ran Gregory n,
Reflections Research
Arran Gregory
The artist uses great lighting techniques to make this image look 3D when it may not neccesarily be 3D. I like this picture very much and its very cool.
T his is a recreation of Arran Gregory’s photo as it consists of a decoration with a variety of shapes making up the picture of a flamingo, like the shapes making up the rhino in Arran Gregory’s picture. This photo contains a mirror like the photographers original picture, where you can see the parts of the room in the sections that make up the rhino. The triangles make up the face of a human skull, with black triangles for the eyes and mouth.
Jeremie Egry
This is my recreation of Jeremie Egry’s as it is a picture of the subject (The lamp) in front of a reflective surface(The painting) so you can see the subject reflected in the middle of the photo and the middle of the painting, liike in Egry’s picture.
This is a picture of onions on a sheet of tinfoil. I think the artist has used the lighting in this picture to fantastic effect. I like this picture very much.
Christiane Zschommler
The photographer uses the water to fantastic effect with the reflected green tint on the top right of this picture. I also really like the effect the waves give giving the body of water shape and more texture.
This picture is my recreation of Christiane Zschommler. It shows a statue’s reflection in the water but not the statue the reflection is of. It has been manipulated in photoshop. This picture has also been manipulated in photoshop and shows a line of flamingos’ reflections but not the actual birds in the flesh. It also has a lot of ripples in the water like in the original picture.
Linnea Strid
This picture is my recreation of Linnea Strid’s picture. It shows a sea lion creating semi-circulalar waves whle under the water. Another thing it has in common with Strid’s picture is the sea lion’s eyes are closed, like the woman’s in Strid’s picture.
This picture uses the water waves to breakup the image of the person’s face under the water. I particularly like the effect the circular ripples in the middle of the picture and the middle of the persons face create, almost completely covering up the persons left eye and nose.
Deenesh Ghyczy
This picture is my recreation of Deenesh Ghyczy’s photo. It shows a deer’s face many times, like the woman’s face on the left. It has been manipulated in Photoshop.
I think the photographer takes this picture of a painting through some 3D patterned glass or photoshopped to completely breakup the texture of the woman in the paintings face into nine separate sections. This replicates her nose, mouth and eyes six times. The ears are also replicated four times.
This is a replication of Ghyczy’s picture of the painting that shows a wolf ’s face replicated twelve times like in Ghyczy’s picture. It was manipulated in photoshop.