Annual Production Sale Tuesday, February 10, 2015 12:00 Noon (MST) Philip (SD) Livestock Auction Sale Barn Phone: (605) 859-2577 Auctioneer .............Seth Weishaar … (605) 210-1124 Sale Representatives: Beau Ravellette.....................................(605) 685-8155 RPI Promotions Dan Piroutek ........................................(605) 544-3316 Tristate Livestock News Levi Landers.........................................(308) 730-1396 American Hereford Association
• All animals of breeding age are guaranteed breeders. Customary guarantees will apply. • The auctioneer will settle all bidding disputes. • All persons who are attending this sale do so at their own risk. Owners assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents which may occur. • If you cannot make the sale, you may send or call in your bidding instructions. Your bids will be handled as directed and in your best interest. • Announcements from the auction block take precedence over any printed material.
Catalog produced by:
RPI Promotions
Beau Ravellette • 605/685-8155
P.O. Box 788 • Philip, South Dakota 57567 Office: 605/859-2516
Welcome from Thorson Herefords!
Another year has come and gone and as I am preparing for another bull sale I hope this catalog finds you in good health and spirits with an eye toward the future. Cattle prices right now are tremendous and there is plenty of hay and grass left over. Even my optimistic outlook didn't see it getting this good. Massive demand with few numbers makes it feel like the guy who owns cows is in the driver's seat, but it is those cows that are going to drive the car. A few notes before you (hopefully) dissect the catalog. Although it doesn't seem like I have been doing this long this is my 10th year of selling bulls. I was the volume buyer at the Shield Bar sale in February of 05. Since that day I have added registered cows from a few different places, all with the eye toward what is needed to survive the extremes of the Northern Plains. I believe in culling and have done it relentlessly to get the herd I have now and will continue to cull until I can't find any reason not to. I try to make sure that my cows are the type to help the commercial man in today's world of bigger places and less labor. There are both registered and commercial bulls in this sale. The commercial bulls go back to my Dad's cow herd. Good honest Hereford cows that paid the way for him to raise 6 kids. I can't tell you the pedigree for 10 generations but I can tell you that they are functional and efficient and have been culled hard for any problems for nearly 20 years by me. These bulls have spent their whole life within 7 miles of my house. They were raised here and fed here. That last part is why they aren't feedlot fat. They are in good condition to go to work and last a long time. I don't push them, only feed to reach their potential. I have worked for longevity. You will see JC L1 Domino in the pedigree of several cows. He was in the pasture breeding at 7 and was still as active and moved like a 3 year old. You will also see CO l Domino 847 in the pedigree of several cows. He is still active right now and will be 7 this spring. His mother raised 10 natural calves and his sire was breeding in the pasture at 8. I have always felt that any ranch is only as profitable as the cows running on it. Every bull I have ever bought was with an eye toward what sort of females he would leave. From that I incorporate as many other traits as I can without losing sight of the goal of top females. Every bull in this sale was planned on being a heifer calf of the best quality his mother could produce. When they come out as bulls I sort through them and sell only the ones I would be willing to use on a set of commercial cows that had to pay my bills. All the bulls have passed both a semen and BVD tested by Dr Stangle. My entire cowherd has been tested for both IE and the grey gene by Dr Beever and any animals carrying either gene were eliminated. Lastly, I would invite you to buy with confidence. I live here and have no plans on leaving or quitting the business. All bulls are fully guaranteed through the first breeding season. If you live in South Dakota and want to bring a trailer I will give you $100 cash for every bull you take home on sale day or I will deliver them for your purchase price. If you live out of state I will have to deliver them after trich testing them. Delivery will be as soon as possible and the first 500 miles free, after that at cost. Thank you very much for your interest and hope to see you February 10th. Doug Thorson –1–
Reference Sire JA L1 DOMINO 6001S
Reg. 42717039 EPDs BW WW YW Milk M&G { CL 1 DOMINO 484 REA JA L1 DOMINETTE 0212 Marb Dam { JA L1 DOMINETTE 7316 CHB DOB: 01/24/2006
{ CL 1 DOMINO 5131E GB L1 DOMINO 935C Sire { GB L1 DOM PRCS 115
2.5 47 73 22 46 .20 .13 $24
As soon as I heard that Gordon Jamison was going to sell possession of 6001 I headed to Kansas. I spent a whole day looking through cows, bulls and heifer calves from every bloodline he had. At the end of the tour there was no doubt that 6001 was going to South Dakota. His daughters are as good as any I have ever seen. They are moderate in size with great udders and ease of fleshing that the Northern plains needs. His sons have the thickness and muscle that sets them apart from most. He was used with great success on both Jamison's and Oleen's before I got him and he did everything I could have asked here. With over 200 actual calves recorded and 115 calves from daughters recorded his genetics are proven to be no fluke.
Lot 1 Lot 1
TH Common Guy 3382
DOB: 4-2-2013 ~ COMMERCIAL JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire
{ GB L1 Domino 935
{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { Unknown
TH Common Gal 382 Dam { Marsh Hereford Commercial REA/100#/Ratio 1.22/113%
IMF Ratio 84%
Backfat Ratio 110%
Dec. Weight: 1,305 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
82 546 910 36.6 9 NA NA NA NA
Commercial bull out of the best cow I have ever owned. She raised this calf at 10, a heifer for me at 11, and is bred now at 12.
Lot 2
TH L1 Domino 3620
DOB: 4-9-2013 JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire
{ GB L1 Domino 935
{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { JC L1 Domino 4013
TH L1 Miss Domino 620 Dam { SBH L1 Miss Domino 2021 REA/100#/Ratio 1.18/102%
IMF Ratio 98%
Backfat Ratio 135%
Dec. Weight: 1,245 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
83 550 846 34.8 8 +1.6 +35 +54 +20
I would not be afraid to use this bull on my own heifers.
Lot 3 Lot 3
TH L1 Domino 3729
DOB: 4-27-2013 JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire
{ GB L1 Domino 935
{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { JC L1 Domino 4013
TH L1 Miss Domino 729 Dam { JC L1 Domett 4019 REA/100#/Ratio 1.19/106%
IMF Ratio 86%
Backfat Ratio 77%
Dec. Weight: 1,290 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
81 583 890 38.0 7 +1.2 +37 +53 +24
His mother is one of my favorites. So trouble free the only time you ever notice her is when you are looking for the good ones.
Lot 4 Lot 4
TH L1 Domino 3835
DOB: 3-26-2013 JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire
{ GB L1 Domino 935
{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { JC L1 Domino 4013
TH L1 Miss Domino 835 (DOD) { SBH L1 Dominette 2048 REA/100#/Ratio 1.16/103%
IMF Ratio 77%
Backfat Ratio 115%
Dec. Weight: 1,395 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
86 599 862 39.0 7 +2.7 +41 +56 +21
This bull has a white leg but don’t let that stop you from buying this guy. He is long and thick and probably has more muscle and butt end than any bull I have ever sold.
Lot 5 Lot 5
TH L1 Domino 3840
DOB: 3-31-2013 JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire
{ GB L1 Domino 935
{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { KC L1 Domino 06064
TH L1 Miss Domino 840 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 626 REA/100#/Ratio 1.20/119%
IMF Ratio 158%
Backfat Ratio 125%
Dec. Weight: 1,405 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
96 636 965 40.0 5 +4.2 +51 +72 +22
If you want to sell a big set of black steers right off the cow, then take a look here.
Lot 6 Lot 6
TH L1 Domino 3868
DOB: 4-8-2013 JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire
{ GB L1 Domino 935
{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { JC L1 Domino 4013P
TH L1 Miss Domino 868 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 534 REA/100#/Ratio 1.17/101%
IMF Ratio 105%
Backfat Ratio 106%
Dec. Weight: 1,260 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
81 514 851 34.8 6 +1.2 +33 +53 +19
Heifer bull in a pretty darn attractive package.
Lot 7 Lot 7
TH L1 Domino 3912
DOB: 3-28-2013 JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire
{ GB L1 Domino 935
{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { TH L1 Domino 6002
TH L1 Dominette 912 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 534 REA/100#/Ratio 1.13/109%
IMF Ratio 60%
Backfat Ratio 77%
Dec. Weight: 1,385 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
This guy will put a smile on your face when you see him in your pasture.
79 578 947 38.0 5 +2.3 +38 +66 +17
Lot 8
TH L1 Domino 3915
DOB: 4-10-2013 JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire
{ GB L1 Domino 935
{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { KC L1 Domino 06064
TH L1 Dominette 915 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 759 REA/100#/Ratio 1.20/117%
IMF Ratio 78%
Backfat Ratio 87%
Dec. Weight: 1,365 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
85 573 971 36.4 6 +2.7 +42 +73 +21
Make cows with this bull. His maternal great-grandam is in the pedigree of Lots 23, 26, 32 & 33, along with this one. This spring, if everything goes according to plan, I will expose 18 cows that have her in their pedigree. She is a great one.
Lot 9 Lot 9
TH L1 Domino 3919
DOB: 4-9-2013 JA L1 Domino 6001 Sire
{ GB L1 Domino 935
{ JA L1 Dominette 0212 { KC L1 Domino 06064
TH L1 Dominette 919 (DOD) Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 729 REA/100#/Ratio 1.05/102%
IMF Ratio 65%
Backfat Ratio 106%
Dec. Weight: 1,350 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
89 624 973 37.8 7 +3.1 +44 +69 +25
919 works pretty hard to get her DOD status. This year she weaned 54% of her body weight.
Reference Sire CL 1 Domino 034X 1ET
Reg. 43082455 EPDs BW { L1 DOMINO 99496 WW HH ADVANCE 3113N 1ET YW Sire { HH MS ADV 875H 1ET Milk M&G { CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET REA CL 1 DOMMINETTE 200M Marb Dam { CL 1 DOMINETTE 8131 1ET CHB DOB: 01/10/2010
0.7 41 62 35 56 .27 .14 $22
I am not sure if I should call this bull a low birth weight bull with the added benefit of making great females or the other way around but no matter how you call it he is impressive. His stature is deep bodied, easy fleshing and free moving and his genetics are some of the best. His mother is the grandam of a whole bunch of top selling bulls from Cooper's and his sire is the greatest female producer that Cooper's have had. He is the kind to add milk while keeping birth weights in check while gaining on fleshing ability.
Lot 10 Lot 10 TH L1 Domino 3416
DOB: 3-24-2013
CL1 Domino 034 Sire JC L1 Domett 4087 Dam REA/100#/Ratio NA
{ HH Advance 3113
{ CL1 Dominette 200 (DOD) { CL1 Domino 976 { SBH L1 Dominette 6021 IMF Ratio NA
Backfat Ratio NA
Dec. Weight: 1,430 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
84 543 893 41.6 7 +1.4 +37 +62 +24
This bull shows the depth of 034 pretty well. He escaped on scan day so that data is unavailable.
Lot 11 Lot 11
TH L1 Domino 3624
DOB: 4-2-2013 CL1 Domino 034 Sire
{ HH Advance 3113
{ CL1 Dominette 200 (DOD) { JC L1 Domino 4013
TH L1 Miss Domino 3624 Dam { JC L1 Domett 4019 REA/100#/Ratio 1.24/105%
IMF Ratio 121%
Backfat Ratio 96%
Dec. Weight: 1,280 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
88 559 823 39.0 7 +1.4 +35 +48 +29
If you want to take a little frame off while adding longevity and mothering ability, then here it is.
Lot 12 TH L1 Domino 3626
DOB: 4-26-2013
CL1 Domino 034 Sire
{ HH Advance 3113
{ CL1 Dominette 200 (DOD) { JC L1 Domino 4013P
TH L1 Miss Domino 626 Dam { JC L1 Domett 4076 REA/100#/Ratio 1.19/94%
IMF Ratio 87%
Backfat Ratio 96%
Dec. Weight: 1,260 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
72 526 791 36.0 7 -0.8 +32 +42 +26
Breed your heifers and never worry about them. Neither his mother or grandmother ever hit 85# on a calf and I used both 034 and 4013 on heifers with no problems.
Lot 13 TH L1 Domino 3731
DOB: 3-26-2013
CL1 Domino 034 Sire
{ HH Advance 3113
{ CL1 Dominette 200 (DOD) { JC L1 Domino 4013
TH L1 Miss Domino 731 Dam { JC L1 Domett 4087 REA/100#/Ratio 1.04/95%
IMF Ratio 102%
Backfat Ratio 87%
Dec. Weight: 1,365 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
87 582 888 39.2 5 +2.4 +39 +59 +27
If you don’t like this bull, then I would have to wonder if we see things alike. I would be just fine with all my bulls looking just like this guy.
Lot 14 TH Common Guy 3737
DOB: 4-5-2013 ~ COMMERCIAL CL1 Domino 034 Sire
{ HH Advance 3113
{ CL1 Dominette 200 (DOD) { TH Common Guy 551
TH Common Gal 737 Dam { TH Common Gal 1076 REA/100#/Ratio 1.24/116%
IMF Ratio 106%
Backfat Ratio 113%
Dec. Weight: 1,320 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
81 500 895 38.0 7 NA NA NA NA
Commercial bull.
Lot 15 TH L1 Domino 3837
DOB: 4-13-2013
CL1 Domino 034 Sire
{ HH Advance 3113
{ CL1 Dominette 200 (DOD) { JC L1 Domino 4013
TH L1 Miss Domino 837 Dam { JC L1 Domett 4019 REA/100#/Ratio 1.10/94%
IMF Ratio 137%
Backfat Ratio 87%
Dec. Weight: 1,285 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
84 581 849 36.0 7 +1.4 +35 +47 +28
Put this guy with your black cow and there will be a smile on your face.
Lot 16 Lot 16 TH L1 Domino 3862
DOB: 4-11-2013
CL1 Domino 034 Sire
{ HH Advance 3113
{ CL1 Dominette 200 (DOD) { JC L1 Domino 4013P
TH L1 Miss Domino 862 Dam { SBH L1 Miss Domino 9035 REA/100#/Ratio 0.99/103%
IMF Ratio 75%
Backfat Ratio 96%
Dec. Weight: 1,555 BW 87 205 580 365 1,033 SC 40.0 Udder 7 EPDs BW +2.5 WW +36 YW +72 Milk +26
A big, stout range bull. He was the heaviest of all off summer grass and stomped the scale down again in December.
Lot 17
TH L1 Domino 3904
DOB: 3-31-2013 CL1 Domino 034 Sire
{ HH Advance 3113
{ CL1 Dominette 200 (DOD) { JC L1 Domino 4013
TH L1 Dominette 904 Dam { SBH Miss L1 Domino 2029 REA/100#/Ratio 1.22/98%
IMF Ratio 78%
Backfat Ratio 115%
Dec. Weight: 1,370 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
86 552 798 40.2 7 +1.7 +33 +48 +24
This bull passed a whole lot of them this summer and he just keeps passing them.
Lot 18 Lot 18 TH L1 Domino 3922
DOB: 4-4-2013
CL1 Domino 034 Sire
{ HH Advance 3113
{ CL1 Dominette 200 (DOD) { JBN L1 Domino 725
TH L1 Dominette 922 (DOD) Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 760 REA/100#/Ratio 1.12/98%
IMF Ratio 68%
Backfat Ratio 58%
Dec. Weight: 1,320 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
77 593 876 35.2 7 +0.7 +34 +55 +29
This bull puts a lot of things together – low birth weight, plenty of milk and a couple DOD cows for good measure.
– 10 –
Lot 19 TH Common Guy 3092
DOB: 3-21-2013 ~ COMMERCIAL TH L1 Domino 1757 Sire
{ CO L1 Domino 847
Dec. Weight: 1,385 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
{ TH L1 Miss Domino 757(DOD) { L1 Domino 07473
TH Common Gal 092 Dam { TH Common Gal 189 REA/100#/Ratio 1.07/102%
IMF Ratio 122%
Backfat Ratio 87%
88 533 942 37.2 7 NA NA NA NA
Commercial bull. Used 1757 for 1 year on commercial cows and then sold him. If I had known he would raise calves like these, he would still be here.
Lot 20 Lot 20 TH Common Guy 3634
DOB: 4-13-2013 ~ COMMERCIAL TH L1 Domino 1757 Sire
{ CO L1 Domino 847
{ TH L1 Miss Domino 757(DOD) { JC L1 Domino 4013
TH Common Gal 634 Dam { TH Common Gal 493 REA/100#/Ratio 1.00/100%
IMF Ratio 89%
Backfat Ratio 133%
Dec. Weight: 1,435 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
Commercial bull. If this bull was registered he would not be for sale.
– 11 –
85 548 981 41.4 7 NA NA NA NA
Reference Sire CO L1 Domino 936W
Reg. 43003689 EPDs BW WW RH DOMINO 6050 YW Sire { RH DOMINETTE 1059 Milk M&G { HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET REA CO L1 DOMINETTE 416P Marb CO L1 DOMINETTE 202M Dam { CHB DOB: 03/18/2009
{ XP L1 DOMINO 00063
2.9 48 77 22 46 -.04 .09 $23
A bull from Ken Coleman. When I first saw this bull all I could think of was Yahtzee. He has it all, length, muscle, depth, low birth weight and pigment. I have used this bull every way you can and haven't found a way for it to be wrong. He has the performance to ratio above 100% but I have used him on heifers and calved them with the cows. He will erase white and his daughters have near perfect udders. His calves seem to have a little extra vigor at birth as well. SEMEN AVAILABLE
Lot 21 Lot 21 TH Common Guy 3106
DOB: 3-16-2013 ~ COMMERCIAL CO L1 Domino 936 Sire
{ RH L1 Domino 6050
{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { TH L1 Domino 6002
TH Common Gal 106 Dam { TH Common Gal 738 REA/100#/Ratio 1.10/97%
IMF Ratio 89%
Backfat Ratio 73%
Commercial bull.
– 12 –
Dec. Weight: 1,315 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
86 505 872 36.0 8 NA NA NA NA
Lot 22 TH Common Guy 3107
DOB: 3-19-2013 ~ COMMERCIAL CO L1 Domino 936 Sire
{ RH L1 Domino 6050
Dec. Weight: 1,260 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { TH L1 Domino 6002
TH Common Gal 107 Dam { TH Common Gal 524 REA/100#/Ratio 1.09/90%
IMF Ratio 127%
Backfat Ratio 73%
87 500 834 37.0 9 NA NA NA NA
Commercial bull.
Lot 23 TH L1 Domino 3110
DOB: 4-19-2013
CO L1 Domino 936 Sire
{ RH L1 Domino 6050
Dec. Weight: 1,295 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { JC L1 Domino 4013
TH Miss Domino 110 Dam { SBH L1 Miss Domino 2052 REA/100#/Ratio 1.18/95%
IMF Ratio 145%
Backfat Ratio 154%
81 555 857 36.2 9 +3.3 +37 +58 +19
If this bull isn’t an udder fixer, I guess I have never raised one.
Lot 24 TH L1 Domino 3118
DOB: 3-20-2013
CO L1 Domino 936 Sire
{ RH L1 Domino 6050
{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { TH L1 Domino 809
TH Miss Domino 118 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 837 REA/100#/Ratio 1.21/97%
IMF Ratio 117%
Backfat Ratio 77%
Dec. Weight: 1,250 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
81 547 833 36.8 6 +3.1 +34 +53 +22
This calf ’s mother had a rough go during the blizzard and he was basically weaned for a month when I weighed them.
– 13 –
Lot 25 Lot 25 TH L1 Domino 3121
DOB: 5-3-2013
CO L1 Domino 936 Sire
{ RH L1 Domino 6050
{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { TH L1 Domino 809
TH Miss Domino 121 Dam { TH L1 Dominette 905 REA/100#/Ratio 1.13/97%
IMF Ratio 84%
Backfat Ratio 87%
Dec. Weight: 1,190 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
84 532 927 36.8 6 +4.0 +37 +70 +21
A younger bull. He will pop on a different color cow.
Lot 26 Lot 26 TH L1 Domino 3128
DOB: 4-9-2013
CO L1 Domino 936 Sire
{ RH L1 Domino 6050
{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { CO L1 Domino 847
TH Miss Domino 128 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 7059 REA/100#/Ratio 0.97/87%
IMF Ratio 111%
Backfat Ratio 135%
Dec. Weight: 1,405 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
76 572 957 36.6 8 +2.3 +38 +69 +23
Three generations of calving ease and longevity in a pretty darn good package. His grandam raised me a heifer this year at 12.
– 14 –
Lot 27 TH L1 Domino 3131
DOB: 3-23-2013
CO L1 Domino 936 Sire
{ RH L1 Domino 6050
Dec. Weight: 1,320 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { CO L1 Domino 847
TH Miss Domino 131 Dam { JC L1 Domett 4019 REA/100#/Ratio 1.05/92%
IMF Ratio 94%
Backfat Ratio 67%
87 590 923 37.6 6 +4.2 +43 +70 +24
Moderate framed, squared up and easy fleshing. You could do a whole lot worse than this guy.
Lot 28 Lot 28 TH L1 Domino 3132
DOB: 3-22-2013
CO L1 Domino 936 Sire
{ RH L1 Domino 6050
Dec. Weight: 1,305 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { CO L1 Domino 847
TH Miss Domino 132 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 620 REA/100#/Ratio 0.87/77%
IMF Ratio 116%
Backfat Ratio 115%
75 561 938 37.8 8 +2.2 +35 +64 +24
Notice the mother of Lot 2 in his pedigree. Putting her with 847 only made things better. If you want a low birth weight bull that has generations of great udders behind him, here he is.
Lot 29 TH L1 Domino 3174
DOB: 3-14-2013
CO L1 Domino 936 Sire
{ RH L1 Domino 6050
Dec. Weight: 1,310
{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { JBN L1 Domino 725
TH Miss Domino 174 Dam { TH L1 Dominette 913 REA/100#/Ratio 1.22/100%
IMF Ratio 88%
Backfat Ratio 87%
I like this bull. He fits my eye well and does a lot of things right.
– 15 –
BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
79 531 848 36.4 6 +2.5 +37 +60 +20
Lot 30 TH L1 Domino 3176
DOB: 3-26-2013
CO L1 Domino 936 Sire
{ RH L1 Domino 6050
{ CO L1 Dominette 416 { JBN L1 Domino 725
TH Miss Domino 176 Dam { TH L1 Dominette 916 REA/100#/Ratio 1.09/96%
IMF Ratio 88%
Backfat Ratio 77%
Dec. Weight: 1,320 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
81 567 942 35.2 8 +2.9 +39 +67 +23
If you are looking for the middle, this is it. Ratioed 100 at weaning, 104 at yearling, 98 off summer grass and 99 in December.
Reference Sire JA L1 Domino 0214
Reg. 43129984 EPDs BW 3.8 { HH ADVANCE 3113N 1ET WW 50 CL 1 DOMINO 555R YW 88 Sire { CL 1 DOMINETTE 3174N Milk 26 M&G 51 { CL 1 DOMINO 484 REA .11 JA L1 DOMINETTE 2210M Marb .04 Dam { JA L1 DOMINETTE 6565 CHB $21 From the first time I saw the 555 daughters at Gordon Jamison's I knew I was going to own a son. I don't think I could have gotten one out of a better cow. His mother has a weaning ratio of 106% on 7 calves and has produced herd bulls for Oleens and Colemans. That is just the start of what this bull is. He has length, muscle and performance to show at the top, with his calves averaging 101% and 102% for each of the last 2 calf crops but his daughters tell the story. To say they are special is a gross understatement. His first daughters weaned off 53% of their bodyweight this year without creep, earning them an average weaning ratio of 113%. Take a good look at his sons because there aren't many cowherds that they won't help. DOB: 02/07/2010
Lot 31 TH L1 Domino 3001
DOB: 4-11-2013
JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire
{ CL1 Domino 555
{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { JA L1 Domino 6001
JA L1 Dominette 003 Dam { JA L1 Dominette 1803 REA/100#/Ratio 0.99/104%
IMF Ratio 91%
Backfat Ratio 67%
Dec. Weight: 1,340 BW 87 205 601 365 1,067 SC 39.4 Udder 9 EPDs BW +4.2 WW +52 YW +100 Milk +26
When I needed a bull for my own use last spring, this is the one I picked. Trich tested and ready to go.
– 16 –
Lot 32 Lot 32 TH L1 Domino 3007
DOB: 5-2-2013
JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire
{ CL1 Domino 555
{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { TH L1 Domino 6002
TH Miss Domino 007 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 759 REA/100#/Ratio 1.11/100%
IMF Ratio 135%
Backfat Ratio 96%
Dec. Weight: 1,280 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
88 502 942 37.4 7 +4.3 +40 +70 +23
I am not sure what you would change on this bull to give him a look that is better. He may not be everything, but he is well balanced and has the “LOOK” factor.
Lot 33 TH L1 Domino 3008
DOB: 5-20-2013
JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire
{ CL1 Domino 555
{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { DHD Domino HH 8330
DHD Miss Diamond 0215 Dam { DHD L1 Dominette T812U REA/100#/Ratio 1.24/101%
IMF Ratio 89%
Backfat Ratio 88%
Dec. Weight: 1,170 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
89 502 859 35.8 7 +3.7 +47 +78 +24
The youngest bull in the sale by quite a bit and he may have started a little slow, but he has passed a bunch of them already and he is going to pass a lot more in the next year.
Lot 34 TH L1 Domino 3017
DOB: 3-30-2013
JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire
{ CL1 Domino 555
{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { L1 Domino 07473
TH Miss Domino 017 Dam { SBH L1 Domino Miss 2052 REA/100#/Ratio 1.12/102%
IMF Ratio 90%
Backfat Ratio 125%
Dec. Weight: 1,390 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
79 558 917 39.6 8 +2.2 +40 +73 +21
Another bull that goes back to the awesome 2052 cow. I used him this summer. Trich tested and ready to go.
– 17 –
Lot 35 Lot 35 TH L1 Domino 3028
DOB: 4-5-2013
JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire
{ CL1 Domino 555
{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { CO L1 Domino 847
TH Miss Domino 028 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 758 (DOD) REA/100#/Ratio 1.19/112%
IMF Ratio 120%
Backfat Ratio 135%
Dec. Weight: 1,315 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
85 640 950 36.0 6 +2.9 +47 +72 +28
If raising easy fleshing cows that produce matter to you, then buy this bull.
Lot 36 TH L1 Domino 3031
DOB: 4-19-2013
JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire
{ CL1 Domino 555
{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { CO L1 Domino 847
TH Miss Domino 031 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 727 (DOD) REA/100#/Ratio 1.11/104%
IMF Ratio 90%
Backfat Ratio 77%
Dec. Weight: 1,300 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
79 583 961 36.2 5 +2.5 +42 +77 +28
This bull is out of a real outstanding young cow that just produces better every year.
Thanks for your interest in our program! Please bring this catalog with you to the sale!! – 18 –
Lot 37 Lot 37 TH L1 Domino 3032
DOB: 4-1-2013
JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire
{ CL1 Domino 555
{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { CO L1 Domino 847
TH Miss Domino 032 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 728 (DOD) REA/100#/Ratio 0.95/88%
IMF Ratio 134%
Backfat Ratio 135%
Dec. Weight: 1,350 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
86 554 943 35.2 6 +4.1 +44 +77 +26
This bull had the start of a lump when he was semen checked so we lanced it. It will probably still show on sale day, but buy with confidence. If the lump ever comes back, I will give you a 100% refund.
Lot 38 Lot 38 TH L1 Domino 3033
DOB: 4-3-2013
JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire
{ CL1 Domino 555
{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { CL1 Domino 638
JA L1 Dominette 0312 Dam { JA L1 Dominette 6114 REA/100#/Ratio 1.10/105%
IMF Ratio 99%
Backfat Ratio 106%
Dec. Weight: 1,380 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
85 580 960 37.0 9 +3.8 +47 +76 +29
If you are looking to add milk in a near perfect package, then this might be a good place to look.
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Lot 39 Lot 39 TH Common Guy 3054
DOB: 3-25-2013 ~ COMMERCIAL JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire
Dec. Weight: 1,345
{ CL1 Domino 555
BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { JC L1 Domino 4013P
TH Common Gal 054 Dam { TH Common Gal 871 REA/100#/Ratio 1.06/100%
IMF Ratio 122%
Backfat Ratio 107%
78 520 915 36.8 6 NA NA NA NA
Commercial bull. This bull has the 0214 stamp with moderate birth weight to boot.
Lot 40 TH Common Guy 3070
DOB: 4-30-2013 ~ COMMERCIAL JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire
Dec. Weight: 1,275
{ CL1 Domino 555
{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { JBN L1 Domino 725
TH Common Gal 070 Dam { TH Common Gal 852 REA/100#/Ratio 0.94/83%
IMF Ratio 80%
Backfat Ratio 72%
Commercial bull.
– 20 –
BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
88 533 927 34.0 6 NA NA NA NA
Lot 41 Lot 41
TH Common Guy 3071
DOB: 4-19-2013 ~ COMMERCIAL JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire
Dec. Weight: 1,425
{ CL1 Domino 555
BW 89 205 603 365 1,025 SC 37.2 Udder 7 EPDs BW NA WW NA YW NA Milk NA
{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { JBN L1 Domino 725
TH Common Gal 071 Dam { TH Common Gal 855 REA/100#/Ratio 1.07/107%
IMF Ratio 84%
Backfat Ratio 107%
This is a commercial bull that doesn’t have to take a back seat to anybody.
Lot 42 Lot 42 TH Common Guy 3090
DOB: 4-1-2013 ~ COMMERCIAL JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire
Dec. Weight: 1,435
{ CL1 Domino 555
{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { L1 Domino 07473
TH Common Gal 090 Dam { TH Common Gal 7004 REA/100#/Ratio 0.90/91%
IMF Ratio 104%
Backfat Ratio 113%
A big, stout, commercial bull with a whole lot of eye appeal.
BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk
92 536 994 35.4 7 NA NA NA NA