Class amendments textbook (1 5)

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!e 1 Amendment


Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition Summary: The first amendment grants citizens of the United Sates the ability to have the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of petition. The government cannot force you to choose a certain religion. You can also say what you want, be with whoever you want and you are able to suggest new ideas. Though you do have the freedom of speech, it is somewhat limited. The government can ban or limit libel. These are your civil liberties which the Constitution protects.

Martin Luther King Jr. giving his “ I Have a Dream Speech.” Exercising !eedom of assembly and speech.

Historical context: The First Amendment was passed by Congress in 1789 and was ratified by the states in 1791. This amendment was created to give the people basic rights to start off this new country. The 1st amendment has never been set aside except for wartime censorships and sedition acts. Sedition acts occurs when the people start speaking about rebelling against the government of a state or monarchy. People believe that this is one of the most important amendments. The 1st amendment is a part of the Bill of Rights. At first, the 1st amendment only applied to white male landowners. Then, after slavery was abolished the first amendment started to apply to more and more people. When women started to receive more rights and people started to become citizens, then the 1st amendment applied to everyone who is a legal citizen in the U.S.

The newspaper makes many opinions about different arguments and debates. Exercising !eedom of press. Essential elements: 1. Ratified in 1791. 2. Grants freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. Andrew Laborde Tuesday, September 17, 2013 1:55:09 PM Central Daylight Time 3. First amendment of United States.

The 1st Amendment Of The United States Of America Freedom of speech, religion, petition, assembly, and press.

Ratified December 15, 1791

Summary: This Amendment was the First Amendment following the Constitution. This Amendment belongs to the Bill of Rights. The Amendment was the first to discuss the rights of the people that separated America from England. Freedom of speech, a major freedom in the Bill of Rights.

Historical context: This Amendment has often been looked upon especially with religion. Religion has often been questioned and has to do with the independence from England. This amendment also talks about speech, and the right to protest as well as debate. The Amendment was passed to guarantee rights and declare independence from England. Essential Elements: -Grants citizens 5 general rights

Freedom of assembly. One of the many freedoms in the First Amendment and in the Bill of Rights.

-First official Amendment -Results in 27 Amendments

Rivers Singley

Rivers Singley 7K

Friday, September 20, 2013 2:36:56 PM Central Daylight Time

2 nd A m e n d m e n t 1 7 9 1 Right to Bear Arms Summary: The second

A Musket would have been used during the revolutionary war.

Amendment is a part of the Bill of Rights. This law protects people’s right to own a gun. It is directed to the Militia, but also applies to citizens. This law states that only Federal Government cannot deny the right so there are still limits to the rights.

Historical Context: The second Amendment was ratified in 1791, and it is a part of the bill of rights. The Bill of Rights was made so states would ratify the constitution. This amendment was made to protect the rights of citizens to own a gun during the revolutionary war with Great Britain. militia troops fought Britain during the revolutionary war.

Essential Elements: • • • •

Part of the bill of rights Directed to the militia troops Made after the Revolutionary War Applies only to the federal laws and not states


Tuesday, September 17, 2013 2:04:13 PM Central Daylight Time


The Third Amendment Quartering of Troops

Ratified on December 15, 1791 Summary: The Third Amendment was made to protect the citizens rights of their property and homes from soldiers staying there. The 3rd Amendment was part of the Bill of Rights. The Amendment was made because the Anti-Federalists thought the people deserved more rights.

Continental Army alongside British Army.

Historical Content: The Third Amendment says that no soldier shall be quartered in any house without the owners consent, even in a time of war. The Third Amendment was passed because it gave property rights to landowners to rule their own land. This was one of the results of the British occupancy. The British Army taking the Colonists land.

Essential Elements: 1. Amendment ratified in 1791 2. protects homes and land of landowners from government

Edmund Philipson

Fourth Amendment: 1791 Search and Seizure

Summary: The Fourth Amendment protects people against unreasonable search and seizure. A logical reason is needed for government officials to search someone’s property, such as a search for evidence in a criminal case.

Legal search and seizure is demonstrated in airport security. Here, a woman is pat down at an airport security checkpoint.

Historical Context: The Fourth Amendment is a part of The Bill of Rights, so it was written for the states to ratify the constitution. Another reason is that in Britain, officials would invade the personal space of the American Colonists and take their property.

Car searches by police are legal if there is a reasonable cause. Above, the police search a car on the road.

Essential Elements: • Search and Seizure is only allowed if there is a reasonable cause • Outcome of British Officials invading property of American Colonists By: Nicole Roach Tuesday, September 17, 2013 2:11:34 PM Central Daylight Time

Nicole Roach


Jack Zvonek

Ratified in 1791 Summary

A cartoon interpretation of a lawyer and his client discussing the client’s Miranda rights including the right to remain silent under the Fifth Amendment.

The Fifth Amendment protects your right not to lose life, liberty or property without due process of law. This amendment also protects your right not to be tried twice on the same case. The Fifth Amendment also guarantees that a person does not have to testify against himself. The Fifth Amendment also says that if the government takes a person’s home they have to pay the person market value for the home. The Fifth Amendment also includes that right to a grand jury. That means that the prosecutor has to go in front of a grand jury with the evidence and with the case, and the grand jury has to decide if they can start a case or not.

Historical Context The Fifth Amendment was passed for many reasons. This amendment was part of the Bill of Rights and was passed by the Founding Fathers. The Bill of Rights was needed for states to ratify the Constitution. This amendment was put in the Constitution because Great Britain’s legal system was very one-sided and biased. The colonists wanted a very fair and legal court unlike the court of Great Britain which had many abuses. For example, the British used to torture their suspects to get information out of them. The Fifth Amendment was an essential part to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

The government can take a citizen’s land for government uses but they have to give that citizen the market value (dollars) for their home. Even though the government pays a citizen for their home, a citizen does not have the ability to decline.

Essential Elements Guarantees that a citizen does not have to testify against himself and that a citizen cannot be tried twice on the case. Eminent domain: The government can take a citizen’s land for government uses but they have to give that citizen the market value (dollars) for their home. A citizen cannot lose life, libery or property without due process of law.

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