Class amendments textbook (21 to 27)

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Marguerite Vandenburgh

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Tuesday, September 17, 2013 2:08:35 PM CT

21st Amendment 1933 Repeal of Prohibition Summary:

The 21st Amendment’s

purpose is to repeal the 18th Amendment. It allows alcohol to be transported, consumed, and manufactured. The states regulate the drinking age, and the distribution of alcoholic beverages. The Prohibition required by the 18th Amendment was in effect 13 years before it was repealed by the 21st Amendment in 1933.

Historical Context The Prohibition took place from 1920 to 1933. The main goal of the Prohibition was to make a better life for Americans.The Government believed that drinking caused poverty, corruption, domestic abuse, and crime. During the Prohibition along with a serious crime increase, crime became organized. This led to the repeal of the Prohibition.

The police are getting rid of an illegal batch of alcohol during the prohibition before the 21st Amendment was passed.

Essential Elements • The 21st Amendment repealed the 18 Amendment. • The Prohibition did not allow the making, transportation, and drinking of alcohol. • The main goal of the Prohibition was to make a better of life for Americans.

Al Capone was one of the most prominent gangsters during the Prohibition.

BY: Bennett Mansour

The 22nd Amendment 2-Term Limit on Presidency Ratification Year 1951 Sidney Charbonnet

Summary: Amendment 22 was passed to say that no one has the right to be president for more then eight years; they can only be elected twice. It was also passed because no one wanted a monarchy to begin. George Washington thought that eight years is enough for any president to serve.

Historical Context:

Franklin D. Roosevelt is the only president that served for 3 terms.

Minnesota ratified Amendment 22 of the U.S. Constitution on February 27, 1 9 5 1 . T h i s amendment was passed because nobody wanted one p e r m a n e n t president. George Washington stopped ruling after 2 terms because he believed that no president should have to much power for too long.

People wore pins to support the 22nd Amendment.

Essential Elements: *States that presidents can’t be elected a third time. *Eight years is enough for any president. *Franklin D. Roosevelt was the only person to serve more than two terms.

The 23 Amendment Presidential Vote for D.C. Before:

By: Mae Cowden-Garofalo

Ratified in 1961 Summary: Drafted To Military

The U.S. Constitution’s 23 Amendment gives citizens in the District of Columbia the No Voting For D.C.

Before The 23rd Amendment, citizens of D.C. could be drafted, taxed, but could not vote.

right to vote for president and vice president. The number of presidential electors for Washington D.C. cannot be more than the least populous state.

Congress has the

power to enforce this amendment.

Historical Context:

In the 1800’s the District of Columbia became the official seat of government. It was a federal territory but not a state, and the inhabitants did not have a local government. The District residents had all of the responsibilities of citizens. They had to pay federal taxes and could be drafted into the military, however, they could not vote in federal elections. The 23rd Amendment was ratified by the states on March 29, 1961. The amendment was passed so that the District of Columbia was treated as if it were a state for purposes of the Electoral College. This gives the residents of the District the right to have their votes counted in presidential elections. The amendment doesn’t provide the residents a representative in Congress.

After: Treated Like

One of the States Purpose Of...

When the 23rd Amendment was ratified, Washington D.C. was treated like a state, and received Electoral College votes.

Essential Elements: *Residents of D.C. paid taxes, could be drafted for military, but couldn’t vote for president *Ratified in 1961 *Amendment 23 treated D.C. like a state for purpose of Electoral College



Abolition of Poll Taxes Summary:

The twenty fourth amendment was ratified on January 23, 1964. The amendment was passed because certain citizens were not to be able to vote. These citizens were not able to vote because they had to pay money. The taxes were an excuse to keep African Americans from voting. The Supreme Court then abolished poll taxes so everyone could vote.

Two women are protesting about poll taxes. Historical Context:

These people are protesting about poll taxes being related to race.

Around this time, blacks were able to vote. People would find ways from keeping black people from voting. This was one of the ways people would hold blacks from voting. People knew that blacks were very poor so that is why they made the rule. The issue was brought to the Supreme Court and it was abolished. People did not need to pay to vote.

Essential Elements: 1. Grants citizens the right to vote for free. 2. The amendment was passed due to many protests. 3. The amendment was considered racist because black people could not make money so they could not vote.

Isabella Hegquist

Presidential Amendment XXV Disability and Succession Ratified in 1967 SUMMARY: If the President dies, resigns, or for any other reason cannot continue to fulfill the duties as President, the Vice President will become President. If the President gets sick, injured, or disabled, and cannot continue as President, he or she will resign from office, allowing the Vice President to step in as President. When or if the the President heals, he or she will send a letter to the Congress, Senate, House of Representatives, and Acting President before returning to office. In case the Vice President dies, resigns, or for any other reason cannot continue to fulfill duties as Vice President, the President will select another person to take over the duties of Vice President. In order for that person to become Vice President, both Houses must have a two-thirds vote approval of him or her.

Lyndon B. Johnson’s became president after John F. Kennedy‘s assassination.

John F. Kennedy was President in 1967. Historical Context: The 25th Amendment was created after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, and Lyndon B. Johnson, Kennedy’s Vice President, became President. The amendment was passed to reduce or eliminate confusion when a president dies. Eight other presidents have died during their term. Essential Elements: 1.

If the President dies, resigns, or for any other reason cannot fulfill duties as President, the Vice President will act as President until further notice.


If the Vice President dies, resigns or for any other reason cannot fulfill duties as Vice President, the President will select someone else to act as Vice President.

In order for the candidate to officially

become Vice President both Houses must get a ⅔ vote of approval for him/her.

Amendment 26 Right to vote at age 18 Ratification Date: 1971

By: Grace Allen Summary The 26th Amendment decides that the legal voting age is eighteen. The 19th and 15th amendments were used as precedents when making this amendment. By the time this amendment was ratified these amendments had already been passed. The 26th amendment allows anyone, the age eighteen or older, to vote.

Students wore pins similar to this one during protests against the drafting of 18 year olds who were still not able to vote.

A group of students protesting the Vietnam War drafts in the 1970’s.

Essential Elements: • Guarantees right to vote at age 18 • Many protests were going on about the idea of 18 year olds voting • The protests mostly take place during the Vietnam War Grace Allen

Tuesday, September 17, 2013 1:54:17 PM Central Daylight Time

Historical Context During the time of the Vietnam War, many soldiers were dying and a drafts was going on. Students were starting to protests because of the fact that they could be drafted and forced to go to war but they still did not have the r i g h t to v o t e . S o o n t h e 2 6 t h amendment was proposed by congress on March 23, 1971. It was ratified by the states on July 1, 1971, this was the fastest an amendment has ever been ratified.

27th Amendment Congressional Compensation Ratified: 1992

Summary: The 27th Amendment states that if a pay raise is proposed and passed by Congress it will not take effect until the next election cycle. The 27th Amendment is the latest amendment to be ratified even though it was proposed in 1789 by James Madison.

Before the 27th Amendment was ratified congress would give themselves pay raises.

The Capitol Building is where the Congress works.

Historical Context: The 27th Amendment was proposed by James Madison in 1789. It was proposed because Congress were giving themselves pay raises and no one could prevent it. It was finally ratified in 1992.

Essential Elements: • prevents congressional pay raises from starting until after an election cycle • proposed by James Madison in 1789 • ratified in 1992

By: Edward Schreiner Edward Schreiner

Tuesday, September 17, 2013 2:05:07 PM Central Daylight Time

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