Tegan Banks 1014 ESA Unit 2

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Apart and/or together ESA UNIT 2 Tegan Murray-Banks 1014 56345

Apart and/or Together. Emotions Zip Buttons Family Addiction Wine ciggerets Fire lighters Drugs Phone Key Nature Water Rings Computer Keyboard Food Glasses Time Letters Work Rain

Guitar Strings Strangled Depression Happiness Scissors Shoes Laces Key Lock Road Drops Trees Bushes Light Signs Beach Hills Sea Stones Sky Clouds Buildings

Photographs Number 1

This photo of the hand in the water is used to represent the needs of water us humans have. Without water we would fall apart because it keeps us hydrated and clean. I edited this photo by brightening the image slightly to make the water more clearer and then i slightly bluend to make the water seem fresher.

This photo of the lipstick and the lid represent together and/or apart because we see the lid had come apart for the lipstick and they are meant to fit back together. I have edited this photo By slightly cropping the image so it is keener on the eye and then i brightend the image to make it clearer and to make the colours cleaner. I then used the lasso tool and went around the red on the lipstick and made the red a deeper color so it stood out more.

This image of the wine and the wine bottle represents addiction - how the human brain would feel like it is falling apart with out the drug/alchol they needs and in this case it is wine. What i have done to the photo was brightened the image to make it cleaner. I ther duplicated the image and made a mirror of it to show addiction - how things can seem different and dublicated when you are on some kind of drug or alchol This image represents the need humans and other creatures need some kind of food, especially fruit as its healthy and good for the body. Food keeps our boady in shape and keeps us together. Editing the photo i brightened the image then used the lasso tool and enhanced the reds, yellows and oranges on the apple, i then randomly chose sections of the apple and added different filters to add effect.

Artist Responces Contact sheet 1

This photo of a ash tray filled with ciggeret Butts also shows addiction people have and how it makes people feel like the drug (in this case tobacco) is keeping there life together but in the long run it makes there life fall apart wether its because the drug has cause some kind of illness or serious long term, even life problems such as cancer. To edit the photo i brightened the image to make it clearer, i then duplicated the image and made a mirror effect. After making the mirror effect i duplicated the photo one more time and made the image transparent then slightly dislining the image to give a blur effect. The reason i have one image blurred and one clear because i wanted to show the effects that drugs have on the brain.

Cayce Zavalagi:

Alban Grosdider: What i like about this photographer is the use of water within the photos. The emotion of the people in the photos gives the photo depth. The photo i have chose to represent the photographer shows no emotion, almost like the person within the photo is trapped and has no way of getting out - this could mean many different things: he cant get out of the water or he is trapped in his own emotion. This photographer relates to together and/or apart as the photographer uses emotion and emotions can either tear us apart or bring up together mentally and physically.

My responce: I used a photo of someone being strangled- the reason being it is physical action that happenes to many people. This action isnt nice or caring it shows anger and can really bring people down and make them fall apart.

Making my responce i used one photo the duplicated it and then reduced the transparency to make it become blury to show depth. i then added a image of water on top to represent the photographer more, i brightened the image of the water and then reduced the trancparency of the image so the image of the strangled girl and the water are just as clear as eachother.

This photographer uses stiching to add texture to a photo, this is why i like her work because it has different lines, makrings and colour, it also makes the image slightly out of place as you can’t clearly see the image. This photogrpaher relates to together and/or apart because almost all her work is on people wether its a couple having a photo together or someone on there own that is feeling apart from everyone else. My responce: I used a photo of someboady that has a comfused emotion and it is a photo of someone alone because it shows he is apart from his group this could show lonliness and confusion to him as he wonders why he is alone

Making my responce i didnt edit the photo on photoshop as i thought the focus of the image was the stitch on the photo. i didnt go over all the photo as i though the texture of what i have done myself shows depth and also shows a clearer insite to what i have done to the image its self.

Chuck Close: Chuck close makes his photos into seperate photos and then brings them together to form one big photo, the reason i like this photographer is because of the use of shapes and how it fits perfectly together although then as slightly out of place and out of shape. The photo i have chosen to represent this photographer shows no emotion because i believe the focus is the use of colour and shapes not the photo its self. This photographer relates to together and/or apart and the photo is fitted together making the photo unique and different

Making my responce i dublicated the image 6 times and croped it to the size i wanted to and then fitted it in the right place. i edited each piece differently using different brightness, contrasts and filters. I also had changed the size to a few pieces because i thought it gave a better effect and responce to the photographer

My responce: i used a simple photo of a girl smiling to respong to this photographer because i thought it was good as the main focus of the photo was the young ladies face and nothing in the background

Damien Hirst: what i like about this photographer is that he uses image a mirror effect - he doesnt focus on one part of the image he has the same image duplicated but its not focused on one thing its focused on the pattern. how this photographer relates to together and/or apart is that the Damien puts the same photo together making it a mirror image. The image i have chose to represent this photographer really shows how he uses mirror for effect.

My responce: I used people insted of nature but it give off just as good as responce.i made two different edits for my responce. My responce uses the same image repeates in different directions. The first one i made was the simple 2 by 2 but then to extend my responce i made it 4 by 4 this gives off a better responce and has a better effect than the 2 by 2.

Exhibition Contact Sheet 1.

Towner Art Gallery - Richard Billingham- Paroramic.

My first responce to Richards photography is on the beach, i didnt have a main focus with this image as Richard doesnt have a main focus to his photos the ones i saw in the gallery was focused on nature but nothing spesific. this responce i have brightened the image and made it paroramic to suit the style of the photographer himself - Richard Billingham.

This photo is one by Richard Billingham himself- what i like abourt this photo that it has no spesific focus other than nautre. There is not really a background just a little bit of sky in the background. The image hasnt got any exitment but it shows despare with the use of colours and tress with in this photo. I also like how it is paroramic this makes the photo differnt to many other photos/photographers as most photos are small to fit frames or big to fir a canvus - usually square or slightly rectangle.

Photographs Number 2

This image represents the image of the trees -the darkness and depth within Richards photography. What i have done to respond to richard is making the photo paroramic (cropping the image) i then changed the brightness to show the darkness within richards photos.

My final responce to Richards photography is of the beach again, i have cropped the image to make it paroramic. i then made the image brighter so the image its self is clearer to see. finally i adjusted the color slightly to pink to give the image a different/unique effect.

This photo i changed by slightly cropping it to focus more on the plant and then i brightened the image so it is cleaner. I also added a colour balance of green to make the plant look fresher. this relates to together and/or apart as the leaves are working together to keep the plant alive. What i like about this image is the cleaness as it looks fresh and newly grown.

Improving this photo i cropped it so its nicer on the eyeas its not in the center of the image. What i have done is color splashed my image - to do this i duplicated the image and made the top layer black and white, i then used the rubber tool to rub out the black and white effect of the place i wanted colour showing. What i like about this image is the focus on the car - the car is a massive part of the world some might say it is a great invention some may say it is making the world fall apart due to polution.

Artist responces contact

This edit i thought worked really well, what i have done was take three different photos of feet - together, apart and both (ankle together, toes apart). i have then got the background of the shoes apart from eachother, i then placed the feet together ontop of the feet that are apart - i reduced the transparency of the feet together so you could see both images just as clearly. I then placed the final image of the shoes together at the heel and apart at the toes, i then reduced the transparency of this image to so you could see all the photos togehter i also changed the brightness and made it darker to mske it have a shadow effect. This photo speaks the title together and/or apart its self it has feet togehter and apart.

Damien Hirst:

This is my own unique responce to Damien hirst, i thought of making a new unique responce that still used mirror but it made a trail or the repeated photo for a mirror effect. What i like about this photo is it takes a miniute to understand the image and how it works, i also like how it is spiriling into the center. How this relates to the title together and/or apart is that all the photos are fitted together to create this photo and the emotion is happy which makes us feel happy bringing us closer together to the people we love and care about instead of pushing them away.

Alban Grosdider:

This is another responce to Alban Grosdider. Firstly what i did to this photo was adjust the brightness of the girl, i did this to mske the skin look cleaner, i then selected the teeth and made them a cleaner white. i then selected the flowere and made it more pink so it would stand out more as well as the teeth. I then manipulated the photo of the water by adjusting the brightness and changing the color balance to blue, this gave the photo a shadey texture, to give the water photo more texture i adjusted the levels to make it more shadey. Finally i placed the water rippled photo ontop of the photo of the little girl to give the Alban Grosdider affect. I changed the transparency of the water so make it clear enough to see both images, How this relates to together and/or apart is the emotion - emotion can either keep us together or tear us apart.

Initial Idea 1

This photo is of several feet repeated four times, i took it in the bath as the water was splashing off my feet, the splashing off the photo gives the photo good texture as you see each individual photo. This photo relates to together and/or apart as you see the feet are together in each photo and all the different photos are fitted together to make one photo. Im trying to make the viewer feel different emotions for example the dark photo is trying to make you feel gloomy, the bright photo to make you feel clean, the dirty photo to make you feel unclean and the pinky photo to make you feel relaxed as the colours are calm. the background is plain white to make the image of the feet and the water stand out more and make it more clearer. This is inspired by Damien hirst - how he uses the same photo on repeat the only thing i havent done is mirror it making it a reflection, because i liked how simple the layout of this photo is because each photo speaks for its self.

Initial idea 2

This photo is on a little girl pulling a funny face, i took this outside in a park because i needed a simple background. This photo relates to together and or apart as the emotion is is keeping her together because if she wasnt in a happy/funny mood she would feel like she is falling apart. Editing the photo i thought the different textures, tones and colours give the ‘wow’ effect to the image and it looks different and very unique, the blur of each block i have edited gives the photo a better effect, i was inspired by the photographer Chuck close as he uses blocks to create his photo. What i ahve done differently than the photographer is using different colours and textures to make this photo original and better quality. What i want the viewer to feel is slightly confused of how i made this photo and i would also want the viewer to understand why i have used different tones and colors on this photo - to give a different unique look to the original photo.

Initial Idea 3

This photo is of a girl in school with a simple plain background so the girl herself would stand out when i sewn on her. I didnt edit the photo i just printed the photo of and sew right on top of it. I was inspired by a photographer Jose Rommisu she sews flowers and plants onto her photos. The problem with my photo is that i ran out of purple thread, this doesnt rewin the effect the image is supposed to have. The mood i want the viewer to feel is happy as the smile brings the photo alive, it makes you want to smile because her smile is so big, bright and bold. The pattern of flowers on her face make the beauty stand out as in the photo we have a beautiful girl and beautiful nature on her face. the flowers and leaves that have been sewn onto her face have good detail and give really good texture to the photo. This relates to together and/or apart as her smile makes the girl feel like her world is together and the nature on her face represents the need us humans have for it because without nature - especially trees - they keep us together.

Developed Idea 1

Developed Idea 2 These are two seperate developed ideas, one is in black and white because the aim is the emotion of happy and sad within the photo not the colours. In the second image the colours are ranged aswell as the textures this is because there is no full focus in the photo - the colours and emotion are just as important as eachother. What i have done to each piece is edited them adding the sad face and the wider eye from another picture and then i edited them to show two kinds of emotion. i them selected sections of the poto on the colour one and make them stand out slightly more. i then mirrored each piece to have a better effect. They both relate to together and/or apart as the emotion in the photo is both together and apart and the sadness is making the girl feel broken as if she is falling apart. The happy is making her feel like her whole world is put together. What i want the viewer to feel is a mixed emotions - happy and sad- because the confusion of how the girl truley feels . I havent got much background in this photo as the aim is the girl herself.

This is a developed idea from my pervious work which was inspired by Jose Rommisu, This is a additional piece which i have added on has a additional insperation- Tino Schwanemann, he adds lines with stich to add texture to his photos. What i have done was just add two differnt colour stitches to my initial idea. What i want the viewer to think is the beauty of this photo Not just the beauty of the girl but the beauty of nature. The lines i added on were to add more texture to the image. I didnt edit this image on photo shop as the aim was to concentrate on the image. This relates to together and/or apart as her smile makes the girl feel like her world is together and the nature on her face represents the need us humans have for it because without nature - especially trees - they keep us together.

Hellen Stead.

Amy Wolstome

Jenny Adin

Tino Schwanemann Helen Stead

Cayce Zavalagi

Jessica Wohl Jose Rommisu

Eppie Evans

Yuliya Klem

Final idea Before it was edited- Croped, brightened and sewn ontop of.

Final Idea. Evaluation of final piece. My final piece is a series of photos to create one photo - the photos themselfs all relate to together and or apart. Each photo is A4 size so it fits nicley when put togethor, it will be portrate as all the photos individually are portrate. Each photo i edited before sewing ontop of them. For each photo i brightened so the skin looked clearer and the background looked cleaner. i then edited the color of the lips making them a soft red so they stand out more and become a cleaner color. I then brightened the colour of the eyes - green - making them stand out more, i added the color balance of green to make them stand out even more than before. Finally i sewn on top of each photo. Each photogrpah i produced were inspired by different photographers. From making my final piece i have learned that you have to be extra careful because the color does come off when sewing. The reason i chose these four photos for my final piece is because they all are different facial expressions and can be reinterpetated from my artists like cropping and also the stiches on top of the photo. All together i am happy with my final piece all im just disipointed how the colour scratched off while i was sewing on it. I would of edited my final piece slightly more to improver it. I would of made the skin clearer and the background whiter.

S e c t i o n

S e c t i o n 3


This piece was inspired by the photographer Tino Scwanemann. What i have done was crop the photo slightly to make the photo as close to his work as i could, i then added lines coming out of the eyes, Tino uses lines to add texture to the photo. This photo individually is A4. I am pleased that this piece worked really well for my final piece. S e c t i o n 2

This piece was inspired by the photogrpaher Cayce Zavalagi. What i have done is only chose 2 sectionws of the photo - the hair and hair band. I havent done the whole photo because i wanted to show a section of texture and i thought the best places was the hair as it gives a better wavey effect to the phot, i then did the hair band as it is a vibrant blue and it looks really good. Cayce has many different textures to cover the photo and i have used this as insperation when making this section of my final piece, i also cropped the photo to try and make it more like Cayse’s work. This piece is also A4. I am really happy with this piece.

This Piece was inspired by Jose Rommisu. What i have done to my photo was crop the photo to focus on the face when i added the stitches. Jose uses plants to maske her photographs unique, what i have done was do nature - treethen added love hearts. The reason i added love hearts is because the facial expression is a kissing face and kissing is something to show someone you love them. Im pleased with this piece but i am dissipointed how the photo started to peal off color. This piece is also A4. S e c t i o n 4

This piece was inspired by Helen Stead. What i have done was crop into the face to reinterprtate her photo, i then sewn on top of the photo going over the shadows and the wringles on the face like the photographer helen stead. to make it more unique i did the same colour as the skin and the lips. I do like this as part as my final piece. This piece will also be in A4.

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