Nice and Dirty E
Stephany Jardim
May Half Term-contact sheet
Photographer Research
From this photo I will take the foam and the splash of the water, the artist did a focus on the dogs to make it more interesting, instead I will have a the splash happening in a hand made object. He took the photo horizontal to make more focus along the splash
My responce
I took this photo laying down and waiting for the wave to hit the side of the groyne to make the splash go up. Teh techniques I used are: view point at low angle,focus on the waves and rule of thirds
Ray Collins From these photos I will take the splash on the top of the waves and the curves of the waves where the waves is about to brake
My responce
This photo was taking laying down towards the sea and the wave, I waited till the waves came up and crashed with the wood so it maked that big wave and the splash
Fot these photos I will use the family as to ]show union and some happines,..... used focus as his technique and also used the beach as a background
My responce
I recreated this photo by sitting down and making the person to be in the middle part of the focus
Allen Klosowski Allen used Depth of field and diagonal lines as his techniques. I like the way he took the photos: a view point at low angle and really close to the building walls, so I will take that technique to take my photo; I also like the way he didn’t show any other buildings around , there is just a building and the sky as his composition
My responce
I took these photos with the view point at low angle and inclinated towards the bulding to give the impresion of a tall building
John Kippin
What I like of the top photo is the technique they used: rule of thirds and also the old boat on the sand and not on the sea, it looks like its having a little rest. On the bottom photo they used diagonal lines as his technique, I like the contrast color of the clouds, gives a sense like it going to rain but at the same it looks like is a sunny day.
My responce
I recreated this photo, taking it standing up and making the boat as the focal point of my photo, for my second photo I used rulo of thirds to be more similar with the top photo of Jonh. For my first photo I took it as a landscape picture to include the hole boat.
Photography trip-contact sheet
10 photos selected from photography trip
Architecture-contact sheet