HoofPrint Summer Issue Vol 4

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Hoof Print

Volume 4 Summer

The Small Ruminant Magazine

EWES ON VACATION An Inside Look: The KY Sheep & Fiber Festival

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep: How Genetic Inheritance Works



What’s happening with your Kentucky Sheep and Goat check­off dollars?

Current program objectives:

1. Increase the supply of sheep and goats in Kentucky

2. Increase the consumption of Kentucky raised sheep and goats Coming soon…

♦ New Farmer Recruitment Program

Provides 0% interest loans for farmers to add sheep or goats to their farming enterprises.

♦ KY Sheep and Goat Check­Off Fund Grants

Provides funding for sheep and goat related special projects that meet the above objectives.

For additional information on these programs visit


Your Check­Off Dollars at Work! 2


Features YOUTH 8

Gaining the Competitive Edge: Judges’ Guide to Showmanship By Jason Brashear




Anthelmintics Explained By Susan Schoenian


NEWS TO EWES 12 Ewes on Vacation By Donald G. Ely



Baa, Baa, Black Sheep: How Genetic Inheritance Works By Debra K. Aaron




An Inside Look: The Kentucky Sheep & Fiber Festival By Tess Caudill

DIRECTORY 23 HoofPrint Magazine Published Quarterly $24 per year EDITOR Karin Pekarchik DESIGN & LAYOUT Misty Ray Hamilton OFFICE SUPPORT Sharon Koontz

20 > > Shown on the cover is Allison Fink, daughter of Endre and Betsy Fink.

CONTRIBUTORS Jason Brashear Susan Schoenian Dr. Donald G. Ely Dr. Debra K. Aaron Tess Caudill


PHOTOGRAPHY Tess Caudill Dr. Debra K. Aaron Andy Ashton

Account Executive:


Executive, Editorial & Advertising sales directed by Kentucky Sheep & Goat Development Office:

E-mail: info@kysheepandgoat.org Shelley Wade Meyer, ddcshel@hotmail.com

> > V i si t u s a t www. Ky S h ee pA n dGo at.o rg

P.O. Box 4709 Frankfort, KY 40604-4709 © 2011 All content




“ This is a very

serious issue everywhere in the United States. . . . They receive millions of dollars in donations each year. Out of all the money they receive, less than 1% is annually spent on animal care. The rest goes toward advertising, salaries, lobbyists, and lawyers trying to force their ideas on everyone

{ KGPA President’s Letter }

Hello fellow goat producers,

There are lots of things going on in what I call the “goat world.” I just heard the prices from the graded sale in Bowling Green, and while they are lower than a few months ago, they are still holding steady at a higher than normal rate for May. And that is wonderful! The 4-H showing season is getting close as I write this letter. The goats shown by the clubs we work with were tagged in today. If you don’t have children in the 4-H program, try to attend one of the district shows, or state fair wether show some time. You will see an excellent example of our youth working hard at what they love to do. You will also see a lot of dedicated parents who are willing to do all the work it takes to make it happen. The sanctioned show season is also in full swing now. Good luck to all!

At the state level, all of the livestock groups are working hard to put together an animal care standards package, which will eventually be approved by the legislature. This is being done to help prevent groups such as PETA, and the HSUS from coming into our state and passing laws that will make caring for livestock more difficult. This is a very serious issue everywhere in the United States. Groups like the ones listed above are working hard to ensure that some day everyone will HAVE to be vegetarians. They receive millions of dollars in donations each year. Out of all the money they receive, less than 1% is annually spent on animal care. The rest goes toward advertising, salaries, lobbyists, and lawyers else. trying to force their ideas on everyone else. I have no problem with vegetarians in general (and have some friends that are), but don’t think they should tell me what I should be eating. We all need It’s time to join or renew to let our non-farming friends know what is actually going on with these groups, and we also your KGPA Membership! need to let our Farm Bureau representatives know how we feel about these issues. Most of the livestock farmers in this state know how to care for their animals, and do a good job of it. There Your $20 membership is a website (humanewatch.org) that helps us keep an eye on the most prominent problems with provides: these groups.

• 4 issues of the new HoofPrint Magazine

• A unified voice for the goat industry on the state and national level • Representation on important committees such as the new Check‐ Off and the Animal Care Standards board • Support of various educational and youth activities • And much, much more!!!

I want to state here and now, that these opinions are mine. The KGPA board members read these letters at the same time the association members read them. However, I do know a lot of people are as concerned about the issues with these groups as I am, and I just felt like it needed to be put out there for all the association members to read. Again, I have no problems with people being vegetarians when it is THEIR choice. On June 1st, I will be headed to a meeting on animal composting, which is a method the state is exploring as a way for counties to handle the dead animal problem. Nelson County already has this program in place, and some of our surrounding counties are working on their facilities and permits to follow suit. Have a great summer! Debbie McKay, President, KGPA

2011 KGPA Board of Directors Board Members Debbie McKay, President Donna Puckett, Correspondence Secretary New Haven, KY Munfordville, KY Warren Barton, Leitchfield, KY Kenny Fenwick, New Haven, KY Shawn Harper, Benton, KY Beverley Devins, Vice President (Meat) Mike Harston, Membership Secretary Ginger Perry, Upton, KY Perryville, KY Scottsville, KY Eric Woosley, Leitchfield, KY Allison Fister, Vice-President (Purebred) Denise Martin, Treasurer Georgetown, KY Mount Sherman, KY




{ TSPA President’s Letter }

Hello again from Clay County, Tennessee: I hope this issue of Hoofprint finds everyone well and with a great lamb crop. This is certainly a wonderful time to be in the sheep business! This strong market has been good for shepherds and all predictions are for it to remain strong for the near future. This is certainly an odd time for agriculture, with many commodities at record highs. The ASI legislative council made its annual trip to Washington D.C. to visit with legislative and USDA officials the first week of May. The big issue on the national level was the reduction in Wildlife Services funding. Tennessee does not receive any monies or services directly from Wildlife Services, but it is of importance to us because it helps maintain the overall strength and health of the U.S. sheep industry. Wildlife Services deals primarily with predator control. Losses to predators cost sheep producers over $18 million per year. I don’t look for any of this money to be added back to the budget given the current spending climate in D.C. Other issues of importance were the death tax, animal rights/welfare extremist groups and regulations, especially from EPA. My perspective is that our Tennessee legislators would be supportive of our views on each of these issues as long as it doesn’t require money. The focus of the majority of Tennessee legislators is to reduce spending. I hope everyone will continue to check the website, www.tennesseesheep.org, for upcoming news and events. Please make plans to attend our field day to be held July 23rd in conjunction with the Southeastern Dorper Show and Sale. There will be two guest speakers. Paul Rodgers of ASI will discuss the benefits of ASI. Greg Brann of NRCS will also be speaking about multispecies grouping and the use of annual forage crops. Greg runs cattle, sheep, and goats as one unit on his home farm and is currently running one animal unit (1,000 lbs body weight) per 1.8 acres. Very impressive! So be sure to check the website for the fall field day schedule. Tying all of these thoughts together about the current market, legislative issues, and educational events, I hope that TSPA can continue to represent all sheep producers at the State and National level and serve as a source of education on production and management. The avenues of direct marketing seem to grow and grow, and I find that Tennessee has an advantage in meeting the direct marketing demand at the local level and the demand at the national level through our ability to produce abundant forage. As I visit more with shepherds in the western U.S., I realize more and more what an opportunity we have with our forage resources. I would encourage each of you to use this resource to its full advantage and to seek ways to increase the sheep inventory. Tennessee’s sheep flock grows 10-12% annually. With forages being a very low cost input, maximizing their use will continue this growth trend.

“I hope that TSPA

can continue to represent all sheep producers at the State and National level and serve as a source of education on production and management. The avenues of direct marketing seem to grow and grow, and I find that Tennessee has an advantage in meeting the direct marketing demand at the local level and the demand at the national level through our ability to produce abundant forage.

May your sheep be healthy, your grass deep, and your fences strong. Reyes Rich, President, TSPA

2011 TSPA Board of Directors Reyes Rich, President Bill Kuecker, ASI Representative Moss, TN Dixon Springs, TN Drew Hatmaker, Vice-President Jim Neel, Ex-Offico Decatur, TN Knoxvile, TN Ben Powell, Secretary/Treasurer Warren Gill, Advisor Watertown, TN Murfreesboro, TN

> > Visit us at http://tennesseesheep.com/home.html

Board Members Edward Bowman, Gray, TN Alan Bruhin, Sevierville, TN Michael Green, Crossville, TN Philip Laken, Strawberry Plains, TN Dwight Loveday, Louisville, TN Scott Payne, Columbia, TN Daniel Rivers, Bon Aqua, TN Kayla Kimes, Celina, TN (Jr. Brd)




{ KSWPA President’s Letter }

To Kentucky Shepherds: “ With large farm

acreage in our state being gobbled up by urban expansion, a historically large grain crop and cattle order buyers, there are limited acres that can be managed for integrated livestock enterprises. Sheep are the number one sustainable enterprise that makes sense for someone with limited resources.

In case you missed it, there was an Associated Press article in the April business section of a lot of major newspapers titled “Sheep growers profit as lamb demand soars.” It talked about the high lamb prices, the growing nontraditional market we call ethnic marketing, and how the increased demand has come amid a drop in supply worldwide of lamb and wool. The best part: Kentucky was listed as a state that has picked up the pace on lamb production to meet the supply need. The American Sheep Industry has launched, to a reported tune of $500,000 from the National Sheep Industry Improvement Center, a program to increase the number of sheep in the United States. The plan, Let’s Grow with twoPLUS, has three main goals: to encourage producers to increase the size of their operation by two ewes per operation or two ewes per 100 by 2014; encourage sheep producers to increase the average birthrate per ewe to two lambs per year; and encourage producers to increase the harvested lamb crop by two %—nationally from 108% to 110%. There is even a video competition producers can enter. Go to www.growourflock.org. Now I know what you are thinking…two ewes per flock isn’t much, my birthrate is almost two lambs per year and who would stay in business at 108% lamb crop? The answer is Texas, Colorado, and other western big range states. Those guys have not improved any of these measurements in 100 years of record keeping. Western range flocks are so big, that if you do the math, they could add 315,000 more lambs and 2 million more pounds of wool with this program almost by themselves. Will they do it? Can they do it with the loss of public grazing lands, bans on hunting predators, and other environmental pressures? With that said, I have always believed that Kentucky could lead the way in livestock expansion. The KY goat industry has shown that to be true. With large farm acreage in our state being gobbled up by urban expansion, a historically large grain crop and cattle order buyers, there are limited acres that can be managed for integrated livestock enterprises. Sheep are the number one sustainable enterprise that makes sense for someone with limited resources. When you add the help of programs such as genetic improvement cost share from the Ag Development Fund, new farmer low interest production loans, and the immeasurable volume of sheep knowledge that can be gained through the UK Ewe Profit Schools and Sheeprofit Day, it’s a slam dunk. All of us in the sheep business should encourage others who are interested in sheep as an enterprise. Whether they are interested in producing sheep for wool fiber, dairy, or lambs, the market is there and wide open. Over the course of 31 years, I’ve never seen a better time to be in the sheep business. Is it easy? Heck no! Is there an opportunity? Heck yes! Is there a better bunch of people than the members of KSWPA to help get new producers started? Heck no! Please mark your calendars for the KY Sheep and Wool Producers Annual Meeting, October 29, held in conjunction with the KY Goat Producers Association. Plans are underway to make it a special event complete with a youth program and goat buck sale. We hope to see you there. Sincerely, Kathy Meyer, President, KSWPA

2011 KSWPA Board of Directors

Kathy Meyer, President B.P. Davis, Treasurer Richard VanSickle, Immediate Past President Paris, KY Mt. Sterling, KY Winchester, KY Bob Leer, Vice President Dorothy Vale, Make it with Wool Chair Paris, KY Nicholasville, KY Jim Mansfield, Secretary Roger Thacker, ASI Representative Salvisa, KY Versailles, KY

> > Visit us at http://www.kswpa.com/ 6


Warren Adcock, Campbellsburg, KY Sara Evans, Winchester, KY Endre Fink, Winchester, KY Alex Leer, Paris, KY Scott VanSickle, Auburn, KY Frank Vinson, Sonora, KY Linda Thacker, Board Meeting Hostess Versailles, KY


$24 individual subscription (included with association memberships)

For more information, email:

info@sheepandgoat.org Subscriptions available to individuals and associations. Mail this form and a check for $24 to: Ky Sheep & Goat Development Office, Inc. P.O. Box 4709 Frankfort, KY 40604 Name Address City


email This is a gift subscription from:


From genetics, internal parasites, showmanship, lambing and kidding, to vaccinating, Hoofprint’s experts deliver the timely information you need to succeed.





COMPETITIVE EDGE Judges Guide to Showmanship By Jason Brashear



Do you want to get ahead in the show ring? Exhibit your animals with pride and confidence? Show people what you are made of? Then polish your showmanship skills, grab your favorite animal, and get in the ring.


entire class. Take your animal into the ring and set it up as quickly as possible, hold its head high, and place its feet square. Once you’re satisfied with the way your animal is set up, step off the animal so that the judge can have a clear view of your project. If the judge pulls you out to walk toward them, be sure to walk out to the side of the animal and never stop or turn your animal close to the judge. Also, work your project when the judge comes to handle it. Be sure you know the preference of the judge when it comes to bracing > > Be attentive, not only to the judge, but to the an and if you don’t know, stay on the safe side and brace your imal and the classes before you. Paying attention to those prior animal with all four feet remaining on the ground (market classes can prepare you shows only). By workby showing you the way The first impression you make in the ring can be ing your animal propthe judge works the ring a lasting one. Enter the ring with pride and self erly in the ring you can and what he is looking hide its faults and show for. The first impression confidence, make eye contact with the judge, and off its features. you make in the ring can remember to smile. be a lasting one. Enter the Practicing these steps will polish your showring with pride and self confidence, make eye contact with manship skills till you shine. So go out and the judge, and remember to smile. Of course you have got to practice with your animal and become the remember your animal, that’s what you are there for anyway. Be sure to keep your project under control and always between best showman you can be, but don’t forget— you and the judge. always have fun.

any times, showmanship determines whether you have a banner day or not. All of us have seen exhibitors at some point or another take the best animal in the class and destroy its chances by not showing it properly. By mastering the following showmanship strategies, you can move to the front of the line.

> > Be smooth and fluid in your movements. As you move about the ring, move as gracefully as possible. Don’t run or walk in slow motion; move about the ring in a slow and steady pace and as you switch from side to side, keep that same speed. Remember, this is not a race to the other side of the goat or the other side of the ring. This smooth fluid motion is something you and your project will have to work on. An animal entering the ring for the first time on a chain or halter will not give you those smooth movements we are seeking. Choose the animal that is most cooperative to use in showmanship and work with that animal throughout the year to achieve your highest potential.

Jason Brashear is the 4-H Youth Development Agent in Letcher County, Kentucky, where he operates Backwood Farms, specializing in percentage Boer goats. He has judged around the country for the International Boer Goat Association.

> > Work your animal, but don’t over work it. There is nothing more aggravating than an individual who fidgets with an animal during the



Health & Management: Anthelmintics Explained By Susan Schoenian

An anthelmintic is a compound that kills or expels gastrointestinal worms. It is more commonly called a dewormer (sometimes, wormer) or drench (liquid medicine).




In the 1960’s and ’70s, organophosphate anthelmintics were introduced. Haloxon (Loxon) was eventually removed from the market because of toxicity issues. Thiabendazole (TBZ) was the first benzimidazole anthelmintic to be developed. It is no longer commercially available, as worms developed resistance to it. Today’s modern anthelmintics can be classified into three general groups: benzimidazoles, nicotinic agonists, and macrocylic lactones. Anthelmintics in the same group share similar chemistries and modes of action. Cross-resistance is probable when resistance develops to one anthelmintic in the group. BENZIMIDAZOLES The benzimidazole anthelmintics include Fenbendazole (SafeGuard®, Panacur®), Albendazole (Valbazen®), and Oxybendazole (Synathic®). Benzimidazoles (white 10 I VOLUME 4 SUMMER I HoofPrint

Benzimidazoles have a wide margin of safey and a broad spectrum of activity. They are effective against both the adult and larval stages of worms, as well as hypobiotic larvae.


The modern age of deworming began with the introduction of phenothiazine, which was administered as a drench or included in salt/mineral mixtures. It was sometimes combined with lead arsenic to kill tapeworms. Resistance issues and the ineffectiveness of the salt mixture led to its removal from the market.



Before 1940, the only compounds used to deal with worms were natural substances that had efficacy against internal parasites, but also posed a high risk of toxicity to the animal. Copper and nicotine sulfate were two such examples.

drenches) kill worms by interfering with their energy metabolism on a cellular level by binding to a specific building block called beta tubulin.

Albendazole is labeled for the control of tapeworms. It is also effective against adult liver flukes. However, as per its label, it should not be administered to ewes during their first 30 days of pregnancy or within 30 days of ram removal.

NICOTINIC AGONISTS The nicotinic agonist group of anthelmintics includes two sub-groups: imidazothiaoles and tetrahydropyrimidines. Tetrahydropyrimidines mimic the activity of acetylcholine, a naturally occurring neurotransmitter that initiates muscle contraction: Worms are unable to feed themselves and die. Imidazothiaoles have a similar mode of action, causing spastic paralysis of the worms. Levamisole (clear or yellow drench) is effective against adult and larval stages of worms. For several years, it was difficult to obtain levamisol, but it is now back on the market. It is sold under the trade name Prohibit®. Morantel (Rumatel®) is only effective against adult worms. It is the only non-drench anthelmintic: a feed additive that can be fed as a whole ration or used as a top-dress. MACROCYLIC LACTONES The third and newest class of anthelmintics is the

macrocylic lactones. The first drug in this class was ivermectin. It was introduced in the early 1980’s by Merck. Macrocylic lactones include two sub-groups: avermectins and milbimycins. The avermectins include ivermectin (Ivomec®) and its derivatives: doramectin (Dectomax®) and eprinomectin (Eprinix®). Moxidectin (Cydectin®) is the only milbimycin. It is the newest anthelmintic to be introduced to the market. All of the macrocylic lactone anthelmintics have a similar mode of action, as they were developed from the same genus of soil-dwelling organisms. They interfere with GABA-mediated neurotransmission, causing paralysis and death of the parasites.

the larval and adults stages of nematodes, as well as hypobiotic larvae. Ivermectin is also labeled for removal of nasal bots and other biting ectoparasites. Macrocylic lactones have persistent activity, though it varies by drug and formulation. Persistent activity is beneficial in that it prolongs the treatment period, but also detrimental because lower levels of the drug promote the development of drug-resistant worms. Susan Schoenian is the Sheep & Goat Specialist for University of Maryland Extension. She holds degrees in Animal Science from Virginia Tech and Montana State University. She is the author of several web sites pertaining to sheep and goats. Susan raises Katahdin sheep on her small farm in Clear Spring, Maryland.

Macrocylic lactones have a wide margin of safety and a broad spectrum of activity, being effective against both

THE REALITY OF ANTHELMINTIC RESISTANCE Though the severity varies by geographic region and farm, worms have developed resistance to all three groups of dewormers. No anthelmintic treatment will successfully kill all worms. Some worms will survive treatment and these worms will be immune to future treatment, while passing their resistant genes onto the next generation. Resistance will start to develop only a few years after a new drug is introduced. Resistance is permanent. Levamisole may be the exception, as resistance to levamisole is a sex-linked trait. While anthelmintic resistance is (was) inevitable, the speed at which it develops is driven by many factors, with frequency of anthelmintic treatments and selection pressure for resistant worms being the most important. Under-dosing is considered a significant cause of anthelmintic resistance. In fact, any practice which results in sub-therapeutic levels of the drug in the animal’s system will also accelerate the development of resistant worms.

TWO NEW ANTHELMINTICS, BUT WILL U.S PRODUCERS GET THEM? In 2009 Novartis introduced the first new anthelmintic in 20 years. Monepantel (Zolvix®) is the first drug from a new class of anthelmintics called amino-acetonitrile derivatives, which have a unique mode of action. They paralyze worms by attacking a previously undiscovered receptor. Zolvix® is currently available in New Zealand, Australia, Europe, and parts of South America. Startect® is a new combination drench (derquantel plus abamectin) developed by Pfizer. Derquantel is the first drug from a new anthelmintic class called spiroindoles. It has a unique mode of action and like Zolvix®, is effective against worms that are resistance to the other anthelmintics. At this time, Startect® is only available to New Zealand sheep farmers. It is not known if and when U.S. producers will have access to these two new drenches, as it is costly and timeconsuming to get FDA-approval for new drugs.

Anthelmintic resistance can be delayed by increasing refugia. Refugia are worms that are in “refuge” from the drug(s). In other words: They have not been exposed to anthelmintic treatment. There are many management practices that can increase refugia and prolong the efficacy of the anthelmintics, with minimal (selective) use of anthelmintics being the most important one.



Things I Saw at the 2011 KY Sheep & Fiber Festival: Yarn of every imaginable color Angora goats Angora rabbits Fresh squeezed lemonade Beautiful felt hats Local honey Alpacas & Llamas Wool spinning A lamb cooking contest Chocolate lava cake Goats’ milk soap A Border Collie herding demo Dorper sheep Sheep shearing KY lamb sandwiches Irish dancers Abraham Lincoln wool sculpture Sheep pottery A felt chicken Gorgeous paintings Wool sweaters Felted purses Jewelry Hand made baskets Raw fleeces Alpaca socks A mohair buffet Antique tractors Kentucky candy Lincoln Longwool sheep A silent auction Hand painted pottery Beeswax candles Baby lambs Chicago-style hot dogs Friendly people Sheep related paintings Barn wood furniture Wool roving Lamb gyros Fiber art wall hangings Scarves of all colors Fiber books Knitting needles Drop spindles 12 I VOLUME 4 SUMMER I HoofPrint

KENTUCKY SHEEP & FIBER FESTIVAL: Insider’s Look At the Products & the People By Tess Caudill

Imagine a sea of vivid colors and varied textures stretching as far as the eye can see. Fluffy wool dyed every color of the rainbow, balls of bright, tightly spun yarn, felted fiber turned into every imaginable shape. These are just a few of the sights you could see at the second annual Kentucky Sheep and Fiber Festival, held May 21st and 22nd at Masterson Station Park in Lexington. If possible, the second annual Kentucky Sheep and Fiber Festival was even more successful that the first, hosting 120 vendors with an estimated 3,000 people in attendance. One Kentucky vendor shared that she arrived at the festival with 15 raw fleeces. During the two day festival she sold 14 of those fleeces for over $550 with prices ranging from $8 to $15 per pound. She now has a waiting list for next year’s fleeces. Now that is value-added marketing and is truly what the festival is all about. After attending the first festival in 2010, I was amazed at all the different products. Having never attended such an event before, I had no idea the art that could be made from animal fiber. Throw that in with delicious food, including local lamb, and live displays of the animals that produce these products and I was truly taken aback. I mean, if you stop for a second and really think about the products, it takes your breath away. These products come from the animals we raise. But after attending the 2011 festival, I think I am more amazed at the people. There are people that can take a raw product like goat hair and turn it into something useful or beautiful or in most cases both. And while each path to the fiber world is slightly different, there seems to be two distinct themes. The first is that they fell in love with fiber animals but needed a way to market the fiber, so they learned to spin, knit, felt, crochet, sculpt, etc. The second theme is that they were already some type of artist, but at some point were introduced to fiber as a medium and fell in love with it. This path often also

While I visited with Susan Gilbert she was making a felted hen. She told me that as a teacher for many years, she often kept a similar felted hen in her classroom. She would place felted eggs under the hen each morning and encouraged her students to check and see what she had laid. At times she would keep the same eggs under her for a while and eventually replaced them with little felted chicks to the delight of her students.

ends with acquiring fiber animals. It really is an interesting circle where there seems to be no beginning and no end. However, the end result is a remarkable final product that could only be created by someone with immense passion for their work. These are truly amazing people.

“ In my opinion, the Kentucky Sheep & Fiber Festival showcases some of the most beautiful artistry ever exhibited from some of the most beautiful people. �

Take Karen Dun of Angel Fleece Alpaca Farm, for example. She began raising alpacas in Simpsonville, Kentucky, about 10 years ago. After working with larger livestock species, she wanted something that was easier to handle and manage. Only after getting alpacas did she learn to knit and make other products. Now her farm sells everything from raw alpaca blankets (fleeces), to hand-knitted sweaters, felt wrapped soaps, and even alpaca jewelry. HoofPrint I VOLUME 4 SUMMER I


Another example is Susan Gilbert of Goshen, Ohio. She came from a family of dressmakers and doll makers and always enjoyed being around and working with fabrics. She’s been felting for 20 years and raises Old English Baby Doll Southdown sheep. Susan makes stunning artwork from her Southdown wool, but she also buys fiber from other farmers. “I like the different textures of the different breeds,” said Susan. The result is spectacular. I thoroughly enjoyed taking a few minutes at the festival and visiting more in depth with several of the vendors. Had I not done this, I still would have been completely amazed at the sheer beauty of the products, but I would not have realized the uniqueness of the wonderful people that make them. In my opinion, the Kentucky Sheep and Fiber Festival showcases some of the most beautiful artistry ever exhibited from some of the most beautiful people. If you don’t believe me, be sure to check out the festival on May 19th and 20th, 2012. Tess Caudill, a marketing specialist for Kentucky Department of Agriculture, has been instrumental in developing the graded marketing program for goats and sheep. A model for surrounding states, the program has provided Kentucky producers access to quality markets for their products.

Vendors Spotlight During my days at the festival, I had the opportunity to visit with Jackie Miller and Patricia Eldridge from Huntsville, AL. Jackie has been making jewelry for 30 years and Patricia is a painter. I asked them how they became interested in fiber art and Jackie told me that two years ago she and Patricia took a class and made some self-described “ugly” dolls. They didn’t give up and took another class and this time made very lovely scarves and were hooked. Somewhere along the way in another art class, Jackie and Patricia met Laurie Popp of Fly Creek Farm in Pulaski, TN, who besides being an artist, raises sheep. Collectively, they put together quite a display of fiber and fiber related art and wearable items. According to Jackie, “after seeing the live animal you want to have a piece of that animal to make something with.” It’s that personal feel you get from their products that drew me to their booth over and over again; I truly enjoyed getting to know these special folks.

14 I VOLUME 4 SUMMER I HoofPrint

For classified advertising rates, please contact ddcshel@hotmail.com.

Directory Bagdad Roller Mills 800-928-3333 www.bagdadrollermills.com facebook, Bagdad Feeds Bluegrass Livestock Marketing Group http://bgstockyards.com/ Bluegrass Lamb and Goat 859-925-2000 Four Hills Farm Fourhillsfarm@earthlink.net Kentucky Goat Producers Association http://www.kentuckygpa.com Kentucky Sheep and Fiber Festival Debbie McKay, 502-549-3871 Kentucky Sheep and Goat Development Office http://kysheepandgoat.org/ Kentucky Sheep and Wool Producers Association http://www.kswpa.com

Hoofprint’s cooking!

Recipes Needed

Please submit your favorite sheep and goat recipes. We’re planning on publishing a reader favorite each issue (and eventually, a cookbook). Sheep, goat, meat, cheese, even fudge and soap recipes are welcome. Please submit to: Debbie McKay 2975 Clarktown Road New Haven, KY 40051-6116 Submissions become the property of Hoofprint and can be used, edited, and/or disseminated in any manner deemed appropriate, including but not limited to: print, Internet, radio, and social media.

For Sale: Katahdin hair sheep breeding stock, commercial ewes and ewe lambs. Four Hills Farm Salvisa, KY 859-325-5188

Bowling Green

National Livestock Producers Association http://sheepandgoatfund.com/ 800-273-7193 ext. 10 No Bull Enterprises Nobull.net 800-858-5974 Southern States Dorper Show and Sale dorper.org Tennessee Sheep Producers Association http://www.tennesseesheep.com/ United Producers, Inc. 270-843-3224 270-202-3235 University of Kentucky

http://www.uky.edu/Ag/AnimalSciences/ sheep/sheep.html

New Sale Schedule Graded Goat & Sheep Sales 2nd & 4th Thursdays of every month (270) 843-3224 or (270) 202-3235 4350 Louisville Road Bowling Green, KY

http://www.uky.edu/Ag/AnimalSciences/ goats/goat.html http://www.ca.uky.edu



Hyder-Burks Agricultural Center Tennessee Tech University Cookeville, Tennessee (Located on Interstate 40, just an hour East of Nashville)

Thursday, July 21 10:00 a.m. - Dorper Course

Friday, July 22 10:00 a.m. - Dorper Course • 5:00 p.m. - Show

Saturday, July 23 10:00 a.m. - Youth Showmanship • 1:30 p.m. - Sale 5:00 p.m. - ADSBS Judges School Sunday, July 24 9:00 a.m. - ADSBS Judges School

Expecting 150 Head

Early Maturity • Increased Fertility • Non-Seasonal Breeding Excellent Maternal Traits • Newborn Lamb Vigor

Champion Dorper Ram at the 2010 Sale sold from Ohio to Texas.

Champion Dorper Ewe at the 2010 Sale sold from Ohio to Ohio.

For further information, contact: Douglas P. Gillespie, Executive Secretary American Dorper Sheep Breeders Society Tel: 1-254-681-8793 Email: Dorpers@ymail.com

16 I VOLUME 4 SUMMER I HoofPrint

Champion White Dorper Ram at the 2010 Sale sold from Texas to South Carolina.

Champion White Dorper Ewe at the 2010 Sale sold from Texas to Kentucky.

American Dorper Sheep Breeders Society Ronda Sparks, Registrar P.O.Box 259 • Hallsville, MO 65255-0259 Tel: 573-696-2550 • Fax: 573-696-2030 www.dorper.org

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