Long distance Relationship I once took a picture of my friend and her new boyfriend kissing . she lived here and he lived in Mexico , i told him that she is cheating on him with another guy he didn't believe me so he stopped talking to me .
By: dezarae guerrero
Money Rich people have money they can buy everything in the world but what they can't buy is love and feeling. He is around when everything's going good but when things go bad he is nowhere to be found. Because he is just with you for what you have, not for who you are. That HE is money, money is evil, it messes with your brain and it change how you are and you act like you better than other people.
By Sergio Guzman By Sergio Guzman
Family By Elijah Costilla Family help you to be alive and stay safe. They you that they care about you. The some time make there own food for you and also give you some nice thing. But some time the can take your stuff away but they reason why they do that is because the love you. Sometime there in stress some time they don’t care sometime there anger some time they chose for you sure they lose ever thing but they want to show you what life is and show that they can for you.
Video games are life work,video games can people soul, excited, Time to play some games and time to be a pro player, this video game life work too old it came time it gave people joy all of that video game make us that way but when there thing happen so game like they make want have playing it so video game gave us a choice and game alway change like us even get even old video games will be there and time come game alway will be there you get old and have some time turn off we go away so game past black and when we are game will not change . by joel lopez
Love never lasts. No wonder why people get hurt Why are people like that Can someone just stay with someone and don’t cheat on the person People don't get it when they brake up. I'm the one that gets hurt why can a guy just tell me what’s going on Why does he have his friend tell me? Can he just leave me alone and instead talk to me. Saying sorry is not enough!!!!! I'm glad me and you are done. I don't need you in my life. You were always talking to girls around me .i'm doing great without you. You were everything to me until you cheated on me. Then I stop caring about you and I'm happy without you.
By: Ana Rivas
E-Sports Some people say it’s not a sport but I feel like it is because of the dedication and the time and effort it takes. The dedication is playing Pugs and doing team matches to get the strats down and watching Demos every day to take notes to get better and better and to figure out the team’s strats by the things they do so you can counter them. That’s the time and effort it takes to become professional. It was hard playing against team that was better than me but I got better over the time and watching demos to get a better understanding of the team strats better so I can counter them.
By- Jose
Dreaming by: Samantha Gutierrez When I think of dreaming I think of all different dreams that anyone could dream of what they want to be or what they wandered in there life and I forever wonder I want life and what life do i want? I want a family or get married I have designs I want to go to school here or live with my parents or live on my on own or with a roommate or live here or out of state