Alexander Fleming Pioneer of PENICILLIN T h e Sc ottish bacteriologist whose discov ery of the first antibiotic has saved millions of lives. Wounded soldiers recover at a military hospital during World War I.
way… e h t By boratory at The la y’s Hospital, r St Ma I discovered e wher lin, is now a penicil museum. public
On the battlefield Born in Scotland in 1881, Alexander Fleming moved to London in 1895. He went on to study medicine at St Mary’s Hospital before working for the hospital RESEARCH team. During World War I, Fleming worked in battlefield hospitals in France, where he was upset by how many soldiers died from infected wounds.
Who came before... English scientist Edward JEnnEr performed the world’s first vaccination in 1796. Smallpox was England’s deadliest disease before the vaccine was introduced. 40
In the 1860s, British surgeon JosEph ListEr was the first person to promote the use of hygienic sprays, antiseptics, and sterilizing equipment to stop the spread of germs.