SS-8 Block C Midterm Notes

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SS-­‐8 Block C

Mr. Choquette

Mid-­‐term Review Notes Student made! J Ch.1: “The Legacy of the Roman Empire” Key Vocabulary: -­‐ Mural: A painting on a wall -­‐ Mosaic: a picture up of small pieces of tile, glasses, or colored stone -­‐ Fresco: a picture painted on the moist plaster of a wall of ceiling. -­‐ Vault: an arched structure used to hold up a roof -­‐ Dome: a roof-­‐shaped like half circle -­‐ Cathedral: a large and important church -­‐ Aqueduct: a pipe or channel built to carry water between distant places -­‐ Scribe: a person trained to write or copy documents by hand -­‐ Proverb: a popular saying that is meant to express something wise or true -­‐ Philosophy: stoicism (divine intelligence ruled all of nature) -­‐ Stoic: self-­‐control and courage Things to Know: The Roman Empire lasted for 500 years as it spanned around the Mediterranean Although it was thought to be the greatest Empire ever, it still collapsed. Many Roman ideas still affect our life in art, architecture, engineering language, writing, and philosophy, law, and citizenship. Rome’s first Emperor was Caesar Augustus. The three problems that led to the fall of the Roman Empire were political instability, economic and social problems, and weakening frontiers. The capital of the Roman Empire was moved to Constantinople when Constantine was in rule. Germanic tribes later attacked Rome. Roman art was influenced by Greek art. Murals, mosaics, sculptures, and frescos were popular forms of Roman art. The style was very decorative. Some of modern art is strongly influenced by Roman art.

-­‐ there are two basic types of architecture: a vault and a dome -­‐ examples of roman architecture: roman baths, public buildings, pantheon, the colosseum, cathedrals, triumphal arch -­‐ engineering: built roads, bridges, and aqueducts Roman language: Latin -­‐ Importance: recorded important documents and communicates with nobles and other countries -­‐ Latin has an influence on modern languages e.g. English, Italian, and Spanish -­‐ Influence of many Latin words we use today e.g. the names of months, prefixes, proverbs, and numerals -­‐ Duty and the welfare of community and handle pain and suffering bravely and quietly -­‐ Roman laws: marriages, contracts, and inheritances -­‐ Justice: every person had rights -­‐ Roman laws and justice influenced the declaration of independence and modern day judges -­‐ Citizenship: Not everyone who lived in the Roman Empire was a citizen. All who were citizens were subject to Roman law, had the same rights, and were loyal to the emperor Chapter 2: The Development of Feudalism in Western Europe Key Vocabulary: -­‐ Barbarian: a person belonging to a tribe or group that is considered uncivilized -­‐ Christianity: the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ -­‐ Roman Catholic Church: the Christian Church headed by the pope in Rome -­‐ Pope: the bishop of Rome and supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church -­‐ Monarch: a ruler, such as king or queen. -­‐ Fief: land granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and service -­‐ Manor: a large estate including farmland and villages, held by a lord -­‐ Divine Right of Kings: the belief that God gives monarchs the right to rule -­‐ Noble: a person of high rank by birth or title -­‐ Duke: the highest type of European noble, ranking just below a prince. -­‐ Moat: a deep wide ditch often filled with water -­‐ Hierarchy: a system of organizing people into ranks -­‐ Armor: a covering, usually made of metal or leather, worn to protect the body during fighting -­‐ Chivalry: the medieval knights code of ideal behavior including bravery, loyalty, and respect for women Things to Know: After the fall of the Roman Empire, the system feudalism began to develop. The Middle Ages are divided into three parts: Early Middle Ages, High Middle Ages, and Late Middle Ages. The hierarchy of feudalism consists of the king at the top, then the lords, then the knights, and lastly the peasants.

After the fall of Rome, barbarians started to attack. During Charlemagne’s reign, the Franks were a powerful group because of their new style of warfare. One of the early leaders of the Franks was Clovis. He led the Franks in Christianity. The church at this time was the Roman Catholic Church. Charlemagne was an important leader and ruled for 40 years Three main groups threatened Western Europe: The Muslims, the Magyars, and Vikings. The people of Western Europe need to defend themselves. By the High Middle Ages, Europeans had developed a system of feudalism The feudal system provided people with protection and safety by establishing a stable social order. All the land in the Kingdom belonged to the Monarch. The King kept some land for himself and gave some fiefs to his most important lords. In return, each Lord promised to supply the King with knights in times of war. A lord then enlisted lesser lords and knights as his vassals. Peasants were at the bottom of the social system. Some were serfs, which meant that they were not free (they can’t leave the land) Most medieval monarchs believed in the divine right of kings. The power of Monarchs varied greatly. Since the Roman period a number of groups from the continent including Vikings had invaded and settled England. William the powerful Duke of Normandy went on a battle to get the throne from his cousin Harold. His triumph earned him the nickname “William the Conqueror.” -­‐ Diseases affected the rich as well as the poor -­‐ Manor houses and castles: the manor's house were surrounded by gardens and outbuildings. They were protected by high Walls and sometimes a moat. -­‐ The manor's house was the center of the community, it was also a place for special celebrations -­‐ The responsibilities and daily life of lords and ladies: noblewomen had all the duties that lords had -­‐ They ran their estates and sat as judges in manor courts and sent their knights to serve in times of war -­‐ Some noble women were responsible for raising and training their children and sometimes the children of other noble families -­‐ The knights in training, called pages and squires, assisted the knights -­‐ Becoming a knight: the path to becoming a knight involved many years of training -­‐ First, a boy started as a page or servant, then progressed along the way of becoming knight. -­‐ Responsibilities: they were expected to be loyal to their church and lord and to be fair and to protect the helpless.

-­‐ Tournaments were a major part of knights' life. -­‐ Peasants were legally classified as free or unfree. -­‐ Peasants raised crops and tended livestock -­‐ there were also carpenters, shoemakers, and smiths. -­‐ Lords demanded taxes -­‐ Typical houses were made of strips of wood covered in straw or mud Ch. 3: “The Role of the Church” Key Vocab-­‐ Persecute, Monastery, Monk, Clergy, Excommunicate, Sacrament, Pilgrimage, Relic, Convent, Nun, University, Rhetoric, Theology, Natural Law, Monasticism, Illuminated Manuscript, Religious Order, Friar Things To Know • Christians are followers of Jesus. • In 313, emperor Constantine issued a degree that allowed Christians to worship freely. • In 395, Christianity became the recognized religion of the Roman Empire. • In the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church, the highest rank is the Pope, who has assistants called cardinals. Next in rank are archbishops, who control areas called archdioceses. After them are bishops, who oversee areas called dioceses. The lowest in rank are priests, who took care of one church. • The Church was the largest landholder in Europe and it had great power. It added its wealth by collecting taxes. • The official language of The Church was Latin. • By receiving the seven sacraments, u will be granted salvation, and go to heaven. • The seven sacraments are baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, matrimony, holy orders, penance, and extreme unction. • People go on pilgrimages and crusades to gain salvation. • Art and architecture were mostly religious. • Cathedrals were usually the tallest buildings in town. • People studied in universities by the Church. • Churches didn’t teach reason, they only taught faith. • Holidays are usually dedicated to a Christian saint or an event in the life of Jesus. • Many people became monks to seek refuge from war, sickness, or sins. • Nuns are female monks. Ch. 4: “Life in Medieval Towns”

Keywords: Domain, Charter, Guild, Apprentice, Journeymen, Commerce, Jew, Leprosy, Bubonic Plague, Common Law, Minstrel, Mystery Play, Miracle Play Things to Know: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

In ancient world, town life was well established. Towns were busy trading centers. Trade in towns declined after the fall of Rome. At the beginning of the Middle Ages towns was part of a domain, lands controlled by lords or rulers. Trade and production are over seen by guilds. There are two kinds of guilds, merchant guild and craft guild. Guild members pay their duties to stay in the guild. At the age of 12, kids become apprentices to get in the guild. Commerce brought people to town Trade gave them money. Towns have markets. Merchants grew powerful by trading. Jews were discriminated against. Houses sucked. Houses were tall, narrow, black, and wooden, Medieval towns were crowded. Half of the children died before they became adults. Bad hygiene. The bubonic plague is very serious, spread very fast, it killed a lot of ppl. Bad hygiene causes bubonic plague. Few hospitals in cities. People accused of crimes were held in jail. Trials by ordeal or combat were often used. They eventually developed the common law. They watched plays for fun. They played chess. There are minstrels and mystery play

Ch. 5: “The Decline of feudalism” Key vocabulary: Magna Carta, Bubonic plague, Hundred year’s war, Habeas corpus, Commoners, Crossbow, Longbow, Truce, Heretic IMPORTANT FACTS • The decline of feudalism is caused by Magna Carta, bubonic plague and hundred years war. • Magna Carta also known as the great charter, was an agreement between the barns and the kings. It reduced the lord’s power and let the normal citizens gain more power. • The Magna Carta established the idea of rights and liberties that even the king

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cannot violate. The symptoms of bubonic plague include a fever, vomiting, fierce coughing and sneezing fits, and egg-­‐sized swelling or bumps. The plague not only takes poor people’s lives away but also rich people. After the plague there was a shift in power from nobles to common people. The hundred years war is a series of fighting between England and France in 1337~1453. The English had great success by using technic of archers to attack. However the French fought back, with Joan being one of the heretic. Her death encouraged the French warriors to counter strike back and defeat England, in addition took the land back.

Ch. 6: “The Byzantine Empire” Vocabulary: Byzantine Empire: A great empire that straddled two continents, Europe and Asia and lasted about 500 C.E ~ 1453 C.E Constantinople-­‐:City on the Eastern edge of Europe that the emperor Constantine made the capital of the Byzantine Empire in 330 C.E Eastern Orthodox Church: A Christian religion that arose in the Byzantine Empire Public Works: Construction projects built by a government for public use, such as building, road and street Patriarch: in the Eastern Orthodox Church, the bishop of an important city Liturgy: A sacred rite of public worship Icon: A type of religious images typically painted on a small wooden panel and considered sacred by the Eastern Orthodox Christian Schism: A formal division in a church or religious body Hippodrome: Ancient Greek stadium for horse and Chariot race Caravan: group of people and animals traveling together Things to Know: The Byzantine Empire (500 to 1453) 1.) The capital city of Constantinople • Site was chosen for its location • Surrounding by water on 3 sides, so was easy to defend. • Became a trade center of Europe and Asia. • Became the richest city in the region. • Technological advances made it an attractive place to live. • Sewer system made water clean. • Hospital, orphanages, and home for the elderly improved people’s live. • Unemployment people performed public services for food ration.

2.) The Reign of Emperor Justinian I • He ruled from 527 – 565 C.E. • Chariot race violence about a rebellion that destroyed Constantinople • He rebuild the city with huge works projects • Created systematic body of laws, known as Justinian’s Code. • Justinian Expanded borders and conquered much of old Empire 3.) The Eastern Orthdox Church • Based on believes dating back to Christ • Byzantine saw the emperor as both a religious leader and a head of states • Church played critical roles in people daily life • List of roles, Emperor, Patriarch, Bishops, Priests ( priest can marry in Eastern Orthdox) • Liturgy, or mass, was recited by both priests and worshippers Ch. 7: “Geography of the Arabian Peninsula” Key Vocabulary Caravan – a group of people traveling together for mutual protection, often with pack animals such as camels Plateau – raised area of flat land Nomad – A person who moves from place to place often in search of water and vegetation. Sedentary – Permanently settled in one place Barter – to buy and sell by trading goods or services rather than money Irrigate – to bring water to a dry place in order to grow crops Terrace – a flat strip of ground on a hillside used for growing crops Desert -­‐ Hot dry and harsh -­‐ Summer and day temperature are high -­‐ Winter and night temperature is low -­‐ Often swept by windstorms -­‐ Nomads migrate through the desert, wore-­‐loose fitting gowns and cotton headdresses to protect against heat and dust. Oases -­‐ Occurs in places where water is trapped underground -­‐ Fertile land with much plant life -­‐ Nomads often settle here -­‐ Towns flourish along the oases Coastal Plains -­‐ Range between 5 to 40 miles -­‐ Damp and moist air with regular rainfall -­‐ Ends at a series of rocky cliffs -­‐ Large farming and trading businesses -­‐ People built wells, dams and systems to irrigate the land

Mountain -­‐ Cool temperature and moist winds -­‐ Rise from 1000 to 12000 -­‐ Dry riverbeds along mountainsides -­‐ People farm from terraces -­‐ Grow crops like melons -­‐ Built dams and irrigation systems -­‐ Live in houses of mud bricks Ch. 8: “The Prophet Muhammad” Key Vocabulary Clan – a group of related families Polytheist – a person who believes in more than on god Tribe – a social group that shares a common ancestry, leadership, and traditions Convert – a person who adopts new beliefs, especially those of a religious faith Monotheism – belief in a single god Boycott – A refusal to do business with an organization or group Siege – an attempt to surround a place and cut off all access to it in order to force a surrender Caliph – A title taken by Muslim rulers who claimed religious authority to rule Province – a division of a country or an empire. Dynasty – a line of rulers descended from the same family Garrison – a place where a group of soldiers is stationed for defensive purposes. -­‐ Muhammad taught Islam -­‐ Born in Makkah or Mecca on 570 C.E. -­‐ Islam spread quick -­‐ Makkah was a prosperous city famous for trading. 8.2 -­‐ Islam stated at Arabia, -­‐ Makkah is very rich, trade with Yemen, Syria, and Africa. -­‐ Rich Family won’t share wealth with clan -­‐ Mecca is a religious center, -­‐ Most Arabs are polytheist believe in many gods -­‐ Arabs live in deserts 8.3 -­‐ Muhammad’s clan was poor, his father died -­‐ His mother sent him to live with Arab nomads -­‐ Learned to be kind, his mom died after meeting Muhammad -­‐ Live with grandfather -­‐ Live with uncle after grandfather died -­‐ Started to be trader, know for honesty. -­‐ Married at the age of 25

8.4 -­‐ Made living by trading -­‐ Receive call to Prophet hood from Angel Gabriel -­‐ First person adopt new belief -­‐ Islam has only 1 god, monotheistic -­‐ Start sharing to family and friends, then to other Makkans -­‐ Muhammad recite the message, messenger written in Quran 8.5 -­‐ Most Makkan reject teaching, cause trouble to people -­‐ Some tortured his followers, some people call him a liar -­‐ People made a boycott to make people quit -­‐ Horse carries Muhammad to meet Jesus, Moses, Abraham, 7 levels of heaven and god 8.6 -­‐ Muhammad uncle died, his protector gone -­‐ More Arab turn Islam -­‐ Muhammad convince tribe to join Islam -­‐ Muhammad lead last pilgrimage and died 8.7 -­‐ After dead, Most of Arabia is Muslim -­‐ Abu Bakr, the first caliph Unite tribes -­‐ Caliph Umar, expand Muslim 8.8 -­‐ Founding of Umayyad dynasty -­‐ Muslim take more Arab culture -­‐ Cordoba -­‐ Place where Muslim, Jews, Christian scholar share idea.

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