Reflections Year 10 Coursework Isla Howarth
Alban Grosdider Responses
Alban Grosdider Alban Grosdider creates reflection because the water reflects the lighting and different aspects of the room. Each photo Grosdider has taken is photoshop, the first photo will be a photo of a person and then on top will be some type of water. Grosdider two photos above have been taken from a birds eye view, most of Grosdider are made from a birds eye view. Some of his photos are taken from an angle normally having the view birds eye but angled from the sides. I like Grosdiders photography because I think that there can be a very emtional attachment to his photos, sometimes portraying sadness and the feeling of being trapped also I think it is done very well.
More response on next two pages.... please continue.
Alban Grosdider Response These are my responces to Grosdider, I used birds eye view on the first photo and then on the second and third photo are taken from and eye sight view straight on. I did these photos by using photo shop and chaning the opacity on a photo. The third photo I used fire because I wanted to expirment with what it would look like i recreated it using fire to see if it will give me a different emotional effect which to me it did even though there is a couple kissing it could show there is alot of anger in their relationship or a firey rage in the relationship whereas the water seem to be calm and soothing maybe even emotionless. I like grosdiders photography because to me it shows all different feelings espically sadness, calmness, emotionaless but also it gives you the feeling of safety. On the next page you will see one more response to Grosdider.
The photo to the left is my last response to Grosdider. I used photoshop to cut out the girl so there was no background in the water to see the water clearer. I like the way the girl is offgaurd while I toke the photo I think it adds to the emotional effect because she looks very happy. After having the two photos I merged them together puttng them one on to[p of the other and changing the opacity like I have done with the others. I like this photography becaus eyou have to look very deep into the photo to see all the water lines. Personally out of all the ones I made I think this one is the best. I think this because the background of the photo of the girl is gone.
I like Mullhollands photography because I think it is very creative and personally i find it pleasing to the eye. It is obviously photoshopped and it has been done very well. This photo makes me feel very calm and very natural. I also like the way you have to look into the photo to see the two bodies which after you see them you notice them all the time. This realtes to reflection because the people reflect the natural surrondings. I think its been taking from and eye view, the photo is also very balanced.
Rob Mullholland Response
Rob Mullholland
As my response I have taken a picure of my friend and drawn around her onto a background picture ecah different. I made this using photo shop and I altered the lighting on and changed the photo position where her body was outlined. I love this photography because it makes me feel so calm and I enjoy looking at the photo. In mine it slightly looks like a ghost which in mine i dont really like I dont thnk I should have done it that light. I toke the background photo up on the downs at midday with slightly low lighting and no sun shining and the one with mainly branches was taken with my camera aiming upward (photo on the right).
Januz Miralles Response
Januz Miralles I think this relates to reflection by having her disguse partly missing so she will not be able to see her reflection. She could be loosing her disguse/reflection because of mental illness or mental problems or just the way she portrayes herself. I believe she has done this by printing a photo and painting shading over it and painting drips. She has used an eye view point to take the photo I think. I like it because its so creative and I like the feeling it gives me and how I can relate to it.
In my response I have taken a picture of my friend and used photoshop to make the background a shade of grey like Miralles photo, I painted over part of her face in black and grey then turned the photo into black and white using photoshop. I think mine doesnt show her full identity which is what i was going for. As both mouths are covered in Miralles photo and mine I think this could show they are also not aloud to have an opinion as such and this could mean part of them isnt there howing no reflection in there life.
Deenesh Gysczy Response.
Deenesh Ghyczy
I believe this relates to reflections because the ghostly person which is repated shows a relfection of the actual image and also this shows repetion which I think is effective. Its been taken at an eye level view and has used a repeted image. I like this photo becaue the childs face has slightly changed showing emotion slightly by his lips. If you could see closer to the eye it would refelect the reason why his facial espression has changed. This photo also makes me think why? why has their expression changed? I think the second photo is actually painting but can easily be made in photoshop.
In the photo below I was at eye level to take the photo and toke three different photos. Then I used photoshop and cut out the perso in two of the photos and put it on the main photo and changed the opacity to make it seem ghostly. I have also done three different emotions, serious, happy/ laughing and a closed eye photo of the girl. Also in mine I filled the frame.
In my photo above I used a higher level than my face and then used photo shop to merge the photos together and i had two changed emotions one slightly serious and then a sad face.
This relates to reflection because of the words on the face portray what we see in our reflection or just what we see in ourselves. In my photo i will used not words like the photographer to describe what we look like eg. eye colour, height, gender, where we are from. The photographer has taken this from an eye level, it is also close up and shows alot of facial detail. In the photographers other photos it is mainly children and they look very distressed.
Aura Rosenburg Response.
In my photo I will do a words hurt mixed with information like gender and where we are from and things we have been called like: fat,ugly, disgraceful and others to display what others think of us and how it affects our reflection and what we see an example would be how people with mental illnesses portray themselves sometimes depending on what people say and how it has an effect on our brain and image. My photo relates to the artist because I have written on there face but have taken it from different angles.
C l I F F O R D R O S S
Water Reflects sunlight, image, nature, beauty and the emotion of nature. I believe this photo has been taken at possibly high tide, and a rough sea season, I think Ross is also in the sea while taking this or kneeling down at the start of the water edge. I like this photo because my eye is drawn all along the photo and especially to the main part in the middle of the wave. I think the photo being in black and white makes me pay more attention to detail and makes it show up a lot clearer.
Clifford Ross Response. In my response above I went down to the beach at about 4 in the afternoon in winter expecting it to be choppy. I believe it looks like Ross’ because of the wave and the black and white. I toke this photo from standing . In the photo aside to this I had gone down to the beach again and taken it from a kneeling position to get the closer to the wave affect. My waves arent as dramatic as the photographers because of the time of year and weather, the photographer also noted in his photos there was a mild hurricane/storm when he toke it. I decided to do one in black and white and one in normal.
I think Case photography relates to reflections becuse its like the person reflects the nature, the economy and the world in general. I like her photography becaue its very creative and I like how you cant see the identity of the person which makes us wonder about what she might actually look like, who she is and what her reflection is, her reflection on us and her reflection on the world, and howher life will reflect on ours. As the landscape is very beachy and it looks calm this could mean the person is quite calm and chilled and has a nice flowing personailty like the waves in the landscape.
E R R I E N S P C O A N S S E E In my response I have used a photo I toke in newyork and it is of the buildings and skyline. I used this picture because my model in the photo is very cool, shes rocky, she also pays alot of attention to interect detail. I have take the back ground photo at a height and the other photo at eye level. used photo shop to cut out pieces of the bricks, face, hair and clothing. I think erin case work is very creative and unoriginal. I have changed mine to erin case by cutting out bits in her hair and clothing also the brick work. Sometimes some of her work looks abit boring but normally this isnt the case.
SUREN MANVELYAN Suren Manvelyan did a whole project on taking up close photos of eyes. He named this project ‘your beautiful eyes’. I like his photography because it is very detailed and I think eyes can tell alot about a person wether they are piercing hazel eyes or bright blue eyes. The eyes reflect images of the world and images of ourselves and also eyes can reflect the image in the iris because of the surface which you are actually looking at . Mostly Manvelyan fills the frame with his photography. I think even if it wasnt as close to the Iris it would be as powerful.
This is my response to Suren Manvelyan. I did a close up of an eye but in not as much detail and focused on the iris. I think it still fills the frame and you can see every detail of the skin. I like the idea of eyes because they reflect so much about a person and so much emotion espically when its someone you love. In my opinion eyes reflect everything about a person and that eyes are the window to a soul.
Contact Sheet 1
Contact sheet 2 Reflections contact sheets. Isla howarth Reflections project 10/02/16 Candidate Number: 3089