Thorson 2016 catalog

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Annual Production Sale Tuesday, February 9, 2016 12:00 Noon (MST) Philip (SD) Livestock Auction Sale Barn Phone: (605) 859-2577

Auctioneer .............Seth Weishaar … (605) 210-1124 Sale Representatives: Beau Ravellette.....................................(605) 685-8155 RPI Promotions Dan Piroutek ........................................(605) 544-3316 Tristate Livestock News Levi Landers.........................................(308) 730-1396 American Hereford Association


• All animals of breeding age are guaranteed breeders. Customary guarantees will apply. • The auctioneer will settle all bidding disputes. • All persons who are attending this sale do so at their own risk. Owners assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents which may occur. • If you cannot make the sale, you may send or call in your bidding instructions. Your bids will be handled as directed and in your best interest. • Announcements from the auction block take precedence over any printed material. Catalog produced by:

RPI Promotions

Beau Ravellette • 605/685-8155

P.O. Box 788 • Philip, South Dakota 57567 Office: 605/859-2516

Welcome from Thorson Herefords!

Wow! Another trip around the sun is over. As I am getting ready for the catalog to go out I hope this finds you healthy and looking forward to the future. We all wish cattle prices are what they were but... well feed is plentiful and fairly affordable and there is or should be some grass left in the summer pastures and hopefully the moisture will at least give next year a start. A few notes before you (hopefully) dissect the catalog. It seems like I have just started but this is my 11th year of raising registered bulls. I was the volume buyer at the Shield Bar sale in 2005. Since that time I have added a few cows from some select breeders but mostly these bulls go back to that herd. From the start I have tried to do what it takes to make cows for the extreme conditions we see on the northern plains. That last line is important to note. I have a firm idea of what I want to do and that is to make your cowherd better. I write this on January 1 and my cows are still grazing and with a little luck from the sun they will for several more weeks. Every bull I have ever bought and every time I picked what bulls to put with what cows was on the hope that every calf would be a heifer. Cross your fingers all you want but it has never worked. Some still come out as bulls. But take note, every bull in this sale was intended to be a replacement heifer of the best quality of any mating that I could come up with. Building a better cowherd only works if longevity is a priority. I have worked hard at making that normal. Using a bull at 6-7 years old is way closer to normal than not for me. I have bought several bulls out of sires still breeding in the pasture at 8-10 years old and most of the cows I have purchased bulls out of have had 7-10+ natural calves. The bulls in this catalog have spent their whole life within 7 miles of my place. These bulls are not overfed and should be active and going for years to come. Udder quality and mothering ability are a couple highly important factors. In this day and age of bigger places and less labor there just isn’t time for problems. I udder score every cow (hopefully) right before she calves and put that in this catalog. The numbers range from 9 (perfect) to 1 (terrible). Anything 3 or under gets culled. My heifers calve in the same pasture as my cows and I rarely use a spotlight. I expect every bred female to have their calf on their own and get it up and sucking. Every problem and open goes to town as a weighup. There are both registered and commercial bulls in this sale. The commercial cows go back to Dad’s herd. I can’t tell you the 10 generation pedigree but I can tell you they are good honest Hereford cattle that allowed him to raise 6 kids and have been in my culling prgram for nearly 20 years. There will be a supplement with weights and scrotal measurements by sale day. The bulls will be semen checked by Dr. Stangle. Frozen semen just can’t be checked. Lastly, I would invite you to buy with confidence. I live here and have no plans to leave or quit the business. All bulls are fully guaranteed for the first breeding season. If you live in South Dakota and want to bring your trailer I will give you $100 cash for every bull you take home on sale day or I will deliver them for your purchase price. If you live out of state I will have to deliver them after trich testing. Delivery will be as soon as possible with the first 500 miles free and after that at cost. Call me anytime to ask questions. I enjoy talking bulls and will even show you around the ranch if you want to come out and take a look. has some good info also. Thank you for your interest and hope to see you Feb. 9th. Doug Thorson –1–

Reference Sire CO L1 DOMINO 847U

Reg. 42941187 EPDs BW WW L1 DOMINO 99496 YW Sire { L1 DOMINETTE 95369 Milk M&G { GB L1 DOMINO 017D REA CO L1 DOMINETTE 226M Marb Dam { CO L1 DOMINETTE 911 CHB DOB: 03/26/2008

{ L1 DOMINO 97349

3.4 43 73 22 44 .07 .27 $22

If 847 isn’t a front of the catalog bull then there is no such thing. I could spend this whole catalog writing why he is so good but suffice it to say that I feel there was not a better bull born in the year 2008. With 140 calves born from 3 different herds his numbers are accurate. The bull calves born here have always been well received but his daughters are what sets him apart. They are exactly the cows that every commercial cattleman needs, the kind that raise a big calf, breed back and keep in good flesh without any extra care. Unfortunately, he went to town this fall after breeding in the pasture as a 7 year old.

Lot 1 Lot 1

TH L1 Domino 4208 { L1 Domino 99496

DOB: 3-28-2014

BW 205 365 Sire CO L1 Dominette 226 (DOD) { Udder { CO L1 Domino 936 EPDs TH Miss Domino 208 BW Dam WW { SBH L1 Dominette 2030 YW Take a little frame off and lose nothing in the Milk

CO L1 Domino 847



81 615 1042 7 +2.3 +39 +67 +22

Lot 2 Lot 2

TH L1 Domino 4285 { L1 Domino 99496

DOB: 3-25-2014

BW 205 CO L1 Domino 847 365 Sire CO L1 Dominette 226 (DOD) { Udder { JA L1 Domino 0214 EPDs TH Miss Domino 285 BW Dam WW { TH L1 Dominette 907 YW If the white leg keeps you from buying this bull, Milk

you missed out on a good one.

Lot 3

79 654 1130 6 +3.1 +44 +83 +24

TH L1 Domino 4289 { L1 Domino 99496

DOB: 3-29-2014

BW 205 365 Sire CO L1 Dominette 226 (DOD) { Udder { JA L1 Domino 0214 EPDs TH Miss Domino 289 BW Dam { TH Miss Domino 836 (DOD) WW YW ere is a picture of this calf sucking his mother Milk

CO L1 Domino 847

87 711 1181 6 +4.2 +52 +86 +25

on my website. Out of a 2 year old, she weaned off 61% of her weight and then came back with a #605 calf this year and is bred again.

Lot 4

TH Common Guy 4211 { L1 Domino 99496

DOB: 4-3-2014

BW 205 CO L1 Domino 847 365 Sire CO L1 Dominette 226 (DOD) { Udder { CO L1 Domino 936 EPDs TH Common Gal 211 BW Dam WW { TH Common Gal 060 YW Commercial bull. Milk


84 565 921 8 NA NA NA NA

Reference Sire JA L1 DOMINO 6001S

Reg. 42717039 EPDs BW WW YW Milk M&G { CL 1 DOMINO 484 REA JA L1 DOMINETTE 0212 Marb Dam { JA L1 DOMINETTE 7316 CHB DOB: 01/24/2006

{ CL 1 DOMINO 5131E GB L1 DOMINO 935C Sire { GB L1 DOM PRCS 115

2.5 47 73 22 46 .20 .13 $24

As soon as I heard that Gordon Jamison was going to sell possession of 6001 I headed to Kansas. I spent a whole day looking through cows, bulls and heifer calves from every bloodline he had. At the end of the tour there was no doubt that 6001 was going to South Dakota. His daughters are as good as any I have ever seen. They are moderate in size with great udders and ease of fleshing that the Northern plains needs. His sons have the thickness and muscle that sets them apart from most. He was used with great success on both Jamison’s and Oleen’s before I got him and he did everything I could have asked here. With over 200 actual calves recorded and 115 calves from daughters recorded his genetics are proven to be no fluke.

Lot 5 Lot 5

TH L1 Domino 4017 { GB L1 Domino 935

DOB: 4-28-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { L1 Domino 07473

JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire

TH Miss Domino 017 Dam { SBH L1 Domino Miss 2052

is bull got picked on quite a bit since weaning, but the quality is there. –4–

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

85 612 934 7 +2.3 +40 +62 +17

Lot 6 Lot 6

TH L1 Domino 4039 { GB L1 Domino 935

DOB: 3-31-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { CL1 Domino 638

JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire

JA L1 Dominette 0318 Dam { JA L1 Dominette 645

If you want a big, good looking rascal then take a look here.

Lot 7

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

84 584 990 8 +2.0 +40 +65 +25

TH L1 Domino 4223 { GB L1 Domino 935

DOB: 3-22-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { CO L1 Domino 847

JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire

TH Miss Domino 223 Dam { TH Miss Domino 019

A low birth weight bull that will just flat look pretty in your pasture.


BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

74 577 1003 7 +1.7 +40 +67 +20

Lot 8 Lot 8

TH L1 Domino 4615 { GB L1 Domino 935

DOB: 3-24-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { JA L1 Domino 208

JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire

JA L1 Dominette 6105 Dam { JA L1 Dominette 4450

6001 all over again.

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

84 600 980 8 +1.8 +40 +59 +20

Lot 9 Lot 9

TH L1 Domino 4622 { GB L1 Domino 935

DOB: 4-2-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { JC L1 Domino 4013

JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire

TH L1 Miss Domino 622 Dam { SBH L1 Dominette 2030

If you own cows, you can use this bull. –6–

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

81 664 1117 4 +1.7 +43 +70 +24

Lot 10 Lot 10 TH L1 Domino 4624 { GB L1 Domino 935

DOB: 3-27-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { JC L1 Domino 4013

JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire

TH L1 Miss Domino 624 Dam { JC L1 Domet 4019

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

92 620 1058 7

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

82 571 977 4

+3.2 +44 +71 +23

624 just keeps pumping out good ones and does it while keeping herself in shape with no extra care. If you want longevity without extra care, then look here. His coming 10-year-old mother is grazing and still looks good.

Lot 11 Lot 11

TH L1 Domino 4760 { GB L1 Domino 935

DOB: 4-2-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { JC L1 Domino 4013

JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire

TH L1 Miss Domino 760 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 543

If you have a herd of black cows and want to add a whole lot of style, then this might be the bull for you. –7–

+2.3 +38 +64 +22

Lot 12 Lot 12 TH L1 Domino 4836 { GB L1 Domino 935

DOB: 4-5-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { TH L1 Domino 6002

JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire

TH L1 Miss Domino 836 (DOD) Dam { JC L1 Domett 4018

If I need to write a footnote to sell a bull that looks like this, then I just as well quit.

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

92 649 1069 5

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

87 635 1044 5

+3.1 +45 +71 +20

Lot 13 TH Common Guy 4712 { GB L1 Domino 935

DOB: 3-31-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { JC L1 Domino 4013

JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire

TH Common Gal 712 Dam { TH Common Gal 490

Commercial bull.



Reference Sire CO L1 Domino 936W

Reg. 43003689 EPDs BW WW RH DOMINO 6050 YW Sire { RH DOMINETTE 1059 Milk M&G { HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET REA CO L1 DOMINETTE 416P Marb CO L1 DOMINETTE 202M Dam { CHB DOB: 03/18/2009

{ XP L1 DOMINO 00063

2.9 48 77 22 46 -.04 .09 $23

A bull from Ken Coleman. When I first saw this bull all I could think of was Yahtzee. He has it all, length, muscle, depth, low birth weight and pigment. I have used this bull every way you can and haven't found a way for it to be wrong. He has the performance to ratio above 100% but I have used him on heifers and calved them with the cows. He will erase white and his daughters have near perfect udders. His calves seem to have a little extra vigor at birth as well. SEMEN AVAILABLE

Lot 14 Lot 14 TH L1 Domino 4133 { RH Domino 6050

DOB: 4-10-2014

{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { CO L1 Domino 847

CO L1 Domino 936 Sire

TH Miss Domino 133 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 624

A low birth weight bull with generations of calving ease behind him. –9–

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

78 542 1044 6 +1.8 +34 +67 +22

Lot 15 TH L1 Domino 4135 { RH Domino 6050

DOB: 5-22-2014

BW 205 365 Sire CO L1 Dominette 416 { Udder { CO L1 Domino 847 EPDs TH Miss Domino 135 BW Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 727(DOD) WW YW Another bull that would work well on heifers. Milk

CO L1 Domino 936

78 542 1042 5 +2.2 +42 +76 +26

Look at his age when comparing him to the others. He is catching up fast and about to pass quite a few.

Lot 16 TH L1 Domino 4220 { RH Domino 6050

DOB: 4-20-2014

{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { CO L1 Domino 847

CO L1 Domino 936 Sire

TH Miss Domino 220 { JA L1 Dominette 0906


847 daughters just crank out good ones.

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

88 655 1060 8 +3.8 +46 +79 +24

Lot 17 Lot 17

TH L1 Domino 4235 { RH Domino 6050

DOB: 4-17-2014

BW 205 365 Sire CO L1 Dominette 416 { Udder { CL1 Domino 847 EPDs TH Miss Domino 235 BW Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 835 (DOD) WW YW is bull should work on heifers. Milk

CO L1 Domino 936

– 10 –

79 529 972 8 +2.6 +38 +66 +23

Lot 18 Lot 18 TH L1 Domino 4246 { RH Domino 6050

DOB: 4-16-2014

{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { CL1 Domino 034

CO L1 Domino 936 Sire

TH Miss Domino 246 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 760

Red neck and red eyes. is guy is pretty good.

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

86 558 991 6 +3.1 +38 +69 +26

Lot 19 TH L1 Domino 4288 { RH Domino 6050

DOB: 4-13-2014

{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { JA L1 Domino 0214

CO L1 Domino 936 Sire

TH Miss Domino 288 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 731

0214 has this habit of giving me 2 bulls to every heifer. e way his daughters raise calves, I sure wish he would throw all heifers.

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

76 618 1065 6

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

83 631 1085 6

+1.7 +42 +73 +26

Lot 20 TH Common Guy 4108 { RH Domino 6050

DOB: 5-3-2014

{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { TH L1 Domino 6002

CO L1 Domino 936 Sire

TH Common Gal 108 Dam { TH Common Gal 713

Commercial bull.

– 11 –


Lot 21 Lot 21 TH Common Guy 4244 { RH Domino 6050

DOB: 5-5-2014

{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { CL1 Domino 034

CO L1 Domino 936 Sire

TH Common Gal 244 Dam { TH Common Gal 715

Commercial bull.

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

80 589 1021 5 NA NA NA NA

Lot 22 Lot 22 TH Common Guy 4284 { RH Domino 6050

DOB: 5-7-2014

{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { JA L1 Domino 0214

CO L1 Domino 936 Sire

TH Common Gal 284 Dam { TH Common Gal 630

Commercial bull.

– 12 –

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

83 586 1032 4 NA NA NA NA

Lot 23 Lot 23 TH Common Guy 4296 { RH Domino 6050

DOB: 4-5-2014

{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { CO L1 Domino 015

CO L1 Domino 936 Sire

TH Common Gal 296 Dam { TH Common Gal 492

Commercial bull.

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

90 531 938 6

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

89 642 1078 7


Lot 24 Lot 24 TH L1 Domino 4226 { HH Advance 767

DOB: 3-28-2014

{ GB L1 Dom Prcs (DOD) { CO L1 Domino 847

GB L1 Domino 175 Sire

TH Miss Domino 226 Dam { TH Miss Domino 041

Bulls like this are why I bought the 249 bull. He might show that he had a lump on his hip but buy with confidence. He is fully guaranteed. – 13 –

+3.5 +54 +88 +29

Reference Sire CO L1 Domino 249Z

Reg. 43280559 EPDs BW WW YW Milk M&G { L1 DOMINO 04380 REA L1 DOMINETTE 07427 Marb Dam { L1 DOMINETTE 05539 CHB DOB: 04/01/2012

{ HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET GB L1 DOMINO 175E Sire { GB L1 DOM PRCS 3134

1.3 49 86 29 54 .11 .08 $24

The high seller at Jamison’s 2013 sale. I had my eye on a 175 son for a while and was beginning to wonder if I would ever find the right one. Then I saw 249 sucking his mother during the summer and I knew I was going to make a strong try at owning him. He is a natural service calf from a bull born in 2001. No that is not a misprint, 175 was still breeding in the pasture at 10 years old. His mother came from the Miles City herd. She is now in Jack Holden’s embryo program. His genetics are elite but the proof comes with offspring. These bulls are the first crop out of him, half on heifers and half on 3’s. Since then I have used him on everything from great to average, cows to heifers and can’t find out a way for using him to be wrong. His first daughters will calve this spring and they have the look to be the type to build a herd around.

Lot 25 Lot 25 TH L1 Domino 4114 { GB L1 Domino 175

DOB: 4-26-2014

{ L1 Dominette 07427 { TH L1 Domino 6002

CO L1 Domino 249 Sire

TH Miss Domino 114 Dam { SBH L1 Dominette 2030

is bull has a shape and style that fits my eye pretty well. – 14 –

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

81 586 983 7 +2.8 +38 +65 +23

Lot 26 TH L1 Domino 4128 { GB L1 Domino 175

DOB: 4-16-2014

{ L1 Dominette 07427 { CO L1 Domino 847

CO L1 Domino 249 Sire

TH Miss Domino 128 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 759

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

83 559 959 6 +2.3 +40 +70 +25

Lot 27 Lot 27 TH L1 Domino 4205 { GB L1 Domino 175

DOB: 4-20-2014

{ L1 Dominette 07427 { CO L1 Domino 936

CO L1 Domino 249 Sire

TH Miss Domino 205 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 759

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

82 581 991 5 +2.0 +39 +70 +25

Lots 26 & 27 are about as closely related as you can get without buying flush brothers. e numbers match nearly identical also. Buy them both and sell calves by load lots.

– 15 –

Lot 28 TH L1 Domino 4245 { GB L1 Domino 175

DOB: 4-16-2014

{ L1 Dominette 07427 { CL1 Domino 034

CO L1 Domino 249 Sire

TH Miss Domino 245 Dam { JA L1 Dominette 6105

I have a full sister to this bull. You can buy the bull, not the heifer.

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

87 609 976 9 +2.2 +46 +69 +28

Lot 29 TH L1 Domino 4042 { HH Advance 3113

DOB: 4-19-2014

BW 205 CL1 Domino 034 365 Sire CL1 Dominette 200 (DOD) { Udder { JBN L1 Domino 725 EPDs TH Miss Domino 042 BW Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 836 (DOD) WW YW is bull has a look and style that will catch Milk

your eye pretty quick. When you sell calves, that “LOOK” factor means $$.

85 532 942 7 +1.4 +33 +56 +25

Lot 30 Lot 30 TH L1 Domino 4410 { HH Advance 3113

DOB: 3-27-2014

CL1 Domino 034 Sire

JC L1 Domett 4018 Dam

{ CL1 Dominette 200 (DOD { CL1 Domino 855 { CL1 Domett 99025

His mother raised a #510 heifer calf this year at 11 years old. – 16 –

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

81 549 918 9 +0.3 +33 +50 +23

Lot 31 Lot 31 TH L1 Domino 4908 { HH Advance 3113

DOB: 4-15-2014

CL1 Domino 034 Sire

{ CL1 Dominette 200 (DOD) { JC L1 Domino 4013

TH L1 Dominette 908 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 540

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

83 571 900 7 +0.8 +33 +44 +27

EPDs say heifer bull, but the actual says maybe not, but a full sister to this bull just gave me a calf that ratioed 105%. However you want to use him, this would be a good place to start a cow herd.

Lot 32 Lot 32 TH Common Guy 4060 { HH Advance 3113

DOB: 3-27-2014

CL1 Domino 034 Sire

{ CL1 Dominette 200 (DOD) { TH L1 Domino 809

TH Common Gal 060 Dam { TH Common Gal 708

Commercial bull.

– 17 –

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

79 571 944 8 NA NA NA NA

Lot 33 TH Common Guy 4070 { HH Advance 3113

DOB: 4-19-2014

CL1 Domino 034 Sire

{ CL1 Dominette 200 (DOD) { JBN L1 Domino 725

TH Common Gal 070 Dam { TH Common Gal 852

Commercial bull.

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

80 613 1019 8

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

78 560 914 7

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

82 552 934 6


Lot 34 TH Common Guy 4071 { HH Advance 3113

DOB: 4-3-2014

CL1 Domino 034 Sire

{ CL1 Dominette 200 (DOD) { JBN L1 Domino 725

TH Common Gal 071 Dam { TH Common Gal 855

Commercial bull.


Lot 35 TH Common Guy 4634 { HH Advance 3113

DOB: 4-9-2014

CL1 Domino 034 Sire

{ CL1 Dominette 200 (DOD) { JC L1 Domino 4013

TH Common Gal 634 Dam { TH Common Gal 493

Commercial bull.

– 18 –


Lot 36 Lot 36 TH Common Guy 4707 { HH Advance 3113

DOB: 4-3-2014

CL1 Domino 034 Sire

{ CL1 Dominette 200 (DOD) { MIR Advance 3039

TH Common Gal 707 Dam { TH Common Gal 157

Commercial bull.

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

84 554 909 6 NA NA NA NA

Lot 37 Lot 37 TH L1 Domino 4251 { CL1 Domino 7139

DOB: 3-21-2014

CL1 Domino 065 Sire

{ CL1 Dominette 5142 (DOD) { GB L1 Domino 8139

CO L1 Dominette 251 Dam { CO L1 Dominette 331

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

82 561 1025 8 +2.0 +47 +83 +20

I bought his mother from Ken Coleman as a bred heifer. is guy shows a good part of why 065 is earning a reputation of one of the great bulls in the breed today. – 19 –

Lot 38 Lot 38 TH L1 Domino 4272 { JA L1 Domino 7640

DOB: 3-28-2014

BW 205 365 Sire JA L1 Dominette 9204 { Udder { GB L1 Domino 8139 EPDs CO L1 Dominette 272 BW Dam { CO L1 Dominette 707 (DOD) WW YW Another cow I bought as a bred heifer. If you like Milk

JA L1 Domino 1602

pigment, it is right here.

77 617 1028 7 +1.1 +44 +69 +25

Lot 39 Lot 39 TH Common Guy 4703 { CL1 Domino 555

DOB: 3-22-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { JC L1 Domino 4013

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH Common Gal 703 Dam { TH Common Gal 524

Commercial bull.

– 20 –

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

95 624 1033 6 NA NA NA NA

Reference Sire JA L1 Domino 0214

Reg. 43129984 EPDs BW WW YW Milk M&G { CL 1 DOMINO 484 REA JA L1 DOMINETTE 2210M Marb Dam { JA L1 DOMINETTE 6565 CHB DOB: 02/07/2010


3.3 49 86 32 56 .06 .05 $21

From the first time I saw the 555 daughters at Gordon Jamison’s I knew I was going to buy a son. I really don’t think I could have gotten a better one. His mother had an average weaning ratio of 106% and raised herd bulls for both Ken Coleman and Oleen Brothers. That is just the start of what this bull is. He has the length, muscle and performance to show at the top with his last 3 calf crops averaging a 101% weaning ratio but his daughters take the cake. So far they are averaging a 103% weaning ratio with a number of them weaning over 50% of their bodyweight with ease. Take a good look at his sons because there aren’t many cowherds they won’t help.

Lot 40 Lot 40 TH L1 Domino 4025 { CL1 Domino 555

DOB: 4-6-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { CO L1 Domino 847

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH Miss Domino 025 Dam { SBH L1 Dominette 9015

is is a bull that I seem to find every day when I am feeding. – 21 –

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

87 572 985 7 +3.6 +42 +74 +25

Lot 41 TH L1 Domino 4010 { CL1 Domino 555

DOB: 3-24-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { TH L1 Domino 809

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH Miss Domino 010 Dam { SBH Miss L1 Domino 2029

Just give me a whole herd that go 79# on BW with over 600 at weaning.

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

79 620 1063 5

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

88 624 1140 5

+2.4 +39 +73 +22

Lot 42 TH L1 Domino 4031 { CL1 Domino 555

DOB: 4-3-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { CO L1 Domino 847

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH Miss Domino 031 (DOD) Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 727 (DOD)

ree generations of Dam of Distinction cows behind this bull.

+3.8 +48 +91 +28

Lot 43 Lot 43 TH L1 Domino 4757 { CL 1 Domino 555

DOB: 4-5-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { JC L1 Domino 4013

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH L1 Miss Domino 757 (DOD) Dam { SBH Miss L1 Domino 2019

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

87 594 1006 8 +2.9 +39 +66 +29

If you want a cow family behind a bull, then buy this bull. I have used a bull from both of his mother and grandmother with outstanding success. ree times the 757 cow has had one of the first 2 bulls in the sale. – 22 –

Lot 44 TH L1 Domino 4837 { CL 1 Domino 555

DOB: 3-29-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { JC L1 Domino 4013

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH L1 Miss Domino 837 Dam { JC L1 Domett 4019

A bull with a bit more traditional markings.

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

86 537 824 7 +2.2 +34 +47 +27

Lot 45 TH L1 Domino 4840 { CL 1 Domino 555

DOB: 5-24-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { KC L1 Domino 06064

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH L1 Miss Domino 840 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 626

Put this bull on your black cows and watch the steers grow!

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

93 577 1048 5 +4.0 +48 +76 +28

Lot 46 Lot 46 TH L1 Domino 4863 { CL 1 Domino 555

DOB: 3-28-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { JC L1 Domino 4013

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH L1 Miss Domino 863 Dam { SBH L1 Miss Domino 2012

Heifer bull. Six calves out of his mother and 81# is the heaviest. – 23 –

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

78 576 998 7 +1.2 +36 +64 +27

Lot 47 Lot 47 TH L1 Domino 4915 { CL 1 Domino 555

DOB: 4-3-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { KC L1 Domino 06064

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH L1 Dominette 915 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 759

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

89 539 969 5 +3.1 +40 +71 +27

Lot 48 Lot 48 TH L1 Domino 4916 { CL 1 Domino 555

DOB: 3-29-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { KC L1 Domino 06064

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH L1 Dominette 916 Dam { SBH L1 Miss Domino 2003

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

86 587 989 6 +2.9 +41 +68 +26

Another pair of bulls that are closely related in Lots 47 & 48. If you want consistent cattle and need more than 1 bull, I would sure consider buying both of these. – 24 –

Lot 49 Lot 49 TH L1 Domino 4919 { CL 1 Domino 555

DOB: 4-5-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { KC L1 Domino 06064

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH L1 Dominette 919 (DOD) Dam { THH L1 Miss Domino 729

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

96 666 1037 7

BW 205 365 Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

87 657 1107 6

+4.1 +47 +72 +31

is bull is going to be a true superstar in somebody’s herd. 919 is DOD for a reason. She has never brought in a calf under a 110% weaning ratio and has never failed to wean over 50% of her body weight.

Lot 50 TH L1 Domino 4922 { CL 1 Domino 555

DOB: 3-24-2014

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { JBN L1 Domino 725

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH L1 Dominette 922 (DOD) Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 760

If you waited until the back of the catalog to find a good one, this is him.

+3.3 +46 +82 +28

Thanks for your interest in our program! Please bring this catalog with you to the sale!!

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