Tegan order dosorder,

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Tegan Murray-Banks Personal Portfolio Unit 1 Mock exam 56345 1014

Order and Disorder Tree Leaf Chairs Revising Headphones Fence Grass Glass Love Hate Tummy Watch Cleaning School Classroom Sleep Height Emotions Stairs Cars Weather Road Bird

Wings Time Feathers Bloom Memorial Litter Twigs Sticks Graffiti Focus Flowers Family Friends Dog Cat Face Rules Warnings Glasses Standing Sitting Sun Light

Bins Shoes Gender Phomes Seats Drink Raitings Thoughts Day Night Noon Clouds Dice Bus Bricks

Clare Strand Her photos are unique and very out of the ordinary. Most of her photos are in black and white which give a good impact and highlights and lowlights the points with in the image. She also use a blur in some of her photos, which I think gives the image texture and depth.

These images relate to order and disorder: •The image of the table looks like it is in order, but then the knocked down chair makes it look disordered as it out of place. •The image of the face just looks disordered, a ordinary face that is misplaced. •The dog photo looks disordered and ordered – this is because the dogs tail is in order and the dogs trail is straight. The disordered part is how the dog looks like a centipede as it’s a long trail of legs.

Amirali Ghasemi

The images relate to order and disorder:

•The car is focused on the rusty car, the car is disordered as its out of function and not able to drive, but ordered because cars belong on the road. •The image that says ‘the other side’ is ordered because the houses are in order and laid out in order. •The image that says ‘unseen’ is ordered as it looks like a ordinary road, but it is disordered because it’s so empty and mysterious

Willie Doherty This photographer uses different colours and focus points within his photos, I also like how some photos have writing and usually it links to the photo.

We dont know the gender, we don’t know the skin colour, race and the features, this creates a mysterious vibe. I also like how the people don’t look like they are the main part of the image – the focus.

This relates to order and disorder because the photos look in order, people partying, smoking, having a laugh with friends but then by not seeing the skin, facial expressions and the facial features.

How the photographer has done this is by taking out the skin and blanking and they have purposely done this in social places.

This relates to order and disorder because the body looks in order but then the head is missing, and without a head you could die because of the brain, this makes me think of why they have taken the head away How the photographer has done this is by erasing the head and duplicating the background.

Francesco Brunotti

this photographer is different. It has a dramatic, scary impact within the photos. No head. It makes me as a viewer want to know how not having a head relates to the photo. I also like how they have made the background into the head which makes it more dramatic.

This is my responce to Franceso Brunott, My version is a litte different as i have used the jumper matireal has been used as the face, the bricks are unaccurate. I have also added headphones to make the image more dramatic. This is related to order and disorder and the body is ordered but the face is disordered as a face isnt made out of bricks or wool. The reason why i like this image is because the identity is unseen, Which brings mystery to the image. I also like how the headphones are till connected hich give the photo better impact and makes it more dramatic.

What i have done to this photo was use the duplicate tool on the bricks in the forground,background and the jumper the girl is wearing. I have filler in the face to hide the identity of the girl.

Francesco Brunotti Responce

Amirali Ghasemi Responce This is my responce to Amirali. How it represents the photocrapher is no skin is shown, it is blocked by white colour The identity is hidden.

Willie Doherty Responce

This is my responce to Willie Doherty, How it represents the photographer is how the silence within the photo is dramatic as the photographer uses still images for impact. What i have done to this photo was brightened the colour photo to bring out the background, eyes and lips. I then made the lips become more bule by adding tint. i also made the lips more pink. I then tinted the background a slight pink so the focus of the image is the girl. I then went over the skin in white paint, leaving one eye and the lips to give effect. What i like about this photo is that the identity of the girl is hidden, which gives the photo a dramatic edge. I also like how the girl is the focus of the photo so you can see the aim of the photo This is related to order and disorder because the image is all ordered in the background and the skin is blocked out- causing disorder to the image.

What i have done to the photo to interprate my photographerwas take a still photo of a road, then edided the colour to black and white. i then added the words ‘walk on together’. To get it to look like one of my photographers work i put spacing between the letters on the last line and made the wrighting light to blend with the photo. What i like about this photo is that the wording relates to the photo a nd it makes the viewer think about the image and how it relates. I also like how the writing looks blended into the photo. This is related to order and disorder as this is just a ordinary - ordered - photo that has been turned into black and white for effect.

Clare Strand Responce

This is my responce to Clare Strand. I have Recreated on e on Clares photos by using blakc and white effect with a coffee background. What i have done is that i got a photo of coffee stains of the internet to use as a background and to interprate the colour/effect that clare uses in her photos. I then placed my image on top of the coffee stained background and then i added the effect of black and white onto my image. I then added the colour cubes aside the image to interpritate the original photo.

This is my own fesponce . This responce is from previous wwork colour splash. What i like about this image is how the tree stands out, i think it looks beautiful. i also like the tone of pink that the flowers are and in the bottom right hand corner there is a yellow flower which also gives the flower depth to the photo. how this photo relates to order and disorder is that the photo its self is in order, a lovely bench with a beautiful bloosm tree. the photo is disordered as this is not the original colour the only ordered part of this photo is the colour of the bloosm tree and the flower in the corner.

What i have done to this piece is duplicated the image and then made the top inage black and white. i then rubbed out the part i wanted to be coloured and then i whitened the face. This relates to order and disorder as you can see that the girl herself has no face and it is is a disordered colour.

Initial Idea 1

This is my own repsonce to this task of order and disorder, what i have done is have two photos, the hate - towards her stomach- on the left and right the love - towards her stomach- i duplicated the love image. i have changed the opacity on the two love photos to merge this into one photo. What i like about this photo is how this fits together, the merge of the photos. i like how you have to truley focus on the image to see the true depth within the photo. How this relates to order and disorder is the love and hate towards her body, its natural to feel like you hate your body from time to time but its disordered to feel so low with yourself. it is ordered to love yourself.

What i like about this photo is how well it works, the colours and the photro its self of the girl cleaning i think it has a really good effect.

Initial Ideas 3

initial idea 2 This piece i have duplicated the girl and then made her have no face to give a powerful effect, what i have done is rubbed out the girls face so you coukld see what is going on behind her. this related to order and disorder as it is not normal to see through peoples faces - very disordered. the photo its self of the photo in the bin is disordered as you wouldnt imagine someone taking a photo through a bin

This piece i have used opposite to make both photos disordered. what i have done is made the poppys the highlight in one photo and then i made it the low light in the other. What i like about this photo is how well it workds together, my favourite is the black and white photo with the red poppies as you can really see the beautiful colours the poppies show. This related to order and disorder as the photos are disordered colours this works really well on the image though.

Develpoed idea 2 Developed idea

For this developed idea i i decided to use the style of work like Amirali Ghasemi this is because i thought it worked really well on this photo. This photo relates to order and disorder and it is disordered because we cannot see the laides faces but because of the lips, eyes and hand movements the viewers imagine what the ladies are doing, are they having a cup of tea? are they on their phone?

This is my second developed idea. What i have done is made my initial a little more complicated and more unique. I like thisw photo because although its the same photo repeated the viewer doesnt know where to look first. This photo relates to order and disorder because the images are disordered in colour. The repition of ther photos are in order which makes the photo look smart and well presentes.

Evaluation. For my final piece i used my developed idea and mirrored it, this gives a very disordered effect becasuse the image is repeated but the viewer has no clue where to look. What i have done was brighten the photo, making the lips pinker and the background cleaner. I then used a white paint brush and went over and shown skin on the photo. Finally i mirrored the image to extend my developed idea because i liked the photo from my developed i decided to extend on it. The insperation was Amirali Ghasemi, i liked this photographer as you can see the person their self but not their identity. To improve my final idea next time i would add a black and white version then make the lips the obious focus to the photo to add texture. id add one on the top left and one of the bottom right like a oppisite mirror effect.

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