Reflection stephany jardim

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Stephany Jardim

Willy Ronis

My response

This artist took this photo with the focal point of the puddle following by the line of the pavement where the lady is trying to help of not get into the puddle. The focal point is in the middle, in her legs and in the reflection of the buildig in the water. My view of when he took this photo is that he wanted to take a photo of the reflection and a lady run pass as her legs look so blurry.

I took this photo laying down with the view of the puddle in a straight way.I wanted to organize his legs in the middle of the photo to make the focal point of him. Instead of the reflection of a building, the reflection on my photos are his legs. I croppep half of their body out to match Willy’s photo.

Luka Fineisen

My response

The focal point for this photo are the bubbles are they are in a simple plain background, which gives them the attention of the people view,also the repetition of the reflection in every single bubble;the photographer has took this photo side up to down to make the reflection of the lady. The lines of the floor boards gives a good aspect and a elegant look,as if there was a normal.

My recreation of luka’s photo was taking a photo of small puddles with a big tree reflection in each puddle, the connection of the puddle are the reflection as it has dif ferent parts of the tree but of the same tree; The idea of the puddles in the cement was because if it was in a floor boards it will not look the same texture and it will look like a simple photo.


This photo was taken with a right angle of the glass view, and a wine glass with water in to make the reflection of the cloud where the tiger color of the sunset reflects on tiger color of the sunset; I like the idea of the black trees and the sunset as the sunset color gives us the af fection that the trees take away.

My response

I took this photo in a right angle to focues the glass of water in the center of the photo to show what is behind the wate, but with a little space in it is lateral to don’t make the photo boring and simple. the small photo was taken as the big one but this one has a dif ferent object to see through the water. The flower behind the waterfives a ef fect which looks like it is a strawberry inside the glass.

Mike Tn

My response

This photo looks good as we can not actually say that is a puddle because of the reclection of the feather; The feather is the focal point as it is in the middel and it attach us eyes because of the different texture. What I like about this photo is how the reflection looks like it is another feather, it looks really clear for been in water.

This photo is similar to the artist photo because the environmental it’s wet and looks damp; The reflection on the cement doesn’t have a big amount of water but putting the camera in a way looking at the floor, gives a more obvious showing of the reflection.

Monika Paszkiewics

My response

I th in k thi s i s a re a lly go o d ph o t o beca u s e I have n o t s e e n a re lfe c tion pho t o l i ke thi s, a me a n in g ph o t o ;apar t fro m t hat, th i s p h o t o do e s n ’ t repre sent a love p ho to at a ll be c a u s e it do en’ t have p r i m a r y co lo rs wh ich c a n g ive t he p h o to, hap i ne s s. a s it is a ll a ro und of lin e s i t d o e s n ’ t t ra n s mit mu ch var iati o n of expre s s io n .

I used as my technique: cropped, to make the photo more square; I put my camera in a vertical angle upside down to make the ef fect of inclination. For the ef fect of the shadow going across the ,me,you, I had to move my camera in a way where the shadow can get in the right angle.

Contact sheet

Final photo 1

I took this photo because i liked Willy’s idea, of having a reflection in a puddle. In photoshop i had to add brightness and contrast to make the tree be more reflected as the floor makes a confusion of the relfelcion’s object.

Final photo 2

This photo is similar to Luka’s photo because they are small objects reflecting the same thing. This photo has a variety of colors, which means it is a eye catching. On photoshop I had to add “auto color” to make the colors more detailed.

Final photo 3

Final photo 4

This photo is similar to Steven’s, because it rotates the reflection of the object. In photoshop i added contrast to make the reflecion more obvious and more showing.

Mike inspired me on doing this kind of photo because his reflection’s photos are over water. The reflection of this photo its where the water goes.

Final photo 5

I recreate this photo with the idea of Monika. I wanted to transmite by this photo, how an object can be different from another angle. I cropped the photo t make a square photo, I also used color to make the flower more colorful.

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