Jay Coolz Fresh Edition Mr Dreamz

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// THE EDITOR MR Dreamz Magazine has established its brand as “The New Era For A New Generation Of Dreamers” wich is available online, on mobiles and in print. The publication aims at giving indie artists & companies a voice that can be heard across all over the globe. Working from Paris to Miami and Montreal, Mr Dreamz showcases tomorrow’s mainstream stars, their arts, image and stories first. Since 2011, The magazine has been reaching more than just readers but a cultural movement of dreamers that change the way we consume music, dress, dream and live. From Paris to Miami, NY to Tokyo, London to L.A, Mr Dreamz captures the urban art in all its forms in order to let the street talk. Dream Kayris


Editor in chief DREAM KAYRIS


Contributing writers Joha Brown , Winnie MC, French Vouvou, BB.Bouk Minino, Trendy Alien, French Cxcaine, Tari Aro



Photographers Christophe Levet Jay Slay Photography Cover photography Jay Slay Photography Contributing illustrator Kloud9 Agency PR/ Marketting

Kloud9 Agency www.kloud9agency.com/ Creamsquad www.frenchcxcaine.com

Mr Dreamz magazine 2 Rue Montorge 38000, Grenoble mrdreamzmag@gmail.com +33658943700









// MYKEY MAY (@MyKeyMay) How do you define the current state of Rock nowadays? I’m out of pocket with the current «industry standard» to define a genre. I have been influenced by good music from all genres since the 80’s and 90’s. You can hear how I define music by listening to some MYKEY MAY. How did you get into music and where do you come from? I have always been interested in the entertainment industry since I was a kid. In 2003, I met some local artists through a promotion I hosted, and I built a little spot to get started called Platinum Cake Studios in Houma, Louisiana. We are from the bottom of the boot, the sole. Where did you find the inspiration to write the single «Mad Man»? I was working with Southdown guitarist Matt Rhodes in the practice room one day. Started reminiscing about Hunter (the deceased founder/singer Hunter Greene DesLatte) and everything we had been through. But that moment triggered a feeling about my personal story. The concept was created and the words began to flow. Then we went to Nashville along with engineer «Geno Slice» Giles to record the track with producer Lukas Rossi.


What is the message behind your music? I just want to deliver relatable material. Real life events. Good or Bad topics. To be politically incorrect. The media has f**ked over our generation glorifying so much bulls*it. There’s more good in the world than bad. Let’s promote the better good even if it’s ugly. We still have younger generations coming up that we must make a path for. Impact the world till Kingdom come. Is Art the best way to produce social change? Art is very powerful and will always influence and inspire the mind, body and soul. But «Social Change»? We can produce «Social Change» by changing our mentalities on an individual scale-one person at a time. We need to educate how one should invest in themselves. Fuck this big government dependency. The more government grows, the more social control we encounter. There’s no lottery or guarantee in this life for a better tomorrow. Education and hard work. Ambition and perseverance. If we quit instilling «Entitlement» then change will happen socially. What is your next challenge? I’m at war with myself. I battle every day. Conquering “me” is my everyday challenge.


«Education and hard work. Ambition and perseverance. If we quit instilling «Entitlement» then change will happen socially.»

Businessman, manager, music producer and now frontman... Is it hard to wear different hats? You have to be versatile. You have to create your own opportunity. Is it hard? Life’s hard. But if you want something just remember this, «If it were easy, everybody would be doing it.» Do what you gotta do. Learn from your mistakes and move the f**k on. How do you handle pressure? Pressure is good. How is a diamond made? By dirt and pressure. Next question. What do you have planned for the future? To introduce myself… Hello world, my name is MYKEY MAY. Any final last inspiring words for our readers? Only you can «discover» you.







|Bon Apétit

Why and How did you decide to pursue a career in the restaurant business? Well, I started my career in fashion merchandising, which allowed me to travel a lot. Then I eventually had a career as a pop singer in Seoul. This later led me to become a club owner. So in some ways, all these different strains led me to develop the concept for Caffé Concerto, but it wasn’t until I met my wife, Erin, that I really felt the conviction to start a restaurant. When I first met her, I had already been toying with the idea of opening a restaurant, and when I found out how successful she had been in creating her own franchise of Japanese restaurants, we immediately had a lot to talk about. :) So far, what has been your greatest professional success? There have been a lot of highlights in my life, but I don’t like to think that I’ve reached success. If I did, then I wouldn’t have the motivation to work towards anything new! As a restaurant owner, what are your dayto-day responsibilities? My wife is really the business head, and my domain is the design,


ambience, and creative conceptualizing of the restaurant. On a daily basis, I get to the restaurant in the morning to have some coffee and find inspiration through music, articles, and books. I also meet with vendors and observe the work flow at the restaurant to make sure that the quality of service is maintained. If it is busy, sometimes I will even seat customers and greet them to make sure they feel welcomed. What’s your secret to keeping customers coming in? There really is no secret to anything that we do. The truth is that success comes with consistency and hard work. That is very hard to maintain and perhaps this is why success feels so elusive. The formula is out there for everyone to seek if they are ready for that dose of medicine! Where do you get your ingredients from? We source our ingredients from a number of vendors, because as you know we have quite a large menu. Our dessert ingredients are sourced from specialty shops in LA and NY. Our produce is sourced from vendors here

« I don’t like to think that I’ve reached success. If I did, then I wouldn’t have the motivation to work towards anything new! »

- Interview by BB.Bouk


// LION KIM x CAFFE CONCERTO L.A IG: @CaffeConcertoLosAngeles

in LA, but whether the produce is actually grown, who knows! The market for food is so vast now, it is quite difficult to know exactly where something was grown. What are 3 tips for running a successful restaurant? Stay diligent, stay positive, and stay calm! What are some of your next challenges and/or future plans? Our biggest challenge right now is knowing how to grow our brand in the right ways. We are opening another location in the Westfield Santa Anita Mall. We are also looking to expand our line of desserts and possible acquire a commercial kitchen so that we can make greater quantities of macarons (possibly to ship!). The possibilities are endless, but it’s really about how you can grow at a steady rate, and keep the quality of the Caffé Concerto experience at the same caliber that we strive for.

When someone cooks for you at home or at friends’ for example, do people feel pressured to cook you something incredible because you own a restaurant? Hahaha.... my mother was also a restaurant owner so actually I’ve always been a discerning eater. I don’t think much of how I eat has changed since opening the restaurant, but let’s just say that my friends have learned to take my criticisms with a grain of salt :) It’s funny though, because when I eat with my family, we are all very critical of what we eat... not to the point of not being able to enjoy the food, but enough to know that we are eating for both pleasure and critique. It’s a lot of fun actually, and we end up learning a ton when we all eat together.

«The truth is that success comes with consistency and hard work. That is very hard to maintain and perhaps this is why success feels so elusive. The formula is out there for everyone to seek if they are ready for that dose of medicine!» See the full menu for Caffe Concerto Los Angeles at: www.caffeconcertousa.com



|#POPKRUSH - KATJA GLIESON (@KatjaGlieson) Can you present your recent single «Look At Us» in three words! Ahh in three words? Fun, Fresh and Self-confident. I grew up the D.U.F.F. so this song is for everyone and anyone that has felt like this, you can be fabulous and the life of the party. You’re not the designated ugly fat friend - you never were! This song celebrates being all of you and not apologizing for it. The video went viral very fast! Do you think Youtube is the best way to promote your music today? I really think You Tube is a fantastic platform for artists and content creators. It has given independant artists a chance to have their work seen and heard, a place to potentialy be discovered, and to connect with people. For people who still don’t know you, you also played «ELSA» in a #PrincessRapBattle video that hit over 50 million views on the net via YouTube! That’s impressive. How did you get this opportunity to be in this video with other YouTube stars? The series creator Whitney Avalon said she originally thought of doing a female rap battle, but had a stroke of genius and thought it would be interesting to play the roles of Disney Princesses. Whitney knew that I was a singer and thought I looked a bit like Elsa. She told me the idea and I

What do you hate the most? Wow that’s a super strong word! I couldn’t say I hate anything about Melbourne. I do hate that we are yet to legalize gay marriage in Austalia. It is long overdue and I cannot fathom as to why we are so far behind the rest of the world. Two years ago, we interviewed Iggy Azalea. She told us that Australia didn’t get her enough opportunities in the music industry. No outlets at all! Did you feel the same? Was it the reason you left Australia for Hollywood? To be honest, I really only developed as an artist in Australia for a short time, moving here before I even attempted to explore Australia’s music industry, so I honestly couldn’t really comment authentically on what opportunities Australia could have had for me. For me, it’s more about being surrounded with people who have the same passions as myself and for me and what I want to create, LA seems to be right for me - but I have always been in love with the USA and always dreamed of living here! It may have something to do with the fact that I was obsessed with Sandy in Grease haha. The beauty of music is, it’s a universal language. It trancends borders. A lot of Australian based artists come to the US to work on their music and bring it back to Australia. We love music from the US. Personally, in my new writing sessions, I am blessed to have producers open to my ideas in experimenting with some native Australian music.

«First time I came to California... American men’s chivalry surprised me. I never had a guy open doors for me. It’s weird. And the whole “official dating” thing? Really freaks me out! It’s overwhelming. Most Aussies just like having their mates and hanging out. Eventually you end up going out with someone you have a great connection with.» was hooked! I really loved the comparison of the first original Princess against societies most recent. Young girls look to these characters as role models and a lot has changed since Snow White was created. I guess you had a lot of fun on set? Am I wrong? Of course, we had so much fun! It was a very hot day and some of the girls were in a lot of layers, but were so professional and upbeat. It was a very humble production and everyone donated their time, talent and energy. One of our crew members even celebrated her brthday on set with us! The location belonged to no other than the sweet lady who played Snow White’s witch for the line “And who eats an apple a stranger gives ya?” It was pretty amazing that she made a cameo in the video. I’d only met Whitney once prior to the shoot, and by the end of the day we were all friends.


Coming from Melbourne, Australia, What do you love the most about your city? It is a super artsy town. I loved growing up having access to some of the most beautiful, organic funk/soul live music. There is an entire street crossing Brunswick and Johnston street where you can literally walk from cafe to restaurant and you will find some very talented artists in every corner. We also have the BEST coffee!

Summer 2015... What are you cooking for your fans? Look At Us is set for release on iTunes worldwide. It’s currently on the radio and available in Europe. I am also playing with ideas for my next music video and hopefully an EP release. All the while, going out on tour with “Summer Jam” and co-writing some new Pop-Fusion music. Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Periscope... It sounds like you are a real social media junkie! Periscope is a new growing app. Why did you choose this platform in particular? Periscope was a perfect platform to really bring people into my life. Prior to Periscope, I connected a lot with my fans or as I call them Special Agents on twitter and facebook. It wasn’t until Periscope, where we are able to have conversations while I show them what it’s like as an independant recording artist, where I was truly able to connect personally and intimately with my fans. They come with me to writing sessions, rehearsals, live shows, they help me go shopping for red carpet outfits and costumes. No photoshop, no autotune, no editing. Just me and my friends.




|NIKKI // SHE BRINGS THE HEAT FROM BRAZIL - by French Cxcaine How can you define the Brazilian pop music? I believe that the national pop is growing and turning to have more space in the media. With representatives of weight, every day we hear Pop in radios and realized the increase in the public interest. Now the focus is not only on the international representatives. We can see a lot of quality and talent here in Brazil. You recently decided to change your stage name «Nicky Valentine» to «Nikki». Why did you do this? This is a desire that I have for some time and with the help of my team, we decided that this would be the best time. With the launch of the new songs, a new look and a new CD, we also decided to make the transition name. We chose «Nikki» for being a shorter name, strong and without losing the essence of the original name! How did you hook up with OH Produções? Who is the team behind your work? My team is very wide! We have a very strong work together and with many professionals supporting us in every way. The agency carries out the entire project planning and how to run it in the best way. From there we work to respect all the deadlines and deliver good music for fans. Pedro Pitanga, Fernanda Silva, Thiago Jager, Guilherme Lagrota, Uncas Tadeu, are some of the professionals who work daily with me!

risk since I had never done anything in our language, but we decided to do it anyway. The acceptance of the public was amazing and one of the best results I’ve had in my career. «Sei Lá» ... Tell us more about this song. How did you find the inspiration to write it? This song was created when I met my boyfriend, Danillo Mendes, who is the lead author of this song. He began to develop the lyrics and the melody and I was helping him to finish. When the song was nearly ready, we rely on the help of Thiago Gimenes to finalize the chorus. It’s a love letter made by a couple in love. Having the singer Leandro Buenno participanting in this track was an honor too! What are you preparing for summer 2015? We are preparing the new CD launch for the second half of this year. We’re also working on a new tour and new songs! Many new features are coming! I heard you recently worked with artists abroad as Dream Kayris & Moka Blast. How did you develop all these connections outside of Brazil? I might have this contact through my agency. My work in electronic music can be quite known in international clubs and this aroused the interest of some artists to partnering. It is very nice to count on this exchange of experience and rhythms because we have the opportunity to enrich our work and bring to public artists who often are not yet known here.

«The craziest thing a fan has ever done for me? A huge tattoo!! My dear fan, Weslley, has a tattoo with my name on his arm!» IG: @Nikki_Official

«I hope you will enjoy the new album, the new look and all the news that we are preparing with all affection!!! Kisses with love!» Personally, I found you on the ‘Acabou’ song. What a super hit! In your opinion, what has been your top # 3 best songs so far? «Acabou» is very special because it was my first job in Portuguese released as a single. I believe that along with this song, I have a few more singles that marked my career, «Cha Cha Boom» and «Sei Lá» are some examples of successful and they gave me great pride. What is the story behind this single «Acabou»? The music was created by me and my friend Thiago Gimenes in 2010 in English («Enough»). When we decided to record the song to include in my first album («Papa’s Princess»), we thought maybe a version in Portuguese would be nice. It would be a big


Can you tell us more about this new collaboration? They collaborated on the remix of «You Won’t Bring Me Down». It was very nice to see the new look that music gained from their collaboration! To all our readers ... you single? No! As I said in the previous question, I am very well committed to the also singer-songwriter, Danillo Mendes. The best music to «make love»? (Choose one of his songs) ... Wow... This is a difficult question. If the mood is more romantic, you can choose «Sei Lá», but if the mood is more spicy perhaps «Tonight»! Interview by Marcus Lagrande






Gipsy Spirit

brought to you by kloud9agency.com



Interview by French Vouvou

// INDIE GUEST: JAY COOLZ «The Day I Became A Man» For our readers, where do you come from? Where were you born? Currently reside in Portsmouth, VA where I was born and raised as well. How is the local Hip Hop scene in Portsmouth? The local hip hop scene in my city is starting to get competitive and there are rappers everywhere trying to explore their talents. The thing you love the most about your city? I love the rich history behind Portsmouth, VA from the legendary Commodore Theatre to the lovely restaurants. Not being born during the times this city was developing sucks but to be apart now this present day is beautiful. However, I hate how musicians don’t show local support for other musicians, it seems like everyone is trying to achieve on their own and that is difficult. There aren’t any consistent venues or showcases that give you more exposure to expand your talent. How did you get into music when you were younger? That special time you discovered your talent? I discovered my talent after my high school graduation in June of 2012 and started to get more involved. I wrote and did my first recording to Cash Out’s “Hold Up” in an apartment in Norfolk, VA. I recognized my special talent when I performed my song Cash Talk at my first artist showcase at the Queen’s Way Soul Café in Suffolk, VA when I finished a guy grabbed me by the arm after my nervous performance and said ‘ you need to feel your music more” .


In 4 years, you lost your mother and your father! Just incredible. Were those years the time you became a man? Yes, after losing both parents I realized that I became the new leader and had a new role as a father and big brother to my sisters. I learned that this big responsibility was now in my hands so I wanted to grow each day and better myself. It impacted my life because I’ve learned that being prepared and more organized makes things less complicated as an adult trying to live life everyday. Instead of falling into darkness, it reinforced your faith. What is the place of GOD in your life? My family and I didn’t give our life to Christ until 2001 and ever since then God has been number one. From giving me a strong-mindset to not giving up on anything or anybody I owe it to him and I thank him for blessing my parents for the wisdom that was passed. Im 22 years old with no kids, no stds, and I have never been incarcerated. It takes a lot to not let peer pressure grasp you and I thank God for blinding my eyes from the violence surrounding me to focus on reality and not evil company. So far, what are your 3 biggest Highlights? My first biggest highlight would be handling my business and taking care of my siblings on my own. Secondly, I would say winning a three months time custody battle within my family over my sisters and taking my parents responsibility. Lastly and thankfully I would say that this magazine opportunity is a major highlight because I have a beautiful testimony and now I feel like I can touch hearts even more.


Is music a way to express your deep feelings? It took me awhile to readapt when my parents were no longer on Earth because I was depressed and wanted to let everything loose. I held my anger and instead of screaming I wanted to scream out my testimonies over a microphone full of rejoice and relief. Its such an unforgettable blessing because I had speech problems as a kid and now I can express verbally in every way.

I mean wouldn’t you rather listen to artists talking about the daily struggle of single mothers, violence, being vivid and much more?

Can we expect a mixtape for 2015? Yes you certainly can expect a mixtape this year of 2015, I have been working hard so my target release is looking towards the middle month of August and it will be beautiful. Please follow me on Instagram @_iamcoolz follow my journey and Soundcloud search Johnnie M. Simmons to listen to my journey.

What is your message for kids...those young Hip Hop addict? My message for young hip hop addicts is to record off of your own vibes and tell your story not anybody else’s story. If you don’t have that certain amount of money or violent behavior then don’t carry your musical perception into a false interpretation. Be who you are and try to step away from the same material.

Is there too much violence in Hip hop? Yes there is a lot of violence is todays world of Hip Hop, artists are praising the violent lifestyle instead of mentoring younger artists on how to be realistic.

Talking about Hip Hop... What is your opinion about the current state of Hip Hop? I think artists need to emphasize testimonies. I don’t understand how artists can get recognition for negative songs instead of being realistic.

«Ten years from now I imagine myself growing into that older mentor I’ve always pictured myself being. I picture my music career blossoming into newer heights and spreading in family households. I imagine myself standing in front of hundreds even millions of people spreading my testimony around a entire room and touching every heart whether through song or public speaking.»

Interview by Krislord Brown Follow Jay Coolz: @jaycoolz757 (twitter) / @ _iamcoolz (Instagram) Listen to Jay Coolz’ latest songs: Soundcloud: johnnie-m-simmons








How did you meet Rick Ross? How did the group « Triple C’S » begin? Share with us the story. I met Ross while i was laying low down south at my sister’s crib; I had some legal issues in my hometown the Bronx, NY, so i went to lay low. One day, she saw a sign that read “looking for artist”, she calls the number and Ross pickedup, at this time Ross was using the name Teflon... so anyway, he answers to my sister & say something like “yea put him on the phone”, so i get on the phone and i just spit for him. Then he was like “i wanna meet up”. So i eventually go meet with Ross, when we meet, he has Gunplay there with him, so he ask me to spit in front of him and Gunplay, i spit and once i’m finish spitting, Gunplay’s like fuck outta here , he aint write that shit..i just started laughing, after that day Triple C’s was created..we been brothers since. As a friend and a major rapper in the game, what did Rick Ross bring to your music & your career? Number one thing he taught me is work ethic, the man outworks everybody, and thats pushes me to work even harder for my career. if you outwork your competition, you definitely will garner some attention. He also taught how to be meticulous when it come to picking beats.. You are a member of MMG but also the CEO of «Specialyst Entertainment». Who is the team behind that company & your projects? Yea i own that company with my brothers Geter k & Lou, they are in charge of most of the day to day operations, but be on the look out for the first artist on specialyst ent. Provalone P, he has been featured on all of my projects, he got


After that great success & recognization, you got a Solo Album in perspective? I’m still working, I’m still building my buzz up, once the demand is there for a solo album, we’ll cross that bridge, but for rite now, I’m just gonna keep putting out music and videos till the demand is there. Do you plan to shoot more videos for 2012? yea, my plan is to shoot a video for every record i put on my projects. i got three in the stash now, be on the look out for that Slowdown video dropping very soon After so many years in the game, What are now your motivations? Your goals? Respect! is my number one motivation..and of course seeing my brother Gunplay get his solo deal..man thats motivating... he worked hard for that, and i will do the same. As a rapper & businessman, do you consider yourself as a role model for the kids from the streets? What advices can you give to them who want to succeed in the entertainment industry? i have a son, so yeah I’m a role model to him, but i don’t sugar coat it for him or anyone, its a cold, cold world out here, my advice to the kids is never give up, and work hard if you truly wanna give yourself a chance to succeed in anything, not just music. Interview by BB Bouk made in 2012 Photos by Nick Suttle



Does Indian music touch more and more people in your country. I mean out of the indian community? What is your opinion about that? Most definitely. I think music overall is becoming one because people are so open to different sounds. Back in the 80’s there was a mad segregation on how music was consumed due to language barriers but now we have songs like ‘Mundeya to bach ke’ (beware of the boys) by Punjabi MC. That song has all communities jamming to it, whether or not they understand the lyrics. I think music now is about sound design rather than just the lyrics which is advantageous for any style. Can you tell us more about the HIGH HEELS single? I feel like High Heels was meant to be my song because of how it came about. When I met up with the producer Honey Singh last year in November I recorded two songs which later we decided weren’t for me. We then went through a stage where we couldn’t agree on styles, but as time went by we came up with ‘Uchi adia da’. The song is exactly what I was looking for and I think the combination of a Hindi composition, punjabi lyrics and a European sounding beat worked well.

What are your coming projects? I’ve just finished shooting my latest single (unnamed) I’ve collaborated with Dr Zeus on this one - he’s one of the most celebrated Desi producers in the UK. Its a completely different vibe to High Heels. I try my best to make different styles of music because it’s what I want to be known for. I feel I’ve done that by delivering songs like Theke wali, Tere Mere and Bari Der on my debut album JD. I feel I kept that trend with High Heels Your best musical experience ever in London? That would have to be London Mela this year. The mela is a big outdoor festival with lots of people from a variety of communities, around one hundred thousand people make it down there. I fulfilled one of my dreams by performing with a full on Orchestra. I was joined on stage by the 71 Philharmonia Orchestra - these guys are the Royal Albert Hall’s resident Orchestra. Just the thought of performing with them was overwhelming. It was such a breath taking experience, something that will always be special whatever else I do in my career. TW: @thejazdhami & FACEBOOK: jazdhamiofficial

“I fulfilled one of my dreams by performing with a full on Orchestra. I was joined on stage by the 71 Philharmonia Orchestra...”




“I’m not selling dreams, I’m telling the truth, what it all really is, and what it takes”

What is the major difference between the NBA and the European leagues? The major difference would probably be the athleticism. There are more athletic players in the NBA than in Europe. Europe is more team oriented. More “together as teamwork”, pass first! Over here is more individual based!

Was your move to the Maccabi decisive. Did it launch your professional carrer? No the previous year, I had played with Golden State and I had played with Boston earlier on in the year. So Maccabi gave me a great opportunity to run with a high level organization. Was it an interesting experience for you as a man? The experience just changed me.. My life! Before then, I didn’t know anything about Israel other than what was being said through the medias. And it’s made out to be bad. But once I got there, it was completely different! The culture, the foods, the people.. Everything was just so different. It was hard for me to understand and adapt new ways. My life style changed, my eating habits changed! I was eating a whole lot better. And it wasn’t as dangerous as people may think. The people were kind of hard on us as a team, cause they expect a lot from the team. The whole country depends on it. The team is like an extension of the country so it gets a lot of attention. The media was kind of hard on us, pressuring us, since so much was expected of the team. but the whole experience helped me as a player to be able to deal with situations like that. Every game is like your last game there. It’s that kind of pressure that Im talking about!


As a pro basketball player you are selling dreams to young kids from the streets. Do you consider yourself to be a role model for them? It’s hard to say because when you’re growing up in the situation, it (the dream of making it out there) seems so far and it’s a different stand point where you’re looking at it from (growing up) the viewpoint you have now as an adult. So when I go back, I try to be hands on with the kids, and be approachable so they can understand that I’m just like them and know that I understand them.. I try to get them to see a more realistic view of what it takes. Because I know that it may seem so far away when your growing up. It did to me back then. But its achievable! Now that I’m here, I try to show the kids values as much as I can, things that I’ve learned and I’ve lived by. I just try to share it with them as much as I can so that hopefully can help. I’m not selling dreams, I’m telling the truth, what it all really is, and what it takes...like I said it’s tough, it’s like hitting the lottery. But it doesn’t matter what you are or what you decide to do, it’s the same steps. It’s the same formula and that’s what I think kids need to understand. And maybe you wont be a NBA player but you may be successful at playing in Europe or Overseas, or it can be in whatever you’re trying to do, be the CEO of a company... You have that type of focus and u give it that same type of effort, then there’s nothing you cannot do when you approach it like that! When you have that kin of mindset or mentality. Thats what it takes!

Focusing on Will Bynum, what music do you listen to? Who’s your favorite artist or group? I like a number of artists... Kanye West, Jay Z, Lupe Fiasco... Just to name a few.



How was the Hip Hop music industry in Australia when you were younger? Non existent. I actually discovered hip hop on the internet. It changed my whole world. It excited me. What did all those moves & travels bring to you as an artist? And as a woman? It has brought me an understanding of different cultures and people around the world. I feel lucky to have been to so many places, had so many experiences – it certainly helps my songwriting. With the notoriety, Do you still take the time to communicate with your fans through your social networks account? My Generation grew up on line, it’s 2nd Nature to us to exist online. I speak to fans on Twitter. I love communicating with them. They are the best… Back to 2011 … Was the PU$$Y single video decisive for your career? Indeed. It was great to make and so exciting to see how quickly it blew up. What was the message behind that song? Pu$$y empowered women . So many girls have told me their appreciation for the video. Girl Power.

How did you hook up with T.I & Grand Hustle? He called me up one day and we’ve been friends since. We’ve worked together on different records and performed together. You have travelled a lot so far! What was your best trip? Any trip home to LA for a day off is the best trip of all. Your worst? Spain- its not the country , just one time we had a very strange trip there. Is 2013 the best year in your career ? I doubt it, I have a feeling there will be Even greater years to come for my career. The New Classic... Your first official album ! Define it with three words & explain why... I did define it in three words: The. New. Classic. It’s self explanatory to anyone that can. Look at that statement subjectively. May it Live up to the title! Do you work with european artists? How do you develop all those connects out of USA? I spend 50% of the year abroad so its very easy to meet people, as far as who I work with - I work with great people. Where from doesn’t matter. Interview by Bertrand Boissier / 2013



|LatinFlavA // SITO ROCKS (@SitoRocks) Recently, I heard your remix «Pakito» feat Yandel on Soundcloud. It really rocks! It’s been a long time since you haven’t released a merengue/mambo track? Why? Glad you guys like the “Plakito” remix. I had blast recording it. (Sito Rocks sitting in a Cuban Café spot in Little Havana, FL while Salsa music plays in the background) haha Good question, I’ve been really focused working on my cross-over project from Latin to Pop. That put a minor delay on the Merengue/Mambo tracks, but don’t worry I have some fire in the vault. A lot of people still don’t know your love for Photography. Tell us more about Benhur Photography? How did the story begin? (Sips on a shot of Cuban Coffee) A lot of people don’t know I have a BFA in Photography. I’m a very visual person. Since I was a kid, I attended pro Art «My Latin single titled “Ella Se Pego” schools and there, I learned Art featuring mulit platinum recording artist & History and how to work with reggae legend “Snow” aka “Informer” has different mediums. I worked for a smooth and sexy reggae vibe. We will the amazing fashion house of Perry Ellis for about 8 years bebe shooting the music video in Jamaica» fore my music career took off. As As a Professional Photographer, I created many recording artist CD Covers and Imaging. Photography got me in the door to professional recording studios. Who was Sito as a kid? How did you get involved into music? I was born in Miami, FL but was raised in Hollywood FL which I like to call HollyHOOD. As a kid, I was very athletic played sports. I was introduced to Break Dancing & Hip Hop through my hood friends and my cousin Dj Fresco. Fresco taught me how to DJ using Technics and classic 12 inch vinyl records. By the way, I still have my collection of vinyls. I guess that was my introduction to Hip Hop, but my passion for music is in my bloodline. My father and all 4 of his brother are musicians. They had a very successful Salsa Band called “Sangre Latina” in the 70’s from Cuba. I grew up around congas, trumpets you name it. You co-founded «Smash Eleven», your Entertainment company based in FL. Who is the team behind your movement? (Taking a second to post on Instagram @sitorocks) Haha yeah, I got to post


something for the fans you know… Yes, I co-founded Smash Eleven about 10 years ago with my boy Mario “Genio” Coto. We felt that being independent would best for us. We have an amazing team. Our company has grown over the years. We signed Latin recording artist “El Chevo” Moombaton & EDM Producer “Dj Maahez”. We have huge relationships & affiliations with major brands now. So I’d have to say… our little company is making noise. Personally, i discovered your music with the smash «Dime Tu Nombre» in France. Was it the first time your music was played in Europe? Eso si… “Dime Tu Nombre” is one of my favorite songs I recorded. Tremenda nota esa noche (I was feeling nice after a few drinks that night at the studio). First of all, I would like to say thank you to all the Club Djs, Radio Djs and fans in France for the love, real talk. Actually, that was not the first time my music was played in France. My first smash played in France was “Party On My Level” featuring international Dj Sak Noel (known for Loca People). It charted #1 in Bacelona, Spain, Mexico and #5 in Costa Rica. Oh yeah and #1 in the Poland digital charts. That song has great energy. Speaking about France, “Avaricious” The Story of Will, a short film I star was nominated for Festival De Cannes. I’m really excited about this… The film is directed by Michael Garcia. You can watch the trailer on Youtube. Is «Party On My Level» your biggest highlight so far? “Party On My Level” definitely made me an International Artist. No Doubt! 5 million views on YouTube.com I’m feeling blessed. My Nasty Rockers are global now… hahah, incase you didn’t know… I call my fans “Nasty Rockers” cause we go hard in the paint. What are the next stops? You know it, gotta keep collecting those stamps for my passport. (Two gorgeous Miami girls walking by & wave hello to Sito Rocks) Haha that’s 1 of the main reasons I love Miami… My next few stops are in U.S.A. I will be at the LMX DJ Choice Awards in San Diego, Ca, then Los Angeles, San Antonio Texas then back to my home town Miami. The summer will be nuts all over South America.


«We will be releasing it Mid May 2015. My English single titled, “Lola”, is high energy and super fun. I was inspired by the classic Big Band feel. This track has live horns arranged by Latin Grammy Award winner Marlow Rosado & produced by my brother from another mother Genio.» - Interview by BB.Bouk


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