Yolie colkett nice and dirty

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Nice & Dirty Eastbourne By Yolie Colkett

Barbara and Michael Leisgen The photographer has used rule of thirds and good composition to give the feeling of freedom and tranquillity in this photo. I chose this photo to recreate because I think it is an effective photo and I love the feeling that it gives you when you look at it. I will make sure to try and recreate this feeling in my photograph.

RECREATION I really like how these recreations turned out as I feel that they really portay the feeling of freedom. Insead of making my photograph black and white, I wanted to keep it in colour as I like how the different coloured pebbled draw you to the person in the right photograph.

Guy Tillim The photographer has used effective composition to take the viewer on a journey through the photo. I chose this photo to recreate because I really like the way that it uses composition to take the viewer’s eyes on a journey. When I recreate this photo, I will make sure that I consider different angles of viewpoints and the use of effective lighting to contrast dark and light to create a dramatic look.

RECREATION The finish look of this photograph is really effective, and I like how the diagonal lines captured in the photo lead you into the photo. Even though there is not as much composition in my photo, I like the colour choice and lighting in this photo. The atmosphere created in it is spooky and emphasises the emptiness which I tried to recreate from his photo.

John Kippin The photographer has effectively captured the different shapes seen in the sea. This draws the viewer’s eyes gradually around the photograph. I chose to recreate this photograph because I really like how the photo only has a few colours which makes the photograph calm. I will make sure to capture this when I recreate this. I also like how the colour used for the text is featured in the actual photograph itself.

RECREATION I think that the overall look of this is really effective. I made sure to capture the different shapes of the shore. The photographer made his photo black and white, however I preferred my photo in colour as it is really effective with the blues contrasting the dark colours of the pebbles.

Mark Mawson The photographer has used good composition with the boats and the wooden walkway to draw the viewer’s eyes gradually through the photo. The lighting of the sky and water in the photo creates the atmosphere of dusk and emphasises the contrasting dark colours of the boats and hut. When I recreate this photograph, I will create the effect of leading the viewer’s eyes into the photo.

RECREATION I tried to recreate the way the photographer leads the viewer in by capturing the yellow poles leading down to the water. To improve this photo I would use Photoshop to change the lighting to contrast the light and dark colours even more, and add a boat or hut in the water at the bottom of the trail of poles.

Tina Crespo I really like the photograph’s style of work, and how he uses a white border to enhance the circle photograph. I also think that the text is really effective as it forces the viewer to look at the photo in more detail because they are intrigued as to what the text says.

RECREATION When editing this, I tried hard to maintain the style of Crespo’s work. I made sure to use a white border around my photo, and to recreate the tranquillity captured in Crespo’s photos. I did this by editing my photo in Photoshop and changing the hue/ saturation to a lower number. The quote I choose reflects the calm atmosphere of the photo. If I were to redo this, I would possibly change the colour tone of this to a pink or blue which is used in the photographer’s work.







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