Newsletter #6

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Classroom Newsletter Mr. Choquette Sci-8 / SS-8

January 20, 2012 Contact Information: Email: Phone: 07-5830112

Chinese New Year Performers at KAS on January 20, 2012

Happy Lunar New Year! Happy 2012 and Year of the Dragon to all of you! I wish everyone a healthy and prosperous 2012. Over the Winter Break I reflected on the past semester and made plans for the semester ahead. I am very proud of all of the 8th grade students for both their individual commitment to their learning and their academic contributions to our shared classroom learning. I have been routinely impressed with the level of depth, accuracy, and creativity that some students are regularly demonstrating on their various projects. My classroom walls are adorned with some amazing examples of student learning and I welcome all of you in stop by and visit anytime afterschool. I welcome your feedback and suggestions; as always please do not hesitate to email me.

Sci-8 Update: Alternative Energy Consciousness and Plate Tectonics Students wrapped up their learning of Energy Resources and Alternative Energy Sources back in December making some very nice posters and performing oral presentations. Upon their return to school we viewed a short video clip (8 mins.) about how Solar Panels are changing the lives of nomadic people in China. Students learned that nomadic communities are often far from traditional sources of electricity and as a result they lack access to information and education because most of their daylight hours are taken up by farming and other manual labor. Students reflected on how they use electricity on a daily basis and how their lives would be different if they had did not have access to electricity. As we had a short two weeks back and I wanted to make some progress in the month of January the pace was admittedly fast with students completing a variety of homework assignments, classwork, class notes and two quizzes. I sometimes have students grade their own quizzes in class so that they are provided with immediate

feedback. This is a regular practice in American schools as the focus is on the pursuit of understanding; in grading a quiz quickly after taking it student errors and confusion are quickly addressed. We are currently studying a unit on Plate Tectonics; chapter 7. Students are completing Pick-a-Projects” over the Chinese New Year Break. Each student has been given a project sheet that has a list of projects that they can choose from. The various projects are assigned a point value based on the difficulty of the task. Students are to complete a minimum of 30 points worth of work but they may attempt up to 45 points if they so desire. I surveyed my students in class found that a majority of my students really like Flex-Projects and this new Pick-a-Project because they like to have choices in how they show their learning. I too enjoy seeing what our kids come up with; they never cease to impress me J.

SS8 Update: Delving deeper into an understanding of Islam. Many students in World History did an amazing job with their Digital Publishing Assignments on Muhammad’s life and the founding of Islam at the end of the last Semester. Upon our return to school in January we looked quickly at the many cultural contributions that Muslims have made to the Western world in Chapter 10 and then we shifted gears to discuss the “Crusades and Muslim Empires” in Chapter 11. For many of the students this was the first time that they had been informed about the enduring conflict over the Holy Lands. Students participated in an in-class activity where they were placed on one of three teams, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim and they then played a game in which they battled for control of the Holy Lands. It was a fun and engaging activity that got them out of their seats and allowed them to experience how it feels when different cultures vie for control of the same pieces of land. I recognize that this is a complex chapter and I planned to teach the introduction before the Chinese New Year break and have students complete guided reading assignments and then revisit the PowerPoint and learning after the break. We also have another in-class learning activity that will reinforce this learning in an engaging and fun way.

Spring Science Trip Planning Underway Planning for the 8th grades Spring Science Field Trip is underway. While students visited Toroko Gorge last year we are currently making plans for an overnight trip to Kenting. The change of plans was not hastily made but in the end I just have too many concerns for student safety. I have been to Toroko Gorge and it is truly beautiful and I do hope that every student has time to visit this natural wonder at some time in his or her lives. Toroko is far way and the park within the gorge is about 30 minutes to the nearest hospital. Falling rocks are common and I never ever want to have to make a phone call to a parent concerning the injury of a student or worse; it is an educator’s worst nightmare. With safety in mind and a commitment to providing a top quality learning experience for our 8th grade students Mr. Dery, Dr. Farrell and I are coordinating an overnight trip to Kenting to visit the national park and aquarium. I know that a few of the students were bummed out when I spoke about this in class but I want to assure you as I have assured them, student safety is our number one concern. 2

Mr. Choquette / Newsletter #6 / January 20, 2012

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