Henderson times-Period 6

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The Henderson Times is the magazine to read to learn more about events, people and all things new in the 1920’s!

Table of Contents By: Kaitlyn Rose


A Briefing on Sacco- Venezetti Case: The execution of two Italian men leads to the questioning of American beliefs and priorities.


The 18th Amendment: Does the outlaw of alcohol really help decrease crime rate, or does it do the exact opposite.

6-8 Letters to the Editors: Science vs. Religion, Urban vs. Rural, and Wets vs. Dry, opposing viewpoints on American problems today.

10 How is the World Today: The disarmament of the world Navies.

12 Womens Rights: Women finally take their lives into their own hands, and gain the right that they deserve.

13 The Economic Bubble Burst: Credit, Stock Market, and Taxes! Oh MY!

15 How Technology Affects Entertainment in America: Movies and cartoons, with sound, and the radio liven up American entertainment.

17 Gertrude Ederle does the Impossible: Gertrude Ederle swims across English Channel in record breaking time.

19 10 Questions; Interview with Joe Nuncester: How has Joe felt about the 1920’s so far? 2

A Briefing on the SaccoVenezetti Case By: Kaitlyn Rose

In the later afternoon of April 15,1920, a paymaster and his guard were robbed and murder, while carrying a factory payroll of $15,776, down the main street of South Braintree, Massachusetts. Two Italian men were arrested for this crime, three weeks later, after falling into a trap set by the police. Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Venezetti were both carrying guns at the time of their arrest. This led up to both of the men being held and sent to trial. Venezetti was also tried for another crime that took place in 1919. Venezetti was tried on the lesser of the two charges, the failed robbery in 1919. He was found guilty when the American jury was not convinced by his Italian witnesses. Also he did not take the stand in his defense. He was given a sentence, more harsh than the usual, of ten to fifteen years. After a long, six week trial, the jury found both Sacco and Venezetti guilty for the robbery and murder in the spring of 1920. This was only the beginning of a lethally legal struggle to save these two men. On April 9, 1927, the two men were sentenced to death. On August 23, 1927, Sacco and Venezetti were executed. Americans are starting to question if our democracy is as perfect and flawless as we thought. Sacco and Venezetti, have been turned into passionate symbols, not only of the fundamental assumptions of American society but also the fundamental assumptions of American history.


Letter to the editor

(Below) Detroit police check out illegal underground brewery.

18th Amendment prohibits alcohol: good or bad idea? by Bailey Nock

The new law has been set and ratified. Alcohol sale and manufacturing has been prohibited, unless prescribed by a doctor or already owned before the law was passed. This is very controversial in the fact that alcohol has always been apart of American life. The government wants to prevent many troublesome things already going on like: people spending all their money on alcohol, and less fights due to drunkenness. When in reality, prohibition of alcohol does not prevent violence, but prohibiting it can cause a lot of new crimes and attacks. Now there are rumors of gang violence due to the new law. Also places called speakeasies where young men and women can illegally consume alcohol, are being opened. These places would not be illegal if the amendment had not passed. Does this new amendment really fulfill its purpose? Or is it just causing more violence and crimes then there already had been before? This is the main topic up for discussion. Is alcohol really stopping crime rates? or making them higher? Studies have shown that crime rates have increased since the prohibition. They don’t state the specific reason for many of the crimes but we have a good reason to believe that the prohibition of alcohol has not helped anyone and the amendment shouldn’t exist. 4


Science vs. Religion Science


People need to understand that evolution is the only explanation for how we were made. There is no evidence showing that there is a God or any of this Adam and Eve stuff, we all came from monkeys. There is plenty of evidence showing that we did, just looking at the similarities between us and monkeys, we are the only species to have opposable thumbs, we look fairly similar, and well, to be quite frank, we kind of act like them too.

There is not a chance that evolution is what created all human life and other forms of living organisms.

-Josh Pelland (Ohio City, Ohio)

Evolution may have contributed to the changes in species over the years but how does one suspect that all of the living things were placed on this earth? God, and other religious happenings, are the only explanation of how all humans, animals, and other living organisms came in to the world in the first place. How could anyone believe that it was just some pieces of cells combining together to make some massive life containing planet? ~Kaitlyn Rose (New York City)


Urban vs. Rural Urban


America should be made up of more cities and less country. Cities are more social and are more fun. Country people don’t understand anything because they are out in the middle of no where, with a bunch of sows. They can’t address problems appropriately. Sure there is alcohol in the cities but there is also alcohol in the country. If we’ re all together in a city, we can all do things together and we will be by each other more, making gatherings easier. -Bailey Nock

Americans should still be living in the country because the cities are causing so much air pollution and a lot of noise, which most people can’ t sleep through. Also there is not a lot of open area for people to plant crops, and if we all lived in cities there wouldn’t be enough area to grow crops. We country folk drink, but we don’t drink as much as people in the urban lifestyle.

-Carlin Morsch (New York)

(New York City)


Wet vs. Dry Wet


Women in the 1920’s should have more freedom, and less conflicts. Women should be getting jobs and better fashion. People can make more money and there will be new technology. Women should go out more instead of staying home because there’s more job opportunity for women. Woman can also get paid as much as males. Woman should be able to vote in the 1920s. If women had more freedom, America would have more freedom. And that’s what America's all about, Freedom. -Daniel Molina (Boston, MA)

In the past the US has done very well. We’ve won wars, elected responsible presidents, and overall just succeeded in many ways. If we just allow women to vote and have many rights, the US might not be able to make the same smart choices we’ve made before. Why change tradition? It could possibly change the way the country works. We also don’t know if that change will be good or bad. Why take the risk when we can just keep it how it is. I say NO to women’s rights. I have nothing against women, but they just don’t know how to do things the right way. -Joe Nuncester (New Jersey) 8


How is the World Today? By Josh Pelland

In recent news, the U.S, among other countries, have signed a treaty to “right the wrongs”, by giving up all unnecessary arms, and will fight until terms are agreed upon. We will be giving up all navy boats that are not required, but that doesn’t limit smaller ships. Japan will be keeping the most ships due to their small involvement in the war as well as their war with Russia. In other news, unemployment, as many of you will know, has been skyrocketing due to the large scale demobilization of the army now that the war is over. The government has asked for employers to hire those coming back from the war. In other news, new laws have passed banning alcohol purchase and drinking, (P.S. send us a letter if you are interested in finding places to drink for hours on end), if you are found to be drinking, you will be fined or imprisoned. The Charleston is becoming a very widespread dance, if you don’t know it, then you better learn fast because on Sept. 18 at Drury Cir. from 12:00 - 9: 00pm, there will be a big dance.



Society-Women Rights Women have taken things into their own hands and gained privileges that were not previously there. They are finally able to vote, get jobs, and also get paid like men are. They now do not have to stay home, they can go out and party. Women can also have factory jobs that men originally had. Women rights have also changed in the way that they can finally wear different kinds of clothes and show some skin. In the past they have not been able to wear this kind of style of clothing because they were not allowed to show skin whatsoever. Now, women have more freedom and can show a little more than before. They also did not have to stay home any more and be a housewife they could go explore new places without having to be worried about people saying stuff to them. They also can dance a different style than before. by Daniel Molina


The Economic Bubble Burst! By Kaitlyn Rose

Credit, Stock Market, and Taxes! Oh My! More than 17 million Americans participate in the stock market. As the prices of stocks continue to rise, buying on margin works increasingly well. Also the price of estate began to rise rapidly, creating an increasingly large amount of debt for the country. President Herbert Hoover can not control the economy as it continues to spiral out of hand, causing the market to crash. The worsening economy is also forcing many factories, banks, and many other companies to close. There are more than 12 million American citizens unemployed, and many more continue to lose their jobs. Economic growth has become very difficult. The prices of stocks continue to skyrocket every minute. Last Thursday, October 24th, The New York Stock Exchange had risen from $27 billion to $87 billion. The value of the stock market is significantly starting to diminish and many stocks are being sold at once! Immigrants have started to flee the country, while Mexican Americans are being forcefully removed. To add on to the economic problems, farmers are being forced to sell their farms, for no profit, to pay their taxes because of the drought like conditions spreading through the country. We need to stop the economy from getting any worse, and FAST! 13


How Technology Affects Entertainment in America By Carlin Morsch The New Technology Age has added movies, that are called talkies. They use sound and can be clearly heard, instead of movies that are silent. These have become as popular as the theatre. This technology gives America new ways to report news around the world while improving entertainment. The Jazz Singer, was the first talkie movie to come out in the 1920’s. There is also a talkie cartoon that is planned to come out in 1928, and it is to be called, Mickey Mouse Steamboat Willie and also Plane Crazy. Music is another form of entertainment that people enjoy. With the introduction of unique instruments from other cultures, entertainment is soaring. It presents new ways to have fun, like learning to dance to the music and it also makes going out to a party more enjoyable. The radio is also another entertainment hit. It lets people know who wins elections right away and entertains with music. It is changing the daily life of people through news and entertainment. Literature is also becoming a more popular form of entertainment. More books are being written and sent to the printing press for people to read. Whether new technology is changing our lives for better or worse, it is improving entertainment.


SPORTS By Bailey Nock

Gertrude Ederle does the Impossible! The first women ever to cross the English Channel Gertrude Ederle has done the impossible, crossing the English Channel and breaking the previous record [set by a male] by more than 2 hours. At first she wasn't as successful. She had tried before to cross these treacherous waters, but was stopped by her coach who was concerned about her. Now, she’s decided to take another go at it. Starting at approximately 7:08 AM on the cold dreary morning of August 8, Ederle has set out to do the impossible. She starts her journey on the French coast of Cape Girls-nez and will swim until she meets the shore of the English Coast. She takes off and is faced with roaring waters of the English Channel. But that doesn’t matter to her. She swims and faces constant waves and water in her ears and mouth. After 11 long hours of swimming in the cold reckless water, Ederle reached the English Coast exhausted, but relieved she’d made it. She had also been promised by her dad a new car if she completed this extreme feat. This and many other things motivated her and she kept going; being only one of six people to complete the long swim. After she made her trip back to the US, there was a parade held in her honor. The only downside to her success was that the water has damaged her hearing and it has caused her to go deaf. She now teaches deaf kids how to swim. 17


Question and Answer Joe Nuncester was interviewed.

Q:How do you feel about the year 1920 so far? A:I feel like it has been a really good year so far! Q:What bothers you the most of the year 1920? A:Hmm, nothing really, I have loved this year. Q:Do you feel like women should lose the rights they have? A:No, I think women worked hard for the rights they have earned and very much deserve them. Q:If theres one thing you can change of 1920 what would it be? A:I don’t think there would be anything I would change. Q:How do you feel about Women rights to vote? A:I feel like it is a good thing that women can finally vote. Q:Would you change anything for the women rights? A:Maybe add a little bit more equality for the Women. Q:Would you consider 1920 a good year? A:Yes I would, it is the year of change and improvement. Q:Has the year 1920 changed your life? In a good or bad way? A:It has impacted my life a lot in a very good way. Q:Do you feel like 1920’s should be the way it is or change? A:I think it should stay the way it is. Q:How do you feel like 1920 changed women's lives? A:I feel like it changed there life a whole lot due to finally being able to have more rights. By Daniel Molina


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