We Are The 20s

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We Are The 20’s



Presidential Scandal!! SPORTS

WORLD October 12, 1927

By Ethan M.

Table of Contents

Camden Neely

Briefing - 3 Briefly goes over everything

Letters from Editor - 4 President Harding and The Scandal

Letters to Editors - 6, 7, and 8 The different viewpoints for Urban vs. Rural, Alcohol, and Religion vs. Science

Isolationism - 10 Learn about US isolationism

Racial and Religion Discrimination - 12 Learn about discrimination; religious and racial.

Automobiles in America - 13 Talks about cars changing America!

The Latest Entertainment Crazes - 16 Check out the new entertainment crazes

Sports: Murderer’s Row - 17 Learn more about this killer line up

Presidential Politics - 20 Learn more about presidential policies

Interview with Babe Ruth - 21 Learn about the amazing baseball star

Briefing In this magazine we will talk about The presidential scandal of president Harding, President Harding did help the U.S economy by applying more jobs but what else was he doing? The U.S after World War 1 went into isolationism. Isolationism is where a country basically cuts of its interactions with other countries Wilson pushed for the Isolationism for the U.S. The KKK is back. Many people thought that the clan vanished after the civil war but it looks like some members survived and the clan is now in the millions of members who knows maybe your neighbor is one. Automobiles in america has been changing peoples lives by letting them get away on vacations and out of the town. The car used to be just for the wealthy but Ford started a auto assembly line which lowered the price of the car so the Average American could afford one. The Murderer’s row probably the best baseball lineup in history. The four man lineup drove in over 100 runs all together which is amazing feat. One of our journalist was able to interview Babe Ruth and was able to ask him a couple of questions. “The team has been treating me well, this years team is probably the best there will ever be.” The last article is about politics and the last three presidents and how they did in the office. “Three presidents: Coolidge, Harding, and Hoover were the greatest in this year of the 1920s.”

By. Ethan M.

President Harding and The Scandal We were all quick to vote for Harding for president once Wilson died, but how much do we really know about the man? Yes, he helped us with our national debts, and helped the economy get back on track by getting more employers for jobs and so we were able to buy more goods. Sometimes though, we can be blinded by all the persuasion of a person, and not realize the true intention. The secretary of the Interior Fall, Albert Fall, ‘convinced’ President Harding to give him all the control of the national oil reserves in Elk Hills, California, and Teapot Dome, Wyoming. Now our sources have found out that Fall leased the oil reserves to two companies for $360,000 as a bribe! Harding states, “If Albert Fall isn’t an honest man, I am not fit to be president of the United States.” If Harding refuses to see that Fall did wrong, then he is no president of mine. By Elena Warren Harding, Harry Daugherty, and Albert Fall were all part of the Teapot Dome during Harding’s presidency. It is true that Hardings and Daugherty were part of the Ohio gang. It is also true Fall was another old friend who was originally the Mexico Senator. The Ohio Gang was originally created by, Harding’s old friend, Harry Daugherty. It was to help Harding win the campaign of becoming president. After Harding became president, he allow old friend of his to have new jobs higher up in the government system. By Stefan

The Radio! Music, News, Sports! Every Modern Day family Has One Do You? Buy One Now! Only $28.75!!! BY:JOSEY GALE

Letters to Editor Urban Those ritz country folk don't know anything about having fun! America is changing but for the better and its the duck’s quack! Those country folk just don't understand. They just need to get out, get a drink, and have some fun!

Rural Folk I can’t believe these city folks! Working all day in the factories, and then up at night drinking til they fall over drunk. In my small town we keep it the same as it has always been! We have nice outdoor parties, everyone works all day, and then goes to bed at night. The way everyone acts is changing, and it is very bad. People are leaving the farms and the fields for the new city life where everything is new and everyone is in debt. By Ethan M.

By Camden

Letters to Editor Alcohol isn’t Bad Val Vamp, New York, New York The 18th amendment is so unfair. I mean, everyone has had alcohol for decades and it has never been an issue, so why should it be now? Everyone can agree that we just want to have a little fun. Besides, everyone goes to the speakeasies.Some of the local cops I know in town go to them in fact! So if all we’re doing is having fun, why should it be taken from us? We vamps and flappers never looked so spiffy if I say so myself. All those deadbeats running their kissers, can shut it. They’re bumping all the fun. The joints are making the dough, so why complain? By Elena Johnson

Alcohol is for the Devils Jonathan Daniels, Chicago, Illinois The government was right to start the 18th amendment. People are really starting living up in my community, since everybody is sober. Why would anybody wanna drink giggle water after they got off from a joint. They could get arrested or hurt afterwards. If everybody would stop being a sap and start becoming swanky person (like myself) then the world would be at peace again. I mean, come on! You think drinking is fun for all? By Stefan Lloyd

Letters to Editor Religion


The Bible is what’s right!

What is right is science!

Margaret Meadows, Dayton, Tennessee.

Julia Roses, Dayton, Tennessee.

That John Scopes is a disgrace to christian faith. Trying to teach our children the idea of evolution! the courts had all absolute rights to jail him.

Getting to know where we came from is essential. For the Scope trial (Monkey Trial) I don't believe that John Thomas Scopes should have not gone to jail! He was accused of breaking the law and I believe that all he did was teach a class what they needed to know. Evolution should be taught in any and all classes. Some people thought that this was no big deal and other thought it was, i agree with the people who thought it wasn't a big deal!

God himself brought us upon this earth we don’t need a man like him going around spreading baloney to our children! if people continue to believe these silly tales it is going to lead to a community

By: Pieper Stence By: Pieper Stence

By: Josey Gale

Coca-Cola! Delicious and Refreshing!! BY:JOSEY GALE

Isolationism After WWI the US has decided to become less involved in world affairs. we are not part of the League of Nations, though Wilson pushed for it, opposition in the US senate was significant. European nations are prone to conflict so Americans do not want to become entangled in another disastrous war. Even the immigration doors are closed for most Asians and even eastern and southern Europeans. Organized labor says that cheap immigrants cause wages to go down.

By: Camden Neely


Racial and Religion Discrimination Ku Klux Klan: The KKK is back and kicking! We were wrong when we thought the organization was dismissed after the Reconstruction. The white Christian men dressed in white (the color a sign of purity perhaps?) robes and masks to hide their identity will parade the streets at night once again. Because the klan members wear their masks, we don’t know who is in it! It’s a very hush hush organization. Your neighbors might even be part of it! Lately there has been findings of burning crosses in peoples yards, but there has been no physical violence so far.

Anti-Defamation League: Our Anti-Defamation League or also known as ADL, is trying hard to get rid of the the racial discrimination of the Jews. Lately, there has been no objectionable references for them, but the racial jokes still hasn’t faded from our culture quite yet. The KKK spreading their antiSentiments feelings around only fuels the ADL to get rid of the antiSentiments! If you walk out into the streets and find people handing out pamphlets, they are about how they are demanding apologies for the rudeness to the Jews. In fact, I believe that ADL is trying to convince the car maker Henry Ford write a letter of apology. By Elena Johnson

Automobiles in America! By:Josey Gale Automobiles are reshaping americans lives! America can now move freely as they feel! With the highway laws passed and with the parking lots are coming in. Ford (the father of the assembly line) and his assembly line have made history! This has started a revolution but not only with car but has also change factories everywhere!

Cars right now are reliable and cheap! Over two million cars have been sold already. The Model T is one of the most popular cars on the road because nine out of ten cars on the road right now is Model T, and it come in five colors. The Model T can be sold in green, blue, red, grey, and black. The Model T is a lightweight car and is now being sold for $850.This model is made to last; with a 20-horsepower engine, and a simple easy-to-repair design! Can cruise effortlessly up to 25 miles per hour! These cars are going fast! Get one while you can!

By: Pieper Stence

Get gorgeous lashes like Viola Dana. Try Maybelline!

By: Pieper Stence

Good For Life

Dr. Pepper

Have you heard the news? Peoples influence on the latest entertainment crazes! Movies these days are the fifth ranking industry. You go to a movie palace to see the Jazz Singer and you are in for a shock! The incredible first time for movies to have people able to speak in the film! Mrs. Ellaina Stewart tell us about the crowds reaction to the film. “As soon as everyone heard the man singing the audience erupted with ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ it was quite remarkable.” Ellaina Stewart, New York City. Be sure to go check that movie out. African americans have also recently began to take a bigger part in society and played roles in our new culture, we will take a look at 2 african americans who have become known world wide. Jazz music has recently became very popular. Jazz is paving a new path for blacks throughout America. Louis Armstrong has played a big role in the jazz revolution. Born August 4th 1901 in New Orleans, Louisiana he began his musical career when sent to a rehabilitator school and was given a cornet. he later then dreamed of a career in music. around 1918 he began working full time on playing his cornet at parties, funerals, and dances. he has really shaped this jazz age. Josephine Baker has also become the flapper girl image. The singer, dancer, and comedienne has played a big role in fame industry and has personified the jazz age. one of her most famous debuts was her role in “ La Revue Negre” as a chorus girl with 25 other african american women.

BuBy: Pieper Stence Josephine Baker

Louis Armstrong

Sports: Murderer's Row Murderer’s Row: The Murderer’s Row is a killer line up of Lou Gehrig, Bob Meusel, Tony Lazzeri, and Babe Ruth. These fearsome quartet of hitters are the heart of the Yankees lineup. This season the Yankees went 110-44 winning the American League pennant. The Yankees went to the world series and swept the Pirates 4-0 winning the world series. This season Lou Gehrig batted .378, Babe Ruth and Earle Combs batted .356, and Tony Lazzeri batted .309. The four man line up all together hit in over 100 runs this season which is an amazing feat. The teams batting percentage for this season was a record setting .498. The murderer’s row is probably the best line up that the Yankees will ever have. The have broke most of the previous records held in the American league. These guys should be holding records for a long time.

By. Ethan M.


By: Pieper Stence

T O D A Y !

Presidential Politics Three presidents: Coolidge, Harding, and Hoover were the greatest in this year of the 1920s. Warren Gamaliel Harding: He president at 1921-1923. He created the Politics of Normalcy which was higher tariffs, reduced government spending,and reduced the burden of wealthy americans. Calvin Coolidge (aka “Silent Cal�): He had to take over the duties of presidency in 1923-1933. Coolidge was very unpopular but somehow stayed president by calling the National Guards to end a police strike. At the end, Coolidge gave up presidency on August 2,1927. Herbert Hoover: an admired public figure whose reputation was tarnished by the great depression. during WWI, he directed the Belgian Relief Commission and headed the F. D.A. Hoover also forged an alliance between the the government and business that relied on experts and volunteers to promote efficiency and self-regulation.

Interview With Babe Ruth By: Camden Neely

Me: Lets start with asking about your birth; When and where were you born? Babe Ruth: Well, I was born on February 6th in 1895, in Baltimore, Maryland. Me: I'm sure you're name really isn't really Babe. Babe Ruth: No, my real name is George Herman Ruth Jr. Me: Mr. Ruth how has the 1927 team been treating you? Babe Ruth: The team has been treating me well, this years team is probably the best there will ever be. Me: When were you first signed? Babe Ruth: That would be 1914 when I was 19 years old, I was signed to the Orioles. Me: What position did you play with the Orioles? Babe Ruth: I played shortstop. Me: What is your salary? Babe Ruth: about $70,000. Me: When did you truly start to become famous? Babe Ruth: When I first got into the Major Leagues Me: What was your favorite food? Babe Ruth: Waffles Me: What is your favorite color? Babe Ruth: White and Blue Me: Where did you go to school, Mr. Ruth? Babe Ruth: My parents sent me to St. Mary Industrial School for boys

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