Great experimenter
Robert Hooke The scientist who studied the natural world through his MICROSCOPE
Hooke’s illustration of a grey drone fly’s head
Scientific bestseller In his remarkable book, Micrographia, Hooke’s own illustrations showed what he saw through HIS MICROSCOPE: a fly’s eye, a bee’s sting, and even a snowflake. He also described a plant cell for the first time.
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Hooke’s revealed t Micrographia as never bhe natural world research hefore, while his elp the way fo ed to pave scientific dr better evices.
Hooke designed the Monument to commemorate the Great Fire of London and the reconstruction of the city.
Robert Hooke was a brilliant English scientist. Interested in many subjects – from mathematics and architecture to natural history, chemistry, and geology – he conducted his experiments using scientific devices he had built himself. Hooke also developed an important theory of elasticity in 1660, now he known as HOOKE’S LAW.
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