The Art & Science of Success Ellard Thomas, MBA
Note: You have permission to share this guide to any friend, constituent or family member and shall not be altered without the expressed permission of Ellard Thomas. To your success!
Intro Let’s be honest about one thing. Everyone wants, desires, craves, dreams about, hopes for, and fantasizes about success. Financial Success! Relationship Success! Physical Success! Educational Success! Professional Success! Personal Success! Spiritual Success! No matter what kind of success you’re seeking to achieve, it is possible—regardless what others may say. Now why would I say this when I may not know you? Good question. One thing I understand fairly well is the POWER of PURPOSE embedded deeply within every man—within every woman— within you. When you were created, the seed of excellence and the ability to turn ideas into their tangible forms were placed strategically in your DNA. I am sure you have watched countless motivational videos, attended many empowerment seminars, and listened to innumerable encouraging audios. That is great! And I commend you on investing in yourself. Now take all that you have learned and allow this ebook to be another guide, or should I say, “outline” to ensure you achieve your destiny. Right now, you’re probably asking yourself, “Who am I?” 2
Really quick. My name is Ellard Thomas. I am the author of the internationally-selling book, “Moving Forward, Courageously,” an expert in breaking your personal and professional barriers, a business consultant with over 20 years of experience in helping small and medium-sized business to achieve their growth objectives. Most importantly, I am an individual who loves to see people achieve their dreams—their goals—their ideal levels of success and achievement. Now that I have briefly informed you of whom I am, now let’s get to the meat and potatoes of this report. By the end of this short journey, you should have an outline and direction on how to achieve the level of success you desire.
ONE Define What Success Is To You Desiring success without knowing what it looks like or what it feels like is nothing but an empty hope. Too often people define their own success by what someone else has or 30dbwb%2F&h=375&w=500&tbn what someone else has achieved.
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It’s easy to look at someone else’s life and get caught up with all they posses; but remember this. You may not know how they achieved it or what struggles they experienced to get their. Now with that said, let’s move onward. So what is success? The collegiate definition of success is “the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one’s goals.” Although I like this definition, I’d like to add my own: “Success is the attainment of anything for which you have a burning desire, such as fulfilling your passion or operating in the 4
purpose for which you were called, created and designed.” So right now, think about what you desire. Remember, it’s important to have a burning passion for it to help keep you focused when adversity, challenges and unexpected circumstances occur. Grab a sheet of paper or your laptop and write down your definition of success. Additionally, jot down what if feels like when it’s reached or what it looks like. Take 5 – 10 minutes (or however long it takes) to do this now.
“If you have a goal, write it down. If you do not write it down, you do not have a goal - you have a wish.” Steve Maraboli
TWO STRATEGY: The Divide Between Success and Failure What’s the difference between those who have achieved great levels of success and those whom have not? What separates great entrepreneurs and organizations from “wishful” preneurs and companies that fail to prevail? The answer is simple. Strategy. Sounds simple, doesn’t it. But it can be a little tricky if you don’t know what you’re doing. A well-crafted strategy (or plan as many may call it) is both an art and science. The components of it must include action items or (TACTICS) to ensure the strategy’s success and must be carried out sequentially. Author of the provocative Art of War book and Ancient Chinese military strategist, Sun Tzu, identified the importance of having tactics to carry out your strategy. He quoted, “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory; tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”
As you can imagine, strategy and tactics are adjoined together for the sake of success. To make this a simple process, I broke T-A-C-T-I-C-S down as seven steps for you to follow: T – Think about the goal and desire in depth and answer the following questions: Why do I want to achieve this goal, objective, dream or desire? What impact will this have on my life?
What will it allow me to do once it’s fulfilled? Is it connected to my life’s purpose? Am I willing to go through the obstacles or challenges to attain it? Do I really want it, or is it just a “good” idea? A – Arrange the time, resources and people necessary Many people don’t plan to fail, but they fail to plan. They do not network with others. They do not take an inventory of 7
what they have, but rather complain about what they do not have. It’s important to take set aside time to work on the details of your plan and consider the Who’s, What’s, Where’s and How’s. As part of your plan, take a moment to consider how much time a day you’ll spend on your endeavor, who needs to be involved and set small benchmarks. C – Create An Atmosphere For Success Success is attracted to those who are organized—to those who are focused. An atmosphere of success is one removed of clutter, distractions and disempowering activities. With this said, I want you to consider the following: Is what I’m watching on television valuable to my end result? How often am I engaged in gossip or unproductive conversations? Is my office or home organized? Are the people in my life helping or hindering my success? 8
Creating an atmosphere of success will surely ensure the achievement of your desires. T – Test The Fabric Of Your Desire Challenges will come, and that’s a guarantee. When they do, what will you do? Will you throw in the towel, or will you say, “I will make this happen?” Within you is an unstoppable force, capable of overcoming the harshest of circumstances. Maximize every moment; engage (not run from) each obstacle. I – Incentivize Your Progress Your plan should have small goals leading to your ultimate in result. Here’s an example. When I wrote Moving Forward, Courageously, I had a small celebration after each chapter I wrote. I went to the movies and treated myself to something small. Nothing to extravagant. Doing this, however, kept me on the path of achieving my goals. Many people do not celebrate their small achievements and end up getting burned out. Don’t let this be you. 9
If you have a vision that’s large and may take months or years to achieve, remember to incentivize your progress. This is very important and, perhaps, one of the most impacting factors to your success. Remember, after each achievement, celebrate. You deserve it! C – Champion Your Desires No one knows how important your dreams or desires are, and may not be as invested as you are. Don’t take offense as people often watch your actions instead of listening to your words. The buy-in or investment of others come from the drive you exhibit. So keep pressing forward. Despite what others may say or do, you have to believe, without a doubt, that whatever you’re pursuing after is going to happen. Never stop believing. Never give attention to naysayers. Never accept people’s lack of care as your own. If you experience people’s lack of help or belief, pay it no mind. In time, these people may become fueled by the very passion you reveal. 10
Your drive will be contagious. S – See Your Results As If They Already Exist When you close your eyes and think about what you desire, what do you see? Are you smiling? Overjoyed? Part of your plan should be to close your eyes and see yourself where you’re going before you get there. Too many people devote ample time in their endeavors, goals, desires or dreams without taking a moment to visualize their results. Whatever it is you’re trying to achieve, you must see yourself there—you must think about the feelings you will have—you must act as if you’re already there. This is different than the “fake it until you make it adage!” It’s more about walking with confidence—talking with confidence. It’s about remembering that your past or present challenges do not dictate your future, but they are springboards to your destiny. “Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” Joel A. Barker
THREE Move Forward, Courageously Destiny awaits the courageous—those courageous enough to say, “I will succeed in the midst of loss” – “I will succeed in the face of difficulty!” – “I will succeed during the bleakest of moments where hope is camouflaged by adversity!” When I wrote Moving Forward, Courageously, I had undergone some of my most difficult times. Divorce. Financial loss. Broken heart. Mental exhaustion. Taunting past. Spiritual disconnectedness. Each of these could’ve kept me from succeeding if I had allowed them. My purpose kept me. My desire pushed me. My dreams provoked me. After I had overcome these crippling hardships, I decided that a step-bystep guide to helping people overcome their own issues had to be written. It needed to speak to the real issues people faced—on all intellectual, mental and spiritual levels. Someone asked what separates this book from other “motivational” books? I replied that it was a “system” only in book form. The building of people’s future is my life. Besides my family, it’s what I dedicate the majority of my time. Thanks to God, I can say that I have achieved every desire I have thus far. Growing up with abuse didn’t stop me. A broken heart didn’t stop me. 12
A couple of failed businesses didn’t stop me. People’s lack of belief in me didn’t stop me. The same is, or will be, said about you as well. No matter what challenges you face currently, you have the power to overcome them all. As you can see, success is an art and science; creativity and testing. Now on the following page is a list of additional opportunities to help you achieve your level of success.
Spiritual Success: Manifesting What You Want, When You Want The validity of any program should be tested and proven. This includes any person who operates in helping people reach the next level of enlightenment. Dr. Robert Anthony is the author and founder of The Secret of Deliberate Creation and challenges traditional methods to personal and professional development. The system is designed to help anyone remove the roadblocks standing between you and your ultimate success. If you are, or were, a fan of The Secret and The Law of Attraction, I believe you may find this program a powerful addition. Take a look. Financial Success: Achieving Financial Success With Online Marketing Making money to supplement your income, to replace your income, or to fuel your dreams is simpler than you think…especially online. If you have a flourishing business, that’s great. Yet, if you’re seeking ways to generate a full or additional income, then continue reading… Patric Chan has come from humble beginnings to becoming an online marketing strategist and millionaire. With a heart to help people to achieve financial success, he has created a free software system that is simple to help newbies and professional with generating an income online.
Allow me to say something. You should always perform research on your own to determine what will align with your overall purpose. I’m a firm believe that no one should do anything that will not assist in achieving their desires. Take a look at Patric Chan’s system for yourself.
Physical Fitness Success: The 4 – Minute Workout to Ensure a Lean Body Got physical fitness goals? Want a bikini or beach body? If you’re like me, I want to remain healthy, fit and attractive. At 38 years old, I have to make sure that my significant other continues to desire me. While doing my research, I’ve come across this new program called Mi40x. The purpose of this program is to help you gain lean muscle within 4 minutes a day. With so many workout and fitness programs, how would anyone know which to pick. Well, I believe in systems, not hype. When I was a Marine, I realized that the most effective workouts included two things: an increase in protein and a fat-burning workout system. The results are in the system.
As I’m aging, I need to make some physical fitness goals that don’t take a lot of my time, is simple to implement and isn’t overhyped like many of those “late night workout” infomercials. As I researched Mi40x, I’ve come to learn that this program is only for the elite of men and women with focus, determination and a burning desire to achieve their fitness desires. Check it out!
Relationship Success: The Secret System Long-lasting Relationships If you were look around, you’d see dating sites almost everywhere. What does this mean? People want and desire others in their lives. Believe me, I had my fair share of heartbreaks and, honestly admit, I was the cause of some. Having that special ONE in your life is a great feeling. Yet, we somehow find our relationships spiraling downhill. Why is this? If you’re someone who is looking to get (and keep) love in your life, I strongly suggest you take a look at this. Michael Webb, a love expert often featured on Oprah, has helped thousands of people with maximizing the love and attraction in their relationships.
A few topics he focuses on are: Fight Prevention Remaining Attractive to your Mate Resolution-centric Practices According to Michael Webb, there are 50 Secrets to having a blissful relationship. If you’re one looking for love and want to keep it in your life, I believe you’ll enjoy this. Check it out!
Thank You I hope you enjoyed our journey together. I know I did. Also, I hope you found the information here helpful. It was my distinct honor and pleasure to create and to give this to you. Everyone deserves success. Everyone deserves happiness. Something I want you to remember, always. There’s nothing you cannot do. As long as you remain passionate, focused, and determined, your every desire is possible. Don’t spend too much time on developing your plan without taking any action. Since success is an art and science, there will be some bumps. This bumps, however, are not to turn you away from your goals, but to provoke you. As I mentioned earlier, you’re an excellent individual. Reading this didn’t come by accident. As you move on, I hope you share this with someone else. Let someone take this journey as you have done. Selflessness should always be our focus. Thank you, And I look forward to all of your success. Ellard Thomas, MBA 18