BULL SALE Monday, April 30, 2018 1:00 pm CT
Presho Livestock Auction, Presho, SD
60 Yearling Angus Bulls & 60 Purebred Commercial Replacement Heifers Free Bull Delivery up to 200 miles • Lunch: Please come early & join us for lunch! Inspection: Come to the ranch anytime before the sale. Call us at (605) 895-2203.
Announcements: Announcements from the block take precedence over any printed matter.
Bids: Can be left with Auctioneer or Ma & Pa Angus. All bids will be handled with the utmost integrity.
Bad Weather: Listen to KGFX 1060 AM if weather is threatening.
Terms & Conditions: All cattle sell according to the standard terms and conditions of the American Angus Association. First Year Breeding Guarantee: All bulls selling for $2,000 or more will be given 50% of the value of the injured bull, minus any salvage value, in a future sale or toward a replacement bull if one is available. All injured bulls must be diagnosed by a veterinarian. Please notify us as soon as possible should injury occur and prior to the injured animal being sold for salvage. All claims must be made by September 1, 2018. Example 1: A $5,000 bull is injured and will not heal. A credit for $2,500 minus any salvage value will be given to the buyer. Example 2: A $1,750 bull is injured and will not heal. No credit is given. Buyer retains all salvage value. Health: All bulls will pass a semen test before sale. The entire herd is on a complete vaccination program. A representative from the Animal Clinic, Winner, SD, will be at the sale – or call them at 1-800-808-8996. Semen Interest: Ma & Pa Angus will retain a one-third semen interest in all registered bulls selling. Buyer owns full possession and salvage value. Catalog produced by:
RPI Promotions
Don Ravellette • (605) 685-5147 Beau Ravellette • (605) 685-8155
P.O. Box 788 • Philip, South Dakota 57567
Liability: All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk, and Ma & Pa Angus assumes no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents which may occur. Sale Day Phone: Presho Livestock Auction (605) 895-2553; Steve’s Cell Phone: (605) 391-1450 Auctioneer: Ron Volmer (605) 895-2378 Livestock Press Representatives: Rod Geppert, American Angus Association........... (605) 295-3673 Jeff Kapperman, Tristate Neighbor........................ (605) 940-5104 Scott Dirk, Farmer & Rancher Exchange, Tri-State Livestock News.................................. (605) 842-3599 Beau Ravellette, RPI Promotions.......................... (605) 685-8155 Don Ravellette, RPI Promotions............................ (605) 685-5147
Deb & Steve Mowry 25340 River Road Presho, SD 57568 (605) 895-2203
E-mail: smowry@kennebectelephone.com
Welcome to our 21st Annual Bull Sale!
With excitement, anticipation, and thankfulness we welcome you to the 21st Annual Ma & Pa Angus Bull Sale. We are very excited about the quality of this group of bulls and heifers. The anticipation of your acceptance is mounting and as always we are thankful for the past customers that have contributed to our existence in the seed stock business. The Angus breed is an incredible breed. What made them great is the COW. Wherever you buy a bull, I would encourage you to consider the cow behind that bull. On this sale are 21 bulls raised by elite Pathfinder dams. (NO EMBRYOS). Some are second and third generation Pathfinders. Much more important to me is that ALL of the cows calve on their own in the White River hills. No “night checks”. Tough weather like we had this spring sorts the range cows from the feedlot cows. They must do it on their own or they go to town. I believe our culling strategy will pay off in YOUR herd. The bulls on this sale range from extremely easy calving bulls for heifers to powerful bulls for cows. They are all very gentle and in that, “what you see, is what you get” condition. All bulls have passed a semen test and have had their breeding shots. We will also offer 60 purebred yearling Angus heifers. They are herd mates to the bulls selling and have the same sires as those advertised for the bulls. Like the bulls, they are not overfed and will be ready to go to grass right after the sale. Many are out of registered cows, but we will be selling them as commercial-gate cut, 5 or more. This sale will be unlike any others we have had in the past – my dad, George, will not be here. He passed on February 16th. We enjoyed many, many road trips together delivering bulls throughout the region. Dad loved the Western lifestyle – Sale barns, Rodeos, Horse Races – but what he loved about it was the PEOPLE. On our trips, many of you were kind enough to share your time over a cup of coffee. Those are some great memories. Thank you! All cattle are available for your inspection at the ranch before the sale. We welcome your visit. If we can offer any information or assistance, feel free to contact us.
Sincerely, Steve, Deb, Sage, & Shilo
Sinclair Emulation 4FX1
BD: 03/14/2014
Reg No: *17925421
Emulation 31
Emulation N Bar 5522
Ankony 8F78 Lass 8F275 N Bar Emulation Ext V722
Sinclair Emulation 0F4 N Bar Kinochtry Bty SCC 2V3
N Bar Kinochtry Beauty Y3881 N Bar Explosion
N Bar Explosion TNT
N Bar Enchantress U130 N Bar Emulation Extra V129
Sinclair M Emulous 4ET1 D47 N Bar Miss Emulous B514
Trait CED BW
N Bar Miss Emulous Y3502A
Milk Marb RE
-0.12 0.088 64.80 .37
• Sinclair Emulation 4FX1 was our $23,000 choice at the 2015 Sinclair Bull Sale. His sire is noted for his tremendous libido and sound feet. His dam is a favorite at Sinclair with a nursing ratio of 108 on 9 calves. She raised the top selling bull at the 2014 and 2015 sales. 4FX1 has matured into a long bodied, free moving, aggressive breeder. He is long and smooth and his calves come small and vigorous. 7 sons selling!
Deep Creek Revolution 417
BD: 01/23/2014
Reg No: 17969634
B/R New Design 036
Bon View New Design 878
Bon View Gammer 85 N Bar Emulation EXT
Connealy Reflection Happy Grill of Conanga 6260
Happy Date of Conanga O C C Great Plains 943G
Ma & Pa Feature Presentation
Ma & Pa Blackbird 858M Moderator
Deep Creek MaPa Lass 617 Deep Creek M Lass 619
P C Lass 128
Trait CED BW
Milk Marb RE
• Deep Creek Revolution 417 is a powerful made Reflection son out of the best Ma & Pa Feature Presentation daughter at Deep Creek Angus 0.031 100.20 Ranch. His moderate frame size coupled with exceeding performance will produce easy keeping females and quick finishing feeders. 417’s .31 first 12 sons to EVER sell averaged $7,187 at Deep Creek’s 2017 sale. 10 sons selling!
Ma & Pa BEHOLD B537
BD: 04/03/2014
Reg No: *18067966
Sitz Traveler 8180
S A V 8180 Traveler 004
Boyd Forever Lady 8003 N Bar Emulation EXT
Ma & Pa Handsom Jack W352 Ma & Pa Forever Ruby N352
Ma & Pa Forever Ruby K019 N Bar Emulation EXT
O C C Great Plains 943G
Dixie Erica of C H 1019 Sitz Reliant 8898
Ma & Pa Eriskay 537R Ma & Pa Eriskay M279
Trait CED BW
C H Eriskay 8431
Milk Marb RE
• Ma & Pa BEHOLD B37 was in our feature pen with his dam at the 2016 South Dakota Angus Tour. The first time I saw him I said “BE0.051 117.08 HOLD!” (from the good book I had been reading). He was a stand out from birth. At weaning he ratioed 111. By yearling his ratio was 114 .35 with IMF and REA ratios of 122 and 117 respectively. His grandam is pictured on the cover of our catalogs. 6 sons selling!
Mc Cumber Fortunate 415
BD: 01/18/2014
Reg No: *17924114
Sinclair Extra 4X13
Sinclair Emulate 7XT28
Sinclair Blackbird 20F3 6417 N Bar Prime Time D806
Sinclair Fortunate Son Sinclair Blackbird 2P8 7079
Rito 707 of Ideal 089 7076 S A V 8180 Traveler 004
MC Cumber 004 Traveler 513
Miss Wix 301 of Mc Cumber MC Cumber 155 Bando 214
Miss Wix 7126 of Mc Cumber Miss Wix 413 of Mc Cumber
Trait CED BW
Miss Wix 2190 of Mc Cumber
Milk Marb RE
• Mc Cumber Fortunate 415 was our $20,000 choice in the 2015 Mc Cumber Bull Sale. He was a top gainer on feed with a ratio 0.063 126.22 of 120. He shows great masculinity, but is quite the gentleman. .34 His dam is a fourth consecutive generation Pathfinder cow. 3 sons
Ma & Pa 0218 Game Day A430 BD: 03/20/2013
Reg No: 17734408
Boyd New Day 8005
GDAR Game Day 449
G D A R Miss Wix 474 G D A R Royce 5140
S Game Day 0218 S Blackbird 0111
Burns Blackbird E422 D H D Traveler 6807
O C C Echelon 857E
Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 430P Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 105L
Dixie Erica of C H 1019 C H Quantum 3330
Miss Elba 354D L A R
Trait CED BW
Milk Marb RE
0.078 43.25 .26
Ma & Pa Shadow A627
BD: 03/20/2013
Sinclair Shadow Rider 9S22
Reg No: 17734407
N Bar Emulation EXT
N Bar Shadow X4124
N Bar Enchantress 4908 R R Rito 707
Sinclair Shadow Rider 9S22 Sinclair Lady 3R1 4465
Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286 N Bar Emulation EXT
O C C Great Plains 943G
Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 627S Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 120L
Trait CED BW
• Ma & Pa 0218 Game Day A430 has inherited his sire’s carcass qualities and his dam’s maternal finesse. His sire was the top marbling bull at Spickler’s 2011 bull sale. His dam also has a %IMF ratio of 6/108. She is an easy doing consistent range cow with a calving interval of 10/366 and a nursing ratio of 9/102. A430 produces calving ease, carcass quality, and maternal excellence. 14 sons selling!
Dixie Erica of C H 1019 Sitz Traveler 7594 MS Ebon Eileenmere 4460 Lar
Milk Marb RE
0.006 18.64 .25
• Ma & Pa Shadow A627 is out of one of those cows you just wish you had a hundred of. We first used him successfully on heifers and then liked him enough to use on the cows. We covet his females. 7 sons selling!
Ma & Pa Lumber Jack B543
BD: 05/02/2014
Reg No: 18067968
Sitz Traveler 8180
S A V 8180 Traveler 004
Boyd Forever Lady 8003 N Bar Emulation EXT
Ma & Pa Handsom Jack W352 Ma & Pa Forever Ruby N352
Ma & Pa Forever Ruby K019 D H D Traveler 6807
O C C Emblazon 854E
Dixie Erica of C H 1019 C H Quantum 3330
Ma & Pa Eileenmere 543R Ma & Pa Eileenmere N330
Trait CED BW
S A V 8180 Traveler 004
Eileens Revolution 559H LAR
Milk Marb RE
• Ma & Pa Lumber Jack B543 combines performance from our Forever Ruby lines and maternal longevity from the Eileenmere 0.058 124.52 family. Lumber Jack’s Pathfinder dam is still in production with a nursing ratio of 11/110! Her calving interval is 11/367. She also .32 has a %IMF ratio of 8/106. Lumber Jack is appropriately named as his calves are big, rugged, and tough. 5 sons selling!
Ma & Pa Emblazon T359
BD: 03/19/2007
O C C Emblazon 854E
Reg No: 16141705
Q A S Traveler 23-4
D H D Traveler 6807
Bemindful Maid D H D 0807 PBC 707 1M F0203
O C C Emblazon 854E Dixie Erica of C H 1019
Dixie Erica of C H 615 Emulation N Bar 5522
N Bar Emulation EXT
N Bar Primrose 2424 Beartooth Traveler 248
Ma & Pa Ms Copeland N359 MS Copeland 347C L A R
Eileens F 1749 L A R
Trait CED BW
Milk Marb RE 13
0.037 55.86 .31
• T359 may very well be the best we ever put out. Absolutely love his daughters – very motherly. He is calving ease deluxe: CED +14 and BW EPD -2.4…….with a RE EPD of +.71! Marbling is not too shabby either. He is a celebration of Emblazon, EXT, and Beartooth Traveler 248. Appreciatively owned with Frank and Shirley Bailey, Chamberlain, SD. 3 sons selling!
Cole Creek 1100 Black 452
BD: 03/25/2012
Reg No: 17329112
C H Quantum 6247
Cole Creek Black Cedar 46P
Cole Creek Clova Juanada 67
Cole Creek Black Cedar 1100
HBR Encore 0544
Cole Creek Juanada Bird 38N
Cole Creek Juanita 311 C H Quantum 6247
Cole Creek Black Cedar 46P
Cole Creek Clova Juanada 67 Cole Creek Goldmere 31N
Cole Creek Juanadacap 50U Cole Creek Juanadacap 134R
Trait CED BW
Cole Creek Juanada Cap 882
Milk Marb RE
0.051 50.75 .23
• Cole Creek 1100 Black 452 is line bred to the popular Cole Creek Black Cedar 46P. He had a 114 NR and 112 YR. He lost weight during the breeding season, as he should, but was amazing in his post-season recovery on only grass. That’s the way he’s bred and that’s the way he functions. We look for tremendous females from 452. 1 son selling!
Ma & Pa Emulation E022
Reg No: 19060979
BD: 03/19/17
Emulation 31 83 Adj. WW 709 Sinclair Emulation 4A1 Ratio 105 Sinclair Primrose 2TD8 A14 Adj. YW 1280 IMF 2.77 RE 13.5 Sinclair Picasso Fat 0.28 Ma & Pa Bandolier 022X # ADG 3.6 Ma & Pa Bandolier 541R
Act. BW
Reg No: 19061009
Sinclair Emulation 0F4 94 Adj. WW 712 Sinclair Emulation 4FX1 Ratio 106 Sinclair M Emulous 4ET1 D47 Adj. YW 1426 IMF 2.92 RE 14.3 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Fat 0.45 Ma & Pa Queen 051X # ADG 4.5 Ma & Pa Queen 745T
Sinclair Lady 3R2 4465 O C C Great Plains 943G Ma & Pa Bandolier M284
Milk Marb RE Fat +23 +0.13 +0.26 +0.025 • Safe for heifers.
WW +56
YW +106
N Bar Kinochtry Bty SCC 2V3 N Bar Explosion TNT N Bar Miss Emulous B514 Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 H A Image Maker 0415 Ma & Pa Queen 545R
Milk Marb RE Fat +24 +0.23 +0.15 +0.054 • TOP gaining bull.
Ma & Pa Game Day E053
Reg No: 19060977
BW -0.5
WW +37
• Scrotal: 35 • Dam’s Production: 6@103
YW +66
Ma & Pa Behold E064
BD: 04/12/17
S Game Day 0218 77 Adj. WW 687 Ma & Pa 0218 Game Day A430 Ratio 102 Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 430P Adj. YW 1188 IMF 4.38 RE 13.5 GDAR Game Day 449 Fat 0.42 Ma & Pa Blackbird 053X ADG 3.2 Ma & Pa Blackbird 748T Act. BW
N Bar Emulation EXT
Emulation N Bar 5522
GDAR Game Day 449
Reg No: 19060966
BD: 03/29/17
Ma & Pa Handsom Jack W352 98 Adj. WW 702 Ma & Pa BEHOLD B537 Ratio 104 Ma & Pa Eriskay 537R Adj. YW 1292 IMF 4.09 RE 12.6 Hero 6267 of R R 2418 Fat 0.35 Ma & Pa Miss Wix 064X # ADG 3.7 Ma & Pa Miss Wix 834U Act. BW
S Blackbird 0111 O C C Echelon 857E Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 105L Boyd New Day 8005 G D A R Miss Wix 474 HA Magic Maker 4300 Ma & Pa Blackbird 551R
Milk Marb RE Fat +20 +0.59 +0.08 +0.072
BW +2.8
• Scrotal: 36 • Dam’s Production: 6@109 Pathfinder
CED +10
YW +58
N Bar Primrose Y3051
BD: 04/20/17
Act. BW
WW +37
Miss Emulous 243 Vance Top Dawg
Ma & Pa Emulation E051
CED +3
BW -0.7
• Scrotal: 37 • Dam’s Production: 6@105 Pathfinder
Maternal Brother to Lot 064
CED +8
F C R Elation Lad 652
• Safe for heifers.
CED +1
BW +3.5
WW +52
• Scrotal: 40 • Dam’s Production: 6@106 Pathfinder
YW +85
S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Ma & Pa Forever Ruby N352 O C C Great Plains 943G Ma & Pa Eriskay M279 R R Hero 6267 R R Everelda Entense 0413 O C C Great Plains 943G Ma & Pa Miss Wix 455P
Milk Marb RE Fat +24 +0.40 +0.18 +0.027
Reg No: 19061014
Sinclair Shadow Rider 9S22 66 Adj. WW 710 Ma & Pa Shadow A627 Ratio 105 Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 627S Adj. YW 1156 IMF 2.59 RE 14.0 Ma & Pa Presentation W528 Fat 0.23 Ma & Pa Eriskay 118Y ADG 2.8 Ma & Pa Eriskay 537R
WW +36
YW +52
• Scrotal: 31 • Dam’s Production: 4@102
Ma & Pa Eileenmere 528R O C C Great Plains 943G Ma & Pa Eriskay M279
Milk Marb RE Fat +24 +0.08 +0.39 -0.001
BW -0.1
WW +31
• Scrotal: 36 • Dam’s Production: 5@97
YW +54
BW -0.2
WW +36
YW +52
HA Magic Maker 4300 Ma & Pa Queen 452P B C C Bushwacker 41-93 Ma & Pa Rachel M283
RE Fat -0.02 +0.070
• Safe for heifers.
CED +6
BW +0.8
WW +41
YW +67
GDAR Game Day 449 S Blackbird 0111 O C C Echelon 857E Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 105L O C C Emblazon 854E Ma & Pa Blackbird 112L O C C Great Plains 943G Ma & Pa Blackbird N356
Milk Marb RE Fat +19 +0.31 +0.03 +0.077
Ma & Pa Fortunate Son E153
Reg No: 19060987
BW +2.5
WW +57
• Scrotal: 39 • Dam’s Production: 5@104
Ma & Pa Eriskay M279
BD: 03/29/17
BD: 03/14/17
Sinclair Fortunate Son 90 Adj. WW 779 Mc Cumber Fortunate 415 Ratio 116 Miss Wix 7126 of Mc Cumber Adj. YW 1368 IMF 2.32 RE 14.5 Ma & Pa Documentary W645 Fat 0.31 Ma & Pa Bon Chloe 153Y ADG 3.7 Ma & Pa Bon Chloe 816U
Ma & Pa Eileenmere 528R O C C Great Plains 943G
• Safe for heifers.
Act. BW
CED +2
Ma & Pa Feature Presentation
Reg No: 19060981
• Scrotal: 36 • Dam’s Production: 5@108 2 Generation Pathfinder
Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 120L
• Safe for heifers.
S Game Day 0218 88 Adj. WW 727 Ma & Pa 0218 Game Day A430 Ratio 108 Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 430P Adj. YW 1226 IMF 3.12 RE 13.0 Ma & Pa Emblazon 9112 Fat 0.49 Ma & Pa Blackbird 122Y # ADG 3.1 Ma & Pa Blackbird 551R #
Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 105L
Sinclair Lady 3R1 4465 O C C Great Plains 943G
Milk Marb RE Fat +24 +0.16 +0.39 +0.005
Act. BW
S Blackbird 0111 O C C Echelon 857E
N Bar Shadow X4124
Ma & Pa Game Day E122
GDAR Game Day 449
Milk Marb +17 +0.31
CED +7
• Scrotal: 39 • Dam’s Production: 4@102
BD: 03/25/17
S Game Day 0218 78 Adj. WW 610 Ma & Pa 0218 Game Day A430 Ratio 91 Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 430P Adj. YW 1101 IMF 2.84 RE 13.2 Ma & Pa Steak Maker 9452 Fat 0.44 Ma & Pa Rachel 119Y ADG 3.4 Ma & Pa Rachel 540R
CED +8
Ma & Pa Feature Presentation
• Safe for heifers.
Act. BW
BD: 03/20/17
Sinclair Shadow Rider 9S22 70 Adj. WW 709 Ma & Pa Shadow A627 Ratio 105 Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 627S Adj. YW 1234 IMF 3.26 RE 14.3 Ma & Pa Presentation W528 Fat 0.30 Ma & Pa Eriskay 118Y ADG 3.3 Ma & Pa Eriskay 537R
Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 120L
Reg No: 19061001
Ma & Pa A627 Shadow E118T
Reg No: 19061015
Act. BW
Sinclair Lady 3R1 4465 O C C Great Plains 943G
Ma & Pa Game Day E119
N Bar Shadow X4124
BW -0.2
BD: 03/20/17
Act. BW
CED +7
Ma & Pa A627 Shadow E118
YW +105
Sinclair Emulate 7XT28 Sinclair Blackbird 2P8 7079 MC Cumber 004 Traveler 513 Miss Wix 413 of Mc Cumber Ma & Pa Sequal R299 Ma & Pa Eriskay 645S O C C Great Plains 943G Ma & Pa Bon Chloe N334
Milk Marb RE Fat +25 +0.12 +0.55 +0.030
Ma & Pa Game Day E179
Reg No: 19060982
S Game Day 0218 80 Adj. WW 706 Ma & Pa 0218 Game Day A430 Ratio 105 Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 430P Adj. YW 1207 IMF 3.23 RE 13.5 Sinclair Excellent 9XE3 Fat 0.36 Ma & Pa Enchantress 179Y ADG 3.2 Ma & Pa Enchantress 945W
CED +9
BW +0.6
WW +47
YW +82
• Scrotal: 35 • Dam’s Production: 4@97
S Game Day 0218 75 Adj. WW 639 Ma & Pa 0218 Game Day A430 Ratio 95 Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 430P Adj. YW 1220 IMF 3.43 RE 13.2 Ma & Pa Fear Not W435 Fat 0.42 Ma & Pa Banmere 212Z ADG 3.7 Ma & Pa Banmere N336
Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 105L Sinclair Excellency 5X25 Sinclair Enchantress 4P60 O C C Emblazon 854E Ma & Pa Enchantress 663S
• Safe for heifers.
Reg No: 19061004
CED +12
BW +2.5
YW +66
S Blackbird 0111 O C C Echelon 857E Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 105L Connealy Freightliner Ma & Pa Eriskay 435P Connealy Dateline Empress Eileen 3330 L A R
Milk Marb RE Fat +15 +0.39 +0.11 +0.064 • Safe for heifers.
WW +43
YW +80
Bon View New Design 878 Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 Ma & Pa Feature Presentation Deep Creek M Lass 619 Ma & Pa Sequal R299 Ma & Pa Eriskay 645S O C C Emblazon 854E Ma & Pa Blackcap Lady 106L
Milk Marb RE Fat +20 +0.25 +0.34 +0.024
Maternal Brother to Lot 219
Ma & Pa Cracker Jack E229
Reg No: 19060994
BW +2.0
WW +48
YW +79
BD: 03/16/17
Ma & Pa Handsom Jack W352 89 Adj. WW 716 Ma & Pa Lumber Jack B543 Ratio 106 Ma & Pa Eileenmere 543R Adj. YW 1262 IMF 4.22 RE 12.2 Ma & Pa Pay 4 the Ranch Fat 0.34 Ma & Pa Erica 229Z # ADG 3.4 Ma & Pa Erica 622S Act. BW
Ma & Pa Game Day E249
S A V 8180 Traveler 004
Reg No: 19060999
BD: 03/30/17
S Game Day 0218 79 Adj. WW 706 Ma & Pa 0218 Game Day A430 Ratio 105 Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 430P Adj. YW 1221 IMF 4.59 RE 12.5 Ma & Pa Emblazon 9112 Fat 0.49 Ma & Pa Blackbird 249Z ADG 3.2 Ma & Pa Blackbird 748T Act. BW
Ma & Pa Forever Ruby N352 O C C Emblazon 854E Ma & Pa Eileenmere N330 Ma & Pa Emblazon T359 Ma & Pa Voluptuous 433P Sitz Alliance 6595 Ma & Pa Erica K010
Milk Marb RE Fat +24 +0.55 +0.21 +0.044
WW +33
• Scrotal: 37 • Dam’s Production: 4@96
• Scrotal: 36 • Dam’s Production: 4@102
CED +3
BW -1.0
GDAR Game Day 449
BD: 04/06/17
Connealy Reflection 94 Adj. WW 669 Deep Creek Revolution 417 Ratio 99 Deep Creek MaPa Lass 617 Adj. YW 1213 IMF 3.15 RE 13.5 Ma & Pa Documentary W645 Fat 0.30 Ma & Pa Blackcap Lady 219Z ADG 3.4 Ma & Pa Blackcap Lady 532R
BD: 03/26/17
Act. BW
S Blackbird 0111 O C C Echelon 857E
Milk Marb RE Fat +18 +0.28 +0.22 +0.061
Act. BW
CED +1
GDAR Game Day 449
Reg No: 19060997
Ma & Pa Revelation E219
BD: 03/25/17
Act. BW
Ma & Pa Game Day E212
• Scrotal: 36 • Dam’s Production: 4@106 Pathfinder
CED +9
BW -0.1
WW +40
• Scrotal: 35 • Dam’s Production: 4@101
YW +65
GDAR Game Day 449 S Blackbird 0111 O C C Echelon 857E Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 105L O C C Emblazon 854E Ma & Pa Blackbird 112L HA Magic Maker 4300 Ma & Pa Blackbird 551R
Milk Marb RE Fat +17 +0.52 +0.02 +0.062 • Safe for heifers.
Ma & Pa Shadow E251
Reg No: 19060975
Sinclair Shadow Rider 9S22 74 Adj. WW 667 Ma & Pa Shadow A627 Ratio 99 Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 627S Adj. YW 1158 IMF 2.78 RE 12.1 Ma & Pa Steak Maker 9452 Fat 0.37 Ma & Pa Blackbird 251Z ADG 3.1 Ma & Pa Blackbird 755T
Act. BW
CED +9
BW -1.1
WW +33
YW +46
• Scrotal: 37 • Dam’s Production: 4@101
Ma & Pa Queen 452P Sitz Alliance 6595 C H Blackbird 8456
RE Fat -0.05 +0.040
BW +0.9
WW +40
• Scrotal: 38 • Dam’s Production: 4@100
YW +57
CED +9
BW -0.3
WW +41
YW +75
• Scrotal: 37 • Dam’s Production: 4@100
N Bar Shadow X4124
O C C Emblazon 854E Ma & Pa Blackbird 112L HA Magic Maker 4300 Ma & Pa Pride M282
Milk Marb RE Fat +18 +0.09 +0.28 +0.007 • Safe for heifers.
CED -3
Deep Creek M Lass 619 O C C Emblazon 854E Ma & Pa Blackbird 112L O C C Great Plains 943G Blackcap Eileen 568H L A R
Milk Marb RE Fat +20 +0.36 +0.47 +0.008
Reg No: 19060995
BD: 04/01/17
101 Sinclair Shadow Rider 9S22 Adj. WW 768 Ma & Pa Shadow A627 Ratio 114 Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 627S Adj. YW 1286 IMF 2.56 RE 12.0 Ma & Pa Handsom Jack W352 Fat 0.30 Ma & Pa Blackbird 275Z # ADG 3.3 Ma & Pa Blackbird 976W
Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 120L
Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 Ma & Pa Feature Presentation
• Safe for heifers.
Act. BW
Sinclair Lady 3R1 4465 O C C Great Plains 943G
Bon View New Design 878
Ma & Pa Shadow E275
BD: 03/24/17
Sinclair Shadow Rider 9S22 84 Adj. WW 689 Ma & Pa Shadow A627 Ratio 102 Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 627S Adj. YW 1193 IMF 3.15 RE 13.7 Ma & Pa Emblazon 9112 Fat 0.30 Ma & Pa Pride 267Z ADG 3.2 Ma & Pa Pride 905W
HA Magic Maker 4300
Reg No: 19060976
BD: 03/31/17
Connealy Reflection 79 Adj. WW 657 Deep Creek Revolution 417 Ratio 98 Deep Creek MaPa Lass 617 Adj. YW 1271 IMF 3.79 RE 13.4 Ma & Pa Emblazon 9112 Fat 0.27 Ma & Pa Blackcap 253Z ADG 3.9 Ma & Pa Blackcap 759T
Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 120L
Milk Marb +20 +0.11
Ma & Pa Revelation E253
Reg No: 19061013
Act. BW
Sinclair Lady 3R1 4465 O C C Great Plains 943G
• Safe for heifers.
Act. BW
CED +4
N Bar Shadow X4124
Ma & Pa Shadow E267
BD: 03/22/17
BW +3.7
WW +48
YW +75
N Bar Shadow X4124 Sinclair Lady 3R1 4465 O C C Great Plains 943G Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 120L S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Ma & Pa Forever Ruby N352 Sitz Alliance 6595 Blackbird Lassie 319H L A R
Milk Marb RE Fat +22 +0.05 +0.20 +0.032
• Scrotal: 33 • Dam’s Production: 4@107 Pathfinder
What is a Pathfinder?
1. To qualify initially, a cow must have produced at least three calves, with an average weaning ratio of 105, and these calves must have been evaluated with at least nine other herd mates. 2. Beginning with her first calf, all calves must have been recorded in AHIR. No irregular weanings or calves by commercial sires are used in this analysis. 3. A cow must have had her first calf at an age equal to or less than the average age of the herd at first calving, plus 30 days. 4. To qualify for subsequent listings in the Pathfinder report, she must maintain a regular calving interval, which is determined as follows 30
+ 365 = Maximum Calving Interval
Number of Calving Intervals
In the 2014 Pathfinder Report, 2,208,461 eligible dams were evaluated, and only 9,138 of them achieved Pathfinder status, or roughly 0.4%
Ma & Pa Game Day E301
Reg No: 19060978
S Game Day 0218 74 Adj. WW 671 Ma & Pa 0218 Game Day A430 Ratio 100 Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 430P Adj. YW 1217 IMF 3.99 RE 13.7 Ma & Pa Quick Draw 9117 Fat 0.43 Ma & Pa Eileenmere 301A # ADG 3.4 Ma & Pa Eileenmere 002X
CED +9
BW -0.3
WW +37
YW +64
BW +0.4
WW +39
YW +72
• Scrotal: 37 • Dam’s Production: 3@99
HA Magic Maker 4300 Ma & Pa Blackbird 117L Ma & Pa Sequal R299 Ma & Pa Eileenmere K008
Ma & Pa Blackcap Lady 439P
CED +10
BW -1.0
GDAR Game Day 449 S Blackbird 0111 O C C Echelon 857E Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 105L HA Magic Maker 4300 Ma & Pa Blackbird 117L Sinclair Added Value 5PV44 DR Mabel 9601
Milk Marb RE Fat +17 +0.54 +0.04 +0.050 • Safe for heifers.
Reg No: 19061000
BD: 04/04/17
S Game Day 0218 79 Adj. WW 641 Ma & Pa 0218 Game Day A430 Ratio 95 Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 430P Adj. YW 1225 IMF 3.96 RE 12.8 Deep Creek Woodrow 109 Fat 0.34 Ma & Pa Blackcap 326A ADG 3.7 Ma & Pa Blackcap 185Y Act. BW
BW +0.6
WW +47
• Scrotal: 35 • Dam’s Production: 3@100
YW +83
WW +34
• Scrotal: 34 • Dam’s Production: 3@103
Ma & Pa Game Day E326
GDAR Game Day 449
BD: 03/27/17
S Game Day 0218 79 Adj. WW 670 Ma & Pa 0218 Game Day A430 Ratio 100 Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 430P Adj. YW 1240 IMF 4.73 RE 12.8 Ma & Pa Quick Draw 9117 Fat 0.47 Ma & Pa Mabel 311A ADG 3.6 DR Mabel 0100
CED +7
Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 105L
Reg No: 19060998
BD: 04/09/17
S Game Day 0218 70 S Blackbird 0111 Adj. WW 675 Ma & Pa 0218 Game Day A430 O C C Echelon 857E Ratio 100 Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 430P Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 105L Adj. YW 1193 IMF 4.83 N Bar Shadow X4124 RE 14.2 Sinclair Shadow Rider 9S22 Fat 0.37 Ma & Pa Blackcap Lady 302A Sinclair Lady 3R1 4465 Ma & Pa Sequal R299 ADG 3.3 Ma & Pa Blackcap Lady 015X Act. BW
S Blackbird 0111 O C C Echelon 857E
Milk Marb RE Fat +19 +0.44 +0.16 +0.044
Act. BW
Reg No: 19060974
Ma & Pa Game Day E311
CED +8
GDAR Game Day 449
• Safe for heifers.
• Scrotal: 36 • Dam’s Production: 3@106 Pathfinder
BD: 03/23/17
Act. BW
Ma & Pa Game Day E302
GDAR Game Day 449 S Blackbird 0111 O C C Echelon 857E Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 105L Deep Creek Willson 906 Deep Creek CO Erinthia 510 Sinclair Excellent 9XE3 Ma & Pa Blackcap 970W
Milk Marb RE Fat +16 +0.45 +0.12 +0.046 • Safe for heifers.
YW +59
Milk Marb RE Fat +18 +0.53 +0.25 +0.042 • Safe for heifers.
Ma & Pa Cracker Jack E331
Reg No: 19060992
BD: 03/16/17
Ma & Pa Handsom Jack W352 96 Adj. WW 730 Ma & Pa Lumber Jack B543 Ratio 108 Ma & Pa Eileenmere 543R Adj. YW 1332 IMF 3.77 RE 12.2 Sinclair Executive 9XV3 Fat 0.45 Ma & Pa Queen 331A ADG 3.8 Ma & Pa Queen N333
Act. BW
S Game Day 0218 89 Adj. WW 701 Ma & Pa 0218 Game Day A430 Ratio 104 Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 430P Adj. YW 1242 IMF 4.12 RE 13.9 Ma & Pa Good Day W8172 Fat 0.48 Ma & Pa Eileenmere 341A ADG 3.4 Ma & Pa Eileenmere 543R
CED +6
BW +1.6
WW +40
YW +67
BD: 03/26/17
Act. BW
GDAR Game Day 449
Ma & Pa Feature Presentation Gdar Miss Wix 8172 O C C Emblazon 854E Ma & Pa Eileenmere N330
Milk Marb RE Fat +21 +0.59 +0.12 +0.067
Ma & Pa Fortunate Son E405
BD: 03/28/17
Sinclair Fortunate Son 74 Adj. WW 787 Mc Cumber Fortunate 415 Ratio 117 Miss Wix 7126 of Mc Cumber Adj. YW 1397 IMF 3.34 RE 14.6 Deep Creek Woodrow 109 Fat 0.34 Ma & Pa Blackbird 405B ADG 3.8 Ma & Pa Blackbird 053X
CED +6
BW +0.6
WW +57
• Scrotal: 37 • Dam’s Production: 2@108
YW +99
N Bar Primrose Y3051 Ma & Pa 043 Traveler K834 Prancer Designee of I A R 94
Reg No: 19061007
CED +6
BW +0.4
WW +39
• Scrotal: 34 • Dam’s Production: 3@98
Act. BW
N Bar Emulation Ext V722
Milk Marb RE Fat +24 +0.43 +0.08 +0.059
BD: 03/31/17
Connealy Reflection 78 Adj. WW 662 Deep Creek Revolution 417 Ratio 98 Deep Creek MaPa Lass 617 Adj. YW 1184 IMF 4.03 RE 13.7 S Game Day 0218 Fat 0.30 Ma & Pa Elegance 359A ADG 3.3 Ma & Pa Elegance 808U
Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 105L
Reg No: 19061003
YW +93
Act. BW
S Blackbird 0111 O C C Echelon 857E
• Scrotal: 36 • Dam’s Production: 2@105
WW +52
Ma & Pa Eileenmere N330
Ma & Pa Revelation E359
Reg No: 19060996
BW +4.6
Ma & Pa Forever Ruby N352 O C C Emblazon 854E
• Scrotal: 39 • Dam’s Production: 3@101
Ma & Pa Game Day E341
CED -3
S A V 8180 Traveler 004
Sinclair Emulate 7XT28 Sinclair Blackbird 2P8 7079 MC Cumber 004 Traveler 513 Miss Wix 413 of Mc Cumber Deep Creek Willson 906 Deep Creek CO Erinthia 510 GDAR Game Day 449 Ma & Pa Blackbird 748T
Milk Marb RE Fat +26 +0.37 +0.37 +0.045 • Safe for heifers.
YW +71
Bon View New Design 878 Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 Ma & Pa Feature Presentation Deep Creek M Lass 619 GDAR Game Day 449 S Blackbird 0111 Sitz Alliance 6595 Ma & Pa Elegance 118L
Milk Marb RE Fat +20 +0.51 +0.44 +0.032 • Safe for heifers.
Ma & Pa Behold E409
Reg No: 19060990
BD: 03/25/17
Ma & Pa Handsom Jack W352 70 Adj. WW 800 Ma & Pa BEHOLD B537 Ratio 119 Ma & Pa Eriskay 537R Adj. YW 1346 IMF 4.84 RE 11.8 Sinclair Excellent 9XE3 Fat 0.28 Ma & Pa Blackcap 409B ADG 3.4 DR Blackcap 093
Act. BW
CED +8
BW +0.3
WW +67
YW +107
• Scrotal: 39 • Dam’s Production: 2@109
Sinclair Excellency 5X25 Sinclair Enchantress 4P60 Sinclair Added Value 5PV44 DR Blackcap 2228
• Safe for heifers.
Reg No: 19063486
BD: 03/25/17
Cole Creek Black Cedar 1100 86 Adj. WW 661 Cole Creek 1100 Black 452 Ratio 100 Cole Creek Juanadacap 50U Adj. YW 1245 IMF 3.81 RE 14.7 O C C Great Plains 943G Fat 0.46 Ma & Pa Empress 901W ADG 3.6 Ma & Pa Empress K004
Ma & Pa Eriskay M279
Milk Marb RE Fat +23 +0.66 +0.28 +0.023
Act. BW
CED +3
Ma & Pa Forever Ruby N352 O C C Great Plains 943G
Ma & Pa 454 Black E901
S A V 8180 Traveler 004
BW +1.9
WW +34
YW +62
Cole Creek Black Cedar 46P Cole Creek Juanada Bird 38N Cole Creek Black Cedar 46P Cole Creek Juanadacap 134R N Bar Emulation EXT Dixie Erica of C H 1019 R R 7725 Traveler 8633 KG Empress 8160
Milk Marb RE Fat +18 +0.09 +0.21 +0.034
• Scrotal: 33 • Dam’s Production: 7@97
Ma & Pa Behold E460
Reg No: 19061005
CED -4
BW +4.7
WW +54
YW +84
BD: 03/28/17
Ma & Pa Handsom Jack W352 98 Adj. WW 770 Ma & Pa BEHOLD B537 Ratio 114 Ma & Pa Eriskay 537R Adj. YW 1290 IMF 4.67 RE 11.7 Ma & Pa Good Day W8172 Fat 0.25 Ma & Pa Blackbird 460B ADG 3.3 Ma & Pa Blackbird 748T Act. BW
Ma & Pa Emulation E463
S A V 8180 Traveler 004
Reg No: 19061010
BD: 03/21/17
Sinclair Emulation 0F4 72 Adj. WW 772 Sinclair Emulation 4FX1 Ratio 115 Sinclair M Emulous 4ET1 D47 Adj. YW 1177 IMF 2.98 RE 12.6 Sinclair Shadow Rider 9S22 Fat 0.41 Ma & Pa Blackbird 463B ADG 2.5 Ma & Pa Blackbird 815U Act. BW
Ma & Pa Forever Ruby N352 O C C Great Plains 943G Ma & Pa Eriskay M279 Ma & Pa Feature Presentation Gdar Miss Wix 8172 HA Magic Maker 4300 Ma & Pa Blackbird 551R
Milk Marb RE Fat +25 +0.67 +0.13 +0.023
• Scrotal: 36 • Dam’s Production: 2@108
CED +9
BW -2.0
WW +44
• Scrotal: 30 • Dam’s Production: 2@113
YW +60
Emulation N Bar 5522 N Bar Kinochtry Bty SCC 2V3 N Bar Explosion TNT N Bar Miss Emulous B514 N Bar Shadow X4124 Sinclair Lady 3R1 4465 B C C Bushwacker 41-93 Ma & Pa Blackbird N332
Milk Marb RE Fat +23 +0.21 +0.00 +0.074 • Safe for heifers.
Ma & Pa Prairie Chief E465
Reg No: 19061002
Sinclair Grass Master 88 Adj. WW 685 Sinclair Prairie Chief 4G7 Ratio 102 Sinclair K Bty 0A3 7XT55 Adj. YW 1130 IMF 3.01 RE 12.8 S Game Day 0218 Fat 0.35 Ma & Pa Forever Ruby 465B ADG 2.8 Ma & Pa Forever Ruby 826U
CED +1
BW +2.8
WW +39
YW +60
BD: 03/30/17
Act. BW
BT Right Time 24J
Sinclair K Bty 7xt55 B345 GDAR Game Day 449 S Blackbird 0111 Sitz Alliance 6595 Ma & Pa Forever Ruby 436P
Milk Marb RE Fat +23 +0.25 +0.17 +0.071
Ma & Pa Emulation E496
BW -1.4
WW +41
• Scrotal: 36 • Dam’s Production: 2@106
BW -0.5
WW +48
YW +87
YW +77
Emulation N Bar 5522 N Bar Kinochtry Bty SCC 2V3 N Bar Explosion TNT N Bar Miss Emulous B514 GDAR Game Day 449 S Blackbird 0111 HA Magic Maker 4300 Ma & Pa Blackbird K011
Milk Marb +20 +0.42
RE Fat -0.02 +0.076
• Safe for heifers.
Free Delivery on the bulls
BD: 04/17/17
Sinclair Emulation 0F4 72 Adj. WW 660 Sinclair Emulation 4FX1 Ratio 98 Sinclair M Emulous 4ET1 D47 Adj. YW 1246 IMF 4.24 RE 14.1 Sinclair Grass Master Fat 0.42 Sinclair Blkcap 4G5 9XT0 ADG 3.7 Sinclair Blkcap 9XT0 2J92 Act. BW
CED +11
CED +9
• Scrotal: 33 • Dam’s Production: 2@102
Reg No: 19061011
BD: 03/30/17
Sinclair Emulation 0F4 75 Adj. WW 686 Sinclair Emulation 4FX1 Ratio 102 Sinclair M Emulous 4ET1 D47 Adj. YW 1275 IMF 3.60 RE 12.7 S Game Day 0218 Fat 0.40 Ma & Pa Blackbird 471B ADG 3.7 Ma & Pa Blackbird 902W
Emulation N Bar 5522 N Bar Kinochtry Bty SCC 2V3 N Bar Explosion TNT N Bar Miss Emulous B514 BT Right Time 24J N Bar Primrose Y3051 Sinclair Extra 4X13 Sinclair Blkcap 2J92 8285
Milk Marb RE Fat +23 +0.44 +0.28 +0.048 • Safe for heifers.
Ma & Pa T359 Emblazon E517
Reg No: 19018128
BD: 03/07/17
O C C Emblazon 854E 80 Adj. WW 707 Ma & Pa Emblazon T359 Ratio 105 Ma & Pa Ms Copeland N359 Adj. YW 1293 IMF 2.92 RE 13.7 Sinclair Shadow Rider 9S22 Fat 0.36 Ma & Pa Blackcap Lady 517C ADG 3.7 Ma & Pa Blackcap Lady 163Y Act. BW
Reg No: 19061012
Act. BW
N Bar Primrose Y3051 Emulation 31
• Scrotal: 35 • Dam’s Production: 2@101
Ma & Pa Emulation E471
CED +10
BW -0.1
WW +43
• Scrotal: 32 • Dam’s Production: 1@105
YW +76
D H D Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 N Bar Emulation EXT MS Copeland 347C L A R N Bar Shadow X4124 Sinclair Lady 3R1 4465 Ma & Pa Documentary W645 Ma & Pa Blackcap Lady 845U
Milk Marb RE Fat +17 +0.12 +0.38 +0.030 • Safe for heifers.
Ma & Pa Revelation E533
Reg No: 19018131
BD: 03/08/17
Connealy Reflection 74 Adj. WW 710 Deep Creek Revolution 417 Ratio 105 Deep Creek MaPa Lass 617 Adj. YW 1251 IMF 4.16 RE 11.8 Ma & Pa X654 Sequal A353 Fat 0.38 Ma & Pa Lady Ida 533C ADG 3.4 Sinclair Lady Ida 3V18 0JP29
Act. BW
CED +8
BW -0.5
WW +45
YW +72
• Scrotal: 36 • Dam’s Production: 1@105
Ma & Pa Polly Anna N353 N Bar Emulation Ext A1747 Sinclair Lady Ida 0JP29 8S5
Ma & Pa T359 Emblazon E534
BW -2.2
BD: 03/01/17
WW +40
YW +67
D H D Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 N Bar Emulation EXT MS Copeland 347C L A R N Bar Shadow X4124 Sinclair Lady 3R1 4465 Deep Creek Woodrow 109 Ma & Pa Blackbird 165Y
Milk Marb RE Fat +17 +0.27 +0.28 +0.030
• Maternal brother to Ma & Pa Lumber Jack B543
Ma & Pa Shadow EO543
Reg No: 19060969
BD: 03/31/17
Sinclair Shadow Rider 9S22 82 Adj. WW 742 Ma & Pa Shadow A627 Ratio 110 Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 627S Adj. YW 1216 IMF 3.36 RE 12.9 O C C Emblazon 854E Fat 0.32 Ma & Pa Eileenmere 543R ADG 3.0 Ma & Pa Eileenmere N330 Act. BW
Ma & Pa Sequal X654
Reg No: 19018129
• Scrotal: 33 • Dam’s Production: 1@99 • Safe for heifers.
CED +8
Deep Creek M Lass 619
• Safe for heifers.
O C C Emblazon 854E 66 Adj. WW 666 Ma & Pa Emblazon T359 Ratio 99 Ma & Pa Ms Copeland N359 Adj. YW 1247 IMF 3.72 RE 12.5 Sinclair Shadow Rider 9S22 Fat 0.35 Ma & Pa Blackbird 534C ADG 3.7 Ma & Pa Blackbird 322A
Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 Ma & Pa Feature Presentation
Milk Marb RE Fat +23 +0.38 +0.24 +0.047
Act. BW
CED +14
Bon View New Design 878
BW -0.4
WW +42
• Scrotal: 35 • Dam’s Production: 11@110
YW +59
N Bar Shadow X4124 Sinclair Lady 3R1 4465 O C C Great Plains 943G Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 120L D H D Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 C H Quantum 3330 Eileens Revolution 559H LAR
Milk Marb RE Fat +22 +0.23 +0.24 +0.024
• Safe for heifers.
Ma & Pa Bailey E551
551 Act. BW
Reg No: 19018132
H A Image Maker 0415
HA Magic Maker 4300
101 Ma & Pa Bandolier 541R Adj. YW 1205 IMF 3.21 RE 12.9 Sinclair Executive 9XV3 Fat 0.26 Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 551C ADG 3.3 Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 430P EPDs
CED +11
BW -1.1
WW +34
YW +56
BD: 02/27/17
Adj. WW 680 Ma & Pa Bailey T541
Reg No: 19018133
BD: 03/16/17
Sinclair Emulation 0F4 76 Adj. WW 694 Sinclair Emulation 4FX1 Ratio 103 Sinclair M Emulous 4ET1 D47 Adj. YW 1320 IMF 2.62 RE 12.5 Sinclair Shadow Rider 9S22 Fat 0.32 Ma & Pa Banmere 559C ADG 3.9 Ma & Pa Banmere 717T Act. BW
H A Miss Blackcap 5087 O C C Great Plains 943G Ma & Pa Bandolier M284 N Bar Emulation Ext V722 N Bar Primrose Y3051 O C C Echelon 857E Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 105L
Milk Marb RE Fat +24 +0.25 +0.14 +0.018
• Scrotal: 35 • Dam’s Production: 1@101
Ma & Pa Emulation E559
• Safe for heifers.
CED +7
BW +0.2
WW +49
YW +85
• Scrotal: 37 • Dam’s Production: 1@103
Emulation 31 82 Adj. WW 716 Sinclair Emulation 4A1 Ratio 106 Sinclair Primrose 2TD8 A14 Adj. YW 1250 IMF 3.71 RE 11.6 Ma&Pa Black Pine 1541 Fat 0.36 Ma & Pa Miss 570C ADG 3.4 Ma & Pa Miss 870U
Act. BW
CED +11
BW -2.0
WW +35
• Scrotal: 36 • Dam’s Production: 1@106
YW +53
BD: 03/02/17
F C R Elation Lad 652
Sitz IN Focus 8058 Ma & Pa Bandolier 541R Ma & Pa Feature Presentation C H Miss 8338
RE Fat -0.09 +0.071
• Safe for heifers.
CED +11
WW +40
YW +67
Bon View New Design 878 Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 Ma & Pa Feature Presentation Deep Creek M Lass 619 O C C Emblazon 854E Ma & Pa Blackbird 112L Sitz Alliance 6595 Ma & Pa Elegance 118L
Milk Marb RE Fat +20 +0.45 +0.40 +0.027 • Safe for heifers.
Ma & Pa T359 Emblazon E573
Reg No: 19018136
BW -0.2
WW +43
• Scrotal: 31 • Dam’s Production: 1@103
Ma & Pa Banmere N336
BD: 03/08/17
BD: 03/06/17
O C C Emblazon 854E 68 Adj. WW 694 Ma & Pa Emblazon T359 Ratio 103 Ma & Pa Ms Copeland N359 Adj. YW 1268 IMF 3.28 RE 13.0 Sinclair Shadow Rider 9S22 Fat 0.33 Ma & Pa Eileenmere 573C ADG 3.6 Ma & Pa Eileenmere 923W
N Bar Primrose Y3051
Milk Marb +24 +0.18
BW -1.0
Act. BW
Miss Emulous 243 Vance Top Dawg
Reg No: 19018135
Sinclair Lady 3R1 4465 RR 0415 Image 3350
Reg No: 19018134
• Scrotal: 34 • Dam’s Production: 1@98
Ma & Pa Emulation E570
N Bar Shadow X4124
• Safe for heifers.
Connealy Reflection 71 Adj. WW 664 Deep Creek Revolution 417 Ratio 98 Deep Creek MaPa Lass 617 Adj. YW 1258 IMF 4.27 RE 13.4 Ma & Pa Emblazon 9112 Fat 0.31 Ma & Pa Elegance 565C ADG 3.7 Ma & Pa Elegance 808U
N Bar Miss Emulous B514
Milk Marb RE Fat +20 +0.11 +0.14 +0.038
Act. BW
CED +11
N Bar Kinochtry Bty SCC 2V3 N Bar Explosion TNT
Ma & Pa Revelation E565
Emulation N Bar 5522
YW +74
D H D Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 N Bar Emulation EXT MS Copeland 347C L A R N Bar Shadow X4124 Sinclair Lady 3R1 4465 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 535R
Milk Marb RE Fat +17 +0.16 +0.21 +0.049 • Safe for heifers.
Ma & Pa Emulation E575
Reg No: 19018137
BD: 03/22/17
Sinclair Emulation 0F4 76 Adj. WW 758 Sinclair Emulation 4FX1 Ratio 112 Sinclair M Emulous 4ET1 D47 Adj. YW 1320 IMF 3.97 RE 12.3 Ma & Pa Emblazon 9112 Fat 0.38 Ma & Pa Enchantress 575C ADG 3.5 Ma & Pa Enchantress 945W
Act. BW
CED +4
BW +0.9
WW +52
YW +79
• Scrotal: 36 • Dam’s Production: 1@112
Emulation N Bar 5522 N Bar Kinochtry Bty SCC 2V3 N Bar Explosion TNT N Bar Miss Emulous B514 O C C Emblazon 854E Ma & Pa Blackbird 112L O C C Emblazon 854E Ma & Pa Enchantress 663S
Milk Marb RE Fat +21 +0.35 +0.07 +0.058
• Safe for heifers.
Ma & Pa Revelation E577
Reg No: 19018138
BD: 03/08/17
Connealy Reflection 78 Adj. WW 705 Deep Creek Revolution 417 Ratio 104 Deep Creek MaPa Lass 617 Adj. YW 1236 IMF 3.88 RE 13.6 Ma & Pa Emblazon 9112 Fat 0.26 Ma & Pa Blackbird 577C ADG 3.3 Ma & Pa Blackbird 976W
Act. BW
CED +7
BW +0.9
WW +44
• Scrotal: 35 • Dam’s Production: 1@104
HA Magic Maker 4300 – Sire of Lot 580
Ma & Pa Magic Maker E580
Reg No: 19018139
BD: 03/16/17
H A Image Maker 0415 71 Adj. WW 685 HA Magic Maker 4300 Ratio 101 H A Miss Blackcap 5087 Adj. YW 1295 IMF 3.76 RE 12.4 Sinclair Executive 9XV3 Fat 0.31 Ma & Pa Polly Anna 580C ADG 3.8 Ma & Pa Polly Anna N353
Act. BW
CED +11
BW -0.7
WW +43
• Scrotal: 37 • Dam’s Production: 1@101
YW +68
Hero 6267 of R R 2418 H A Rito Blackcap 9038 H A Times Two 3050 H A Blackcap Lady 3057 N Bar Emulation Ext V722 N Bar Primrose Y3051 N Bar Emulation EXT C H Polly Anna 8358
Milk Marb +21 +0.30
RE Fat -0.07 +0.022
• Safe for heifers.
YW +70
Bon View New Design 878 Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 Ma & Pa Feature Presentation Deep Creek M Lass 619 O C C Emblazon 854E Ma & Pa Blackbird 112L Sitz Alliance 6595 Blackbird Lassie 319H L A R
Milk Marb RE Fat +22 +0.39 +0.44 +0.025 • Safe for heifers.
Ma & Pa Revelation E622
Reg No: 19060967
Connealy Reflection 79 Adj. WW 628 Deep Creek Revolution 417 Ratio 93 Deep Creek MaPa Lass 617 Adj. YW 1143 IMF 3.45 RE 13.4 Sitz Alliance 6595 Fat 0.31 Ma & Pa Erica 622S ADG 3.2 Ma & Pa Erica K010
CED +7
BW -0.3
WW +34
YW +60
• Scrotal: 34 • Dam’s Production: 9@106
S Game Day 0218 79 Adj. WW 715 Ma & Pa 0218 Game Day A430 Ratio 106 Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 430P Adj. YW 1233 IMF 4.99 RE 12.5 RR 0415 Image 3350 Fat 0.48 Ma & Pa Blackbird 634S # ADG 3.3 Ma & Pa Blackbird N332 #
Deep Creek M Lass 619 Sitz Traveler 8180 Sitz Barbaramere Jet 2698 Vermilion Right Time 7229 KG Erica 8388
Milk Marb RE Fat +25 +0.43 +0.31 +0.044
Reg No: 19060984
CED +9
BW -0.3
WW +38
YW +64
GDAR Game Day 449 S Blackbird 0111 O C C Echelon 857E Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 105L H A Image Maker 0415 J R Erica 313H Ma & Pa 043 Traveler K834 Ma & Pa Blackbird K015
Milk Marb +24 +0.59
RE Fat -0.01 +0.075
• Safe for heifers.
• Scrotal: 34 • Dam’s Production: 10@111 2 Generation Pathfinder
BD: 03/26/17
104 Sinclair Grass Master Adj. WW 766 Sinclair Prairie Chief 4G7 Ratio 114 Sinclair K Bty 0A3 7XT55 Adj. YW 1296 IMF 4.58 RE 14.4 RR 0415 Image 3350 Fat 0.27 Ma & Pa Enchantress 663S # ADG 3.3 KG Enchantress 9403 EPDs
BD: 04/07/17
Act. BW
Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 Ma & Pa Feature Presentation
• Safe for heifers.
Act. BW
CED -6
Bon View New Design 878
Reg No: 19060983
Ma & Pa Prairie Chief E663
BD: 04/01/17
Act. BW
Ma & Pa Game Day E634
BW +5.0
WW +51
YW +81
BT Right Time 24J N Bar Primrose Y3051 Emulation 31 Sinclair K Bty 7xt55 B345 H A Image Maker 0415 J R Erica 313H Vermilion JL Right Time 6079 KG Enchantress 6388
Milk Marb RE Fat +26 +0.37 +0.45 +0.006
• Scrotal: 38 • Dam’s Production: 10@106 Pathfinder
Maternal Brother to Lot 634
Ma & Pa Game Day E701
Reg No: 19060971
BD: 04/03/17
S Game Day 0218 93 Adj. WW 688 Ma & Pa 0218 Game Day A430 Ratio 102 Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 430P Adj. YW 1262 IMF 3.81 RE 14.3 O C C Great Plains 943G Fat 0.34 Ma & Pa Erica Eileen 701T # ADG 3.6 Ma & Pa Erica Eileen K001
Act. BW
CED +2
BW +2.4
WW +39
• Scrotal: 35 • Dam’s Production: 8@108 Pathfinder
YW +70
GDAR Game Day 449 S Blackbird 0111 O C C Echelon 857E Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 105L N Bar Emulation EXT Dixie Erica of C H 1019 Woodhill Triple Threat Erica Eileenmere 1880 L A R
Milk Marb RE Fat +19 +0.35 +0.38 +0.027
Ma & Pa Prairie Chief E708
Reg No: 19060972
Sinclair Grass Master 88 Adj. WW 656 Sinclair Prairie Chief 4G7 Ratio 97 Sinclair K Bty 0A3 7XT55 Adj. YW 1205 IMF 3.18 RE 13.5 O C C Great Plains 943G Fat 0.27 Ma & Pa Merle 708T # ADG 3.5 Ma & Pa Merle 110L #
CED +2
BW +2.8
WW +34
YW +52
BD: 03/31/17
Act. BW
BT Right Time 24J
Sinclair K Bty 7xt55 B345 N Bar Emulation EXT Dixie Erica of C H 1019 Sitz Traveler 7594 C H Merle 8415
Milk Marb RE Fat +22 +0.21 +0.32 +0.010
Ma & Pa Emulation E802
Sinclair Emulation 0F4 78 Adj. WW 646 Sinclair Emulation 4FX1 Ratio 96 Sinclair M Emulous 4ET1 D47 Adj. YW 1176 IMF 4.15 RE 12.0 HA Magic Maker 4300 Fat 0.36 Ma & Pa Blackcap 802U # ADG 3.3 Ma & Pa Blackcap K009
BW -1.6
WW +36
YW +61
H A Image Maker 0415 H A Miss Blackcap 5087 Mc Cumber 420 Rito 809 Gdar Miss Blackcap 8120
RE Fat -0.13 +0.044
CED +7
BW +3.1
WW +52
YW +91
BW +0.0
WW +33
• Scrotal: 37 • Dam’s Production: 8@99 2 Generation Pathfinder
S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Ma & Pa Forever Ruby N352 O C C Emblazon 854E Ma & Pa Eileenmere N330 N Bar Emulation EXT Dixie Erica of C H 1019 Sitz Alliance 6595 Blackbird Lassie 319H L A R
Milk Marb RE Fat +24 +0.55 +0.29 +0.038
• Scrotal: 42 • Dam’s Production: 8@108 2 Generation Pathfinder
H A Image Maker 0415 J R Erica 313H O C C Emblazon 854E Ma & Pa Covergirl N361
Milk Marb RE Fat +24 +0.14 +0.50 +0.016
BD: 03/16/17
Sinclair Shadow Rider 9S22 86 Adj. WW 608 Ma & Pa Shadow A627 Ratio 90 Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 627S Adj. YW 1144 IMF 3.73 RE 13.1 O C C Emblazon 854E Fat 0.23 Ma & Pa Blackbird 806U # ADG 3.4 Ma & Pa Blackbird 112L #
N Bar Miss Emulous B514
Deep Creek M Lass 619
• Safe for heifers.
Act. BW
N Bar Kinochtry Bty SCC 2V3 N Bar Explosion TNT
BD: 03/13/17
Ma & Pa Handsom Jack W352 89 Adj. WW 711 Ma & Pa Lumber Jack B543 Ratio 106 Ma & Pa Eileenmere 543R Adj. YW 1332 IMF 4.30 RE 13.3 O C C Great Plains 943G Fat 0.34 Ma & Pa Blackbird 814U # ADG 3.9 Ma & Pa Blackbird 858M #
Emulation N Bar 5522
Milk Marb +21 +0.39
Reg No: 19060973
Act. BW
CED +2
YW +65
Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 Ma & Pa Feature Presentation
Reg No: 19060970
Ma & Pa Cracker Jack E814
WW +37
Bon View New Design 878
Ma & Pa Shadow E806
• Safe for heifers.
• Scrotal: 39 • Dam’s Production: 8@101 Pathfinder
BW -0.2
BD: 04/05/17
Act. BW
CED +10
CED +7
• Scrotal: 33.5 • Dam’s Production: 9@103 Pathfinder
Reg No: 19061008
BD: 03/27/17
Connealy Reflection 78 Adj. WW 638 Deep Creek Revolution 417 Ratio 95 Deep Creek MaPa Lass 617 Adj. YW 1172 IMF 2.47 RE 14.8 RR 0415 Image 3350 Fat 0.28 Ma & Pa Covergirl 750T # ADG 3.4 Ma & Pa Covergirl 553R
Reg No: 19061006
Act. BW
N Bar Primrose Y3051 Emulation 31
• Scrotal: 36 • Dam’s Production: 9@103 2 Generation Pathfinder
Ma & Pa Revelation E750
YW +49
N Bar Shadow X4124 Sinclair Lady 3R1 4465 O C C Great Plains 943G Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 120L D H D Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 N Bar Emulation EXT C H Blackbird 8400
Milk Marb RE Fat +16 +0.15 +0.27 +0.001 • Safe for heifers.
842 Ma & Pa Fortunate E842
842 Act. BW
Reg No: 19060986
Sinclair Emulate 7XT28
Sinclair Fortunate Son
Adj. WW 713 Mc Cumber Fortunate 415 Ratio
Miss Wix 7126 of Mc Cumber
Adj. YW 1337 IMF RE Fat
THICK, DEEP & WIDE with extra length Don’t miss this opportunity to own
BD: 03/20/17
Sinclair Blackbird 2P8 7079 MC Cumber 004 Traveler 513 Miss Wix 413 of Mc Cumber
3.09 H A Image Maker 0415 11.7 HA Magic Maker 4300 0.30 Ma & Pa Eileenmere 842U # H A Miss Blackcap 5087 O C C Emblazon 854E 3.9 Ma & Pa Eileenmere 543R #
CED +4
“A GREAT ONE” out of a cow family that never misses
Ma & Pa Eileenmere N330
BW +2.2
WW +49
YW +90
Milk Marb RE Fat +25 +0.31 +0.00 +0.051
• Scrotal: 38 • Dam’s Production: 8@104 2 Generation Pathfinder
Ma & Pa Behold E870
BD: 04/01/17
Ma & Pa Handsom Jack W352 79 Adj. WW 714 Ma & Pa BEHOLD B537 Ratio 106 Ma & Pa Eriskay 537R Adj. YW 1205 IMF 3.81 RE 12.6 Ma & Pa Feature Presentation Fat 0.40 Ma & Pa Miss 870U ADG 3.1 C H Miss 8338
Act. BW
CED +5
BW +0.1
WW +42
YW +65
• Scrotal: 34 • Dam’s Production: 8@102
O C C Great Plains 943G Ma & Pa Blackbird 858M C H Strath 5564 C Hmiss 6528
• Safe for heifers.
Reg No: 19060988
BW +5.8
WW +49
YW +90
S A V 8180 Traveler 004
Ma & Pa Eriskay M279 H A Image Maker 0415 H A Miss Blackcap 5087 Sitz Alliance 6595 Eileenmere Pride 37H L A R
Milk Marb RE Fat +20 +0.65 +0.20 +0.008
BW +0.5
BD: 03/20/17
Ma & Pa Handsom Jack W352 98 Adj. WW 789 Ma & Pa Lumber Jack B543 Ratio 117 Ma & Pa Eileenmere 543R Adj. YW 1155 IMF 4.48 RE 12.7 Sitz Alliance 6595 Fat 0.34 Ma & Pa Ms Copeland 925W # ADG 2.3 Ma & Pa Ms Copeland 552R Act. BW
CED +8
BW +3.6
WW +49
WW +41
• Scrotal: 35 • Dam’s Production: 5@104
Reg No: 19060968
YW +73
BD: 03/12/17
Sinclair Emperor 0XT1 57 Adj. WW 704 Sinclair Warlord 4IJ4 Ratio 105 Sinclair Blkbird 7OC10 J472 Adj. YW 1198 IMF 3.58 RE 13.0 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Fat 0.42 Ma & Pa Eileenmere 923W ADG 3.1 Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 535R
Ma & Pa Cracker Jack E925
CED -1
Reg No: 19060980
Act. BW
Ma & Pa Forever Ruby N352 O C C Great Plains 943G
• Scrotal: 34 • Dam’s Production: 7@102 2 Generation Pathfinder
Ma & Pa Warlord E923
BD: 04/07/17
Ma & Pa Handsom Jack W352 99 Adj. WW 633 Ma & Pa BEHOLD B537 Ratio 94 Ma & Pa Eriskay 537R Adj. YW 1239 IMF 5.06 RE 12.7 HA Magic Maker 4300 Fat 0.26 Ma & Pa Pride 905W # ADG 3.8 Ma & Pa Pride M282 #
Ma & Pa Eriskay M279
Milk Marb RE Fat +25 +0.47 +0.07 +0.051
Act. BW
CED -6
Ma & Pa Forever Ruby N352 O C C Great Plains 943G
Ma & Pa Behold E905
S A V 8180 Traveler 004
Reg No: 19060993
S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Ma & Pa Forever Ruby N352 O C C Emblazon 854E Ma & Pa Eileenmere N330 Sitz Traveler 8180 Sitz Barbaramere Jet 2698 O C C Emblazon 854E Ma & Pa Ms Copeland N359
Milk Marb RE Fat +25 +0.58 +0.13 +0.079
• Scrotal: 38 • Dam’s Production: 7@106 Pathfinder
YW +71
Sinclair Extra 4X13 Sinclair Ruth 8A1 A78 O C C Great Plains 943G N Bar Blackbird C349 Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 O C C Great Plains 943G Ma & Pa Ebon Eileenmere 120L
Milk Marb RE Fat +22 +0.30 +0.05 +0.064 • Safe for heifers.
Ma & Pa Cracker Jack E949
Reg No: 19060991
BD: 05/15/17
S A V 8180 Traveler 004
Ma & Pa Handsom Jack W352 92 Ma & Pa Forever Ruby N352 Adj. WW 815 Ma & Pa Lumber Jack B543 O C C Emblazon 854E Ratio 121 Ma & Pa Eileenmere 543R Act. BW
Ma & Pa Eileenmere N330
Reg No: 19060985
Sinclair Grass Master 89 Adj. WW 681 Sinclair Prairie Chief 4G7 Ratio 101 Sinclair K Bty 0A3 7XT55 Adj. YW 1227 IMF 4.29 RE 13.2 Ma & Pa Ranger Bill S337 Fat 0.37 Ma & Pa Blackbird 968W ADG 3.4 Ma & Pa BLackbird 756T
CED +0
Ma & Pa Merle 708T #
BW +3.1
WW +60
YW +97
Ma & Pa Merle 110L #
Milk Marb RE Fat +26 +0.49 +0.28 +0.046
• Scrotal: 37 • Dam’s Production: 6@110 3 Generation Pathfinder
BD: 04/07/17
Act. BW
CED +2
Ma & Pa Prairie Chief E968
J R Erica 313H O C C Great Plains 943G
Ma & Pa Merle 949W #
H A Image Maker 0415
RR 0415 Image 3350
BW +2.5
WW +41
YW +67
BT Right Time 24J N Bar Primrose Y3051 Emulation 31 Sinclair K Bty 7xt55 B345 O C C Great Plains 943G Ma & Pa Rachel N337 Sitz Alliance 6595 C H Blackbird 8456
Milk Marb RE Fat +24 +0.30 +0.21 +0.040
• Scrotal: 43 • Dam’s Production: 7@103
Sage Mowry – Class of 2018
Ma & Pa Behold E990
Ma & Pa Handsom Jack W352 81 Adj. WW 647 Ma & Pa BEHOLD B537 Ratio 100 Ma & Pa Eriskay 537R Adj. YW 1327 IMF 4.29 RE 12.4 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 Fat 0.39 Ma & Pa 990 ADG 4.3 Ma & Pa 373
BW –
WW –
BD: 03/24/17
Act. BW
YW –
S A V 8180 Traveler 004
BD: 03/27/17
Connealy Reflection 73 Adj. WW 720 Deep Creek Revolution 417 Ratio 111 Deep Creek MaPa Lass 617 Adj. YW 1282 IMF 3.96 RE 14.0 OCC Great Plains 943G Fat 0.35 Ma & Pa 0106 ADG 3.5 Ma & Pa 695
Ma & Pa Eriskay M279 Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 Ma & Pa 747 EXT K841 Ma & Pa 701
RE –
Act. BW
Ma & Pa Forever Ruby N352 O C C Great Plains 943G
Milk Marb – –
Ma & Pa Revelation E0106
Fat –
• Scrotal: 38 • Dam’s Production: 7@99
BW –
WW –
• Scrotal: 37 • Dam’s Production: 6@101
YW –
Bon View New Design 878 Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 Ma & Pa Feature Presentation Deep Creek M Lass 619 N Bar Emulation EXT Dixie Erica of C H 1019 OCC Great Plains 943G Ma & Pa 910
Milk Marb – – • Safe for heifers.
RE –
Fat –
Ma & Pa Game Day E0123
BD: 03/27/17
100 S Game Day 0218 Adj. WW 744 Ma & Pa 0218 Game Day A430 Ratio 114 Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 430P Adj. YW 1304 IMF 4.22 RE 13.0 Ma & Pa Bailey T541 Fat 0.34 Ma & Pa 0123 ADG 3.5 Ma & Pa 894 EPDs
Act. BW
BW –
WW –
• Scrotal: 37 • Dam’s Production: 6@108
YW –
GDAR Game Day 449
Ma & Pa Elba Bandolier 105L HA Magic Maker 4300 Ma & Pa Bandolier 541R HA Magic Maker 4300 Ma & Pa 381
RE –
BD: 04/05/17
Connealy Reflection 83 Adj. WW 758 Deep Creek Revolution 417 Ratio 117 Deep Creek MaPa Lass 617 Adj. YW 1398 IMF 3.18 RE 15.1 Ma & Pa Documentary W645 Fat 0.34 Ma & Pa 1128 ADG 4.0 Ma & Pa 884 Act. BW
S Blackbird 0111 O C C Echelon 857E
Milk Marb – –
Ma & Pa Revelation E1128
Fat –
BW –
WW –
YW –
Bon View New Design 878 Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 Ma & Pa Feature Presentation Deep Creek M Lass 619 Ma & Pa Sequal R299 Ma & Pa Eriskay 645S Ma & Pa Feature Presentation Ma & Pa 123
Milk Marb – –
RE –
Fat –
• Scrotal: 43 • Dam’s Production: 5@107
Also selling
60 Purebred Commercial Yearling Heifers Herdmates to the bulls selling. Gate Cut 5 or more