Thorson Herefords 2019 Catalog

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Welcome from Thorson Herefords!

Another year has come and gone and I guess I have to put a few thoughts in the front of this catalog. The first is a hope that this catalog finds you in good health and spirits with an eye toward the future. Weather and markets will always be an up and down challenge but “good times ahead” is the motto of a rancher. A few notes before you (hopefully) dissect this catalog. Somehow years slip by and I am no longer a new guy in the breeder industry. Even though the years have slipped by, I have not changed my thinking. Every mating was purposely designed for a heifer calf. These bulls are the accidents of that thought. My motto is building better cows and I firmly believe in good cows. On the cow side, I write this on January 2nd and all my cows are still grazing and if conditions go right the mature cows might still be grazing at sale time. There are people who think a registration paper is a license to run cows different than the majority of commercial cows. I look at it more like an obligation to test them every way I can. These bulls are very even, so much so that I didn’t write a comment about every one. They have passed every test I could throw at them and are still bulls. I am fully convinced they will put a smile on your face when you own any of them. Lastly the details. All bulls were semen checked by Dr Stangle and are fully guaranteed for the first breeding season. Udder scores range from 9 (perfect) down to a lowest of 4. Anything that is under a 4 gets culled here. If you live in South Dakota, I invite you to bring your trailer. If you do, I give you $100 cash per bull. If that doesn’t work, I deliver up to 500 miles for your purchase price. Call me anytime if you have questions. I enjoy talking cattle and will even show you around if you want to come out and look. Thorson Herefords on Facebook has more info. Thank you for your interest and hope to see you Feb 12.

Doug Thorson

Selling immediately following the Bull Sale

40 registered Hereford heifers 30 commercial Hereford heifers 20 commercial Hereford heifers from the Neuhauser ranch 50 F1 baldies from the Neuhauser ranch 15 F1 baldies from the Redding ranch All of these heifers are “pasture next to the mailbox” quality, bangs vaccinated and ready to go

Annual Production Sale Tuesday, February 12, 2019 1:00 p.m. (MST) Philip (SD) Livestock Auction Sale Barn Phone: (605) 859-2577

Auctioneer: Lynn Weishaar

Sale Representatives: Beau Ravellette.....................................(605) 685-8155 RPI Promotions Dan Piroutek ........................................(605) 544-3316 Tristate Livestock News Levi Landers.........................................(308) 730-1396 American Hereford Association


• All animals of breeding age are guaranteed breeders. Customary guarantees will apply. • The auctioneer will settle all bidding disputes. • All persons who are attending this sale do so at their own risk. Owners assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents which may occur. • If you cannot make the sale, you may send or call in your bidding instructions. Your bids will be handled as directed and in your best interest. • Announcements from the auction block take precedence over any printed material.

RPI Promotions Catalog produced by:

Beau Ravellette • (605) 685-8155 Don Ravellette • (605) 685-5147 P.O. Box 788 • Philip, SD 57567 –1–

Reference Sire BT L1 DOMINO 3305A

Reg: 43398517 EPDs BW { CL 1 DOMINO 732T WW CL 1 DOMINO 9125W 1ET YW Sire { CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P Milk M&G { JA L1 DOMINO 5617R REA BT L1 DOMINETTE 8625 Marb Dam { ER L1 DOMINETTE 0317K CHB DOB: 02/14/2013

6.0 56 94 59 59 .51 -.07 $28

It will come as no surprise to anyone who has seen him that his bulls are at the front of the catalog. If there was ever a “put him in the front pasture next to the road” bull he is it. I doubt anyone could draw a bull that would have more eye appeal and still have the width that he has. I wish I had a few more sale bulls out of him but he is still wintering here and I have every intention of him wandering through a bunch of cows this summer so you will see a lot more of him in the future.

Lot 1

TH L1 Domino 7010 { CL1 Domino 9125

DOB: 4-8-2017

BT L1 Domino 3305 Sire

{ BT L1 Dominette 8625 { TH L1 Domino 809

TH Miss Domino 010 { SBH Miss L1 Domino 2029 Dam

BW 92 205 615 365 1,079 SC 41.8 Udder 6 EPDs BW +4.4 WW +41 YW +77 Milk +23

Lot 2 Lot 2

TH L1 Domino 7229 { CL1 Domino 9125

DOB: 4-19-2017

BT L1 Domino 3305 Sire

{ BT L1 Dominette 8625 { CO L1 Domino 847

TH Miss Domino 229 { TH L1 Dominette 912 Dam


BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

84 585 986 37.6 7 +2.7 +42 +71 +24

Lot 3

TH L1 Domino 7304 { CL1 Domino 9125

DOB: 3-29-2017

BT L1 Domino 3305 Sire

{ BT L1 Dominette 8625 { CO L1 Domino 936

TH Miss Domino 304 { TH Miss Domino 116 Dam

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

84 568 971 38.2 9 +2.6 +41 +70 +29

Lot 4 Lot 4

TH L1 Domino 7454 { CL1 Domino 9125

DOB: 4-18-2017

BT L1 Domino 3305 Sire

{ BT L1 Dominette 8625 { CL1 Domino 034

TH Miss Domino 454 { SBH L1 Domino Miss 2052 Dam

Lot 5

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

87 591 997 34.6 5 +3.2 +43 +71 +27

TH L1 Domino 7462 { CL1 Domino 9125

DOB: 4-3-2017

BT L1 Domino 3305 Sire

{ BT L1 Dominette 8625 { JA L1 Domino 6001

TH Miss Domino 462 { JA L1 Dominette 0324 Dam


BW 91 205 639 365 1,116 SC 40.2 Udder 5 EPDs BW +4.8 WW +53 YW +86 Milk +27

Reference Sire CO L1 DOMINO 548C

Reg: 43581932 EPDs BW { CL 1 DOMINO 7128T 1ET WW HH ADVANCE 0118X YW Sire { HH MISS ADVANCE 6074S Milk M&G { HH ADVANCE 286M 1ET REA CO L1 DOMINETTE 707T Marb Dam { CO L1 DOMINETTE 523R CHB DOB: 03/21/2015

4.7 52 83 17 43 .33 .02 $100

548 is a bull from Coleman’s in Colorado that I just couldn’t let get away. He is a true stud with many generations of great udders on both sides of his pedigree. A heavy muscled, large framed bull whose calves look better every day. I can’t wait to calve his first daughters out this spring. He was just a yearling when he sired these so there aren’t many but there will be more.

Lot 6 Lot 6

TH L1 Domino 7414 { HH Advance 0118

DOB: 5-10-2017

CO L1 Domino 548 Sire

{ CO L1 Dominette 707 { CO L1 Domino 249

TH Miss Domino 414 { TH Miss Domino 126 Dam

Lot 7

BW 91 205 638 365 1,101 SC 37.0 Udder 7 EPDs BW +4.9 WW +53 YW +89 Milk +21

TH L1 Domino 7452 { HH Advance 0118

DOB: 4-15-2017

CO L1 Domino 548 Sire

{ CO L1 Dominette 707 { CL1 Domino 034

TH Miss Domino 452 { TH L1 Miss Domino 862 Dam is is a shape type of bull that will put a smile on your face every day you see him walk across your pasture!


BW 84 205 599 365 1,039 SC 38.0 Udder 7 EPDs BW +2.8 WW +43 YW +73 Milk +21

Lot 8 Lot 8

TH L1 Domino 7487 { HH Advance 0118

DOB: 4-30-2017

CO L1 Domino 548 Sire

{ CO L1 Dominette 707 { JA L1 Domino 0214

TH Miss Domino 487 { JA L1 Dominette 0003(DOD) Dam I can’t come up with any reason this guy shouldn’t start the sale!

BW 86 205 608 365 1,205 SC 42.0 Udder 7 EPDs BW +4.0 WW +53 YW +96 Milk +20

Reference Sire CO L1 DOMINO 447B Reg: 43490030 EPDs BW { CL 1 DOMINO 7128T 1ET WW HH ADVANCE 0118X YW Sire { HH MISS ADVANCE 6074S Milk M&G { HH ADVANCE 3113N 1ET REA CO L1 DOMINETTE 707T Marb Dam { CL 1 DOMINETTE 0112K 1ET CHB DOB: 03/24/2014

1.5 45 62 18 41 .27 .00 $25

447 is a full brother to 548 but they differ quite a bit. 447 is much more of a low- birthweight bull with more pigment. His calves tend to grow a bit faster and then moderate. I calved his first daughters out last spring and am very pleased with what the did for me, averaging a 105% weaning ratio. If you want function with a moderate BW and cows that will be just flat good then take a look at his calves.

Lot 9

TH L1 Domino 7110 { HH Advance 0118

DOB: 4-10-2017

CO L1 Domino 447 Sire

{ CO L1 Dominette 707 { TH L1 Domino 6002

TH Miss Domino 110 { SBH L1 Domino Miss 2052 Dam


BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

88 552 987 38.8 6 +2.7 +38 +61 +14

Lot 10 TH L1 Domino 7126 { HH Advance 0118

DOB: 4-2-2017

CO L1 Domino 447 Sire

{ CO L1 Dominette 707 { CO L1 Domino 847

TH Miss Domino 126 { TH L1 Miss Domino 6051 Dam is guy broke a horn last fall. I am sure that hurt his yearling weight but he is a good one out of a great cow.

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

85 590 950 37.8 5 +1.3 +39 +54 +21

Lot 11 Lot 11

TH L1 Domino 7223 { HH Advance 0118

DOB: 4-9-2017

CO L1 Domino 447 Sire

{ CO L1 Dominette 707 { CO L1 Domino 847

TH Miss Domino 223 { TH Miss Domino 019 Dam

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

83 591 975 36.6 6 +1.7 +39 +62 +16

Lot 13 TH L1 Domino 7291 { HH Advance 0118

DOB: 4-3-2017

CO L1 Domino 447 Sire

{ CO L1 Dominette 707 { CO L1 Domino 015

TH Miss Domino 291 { TH L1 Dominette 922(DOD) Dam Anyone like them long?


BW 87 205 621 365 1,090 SC 38.4 Udder 6 EPDs BW +3.0 WW +48 YW +77 Milk +18

Lot 14 TH L1 Domino 7342 { HH Advance 0118

DOB: 4-10-2017

CO L1 Domino 447 Sire

{ CO L1 Dominette 707 { CL1 Domino 034

TH Miss Domino 342 { TH L1 Miss Domino 536 Dam

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

87 568 993 34.8 6 +2.0 +37 +58 +19

Lot 15 TH L1 Domino 7343 { HH Advance 0118

DOB: 4-6-2017

CO L1 Domino 447 Sire

{ CO L1 Dominette 707 { CL1 Domino 034

TH Miss Domino 343 { TH L1 Miss Domino 651 Dam

Lot 17

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

83 582 944 35.4 5 +1.4 +39 +55 +2

TH L1 Domino 7348 { HH Advance 0118

DOB: 4-1-2017

CO L1 Domino 447 Sire

{ CO L1 Dominette 707 { CL1 Domino 034

TH Miss Domino 348(DOD) { TH L1 Miss Domino 865 Dam

BW 91 205 635 365 1,005 SC 40.0 Udder 8 EPDs BW +2.2 WW +42 YW +58 Milk +22

Lot 18 TH L1 Domino 6368 { HH Advance 0118

DOB: 4-2-2017

CO L1 Domino 447 Sire

{ CO L1 Dominette 707 { JA L1 Domino 6001

TH Miss Domino 368 { TH L1 Miss Domino 836(DOD) Dam


BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

82 581 955 38.8 7 +1.4 +40 +59 +19

Lot 19 TH L1 Domino 7392 { HH Advance 0118

DOB: 3-28-2017

CO L1 Domino 447 Sire

{ CO L1 Dominette 707 { JA L1 Domino 0214

TH Miss Domino 392 { TH Miss Domino 042 Dam

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

87 565 979 40.8 8 +2.2 +41 +64 +21

Lot 20 Lot 20 TH L1 Domino 7758 { HH Advance 0118

DOB: 4-9-2017

CO L1 Domino 447 Sire

{ CO L1 Dominette 707 { JC L1 Domino 4013

TH L1 Miss Domino 7058(DOD) { SBH L1 Miss Domino 2022 Dam No better cow has ever walked this ranch.


BW 80 205 604 365 1,030 SC 37.6 Udder 8 EPDs BW +0.8 WW +34 YW +58 Milk +18

Reference Sire JA L1 DOMINO 3663A Reg: 43382271 EPDs BW { HH ADVANCE 286M 1ET WW JA L1 DOMINO 7640T YW Sire { JAL L1 DOMINETTE 1409L Milk M&G { JA L1 DOMINO 6001S REA JA L1 DOMINETTE 8005U Marb Dam { JA L1 DOMINETTE 5952R CHB DOB: 03/29/2013

3.9 45 77 21 44 .36 .07 $27

I knew I was going to make a serious run at this guy when I seen him sucking his mother as a 4 month old calf. 95 calves later I am glad I own him. He is heavy in muscle with a moderate size and wide based. His calves tend to show the same with maybe a touch more eye appeal. Any of these will sire some really fancy cattle that will put a smile on your face and money in your pocket!

Lot 21 TH L1 Domino 7231 { JA L1 Domino 7640

Lot 21

DOB: 4-9-2017

JA L1 Domino 3663 Sire

{ JA L1 Dominette 8005 { CO L1 Domino 847

TH Miss Domino 231(DOD) { TH L1 Dominette 924 Dam


BW 98 205 638 365 1,055 SC 39.2 Udder 5 EPDs BW +3.9 WW +46 YW +74 Milk +21

Lot 23 Lot 23 TH L1 Domino 7285 { JA L1 Domino 7640

DOB: 3-21-2017

JA L1 Domino 3663 Sire

{ JA L1 Dominette 8005 { JA L1 Domino 0214

TH Miss Domino 285 { TH L1 Dominette 907 Dam

BW 82 205 648 365 1,082 SC 37.0 Udder 6 EPDs BW +2.8 WW +32 YW +76 Milk +24

Lot 24 TH L1 Domino 7288 { JA L1 Domino 7640

DOB: 4-6-2017

JA L1 Domino 3663 Sire

{ JA L1 Dominette 8005 { JA L1 Domino 0214

TH Miss Domino 288 { TH L1 Miss Domino 7031 Dam

– 10 –

BW 94 205 597 365 1,066 SC 38.4 Udder 6 EPDs BW +4.0 WW +44 YW +77 Milk +24

Lot 25 Lot 25 TH L1 Domino 7389 { JA L1 Domino 7640

DOB: 3-31-2017

JA L1 Domino 3663 Sire

{ JA L1 Dominette 8005 { JA L1 Domino 0214

TH Miss Domino 389 { JA L1 Dominette 0324 Dam

BW 88 205 649 365 1,113 SC 37.0 Udder 8 EPDs BW +3.9 WW +46 YW +77 Milk +25

Lot 26 TH L1 Domino 7503 { JA L1 Domino 7640

DOB: 4-6-2017

JA L1 Domino 3663 Sire

{ JA L1 Dominette 8005 { CO L1 Domino 249

TH Miss Domino 503 { TH Miss Domino 225 Dam

Multiple generations of low birth weight behind this one!

– 11 –

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

74 543 923 39.0 7 +1.4 +36 +58 +24

Lot 27 TH L1 Domino 7506 { JA L1 Domino 7640

DOB: 3-28-2017

JA L1 Domino 3663 Sire

{ JA L1 Dominette 8005 { CO L1 Domino 249

TH Miss Domino 506 { CO L1 Dominette 268 Dam

BW 86 205 594 365 1,043 SC 37.0 Udder 7 EPDs BW +3.8 WW +45 YW +79 Milk +23

Lot 28 TH L1 Domino 7510 { JA L1 Domino 7640

DOB: 3-30-2017

JA L1 Domino 3663 Sire

{ JA L1 Dominette 8005 { CO L1 Domino 249

TH Miss Domino 510 { TH Miss Domino 347 Dam

If you like anything about him then just buy him! His little brother is going to be with my cows this spring!

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

Reference Sire CO L1 Domino 249Z

Reg: 43280559 EPDs BW WW YW Milk M&G { L1 DOMINO 04380 REA L1 DOMINETTE 07427 Marb L1 DOMINETTE 05539 Dam { CHB DOB: 04/01/2012

{ HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET GB L1 DOMINO 175E Sire { GB L1 DOM PRCS 3134

73 665 968 37.4 8 +1.2 +41 +60 +27

3.2 45 83 27 49 .25 .04 $28

I looked for the right 175 son for quite a while before 249 came along. This is a natural born calf from a bull that was in the pasture breeding at 10 years old. His mother had 10 natural calves and has 2 daughters in the Holden herd. Not sure what else I can add other than his calves are great and his daughters are better.

Lot 29 TH L1 Domino 7529 { GB L1 Domino 175

DOB: 3-26-2017

CO L1 Domino 249 Sire

{ L1 Dominette 07427 { CO L1 Domino 847

TH Miss Domino 529 { JA L1 Dominette 0003(DOD) Dam

– 12 –

BW 84 205 582 365 1,069 SC 36.2 Udder 7 EPDs BW +3.1 WW +46 YW +84 Milk +24

Lot 30 TH L1 Domino 7537 { GB L1 Domino 175

DOB: 4-8-2017

CO L1 Domino 249 Sire

{ L1 Dominette 07427 { CO L1 Domino 847

BW 83 205 579 365 1,000 SC 33.6 Udder 6 EPDs BW +3.1 WW +41 YW +71 Milk +23

TH Miss Domino 537 { TH L1 Miss Domino 835(DOD) Dam

Lot 31 TH L1 Domino 7540 { GB L1 Domino 175

DOB: 3-30-2017

CO L1 Domino 249 Sire

{ L1 Dominette 07427 { BT L1 Domino 3305

TH Miss Domino 540 { TH Miss Domino 135 Dam If you sell at weaning and are looking for something to put a little stomp on the scale then here he is.

BW 84 205 719 365 1,030 SC 36.2 Udder 6 EPDs BW +3.9 WW +50 YW +77 Milk +29

Lot 32 Lot 32 TH L1 Domino 7557 { GB L1 Domino 175

DOB: 4-22-2017

CO L1 Domino 249 Sire

{ L1 Dominette 07427 { CL1 Domino 034

TH Miss Domino 557 { TH Miss Domino 380 Dam Hannah's first bull in the sale. He should be a heifer bull.

– 13 –

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

78 578 987 34.0 9 +1.8 +40 +71 +27

Lot 33 TH L1 Domino 7581 { GB L1 Domino 175

DOB: 4-7-2017

CO L1 Domino 249 Sire

{ L1 Dominette 07427 { JA L1 Domino 0214

TH Miss Domino 581 { TH Miss Domino 025 Dam

BW 85 205 558 365 1,055 SC 34.6 Udder 8 EPDs BW +4.5 WW +43 YW +85 Milk +24

Lot 34 Lot 34 TH L1 Domino 7583 { GB L1 Domino 175

DOB: 4-14-2017

CO L1 Domino 249 Sire

{ L1 Dominette 07427 { JA L1 Domino 0214

TH Miss Domino 583 { TH Miss Domino 129(DOD) Dam

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

89 593 920 39.2 7 +4.3 +48 +94 +2

Lot 35 TH L1 Domino 7597 { GB L1 Domino 175

DOB: 4-6-2017

CO L1 Domino 249 Sire

{ L1 Dominette 07427 { TH L1 Domino 3017

TH Miss Domino 597 { TH L1 Miss Domino 840 Dam

– 14 –

BW 88 205 619 365 1,089 SC 33.8 Udder 7 EPDs BW +5.1 WW +48 YW +84 Milk +26

Reference Sire TH DOMINO 5028

Reg: 43585606 EPDs BW { CL 1 DOMINO 555R WW JA L1 DOMINO 0214 YW Sire { JA L1 DOMINETTE 2210M Milk M&G { CO L1 DOMINO 847U REA TH MISS DOMINO 028 Marb Dam { TH L1 MISS DOMINO B7058 CHB DOB: 03/27/2015

1.4 29 57 27 42 .12 .13 $94

5028 is a bull I kept for myself. His grandmother is the dam of lot 20 and his mother was on her way to being better before lightning hit. With 4013 and 847 on his mother’s side and 0214 as the sire there is no way I could possibly stack better genetics from my herd. His calves start like a house on fire and I can’t wait to calve his first daughters this year.

Lot 36 Lot 36 TH L1 Domino 7409 { JA L1 Domino 0214

DOB: 3-28-2017

TH L1 Domino 5028 Sire

{ TH Miss Domino 028 { CO L1 Domino 936

TH Miss Domino 409 { TH Miss Domino 249 Dam His mother is on her way to being “THE” cow in my herd!

BW 89 205 614 365 1,047 SC 37.0 Udder 8 EPDs BW +2.6 WW +42 YW +70 Milk +29

Lot 38 TH L1 Domino 7465 { JA L1 Domino 0214

DOB: 4-24-2017

TH L1 Domino 5028 Sire

{ TH Miss Domino 028 { JA L1 Domino 6001

TH Miss Domino 465 { TH Miss Domino 230 Dam

– 15 –

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

86 585 997 33.4 8 +2.7 +40 +70 +21

Lot 39 TH L1 Domino 7466 { JA L1 Domino 0214

DOB: 4-6-2017

TH L1 Domino 5028 Sire

{ TH Miss Domino 028 { JA L1 Domino 6001

TH Miss Domino 466 { TH L1 Miss Domino 626 Dam

BW 85 205 615 365 1,030 SC 37.8 Udder 8 EPDs BW +2.5 WW +42 YW +69 Milk +23

Reference Sire JA L1 Domino 0214

Reg: 43129984 EPDs BW WW CL 1 DOMINO 555R YW Sire { CL 1 DOMINETTE 3174N Milk M&G { CL 1 DOMINO 484 REA JA L1 DOMINETTE 2210M Marb Dam { JA L1 DOMINETTE 6565 CHB DOB: 02/07/2010


2.8 46 79 29 52 .21 .04 $28

I am not sure what there is left to say about 0214. He has sired the most consistent group of calves every year I owned him. Top that off with daughters that have raised 77 calves to an average weaning ratio of 102. He sired way more bull calves than heifers when he was young but he made up for that in that last 2 years. There are only 3 bulls in this sale but they are all out of top notch cows that have proven their worth with years of experience!

Lot 40 TH L1 Domino 7007 { CL1 Domino 555

DOB: 4-9-2017

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { TH L1 Domino 6002

TH Miss Domino 007 { TH Miss Domino 7059 Dam

– 16 –

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

91 611 982 38.4 6 +3.5 +41 +68 +23

Lot 41 TH L1 Domino 7836 { CL1 Domino 555

DOB: 4-2-2017

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { TH L1 Domino 6002

TH L1 Miss Domino 836(DOD) { JC L1 Domett 4018 Dam

BW 94 205 592 365 1,047 SC 38.8 Udder 6 EPDs BW +3.2 WW +41 YW +74 Milk +25

Lot 42 TH L1 Domino 7916 { CL1 Domino 555

DOB: 4-11-2017

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { KC L1 Domino 06064

TH L1 Dominette 916 { SBH L1 Miss Domino 2003 Dam

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

Thanks for your interest in our program! Please bring this catalog with you to the sale!!

95 600 989 39.8 8 +3.4 +41 +65 +25

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