’t know how your body will respond to you eating a particular plant, and even if you’ve done your research you’re still likely to be eating a plant that your body has never encountered and had to deal with before. You shouldn’t be trying more than one new plant per day. In addition to not trying multiple new plants at once, I would add that when you are consuming a plant you’ve never had before that you should eat very little of it at first, that can be the difference between a feeling of discomfort and a trip to the hospital. When you’re trying a new food you’d usually have a small spoonful to see if you like it before committing to eating the whole dish. The principle here is similar, so keep your servings under one ounce. There’ll be plenty of time to be more ambitious later!

If you do find yourself making a recipe which involves 5 new plants that you haven’t tried yet then if something goes wrong it would be very difficult if not impossible in some cases to figure out which plant (or multiple) your body reacted negatively to. Hopefully by now you should be clear on not eating too many new things at once, I would also extend that advice to focusing on one new plant maximum for each foraging trip that you go on, there’s no need to overwhelm yourself when you’re just learning to walk (figuratively).

Know Your Plants Before You Harvest Them

Before you harvest a plant for your personal consumption, you should be familiar with the plant in great detail. You should know what plant family it belongs to, which season to harvest it, when to harvest it, how to prepare it, how to preserve it, and much more.

Plant families usually have identifying features. For example, the mint family tends to have square stems. That’s not enough to say whether you’ve successfully identified the plant, but seeing a square stemmed plant will give you an indication that the plant you’ve found is in the mint family. This is especially important if you have any food allergies, because if you can’t eat one item in a plant family, then there’s a good chance that you’ll also be allergic to other members of the plant family. Let’s look at the walnut family as an example. There are different kinds of walnuts, and you may be allergic to pecans or black walnuts. This allergy makes you more likely to have a similar reaction to any other member of the walnut family.

It’s also very important to know the different stages of growth for any plant that you intend to harvest. You should know which season to harvest it in, which part of the plant can be harvested and used in your food, and any preparation steps needed before that plant can be considered edible. For example, elderberries are toxic when consumed raw (especially in large quantities) but can be eaten once cooked without any problems. If you harvest the flowers before they fruit, then they are less toxic but it’s still best to cook them before eating. It is also worth noting that the rest of the elderberry tree is toxic and should not be consumed under any circumstances.

Knowing which season is best to harvest your chosen plant is important so you don’t cause any harm to the local ecosystem. The general rules for which plants to harvest by season are Spring: Foliage

Summer: Foliage, Flowers, Resin, and Berries

Fall: Berries, Seeds, Nuts, some Roots

Winter: Roots

I hope you've found this useful! For more practical foraging tips and advice, as well as seasonal plant profiles, descriptions and recipes, feel free to check out my book 'Foraging the Land: A Comprehensive

Beginner's Guide to Confidently Identify,

Harvest and Prepare Enriching Edible Wild Plants' right here! Happy foraging!

Who Am I?

Who am I?

You might have seen me while you were driving by. The rain is pouring down, But you don’t have time to help right now. You keep on driving down the road, Passing some person dressed in green like a toad. Once you pass them by You don’t give it a second thought, there’s no need to justify.

Was it a man?

I’m sure he has a plan. Was it a girl?

What if she was bent over starting to hurl?

It doesn’t matter when you’re so busy, There’s so much to do that you’re caught in a tizzy.

Rain or shine, no doubt you’d pass by Because checking on someone isn’t worth your time. So many places to go, so many things to see If you stop for a moment you just might be

Late to an event or picking up someone from school No time to waste, you have to be cool Lending a hand seems like a waste, Especially when you’re in such great haste.

This person on the road just isn’t worth the trouble Plus, they’re dressed for trekking through the jungle. Nope not you, you can’t be bothered And they look suspicious, you might get clobbered.

There are so many reasons to keep on driving Even if they were laying there, literally dying. Why go out of your way?

They look okay, don’t they?

Well, if I am you and you are me, Wouldn’t it be great if we all treated each other kindly. Rather than worrying about the daily routine, What if you helped someone else that’s clearly in need.

I know it takes a lot to be helpful, Especially when you’re not usually thoughtful, To the plights of others

Sometimes not even your brothers

Sometimes you can’t even be bothered to call your mothers.

And this is a stranger let’s not forget, What if they have some ulterior motives and a villainous mindset?

What if they attack or worse cause a delay?

You’re stretched too thin to actually display

Love or joy, or any other characteristic Of a kind hearted person that sounds terrific. Sorry buster, time is of the essence

It doesn’t look like you’ve been walking that far of a distance. I’m sure you’ll be fine, You’re probably close to the finish line.

Not me, I’m just getting started

My day is too busy. The course has already been plotted. I can see the sun coming through the trees, This storm is passing quickly over the leaves. In just a few moments they won’t need their gear, The warmth of the sun is coming near, Soon they will have nothing to fear, As for me I’m continuing on the way, Today is just a busy day.

What about the stranger?

What if they are in danger?

What if someone being nice ended up being a game-changer?

They continue walking in the mud

Expecting no one will stop even if they saw blood. It’s the way of this day and age

You can’t be bothered to help anyone, even those trapped in a cage.

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, It’s about learning to dance, In the rain, Even through great pain, No matter the sunshine, no matter the rain

I’ll get through it because I continually train. Train my mind,

Even when people aren’t kind I know that one day I’ll arrive At the moment I don’t comply

With all these standards and what others say, It’s about knowing who I am and my worth no matter the day. You are more than what others see, Your life is about the journey and learning to be free.

Free of expectations that others place, Learning to be yourself in your own head space, Drowning out the noise, And all that self doubt destroys.

Own who you are and set a high bar, Be yourself and you WILL go far,

I am the one and only me, A version so unique that you can’t repeat, A version so strong you won’t defeat. I’ve weathered the storm, I’m standing here warm, Holding my head high with only good form.

Who I am is clearly displayed, I won’t be shaken or even dismayed. I know who I am and that’s worth more than gold, So know who you are, whether young or old.


"Wholly original and darkly humorous...An Experience Unlike Anything Imaginable … Reminiscent of Robin Williamson speed … completely off the wall and guaranteed to make you laugh out loud"

- BookViral Reviews

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I am the award-winning author of Meth Murder & Amazon. I’m a father of 5, a Navy veteran, a cybersecurity expert, and tattoo enthusiast that is Mastering Experiences through humor and writing wrongs along the way. My original writing style has been compared to the likes of Hunter S. Thompson, Chuck Palahniuk and Lemony Snicket. My books are quirky and utterly unique, jam-packed with humor, suspense, and satire. I actually grew up in the world of books working for my father's book bindery business when I was just a child. Little did I know the literary universe had something more in store for my life.

My creations offer an escape from life’s harsh realities by providing a hilarious perspective in turning lemons into lemonade. I construct worlds where the unbelievable seems made up and yet, oddly relatable. My visionary approach towards life, laughter and entertainment bridges comedy and originality with memorable creations, leaving no stone unturned to help others laugh their way to a better today.

G. S. Gerry

Are you a multi-genre author or a single-genre author? How did you decide what types of book you would write?

I write multi-genre books. But the caveat is that my books and my stories will always include lots of humor. I use a lot of suspense as well to change directions and keep the reader guessing on what might happen next. I also like to create new themes. My first book, Meth, Murder & Amazon takes you onboard a literal rollercoaster as I take you on an unforgettable real estate journey. My second book, Hysterical Hangouts with The Hindlegs, will be a reality show presented in literary form. There will be hidden cameras and dramatic elements, and everything else you’d expect to see watching your favorite reality show except your reading it in a book.

I also enjoy using satire. I like poking fun at actual people, places or things and putting a humorous spin on it. Which adds another dimension for the readers.

I decided to write my stories based on my life experiences. It could be an event that actually happened to me or my family. I think people can relate to situations and stories that actually happen every day. For instance, buying or selling a house. Or meeting their in-laws for the first time. Sometimes, it could even be an idea one of my kids mentioned during a conversation that resonated with me. I don’t put any limits on what I will write about. If it sounds entertaining and I can put a humorous spin on it, then nothing is off the table.

If you write in multiple genres, do you have a favorite, or is one type of book easier for you to write than others, and why?

I like to write humor and comedy. At the end of the day, no matter the main genre I decide to write my stories will be infused with humor. And with that, I’ll employ unique ideas to bring that humor alive. Sometimes I will use audible sound effects. Other times I’ll make up a funny rendition to your favorite nursery rhyme. Other times, I’ll create hilarious character names. I’ve even been known to use emojis in particular places of my books. Every element adds another dimension to the story and continues to keep the readers engaged and wanting more.

I also think people relate to humor. When you’re having a rough day or even a rough week, one belly aching laugh can be a game changer. So I use the idea of helping others laugh their way to a better today and mastering their life experiences with humor as inspiration to keep things funny.

When did you start writing? Did an event or person prompt you to take that leap?

I never actually thought I’d be a writer, let alone an award-winning author. The reason I decided to write a book, in general, involved a situation at work, where I do a lot of technical report writing. One afternoon I had a customer reach out and tell me their entire report was plagiarized. This particular report, was 450 pages and I prayed that couldn't be true. Unfortunately, it was 100% true and I had to rewrite the entire report. This particular report was already lengthy, some 450 pages long. It grew from 450 pages to 750 pages; and afterward, I thought to myself, "Man, it feels like I just wrote a novel. That's it, I am going to write a book!" And that is exactly what I did. But as I started writing, a lot of my friends and family thought it was a joke and didn't believe I could or would. Yet, here I am!

How / where do you find the plots you write about?

My plots are based on actual real-world scenarios I’ve encountered throughout my life. I did sell my first back in 2019 and along the way a cataclysm of unbelievable events befell my family. What should have taken 30 days to list and sell the home takes over 6 months in an unimaginable journey of assassins, real estate, meth, murder & Amazon. My second book is also based on true events. When you find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, it’s a magical experience. But part of that experience is being indoctrinated into their family. And forming relationships with your significant other's side of the house. Sometimes those relationships and the events that transpire can be out of this world. Family drama, and the family dynamics are fascinating. Then you throw into the mix an outsider and you have a recipe for something truly incredible.

Mark Twain said “Write what you know.” Tell us about your writing process. Are you a plotter or a panster? Do you plot, plan, and conduct hours of research; or, do you just sit down and write whatever comes to mind based on your personal history and knowledge?

First, I love this quote. I actually leverage this Mark Twain quote quite often. Writing what you know gives your story and your messaging a special uniqueness. By staying to yourself and writing what you know, the readers will always be able to relate to what you’re creating for them.

My writing process is quite unique. I am certainly a panster over a plotter. I write the entire first draft of the book on my phone. I know that sounds ridiculous to some folks, but I am constantly on my phone for work and need to keep it close by. So, as inspiration strikes I jot down notes on my phone. That inspiration might lead to a funny character name, or a humorous anecdote to include. But without having the ability to take those thoughts captive very quickly, I'd probably forget some of those quirky aspects. I also create the chapter titles first and then based on the titles, I will build my story from there. I will take shorthand notes for each chapter but I don't necessarily create an outline. I just write for a couple hours at a time and then revise and update based on how I visualize the story flowing.

Meth Murder & Amazon (A Humorous Real Life Nightmare)

Tell us your latest news

I recently started a new job at the end of March. In the middle of March, I was affected by all of the tech industry layoffs. I was actually laid off 2 weeks after coming back from paternity leave after being at that company for almost 10 years! But, as they say everything happens for a reason. And I got some extra time with my family and luckily, I wasn’t out of a job for long though.

Every experience is an opportunity for something new. And as always, after the initial shock wore off, my family made jokes about how I was unemployed and needed a job. Laughter is a great bridge to overcome hurdles and obstacles in your laugh. Don’t allow the negativity of life drag you down and keep you there.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

In Meth Murder & Amazon the overwhelming message is that bad things happen to good people and that perception is not always reality. And how you deal with situations and overcome them says a lot about your character. What happened in the book really did happen in real life. But, you can laugh at my pain and see that sometimes you have to make lemonade out of lemons. I always want readers to see that you can do things differently. In life and even in writing. My book is unique in the way I deliver the story and take readers on an unexpected and hilarious journey. And I think that will be very relatable to the readers in their everyday interactions.

How much of the book is realistic?

The title and all the events that happened within Meth Murder & Amazon are true life. The father, Derald Grake, worked for Amazon Web Services. During an open house, there was a body that was found under the bed in the guest room. The real estate assassins accused him of murder and then four days later of making meth in his garage a la Heisenberg. While concealing the names and places of the story, all of the events within the book factually happened. There is even photographic evidence provided in each chapter to add legitimacy to the entire story.

Do you have a mentor that helped or encouraged you to follow your dream of writing?

I really didn’t. If anything it was more the opposite. The more people doubted I could write a book or didn’t believe that I would write a book, it fueled my writing journey. The more someone says I shouldn’t, I can’t, I won’t the more likely that is going to drive me to prove them wrong. People are always going to tell you what you can or can’t do. What separates the dreamers from the achievers is that they make things happen.

Michael Jordan has one of my favorite quotes about desire,

“Some people want it to happen, Some wish it would happen, Others make it happen!”

What are your current projects?

I am currently working on my second book, titled “Hysterical Hangouts with The Hindlegs!” It is an innovative concept in that it is going to be a reality show presented in literary form.

Hysterical Hangouts with The Hindlegs follows a raucous cast of lovably deranged characters deep in the alligatorinfested swamps of Flawrida. They provide the audience unfiltered, backstage access to their hilarious and drama filled life. It has all the theatrics of a reality show with hidden cameras and unforgettable scenes, while told through the lens of the main character and reality show producer Viktor Sniperbone.

Viktor Sniperbone is dating Mandi Hindleg, the daughter of Commodore Ateoff Hindleg, and Viktor is about to meet her parents. It’s a time-honored tradition. Find the girl of your dreams, fall in love, meet the family, and live happily ever after. However, Viktor Sniperbone has ulterior motives besides the lovey-dovey, white-picket fence aspirations. Viktor secretly records all of the Hindleg family antics and gets more than he ever bargained for…

Each chapter is an episode of preposterous adventures and unmatched calamity, with the viewing audience eagerly awaiting the next series of events. The book plays on the worst stereotypes of a family dynamic, the startling reality of living near in-laws, and shows what happens when families stop being polite and start being real!

All Things Come To An End...To Those Who Wait

What is worse than going from worse?

Worse to worst?

Worst to worsted?

Some hybrid of the three?

Well whatever it is, things are taking a turn for the worse worst worsty worsted of worstedness.

As, All things come to those who wait?... (hehe) Wait.

All things come to an end? .


If you haven’t thrown up by now or at least felt some slight nausea or queasiness in the pit of your’re either a heartless savage or have the stomach of a vulture. Either way, if you fall into the former or the latter of these categories or maybe somewhere in between the spectrum....

There is still hope for you yet.


You there.

I see you over there.

Amazon comes squarely into focus.

I know it’s been at the back of your mind. Gnawing at you, Ever so slightly, With each page of the turn.

Dying to know how Amazon ties in to all this.

Like the nuclear launch codes, the details have remained confidential. Hidden behind lock and key. Guarded by the tightest security fathomable. That is...until now.

Through it all, Mr. Grake has tirelessly been working behind the scenes at Amazon. Covert operations conducted behind enemy lines this whole, riding, time. Taking conference calls from The Shred Shine State hotel lobby, in the midst of all the meth, and the murder, and the dreaded Jellybean disease.

Can you share a sample of your current work with us?

So why hasn’t there been, so much as a whisper of the Amazon, yet?

Nothing newsworthy or noteworthy occurred at Amazon during all of the calamitous meth-tastic murderous misadventures.

Nothing so shockingly awful it dare be mentioned in the same breadth, of say meth *gasp*, and murder *gasp*.

Everything, is about to change...for better or for worse. Or worst and worsted.

Deep in the Amazon rainforest, Mr. Grake is out at the funny farm with all the other chickens.

The funny farm, a massively complex, convoluted dimension overrun with countless chickens and other fowl prey.

The chickens have come home to roost. A majority of them, running around like they’ve had their head cut clean off.

Gobble gobble gobble.

Look at all those chickens !

A battle of chicken proportions ensues…

Innumerable chicken silos exist in the Amazon, each with their own mission and clever acronym, all assigned to designated chicken coups. On and on the chicken groups develop, create, and comply to the best of their feather brained abilities. A lot of chickens, but not enough roosters.

So who will lead such a pheasnt-ry bunch?

It’s a massive undertaking to manage a brigade of featherless birds. So many chicken sized personalities, So many different chicken groups, each one working in their specialized coups.

A strong presence and force is required to band all these birds of a feather, together.

Luckily, a prime candidate emerges from the shadows of the Amazon. A leader primed for such a daunting task.

The self proclaimed herder of cats, the Duchess of Barlow.

The Duchess formally accepts the position of head chicken enforcer and immediately focuses her efforts on hiring more chickens and adjusting the bars surrounding the chicken coups. Moving the bars up, down and all around. In an effort to maximize the very best from her fowl employees.

The Duchess is a peculiar species. An expert shapeshifter with the ability to be a friend to everyone and no one at the same time. And she’s currently out amongst the common folk making her rounds. Victimizing chicken sized cats and cat sized chickens with each bellowing command.

The Duchess has clear objectives. Strive for perfection, achieve success. If chicken group perfection is unattainable, The Duchess orders the bars adjusted up, down or around to achieve maximum chicken potential.

The Duchess of Barlow strictly adheres to the objectives, frequenting the bar constantly, raising and lowering the .

Chicken morale as only she can.

Bar moves left, as Chicken group 1 squawks together to develop a doohickey. Meanwhile, bar moves right, as chicken group 2 bands together to create a widget. All the while, bar moves around, as chicken group 3 works to integrate doohickey 1, with widget 2, in hopes of complying with standard, sneeze.

On one particular cloudy September day, Mr. Grake is out shootin’ the shit with the Flyin Hawaiian; his closest ally on the funny farm.

The Flyin Hawaiian is apprised of all The Grake family dealings. From the meth, to the murder.

The two even shed a tear or two over the dreaded jellybean disease. A most formidable adversary, with an interconnecting nervous system of doomy gloomy gloom glooms extending its effects to the furthest reaches of the galaxy.

After the all too familiar flim flam about everything and nothing at the same time, Mr. Grake informs the Flyin Hawaiian…

It’s over.

Pick one of your characters and share some of their backstory that didn’t make it into the novel.

Derald Grake is the main character of the story Meth Murder & Amazon. After the real estate agents accuse him of murder and cooking meth in his garage, he goes and speaks with a lawyer. There are laws around slander and defamation of character so he expected he would be able to get some sort of closure and ensure nothing like this happened to another family. Unsurprisingly, the lawyers weren’t able to do anything. In Colorado, methamphetamine is a very big problem if a real estate agent suspects the use or manufacturing of the drug it is within their right to do anything they please. And so, The Grake’s just have to deal with the accusations and smearing of their character without any repercussions to the accusing realtors.

Is there one person past or present you would like to meet and why?

I’ve always wanted to meet Michael Jordan. He was my idol growing up. He’s the greatest of all time for a reason. I read his autobiography in elementary school and just thought his story was incredible. His talents on the basketball court speak for themselves. It’s his story of constantly striving to be the best and never give up that really resonated with me personally.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Be unique and create a new experience. Don’t try and be Stephen King or James Patterson. Those guys are tremendous authors with huge followings. But those guys are who they are for a reason. Write your own stories with your own unique perspective and spin. The readers will be able to relate so much more. No one wants to read the same stories over and over again. No one wants to watch the same movies over and over again. Push the boundaries, try different things and really craft a story that says as much about you as a writer as it creates a unique experience for the reader. Take the readers on a journey they never could’ve predicted.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Be unique. We are all as unique as our fingerprints and we need to stop looking to others for signs of affirmation. There is only one you and you are the best version of yourself. People will always tell you what you can and can’t do. Never listen to what “they say.” Find your passions and chase your goals.

What do you want written on your headstone and why?

Loving Husband and Father. Faithful example. Determined to be something more.

I am first and foremost a husband and a father. My family is the most important thing in my life. It’s what I am always working for and continues to drive me to be more. I want to raise my kids right and set a good example for them through my actions, behaviors, and words. I want them to be proud of me as a father and my wife to be proud of me as her husband. They all push me to be a better man and I hope that my short time here on this earth will show I always loved them and expressed that love in actionable ways.

I am a strong believer in God and Jesus Christ. As I strive to set the example in my household, I try and be a good disciple of Christ. The more experienced I have with the Lord, the more of Him shines through. I hope, when I’m gone, people see that I was Christ-like, I was faithful in what He has blessed me with and I was always willing to help those around me. He’s blessed me so profoundly and taken me to levels I never would have experienced on my own.

Lastly, I hope people will see the drive and determination I’ve had throughout my life. That no matter the situation or circumstance, I kept fighting. I never let things keep me down. And I followed through on what I set out to do both personally and professionally. Iif I said I was going to something, I figured out a way to make it happen. And I never let fear of failure stop me from trying to be more.

Other than writing do you have any hobbies?

I do indeed. I enjoy football and basketball, as well as playing golf from time to time. I also taught myself to play the piano so I enjoy playing that from time to time. I am always trying to spend time with my family in some capacity. We like to play games together, including old school Nintendo 64. We also play card games together. Lastly, I play chess often and really enjoy that.

Can you share something personal with your readers? Do you have any holiday traditions? What kind of music do you enjoy? What kind of movies do you prefer? Do you have a favorite author?

I have experienced 16 and pregnant before it was polarized on MTV. I had my first child when I was barely 19 and had just enlisted in the Navy. But my goal of joining the Navy was to get my degree and that is precisely what happened. I got my Bachelors degree and left the Navy after 7 years. A year later, I walked for my Masters degree.

My taste in music is all over the place. I like classics like Frank Sinatra and even classical music like Beethoven and Mozart. I also enjoy hip hop, country and Christian music. I used to play Rock Band with my sons back in the day so I also like some rock and alternative music.

I am a movie connoisseur. I love epics and action movies, with Gladiator being close to the top of the list. I also like old classic movies like El Cid and Lawrence of Arabia. I also enjoy comedy movies and there’s loads to choose from. Older comedies by Adam Sandler like Happy Gilmore and The Waterboy are near the top of my list. That style of comedy never gets old.

My favorite author is C.S. Lewis. He doesn’t follow traditional rules of writing and even uses run on sentences which I love. But he writes stories that are more than what they appear at the surface lebel. I read his book ‘A Grief Observed’ after my mom passed away and it helped me though that. He has written so many incredible books on so many topics. He’s an absolute legend.

If money was no issue would you prefer a cozy beach bungalow or a rustic cabin overlooking a mountain lake?

I’d prefer a cabin overlooking a mountain lake. I’ve lived in Florida near the beaches and Colorado near the mountains. There’s something magical about the mountains, the fresh air and the still quiet. I also enjoy hiking with my family and it brings back some incredible memories and breathtaking views that you can only get in the mountains.

One final question...Do you have a blog/website? If so, what is it? Do you have a social media platform where your fans can go to interact with you and follow your progress?

Readers can find me on my website On the website you can find blogs, free cooking recipes (meth lab creations), and guest appearances I have been on. It also has links to my personal Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest, which are included here for ease.


Sometimes Inspector William Fox likes to go off script, like when chasing gangsters in his cigarette boat on the St. Lawrence River. For one case, the RCMP officer with a penchant for luxury fashion finds himself teamed up with FBI Special Agent Patrick Reilly, an Irish lad who prefers absinthe to Guinness. The pair travel overseas to track down members of a gang who have kidnapped Tracy Jordan, an American academic and archeologist with teenage ties to William. In China, Tracy has been stealthily searching for evidence of Admiral Zheng He’s 15th-century connections to the area that would later be known as Nova Scotia. It’s here that Tracy and her team discover what might be Ming dynasty artifacts transported by Zheng He’s “massive treasure ships” left behind on Mi’kmaq peoples’ ancestral land.

Outfoxed a William Fox Adventure is a slick, globe-trotting adventure that involves the RCMP and FBI chasing the Foo Dog Triad operating in Hong Kong, mainland China, and New York City. Like Tracy and Kevin Steptoe, a Mi’kmaq lawyer, the gangsters are after the ancient Chinese treasures. Outfoxed is also a political thriller, diving deeply into the power struggles of the Communist Party of China and its shadowy operatives. It wades into the Fox family’s political past in South Korea, where a tragedy took place that still haunts William years later. B0BTTW61NK

During the years Peter Thomas Pontsa operated his dental supply business, he shared his knowledge writing dental articles which appeared in many dental journals. He was president of the College of Dental Technologists of Ontario, where he helped develop the quality assurance program and was an associate publisher for a denturist magazine. He is an avid British sports car enthusiast and while president of the Headwaters British Car Club, wrote numerous stories about cars in the club’s newsletter, “British Driven.” Peter spent two seasons racing with Jagged Edgers Motorsports and is a student of Taekwondo and holds a second degree blackbelt. He belongs to the Wordsmiths and is a member of the Crime Writers of Canada. Peter Pontsa lives in Loretto, Ontario, with his wife, Angela, and their orange tabby, Mr. Tee, where he combines his passions British cars and writing.

Peter Thomas Pontsa

A London Story

I’m addicted to long walks, but walking without a dog yields half the pleasure. And now my dog lives across the ocean, separated by our family’s sudden move to London. The cost of moving a pet to England includes a six-month stay in Quarantine: like putting your innocent child in prison, abandoned without explanation. It’s kinder to let her stay with a friend, though that friend is not a walker. Maybe my dog will change her. We hope to return in a year or two, but life keeps throwing curveballs.

So we look for silver linings.

Moving to a new city means discovering new walks, and this corner of London does not disappoint. Maps in hand, we find our way to the nearest High Street, where scores of overpriced shops wait to entice us. This is my son’s favorite (and only) walking destination. We buy notebooks to write Things We Like About London… to keep ourselves from crying.

In another direction, a stream meanders through an elongated park, with pavement my daughter can scooter. If we head north, our street leads to miles of grassy (or muddy) trails, replete with grazing sheep and farm stiles. This is where I venture, farther every time, amazed to find this sanctuary so near our busy road. But exploring’s not the same without a dog.

I ask acquaintances if they know of any dogs who need a home. A woman calls from the opposite side of London. Her husband has finally agreed to rehome their two-year-old retriever,

Sasha. She’s a lovely dog, she says, but now their family has babies, and she can’t handle the mud anymore. At her husband’s insistence, Sasha runs free, and her favorite destination is the River Thames. Her husband’s rarely home; she’s stuck at home, and the muddy dog is ruining her floors. Pablo wants to vet us, and if he thinks we’re good dog people, he’ll bring Sasha next Saturday. Not gladly, but perhaps to save his marriage.

Our kids are ecstatic. Sight unseen, they’ve already fallen in love with our new pet.

Pablo calls Saturday morning to say he’s on his way. He’s not a cell phone guy and he’s traveling by Tube and on foot, but we figure he’ll reach us by noon. By midafternoon, we start to worry. Has he changed his mind? Found another family? Lost the dog enroute?

By dinnertime, our dreams are dashed. This dog we’ve never met has rebroken our broken hearts.

At nightfall, the bell rings. Long-haired, hippie Pablo waits on the stoop with Sasha. She wears no collar or leash, only four muddy paws and an overcoat of grime on her presumably creamcolored belly. She’s panting hard and seems stressed. Pablo seems surprised that we’re surprised.

“I don’t believe in collars or leashes. I always let her lead. We took the Tube, but she wanted to walk, so most of the day we’ve been walking. I wanted my last day with her to be special.”

I try to envision their pilgrimage across London, but it’s unimaginable. This wild creature, unleashed, leading this man who refuses to act as master? His wife’s frustration is easier to imagine.

But now she’s ours. Pablo stays for a cup of tea and cries before leaving. Sasha sheds and pants for several hours before collapsing in sleep.

We let her rest on Sunday. On Monday, it’s time for my first jog-with-a-dog in six weeks.

I’ve never walked a dog without a collar, but have always trained my dogs to walk off-leash. According to Pablo, Sasha’s got this. If I have any impulse to fashion a makeshift collar, I ignore it. Once we get to the greenspace, I figure she can run free as long as she circles back to my slower pace. We set off running and she shadows me, waiting by the roundabout till it ’s safe to cross. Good girl!

We run past the school at road’s end and up to the grassy common, where muddy paths lead beyond an ivy-covered church into meadows and pasture. After 30 minutes, we circle back toward the common and approach a large, marshy pond. I’m feeling bonded, happy, even relaxed with my new partner. Such a good girl!

Until Sasha spots the ducks and every retriever instinct kicks in.

A violent commotion of squawks, feathers, and flapping as Sasha leaps into the pond. The air is filled with panicked water fowl, alerting the retirees whose homes encircle the opposite shore. The bird lovers who apparently know every duck by name and temperament. Within minutes, a vocal company of spectators are anxiously spectating.

How bad can it be? The ducks fly free and Sasha will swim back, duckless and invigorated. But one duck has not escaped. I spot him paddling for dear life, Sasha in pursuit, not quite as fast as the bird. Yet.

One of the spectators screams. At me.

“That duck is BLIND and he cannot FLY! Get your dog before he kills him!”

Sasha’s closing in, oblivious to my shouts to halt pursuit. The angry bird lovers scream in unison, demanding I jump in the pond and fetch my killer dog.

It’s February. It’s freezing. The pond is murky, impossible to fathom. Will I have to swim? Will I slip and flounder in the reeds? Do they really value this blind old duck more than me?

Yes, yes, and yes. I fall in the pond, then perform a frantic dog paddle to reach Sasha. Grappling an uncooperative dog sans collar almost drowns us both. By some miracle we make it to shore, drenched, humiliated, and shivering. The angriest man follows us halfway home, demanding an address so he can report me. I plead my case, but he’s not having it. Nor is he having my address. We lose him by running.

Welcome to England. Next on my list is a leash and collar. A disguise for bypassing the pond dwellers. And many, many long rambles with my new favorite companion.

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I’m a Canadian with loads of life stories who’s lived in four continents and moved over 50 times. (I know, it’s exhausting! There’s a story behind every move….) I’ve had a lot of unusual chapters in my life. Currently I live in the Okanagan Valley in BC, where I finally found time to start writing.

Interview by Melanie P. Smith

Are you a multi-genre author or a singlegenre author? How did you decide what types of book you would write?

I write memoir, although I spent a few years writing poetry before I was ready to write my first book. Writing poetry helped me work on skills like word choice, metaphor, description, rhythm, and concision. I think it’s paid off!

When did you start writing? Did an event or person prompt you to take that leap?

According to my teacher, I was writing iambic pentameter with internal rhyme in second grade. I won some writing contests and spelling bees in elementary school, and my first high school English teacher insisted I was gifted. But I ran away from home at 14 and everything changed. I always knew I’d return to writing but for many years I didn’t have time or emotional space to do so. Meanwhile, my unwritten books percolated inside.

Mark Twain said “Write what you know.” Tell us about your writing process. Are you a plotter or a panster? Do you plot, plan, and conduct hours of research; or, do you just sit down and write whatever comes to mind based on your personal history and knowledge?

For memoir, I research to confirm dates, places, and public events, but most of the story flows when I sit down to write. My writing process is like carefully stringing beads, paying attention to each sentence and image, rather than throwing a bunch of words on the page and going back later for a massive edit. I always edit the previous day’s work before proceeding with fresh writing, which helps me get back into the flow.

Tell us your latest news

My second memoir, THE BOX MUST BE EMPTY, is being released April 4, 2023. It’s already getting great reviews, and I’m excited and nervous as my very personal story becomes so very public. I hope it will draw new readers to my debut memoir, PARADISE ROAD, which tells the first part of my story.

What books have influenced your life the most?

The obvious one would be the Bible, which transformed my life when I read it at age 24 and continues to guide me. But reading has always been my passion, whether for escape, information, enlightenment, or inspiration. I’ve always loved memoir and creative nonfiction, as well as novels that engage me emotionally and intellectually.

Other than writing do you have any hobbies?

I love hiking and bicycling, making new friends, and staying connected with friends from every chapter of my life. Here’s where I appreciate Facebook!

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

How much of the book is realistic?

All of it!

Can you share a sample of your current work with us?

You can find excerpts and essays on my website, And I’ve written a fresh (true) story just for this magazine, inspired by the photo prompt.

This memoir explores delayed and complicated grief, as well as the spiritual trauma of being deeply involved with an international church ministry for many years and then choosing -or being compelled to leave. It’s about looking back and starting over, about reaching middle age and hitting an emotional bottom after years of serving as a role model and believing 100% in what I was doing. I hope readers will learn from my mistakes and be encouraged by the steps and strategies that helped me heal. My journey is unique but the core emotions are universal, and I’m very open about my struggles, fears, and insecurities. This vulnerability seems to resonate with a lot of readers.

What are your current projects?

My third memoir is pretty much done, and explores two life-changing years in Bombay, India, back in the mideighties. Book four is about six years spent in Africa, and it’s patiently awaiting my renewed attention. Like many folks, I got distracted and spacey during the pandemic years and this affected my focus. And I spent more time writing shorter pieces. I keep waiting for the perfect day to mentally transport myself back to Africa, to a time in my life that I deeply miss. And I know I need to do it before my memory fails and I’m forced to make things up! (Just kidding!)

Can you share something personal with your readers? Do you have any holiday traditions? What kind of music do you enjoy? What kind of movies do you prefer? Do you have a favorite author?

I love movies that focus on character and place, with unusual storylines and creative storytelling. Some of my favorites are Waiting for Guffman, Almost Famous, In Bruges, Amadeus, and I’m Thinking of Ending Things. I like movies that reveal more with repeated viewings. Not a big fan of Hollywood blockbusters…

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Be willing to put in the practice hours before beginning your first book. Join a writers group where you can share your writing and give and receive critiques. Read as many books as possible in your genre, and also read book reviews (Goodreads is great for this) to see what readers notice, commend, like, and dislike. Write in your own voice, but always be open to input and advice from other writers. Set aside your first drafts for at least a month, preferably longer, so you can read with fresh eyes and see what needs fixing and changing. Edit, edit, edit. Unless you’re spectacularly lucky or simply well-connected, expect to spend years finding an agent or a publisher before your book meets the world. Believe in yourself and in your gift, while acknowledging there’s always room for improvement. And don’t give up!

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

We have so much to learn from each other. Reading (and writing) memoir is a great way to grow in empathy and understanding. And who needs fiction when real life can be so fascinating!

Is there one person past or present you would like to meet and why?

I have a soft spot for the apostle Paul. He gets a lot of hate these days, but to me he’s all about love, faith, and connection. I’d be thrilled to interview him.

What do you want written on your headstone and why?

I don’t envision having a headstone, but perhaps a tree will be planted in my honor at the family cabin. I hope to be remembered as someone who loved deeply and lived by faith. And I hope my books will outlive me.

New Release

The Box Must Be Empty: A Memoir of Complicated Grief, Spiritual Despair and Ultimate Healing

Release date: April 4, 2023

What happens when buried grief rises two decades late, upending the life you ’ve built on its coffin? When you add loss upon loss by constantly moving, serving a church organization and possible cult that expects unwavering sacrifice? How do you restore a devastated marriage, a crushed faith, and an endlessly broken heart? This is the crux of Marilyn Kriete's crisis. After losing her fiancé and first great love to cancer, she becomes a Christian and marries Henry, joining him in a worldwide ministry that leaves little time for family or personal reflection. When her old grief resurfaces, she’s shocked by the tsunami that rips through their lives. Intensive counselling fails to bring healing, and when Henry writes a public letter that decimates their churches and spins them out of the fellowship and lifelong employment she faces an emotional and spiritual reckoning that challenges her to the core. In this follow up to her debut memoir “Paradise Road,” Marilyn explores delayed and complicated grief in all its many disguises dashed dreams, disenchantment, family troubles, and the guilt of being a former faith leader, now grappling with depression and dismay. With unflinching honesty, Marilyn shares the missteps and keys to recovering her battered heart, her faith, and her self-esteem. Multilayered and compelling, Marilyn’s story will resonate with anyone who’s stuck in grief, navigating a mid-life career crisis, or struggling with a spiritual life that’s lost its luster or lost its way.

Barnes & Noble



If money was no issue would you prefer a cozy beach bungalow or a rustic cabin overlooking a mountain lake?

I’m a mountain girl. If I can’t live IN the mountains, I need them nearby!

One final question...Do you have a blog/website? If so, what is it? Do you have a social media platform where your fans can go to interact with you and follow your progress? is the best place to find and follow my journey. Thanks for reading and checking out my books!

Melanie P. Smith

An American, multi-genre author of Paranormal, Criminal Suspense, Police Procedural and Romance novels. Embark on a rollercoaster journey of discovery.

Find more from Author Melanie P. Smith on her website:

'Way A flower grown, blossoming bright, Reaching the sun on midsummer's night, Taken root in the soul's soiled earth, Shining today, to celebrate birth.

Love burns bright green its stem, Worn so proudly a pink jeweled diadem, Compassion's water flowing to feed, Grown from the joy of a simple seed

Delicate flower petals so strong, Dancing to the wind's summer song, Rooted in rock its soul flies free, 'Twas always as it were meant to be.

And lo the image of flower falls 'way, Touched but once by the warm summer day, Heather, a flower, though yes may it be, A flower's beauty compares nothing to thee.

Joe is the author of the best-selling SMALL THINGS trilogy. He was born in Carthage, Illinois, and currently lives in Rogers, Arkansas with his wife Andee, their son Fletcher, and their cats Archer and Biscuit. Joe is a freelance writer, web designer, and substitute teacher. He collects all sorts of things, including Mego action figures, books, and Bicycle playing cards. When not teaching or writing, you can probably find Joe playing Pokemon Go on his phone.

1) The stationary aisle gets you excited.

There's nothing like the smell of a brand new notepad, or the feel of a new pen between your fingers. Somehow you seem to leave them lying around all over the place so you can always justify purchasing a new one - to add to the pile of 15 new ones already in the drawer of your desk.

2) You always have a pen and paper in your bag/pocket.

Because if you have a great idea and nothing to write it down with the world may just come crashing to a halt until you have found the back of a receipt or a scrap envelope, or a piece of spare skin to jot it down before you forget it. In fact you probably have a whole stack of bits and pieces of scrap paper with odd lines of dialogue and random ideas written on them somewhere in the depths of your pockets. Now if only you could find the right one!

3) You spend more time typing in Word on your computer than you do on Facebook!

Or at least as much time. For Word also substitute Ywriter, Scrivener, notepad or whatever other tool you like to use.

4) You have a really hard time explaining to people why you are actually too busy to go somewhere or do something when you are sitting on your sofa.

Nobody except another writer really understands how "playing" on your laptop means you really actually are busy. Writing is not just a hobby, it's a lifestyle. Interrupt a writer in the middle of an important sentence at your peril. Even when you seem to be just surfing the internet it’s all part of the creative process. You never know when you will hit on that next brilliant idea or what will be the inspiration for it. Plus updating your blog, facebook page, twitter feed, instagram account, pinterest board and Goodreads reading list is all an essential part of marketing your work.

5) Some of your friends don't actually exist, but you aren't crazy - honest!

We all get fond of our characters, and it's totally normal to find yourself in a strange or difficult real life situation and wondering what your current main character would do. There is a reason a lot of authors write whole series' of books about the same characters, we get attached, and that's okay. If you didn't care about your characters then nobody else would either.

6) Having to waste time sleeping is a major frustration.

This is especially true if you are on a roll with a great idea and just want to write all night. Sadly unless you are one of a lucky handful you probably don't make enough money to pay all your bills on your writing income and writing all night then going to your day job is never a good idea.

7) You have enough books to stock a small library (or a large one!)

You had to get your love of writing somewhere, and that was probably from reading amazing stories written by other writers. If you aren't writing you're reading, and so naturally the books stack up!

Sarah Hindmarsh is a vet student turned teacher turned writer. She has won, and been nominated for, multiple awards and prizes for her children’s fiction, short stories and poetry, and also writes revision guides and books of writing prompts. She is currently writing her first novel for grown-ups – an LGBT+ high fantasy. In her spare time Sarah likes to compete in various equestrian sports and nap on the sofa with her dog, Kohla. Sarah is also autistic and ADHD, and writes personal essays about living and working as a neurodivergent person in a neurotypical world.

Connect with Sarah Hindmarsh at:

Venture into the magical, healing world of trees and embrace the power of nature.

Three authors, two books, one Kickstarter campaign. ref=e71s0x

Have you ever wandered into a forest and felt the healing power of trees?

Do magical fairy tales captivate you?

Are you looking for creative ways to add magic to games or novels?

If this sounds like you, then Magical Healing Trees in Slavic Folklore and Tall Tree Tales are the perfect solution.


Magical Healing Trees in Slavic Folklore highlights centuries of folklore and historical facts about 21 healing and magical trees from Slavic folklore and other traditions.

Ronesa Aveela and Sylva Fae

Plus, it includes rituals, herbal remedies, and simple recipes.

Several high-quality color photos, as well as a fullpage botanical illustration, accompany the description of each tree, so anyone can use the book as a field guide in their backyard or when they go foraging.

With more than 100 color images and fascinating information, Magical Healing Trees in Slavic Folklore is certain to entertain and enlighten you.


In the quiet of the forest, amongst the rustling leaves and swaying branches, there lies a world of wonder and mystery. For generations, people have looked to the trees for inspiration, guidance, and comfort, weaving stories and myths around these magnificent giants of the natural world.

From the whispering willow to the mighty oak, trees have captured our imaginations and sparked our curiosity, inspiring tales of magic, bravery, and adventure. This book, shares new fables, folklore, and myths inspired by the old, based loosely on the legends and stories that have been passed down through the ages. Take a wander through the woods, and discover the magic that lies within the heart of the forest.

What Makes These Books Special?


More than 100 eye-catching images illustrate the book, including a full-page botanical image, to help you recognize the trees, along with the descriptions. But the book contains much more information.

Historical facts and traditions will take you back to school days, while medical, culinary, and magical uses will have you heading to the kitchen or garden store. Fun facts, legends, and recipes fill the pages. Or perhaps you’ll just want to forget about everything that’s going on in the world and bury yourself in the book.

The book is for anyone who desires to widen their knowledge about trees and also learn about Slavic traditions and beliefs. It will satisfy your curiosity and expand the horizons of your mind. It’s the perfect gift that will make a beautiful coffee-table book.


Tall Tree Tales contains eight modern fables, based on traditional folklore from the British Isles, each with hand-drawn title illustrations. Each story is different, some magical, some educational, some funny, and some heartwarming, but all connected by the central theme of trees.

These stories are ideal to share with young children, snuggled up for bedtime stories – they contain content appropriate for ages 5 to 8, as well as entertainment for the reader. They’re equally suitable for children aged 7 to 10 to read alone. Whatever the age, the stories contain plenty of ‘wow’ words to enhance the vocabulary of an inquisitive child. The underlying message of each story draws on the tree’s attributes in British folklore and teaches about kindness, sharing, trust, learning, and friendship.

In Addition…

In addition to the two books, this Kickstarter also contains posters, colouring in sheets, and a Storytellers Oracle Deck.

The Storytellers Oracle Deck is a multi-author project spanning a variety of genres. Each author has designed a card that distills the essence of their book or one of their characters. Put them all together and you have a truly unique Oracle deck that can be used for divination or displayed however you see fit.

Each author will offer their own card in their campaign. Ours is WISDOM. Nelly loves painting trees, so we had several options to select from. The one below is the winner.

Who Are We?

RONESA AVEELA is “the creative power of two.”

Nelly, the main force behind the work, the creative genius, was born in Bulgaria and moved to the U.S. in the 1990s. She grew up with stories of wild Samodivi, Kikimora, the dragons Zmey and Lamia, Baba Yaga, and much more.

Rebecca, her writing partner, was born and raised in the New England area. She has a background in writing and editing, as well as having a love of all things from different cultures. She’s learned so much about Bulgarian culture, folklore, and rituals, and writes to share that knowledge with others.

SYLVA FAE is a mum of three from England. She spends her days juggling being a mum, writing children’s stories and keeping up with the antics of their naughty rabbits. Weekends are spent in the woodland, where she enjoys camping, exploring, and pondering new story ideas.

So, how can you back this Kickstarter campaign? Just click the link below:


Mouse Family That Live By The Brambles

Gez Robinson is a talented wildlife photographer from Yorkshire, England. For the last few years, I ’ve been following the story of a family of mice, that live in an area of the garden dedicated to wildlife. It has been fascinating to watch the trust that has built up between the mice and Gez, as he patiently sits behind the camera. The photos are stunning, and show what characters wild mice are, whether it be their quirky antics in their natural environment, or their curiosity as they interact with the props left by Gez for the mice to explore.

Copyright @ Gez Robinson for all photos featured in this article.

Gez has been a wildlife photographer for around fifteen years, and has a passion for wildlife. During the first pandemic lockdown, craving his photography fix, he started taking photos of the birds and other wildlife in his garden.

“…and that s when I spotted a little mouse on the old decking. It was stood looking at a blackberry on the blackberry bush and just stood there whilst I took photos of it. My passion with the mouse family was born.”


The Coronation of King Charles III Celebrating the historic event

Since the early successes of the Mouse Family That Live by the Brambles facebook page, Gez has published a book of the same name and set up other social media accounts.

Instagram: gez_robinson_photography

TikTok: @mousefamilybythebrambles

DC Gomez

Illegal guns. Dangerous old-ladies. Now a dead body. Angela’s life is getting more complicated by the minute.

A boring life is not in Angela’s future, with her being a black market guns dealer. Tripping over a dead-body is now bringing a lot more attention from law enforcement than she cares to have.

If only she could get control of the Silver Hair Gang, and their quest to find the killer themselves. Angela is running out of time to secure her next arms deal, and save her family from an unknown killer.

* A Desperate Cat Lady is book two in the Contemporary Humorous Fiction series The Cat Lady. Angela’s life drastically changed when she transitioned from depressed cat lady to arms dealer. Now she is willing to take on the world to protect her family and her empire.

First Book in The Series:

What would you do if you had nothing to lose?

The Cat Lady Special is a story of second chances, discovering your inner savior, and of finding hope in the most unexpected places.

A Desperate Cat Lady

Book Two of The Cat Lady Series

The Importance Service

Photos by Isaac Mayne/DCMS

On May 6, 2023, more than eighteen million people throughout Britain tuned in to see King Charles III and Queen Camilla’s historic coronation. Anyone watching bore witness to a ceremony filled with pomp and pageantry that dates back a thousand years. In addition to the horse-drawn Diamond Jubilee State Coach, jewel encrusted crowns, and the gilded Sword of State, the ritual included historical coronation regalia. The holy ceremony was performed by the Archbishop of Canterbury utilizing ceremonial swords, scepters, orbs, the golden St. Edwards’ staff, and the silver-gilt coronation spoon which was placed on the newly anointed monarch’s head.

Traditions were maintained with music, oaths, and moments of complete silence. The ceremony lasted two hours and was attended by approximately 2,000 guests inside the abbey including members of the royal family, ninety heads of state, and several celebrities. Thousands packed the mall despite the rain with millions watching the televised event worldwide.

The ceremony took place eight months after the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, who acceded to the throne on February 6, 1952, but wasn’t crowned until June 2, 1953, following a national period of mourning for her father King George VI.

Katie Chan, CC BY-SA 4.0 < /by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons


Images provided by

Department for Culture, Media and Sport, PDM-owner, via Wikimedia Commons

Department for Culture, Media and Sport, OGL 3 <http:// -government-licence/version/3>, via Wikimedia Commons

The deeply religious coronation of King Charles began shortly after ten with a procession to Westminster Abbey in the horse-drawn coach, past cheering crowds, and an honor guard of 1,000 members of the armed forces. Faith leaders and commonwealth leaders began the procession with the King and Queen following behind. The main theme of the coronation was the Importance of Service. With King Charles proclaiming in his first prayer “I come not to be served, but to serve.”

For me, this theme of service brought memories of Princess Diana to the forefront. I couldn ’t help but remember the struggles, family drama, charity work, and the ultimate death of this extraordinarily popular royal figure. She is still remembered for her compassion, style, charisma, and selfless charity work. Her life and her unexpected death felt even more tragic on this particular day, and I couldn ’t help but wonder what brand of magic the “People’s Princess” might have brought to this historical occasion had she lived.

As an American, I admit I can’t fully understand the monarchy and why it is so ingrained in British society. Even so, I can still respect the crown and what it stands for. A system that has survived hundreds of years, brings comfort and familiarity to its citizens, and engrains such a strong emotional attachment, is certainly worth celebrating. In the current climate of diversity, division, and chaos we all need these little moments of joy. For Britain, May 6th has ushered in a weekend of celebration. For the rest of the world, we watch from a distance and take comfort in the happiness of our friends, loved ones, and closest ally.

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://>, via Wikimedia Commons Find

more from Author
on her website:
Melanie P. Smith
Melanie P. Smith —
American, multi-genre author of Paranormal, Criminal Suspense, Police Procedural and Romance novels. Embark on a rollercoaster journey of discovery.
Charles III and Queen Camilla waving from the front balcony of Buckingham Palace, following their coronation.
So, in honor of this sacred occasion God Save the King!

Light Come Out of the Closet: Memoir of a Gay Soul

Knowing as a boy that I was gay while growing up in a conservative religious environment left me confused, depressed, and eventually suicidal. Quite early, I came to terms with the fact that I was gay. But as a spiritual person, I assumed that my sexual orientation meant that I was fundamentally flawed and would have to live without love.

That terrifying revelation directed me toward an unprecedented journey that opened my life and elevated my destiny. My determination to live and love lit my path on the journey that redefined my life, showed me what mettle I was made of, and revealed to me my soul.

The rewards for recognizing my value and committing my energy to thriving rather than just surviving in secret have resulted in my becoming a prolific, award -winning author and renowned international speaker.

Dr. Roger Leslie is a scholar in the fields of success and education. Through major literary houses, medium and small presses, and his own publishing house, Leslie has published fiction and nonfiction books in multiple genres: historical fiction, inspirational self-help, spirituality, writing and publishing, movie reference, teaching and librarianship, biography, history, and memoir.

Leslie has won numerous national awards including ForeWord Book of the Year, The Ben Franklin Award, and Writer’s Digest’s #1 Inspirational Book of the Year. At its inaugural event, Leslie received the Houston Literary Award for his body of work.

Leslie is in demand as a teacher, coach, and keynote speaker. He leads FLY (First Last Year) courses based on his blockbuster memoir, My First Last Year. He draws from decades as an author, editor, and publisher to coach writers in groups and individually. He is also a soughtafter speaker for his lively, entertaining keynotes relating award-winning movies to any topic or group.

Dr. Roger Leslie’s newest memoir that speaks to how he opened up his life and elevated his destiny!

There is a Place

Chapter 1 —

Flodden Field, September 1513

Light invaded the darkness. The pain pulsed to the beat of the drum inside his head. The outside world tried to force itself upon him but he resisted. He tried to drift back to the place of oblivion but it was not to be. He sniffed the air. What was that smell? Blood? His stomach heaved at its sourness. The noise in his head was outranked by other sounds. Screaming. Moans of pain and despair.

Michael opened his eyes slowly. The sun hung in front of him. The ground beneath him was hard and uneven. He could no longer embrace the emptiness. Michael flexed his limbs and was surprised to find no pain. That came in an engulfing wave as he pushed himself to a sitting position, forcing him to snap shut his eyes and cling to the earth with unsteady hands. He waited until it subsided and the world again assaulted his senses. He could once more smell the blood and hear the cries of agony. He felt a sticky cold liquid beneath his hands and forced his eyes open.

The man before him appeared to be kneeling in prayer, his head bowed in perfect stillness. As he focused, Michael saw the hilt of a sword over the man ’s shoulder, the rest of

it having sliced through his body with the point pinning him to the ground. Michael jerked backwards. He lifted his hands to wipe his eyes. They were covered in blood.

Then Michael remembered. A terrible, profound, grief overwhelmed him. Robbie was dead. Sadness erupted from his heart and overflowed in hot blinding tears. Still he sat there, without will or need to move, such was the weight of his sorrow.

The cries stirred him from his hell and he focused again on the world around him. For a moment he hoped it was but a dream, a nightmare, and that it would soon be over. He knew it was not. He stood up and slowly wiped his hands against his legs as he stared at the scene before him. Bodies lay as far as the eye could see, among a jumble of swords and shields. He had to find Robbie. He would not leave him in this field of death. He would find him and take him home.

Panic gripped Michael when he realized this was not the place he had last seen his brother and held him as he died. Robbie had managed a brief smile, despite the pain of the awful wound to his gut, and then he was gone. Michael tried to shut out the memories of what followed but the images of what he had done came flooding back. He took a few steps forward, sank to his knees and vomited.

When the nausea passed, he set about finding Robbie ’s body. He stepped over the dead, the almost dead, as he searched. There were so many. They lay crumpled on the ground, body upon body. He saw others walking among them. Perhaps they had seen Robbie. He made his way to the man walking away from him. He shouted out but the man kept going. He raced after him, stepping over, on, bodies and slipping on the blood. When Michael at last reached the man, he put his hand on his shoulder. The man stopped and slowly turned. Michael froze, his breath trapped in his lungs. An axe was lodged in the man’s stomach. His guts had slithered out of his body and dangled to his thighs. Michael forced himself to look at the man’s face. Dried blood and dirt were caked on his skin and his unblinking eyes stared straight ahead. When they came to rest on Michael, the man held out his hands. His silent mouthing of the words “help me” tore at Michael’ s heart. He could not help this man. He was already dead. Michael continued to stare at the walking corpse. How could this be? How could this dead man be on his feet?

Michael turned and ran, stumbling and then getting up and running again. When he eventually stopped, he looked back at the way he had come. From the distance he could see many men roaming among the bodies. Were they ghosts also? He thought they must be.

A wave of shock hit him. Was he dead too?

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

Dr. Teresa Cody earned her undergraduate degree at the University of Texas, then her Dental degree at the University of Texas Dental Branch in Houston in 1992. The next year she and her new husband, also a dentist, bought a practice in Sugar Land, Texas. Through a sequence of extraordinary events in 2018, Dr. Cody discovered the healing power of Platelet Rich Plasma. PRP for short. PRP is found in the plasma portion of the blood. Everyone has this priceless gift, however, most are unaware of its amazing healing powers which lead her to write her book entitled You Healing You. Her passion is to introduce others to the multiple health benefits of PRP treatments. In February 2019 Dr. Cody opened C & C Wellness to treat patients with PRP and other natural treatments.

Dr. Teresa Cody

Interview by Melanie P. Smith

Are you a multi-genre author or a singlegenre author? How did you decide what types of book you would write?

I have written one book and am working on the second book. I write in a conversational story telling way. My book is true stories from my work at the Wellness Clinic using Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to heal every area of the body. The stories are amazing miracles.

How / where do you find the plots you write about?

The plot was true stories of real people and the miraculous healing they experienced.

Tell us your latest news

When did you start writing? Did an event or person prompt you to take that leap?

I started writing in 2019 because I witnessed the powerful healing effects of Platelet Rich Plasma and wanted to share the miraculous stories of real healing. I am fascinated by science but in particular biochemistry. The body is a magnificent intertwining of biochemical processes and watching a person’s own plasma heal injuries had to be shared.

Working on a second book about some esthetic treatments. This technology is called radiofrequency heat energy. It melts fat and tightens skin under eyes, improves jawline, and reduce double chin. If you are feeling old and looking tired from your jowls or bags under the eyes, these procedures help to rejuvenate and refresh your face. The book will include before and after pictures. It is you only refreshed.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Mark Twain said “Write what you know.” Tell us about your writing process. Are you a plotter or a panster? Do you plot, plan, and conduct hours of research; or, do you just sit down and write whatever comes to mind based on your personal history and knowledge?

I wrote an outline and what order I thought it should be written. And then sat down everyday and wrote 200 or so words. Sometimes they were good and sometimes not so good. I attempted to write and not edit at the same time.

My message is that your body has the keys to healing. Hence, the title ‘You Healing You’. CONNECT: / candcdental / / c_andc_dental / / drteresacody / / cc.wellness/?hl=e n


Come learn how each and every one of us has a miracle at our fingertips ……

Coursing through your bloodstream is a miraculous golden healing liquid called Platelet Rich Plasma [PRP, for short]. PRP contains all the healing factors your body uses to heal. Using this knowledge, we can concentrate this priceless blood component and reintroduce it into your body to heal injuries or as an esthetic treatment. Learn how your own body holds the key to healing. It truly is “you healing you”.

How much of the book is realistic?

The book ‘You Healing You’ is a collection of true stories. These stories give hope to those in pain and injured.

What books have influenced your life the most?

Wattles, W. The New Science of Living and Healing and The Science of Getting Rich. The Science of Being Well and The Science of Being Great. Linus Pauling – Cancer and Vitamin C: A discussion or the Nature, Causes, Prevention and Treatment of Cancer

What are your current projects?

I am writing about some new cosmetic treatments that have a huge impact on patients well being and self esteem.

Can you share a sample of your current work with us?

Radiofrequency Heat energy is a magnificent use of energy to improve skin, melt fat and tighten skin. Agnes RF is a machine developed as a permanent treatment for acne. Dr. Ahn, a South Korean dermatologist, developed this treatment so his patients could avoid harsh drugs, like Accutane. The radiofrequency heat obliterates the acne prone sebaceous gland.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Write. I am serious. Sit down and write. Quit worrying about what it sounds like. The second step is editing.

Other than writing do you have any hobbies?

I paint, whole cloth quilting, beginner jewelry maker, and love to zentangle.

Can you share something personal with your readers? Do you have any holiday traditions?

The most important part of any holiday is the tablescape. I love to use unique unexpected items along with flower arrangements. I keep the flowers low so that we can see each other and have interesting conversations.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

I would like to say I hope that the information helps them find new avenues of healing and know your body is brilliant and knows how to heal.

Is there one person past or present you would like to meet and why?

I would like to meet Royal Rife. He was a scientist in the 1930’s who understood how frequencies encourage the body to heal. His discoveries and his developments have been lost.

What kind of music do you enjoy?

What kind of movies do you prefer? Do you have a favorite author?

I like Supertramp, Steely Dan, Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac era music. I prefer documentary type movies. My favorite author is Wallace Wattle.

If money was no issue would you prefer a cozy beach bungalow or a rustic cabin overlooking a mountain lake?

I would prefer the beach bungalow. I love moving water and a breeze.

One final question...Do you have a blog/ website? If so, what is it? Do you have a social media platform where your fans can go to interact with you and follow your progress?

Website is…

Social media: / candcdental / / c_andc_dental / / drteresacody / / cc.wellness/?hl=e n

Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas


“It’s never going to work. You’re not good enough! ” Are you tired of hearing that nagging voice inside your head? And what if you could do something about it? Do you have a dream or a project that’s been on the back burner for too long? Even with all your accomplishments, do you still doubt yourself sometimes?

Statistics show that 85% of people suffer from a lack of self-confidence in at least one area of their lives. Draining negative self-talk creates procrastination, stress, anxiety, and burnout. People know what they want or need to do, and yet they do the reverse they resist change and can’t adapt to the fast world we live in. That makes them feel powerless, frustrated, and insecure. In

a work environment, this can lead to a demotivated and unhappy team, low overall performance and a high employee turnover rate. With the layers of stress people are already buried under, important decisions are clouded by emotions or limiting beliefs, instead of being based on skills and experience. Bottom line: whether on a personal or professional level, most people admit to not working or living at their full potential.

Through Nathalie’s D.N.A. System, you will discover 15 proven Keys to Confidence, real -life, simple skills and strategies to transform your inner thoughts and beliefs into a serving force that will empower you to be your best. Get ready to ignite performance and get the tools you need to THINK Yourself® CONFIDENT.


2021 Canadian Presenter of the Year

She is the international No.1 Bestselling Author of seventeen books about success, communication, wellness and empowerment

With inspiration from her own life, Kalee Boisvert has developed an easy-to-use system for women, young and old, to take control of their finances.

Make Money Your Thing is an approachable guide to take women on a journey from avoidance and overwhelm to feeling comfortable and in control of their finances. This book provides simple action steps to learn the basics of money management, understand the importance of balancing the books, and embrace the uniqueness of your own personal situation. The end result is women feeling good about where their finances are right now, and building a solid foundation for where you want to go in the future. When money is your “thing” you can feel completely at ease about making it work for you–and feel confident that your financial goals and dreams are all very possible.

Kalee Boisvert Make Money Your Thing

Ditch the shame and design your dream life

Kalee Boisvert has been in the financial industry for over 15 years, but her love of money started very young. Growing up in a single parent household, she watched her mom struggle with finances and wished there was something she could do to help. Around this time, she realized she needed to find her own way to save and earn if she wasn’t going to allow her circumstances to define her. And so, her own journey to financial literacy began.

Today, as a single mom and financially independent woman, Kalee is called to support women in their financial lives. She felt the pull toward a career that would allow her to pursue this deeply personal goal to advocate for women and their money, which led her on the path to becoming a financial advisor. Being an advisor allows her to work directly with women to empower and support them and help put an end to any money-related stress and doubts.

To further her efforts supporting financial literacy, Kalee has two books being released in 2023 – a children’s picture book called MoneyWise Mabel’s Bursting Bank, and a non-fiction book called Make Money Your Thing! Which aims to build confidence and empower people in their financial lives.


People say it is the little things that make the biggest difference in your life, the small moments that shape who you are the most. I would have to respectfully disagree with that. For me it is definitely the major events that have had the biggest impact. Like the days I died..

I was seventeen the first time I died. My own carelessness that time. What kind of fool dives head first into a lake they cant see the bottom of? The answer to that, apparently, is me. I was lucky, after I hit my head on a rock and drowned my cousin jumped in after me and pulled my body to the shore where a conveniently passing doctor brought me back with CPR. That was the end of my swimming career, I havent gone near water more than six inches deep since. My mother often laments my lack of Olympic swimming medals.

Of course trying not to die by staying away from any water more dangerous than a bath tub only works if there is nothing else in the world trying to kill you. In my case it seems a lot of things were trying to kill me. Something to do with destiny, so they tell me, a pure accident of birth. Well of course, stubborn to the last, I refused to play along. If there is a difficult way to do something you can leave it to me to find it. Even dying I couldn ’t manage to make easy.

The next time I died it really wasn’t my fault, this was the first try of many to kill me for whatever purpose I was supposed to die for. How many incidents have there been of passenger

planes crashing and nobody actually dying in the last few decades? None is the simple answer to that, except of course the one plane I managed to get on when I was nineteen. I nearly didn’t even make the flight. In my usual fashion I had hit snooze on my alarm so many times even the neighbours were starting to get annoyed, I dragged myself out of bed and into the land of the living. Given that I had already had one near death experience you would have thought I would have been more interested in taking part in life.

After several near misses while overtaking (a lot of very annoying people didn ’t seem to care at all that I was in a rush and insisted on sticking to the speed limit) and burning my tongue on a hot chocolate that was, surprisingly for an airport café, actually hot, I scraped through check in with a whole 30 seconds to spare. Twenty minutes later the plane taxied down the runway and failed spectacularly to take off, crashing back to earth mere seconds after lifting off the runway. Everybody else was absolutely fine. The plane was wrecked but the brace position saved them all. How come I wasn’t okay? Well I was too preoccupied to assume the brace position, my seat belt naturally didn’t work properly and I managed to be thrown across the aisle to smash my head on an object I have never managed to identify. This resulted in a huge bleed on my brain and necessitated almost three weeks in hospital.

I died twice on the operating table while they tried to remove the blood clots. I am not sure I was not dead the whole time I was in there. Certainly it was a very unsettling experience to sit on a window sill and watch a large German man drill into my skull with power tools for four hours. I only saw them use the electric paddle things twice though so I assume my heart was beating the rest of the time. I had the strangest sense that someone was trying to speak to me towards the end, tell me something important. My parents would tell you how pointless that was at that time. A bit like talking to a brick wall. So I slipped back into my body when the operation was over and waited for the anaesthetic to wear off.

So that was the end of my attempts to go anywhere by plane. Strangely my mother did not seem to mind this new aversion as much as my aversion to water. Probably because sleeping in uncomfortable positions in a large metal container with a bunch of complete strangers has never been an Olympic sport. So long as I could still rescue her from spiders she wasn’t bothered if I ever got on a plane again.

After that the attempts on my life got more frequent and more desperate. Only in cartoons have most people seen an actual grand piano fall out of the sky and land a hair’s breadth away from them. Me it actually happened to, except it didn’t miss completely. That one cost me a broken leg and yet another concussion. My sister used to say that one day I would wake up in a coma if I didn’t stop hitting my head on things. Quite how you are supposed to wake up in a coma I don’t know, although I have woken up from a couple.

I went through any number of cliched ways to die that can look like a complete accident. I tripped over my own clumsy feet headlong down three flights of stairs and into my first coma when I was twenty one. I was gored by a bull just three months after waking up and was hit by a bus a year later. I fell off a horse, slipped onto some railway tracks, contracted hypothermia when I got lost walking the dog and got carbon monoxide poisoning in a house that didn ’t even have a gas boiler. Each time I got closer to actually dying – for good I mean. By the time I was twenty five I was on first name terms with every nurse, doctor, porter and surgeon at every hospital in a fifty mile radius and had a list of phobias longer than a paranoid schizophrenic with obsessive compulsive disorder. I was also getting quite used to sitting watching people cutting into various bits of my body. Still I refused to listen to that insistent nagging little voice that reminded me of my maternal grandmother. A horrible woman I had ignored as much as possible when we were both alive and had no intention of doing otherwise now she was dead – even if I was almost in the same predicament!

They eventually succeeded in killing me when I was twenty six. There are some things you just can’t survive – and being stabbed through the heart with an antique broadsword and pushed off a 300ft high cliff by an escapee from a secure psychiatric unit is one of them. That annoying voice was louder once I really died, and I was greatly relieved to realise it wasn’t actually my grandmother. Having that as an eternal cross to bear would be just horrifying.

“Walk towards the light,” it intoned over and over again.

“Great,” I thought. “Another cliché.”

Still I thought I might as well do as I was told. After all I was already dead what was the worst

that could happen? The biggest problem was finding the light. I had died in the middle of the day, it was light everywhere. And still this light I was supposed to walk towards was nowhere to be seen so I sat down and waited for the dark. On the longest day of the year. In the north of Scotland. So in the half an hour of near-dusk that almost happened somewhere around midnight, by which time the voice telling me over and over again to walk towards the light had become more than a little annoying, I finally saw which light I was supposed to be going towards.

I began to walk down the shore towards the tepid red glow that was just visible round the edge of the cliff. As I drew closer the voice became more persistant and the light began to change – blinding me as the intensity deepened. Not much of an incentive to keep walking towards it really, having your retinas burned out if you get too close, so I slowed down and looked at the ground as I walked.

“Faster,” urged the voice. Well at least it had changed the record, but I was not going to be hurried.

“Why?” I asked out loud.

“Don’t be obnoxious just hurry.”

Well that really set my teeth on edge. I proceeded much more reluctantly after that. When I got within a few metres of what seemed to be the source of the light I began to hear a horrendous howling noise. Even bagpipes are pleasant in comparison. I was inexplicably struck by the thought that I was about to fall into a terrible abyss. I stopped dead.

“Go on,” urged the voice

“No,” I surprised myself with how resolute I sounded.

“It’s the only way,” the voice insisted

“The only way to what?”

“To your destiny.” A chorus of voices now repeated this over and over, shouting to be heard over the howling of the abyss. I was really quite thankful that the howling mostly drowned them out.

Now there are many schools of thought on the subject of destiny and fate. I have always fallen into the sceptic camp. Well now I had what appeared to be fairly solid proof that I had been wrong all this time. Now I don’t take being wrong very well. Not very well at all.

Bull,” I shouted angrily. “There’s no such thing as destiny”

“All who bear the mark must go into the light, so it has always been and so it will always be. ”

These voices were really starting to irritate me now. I knew exactly what they were talking about. A little red mark on the top of my right ear. Just a birthmark. The same birthmark my aunt who died at twenty two following a list of accidents almost as impressive as my own had.

“What happens if I don’t go?”

“It will end”

“What will end?”

“Your destiny.

There was that word again. Destiny. I really don’t like that word.

“Well I don’t want to go.”

“You must.”

I turned and ran in the opposite direction. I passed the spot where my body had lain until someone found me. And I kept running. I didn’t slow down until I reached the nearest town. Fifteen miles away. I considered it to be a good job I was a ghost, there was no way I could have run that far when I was alive. You can imagine my embarrassment when I realised I could simply wish myself to any place I wanted without the hassle of hours of running.

So now I haunt my favourite places and occasionally my favourite people. Even more occasionally I haunt my least favourite people and terrify them stupid, not that most of them need to be terrified to achieve stupidity. On a bright day if someone looks closely at the sunlight reflecting off a window, they can see me, frozen in time, stood watching the world continue, in a strange way both with me and without me. It would be peaceful if it werent for those annoying voices. They just wont give up on me walking into that blasted light. Tuning them out gets easier with practice, and the further away I am from where I died the quieter they are. I spend a lot of time in Australia.

So what was my destiny? Why were these voices so incredibly determined to kill me of all people? What was it that was so special about me that I just had to die young? Well I have absolutely no idea. All I know is that I don’t particularly want to know. In fact I particularly don’t want to know. If I ever get my hands on them though .. well they will pass ineffectually through them, I’m still a ghost. The intention to maim and torture will be there though. I suppose I shouldn’t complain really, I cant die twice so at least I can guarantee I won’t suffer any more excruciating pain from failed supernatural murder attempts. And afterall I may be dead but at least I’m still pretty.

Sarah Hindmarsh is a vet student turned teacher turned writer. She has won, and been nominated for, multiple awards and prizes for her children’s fiction, short stories and poetry, and also writes revision guides and books of writing prompts. She is currently writing her first novel for grown-ups – an LGBT+ high fantasy. In her spare time Sarah likes to compete in various equestrian sports and nap on the sofa with her dog, Kohla. Sarah is also autistic and ADHD, and writes personal essays about living and working as a neurodivergent person in a neurotypical world.

Connect with Sarah Hindmarsh at:

© MPSmith Publishing
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