Reflections katie b

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Katie Beattie eittaeB eitaK R E F L E C T I O N


I L S E B I N G Being that this image is in black and white makes it much more mysterious and puts an edge to the photograph. The reflection into the puddle gives more depth to the photo. Diagonal lines have been used by what looks like tyre marks on a road. The focal point is the buildings being reflected into the puddle because it is quite intriguing. It seems like she has positioned her in a crouched position to give a different perspective for the viewer.


To recreate this photo I used photoshop to turn it into black and white and used the curve tool to turn the contrast up. I also used the colour balance tool. I kept the idea of something being reflected into rain water. I took this photo from close up and to the side to really show the reflection.

I used the same idea of the reflection in a puddle but instead of changing it to monochrome I kept it as coloured to give more of an effect and to define the features of the photo more. I took this photo by putting the camera on the floor and tilting in slighty forward so that it looks like you gradually moving towards it. I used contrast, hue and saturation to change the image.




S T R I D In this photograph the aspect of reflection has been used in a clever way. The thought of there being two people when there is only one is quite fascinating. The view/focal point in this photograph is the part where the face and eyes hit the mirror because the direction in which the eyes are facing. This photograph has been taken close up to help define her face and to not leave a lot of space/background around it. The viewpoint is direct and close up.

S N O P For the recreation of the photo I used photoshop to make it look more like a painting as oppose to a photograph and I turned it into black and white because the reflection looked really eerie due to the fact that it looked like the eyes are looking back at you. I went along with the fact that there is a very minium amount of background. I took this photo at the same angle as the original.




For this photo I changed the idea of just the face being reflected and instead made it so the whole body was being reflected into the mirror. I used photoshop to turn it into black and white and used the curve tool to change the contrast of it so the white was lighter and the black was darker. I then used the threshold tool.

For my recreation of this photo I took a photo of water and a picture of a hill and then used photoshop to merge them together. I kept the angle the same but instead of turning it to monochrome I turned it into colour.


This artist has incorporated symmetry into her work by reflecting the mountain into the water. The rule of three has been used by having three defined sections, the water, the mountain and then the sky. The focal point is the place where the mountain reflects off the water because even though the photo has no colour you are still able to see a fascinating effect/ texture which helps to make the photograph come alive. Diagonal lines have also been used with the lines in the water.

For this response I took a picture of water and instead of a hill I took a picture of a tree and used photoshop to copy it and place it into the water and turned the transparency down so it looked like it was being relected into the water, I then used the curve tool to make it all go together better. and turned the photo into black and white.



For this response I took a picture of a face and doubled it so it was overlapping it and then turned down the transparency of the front face so that the booton face was able to be seen. I then used photoshop to blur it and then change the hue, saturation and contrast.


This photograph has been blurred to give it a distorted look. Symmetry has also been used by creating two faces to give that haunted look. The whole idea of the double look makes majority of the photograph a focal point because you would take a second glance. A plain background has been used to bring out the man part of the photograph and make you focus more on it. A pixalated pattern has also been used to distort the face.

For this response instead of using the whole face I took a photo of half a face and placed it on either side of the photograph and used the gradient tool to make he backgorund grey and white. I used the threshold tool to change one of the images and used the posterize tool for the other. I then added the same image over both of them and turned the transparency down.



Several lines have been used in this photograph to draw you in to specific aspects of it. The focal point in this photo is the little girl and what she is walking on because the contrast has been turned up to make it appear darker. A large background has been included so that you don’t focus that much on the background as you do on the foreground. The black and white give it that old fashioned look. And in the water there is a reflection that is blurred so it is more of an unusual reflection and gives a different effect. The viewpoint is not a closeup it is taken from a wide angle.

For my response to this photograph I chose to do something very similar and keep it in black and white but I used photoshop to add little parts to the photo and change them into colour so there is more of a focal point. I made it so there was not as many people in it so it didn’t look to overcrowded. I turned the contrast up so certain bits were darker and certain bits were lighter.

For my second response I made it so it was all in colour but so that certain colours shone more than others. I postioned myself so that I was crouched down and slightly tilted to give the photograph a different look and perspective for the viewers to look at.


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