Order Disorder Personal Portfolio Unit 1 Candidate No: 9904 Shane Barrow
Allphotos are my own.
To be in order To be symetrical To be neat and tidy To appear as it shoud To make a pattern
To be out of order Where it does not belong To appear unplanned
To have structure To be parrellell
To be disorganised To be disjointed
To be turbullent
Mika Ninagawa I like Mikas works as she uses bright vibrant colours that instantly atttract you. The contrast in many of her pictures really intensifies the effect the picture has on the viewers.
Mika Ninagawa is Japan’s most popular photographer was born in the 1970’s. Her photographic style is one that is instantly identified by her versatile style and the drawing from various fields. The order of the picture comes with the natural coulours used but really enganced, The disorder of the picture comes throught the petals and stems going in all directions. Both of these are natural occurances that I feel helps attract you to the photo.
Brad Carlile I like Brads work as he adds another dimension to what would be an ordinary photo. Through use of vibrant colours that doesn’t normally belong in those places really takes your eye around the whold picture.
Brad Carlile works in a conceptual way, using light and time to animate rooms that are normally without much personality. I really enjoy viewing his photos as he adds life to what would noramlly be a very ordinary photo. The order of his pictures comes from the normal every day scenes he uses e.g. a bedroom. The disorder and the main attraction of his photos comes through the light. By using unnatural vivid colours in a normal envirmonment his photos are very captulating.
Mark Bulford
Although I do not enjoy the dark side of Marks photograph I really like the concept. The way he double layers his pictures and uses a ripping technique really exaggerates the disorder of the picture yet brings it together at the same time. The order of his pictures enables the viewer to make sense of them. The human skeleton of covered with skin, if you peel this back you will see the bones and maybe the ‘real’ person.
Matthieu Bourel
Matthieu photos are very well organised showing the order of the photo.The manipuulation of the photos has smooth flowing lines that direct your eye all around the picture. With such well placed manipulations it makes the disorder of the picture seem a natural effect of the extra lips and eye. I like this style of photography as you can still recognise the face whilst another dimension is added using vibrant colours and well places contour lines that keep you focussed on the whole picture. The cut out maniipulations remind me also of the contour lines found in surveyy maps and also the opertion board game.
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R e s p o n s e
R e s p o n s e t o M i k a N i n a g a w a
I liked Miikas work because of the vibrant colours. In respnding to her pictures I have taken advantage of it being spring and flowers appearing. The order I have showed is their natural appearance with the natural colours.. I have bought disorder by making the natural coulours far for vibrant and realy focussing on the colourful parts of the plants ensuring they either fill the picture or are around the photo taking your eyes around.
t o B r a d C a r l i l e
I liked Brads photos as he made an ordinary scene reallly interesting throough playing with colours. I have tried to replicate his work through two very different photos. In the top photo I have a photo of friends. The actual picture lacked tone and clarity but i changed this with the use of colour to bring the photo to life. In the photo below i have used a photo I took whilst in the passenger seat of a car. The original photo had no real features that grabbed your attention. Once agin by playing with the colours the photo become more vibrant. The order of both picture comes from how ordinary the scenes are. By playing with light and colour. By putting colours where they don’t normally bong really attracts your eye to the photo by giving it an air of disorder.
R e s p o n s e t o M a r k B u l f o r d
R e s p o n s e As I mentioned earlier I found much of Marks work a llittle dark for my taste but did really did like the idea of layering pictures. To keep to this theme I have used food as my source. The order of the photos come from the normal layers of the food. The disorder come from the peeling back of the layers to reveal a new layer and new colours. I really like the egg picture with the peeling back showing bright colours in the new layer. The chicken also makes you think as I have put th picture upside down to add another disorder dimension.
t o M a t t h i e u B o u r e l
I liked Mattieus work as the patterns on the face can bring pictures to light and give effective effects. In th picture above I have used colours from the back round to add disorder effects to the face. By using the same colours the eye is drawn from the face outwards. The order of the picture is not lost as te two girls (my daughters) are still the focus of the picture. In the picture below I have used my cat and added a ‘fun’ effect. The order comes from the normal picture of the cat. The disorder and fun side of the piicture comes from the face paint colour I have added which mimics the shape of the cats face ensuring the viewers eye is taken all around the photo.
Initial idea
To create this picture I have used the bright colours Mika Ninagowa uses and combined this in to the effect Matthieu Bourei puts upon normal pictures. By unstaurated the original photo of a park bench and ehnancing the photos I took of sunsets the bright colours take your eye through the photo. The order of this picture comes from the normal photos of everyday scenes. The idorder coms from the sunset pictures engaved in to the wood f the bench.
Initial idea
In this photo I have been influenced by Brad Carlile and Mika Ninagowa. I created the disorder through changing the natural colours of a normal park scene and through over sizing the flowers down the side. The order comes through the realism of the scene and the vibrant colours of the flowers which dominate one side. I really like this photo as the blue gives the picture a cold feel but the car and its refllection warms the core of the photo. If I were to do this again I woud change the colour of the flower centre orannge to match the car so the colouur is carried through.
Initial idea
In this photo I have taken steps to develop a layered photo in the style of Mark Bulford. The order in this simple photo comes from the A4 paper and the normal white colour. The disorder comes from the rip in the middle showing a different layer and colour. I like the idea of this design as it opens up a lot of posibilities to develop further.
Tina Crespo
I like Tinas photos as the themes she chooses are in tune with my own taste. The order of the natural scenic photos and natural colours allows you you appreciate the beauty the photo brings. The disorder of the outer edges missing helps focuses the viewers eye to the the centre of the photo. I also like how the writing underneath each picture engances your emitions towards the photo.
Carlo Van de Roer
The order of the photo comes through the pictures / scenes themselves which are very beautiful. The disorder comes through the slightly unsaturated effect with coloured dots super imposed. These effects are very clever as it gives the photo a spiritual feeling without the spooky edge.
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Developed Idea
In this photo I have used words to reinforce the feeling I want the photo to portray as I saw bt Tino Crespo.. The order comes through the beautifull scene of the sun setting in Thailand. At this time of day people were often sitting around reflecting on their lives as they watched the sun set. The disroder comes through the picture cut in a circle with unsaturated circles taking your eye through the photo. I used this effect to give the photo another dimension and to give it a dream
Developed Idea
In this photo I have looked to create a feeling of happiness and life. I took a photo of the flowers in my garden and made the natural colours more vibrant giving order to the photo as this is exactly how they are seen. By laying the photo and cutting the centre of the flowers open I created a feeling of happiness through the disorder of my daughters smiling face in the centre. The idea behind this is that the flowers make my garden look pretty but it is my family that gives the garden life obviously responding to Mark Bulford cut outs and rips.
Final Idea
From my developed ideas I particuary liked this photo as it really shows what I stand for I have replaced the clinicaly cut petals in the miiddle to a more sensitive design of ripped colours and shapes really reflect the natural leaves in the back round giving a natural flow through the natural coloours and plants with layered leaves and smiling faces repacing the ford.
- my family. To give the photo a more natural feel paper. This effect is much more desirable as the to the photo. This encapsualtes order disorder centre of the photo responding to artist Mark Bul-
Developed Idea
After I re-evaluated my final piece of photography I was not happy with the overall effect. I felt the disorder of the ripping was not effective as all flowers have a centre. All I seemed to have acheived was to replace the flower centre with a face of my daughters. To me this seems to amataurish and basic. For this reason I have decided to continue with this task.
I am much happier with this developed idea. The bright colours take your eye through the photo and in to a viewing space made by the arm of the chair. The textures of the trees, the woods and the grass really bring the photo together. The order of this photo is the every day scene of a park bench amonst trees. The disorder comes from the bright sunset set in the chair showing what a person sitting there could be loking at. By repeating the same photo of the sunset throughout i have also drawn the viewers eye across the photoo.
New Final Idea
From my developed idea I have now included the ripping of a photo (Mark Bulford) to show a new layer. This is far more effective as it shows the disorder through an unnatural layer. The ripping effect really bring the photo to life and takes your eyes through the photo. By leaving some wood showing I have also allowd the photo to have alot more order. The viewer can clearly see the bench at the same time as admiring the beauty of the sunset. If I were to doo this again I would colour the white of the rip t relicate the wood of the bench to make it loook more authentic.