Mcdonnell 2018 catalog

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Welcome to our annual bull sale!

This last year has shown some real differences in feeder calf prices based on how program oriented they are. I don’t believe that is going to change. We are seeing more interest from feeders and interestingly, interest from the retail sector as these efficiency sired cattle fit right in with their sustainability programs. I continue to believe that selecting for RFI and efficiency under disciplined parameters offers those of us in the cow calf business the greatest opportunity. With that said, it’s no different than selecting bulls on EPD’s or Gnomics. If they can’t function, fit, stay in the herd and perform in these drier climates then it doesn’t really matter what their numbers are. We work hard to make sure these bulls and the ones we use will work here in the west. How they fit and perform in our environment still has the greatest impact on our ranches and bottom line. We have seen significant improvements in our cows the last several years since we have been putting selection pressure on our herd for RFI. Our breed up has been increasing every year, which only make sense as efficiency and nutrition are highly related, with nutrition being highly related to conception. We also put emphasis on performance and believe it is important that where we can, that we add value for those that buy our products. I believe you can put these high performance cattle in your herd if you select for maturity in the bulls and if you cull your bigger framed heifers. This is a practice we have always done, as often more than not; those bigger framed or heavier heifers don’t necessarily make the best females. This is nothing new, as I can remember the early performance breeders of my father’s generation saying the same thing. We would like to thank Mathew Fischer for all his help this last year and our many friends and neighbors. Special thanks to Justin Martin who has been running things until our daughter, Darcy, and son-inlaw, Victor, get moved to the ranch later this spring. I’m often asked why we have a ranch in North Dakota. North Dakota is where my father’s dad and mom came from and it was our hope to move back here someday. We do make it out for a couple weeks in June AI’ing and the same for haying and weaning and through the winter. I would also like to thank Harry Kerrs and his crew at Bowman Livestock for hosting the sale and Gloria Kerr for preparing the lunch. We welcome Dwain Hould to McDonnell Angus and Midland Bull Test.

Sam & Leo McDonnell

Our 10 busy grandkids

We look forward to seeing you at the sale!! Leo & Sam McDonnell 406-322-4447 – home • 406-780-0176 – cell Mathew Fischer, at the Ranch – 701-440-6704 Steve Williams, Midland Bull Test – 406-321-7046 Dwain Hould 406-321-4517 Vic & Darcy Goni 307-217-0735

Mathew, Joelle, Lila and Miles

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

1:00 p.m. • Bowman Livestock, Bowman, ND Sale Day Phones: Bowman Livestock (877) 211-0600 Leo McDonnell, Cell: (406) 780-0176 • Mathew Fischer: (701) 440-6704 Dwain Hould 406-321-4517 • Steve Williams 406-321-7046 Auctioneer: Lynn Weishaar (605) 866-4670 Lunch

Bulls can ne d onli be viewe nell D at Mc on om Angus.c

Selling: 100 Yearling Angus Bulls with individual feed efficiency test (RFI) data

Accommodations Bowman Lodge............ (701) 523-7750..................Bowman, ND Representatives Don Ravellette.............. (605) 685-5147............ Cattlemen’s Invite Harry Kerrs................... (701) 523-6711............Bowman Livestock Kurt Kangas.................. (661) 706-2041.... American Angus Assn. Rod Geppert.................. (605) 295-3673.... American Angus Assn. Jeff Thomas................... (406) 581-8859....... Farm & Ranch Guide John Goggins................ (406) 698-4159........Western Ag Reporter Dennis Ginkens............ (406) 670-9839....Tristate Livestock News Health All bulls have received two rounds of Bovashield Gold, 8-way, Pasturella and foot rot. Also BVD-PI3 tested free. Semen Tested Bulls were semen tested and evaluated by Dr. Brian Roe. We are keeping 1/3 semen interest on bulls in sale. Complete Performance Data Ultrasound Complete Ultrasound data is available in the back of the catalog. Bulls were ultrasounded by Matt Lane on 3/18/18. GeneSeek & BVD PI tested Bulls have all been Genomics tested on new AngusGS. For further information on HD Genomics testing or commercial programs, contact Dr. John Patterson, (406)581-3492. Delivery If you are needing assistance, we are happy to deliver up to the first 300 miles at no cost to a central point.

Join us!!

will be served at Noon

Terms All cattle sell under the terms and conditions of the American Angus Association. First Breeding Season Guarantee All bulls selling for $2,500 or more will be covered 50% by seller if they are injured during the first breeding season. Breeding season is defined as the 60-day period following the first turnout of bulls. 50% of the value of the bull up to $6,000 in purchase cost, minus one-half salvage value, will be given as credit in a future Beef Country Sale or towards a replacement bull if one of equal quality is available by seller. All injured bulls must be diagnosed by a veterinarian. Please notify us as soon as possible should injury occur and prior to the injured bull being sold for salvage. All claims must be made by September 1, 2018. The guarantee does not replace mortality insurance and does not cover loss due to death or other natural occurrence or negligence. Mortality insurance is available sale day. Viewing Bulls are on test at Midland Bull Test in Columbus, MT, and will arrive at Bowman Livestock on April 30, 2018. References: EPDs current as of April 15, 2018. Genetic Deficient Carriers Any bulls showing as potential for AM, NH, CA, or DD have been tested and, if positive, removed from sale. No known carriers are being sold. Frontier Live Sale at (See page 18) Scott 406-860-6548 • Sam 406-860-0590 If you don’t have high speed internet you’ll want to bid over the phone.

Steak Fry the night before!

May 1st – 6:30 p.m. at the Bowman Livestock!

Bowman Lodge has a block of rooms for May 1st under McDonnell Angus at a special rate if reservations are made by April 22nd. McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics


RFI (Residual Feed Intake) (lbs/day) The amount of feed intake an animal consumes daily, above or below its maintenance requirements as well as its performance (growth) requirements. A negative RFI is a more efficient bull. Example: -2.0 means the bull ate 2 lbs. less feed per day than he needed to meet his body maintenance requirements and productions needs (ADG). With today’s feed costs, that is a savings of 40 cents/day or $72.00 per feeding period. The difference between a -2.0 and a +2.0 bull is $144.00 in the feedlot. If you are keeping replacement females, by selecting for negative RFI, research has shown you have the potential to save close to $60.00 per year on cow maintenance costs. UNDERSTANDING EFFICIENCY AND RFI Historically, the weight of an animal has been the most important component in determining value, which follows closely with production being the most heavily promoted and taught value in agriculture. However, when you consider that more than 75% of the cost of growing cattle is related to feed inputs, and that 70-75% of the feed consumed by cattle is solely for maintenance requirements, then the importance of improving the efficiency of feed intake becomes very real. With today’s feed prices, improving a herds efficiency of feed utilization is obvious. WHAT DOES THE RESEARCH SAY 1. Efficiency is highly related to growth and growth is the traditional method of measuring efficiency. The problem is that using growth as a measure of efficiency also increase the size of the animal, which will increase maintenance requirements (70-75% of feed consumed goes toward maintenance requirements), which will increase appetite, which will increase the need for available feeds/grasses. 2. Using RFI will lead to improvements in feed efficiency without compounding the need for additional feeds or increasing mature size in your cow herd. 3. RFI allows you to produce at a level that optimizes on one’s management and environment instead of stressing it. 4. RFI is a highly heritable trait, meaning that through genetic identification and then selection, one can make rapid improvements. 5. RFI research has shown that improvement in efficiency can be made as much as 25%. 6. Selecting for efficiency will allow the cattle industry to become more competitive in production with swine and chicken. 7. Research has shown there is a 0.90 correlation (very high) between bulls measured for RFI postweaning and how their daughters will perform for efficiency in the cowherd. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS What is the heritability of RFI (Residual Feed Intake)? 0.38-0.40 (Moderately to highly heritable). How is RFI calculated? Basically, RFI is looking at what the feed intake requirements for maintenance are for the individual bulls and then what the feed intake requirements are for production (each individual bull’s ADG) and compares that to what the individual bull consumes. How much difference can one expect to find in cattle? Research from Australia, Canada, and the U.S. have consistently found differences of up to 30%. Our first test group of 400 here at Midland, we found up to 40% variance. If you have two cows weighing 1300 lbs and one producers 15 pounds of milk and the other 20 pounds of milk, wouldn’t the other cow at 15 lbs require less feed? No, and it could just as well be that the 15 lbs. milk producer is a larger consumer of feed which compounds her inefficiency on both feed intake and lower production. That’s the importance of measuring RFI. This is a case where size doesn’t matter. What should one be aware of when using RFI? First and most importantly, efficiency needs to be balanced with production and profitability. Low Intake with low production is no more cost effective than the high production and low efficiency. Why can’t we just use our eye and pick the more moderate, easy-fleshing cow? Don’t confuse size or fleshing ease with efficient productive cattle. Contrary, to what some folks believe, RFI is not related to frame size, body type, or body condition. You’ll find as many inefficient cows in any frame size and just because they look fat and easy-doing doesn’t mean they’re efficient – it just means they’re a fat cow. All bulls are High or Low Density Gnomic tested, including parentage. There is growing interest by ranchers to be able to identify both their better calves and poorer calves. We can help you do this if your running multiple bulls per pasture and they have been gnomic tested.

Dr John Patterson and some of GeneSeek crew will be available sale day for questions.


McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics

Dr John Patterson, who is Montana Extension Beef Specialist Emeritus and now works for GeneSeek, will be giving a short talk before the sale on his experience and research in selecting RFI females. He will also give us an update on the Angus Commercial Gnomic programs they are offering. You will really enjoy getting to know him as he has been a mentor to a lot of great young people in the cattle business.

Reading Performance Information BW - Actual Birth Weight Adj. WW - Weaning Weight Adjusted to 205 days


McD UNO 701 Reg: 18952006

BD: 03/09/17

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906 { OFF Pounder U831 McD-3 Blackbird 183 AAA 17062333 { Performiss 239 CED +5

BW +1.9

WW +52

Act. BW Adj. WW 89 656

YW +89

WWR 99

Milk +28

Scrotal 40

{ {

Marb +0.41

Tattoo: 701

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357 Schurrtop E267 X687 Basin Zara 831D Apex Transform 013 Mid T P Blackbird 765

RE +0.18

RFI EPD -0.51

$W +56.24

$B +64.39

Efficiency Value 149

EPDs (Expected Progeny Difference)

EPDs - The prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. You cannot compare EPDs across breeds. Each breed association calculates that breed’s EPDs. Calving Ease Direct (CED), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers. Birth Weight EPD (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Weaning Weight EPD (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Yearling Weight EPD (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Marbling - Intramuscular Fat EPD is a predictor of the difference in a sire’s progeny for percent intramuscular fat in the ribeye muscle compared to other sires (Angus, Red Angus and Simmental give ultrasound derived EPDs). RE - Ribeye area EPD is a predictor of the difference in square inches of ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to the progeny of other sires (Angus, Red Angus and Simmental give ultrasound derived EPDs.


Beef Value ($B), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for postweaning and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires. Weaned Calf Value ($W), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for preweaning merit. $W includes both revenue and cost adjustments associated with differences in birth weight, weaning direct growth, maternal milk, and mature cow size.

RFI EPD (Angus Association) A minus EPD is better

RFI Value

Combination of Efficiency ratio and RFI EPD which allows for both a genetic component and their actual performance data. An RFI Value of 100 would be a bull that is average for Efficiency ratio and 0.0 for RFI EPD.


Actual scrotal measurement in centimeters were taken by Dr. Roe on 3/21/18

Genetic Defects We have tested and removed from the sale any known carriers for AM, CA, NH, & DD. While some have said the Angus breed has a problem with defects, insinuating Angus have a greater problem than other breeds — that is simply not true. All breeds have defects many similar to Angus. Fortunately the Angus breed is large enough that investments to discover the genetic marker for such defects, can be justified – not true in many other breeds.

This gives us what I believe is the Power of Angus, because like many genetic defects mother nature aborts many of these before they are born — effecting fertility. This search by Angus to clear these up promises you that Angus will remain the Number 1 Fertility Breed. Catalog produced by:

RPI Promotions

Don Ravellette • (605) 685-5147 Beau Ravellette • (605) 685-8155

P.O. Box 788 • Philip, South Dakota 57567

McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics


C C A Uno 049 Reg: #+*16644974 CED +9

BW +1.3

BD: 01/14/2010

WW +58

YW +101

Milk +33

Marb +.32

Tattoo: 049 RE +.48

$W $B +68.04 +107.15

Uno, the calving ease flush brother to Tombstone. We believe Uno to be the number one bull in the Angus breed for combining maternal stayability, performance, disposition, fertility and structural soundness. In the top 9% of Angus sires for $Weaning.


McD UNO 701 Reg: 18952006

BD: 03/09/17

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906 { OFF Pounder U831 McD-3 Blackbird 183 AAA 17062333 { Performiss 239 CED +5

BW +1.9

WW +52

Act. BW Adj. WW 89 656


YW +89

WWR 99

Milk +28

Scrotal 40

BW +1.2

WW +55

Act. BW Adj. WW 85 659

YW +95

WWR 99

Milk +29

Scrotal 34

$W +56.24

$B +64.39

Efficiency Value 149

Tattoo: 703

McD-1-9 Lucy 536 AAA 18280295 { McD-9 Lucy 271 BW +1.8

WW +63

Act. BW Adj. WW 70 704

YW +99

WWR 111

Milk +24

Scrotal 41

WW +53

Act. BW Adj. WW 83 733


YW +94

WWR 100

Milk +30

Scrotal 39.5

$W +64.24

$B +97.50

Efficiency Value 109

Tattoo: 705

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357 TC Total 410 SF Forever Lady 233 Rock’n D Proficient 2915 Lucy’s June 050

Marb +0.45

RE +0.34

RFI EPD -0.38

McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics

$W $B +64.67 +113.11 Efficiency Value 138

CED +5

WW +69

Act. BW Adj. WW 76 690

RE +0.41

BD: 03/02/17

YW +111

WWR 109

Milk +40

Scrotal 37

{ {

Marb +0.37

$W +55.64

$B +86.60

Efficiency Value 130

Tattoo: 704

G D A R Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 Bon View Bando 598 S A V Sky Emulous 2124 Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 Willekes Lady of 410 C C A Uno 049 Mid Eldorene 6511

RE +0.41

RFI EPD -0.91

$W $B +88.70 +122.88 Efficiency Value 194

McD UNO 706 Reg: 18952040

BD: 02/24/17

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 Mytty Countess 906 { { Willekes Converter 4402-9

McD Beauty 591 { BT Beauty 233P CED +11

H A R B Windy 702 JH H A R B Juanada Erica 571 JH Connealy Thunder JAF MS Witch 3S

McD Answer 704 Reg: 18952035

BW +1.4


Tattoo: 702

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

RFI EPD -0.39

{ Willekes Converter 4402-9 McD -3-1 Eldorene 525 AAA 18280287 { McD-1 Eldorene 308

RE +0.28

{ {

Marb +0.32

Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 Willekes Lady of 410 Apex Transform 013 Mid Shoshoness 641

BD: 02/25/17

{ {

BW +1.7

{ Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Final Answer 0035 AAA 13592905 { S A V Emulous 8145

McD UNO 705 Reg: 18952102

CED +6

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

RFI EPD -0.40

{ McD SF Total Package 1337


RE +0.18

Marb +0.37

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 Mytty Countess 906 {

CED +6

{ H A R B Windy 758 J H SL Ms Witch 208Z AAA 17304960 { BCC PC Ms Witch 43W

BD: 03/14/17

{ Willekes Converter 4402-9 McD-4 Performiss 193 AAA 17062391 { Performiss 237


Schurrtop E267 X687 Basin Zara 831D Apex Transform 013 Mid T P Blackbird 765

RFI EPD -0.51

{ {


BD: 02/14/17

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

McD UNO 703 Reg: 18952008

McD 406 UNO 702 Reg: 19078520

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

Marb +0.41

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

CED +7

{ {

Tattoo: 701

BW +0.3

WW +60

Act. BW Adj. WW 68 691

YW +106

WWR 109

• Potential Heifer Bull

AAA 18385265 Milk +34

Scrotal 32

{ {

Marb +0.36

Tattoo: 706

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357 Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 Willekes Lady of 410 W C C Special Design L309 BT Beauty 441J

RE +0.22

RFI EPD -0.38

$W $B +72.47 +105.96 Efficiency Value 134


McD UNO 708 Reg: 18952046

BD: 03/14/17

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906 { J Mc Mac 2801 Eldorene Mac 818 { Performis 221 CED +8

BW +0.9

AAA 16250671

WW +49

Act. BW Adj. WW 84 642

YW +88

WWR 97

Scrotal 37

• Potential Heifer Bull


Milk +26

Marb +0.10

{ Galaxy Final Answer 9014 MID-5 Blackbird 1110 AAA 17063523 { McD Blackbird 918 BW +4.0

WW +57

Act. BW Adj. WW 96 717


YW +99

WWR 108

Milk +28

Scrotal 38

Marb +0.32

BW +3.6

WW +69

Act. BW Adj. WW 97 737

$W +46.48

$B +76.25

Efficiency Value 139

Tattoo: 710

CED +8

BW +0.7

WW +51

Act. BW Adj. WW 76 657

YW +93

WWR 99

• Potential Heifer Bull


Milk +35

Scrotal 36

Marb +0.67

{ Woodhill Foresight JAF Lily 16T AAA 15903930 { 4 C Lily 362

Efficiency Value 159

CED +15

BW -0.1

RE +0.45

BD: 03/11/17

S A V Final Answer 0035 Davis Rita 2206 Schurrtop American 5846 Mid Blackbird 670

$W $B +54.49 +117.50

O C C Exodus 712E O C C Dixie Erica 971E Rito 0O19 of 5B24 2000 Plus Blevins Miss Ext 7016

$W $B +65.73 +129.13 Efficiency Value 188

Fischer Performer 711 Reg: 19018828

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

RE +0.46

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

RFI EPD -0.81

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

BD: 03/18/17

YW +129

WWR 111

Milk +31

Scrotal 40

{ {

Marb +0.26

WW +36

Act. BW Adj. WW 78 648

YW +71

WWR 97

• Potential Heifer Bull

Milk +36

Scrotal 35

{ {

Marb +0.82

Tattoo: 711

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357 Papa Forte 1921 Bon View Gammer 85 Bon View New Design 1407 4 C Lily 62

RE -0.19

RFI EPD -0.15

$W +51.24

$B +62.61

Efficiency Value 108

Tattoo: 712

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357 Connealy Packer 547 L A Beauty 684 Alberda Meat Packer 420 Lemar Queen Elba 510P

RE +0.53

RFI EPD -0.64

$W $B +65.65 +138.36

BD: 03/21/17

{ Boyd On Target 1083 Quaker Hill Blackcap 6BT5 AAA 15565558 { Quaker Hill Blackcap 1T1 BW +3.6

WW +59

Act. BW Adj. WW 86 704

YW +97

WWR 106

Milk +24

Scrotal 35.5

{ {

Marb +0.34


Efficiency Value 164

Fischer Uno 713 Reg: 19018832

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

CED +4

RE +0.48

{ {

Tattoo: 709A

McD UNO 712 Reg: 18952100

{ L A Packer 78 LEMAR Queen Elba 377Y AAA 17033109 { Lemar Queen Elba 777T


{ O C C Glory 950G Glory’s Miss EXT 884 AAA 16250619 { Mid Performiss 3028

RFI EPD -0.54

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

CED -3

Marcys 00 Notch 1 Comanches Lass 8196 J Mc H A R B Cincha 829 Mid Eldorene Vers 725

BD: 03/17/17

{ {

BD: 03/15/17

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

McD UNO 710 Reg: 18952055


McD UNO 709 Reg: 18952047

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

RFI EPD -0.41

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

CED +2

{ {

Tattoo: 708

Tattoo: 713


McD UNO 715 Reg: 18952023

BD: 03/02/17

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

S A F 598 Bando 5175 Boyd Forever Lady 7095 S S Traveler 6807 T510 BW/QHF Blackcap 9S7

{ McD AAR Juneau 944 McD-2-9 Shoshoness 405 AAA 17944890 { McD-9 Shoshoness 230

RE +0.28

RFI EPD -0.38

$W $B +54.58 +104.49 Efficiency Value 136

CED +5

BW -0.2

WW +58

Act. BW Adj. WW 80 679

YW +95

WWR 100

• Potential Heifer Bull

Milk +34

Scrotal 38

{ {

Marb +0.48

Tattoo: 715

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357 O C C Juneau 807J Mid Ambushess 354 Rock’n D Proficient 2915 Mid Shoshoness 613

RE +0.16

RFI EPD -1.39

$W $B +74.96 +129.53 Efficiency Value 265

McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics



McD UNO 720 Reg: 18952066

BD: 02/08/17

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906 { Basin Yellowstone R178 McD-2 Ambush 3171 AAA 17647052 { Scar Ambush 7736 CED +10

BW +0.7

WW +56

Act. BW Adj. WW 78 721

YW +99

WWR 106

• Potential Heifer Bull


Milk +29

Scrotal 38

Vermilion Yellowstone Basin Camilla L868 Scar Easy Upgrade 5057 K M Classic Ambush

{ Schurrtop RTA Business McD-5 Performiss 3173 AAA 17667938 { Mid Performiss 7129

RE +0.26

RFI EPD -0.46

BD: 02/20/17

{ Basin Yellowstone R178 McD-2 Performiss 4107 AAA 17945071 { Mid Performiss 671 BW +4.2

WW +55

Act. BW Adj. WW 91 721

YW +95

WWR 106

Milk +26

Scrotal 39.5

{ {

BD: 03/08/17

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

$W $B +64.71 +113.27 Efficiency Value 151

McD UNO 725 Reg: 18952071


McD UNO 723 Reg: 18952067

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

Marb +0.40

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

CED +3

{ {

Tattoo: 720

Tattoo: 725

CED +13

BW -0.6

WW +39

Act. BW Adj. WW 80 691

YW +77

WWR 102

• Potential Heifer Bull


Milk +34

Scrotal 36

Marb +0.01

{ McD Performer 228 McD-3-9 Shonada 4110 AAA 17945074 { McD -9 Shonada 2204

RFI EPD -0.53

Efficiency Value 158

CED +13

BW +0.4

WW +52

Act. BW Adj. WW 82 708

YW +102

WWR 104

• Potential Heifer Bull


Milk +31

Scrotal 38


McD UNO 729 Reg: 624566014

BD: 02/25/17

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906 { Horse Butte 58 of 0348 Miss Rito Sho 9531 AAA 16670854 { Ms Precision of 4L P404 CED +0

BW +2.7

WW +62

Act. BW Adj. WW 92 747


YW –

WWR 110

Milk –

Scrotal 39

{ {

Tattoo: 729

WW +59

Act. BW Adj. WW 88 717

YW +102

WWR 105

Milk +27

Scrotal 35.5


McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics

Efficiency Value NA

CED +5

Tattoo: 726

$W $B +57.94 +115.06 Efficiency Value 179

Tattoo: 728A

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357 Schurrtop RTA Business Katrina Blanche Barbara 6979 C C A Uno 049 McD Juanada 981

RE +0.26

$W +61.17

$B +88.39

Efficiency Value 120

McD UNO 730 Reg: 18952095

BD: 03/15/17

{ B C C Freightliner 2102-8540 MID-3 Performiss 1120 AAA 17063519 { McD Performiss 971

$B –

RE +0.40

RFI EPD -0.21

Horse Butte 221 of 321 HBR V Lass 0348 M G Mr Precision M515 Ms 785 Rito of 4L L42

$W –

{ {

Marb +0.09

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

RE –

Efficiency Value 162

Schurrtop RTA Business Katrina Blanche Barbara 6979 Rock’n D Proficient 2915 McD ZG Shonada 946

BD: 02/27/17

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

Marb –

$B +70.36

McD UNO 728 Reg: 18952075

BW +1.9


$W +50.63

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

RFI EPD -0.63

{ McD Performer 228 McD-3 Juanada 4119 AAA 17945083 { McD Juanada 2206


{ {

Marb +0.21

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

CED +7

RE +0.43

BD: 02/08/17

Vermilion Yellowstone Basin Camilla L868 J Mc Mac 2801 Mid Newell 911

$W $B +50.27 +101.85

Connealy Danny Boy Cherry Knoll Hailey J MC Shoosh 5113 Newells Performiss 453

McD UNO 726 Reg: 18952072

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

RE +0.31

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

RFI EPD -0.65

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

Marb +0.39

{ {

Tattoo: 723

BW +2.1

WW +60

Act. BW Adj. WW 86 748

YW +110

WWR 110

Milk +27

Scrotal 41.5

{ {

Marb +0.24

Tattoo: 730

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357 Connealy Freightliner Three Trees Barbara 2102 Bar 942 of 8423 Performiss 490

RE +0.77

RFI EPD -1.01

$W $B +62.67 +141.53 Efficiency Value 207


McD Infinity 2Y 735 Reg: 18974112

BD: 03/18/17

{ Te Mania Infinity 04 379 AB MJB Infinity 2Y AAA 17149109 { M J B Blackbird 906W { Willekes Converter 4402-9 McD-4 Performiss 101 AAA 17062350 { McD Performiss 940 CED -2

BW +2.7

WW +64

Act. BW Adj. WW 95 742

YW +102

WWR 112

Milk +21

Scrotal 37

{ {

Marb +0.72

Tattoo: 735


McD Infinity 2Y 737 Reg: 18974114

BD: 03/04/17

Te Mania Unlimited U3271 Te Mania 95102 Schurrtop American 5846 MJB Blackbird 601S

{ Te Mania Infinity 04 379 AB MJB Infinity 2Y AAA 17149109 { M J B Blackbird 906W

Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 Willekes Lady of 410 Horse Butte 5023 of 1023 Performiss 317

{ Willekes Converter 4402-9 McD-4 Eileen 113 AAA 17062336 { Blevins Eileen Destine 9620

RE +0.44

RFI EPD -1.04

$W $B +60.27 +124.20 Efficiency Value 215

CED +2

BW +1.9

WW +64

Act. BW Adj. WW 95 685


YW +100

WWR 103

Milk +22

Scrotal 39

Marb +0.59

BW +0.9

WW +38

Act. BW Adj. WW 91 708

BD: 03/14/17

{ Basin Yellowstone R178 McD Blackcap 3104 AAA 17736454 { HT Blackcap of CP P126 BW +2.8

WW +58

Act. BW Adj. WW 92 668


YW +105

WWR 101

Milk +28

Scrotal 39

{ {

Marb +0.69

$W $B +65.21 +113.89 Efficiency Value 172

BD: 03/09/17

YW +50

WWR 106

Milk +28

Scrotal 37

{ {

Marb +0.46

Tattoo: 740

Te Mania Unlimited U3271 Te Mania 95102 Schurrtop American 5846 MJB Blackbird 601S Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 Willekes Lady of 410 Sitz Upward 307R Notchess 472

RE +0.37

RFI EPD -0.77

$W +47.88

$B +73.46

Efficiency Value 188

Tattoo: 741

Te Mania Unlimited U3271 Te Mania 95102 Schurrtop American 5846 MJB Blackbird 601S Vermilion Yellowstone Basin Camilla L868 Bon View New Design 878 K S P Blackcap of H T B6

RE +0.18

RFI EPD -0.76

$W $B +53.55 +119.67 Efficiency Value 177


McD Infinity 2Y 742 Reg: 18974116

BD: 03/03/17

{ Te Mania Infinity 04 379 AB MJB Infinity 2Y AAA 17149109 { M J B Blackbird 906W { HARB Pendleton 765 J H Blackcaps Pendle 037 AAA 16792621 { Leachman Blackcap 8251 CED +8

RE +0.56

McD Infinity 2Y 741 Reg: 18974101

{ Te Mania Infinity 04 379 AB MJB Infinity 2Y AAA 17149109 { M J B Blackbird 906W

CED +1

Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 Willekes Lady of 410 G A R Predestined Blevins Eileen Enhancer 3476

Fischer Infinity 740 Reg: 19045419

{ Willekes Converter 4402-9 McD-3 Barbara 2118 AAA 17437848 { Barbara Performiss 038


Te Mania Unlimited U3271 Te Mania 95102 Schurrtop American 5846 MJB Blackbird 601S

RFI EPD -0.67

{ Te Mania Infinity 04 379 AB MJB Infinity 2Y AAA 17149109 { M J B Blackbird 906W

CED +0

{ {

Tattoo: 737

BW +0.4

WW +46

Act. BW Adj. WW 77 667

YW +82

WWR 101

• Potential Heifer Bull

Milk +21

Scrotal 38

{ {

Marb +0.23

Tattoo: 742

Te Mania Unlimited U3271 Te Mania 95102 Schurrtop American 5846 MJB Blackbird 601S S A V Final Answer 0035 H A R B Black Lady 375 J H TC Stockman 365 Leachman Blackcap 4010

RE +0.30

RFI EPD -0.95

$W +45.71

$B +94.33

Efficiency Value 199

742 McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics



McD Cash 748 Reg: 19023306

BD: 02/26/17

{ Sitz Dash 10277 Barstow Cash AAA 17145326 { Barstow Queen W16 { Mystic Hill Jubilation 0615 Mystic Hill Lassie 1185 AAA 17940626 { NEALA Lassie 820 CED +9

748 749

WW +57

Act. BW Adj. WW 96 666

YW +106


Milk +25

Scrotal 38

Marb +0.22

Sitz Upward 307R Sitz Everelda Entense 2665 S A V Final Answer 0035 RCA Queen R42 Mystic Hill Jubilation 0407 Mystic Hill Juanada 409 Mystic Hill Right Time 0666 NEALA Lassie 432

RE +0.52

RFI EPD 0.50

$W +62.54

$B +74.68

Efficiency Value 87

McD Cash 749 Reg: 19023307

BD: 03/03/17

{ Sitz Dash 10277 Barstow Cash AAA 17145326 { Barstow Queen W16 { Mystic Hill Jubilation 0615 Mystic Hill Lassie 1185 AAA 17940626 { NEALA Lassie 820 CED +8

BW +1.0

{ {

Tattoo: 748

BW +1.0

WW +57

Act. BW Adj. WW 82 640

YW +107


Milk +26

Scrotal 37

{ {

Tattoo: 749

Sitz Upward 307R Sitz Everelda Entense 2665 S A V Final Answer 0035 RCA Queen R42 Mystic Hill Jubilation 0407 Mystic Hill Juanada 409 Mystic Hill Right Time 0666 NEALA Lassie 432

Marb +0.21

RE +0.54

RFI EPD -0.11

$W +63.32

$B +90.58

Efficiency Value 99

K C F Bennett Absolute Reg: *16430795

BD: 03/08/2009

{ Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Final Answer 0035 AAA #13592905 { S A V Emulous 8145 { Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 AAA 15005375 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 { CED +11

BW -.2

WW +62

YW +116

Milk +18

Marb +.69

Tattoo: W299 Absolute has proven himself to be one of the top bulls for efficiency across the breed as well as his sire, SAV Final Answer 0035. RE +.71

$W $B +63.25 +152.49


McD Absolute 750 Reg: 18966193

BD: 03/12/17

{ S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute AAA 16430795 { Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 { Basin Yellowstone R178 McD -1 Shonada 116 AAA 17063042 { Cole Creek Z G Shonada 44P

750 8

McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics

CED +4

BW +2.0

WW +55

Act. BW Adj. WW 93 631

YW +104

WWR 95

Milk +19

Scrotal 42

{ {

Marb +0.58

Tattoo: 750

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 Vermilion Yellowstone Basin Camilla L868 Cole Creek Rutten Buck 40M Cole Creek Z G Eileen 50M

RE +0.52

RFI EPD -1.31

$W $B +41.33 +131.63 Efficiency Value 238


McD Absolute 751 Reg: 18966200

BD: 03/10/17

{ S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute AAA 16430795 { Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 { Mid Performer 570 Shoshoness 829 AAA 16250658 { Rainmakers Performiss 404 CED +13

BW +0.2

WW +66

Act. BW Adj. WW 81 632

YW +119

WWR 95

• Potential Heifer Bull


Milk +23

Scrotal 36

Marb +0.69

{ Mc Cumber Rito Rolette 1108 Pride Ann 271 of SA 13B AAA 18151134 { B5 Jumbo Rita 271 BW -0.6

WW +50

Act. BW Adj. WW 81 722

YW +84

WWR 108

• Potential Heifer Bull


Milk +25

Scrotal 38

Marb +0.36

BW +1.2

WW +60

Act. BW Adj. WW 79 800

YW +108

WWR 121

Milk +23

Scrotal 33

{ {

Marb +0.12

Efficiency Value 193

Tattoo: 753

WW +62

Act. BW Adj. WW 73 668

YW +103

WWR 106

• Potential Heifer Bull

Milk +38

Scrotal 36.5

Marb +0.57

WW +57

Act. BW Adj. WW 91 712


YW +98

WWR 107

Milk +22

Scrotal 36.5

RE +0.32

$W +59.34

$B +80.20

Efficiency Value 153

Tattoo: 755A

CED +6

WW +57

Act. BW Adj. WW 92 699

YW +108

WWR 105

Milk +22

Scrotal 38

Tattoo: 757

WW +57

Act. BW Adj. WW 86 645

YW +99

WWR 97

Milk +28

Scrotal 39

Efficiency Value 206

RE +0.44

$W $B +46.20 +122.54 Efficiency Value 158

Tattoo: 756

Vermilion Payweight J847 Basin Lucy 3829 HARB Pendleton 765 J H 21AR O Lass F24A Sitz Upward 307R Mytty Countess 906 Horse Butte 5023 of 1023 Schmaus Example 405

RE +0.25

$W $B +55.67 +107.08 Efficiency Value 161

Fischer Answer 759 Reg: 19005331

BD: 03/01/17

{ C C A Uno 049 Fischer Uno 514 AAA 18382155 McD-9 Pride 2148 {

RFI EPD -1.06

Tattoo: 754

V D A R Lucys Boy V D A R Lass 5186 ACC VRD 43 A213 Performiss 385

RFI EPD -0.65

Sitz Upward 307R Mytty Countess 906 Schurrtop RTA Business Blevins Prime Duchess 9672

CED +2

{ {

Marb +0.56

{ Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Final Answer 0035 AAA 13592905 { S A V Emulous 8145

$W $B +80.84 +150.44

Efficiency Value 246

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050

BD: 03/05/17

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

RE +0.35

$W $B +50.91 +133.11

McD Payweight 756 Reg: 18969530

BW +1.2


RE +0.41

RFI EPD -0.49

{ C C A Uno 049 McD-1 Example 314 AAA 17647236 { McD Example 960

Efficiency Value 169

{ {

Marb +0.64

Connealy Danny Boy Cherry Knoll Hailey Schurrtop M C Vermilion Emma 3407

CED +6

Vermilion Yellowstone Basin Camilla L868 E E Hy Rito 1116 785 Shoshones Power 439

BD: 03/07/17

{ Basin Payweight 006S Basin Payweight 1682 AAA 17038724 { 21AR O Lass 7017

$W $B +59.99 +119.91

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050

RFI EPD -1.25

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Emblynette 4408

RE +0.61

Tattoo: 752

McD Absolute 754 Reg: 18966201

BW +2.2


{ {

Marb +0.66

{ VDAR Enterprise 2059 Mid Eola 794 AAA 15876415 { Mid Performiss 584

BD: 03/02/17

{ {

BW +2.0

Sinclair Entrepreneur 8R101 B Pride 636 of Mc Cumber LRA Alliance 459 Ryg Patti 928

McD Uno 757 Reg: 18969528

CED +4

{ S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute AAA 16430795 { Thomas Miss Lucy 5152

RFI EPD -0.75

{ C C A Uno 049 McD-1-5 Dutchess 507 AAA 18280273 McD-5 Duchess 277 { BW -1.2

$W $B +66.63 +138.43

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050

BD: 03/09/17

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

CED +8

RE +0.38

McD QV Answer 755 Reg: 18999783

{ Schurrtop RTA Business McD-5 Emma 207 AAA 17388328 { Mid Emma 761


{ Basin Yellowstone R178 MID-3 Belles Performiss 112 AAA 17092256 { Belles Shoshoness 155

RFI EPD -0.64

{ S A V Final Answer 0035 QV Final Answer 5009 AAA 18190244 { S A V Emblynette 7411

CED +6

Schurrtop M C Mid Lucys 951 Sitz Rainmaker 6169 Shoshoness 582

BD: 03/02/17

{ {

BD: 03/06/17

{ S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute AAA 16430795 { Thomas Miss Lucy 5152

Fischer Absolute 753 Reg: 19008130


McD Absolute 752 Reg: 18966189

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050

RFI EPD -0.92

{ S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute AAA 16430795 { Thomas Miss Lucy 5152

CED +8

{ {

Tattoo: 751

BW +1.0

WW +58

Act. BW Adj. WW 85 740

YW +95

WWR 111

Milk +32

Scrotal 38

{ {

Marb +0.32

Tattoo: 759

G D A R Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 Bon View Bando 598 S A V Sky Emulous 2124 Sitz Upward 307R Mytty Countess 906 Rock’n D Proficient 2915 Prides Cedar 076

RE +0.50

RFI EPD -1.40

$W $B +71.68 +122.47 Efficiency Value 236

McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics



McD Answer 761 Reg: 18969523

BD: 03/03/17

{ Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Final Answer 0035 AAA 13592905 { S A V Emulous 8145 { C C A Uno 049 McD -1 Eriskay 542 AAA 18280299 { McD Eriskay 231 CED +13

BW -0.8

WW +66

Act. BW Adj. WW 71 693

YW +121

WWR 110

• Potential Heifer Bull


Milk +20

Scrotal 34

Sitz Upward 307R Mytty Countess 906 Basin Yellowstone R178 Blevins Eriskay Mission 9652

{ C C A Uno 049 McD -1 Jumboleen 558 AAA 18280306 { Cole Creek SG Jumboleen 563

RE +0.45

RFI EPD -1.16

BD: 03/09/17

{ Schurrtop RTA Business McD-5 Emma 207 AAA 17388328 { Mid Emma 761 BW +1.2

WW +60

Act. BW Adj. WW 75 737

YW +108

WWR 117

Milk +23

Scrotal 34

{ {

BD: 02/22/17

{ Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Final Answer 0035 AAA 13592905 { S A V Emulous 8145

$W $B +68.14 +133.75 Efficiency Value 251

McD QV Answer 763 Reg: 19014325


McD Answer 762 Reg: 18969522

G D A R Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 Bon View Bando 598 S A V Sky Emulous 2124

Marb +0.34

{ S A V Final Answer 0035 QV Final Answer 5009 AAA 18190244 { S A V Emblynette 7411

CED +6

{ {

Tattoo: 761A

Tattoo: 763

CED +14

BW -1.9

WW +51

Act. BW Adj. WW 65 686

YW +88

WWR 109

• Potential Heifer Bull


Milk +28

Scrotal 37

Marb +0.55

{ Schafer 21C of 514 1005 McD -2 Juanada 594 AAA 18412438 { McD Juanada 2206

RFI EPD -0.94

Efficiency Value 190

CED +14

BW -2.5

WW +42

Act. BW Adj. WW 59 705

YW +70

WWR 112

• Potential Heifer Bull


Milk +24

Scrotal 35


McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics

$W +65.35

$B +88.35

Efficiency Value 168

Tattoo: 764

G D A R Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 Bon View Bando 598 S A V Sky Emulous 2124 Schafer 21st Century Chase 878 Lady Bando 07-514 C C A Uno 049 McD Juanada 981

RE +0.20

RFI EPD -0.47

$W +51.32

$B +37.51

Efficiency Value 137

Fischer Answer 766 Reg: 19005334

BD: 03/18/17

{ Basin Yellowstone R178 McD Blackbird-3 2101 AAA 17437865 { Mid Blackbird 336


{ {

Marb +0.00

{ Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Final Answer 0035 AAA 13592905 { S A V Emulous 8145

CED +4

RE +0.29

BD: 03/03/17

Connealy Danny Boy Cherry Knoll Hailey Schurrtop M C Vermilion Emma 3407

$W $B +59.99 +127.22

Sitz Upward 307R Mytty Countess 906 Cole Creek Black Seal 230 Cole Creek S G Jumboleen 5P

McD Answer 764 Reg: 18969517

{ Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Final Answer 0035 AAA 13592905 { S A V Emulous 8145

RE +0.60

G D A R Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 Bon View Bando 598 S A V Sky Emulous 2124

RFI EPD -0.69

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Emblynette 4408

Marb +0.20

{ {

Tattoo: 762

BW +2.2

WW +62

Act. BW Adj. WW 79 704

YW +104

WWR 106

Milk +17

Scrotal 35

{ {

Marb +0.41

Tattoo: 766

G D A R Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 Bon View Bando 598 S A V Sky Emulous 2124 Vermilion Yellowstone Basin Camilla L868 Davis Quantum 1518 Mid Fortuness 943

RE +0.41

RFI EPD -0.74

$W $B +51.30 +124.61 Efficiency Value 176

AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 Reg: 17762778 BD: 01/11/2014

CED +10

BW +.9

WW +72

YW +135

Milk +23

Marb +.54

RE +.85

$W $B +71.45 +155.85

AB Capitalist was a high efficiency bulls out of 2015 Midland Bull Test. His progeny have done very well with a lot of substance and have excellent feet and structure. His first calf daughters have small teet with balanced tight udders. Top 5% of breed for $Weaning.

Schurr McD Impact of Garton Reg: *18038644 BD: 08/29/2014

CED +12

BW -.8

WW +62

YW +119

Milk +28

Marb +.97

RE +.87

$W $B +65.29 +158.37

Impact was one of the high efficiency bulls at the 2015 Green Springs Bull Test. A maternal brother to Spur and is easy calving, thick, good doing kind.


McD Capitalist 771 Reg: 18952016

BD: 03/17/17

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096 { Vermilion Nebraska M404 CL Beauty 263 AAA 15114600 { CL Beauty 211 CED -4

BW +4.3

WW +70

Act. BW Adj. WW 92 739


YW +129

WWR 111

Milk +18

Scrotal 38

Marb +0.36

{ O C C Juneau 807J Shoshoness June 066 AAA 16792347 { Mid Performiss 6103 BW -1.2

WW +48

Act. BW Adj. WW 79 618


YW +82

WWR 93

Milk +22

Scrotal 36

Marb +0.51

{ G A R Predestined Blevins Eileen Destine 9620 AAA 16405487 { Blevins Eileen Enhancer 3476

RE +0.38

$W $B +52.46 +144.14 Efficiency Value 239

Tattoo: 782

CED +6

BW +1.9

WW +56

Act. BW Adj. WW 89 691


YW +104

WWR 104

Milk +27

Scrotal 34.5

Efficiency Value 137

CED +6

BW -0.2

RE +0.96

BD: 03/05/17

{ Rock’n D Proficient 2915 McD-9 Enchantress 122 AAA 17062360 { Mid Performiss 695

$B +66.62

B/R New Design 036 G A R Ext 4206 G A R Enhancer 5365 B A R Eileen Executive 114

$W $B +60.99 +136.63 Efficiency Value 140

McD Capitalist 784 Reg: 18952003

O C C Emblazon 854E O C C Dixie Erica 903E Sitz Rainmaker 6169 Performiss 237

$W +51.37

Tattoo: 779

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396

RFI EPD -0.41

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096

RE +0.59

{ {

Marb +0.60

Boyd New Day 8005 B/R Ruby 1224 Connealy Onward Riverbend Blackbird 4301

RFI EPD -0.37

WW +57

Act. BW Adj. WW 78 667

YW +107

WWR 101

• Potential Heifer Bull

Milk +24

Scrotal 37.5

{ {

Marb +0.70

Tattoo: 784

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396 Rito 4612 of Rita 8G23 1I2 Miss Tricia Blackcap of RDR O C C Glory 950G Syds Enchantress 055

RE +0.52

RFI EPD -0.59

$W $B +53.46 +131.72 Efficiency Value 159

McD Capitalist 786 Reg: 18952009

BD: 03/09/17

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096 { Rock’n D Proficient 2915 McD Brun-9 Enchantress 201 AAA 17399102 { BAR Erica Right Time 851 CED +9

Baldridge Nebraska 901 Vermilion K Pride 0072 Rockn D Ambush 1531 D M Beauty 16

BD: 03/17/17

{ {

BD: 03/12/17

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096

McD Reserve 782 Reg: 18952000


McD Capitalist 779 Reg: 18952092

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396

RFI EPD -1.34

{ B/R New Day 454 V A R Reserve 1111 AAA 16916944 { Sandpoint Blackbird 8809

CED +12

{ {

Tattoo: 771

Connealy Capitalist 028 – Sire of Capitalist 4507 & Impact Garton

BW +1.5

WW +61

Act. BW Adj. WW 85 726

YW +112

WWR 110

Milk +26

Scrotal 42

{ {

Marb +0.54

Tattoo: 786

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396 Rito 4612 of Rita 8G23 1I2 Miss Tricia Blackcap of RDR Leachman Right Time Basin Trojan Erica D S 637Y

RE +0.54

RFI EPD -0.30

$W $B +65.13 +135.66 Efficiency Value 138

786 McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics



McD Capitalist 787 Reg: 18952010

BD: 03/10/17

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096 { Willekes Converter 4402-9 McD-3 Enchantress 225 AAA 17339881 { Enchantress Cedar 067 CED +10

787 788

WW +76

Act. BW Adj. WW 82 783

YW +131

WWR 118

• Potential Heifer Bull

Milk +37

Scrotal 36

Marb +0.74

BD: 03/20/17

{ Basin Yellowstone R178 McD Pearls 226 AAA 17339882 { Pearls Performiss 433 BW +1.0

WW +61

Act. BW Adj. WW 83 700

$W $B +93.41 +151.66 Efficiency Value 139

YW +106

WWR 106

Milk +22

Scrotal 32

{ {

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396 Vermilion Yellowstone Basin Camilla L868 VDAR Enterprise 2059 Performiss 228

Marb +0.60

RE +0.54

RFI EPD -0.76

$W $B +56.34 +128.82 Efficiency Value 170

McD Capitalist 789 Reg: 18952013

BD: 03/08/17

{ Willekes Converter 4402-9 McD Performiss 238 AAA 17339903 { 313 Performiss 006 CED +7

789 McD Capitalist 790 Reg: 18952017

BD: 03/05/17

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096 { Sitz Upward 307R McD Brun Enchantress 283 AAA 17407112 { Stevenson Enchantress H30H BW +1.6

WW +63

Act. BW Adj. WW 83 656


RE +0.31

RFI EPD -0.51

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096

CED +8

Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 Willekes Lady of 410 Cole Creek Black Cedar 46P Enchantress Notch 400

Tattoo: 788



S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396

McD Capitalist 788 Reg: 18952011

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096

CED +5

BW -0.7

{ {

Tattoo: 787

YW +120

WWR 99

Milk +26

Scrotal 34.5

{ {

Tattoo: 790

BW +1.2

WW +74

Act. BW Adj. WW 91 712


YW +137

WWR 107

Milk +28

Scrotal 41

Marb +0.88

{ Sitz Rainmaker 6169 Mid Juanadaleen 680 AAA 15567233 { Trans Ambushess 147

RFI EPD -0.82

McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics

Efficiency Value 190

CED +6

RE +0.62

BD: 03/12/17

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Basin Rainmaker 654X Stevenson Enchantress 4996

$W $B +61.71 +134.06

Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 Willekes Lady of 410 Connealy Onward OCC Montana Dream 313

$W $B +73.89 +167.59 Efficiency Value 197

McD Capitalist 792 Reg: 18952084

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096

RE +0.32

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396

RFI EPD -0.80

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396

Marb +0.42

{ {

Tattoo: 789

BW +2.6

WW +59

Act. BW Adj. WW 82 719

YW +113

WWR 108

Milk +18

Scrotal 32

{ {

Marb +0.23

Tattoo: 792

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396 Sitz Rainmaker 8987 Sitz Barbaramere Jet 3007 Apex Transform 013 D C M Ambush 576

RE +0.90

RFI EPD -0.52

$W $B +46.51 +139.41 Efficiency Value 148


McD Capitalist 793 Reg: 18952088

BD: 03/07/17

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096 { Schurrtop American 5846 Performiss 8500 AAA 16385804 { 4L Mid Emblazon P434 CED +0

BW +1.3

WW +54

Act. BW Adj. WW 88 763


YW +92

WWR 115

Milk +30

Scrotal 35

Marb +0.76

{ Basin Yellowstone R178 MID-1 Lura 1105 AAA 17063527 { SCAR Lura 2268 BW +1.8

WW +49

Act. BW Adj. WW 86 722


YW +89

WWR 106

Milk +30

Scrotal 38

Marb +0.24

BW +1.0

WW +54

Act. BW Adj. WW 86 651

$W $B +64.80 +136.97 Efficiency Value 187

Tattoo: 795

YW +98

WWR 96

Milk +23

Scrotal 32

{ {

Marb +0.40

BW +1.7

WW +62

Act. BW Adj. WW 80 698

YW +112

WWR 113

Milk +21

Scrotal 35

Marb +0.17

Act. BW Adj. WW 91 784


YW +130

WWR 118

Milk +36

Scrotal 40

RE +0.68

$W $B +53.90 +110.23 Efficiency Value 185

Tattoo: 7100

CED +2

WW +67

Act. BW Adj. WW 87 665

YW +102

WWR 100

Milk +23

Scrotal 37

Tattoo: 7102

BW +2.0

WW +60

Act. BW Adj. WW 86 650


YW +111

WWR 106

Milk +18

Scrotal 40

{ {

Marb +0.20

Efficiency Value 139

RE +0.47

$W $B +69.30 +105.64 Efficiency Value 174

Tattoo: 7101

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396 Pascalar Ayres New View P310 Pascalar Gay Lady Lass P258 J R Easy Traveler 165C A A R Heiress 680

RE +0.47

$W $B +52.84 +110.43 Efficiency Value 103

McD Capitalist 7103 Reg: 18952080

BD: 03/14/17

{ McD SF Total Package 1337 McD -1 Performiss 5215 AAA 18280163 { McD Performiss 959

RFI EPD -0.53

Tattoo: 796

O C C Emblazon 854E O C C Dixie Erica 903E H A Image Maker 0415 Lucys Performis 468

RFI EPD -0.03

Schafer 21st Century Chase 878 Lady Bando 07-514 Horse Butte 5023 of 1023 Mid Mignonne 544

CED +7

Efficiency Value 138

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050

BD: 02/15/17

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096

$W $B +60.64 +118.53

$W $B +83.18 +133.29

McD Capitalist 7101 Reg: 18952078

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396

RE +0.53

RE +0.41

RFI EPD -0.77

{ Ayres Pascalar New View 222 ERICA of SCAR 5112 AAA 15115808 { A A R Cindy 2365

Efficiency Value 198

{ {

Marb +0.48

Connealy Danny Boy Cherry Knoll Hailey C C A Uno 049 Blackcap Performiss 9542

CED +5

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Mc Bee WMR Super X 745 P J M Shoshone 99-6323 206

BD: 03/18/17

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096

$W $B +55.39 +116.49

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396

RFI EPD -0.40

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396

RE +0.60

Tattoo: 794A

McD Absolute 796 Reg: 18988638

BW +2.9


{ {

Marb +0.22

{ O C C Juneau 807J Lucy’s June 050 AAA 16792345 { Mid Performiss 656

BD: 03/01/17

{ Schafer 21C of 514 1005 McD -2 Mignonne 5209 AAA 18280157 { McD Mignonne 939

WW +74

Vermilion Yellowstone Basin Camilla L868 A A R Traveler 2390 Gladwall L Lura 6268

RFI EPD -1.01

{ {

BW +2.3

{ S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute AAA 16430795 { Thomas Miss Lucy 5152

McD Capitalist 7102 Reg: 18952079

CED +7

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 SydGen C C & 7 H&H L&C Irene Lass 7116

BD: 03/22/17

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096

CED +4

RE +0.48

McD Capitalist 7100 Reg: 18952077

{ Schurrtop RTA Business McD-4 Blackcap 4130 AAA 17951653 { McD Blackcaps Performis 2219


{ Sitz Upward 307R Performiss Sho 003 AAA 16792655 { Mid Performiss 313

RFI EPD -0.81

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096

CED +5

Schurrtop M C Schurr 77 Marias 598 1889 B C Mid Emblazon 854E 702 MS Precision of 4L G79

BD: 01/30/17

{ {

BD: 03/20/17

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096

McD Impact 795 Reg: 18952052


McD Capitalist 794 Reg: 18951995

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396

RFI EPD -0.64

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 Schurr McD Impact of Garton AAA 18038644 { H&H Irene Lass 0135

CED +7

{ {

Tattoo: 793

BW +1.8

WW +86

Act. BW Adj. WW 78 689

YW +154

WWR 112

Milk +24

Scrotal 31.5

{ {

Marb +0.68

Tattoo: 7103

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396 TC Total 410 SF Forever Lady 233 Cole Creek Black Cedar 46P Mid Performiss 795

RE +0.69

RFI EPD -0.68

$W $B +81.58 +173.14 Efficiency Value 157

McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics



McD Capitalist 7104 Reg: 18999782

BD: 02/18/17

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096 { Basin Yellowstone R178 McD-2 Performiss 4106 AAA 17945070 { Mid Performiss 7124 CED +9

7104 7105

McD Capitalist 7105 Reg: 18952081

BD: 02/25/17

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096 { McD Performer 228 McD -3-1 Katy 5223 AAA 18280170 { McD Katy 2207 CED +9

BW +1.1

WW +51

Act. BW Adj. WW 81 603


YW +87

WWR 98

Milk +24

Scrotal 31

BW +3.2

WW +55

Act. BW Adj. WW 92 844

YW +104

WWR 124

Milk +36

Scrotal 40

Scrotal 37

• Potential Heifer Bull


Marb +0.16

RE +0.41

$W +56.59

$B +85.01

Efficiency Value 93

Tattoo: 7107

CED +2

WW +50

Act. BW Adj. WW 86 727

YW +91

WWR 107

Milk +22

Scrotal 39

RFI EPD -0.54

Efficiency Value 152

BW +4.1

WW +63

Act. BW Adj. WW 92 774


YW +113

WWR 114

Milk +16

Scrotal 39


McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics

{ {

Marb +0.66

RE +0.46

$W $B +48.39 +138.62 Efficiency Value 174

Tattoo: 7108

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396 J Mc Mac 2801 5204 Ritoess 010 BR Midland Mid Transformiss 658

RE +0.30

RFI EPD -0.45

$W $B +45.42 +128.23 Efficiency Value 151

McD Capitalist 7109 Reg: 18952087

BD: 02/12/17

{ Schurrtop M C Mid Quantum Blackbird 7213 AAA 15957194 { Mid Quantum Blackbird 692


Tattoo: 7106

SVF Gdar 216 LTD S A F Royal Queen 5084 G V Cornhusker 584 Vermilion O Lass 5157

BD: 02/19/17

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096

CED +4

Efficiency Value 172

McD Capitalist 7108 Reg: 18952086

{ Mid Performer 485 Mid Performiss 7124 AAA 15864866 { Midland Performiss 3003 CED -3

$W $B +58.99 +120.78

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396

RFI EPD -0.75

B/R New Design 036 Pascalar Eline Rally P118 Black Butte Rito Trend 322 Elcona WH of B B A R 826

$W $B +60.98 +151.16

{ {

Marb +0.57

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096

RE +0.76

RE +0.76

BD: 03/20/17

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396

Marb +0.42

Vermilion Yellowstone Basin Camilla L868 Mid Performer 485 Midland Performiss 3003

McD Capitalist 7106 Reg: 18952082

BW +2.2


S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396

RFI EPD -0.74

{ S A F Connection C LASS of SCAR 6342 AAA 15620445 { Vermilion C Lass 1242

BD: 02/26/17

{ Pascalar Ayres New View P310 Scar Elcona WH 7056 AAA 15945153 { Black Butte Tobys Rose 835

WWR 94

Milk +22

Schurrtop RTA Business Katrina Blanche Barbara 6979 C C A Uno 049 Scar Katy 4003

RFI EPD 0.05

{ {

Act. BW Adj. WW 80 577

YW +117

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096

McD Capitalist 7107 Reg: 18952085

WW +60

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396

Marb +0.39

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096

CED +4

{ {

Tattoo: 7105

BW -0.2

{ {

Tattoo: 7104

BW +2.5

WW +66

Act. BW Adj. WW 79 732

YW +113

WWR 108

Milk +24

Scrotal 37

{ {

Marb +0.48

Tattoo: 7109

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396 Papa Equator 2928 Schurrtop 1483 9024 G D A R Quantum 1245 T A R Blackbird 5678

RE +0.48

RFI EPD -0.38

$W $B +63.93 +126.35 Efficiency Value 141

BLEVINS PRIME Comrade L 5935 Reg: 18365267

BD: 02/25/2015

Tattoo: 5935

{ Connealy Consensus 7229 Connealy Comrade 1385 AAA *17031465 { Happy Gee of Conanga 919

Prime was selected as a very high efficiency bull at the 2016 Midland Test sale. Very easy calving, high efficiency, good disposition cattle.

{ Three Trees Prime Cut 0145 Blevins Eriskay Prime 8223 AAA #16380292 { Blevins Eriskay Design 4346 CED +14


BW -2.5

WW +48

YW +90

Milk +29

BD: 03/15/17

{ Bluegrass Right Time 700 McD Erica 951 AAA 16455064 Leachman Erica 1223 { BW -1.4

WW +48

Act. BW Adj. WW 80 662

YW +81

WWR 100

• Potential Heifer Bull


Milk +24

Scrotal 35

BW +0.0

WW +53

Act. BW Adj. WW 85 753

YW +103

WWR 114

• Potential Heifer Bull

Milk +29

Scrotal 36

{ {

Marb +0.30

Sire of Blevins Prime Comrade 5935


McD Comrade 7122 Reg: 19014324

BD: 03/18/17

{ Connealy Comrade 1385 BLEVINS PRIME Comrade L 5935 AAA 18365267 { Blevins Eriskay Prime 8223

Hyline Right Time 338 Bluegrass Bonny 900 505 B/R New Design 036 Leachman Erica 6267

{ Schurrtop Reality X723 McD Lady Elba T72 AAA 16455072 Mid Lady Elba T72 {

RE +0.47

BD: 03/19/17

1236 Performiss 017 AAA 16796420 { G D A R Rachel 1236

$W $B +51.97 +102.36 Efficiency Value 230

Tattoo: 7123

Connealy Consensus 7229 Happy Gee of Conanga 919 Three Trees Prime Cut 0145 Blevins Eriskay Design 4346 Twin Valley Precision E161 BR Royal Lass 7036-19 D H D Traveler 6807 G D A R Rachel 7189

RE +0.70

RFI EPD -0.85

$W $B +54.21 +136.20 Efficiency Value 193

CED +9

BW -0.8

WW +43

Act. BW Adj. WW 84 587

YW +73

WWR 86

Scrotal 40.5

• Potential Heifer Bull


Milk +24

Marb +0.20

Connealy Consensus 7229 Happy Gee of Conanga 919 Three Trees Prime Cut 0145 Blevins Eriskay Design 4346 Schurr 77 1346 Excel Schurrtop 8019 V141 Sitz Traveler 6802 Lady Elbas C08 H A R B

RE +0.54

RFI EPD -1.05

$W +46.96

$B +90.39

Efficiency Value 200

McD Comrade 7124B Reg: 19073580

BD: 02/26/17

{ Connealy Comrade 1385

BLEVINS PRIME Comrade L 5935 AAA 18365267 { Blevins Eriskay Prime 8223

{ Sinclair Fortunate Son

McD -2-9 Maiden 578 AAA 18280186 { McD-9 Maiden 184 CED +7

{ {

Tattoo: 7122A

BW +0.4

WW +45

Act. BW Adj. WW 60 615

YW +86

WWR 100

• Potential Heifer Bull

Milk +27

Scrotal 34

{ {

Marb –

Tattoo: 7124B

Connealy Consensus 7229 Happy Gee of Conanga 919 Three Trees Prime Cut 0145 Blevins Eriskay Design 4346 Sinclair Emulate 7XT28 Sinclair Blackbird 2P8 7079 Rock’n D Proficient 2915 Mid Performiss 650

RE –

RFI EPD -1.03

$W +42.80

$B –

Efficiency Value 207

McD Comrade 7125 Reg: 18952042

BD: 02/01/17

{ Connealy Comrade 1385

BLEVINS PRIME Comrade L 5935 AAA 18365267 { Blevins Eriskay Prime 8223

{ Schurrtop MC 2500 Mid Pride 709 AAA 15864841 { 3210 Pride 820 BW -2.0

Tattoo: 7121

McD Comrade 7123 Reg: 18951998

{ BR Midland

CED +12

$W $B +60.79 +137.87

Connealy Consensus 7229 Happy Gee of Conanga 919 Three Trees Prime Cut 0145 Blevins Eriskay Design 4346

RFI EPD -1.24

BLEVINS PRIME Comrade L 5935 AAA 18365267 { Blevins Eriskay Prime 8223


{ {

Marb +0.57

{ Connealy Comrade 1385

CED +11

RE +0.54

McD Comrade 7121 Reg: 18952049

{ Connealy Comrade 1385 BLEVINS PRIME Comrade L 5935 AAA 18365267 { Blevins Eriskay Prime 8223

CED +12

Marb +0.65

WW +43

Act. BW Adj. WW 84 614

YW +74

WWR 90

• Potential Heifer Bull

Milk +32

Scrotal 36.5

{ {

Marb +0.79

Tattoo: 7125

Connealy Consensus 7229 Happy Gee of Conanga 919 Three Trees Prime Cut 0145 Blevins Eriskay Design 4346 Schurrtop M C Schurrtop R S 1413 2153 Davis Millennium 7518 3210 Pride 66

RE +0.52

RFI EPD -1.81

$W $B +58.67 +132.41 Efficiency Value 284

McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics



McD Comrade 7126 Reg: 18952061

BD: 02/04/17

{ Connealy Comrade 1385 BLEVINS PRIME Comrade L 5935 AAA 18365267 { Blevins Eriskay Prime 8223 { C C A Uno 049 McD Miss Rito 2216 AAA 17528185 { Miss Rito Sho 9531 CED +10

7126 7127

BD: 02/13/17

{ Basin Yellowstone R178 McD-2 Notchess 3166 AAA 17647048 McD Notchess 963 { BW -0.7

WW +52

Act. BW Adj. WW 72 676


YW +96

WWR 99

Milk +32

Scrotal 40

{ {

Tattoo: 7127

Scrotal 39

• Potential Heifer Bull


Marb +0.71

Efficiency Value 231

CED +3

RE +0.48

$W $B +71.73 +149.72 Efficiency Value 210

McD Payweight 7128 Reg: 19087719

BD: 03/02/17

{ C C A Uno 049 McD -1 Blackbird 544 AAA 18280301 { Mid Blackbird 605

$W $B +60.53 +134.67

Sitz Upward 307R Mytty Countess 906 Horse Butte 58 of 0348 Ms Precision of 4L P404

RFI EPD -1.06

Vermilion Yellowstone Basin Camilla L868 Schurrtop American 5846 Notchess 472

RE +0.55

Connealy Consensus 7229 Happy Gee of Conanga 919 Three Trees Prime Cut 0145 Blevins Eriskay Design 4346

BW +2.1

WW +73

Act. BW Adj. WW 77 754

YW +123

WWR 119

Milk +30

Scrotal 37

{ {

Marb +0.36

Tattoo: 7128

Vermilion Payweight J847 Basin Lucy 3829 HARB Pendleton 765 J H 21AR O Lass F24A Sitz Upward 307R Mytty Countess 906 Mid Performer 293 Mid 1148 Blackbird J833

RE +0.40


$W $B +77.97 +121.61 Efficiency Value NA

McD Payweight 7130 Reg: 18966381

BW +4.9

WW +63

Act. BW Adj. WW 86 693


BD: 02/08/17

YW +105

WWR 102

Milk +21

Scrotal 38

Connealy Freightliner Three Trees Barbara 2102 Schurrtop Reality X723 Mid Notchess 506R

RE +0.14

RFI EPD -0.94

$W $B +48.30 +120.41

BD: 01/28/17

WW +54

Act. BW Adj. WW 75 680

YW +84

WWR 110

• Potential Heifer Bull

Milk +22

Scrotal 36

{ {


Efficiency Value 190

McD Comrade 7131 Reg: 18966300

{ McD SF Total Package 1337 McD Laura -1 5206 AAA 18415315 { Scar Lura 5087 BW -1.3

{ {

Tattoo: 7130

Vermilion Payweight J847 Basin Lucy 3829 HARB Pendleton 765 J H 21AR O Lass F24A

Marb +0.59

{ Connealy Comrade 1385 BLEVINS PRIME Comrade L 5935 AAA 18365267 { Blevins Eriskay Prime 8223


WWR 113

Milk +28

{ Basin Payweight 006S Basin Payweight 1682 AAA 17038724 { 21AR O Lass 7017

RFI EPD -1.18

{ B C C Freightliner 2102-8540 MID-3 Notchess 1104 AAA 17063522 { McD Notchess 928

CED +7

Act. BW Adj. WW 80 771

YW +116

Connealy Consensus 7229 Happy Gee of Conanga 919 Three Trees Prime Cut 0145 Blevins Eriskay Design 4346

Marb +0.81

{ Basin Payweight 006S Basin Payweight 1682 AAA 17038724 { 21AR O Lass 7017

CED -5

WW +66

McD Comrade 7127 Reg: 18952065

{ Connealy Comrade 1385 BLEVINS PRIME Comrade L 5935 AAA 18365267 { Blevins Eriskay Prime 8223

CED +9

BW +0.6

{ {

Tattoo: 7126

Tattoo: 7131


McD Impact 7132 Reg: 18999781

BD: 02/02/17

Connealy Consensus 7229 Happy Gee of Conanga 919 Three Trees Prime Cut 0145 Blevins Eriskay Design 4346

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 Schurr McD Impact of Garton AAA 18038644 { H&H Irene Lass 0135

TC Total 410 SF Forever Lady 233 Ayres Pascalar New View 222 Gladwall L Lura 6268

{ Basin Yellowstone R178 McD-2 Blackbird 4102 AAA 17945066 { Mid Quantum Blackbird 7213

Marb +0.83

RE +0.48

RFI EPD -1.69

McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics

$W $B +56.55 +133.70 Efficiency Value 267

CED +9

BW -0.2

WW +52

Act. BW Adj. WW 81 604

YW +96

WWR 98

• Potential Heifer Bull

Milk +26

Scrotal 38

{ {

Marb +0.51

Tattoo: 7132

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 SydGen C C & 7 H&H L&C Irene Lass 7116 Vermilion Yellowstone Basin Camilla L868 Schurrtop M C Mid Quantum Blackbird 692

RE +0.58

RFI EPD -0.48

$W $B +57.86 +121.15 Efficiency Value 150


McD Comrade 7133 Reg: 18966320

BD: 01/29/17

{ Connealy Comrade 1385 BLEVINS PRIME Comrade L 5935 AAA 18365267 { Blevins Eriskay Prime 8223 { McD Performer 228 McD -2-9 Performiss 5213 AAA 18280161 { McD-9 Performiss 2205 CED +11

BW -2.5

WW +51

Act. BW Adj. WW 74 647

YW +90

WWR 105

• Potential Heifer Bull


Milk +30

Scrotal 37

Marb +0.61

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 { Ab-Lvs Emma 096

Schurrtop RTA Business Katrina Blanche Barbara 6979 Rock’n D Proficient 2915 McD Performiss 971

{ McD Performer 228 McD -2-9 Lura 5214 AAA 18280162 { McD-9 Lura 2210

RE +0.13

BD: 02/12/17

{ McD Performer 228

McD -3-2 Notchess 5225 AAA 18280177 { McD-2 Notchess 3166 BW +0.4

WW +60

Act. BW Adj. WW 74 697

YW +106

WWR 113

• Potential Heifer Bull

Milk +31

Scrotal 37

{ {

Marb +0.21

$W $B +67.02 +114.19 Efficiency Value 199

CED +5

BW +2.6

WW +69

Act. BW Adj. WW 78 678

Tattoo: 7135

Vermilion Payweight J847 Basin Lucy 3829 HARB Pendleton 765 J H 21AR O Lass F24A Schurrtop RTA Business Katrina Blanche Barbara 6979 Basin Yellowstone R178 McD Notchess 963

RE +0.38

RFI EPD -0.88

YW +122

WWR 110

Milk +29

Scrotal 39

{ {

Marb +0.63

Tattoo: 7134

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396 Schurrtop RTA Business Katrina Blanche Barbara 6979 Rock’n D Proficient 2915 Scar Lura 5087

RE +0.52

RFI EPD -0.27

$W $B +71.70 +146.33 Efficiency Value 130

$W $B +76.19 +125.31

Spur Franchise of Garton Reg: *17420917 CED +6

BW -.3

BD: 08/28/2012

WW +50

YW +95

Milk +27

Marb +1.07

Tattoo: 2114 RE $W $B +1.07 +51.44 +158.91

A high efficiency bull we bought at Green Springs Bull Test and a maternal brother to Impact. Easy calving, quiet, very sound and good footed cattle with excellent carcass and efficiency qualities.

Efficiency Value 197

McD Spur 7144 Reg: 19014323

BD: 02/26/17

{ Spur Franchise 7070 Spur Franchise of Garton AAA 17420917 { H&H Irene Lass 0135 { B C C Bushwacker 41-93 Glaus Martha 5014 AAA 15167360 { V N A R Martha 334A CED +3

BD: 02/13/17

McD Payweight 7135 Reg: 18966315

Basin Payweight 1682 AAA 17038724 { 21AR O Lass 7017



McD Capitalist 7134 Reg: 18966318

Connealy Consensus 7229 Happy Gee of Conanga 919 Three Trees Prime Cut 0145 Blevins Eriskay Design 4346

RFI EPD -0.98

{ Basin Payweight 006S

CED +6

{ {

Tattoo: 7133

BW +1.2

WW +61

Act. BW Adj. WW 90 719

YW +108

WWR 108

Milk +24

Scrotal 39.5

{ {

Marb +0.73

Tattoo: 7144

Basin Franchise P142 H&H L&C Lady Behave 5040 SydGen C C & 7 H&H L&C Irene Lass 7116 Paramont Ambush 2172 R C Anita T Bando 918903 R A Traveler 1148-640 V N A R Martha 6164-138D

RE +0.75

RFI EPD -0.90

$W $B +61.90 +149.26 Efficiency Value 197

Red Gene Carrier


McD Spur 7147 Reg: 18952041

BD: 02/19/17

{ Spur Franchise 7070 Spur Franchise of Garton AAA 17420917 { H&H Irene Lass 0135 { B A R Topline 879 Mid Performiss 609 AAA 15564098 { Performiss 249 CED +4


BW +2.2

WW +58

Act. BW Adj. WW 86 720

YW +97

WWR 106

Milk +18

Scrotal 35

{ {

Marb +0.99

Tattoo: 7147

Basin Franchise P142 H&H L&C Lady Behave 5040 SydGen C C & 7 H&H L&C Irene Lass 7116 Grand Island Top Line B A R J J 315 Miss Emma 479 H A R B Cincha 829 Shoshoness 534

RE +0.41

RFI EPD -0.58

$W $B +48.78 +125.71 Efficiency Value 168

McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics



McD Spur 7148 Reg: 18952050

BD: 02/25/17

{ Spur Franchise 7070 Spur Franchise of Garton AAA 17420917 { H&H Irene Lass 0135 { Roundup McD Ritoess 961 AAA 16455110 { Trans Ritoess 114 CED +3

BW +2.2

WW +55

Act. BW Adj. WW 79 643


YW +94

WWR 95

Milk +16

Scrotal 37

{ Willekes Converter 4402-9 MID-4 Huskette 1106 AAA 17063520 { McD Huskett 943

RE +0.59

BD: 02/07/17

{ Basin Yellowstone R178 MID-1 Lura 1107 AAA 17063517 { Gladwall L Lura 6268 BW +2.0

WW +56

Act. BW Adj. WW 90 744


Ccar Roundup N362 Mid Ritoess 780 Apex Transform 013 Mid Ritoess 730

RFI EPD -0.26

YW +105

WWR 109

Milk +24

Scrotal 34

{ {

BD: 02/07/17

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 Schurr McD Impact of Garton AAA 18038644 { H&H Irene Lass 0135

$W $B +44.04 +120.19 Efficiency Value 121

McD Spur 7150 Reg: 18952054


McD Impact 7149 Reg: 18952053

Basin Franchise P142 H&H L&C Lady Behave 5040 SydGen C C & 7 H&H L&C Irene Lass 7116

Marb +1.09

{ Spur Franchise 7070 Spur Franchise of Garton AAA 17420917 { H&H Irene Lass 0135

CED +2

{ {

Tattoo: 7148

Tattoo: 7150

CED +8

BW +2.0

WW +57

Act. BW Adj. WW 84 711


YW +93

WWR 105

Milk +23

Scrotal 40

Marb +0.84

{ Basin Yellowstone R178 McD-2 Ritoess 3155 AAA 17647243 { Mid Ritoess 9519

RFI EPD -0.51

McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics

Efficiency Value 158

CED +2

RE +0.39

BD: 02/19/17

Vermilion Yellowstone Basin Camilla L868 Tomwall B Emulation 070 Gladwall L Lura 4150

$W $B +51.28 +134.06

Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 Willekes Lady of 410 Pine Coulee Onward T68 Mid 1148 Huskett 359

$W $B +52.23 +129.03 Efficiency Value NA

McD Spur 7151 Reg: 18952063

{ Spur Franchise 7070 Spur Franchise of Garton AAA 17420917 { H&H Irene Lass 0135

RE +0.50

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 SydGen C C & 7 H&H L&C Irene Lass 7116


Basin Franchise P142 H&H L&C Lady Behave 5040 SydGen C C & 7 H&H L&C Irene Lass 7116

Marb +0.75

{ {

Tattoo: 7149

BW +1.6

WW +55

Act. BW Adj. WW 89 687

YW +103

WWR 101

Milk +35

Scrotal 38

{ {

Marb +0.84

Tattoo: 7151

Basin Franchise P142 H&H L&C Lady Behave 5040 SydGen C C & 7 H&H L&C Irene Lass 7116 Vermilion Yellowstone Basin Camilla L868 Schurrtop American 5846 Ms Stockman of 4L N309

RE +0.78

RFI EPD -0.62

$W $B +63.56 +129.49 Efficiency Value 159


McD Spur 7152 Reg: 18952073

BD: 02/15/17

{ Spur Franchise 7070 Spur Franchise of Garton AAA 17420917 { H&H Irene Lass 0135 { Basin Yellowstone R178 McD-2 Shoshoness 4115 AAA 17945079 { Mid Shoshoness 613 CED +9

BW -1.9

WW +37

Act. BW Adj. WW 80 623

YW +79

WWR 92

• Potential Heifer Bull

Milk +29

{ {

Marb +1.12

Scrotal 36

Tattoo: 7152

Basin Franchise P142 H&H L&C Lady Behave 5040 SydGen C C & 7 H&H L&C Irene Lass 7116 Vermilion Yellowstone Basin Camilla L868 BT Equator 395M Mid Shoshoness 922

RE +0.50

RFI EPD -0.86

$W $B +42.20 +114.64


Efficiency Value 180

V A R Reserve 1111 Reg: +*16916944

BD: 01/31/2011

{ Boyd New Day 8005 B/R New Day 454 AAA #*14675445 B/R Ruby 1224 {

Tattoo: 1111 Reserve is a high efficiency sire identified at ABS.

{ Connealy Onward Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 AAA +*16143141 { Riverbend Blackbird 4301 CED +9


BW +.7

WW +50

YW +91

Milk +21

BD: 03/16/17

{ BR Band Warrior 012 of 7773

McD-10 Lass 258 AAA 17428724 { Mid Performiss 783 BW +0.4

WW +47

Act. BW Adj. WW 82 654


YW +83

WWR 99

Milk +23

Scrotal 40

{ {

Marb +0.44

$W $B +49.75 +115.58

Tattoo: 7158

Boyd New Day 8005 B/R Ruby 1224 Connealy Onward Riverbend Blackbird 4301 Ideal 7773 of 332 3403 Ideal 705 of Onward 214 B C Mid Emblazon 854E 702 Mid Notchess 562

RE +0.44

RFI EPD -0.38

$W +43.67

$B +92.23

Efficiency Value 127

McD Reserve 7160 Reg: 18966240

BD: 03/23/17

{ B/R New Day 454 V A R Reserve 1111 AAA 16916944 Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 { { O C C Juneau 807J

Equatoress 005 AAA 16792372 { Mid BT Equatoress 422 CED +8

RE +.79

McD Reserve 7158 Reg: 18966228

{ B/R New Day 454 V A R Reserve 1111 AAA 16916944 Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 {

CED +8

Marb +.77

BW +0.3

WW +49

Act. BW Adj. WW 86 674

YW +86

WWR 102

Milk +25

Scrotal 33.5

{ {

Marb +0.32

Tattoo: 7160

Boyd New Day 8005 B/R Ruby 1224 Connealy Onward Riverbend Blackbird 4301 O C C Emblazon 854E O C C Dixie Erica 903E BT Equator 395M Mid Rito Bailess 620

RE +0.68

RFI EPD -0.44

$W +51.06

$B +93.74

Efficiency Value 144


McD Reserve 7159 Reg: 18966238

BD: 03/07/17

{ B/R New Day 454 V A R Reserve 1111 AAA 16916944 Sandpoint Blackbird 8809 { { Bluegrass Right Time 700

Queen Mother 072 AAA 16805559 { High Meadow Queen Mother 45T CED +5

BW +1.1

WW +43

Act. BW Adj. WW 90 661


YW +82

WWR 100

Milk +27

Scrotal 38

Marb +0.43

Boyd New Day 8005 B/R Ruby 1224 Connealy Onward Riverbend Blackbird 4301 Hyline Right Time 338 Bluegrass Bonny 900 505 High Meadow Ambush P47 BT Queen Mother 100L

RE +0.45

RFI EPD -0.86

$W +46.29

$B +79.97

Efficiency Value 190

McD Capitalist 7178 Reg: 18991030

BD: 02/08/17

{ Connealy Capitalist 028 AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 AAA 17762778 Ab-Lvs Emma 096 { { Basin Yellowstone R178

McD-2 Ferns Pride 3170 AAA 17647060 { McD Ferns Pride 933 CED +0

{ {

Tattoo: 7159

BW +3.1

WW +60

Act. BW Adj. WW 78 683

YW +118

WWR 100

Milk +21

Scrotal 32.5

{ {

Marb +0.31

Tattoo: 7178

S A V Final Answer 0035 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 WMR Timeless 458 Ox Bow Emma E396 Vermilion Yellowstone Basin Camilla L868 Garret’s On Target 323C A A R Ferns Pride 171

RE +0.82

RFI EPD -0.93

$W $B +46.84 +144.80 Efficiency Value 208

McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics


McD SF Total 1348 Reg: +17045409

BD: 03/29/2011

{ Bon View New Design 208 TC Total 410 AAA #14844711 { TC Erica Eileen 2047 { Rockn D Ambush 1531 SF Forever Lady 233 AAA +14177271 { Gdar S V F Forever Lady 146D CED -4


BW +3.3

WW +78

YW +121

Milk +8

BD: 02/07/17

McD SF Total 1348 AAA 17045409 { SF Forever Lady 233

{ Schurrtop Reality X723

McD Notchess 968 AAA 16455115 { Mid Performiss 7109 BW +4.7

WW +71

Act. BW Adj. WW 91 735


YW +115

WWR 108

Milk +13

Scrotal 36

McD Katy 2207 { Scar Katy 4003 BW +4.1

WW +58

Act. BW Adj. WW 91 721

Tattoo: 7179

Schurr 77 1346 Excel Schurrtop 8019 V141 H A Image Maker 0415 Mid Notchess 504R

RE +0.87

BD: 02/03/17

AAA 17339847 YW +90

WWR 106

Milk +22

$W $B +42.15 +145.81 Efficiency Value 164

Scrotal 40

{ {

Tattoo: 7182

Bon View New Design 208 TC Erica Eileen 2047 Rockn D Ambush 1531 Gdar S V F Forever Lady 146D

RE +0.24

RFI EPD -0.48

$W +46.71

BD: 02/19/17

McD SF Total 1348 AAA 17045409 { SF Forever Lady 233

{ Horse Butte 58 of 0348

Performiss Lass 9533 AAA 16670853 { Leachman Lass 1039 BW +3.2

WW +48

Act. BW Adj. WW 90 707

YW +68

WWR 104

Milk +18

Scrotal 38

{ {

$B +95.66

Efficiency Value 141

Tattoo: 7185

Horse Butte 221 of 321 HBR V Lass 0348 Leachman Boom Time Leachman Lass 7257

RE +0.29

RFI EPD -0.57

McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics

$W +36.67

McD SF Total 1348 AAA 17045409 { SF Forever Lady 233

{ S A V Final Answer 0035

MID-1 Mignonne 1111 AAA 17071614 { McD Mignonne 939 CED +3

BW +1.6

WW +64

Act. BW Adj. WW 80 728


YW +107

WWR 107

Milk +4

Scrotal 42

$B +83.29

Efficiency Value 152

Marb +0.49

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Horse Butte 5023 of 1023 Mid Mignonne 544

RE +0.73

$W $B +36.69 +125.96 Efficiency Value 177

McD Complete 7184 Reg: 18952090

BD: 02/15/17

{ TC Total 410

McD SF Total 1348 AAA 17045409 { SF Forever Lady 233

CED +1

{ {

Tattoo: 7180

Bon View New Design 208 TC Erica Eileen 2047 Rockn D Ambush 1531 Gdar S V F Forever Lady 146D

RFI EPD -0.85

AAA 16385792

{ HCA Blackbird 582

Bon View New Design 208 TC Erica Eileen 2047 Rockn D Ambush 1531 Gdar S V F Forever Lady 146D

Marb +0.65

BD: 01/28/17

{ TC Total 410

Missy 8532

McD Complete 7185 Reg: 18952091


McD Complete 7180 Reg: 18952056

{ B C Mid Emblazon 854E 702

Sitz Upward 307R Mytty Countess 906 TC Freedom 104 A A R Katy 2247

Marb +0.66

{ TC Total 410


$W $B +49.51 +148.98

McD Complete 7182 Reg: 18952059

{ C C A Uno 049

CED -3

{ {

RFI EPD -0.63

McD SF Total 1348 AAA 17045409 { SF Forever Lady 233


RE +.95

Bon View New Design 208 TC Erica Eileen 2047 Rockn D Ambush 1531 Gdar S V F Forever Lady 146D

Marb +0.33

{ TC Total 410

CED +1

A high efficiency bull out of our 2012 test. Very sound, strong legged cattle with a lot of performance.

McD Complete 7179 Reg: 18952051

{ TC Total 410

CED -4

Marb +.68

Tattoo: 1348

BW +3.1

WW +54

Act. BW Adj. WW 82 734

YW +88

WWR 108

Milk +17

Scrotal 37

{ {

Marb +0.62

Tattoo: 7184

Bon View New Design 208 TC Erica Eileen 2047 Rockn D Ambush 1531 Gdar S V F Forever Lady 146D O C C Emblazon 854E Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 Vermilion Nebraska M404 97 Miss D5

RE +0.42

RFI EPD -0.31

$W $B +40.30 +113.08 Efficiency Value 124

C C A Uno 049 Reg: +16644974 CED +9

BW +1.3

BD: 01/14/2010

WW +58

YW +101

Milk +33

Marb +.32

Tattoo: 049 RE +.48

$W $B +68.04 +107.15

Uno, the calving ease flush brother to Tombstone. We believe Uno to be the number one bull in the Angus breed for combing maternal stayability, performance, disposition, fertility and structural soundness. In the top 9% of Angus sires for $Weaning.


McD UNO 7190 Non-registered

BD: 02/18/2017

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906 {

{ CED –

BW –

WW –

Act. BW Adj. WW 82 680


YW –


Milk –


Marb –

BD: 02/10/2017

{ BW –

WW –

Act. BW Adj. WW 85 740


YW –


Milk –


RE –


Tattoo: 7192

$W –

WW –

Act. BW Adj. WW 87 710

YW –


Milk –


Marb –


Efficiency Value


BW –


Marb –

RE –

BD: 02/20/2017

WW –

YW –


Milk –


$W –

$B –

Efficiency Value

{ {

Marb –

Tattoo: 7193

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

RE –


$W –

$B –

Efficiency Value

McD UNO 7195 Non-registered

BD: 02/12/2017

{ { BW –

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357


{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906


{ {

Tattoo: 7191

McD UNO 7193 Non-registered

Act. BW Adj. WW 88 690

Tattoo: 7194

$B –


Milk –

{ CED –

Efficiency Value

$W –

YW –


RE –

WW –

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

$B –

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

BW –

Act. BW Adj. WW 87 725


{ {

{ CED –

Efficiency Value

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

BD: 02/14/2017

{ BW –

$B –

McD UNO 7194 Non-registered

{ CED –

{ {

Marb –

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

$W –

BD: 02/14/2017


RE –

McD UNO 7191 Non-registered

{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

McD UNO 7192 Non-registered

{ CED –

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357


{ Sitz Upward 307R C C A Uno 049 AAA 16644974 { Mytty Countess 906

{ {


Tattoo: 7190

WW –

Act. BW Adj. WW 85 710

YW –


Milk –


{ {

Marb –

Tattoo: 7195

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

RE –


$W –

$B –

Efficiency Value

McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics



Bulls are ultrasounded in two separate groups. Example: What ratios 100 in one group will vary from the other group. .Sale Scan % Adj % %IMF Adj Ribeye Rib Lot Wt IMF IMF Ratio Ribeye Ribeye Ratio Fat

Sale Scan % Adj % %IMF Adj Ribeye Rib Lot Wt IMF IMF Ratio Ribeye Ribeye Ratio Fat

.701 1080 4.28 4.26 107 12.4 12.3 98 0.28 .702 1140 3.44 3.33 100 12.2 11.8 100 0.19 .703 1120 3.01 3.01 75 12.1 12.1 97 0.23 .704 1065 4.77 4.72 127 12.4 12.4 101 0.18 .705 1025 3.32 3.25 88 13.8 13.8 112 0.22 .706 1055 4.67 4.60 124 11.3 11.2 91 0.24 .708 1105 2.23 2.23 56 13.6 13.7 110 0.19 .709 1070 4.12 4.12 103 13.5 13.6 109 0.22 .710 1185 3.26 3.27 82 14.0 14.1 113 0.21 .711 1065 5.77 5.76 140 10.3 10.4 87 0.29 .712 1195 2.83 2.85 71 13.1 13.2 106 0.3 .713 1050 3.96 3.99 97 11.2 11.5 96 0.19 .715 1100 3.80 3.75 97 11.7 11.6 92 0.26 .720 1225 4.01 3.88 100 12.1 11.5 91 0.22 .723 1105 2.96 2.93 76 11.7 11.6 92 0.23 .724 995 3.73 3.63 94 11.2 10.9 87 0.11 .725 1225 3.66 3.57 92 12.3 11.9 94 0.18 .726 1300 3.18 3.05 79 12.7 12.0 95 0.23 .728 1210 3.40 3.34 86 13.0 12.8 102 0.26 .729 1245 4.75 4.68 121 14.7 14.4 114 0.31 .730 1215 2.53 2.53 65 14.4 14.4 114 0.22 .735 1170 5.66 5.68 142 12.2 12.3 98 0.20 .737 1190 3.55 3.51 88 12.6 12.4 99 0.11 .740 1020 4.84 4.82 118 11.0 10.9 91 0.15 .741 1185 4.40 4.40 110 11.3 11.3 90 0.30 .742 1065 3.47 3.43 86 12.8 12.7 102 0.23 .748 1195 4.27 4.21 ET 13.7 13.4 ET 0.28 .749 1085 2.87 2.83 ET 14.1 13.9 ET 0.25 .750 1155 4.32 4.31 108 13.4 13.4 107 0.24 .751 1165 5.44 5.42 136 13.2 13.2 106 0.28 .752 1140 3.15 3.12 78 12.8 12.7 102 0.21 .753 1055 3.62 3.57 87 11.8 11.7 98 0.24 .754 1220 4.23 4.20 105 12.8 12.8 102 0.19 .755 1155 2.43 2.41 60 13.4 13.7 110 0.17 .756 1105 3.99 3.96 99 11.6 11.5 92 0.19 .757 940 4.06 4.01 108 10.4 10.4 85 0.12 .759 1070 3.56 3.51 86 11.9 11.9 99 0.17 .761 1030 3.18 3.14 85 13.6 13.6 111 0.21 .762 1025 4.72 4.64 125 13 12.9 105 0.26 .763 1060 3.06 3.04 82 12.9 13.2 107 0.11 .764 970 3.11 3.07 83 13.0 13.1 107 0.18 .766 1130 3.48 3.50 85 12.2 12.3 103 0.18 .771 1185 3.60 3.61 90 11.8 12.1 97 0.18 .779 1195 3.54 3.53 88 14.2 14.2 114 0.16 .782 1060 3.20 3.21 80 12.9 13.0 104 0.15 .784 1115 5.52 5.49 138 12.9 12.8 102 0.19 .786 1235 5.29 5.27 132 13.4 13.3 106 0.23 .787 1195 3.91 3.89 97 12.3 12.2 98 0.20 .788 1075 3.77 3.79 95 12.8 12.9 103 0.17

.789 1215 5.23 5.21 131 13.6 13.5 108 0.29 .790 1115 4.13 4.10 103 10.7 10.5 84 0.16 .792 1140 2.75 2.74 69 14.3 14.5 116 0.15 .793 1155 4.71 4.68 117 12.2 12.2 98 0.18 .794 1125 2.81 2.83 71 10.8 10.9 87 0.17 .795 1280 3.17 3.00 78 14.1 13.3 106 0.32 .796 1150 3.90 3.92 98 12.7 12.8 102 0.26 .797 915 3.09 3.20 80 10.6 11.0 88 0.17 .7100 1055 3.54 3.57 92 13.1 13.3 106 0.18 7101 1140 2.58 2.47 62 11.9 11.6 94 0.13 7102 1100 3.67 3.62 91 11.5 11.5 93 0.17 7103 1140 5.13 5.13 129 11.9 12.1 98 0.20 7104 1115 3.28 3.18 80 13.1 12.7 103 0.20 7105 1025 3.39 3.32 84 12.5 12.4 101 0.25 7106 1065 3.79 3.81 98 11.7 12.0 95 0.20 7107 1345 2.67 2.60 67 14.8 14.6 116 0.24 7108 1250 3.77 3.68 95 13.3 13.0 103 0.20 7109 1255 4.62 4.50 116 12.4 12.0 95 0.26 7121 1055 4.48 4.48 112 13.2 13.3 106 0.17 7122 1010 2.54 2.50 65 13.4 13.3 106 0.14 7123 1105 3.93 3.95 99 12.8 12.9 103 0.19 7124 1010 4.02 3.96 100 14.0 13.9 100 0.23 7125 1090 4.44 4.28 111 14.3 13.8 110 0.16 7126 1330 4.75 4.60 119 13.6 12.9 102 0.32 7127 1230 6.18 6.06 157 12.3 11.7 93 0.21 7128 1050 3.26 3.21 87 12.8 12.8 104 0.15 7130 1230 3.95 3.82 99 13.4 12.8 102 0.24 7131 1085 4.97 4.79 121 13.4 12.9 105 0.22 7132 1175 5.76 5.60 141 14.4 13.7 111 0.33 7133 1150 4.29 4.12 104 12.5 11.9 97 0.29 7134 1195 4.40 4.28 108 13.1 12.7 103 0.24 7135 1215 3.88 3.76 95 14.0 13.6 111 0.24 7144 1190 6.00 5.94 149 13.9 13.8 110 0.22 7147 1215 5.31 5.22 135 13.7 13.5 107 0.25 7148 1165 5.64 5.57 144 13.5 13.2 105 0.22 7149 1175 4.89 4.75 123 13.7 13.2 105 0.24 7150 1285 4.66 4.52 117 12.6 12.0 95 0.20 7151 1235 4.80 4.71 122 14.3 13.8 110 0.28 7152 1160 5.78 5.67 147 13.0 12.5 99 0.17 7158 1100 3.83 3.84 96 11.6 11.6 93 0.15 7159 1150 4.59 4.56 114 11.0 10.9 87 0.20 7160 1090 4.02 4.05 102 11.3 11.5 92 0.13 7178 1205 2.60 2.47 64 14.4 13.8 110 0.16 7179 1315 2.92 2.78 72 14.5 13.9 110 0.15 7180 1295 4.84 4.66 120 13.3 12.5 99 0.24 7182 1220 4.96 4.81 124 11.9 11.3 90 0.21 7184 1260 4.61 4.50 116 12.5 12.1 96 0.18 7185 1175 4.96 4.87 126 12.5 12.1 96 0.18


McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics


Two separate tests with the first one ending 3/7/2018 and the second one ending 12/12/2017 . Finish End Lot Date Wt. (lbs)

ADG Average RFI (lbs) DMI (lbs) F/C (lbs)

.Finish Lot

.701 3/7/18 .702 3/7/18 .703 3/7/18 .704 3/7/18 .705 3/7/18 .706 3/7/18 .708 3/7/18 .709 3/7/18 .710 3/7/18 711 3/7/18 .712 3/7/18 .713 3/7/18 .731 3/7/18 .735 3/7/18 .736 3/7/18 .737 3/7/18 .739 3/7/18 .740 3/7/18 .741 3/7/18 .742 3/7/18 .748 3/7/18 .749 3/7/18 .750 3/7/18 .751 3/7/18 .752 3/7/18 .753 3/7/18 .754 3/7/18 .755 3/7/18 .756 3/7/18

3.55 2.87 3.77 3.92 3.88 3.90 3.57 4.10 4.37 3.26 3.86 3.13 3.46 4.54 3.70 3.88 4.25 3.59 4.12 4.41 3.28 3.00 3.84 4.06 4.12 3.37 4.98 2.89 3.86

.757 3/7/18 .759 3/7/18 .761 3/7/18 .762 3/7/18 .763 3/7/18 .764 3/7/18 .766 3/7/18 .771 3/7/18 .779 3/7/18 .782 3/7/18 .784 3/7/18 .786 3/7/18 .787 3/7/18 .788 3/7/18 .789 3/7/18 .790 3/7/18 .792 3/7/18 .793 3/7/18 .794 3/7/18 .796 3/7/18 7121 3/7/18 7122 3/7/18 7123 3/7/18 7124 3/7/18 7128 3/7/18 7144 3/7/18 7158 3/7/18 7159 3/7/18 7160 3/7/18

1131 1141 1142 1084 1070 1075 1141 1127 1235 1070 1230 1042 1077 1194 1107 1193 1263 1043 1188 1113 1211 1134 1160 1178 1157 1114 1244 1129 1091

23.08 23.35 21.72 22.11 22.84 24.45 23.17 22.09 24.74 23.96 24.67 20.70 20.94 22.91 23.08 22.66 26.19 18.65 24.69 23.72 27.60 24.78 21.47 24.27 18.67 25.62 25.64 23.57 24.34

6.50 0.49 8.14 0.93 5.76 -1.1 5.64 -0.07 5.89 0.84 6.27 2.38 6.49 0.46 5.39 -0.71 5.66 0.57 7.35 2.25 6.39 0.79 6.61 -0.62 6.05 -0.97 5.05 -0.84 6.24 0.71 5.84 -0.79 6.16 1.76 5.19 -2.89 5.99 1.19 5.38 0.99 8.41 4.21 8.26 2.38 5.59 -1.57 5.98 0.90 4.53 -4.48 7.60 3.28 5.15 1.08 8.16 1.28 6.31 2.09

End Date

ADG Wt. (lbs) 954 1060 1079 1037 1041 978 1163 1213 1199 1087 1119 1280 1227 1089 1247 1158 1156 1167 1181 1122 1063 1033 1162 1053 1067 1236 1046 1122 1080

Average (lbs) DMI (lbs) 2.73 3.37 4.59 3.11 3.24 3.46 4.01 3.59 3.48 4.25 4.12 4.48 2.27 3.17 4.14 3.55 3.46 4.14 3.15 3.53 3.66 3.70 4.21 3.90 3.33 3.88 3.33 3.57 3.64

18.34 22.44 16.29 21.10 21.80 23.79 23.59 22.13 23.43 24.43 24.36 24.43 23.55 22.75 20.64 20.44 23.88 18.43 22.99 23.24 20.37 23.39 22.31 21.32 21.56 22.49 24.47 21.25 22.31



6.72 -1.74 6.66 0.77 3.55 -6.11 6.78 -0.18 6.73 0.44 6.88 3.09 5.88 0.42 6.16 -1.43 6.73 0.07 5.75 2.07 5.91 1.68 5.45 -0.31 10.37 0.40 7.18 0.84 4.99 -3.57 5.76 -2.47 6.90 1.01 4.45 -4.85 7.30 0 6.58 0.77 5.57 -1.43 6.32 1.92 5.30 -0.93 5.47 -0.51 6.47 -0.15 5.80 -1.46 7.35 3.00 5.95 -1.23 6.13 0.29

. Finish End Lot Date Wt. (lbs)

ADG Average RFI (lbs) DMI (lbs) F/C (lbs)

. Finish End Lot Date Wt. (lbs)

ADG Average RFI (lbs) DMI (lbs) F/C (lbs)

.715 12/12/17 .720 12/12/17 .723 12/12/17 .725 12/12/17 .726 12/12/17 .728 12/12/17 .729 12/12/17 .730 12/12/17 .795 12/12/17 .7100 12/12/17 .7101 12/12/17 7102 12/12/17 7103 12/12/17 7104 12/12/17 7105 12/12/17 7106 12/12/17 7107 12/12/17 7108 12/12/17 7109 12/12/17 7125 12/12/17 7126 12/12/17

3.26 3.11 2.89 3.24 4.25 3.40 2.76 3.28 3.20 2.84 3.68 2.73 2.56 2.89 3.06 3.00 3.28 3.42 3.57 2.69 3.35

7127 12/12/17 7130 12/12/17 7131 12/12/17 7132 12/12/17 7133 12/12/17 7134 12/12/17 7135 12/12/17 7147 12/12/17 7148 12/12/17 7150 12/12/17 7151 12/12/17 7152 12/12/17 7178 12/12/17 7179 12/12/17 7180 12/12/17 7181 12/12/17 7182 12/12/17 7183 12/12/17 7184 12/12/17 7185 12/12/17

3.57 2.98 2.23 3.62 3.35 3.73 3.68 3.62 3.42 3.99 2.89 2.93 3.46 3.17 2.98 2.76 3.02 3.04 3.13 2.82

869 988 849 932 1031 913 983 921 1040 770 920 855 818 807 753 834 1089 1025 1013 883 1089

13.91 17.50 18.52 17.99 19.42 20.17 19.49 17.90 18.06 18.10 21.21 21.03 19.03 18.08 20.39 18.25 20.22 18.47 20.08 13.91 18.70

4.26 -5.05 5.63 -1.37 6.41 0.26 5.55 -1.01 4.56 -1.50 5.94 0.93 7.07 1.28 5.45 -1.17 5.65 -0.99 6.36 0.02 5.76 1.43 7.69 3.02 7.44 1.41 6.26 -0.11 6.65 1.94 6.09 -0.18 6.15 0.93 5.41 -0.97 5.62 0.37 5.17 -4.03 5.58 -0.68

992 962 914 909 901 912 920 981 920 1080 907 847 964 1019 1004 1004 966 903 995 963

17.48 19.33 15.61 20.37 19.49 20.57 18.83 18.28 21.52 20.83 19.51 19.38 16.53 18.78 20.46 20.79 20.22 18.43 20.90 18.67

4.90 6.50 7.01 5.63 5.82 5.52 5.11 5.05 6.30 5.22 6.76 6.61 4.78 5.92 6.87 7.54 6.69 6.06 6.68 6.62

-2.20 0.77 -1.57 0.75 0.35 0.73 -0.97 -1.43 2.20 0.33 1.19 1.04 -2.91 -0.22 1.85 2.58 1.54 -0.20 2.01 0.40

McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics


Proven High Efficiency Calving Ease Sires


QV Final Answer 5009

Reg: +*18190244

BD: 01/10/2015

{ Sitz Traveler 8180

S A V Final Answer 0035 { S A V Emulous 8145

{ S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Emblynette 7411 { S A V Emblynette 4408 CED +13

BW -1.2

WW +69

Tattoo: 5009

G D A R Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 Bon View Bando 598 S A V Sky Emulous 2124 G A R Grid Maker S A V Abigale 0451 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V Emblynette 1182

YW +111

SC +.24

Milk +20

• A high efficiency bull out of 2016 Midland Bull Test sale, posting an RFI EPD of -2.95. • Dam has produced several herd sires. • Top 10% of breed for CED, BW, WW.

“Absolute” Reg: 18614202

BD: 03/07/2016

K C F Bennett Absolute { Thomas Miss Lucy 5152

{ Sitz Upward 307R Performiss Sho 003 { Mid Performiss 313 BW -2.5

WW +52

YW +90

{ H A R B Windy 702 JH

H A R B Lady Camillia 802 { H A R B Lady Camillia 649 WW +56

“Black Velvet”

SC +.96

Milk +28

A A R Really Windy 1205 H A R B Black Lady 073 J H H A R B Dateline 353 H A R B Lady K C G29

SC +.91

BD: 02/06/2014

{ Sitz Upward 307R Miss Upward Casey 244 { Alliance Bando 644 of WAG


$B +122.97

CW +39

WW +65

Milk +23

Marb +.80

RE +.53

Fat +.007

$W +66.95

$QG +39.42

$B +122.71

• A low birth weight bull that is excellent maternal and in top 4% of breed for CED and BW. Top 10% for $W. • His first calves came this spring and we are pretty excited about them.

• Owned by Harrison Angus and Deep Creek Angus. • Posted a -9.5 RFI EPD at the 2017 Midland Test. • A bull that saw a lot of interest at the 2017 Midland sale. • His first calves are on the ground and came easy.

CW +38

Marb +.44

RE +.62

Fat +.033

$W +51.94

$QG +27.38

$B +111.20

RTA Black Velvet 42

Soo Line Motive 9016 { TLA Beauty 5R

BW -.3

Tattoo: 116

R R Rito 707 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V May 2397

YW +101

{ HF Kodiak 5R

CED +10

$QG +30.53

Tattoo: 640

BD: 02/25/2016

S A V Resource 1441 { S A V Blackcap May 4136

Reg: 17915906

$W +74.45

Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M Mc Bee WMR Super X 745 P J M Shoshone 99-6323 206

{ Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075

BW +.6

Fat +.050

• A proven calving ease sire out of a great cow. We weaned 40 of his calves this year with a low birth weight ratio of 98, and a weaning weight ratio of 101.

“HARB Resource” HARB Resource 116

CED +9

RE +.56

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V Emulous 8145 Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050

• One of our top efficiency bulls last spring, owned with WEBO Angus, Lusk, WY. • Dam’s production is 6 claves at 113 weaning ratio and a 364 day Gestation average. • He had a -1.23 RFI EPD in a contemporary group of all efficiency sired bulls.

Reg: 18673277

Marb +.52

McD Absolute 640

{ S A V Final Answer 0035

CED +15

CW +31

Tattoo: 42

Sandy Bar Advantage 43M Wilbar Ruby 955N RR 7407 Rainmaker 2154 Terrlene Beauty 35F Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M L T 598 Bando 9074 Big Gal Alliance of W A G

YW +122

SC –

Milk +27

• Owned with Schurrtop Angus and Galen Kretschman. • Posted a -8.21 RFI at the 2015 Midland Test. • Out of a first calf heifer. • Grandam 7 WN 107. • A log bodied, moderate frmaed bull with 10 Pathfinders in his pedigree. Great disposition and natural thickness. • Calving ease CW +35

Marb +.28

RE +.69

Fat +.013

$W +59.20

$QG +20.29

$B +117.82

For semen contact Dwain Hould 406-321-4517 or Leo McDonnell 406-780-0176 McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics

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