R&D Angus Cattlemen, We would like to welcome you to the 17th annual bull sale. Now more than ever we feel the focus should be on the maternal strength of a cow family. With the calf prices off and expenses continuing to go up and the cost of getting a cow into production, she needs to be good for a long time and to do it without a lot of extras, rather than use the bull that’s hot this year only to find out his daughters don’t milk or his sons can’t walk. We stay the coarse and keep breeding for the moderate female with good feet and udder. We are all doing more with less help and having to pull a calf or get him to nursing is not much fun anymore. Join us on Feb. 11th and see what we have to offer. We don’t think you will be disappointed. ank you, Robb and Dana auCtioneer Mike Baxter sale daY rePresentatives greg arendt ....................................................1-800-682-4874 don ravellette .................................................(605) 685-5147 Jim shirley .......................................................(605) 695-0649 Bull sale video Website cattleusa.com register for bidding number prior to sale day. Herd HealtH dr. steve Willnerd rushville vet Clinic, rushville ne sale time: 1:30 p.m. (Ct) sale location: valentine (ne) livestock auction Bulls sell in Catalog order sale day Phone valentine livestock auction
1-800-682-4874 or (402) 322-1585 deliverY Bulls kept free until april 1st, then delivered. Free delivery within reasonable distance. save $50 if bull taken home with you on sale day. Herd HealtH all bulls have been Pi and fertility tested, ivomec, breeding and foot rot shots have been given. terMs and Conditions e cattle sell under the suggested terms and conditions of the american angus association. announCeMents announcements from auction block take precedence over printed material.
First Year Breeding guarantee it is extremely important that our customers are satisfied with their investment, although all bulls will have passed a breeding soundness examination, we realize that certain problems or injuries may arise aer you receive your bull. to help ensure your investment, r&d angus will guarantee all bulls selling for $2,000 or more against breeding injury, and to be sound breeders for the first breeding season. Breeding season is defined as the 90-day period following the first turnout of the bulls. is guarantee does not replace mortality insurance and does not cover death or loss due to natural occurrences, acts of god or negligence. if a problem arises and a bull will not be able to return to service, contact us and we will provide a replacement bull if available, or if the buyer prefers, credit (less the salvage value of the injured bull) will be given toward a future bull purchase. Please notify us as soon as possible should an injury or problem occur, and prior to the injured bull being sold for salvage. injuries should be diagnosed by a veterinarian when possible. all claims must be made by september 1, 2016. Customer satisfaction is our main objective. if you have any questions or would like further clarification, don’t hesitate to give us a call.
Robb and Dana Cook (308) 684-3305 ~ home (402) 322-1585 ~ cell Catalog produced by:
Ravellette Publications, Inc. Weekly Newspaper Group Job Printing • TMC Shopper
(605) 859-2516 • Philip, SD 57567
Don Ravellette • (605) 685-5147 Beau Ravellette • (605) 685-8155 E-mail: ads@pioneer-review.com • www.rpipromotions.com
kkk REFERENCE SIRES kkk GDAR Game Day 449
reg: aaa #+14691231 tattoo: 449
Birth date: 02/09/2004
{V D A R shoshone 548 {A A R neW TRenD {DonnA A A R 74 BoYd neW daY 8005 aaa #+13050780 {LeAChMAn RiGhT TiMe {s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D Sire {s V F FoReVeR LADy 1128 {BAnD 116 oF iDeAL 2118 7174 {TehAMA BAnD 207 aaa #12190986 {TehAMA enTeLLA h501 g d a r Miss Wix 474 {TRAVeLeR 1148 G D A R {G D A R Miss Wix 749 Dam {L T Miss Wix 2221 G D A R Birth -.6
Weaning +49
Milk +24
Yearling +93
$W +90.54
$F +42.54
$B +57.43
Game Day’s daughters are moderate framed, good footed with perfect attached udder and small teats. ey take great care of their calves and are very fertile. Always the first to cycle and breed back. As mature cows, ours will weigh 1150-1200 pounds and wean 700 plus calves without creep feed.
Mc Cumber Fortunate 367
reg: aaa 17607569 tattoo: 367
Birth date: 01/23/2013 {sinCLAiR eMULATe 7xT28 sinClair Fortunate son aaa 16648841 {sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 2p8 7079 Sire
{sinCLAiR exTRA 4x13 {sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 20F3 6417 {n BAR pRiMe TiMe D806 {RiTo 707 oF iDeAL 089 7076
{siTz JLs eMULATion exT 536p rosetta 7174 oF MC CuMBer aaa 15813213 {RoseTTA 471 oF MC CUMBeR Dam
{n BAR eMULATion exT {iDeAL 4465 oF 6807 4286 {MC CUMBeR 7111 ToTAL VALUe {RoseTTA 7106 oF MC CUMBeR
Birth +3.3
Weaning +48
Milk +20
Yearling +85
$W +32.30
$F +37.67
$B +97.81
Fortunate 367 is our herd bull from the record selling McCumber sale. is bull covers all the bases for us. Moderate framed, long sided thick made with a pedigree full of cow makers. With ratios of 110 on every trait except birth. is young bull is a good footed, easy moving, quiet disposition bull whose first calves are outstanding with thick, long made sons and long broody heifers that flesh easy and will make productive cows.
sinclair Fortunate son - sire of Fortunate 367
S Chisum 6175
reg: aaa 15511451 tattoo: 6175
Birth date: 03/31/2006 {pAWs Up ALLiAnCe 9561 s allianCe 3313 aaa 14718678 {pAWs Up 9048 eMULATion exT Sire
{siTz ALLiAnCe 6595 {siTz eVeReLDA enTense 023 {n BAR eMULATion exT U2023 {M h R Miss RAinMAkeR 1034
{s eCLipse 169 s gloria 464 {s GLoRiA 209 Dam
{s s TRAVeLeR 6807 T510 {h L LADy TRAVeLeR 416 {LeAChMAn RiGhT TiMe {s GLoRiA 0118
Birth +2.9
Weaning +69
aaa #14840868
Milk +21
Yearling +117
$W +88.41
$F +70.09
$B +172.44
kkk REFERENCE SIRES kkk S A V Final Answer 0035
reg: aaa #13592905 tattoo: 0035
Birth date: 02/22/2000 {G D A R TRAVeLeR 71 sitz traveler 8180 aaa #11367940 {siTz eVeReLDA enTense 1137 Sire
{TRAVeLeR 1148 G D A R {G D A R Miss BLACkCAp 567 {G D A R RAinMAkeR 340 {siTz eVeReLDA enTense 2335
{Bon VieW BAnDo 598 aaa 13094078 s a v eMulous 8145 {s A V sky eMULoUs 2124 Dam
{TehAMA BAnDo 155 {Bon VieW DoRA 56 {eLLAnin sky DiVeR {TAiL n 0383
Birth -1.3
Weaning +60
Milk +22
Yearling +102
Sitz Rainmaker 9723 Birth date: 02/05/2003
$W +80.62
$F +60.99
$B +68.69
reg: aaa #14368850 tattoo: 9723
{siTz RAinMAkeR 8663 {siTz RAinMAkeR 8987 {siTz BARBARAMeRe 1655 sitz rainMaker 6169 aaa #13264062 {siTz TRAVeLeR 6802 {siTz BARBARAMeRe JeT 3007 Sire {siTz BARBARAMeRe JeT 7951 {siTz TRAVeLeR 8180 {siTz ALLiAnCe 6595 aaa #13804337 {siTz BARBARAMeRe JeT 2698 sitz Miss Burgess 1591 {G D A R TRAVeLeR 044 {siTz Miss BURGess 3535 Dam {siTz Miss BURGess 2112 Birth +3.0
Weaning +49
Milk +15
Yearling +91
Sinclair Extra 4X13 Birth date: 02/07/2004
$W +29.85
$F +60.56
$B +81.45
reg: aaa #14774030 tattoo: 4x13
{eMULATion n BAR 5522 n Bar eMulation ext aaa #10776479 {n BAR pRiMRose 2424 Sire
{eMULATion 31 {Ankony 8F78 LAss 8F275 {eMULATion 31 {pRiMRose n BAR 9962
{n BAR pRiMe TiMe D806 n Bar ladY ida s C C 2P37 aaa 14347672 {n BAR LADy iDA F1080 Dam
{GARDens pRiMe TiMe {n BAR Miss eMULoUs A404 {n BAR shADoW x4124 {n BAR LADy iDA D1986
Birth -1.2
Weaning +38
Milk +20
Yearling +69
$W +56.67
$F +17.38
$B +148.69
Notes …
Bulls kept free until April 1st, then delivered. Free delivery within reasonable distance. Save $50 if bull taken home with you on sale day. —2—
R&D Game Day 538 B
Tattoo: 538B DoB: 02/01/2015
Tag: 538B Reg. no. 18357002
74 775
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749 syDGen C C & 7 {hooVeR DAM r&d HeatHer BlooM 126-309 aaa 17720257 eRiCA oF eLLsTon C124 s A V 004 DensiTy 4336 Dam {R&D heATheR BLooM 600-126 R&D heATheR BLooM 867n Scrotal: 39 | WDA: 3.70
Birth +.1
Weaning +57
Yearling +100
Milk +25
$W +54.00
$F +58.00
$B +78.00
it all came together here, Game Day, hoover Dam from a Density cow back to the expedition bull. A standout from day one. selling 1/2 interest, full possession. he will be collected and used in our herd.
R&D Game Day 568 Tattoo: 568 DoB:
Tag: 568 Reg. no. n/A
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
78 670
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749 RoCkn D AMBUsh 1531 {ThRee TRees RoCk on 0059 aaa +16521513 sTeVenson BLACkBiRD h601 r&d BlaCkBird 6867-972 LAnDMARk neW FRonTieR Dam {LAnDMARk BLACkBiRD 6867 LAnDMARk BLACkBiRD 1867 Scrotal: 36 | WDA: 3.20
Lot R&D Fortunate 527
Tattoo: 527 DoB:
Tag: 527 Reg. no. n/A
{sinCLAiR FoRTUnATe son MC CuMBer Fortunate 367 aaa 17607569 {RoseTTA 7174 oF MC CUMBeR Sire
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
Birth +1.3
Yearling +102
Milk +25
Milk +24
$W –
$F –
$B –
90 760
sinCLAiR eMULATe 7xT28 sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 2p8 7079 siTz JLs eMULATion exT 536p RoseTTA 471 oF MC CUMBeR
Scrotal: 38 | WDA: 3.50
Weaning +60
Yearling +93
An outstanding Game Day from 972 donor cow whose dam was flushed and very productive. his daughters will be great cows. Two full brothers sell as Lots 8 and 16 and maternal brother to Lot 4.
RAVen ADMiRAL 1726 {LAnDMARk ADMiRAL 118 r&d BlaCkCaP ladY 924-102 aaa 17070292 LAnDMARk BLACk LAss 118 sUMMiTCResT sTARDoM 1s54 Dam {R&D BLACkCAp LADy175-924 BAsin BLACkCAp LADy n175 Birth +2.8
Weaning +54
$W +60.00
$F +69.00
$B +90.00
our first Fortunate son and a good one. Brutus has been a tank from the start. Big stout calf from a very good Admiral cow.
R&D Chisum 512 Tattoo: 512 DoB: 01/19/2015
{s ALLiAnCe 3313 s CHisuM 6175 {s GLoRiA 464 Sire
Tag: 512 Reg. no. 18367132
aaa 15511451
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
81 701
pAWs Up ALLiAnCe 9561 pAWs Up 9048 eMULATion exT s eCLipse 169 s GLoRiA 209
RoCkn D AMBUsh 1531 {ThRee TRees RoCk on 0059 r&d BlaCkBird 6867-972 aaa +16521513 sTeVenson BLACkBiRD h601 LAnDMARk neW FRonTieR Dam {LAnDMARk BLACkBiRD 6867 LAnDMARk BLACkBiRD 1867
Scrotal: 37 | WDA: 3.20
Birth Weaning Yearling Milk $W $F $B +2.9 +54 +94 +25 +45.16 +49.70 – 972 donor cow’s natural calf is from Chisum and is deep, long and good. Great cow family, half brothers sell as Lots 2, 8 & 16.
R&D Chisum 531 Tattoo: 531 DoB: 01/24/2015
{s ALLiAnCe 3313 s CHisuM 6175 {s GLoRiA 464 Sire
Tag: 531 Reg. no. 18334810
aaa 15511451
{BAsin pAyWeiGhT 025s aaa 16847702 Basin eileen lass 963 Dam {BAsin eiLeen LAss M067 Scrotal: 37 | WDA: 3.30
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
Tag: 529 Reg. no. 18334825
80 712
sinCLAiR eMULATe 7xT28 sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 2p8 7079 siTz JLs eMULATion exT 536p RoseTTA 471 oF MC CUMBeR
VeRMiLion pAyWeiGhT J847 BAsin LUCy 3829 BAsin pRiMe 843k BAsin eiLeen LAss 6980
{GDAR GAMe DAy 449 aaa 17443102 r&d lass 213-035 Dam {R&D Miss expeDiTion 035 -518
BoyD neW DAy 8005 G D A R Miss Wix 474 R&D FReiGhTLineR 705T R&D Miss expeDiTion 103-518
Tag: 513 Reg. no. 18334828
Scrotal: 39 | WDA: 3.20
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
Birth Weaning Yearling Milk $W $F $B +2.2 +47 +87 +24 +38.27 +41.94 – Fortunate and Game Day cross, what we have been breeding for. Moderate, thick long sided and highly maternal.
83 773
{sinCLAiR FoRTUnATe son MC CuMBer Fortunate 367 aaa 17607569 {RoseTTA 7174 oF MC CUMBeR Sire
sinCLAiR eMULATe 7xT28 sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 2p8 7079 siTz JLs eMULATion exT 536p RoseTTA 471 oF MC CUMBeR
{s A V 004 DensiTy 4336 aaa 17473339 r&d PaMela 219-5330 Dam {BAsin pAMeLA 5330
s A V 8180 TRAVeLeR 004 s A V MAy 7238 A A R RiTo 2177 BAsin pAMeLA 315e
Scrotal: 37 | WDA: 3.50
Tattoo: 529 DoB: 01/24/2015
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
{sinCLAiR FoRTUnATe son MC CuMBer Fortunate 367 aaa 17607569 {RoseTTA 7174 oF MC CUMBeR Sire
R&D Fortunate 513 Tattoo: 513 DoB: 01/20/2015
R&D Fortunate 529
pAWs Up ALLiAnCe 9561 pAWs Up 9048 eMULATion exT s eCLipse 169 s GLoRiA 209
Birth Weaning Yearling Milk $W $F $B +2.0 +60 +105 +21 +48.80 +65.72 +158.89 Chisum and payweight cross. Very good bull. Again this bull’s daughters will be great cows.
81 701
Birth Weaning Yearling Milk $W $F $B +2.4 +50 +86 +25 +44.37 +38.07 +101.88 Fortunate x Density, stout all over. Very good cow. Density daughters are very productive cows as this cow has 2@112.
R&D Game Day 571 Tattoo: 571 DoB:
Tag: 571 Reg. no. n/A
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
79 654
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749
RoCkn D AMBUsh 1531 {ThRee TRees RoCk on 0059 r&d BlaCkBird 6867-972 aaa +16521513 sTeVenson BLACkBiRD h601 LAnDMARk neW FRonTieR Dam {LAnDMARk BLACkBiRD 6867 LAnDMARk BLACkBiRD 1867 Scrotal: 38 | WDA: 2.80
Birth +1.3
R&D Rainmaker 562 Tattoo: 562 DoB:
Yearling +93
Milk +24
$W –
$F –
$B –
Full brothers to Lot 2 and 16 and a maternal brother to Lot 4. is embryo calf is a good one, put the brothers together.
Tag: 562 Reg. no. n/A
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
80 675
{siTz RAinMAkeR 6169 sitz rainMaker 9723 aaa #14368850 {siTz Miss BURGess 1591 Sire
siTz RAinMAkeR 8987 siTz BARBARAMeRe JeT 3007 siTz ALLiAnCe 6595 siTz Miss BURGess 3535
{BAsin sLeep eAsy 116D aaa #12571020 Basin Clova Pride 3576 Dam {BAsin CLoVA pRiDe 33
G A R sLeep eAsy 1009 BAsin ChLoe 9351 G D A R RoyCe 131 BAsin CLoVA pRiDe 663z
Scrotal: 36 | WDA: 3.00
Weaning +54
Birth Weaning Yearling Milk $W $F $B +2.4 +51 +84 +25 – – – embryo bull out of the highly maternal Basin sleepeasy cow and Rainmaker 9723 bull. his sisters are outstanding cows. pathfinder cow with 10@107. nursing Ratio and 10@108 on Ribeye.
R&D Game Day 559 Tattoo: 559 DoB:
Tag: 559 Reg. no. n/A
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
80 614
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749 {sTeVenson yeLLoWsTone M808 aaa #15332262 Basin enCHantress s460 Dam {BAsin enChAnTRess 136p Scrotal: 37 | WDA: 3.00
VeRMiLion yeLLoWsTone sTeVenson zARA 6468 BAsin expeDiTion 290L BAsin enChAnTRess 337L
Birth Weaning Yearling Milk $W $F $B +1.8 +53 +80 +26 – – – Game Day x Basin enchantress cow. What a flush. is embryo calf ’s dam has 5@110 on nursing ratio and a brother sold to bull stud.
Tag: 569 Reg. no. 18334819
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
76 746
sinCLAiR eMULATe 7xT28 sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 2p8 7079 siTz JLs eMULATion exT 536p RoseTTA 471 oF MC CUMBeR
{sinCLAiR exTRA 4x13 aaa 17077666 r&d BlaCkBird 972-117 Dam {R&D BLACkBiRD 6867-972
n BAR eMULATion exT n BAR LADy iDA s C C 2p37 ThRee TRees RoCk on 0059 LAnDMARk BLACkBiRD 6867
Scrotal: 34 | WDA: 3.60
Yearling +85
Milk +25
$W +46.85
$F +36.98
R&D Game Day 573 Tattoo: 573 DoB:
eMULATion n BAR 5522 n BAR pRiMRose 2424 n BAR pRiMe TiMe D806 n BAR LADy iDA F1080
{sTeVenson yeLLoWsTone M808 Basin enCHantress s460 aaa #15332262 Dam {BAsin enChAnTRess 136p
VeRMiLion yeLLoWsTone sTeVenson zARA 6468 BAsin expeDiTion 290L BAsin enChAnTRess 337L
Weaning +49
Yearling +79
Milk +26
$W –
Tag: 573 Reg. no. n/A
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
R&D Fortunate 533 Tattoo: 533 DoB: 01/24/2015
Tag: 533 Reg. no. 18334827
$F –
$B –
90 707
sinCLAiR eMULATe 7xT28 sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 2p8 7079 siTz JLs eMULATion exT 536p RoseTTA 471 oF MC CUMBeR
{s A V pRoViDenCe 6922 aaa 17473416 r&d lass 218-841 Dam {R&D BAnDy LAss-345
s A V 004 pReDoMinAnT 4438 s A V MAy 7238 sTeVenson MoneyMAkeR R185 R&D Miss hUnTeR 345
Birth +4.6
Weaning +52
Yearling +91
Milk +24
$W +35.64
$F +45.66
$B –
Great young cow. Big, stout cow bull whose calves will push down on the scales. Goes back to the pathfinder Money Maker cow.
78 615
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
{sinCLAiR FoRTUnATe son MC CuMBer Fortunate 367 aaa 17607569 {RoseTTA 7174 oF MC CUMBeR Sire
Scrotal: 35 | WDA: 3.10
$B –
heifer bull from 4x13 cow whose dam is the 972 cow. Moderate, good, thick with 76 pound birth and 746 weaning. is is a great bull.
75 729
Calving ease in a great package. 4x13x enchantress cow who has 6@77 pounds for birth. Long sided, thick made heifer bull stacked with maternal traits.
R&D Fortunate 569
Weaning +49
Tag: 503 Reg. no. n/A
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
{n BAR eMULATion exT sinClair extra 4x13 aaa #14774030 {n BAR LADy iDA s C C 2p37 Sire
Birth +.1
{sinCLAiR FoRTUnATe son MC CuMBer Fortunate 367 aaa 17607569 {RoseTTA 7174 oF MC CUMBeR Sire
Birth +1.3
Tattoo: 503 DoB:
Scrotal: 37 | WDA: 3.40
Tattoo: 569 DoB: 02/24/2015
R&D Extra 503
R&D Fortunate 521 Tattoo: 521 DoB: 01/22/2015
Tag: 521 Reg. no. 18334826
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
80 706
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749
{sinCLAiR FoRTUnATe son MC CuMBer Fortunate 367 aaa 17607569 {RoseTTA 7174 oF MC CUMBeR Sire
sinCLAiR eMULATe 7xT28 sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 2p8 7079 siTz JLs eMULATion exT 536p RoseTTA 471 oF MC CUMBeR
VeRMiLion yeLLoWsTone sTeVenson zARA 6468 BAsin expeDiTion 290L BAsin enChAnTRess 337L
{koUpAL JUneAU 797 r&d lass 216-518 aaa 17473428 Dam {R&D Miss expeDiTion 103-518
o C C JUneAU 807J koUpALs eLBA 187 BAsin expeDiTion 867n R&D Miss RoyCe 103
{sTeVenson yeLLoWsTone M808 aaa #15332262 Basin enCHantress s460 Dam {BAsin enChAnTRess 136p Scrotal: 36 | WDA: 2.80
Birth +1.8
Weaning +53
Yearling +80
Milk +26
$W –
$F –
Scrotal: 37 | WDA: 3.10
$B –
Birth +2.4
younger bull from the s460 Donor cow. Great cow family from cow maker, Game Day.
Weaning +50
Yearling +94
Milk +23
$W +37.99
$F +52.53
$B –
Fortunate son from Good Juneau 3-year-old cow, tracing back to expedition bull we used.
R&D Game Day 570 Tattoo: 570 DoB:
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
Tag: 570 Reg. no. n/A
R&D Game Day 567 Tattoo: 567 DoB:
Tag: 567 Reg. no. n/A
82 615
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749
RoCkn D AMBUsh 1531 {ThRee TRees RoCk on 0059 aaa +16521513 sTeVenson BLACkBiRD h601 r&d BlaCkBird 6867-972 LAnDMARk neW FRonTieR Dam {LAnDMARk BLACkBiRD 6867 LAnDMARk BLACkBiRD 1867
{sTeVenson yeLLoWsTone M808 aaa #15332262 Basin enCHantress s460 Dam {BAsin enChAnTRess 136p
Scrotal: 34 | WDA: 2.80
Birth +1.3
Weaning +54
Yearling +93
Milk +24
$W –
$F –
Scrotal: 34 | WDA: 2.90
$B –
Birth +1.3
Game Day from 972 flush cow that is a daughter of Rockon and the 6867 cow we built a herd around.
R&D Fortunate 509 Tattoo: 509 DoB: 01/19/2015
Tag: 509 Reg. no. 18334822
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
78 635
Weaning +54
Yearling +93
Milk +24
VeRMiLion yeLLoWsTone sTeVenson zARA 6468 BAsin expeDiTion 290L BAsin enChAnTRess 337L $W –
$F –
$B –
Good embryo calf from Game Day and s460 cow. Maternal bred.
R&D Fortunate 528 Tattoo: 528 DoB: 01/24/2015
Tag: 528 Reg. no. 18334814
82 677
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
{sinCLAiR FoRTUnATe son MC CuMBer Fortunate 367 aaa 17607569 {RoseTTA 7174 oF MC CUMBeR Sire
sinCLAiR eMULATe 7xT28 sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 2p8 7079 siTz JLs eMULATion exT 536p RoseTTA 471 oF MC CUMBeR
{sinCLAiR FoRTUnATe son MC CuMBer Fortunate 367 aaa 17607569 {RoseTTA 7174 oF MC CUMBeR Sire
sinCLAiR eMULATe 7xT28 sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 2p8 7079 siTz JLs eMULATion exT 536p RoseTTA 471 oF MC CUMBeR
{LAnDMARk ADMiRAL 118 r&d Miss Bonanza 236-164 aaa 17070288 Dam {B A A eisA 236A
RAVen ADMiRAL 1726 LAnDMARk BLACk LAss 118 siTz BonAnzA 7029 eATon TRAVeLeR
{GDAR GAMe DAy 449 r&d lass 911-104 aaa 17077694 Dam {R&D LAss 2999-911
BoyD neW DAy 8005 G D A R Miss Wix 474 BAsin yeLLoWsTone s301 R&D Miss BRUno 2999
Scrotal: 33 | WDA: 2.90
Birth +2.0
Weaning +43
Yearling +78
Milk +23
$W +35.75
$F +28.73
WDA: 2.90
$B –
Birth +2.4
Fortunate and Admiral, this should make for a great females and scale crushing steers.
R&D Fortunate 520 Tattoo: 520 DoB: 01/22/2015
Tag: 520 Reg. no. 18334831
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
Weaning +46
Yearling +83
Milk +22
$W +35.87
$F +35.49
$B +91.54
Maternal brother sold last year to Lonnie hall. Good, thick made bull.
83 638
R&D Fortunate 554 Tattoo: 554 DoB: 02/18/2015
Tag: 554 Reg. no. 18334841
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
85 671
{sinCLAiR FoRTUnATe son MC CuMBer Fortunate 367 aaa 17607569 {RoseTTA 7174 oF MC CUMBeR Sire
sinCLAiR eMULATe 7xT28 sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 2p8 7079 siTz JLs eMULATion exT 536p RoseTTA 471 oF MC CUMBeR
{sinCLAiR FoRTUnATe son MC CuMBer Fortunate 367 aaa 17607569 {RoseTTA 7174 oF MC CUMBeR Sire
sinCLAiR eMULATe 7xT28 sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 2p8 7079 siTz JLs eMULATion exT 536p RoseTTA 471 oF MC CUMBeR
{LAnDMARk ADMiRAL 118 aaa 17443100 r&d lass 253-847 Dam {R&D Miss LoTTo 847
RAVen ADMiRAL 1726 LAnDMARk BLACk LAss 118 sTeVenson MoneyMAkeR R185 R&D RoyCe 099-867n
{s A V pRoViDenCe 6922 aaa 17718460 r&d Heiress 726-347 Dam {R&D heiRess 310T
s A V 004 pReDoMinAnT 4438 s A V MAy 7238 WooDhiLL FoResiGhT BAsin heiRess 804C
Scrotal: 38 | WDA: 2.80
Birth +3.1
Weaning +48
Yearling +88
Milk +21
$W +33.00
$F +43.04
Scrotal: 33 | WDA: 3.00
$B –
Birth +5.3
Good Fortunate bull whose dam goes back to Freightliner. Very good productive cow.
Yearling +86
Milk +25
$W +32.97
$F +38.07
$B –
Bull carries some birth, but has power in his pedigree. ick made and moderate.
Weaning +50
R&D Fortunate 514 Tattoo: 514 DoB: 01/20/2015
Tag: 514 Reg. no. 18334823
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
80 695
{sinCLAiR FoRTUnATe son MC CuMBer Fortunate 367 aaa 17607569 {RoseTTA 7174 oF MC CUMBeR Sire
sinCLAiR eMULATe 7xT28 sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 2p8 7079 siTz JLs eMULATion exT 536p RoseTTA 471 oF MC CUMBeR
{s A V 004 DensiTy 4336 r&d BlaCkBird 205-902 aaa 17473335 Dam {R&D BLACkBiRD 167-902
s A V 8180 TRAVeLeR 004 s A V MAy 7238 siTz RAinMAkeR 9723 R&D Miss RoyCe 167
Scrotal: 34 | WDA: 3.10
Birth +3.6
Weaning +48
Yearling +87
Milk +21
$W +31.62
$F +41.25
Female maker. Moderate, thick, Density, Rainmaker, 741C in cow family.
$B –
R&D Final Answer 561 Tattoo: 561 DoB:
Tag: 561 Reg. no. n/A
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
83 667
R&D Final Answer 560 Tattoo: 560 DoB:
Tag: 560 Reg. no. n/A
72 593
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
{siTz TRAVeLeR 8180 s a v Final ansWer 0035 aaa #13592905 {s A V eMULoUs 8145 Sire
G D A R TRAVeLeR 71 siTz eVeReLDA enTense 1137 Bon VieW BAnDo 598 s A V sky eMULoUs 2124
{siTz TRAVeLeR 8180 s a v Final ansWer 0035 aaa #13592905 {s A V eMULoUs 8145 Sire
G D A R TRAVeLeR 71 siTz eVeReLDA enTense 1137 Bon VieW BAnDo 598 s A V sky eMULoUs 2124
{BAsin sLeep eAsy 116D aaa #12571020 Basin Clova Pride 3576 Dam {BAsin CLoVA pRiDe 33
G A R sLeep eAsy 1009 BAsin ChLoe 9351 G D A R RoyCe 131 BAsin CLoVA pRiDe 663z
{BAsin sLeep eAsy 116D aaa #12571020 Basin Clova Pride 3576 Dam {BAsin CLoVA pRiDe 33
G A R sLeep eAsy 1009 BAsin ChLoe 9351 G D A R RoyCe 131 BAsin CLoVA pRiDe 663z
Scrotal: 37 | WDA: 3.20
Birth +1.0
Weaning +51
Yearling +74
Milk +24
$W +38.00
$F +48.00
Scrotal: 34 | WDA: 3.0
$B +90.00
Birth +1.0
her bull, Final Answer and Basin sleep easy cow who has had 10@107 on weaning. Ribeye ratio of 108 on 15 head.
R&D Fortunate 340 Tattoo: 553 DoB: 02/18/2015
Tag: 553 Reg. no. 18334840
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
80 667
Weaning +51
Yearling +74
Milk +24
$W +38.00
$F +48.00
$B +90.00
Full brother to Lot 23. Recipt let him down a little but same bloodlines and is a heifer bull.
R&D Fortunate 539 Tattoo: 539 DoB: 02/07/2015
Tag: 539 Reg. no. 18334836
80 621
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
{sinCLAiR FoRTUnATe son MC CuMBer Fortunate 367 aaa 17607569 {RoseTTA 7174 oF MC CUMBeR Sire
sinCLAiR eMULATe 7xT28 sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 2p8 7079 siTz JLs eMULATion exT 536p RoseTTA 471 oF MC CUMBeR
{sinCLAiR FoRTUnATe son MC CuMBer Fortunate 367 aaa 17607569 {RoseTTA 7174 oF MC CUMBeR Sire
sinCLAiR eMULATe 7xT28 sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 2p8 7079 siTz JLs eMULATion exT 536p RoseTTA 471 oF MC CUMBeR
{GDAR GAMe DAy 449 aaa 17718385 r&d lotto 847-340 Dam {R&D Miss LoTTo 847
BoyD neW DAy 8005 G D A R Miss Wix 474 sTeVenson MoneyMAkeR R185 R&D RoyCe 099-867n
{koUpAL JUneAU 797 aaa 17718475 r&d BlaCkBird 758-312 Dam {R&D BLACkBiRD 867T
o C C JUneAU 807J koUpALs eLBA 187 BAsin expeDiTion 867n R&D exT FRonTieR
Scrotal: 35 | WDA: 3.00
Birth +2.9
Weaning +51
Yearling +93
Milk +22
$W +37.39
$F +49.99
Birth +3.3
Fortunate son out of good Game Day daughter, back to Money Maker.
R&D Fortunate 522 Tattoo: 522 DoB: 01/22/2015
Tag: 522 Reg. no. 18334821
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
Scrotal: 32 | WDA: 2.60
$B –
Weaning +47
Yearling +90
Milk +23
$W +31.48
$F +47.36
$B –
Fortunate x Juneau back to the expedition bull. is bull will sire great females.
80 625
R&D Fortunate 518 Tattoo: 518 DoB: 01/22/2015
Tag: 518 Reg. no. 18334832
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
84 600
{sinCLAiR FoRTUnATe son MC CuMBer Fortunate 367 aaa 17607569 {RoseTTA 7174 oF MC CUMBeR Sire
sinCLAiR eMULATe 7xT28 sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 2p8 7079 siTz JLs eMULATion exT 536p RoseTTA 471 oF MC CUMBeR
{sinCLAiR FoRTUnATe son MC CuMBer Fortunate 367 aaa 17607569 {RoseTTA 7174 oF MC CUMBeR Sire
sinCLAiR eMULATe 7xT28 sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 2p8 7079 siTz JLs eMULATion exT 536p RoseTTA 471 oF MC CUMBeR
{koUpAL JUneAU 797 aaa 17077493 r&d BlaCk Bird 528-137 Dam {R & D RoCk on 6867-528
o C C JUneAU 807J koUpALs eLBA 187 ThRee TRees RoCk on 0059 LAnDMARk BLACkBiRD 6867
{LAnDMARk ADMiRAL 118 r&d BlaCkBird 265-710t aaa 17443096 Dam {R&D BLACkBiRD 867-710T
RAVen ADMiRAL 1726 LAnDMARk BLACk LAss 118 ConneALy FReiGhTLineR R&D exT FRonTieR
Scrotal: 38 | WDA: 2.80
Birth +2.8
Weaning +45
Yearling +88
Milk +23
$W +30.93
$F +45.14
Scrotal: 36 | WDA: 2.60
$B +113.55
Birth +3.0
out of a Juneau cow that has the 528 cow that is a full sister to 972 who has 4 bulls in the sale.
R&D Fortunate 544 Tattoo: 544 DoB: 02/11/2015
Tag: 544 Reg. no. 18334834
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
79 667
{sinCLAiR FoRTUnATe son MC CuMBer Fortunate 367 aaa 17607569 {RoseTTA 7174 oF MC CUMBeR Sire
sinCLAiR eMULATe 7xT28 sinCLAiR BLACkBiRD 2p8 7079 siTz JLs eMULATion exT 536p RoseTTA 471 oF MC CUMBeR
{GDAR GAMe DAy 449 aaa 17718398 r&d zara 9265-307 Dam {BAsin zARA 9265
BoyD neW DAy 8005 G D A R Miss Wix 474 VeRMiLion pAyWeiGhT J847 BAsin zARA 488J
Scrotal: 33 | WDA: 2.90
Birth +2.9
Weaning +48
Yearling +88
Milk +23
$W +35.86
$F +43.04
$B –
Weaning +42
Yearling +79
Milk +22
$W +28.67
$F +31.17
$B +106.01
R&D Game Day 100 /906 Tattoo: 100 DoB: 09/01/2014
Tag: 100 Reg. no. 18357003
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
74 640 1200
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749
Scrotal: 39
Birth +.8
Weaning +48
Yearling +86
Milk +27
$W +47.35
Landmark Game Day 5047 Tattoo: 5047 DoB: 08/24/2014
Tag: 5047 Reg. no. 18367967
$F +39.46
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
Birth +.8
Weaning +42
Yearling +80
Milk +24
$W +50.68
Landmark Game Day 6041 Tattoo: 6041 DoB: 08/20/2014
Tag: 6041 Reg. no. n/a
$F +36.96
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
Birth +.7
80 635 1100
Scrotal: 42
Birth +1.0
Weaning +46
Yearling +88
Milk +24
Landmark Game Day 846 Tattoo: 846 DoB: 08/27/2014
Tag: 846 Reg. no. 18367938
$F +39.00
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
{RAVen ADMiRAL 1726 landMark raven loCks 846 aaa 16159456 Dam {LAnDMARk RAVenLox 5009
Scrotal: 42
Birth +.7
Weaning +40
Yearling +78
Milk +22
$W +32.67
$F +30.77
Tattoo: 5051 DoB: 08/20/2014
Tag: 5051 Reg. no. n/a
$F +27.38
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
$B +66.94
78 600 1110
R p 3RD BUshWACkeR LAnDMARk JessiCA 4777 sWeeneys UniVeRse 0143 LAnDMARk BAnDy LAss 281
Weaning +44
Yearling +81
Milk +24
$W +51.00
Landmark Game Day 859 Tattoo: 859 DoB: 08/21/2014
Tag: 859 Reg. no. 18367936
$F +37.00
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
$B +68.00
80 590 1000
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749 B/R neW DesiGn 036 WhiTe FenCe pRiDe h1 B/R neW DesiGn 323-9150 LAnDMARk BAnDy LAss 2019
{B/R neW FRonTieR 095 landMark BandY lass 859 aaa 16164058 Dam {LAnDMARk BAnDy LAss 4018 Scrotal: 39
$B +72.00
WooDhiLL ADMiRAL 77k MARCys 98 eTheLDA e 71-8 ConneALy FReiGhTLineR LAnDMARk RAVenLox 5878
$W +46.53
Landmark Game Day 5051
Birth +.8
79 625 1100
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749
Milk +27
Scrotal: 41
$B +63.20
81 625 1120
Yearling +78
{LAnDMARk BUshWACkeR 1265 landMark BandY lass 5051 aaa #15249921 Dam {LAnDMARk BAnDy LAss 2014
B/R neW DesiGn 036 WhiTe FenCe pRiDe h1 LAnDMARk pReCision 929 LAnDMARk enChAnTRess 1277 $W +51.00
Weaning +45
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749 {B/R neW FRonTieR 095 landMark enCHantress 6041 aaa 15636111 Dam {LAnDMARk enChAnTRess 315
81 610 1110
R p 3RD BUshWACkeR LAnDMARk JessiCA 4777 LAnDMARk neW FRonTieR LAnDMARk GeoRGinA 4231
Scrotal: 40
$B +82.22
R p 3RD BUshWACkeR LAnDMARk JessiCA 4777 LAnDMARk neW FRonTieR niChoLs BLACkBiRD T66
Scrotal: 39
Tag: 6057 Reg. no. 18367943
{LAnDMARk BUshWACkeR 1265 landMark georgina 6057 aaa #15641381 Dam {LAnDMARk GeoRGinA 983
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749 {LAnDMARk BUshWACkeR 1265 landMark satin Pride 5047 aaa 15250057 Dam {LAnDMARk BLACkBiRD 6141
Tattoo: 6057 DoB: 08/24/2014
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749
C A FUTURe DiReCTion 5321 BAsin ChLoe 812L WooDhiLL FoResiGhT BAsin heiRess 804C
{BAsin FRAnChise p142 aaa 16572855 r&d Heiress 726-906 Dam {R&D heiRess 310T
Landmark Game Day 6057
Birth +.6
Weaning +46
Yearling +81
Milk +28
$W +47.79
Landmark Game Day 5035 Tattoo: 5035 DoB: 08/21/2014
Tag: 5035 Reg. no. n/a
$F +31.96
$B –
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
80 585 1025
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749 {LAnDMARk CoRneRsTone 911 landMark raven ladY 5035 aaa 15896531 Dam {LAnDMARk RAVen LADy 132 Scrotal: 38
$B –
Birth +2.0
Weaning +50
Yearling +90
Milk +23
TC sToCkMAn 365 LAnDMARk pRiDe 911 ConneALy LeADTiMe LAnDMARk RAVenLox 5878 $W +50.00
$F +41.00
$B +78.00
Landmark Game Day 501 Tattoo: 501 DoB: 08/22/2014
Tag: 501 Reg. no. n/A
74 590 1000
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
Landmark Game Day 5031 Tattoo: 5031 DoB: 08/30/2014
Tag: 5031 Reg. no. 18367969
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
74 600 1100
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749
registered landMark angus Dam
{G A R GRiD MAkeR aaa 15249879 landMark Jessie 5031 Dam {LAnDMARk JessiCA 5115
Scrotal: 41
Birth +2.1
Weaning +52
Yearling +89
Scrotal: 40
Milk +24
$W +52.00
Landmark Game Day 5015 Tattoo: 5015 DoB: 08/24/2014
Tag: 5015 Reg. no. 18367968
$F +38.00
$B +81.00
77 590 1075
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749 {LAnDMARk CoRneRsTone 911 aaa 15249906 landMark JessiCa 5015 Dam {LAnDMARk JessiCA 147 Scrotal: 40
Birth +.4
Weaning +42
Yearling +77
Milk +25
TC sToCkMAn 365 LAnDMARk pRiDe 911 ConneALy LeADTiMe LAnDMARk JessiCA 984 $W +40.33
Landmark Game Day 5009 Tattoo: 5009 DoB: 08/23/2014
Tag: 5009 Reg. no. n/A
Birth +1.5
Weaning +47
Yearling +82
Milk +21
Tattoo: 6049 DoB: 08/23/2014
Tag: 6049 Reg. no. 18367939
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
80 585 1080
$F +33.04
BW WW/ratio YW/ratio
Birth +.2
Weaning +46
Yearling +81
Milk +26
$W +46.59
$F +31.96
registered landMark angus Dam Scrotal: 40
Weaning +49
Yearling +83
Milk +27
$W +49.00
$F +32.00
79 640 1125
R p 3RD BUshWACkeR LAnDMARk JessiCA 4777 sWeeneys UniVeRse 0143 LAnDMARk enChAnTRess 67
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749
Birth +1.8
$B +62.79
A A R neW TRenD {BoyD neW DAy 8005 s V F FoReVeR LADy 57D gdar gaMe daY 449 aaa #+14691231 TehAMA BAnD 207 {G D A R Miss Wix 474 Sire G D A R Miss Wix 749
Scrotal: 42
$B –
$W +40.40
Landmark Game Day 6049
{LAnDMARk BUshWACkeR 1265 landMark georgina 6049 aaa 16147365 Dam {LAnDMARk Jennie 2063
$F +27.66
G D A R TRAVeLeR 044 G A R pReCision 2536 G A R sLeep eAsy 1009 LAnDMARk JesTRess 115
$B +78.00
Notes …
Please bring your catalog sale day
$B –