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This Italian inventor’s enthusiasm for electricity produced the world’s ultimate power source. ? nowide k u yo r ins Did tric powe easured Elec tery is m med a batn volts, na lta. i Vo after The taller the stack, the more electric current is generated.
Bright spark As a teenager, Alessandro Volta corresponded with physicist Giambattista Beccaria. He encouraged Volta to learn by experimentation. In 1791, Volta’s friend Luigi Galvani noticed that a frog’s legs twitched when they touched different metals, but mistook this for electricity inside living cells. Volta realized the frog was the conductor for electricity generated by the metal, so he experimented with what he called METALLIC ELECTRICITY. In his frog experiment, Galvani ir discovered that a pa of different metals . produced electricity
Cardboard soaked in acid or salt water is called the electrolyte.
pper discs Zinc and co electrodes. are called
What came after… Before inventing the famous Bunsen burner, German scientist Robert Bunsen designed the zinc-carbon cell, called the Bunsen Battery, in 1841.
In 1859, French physicist Gaston Planté invented the lead-acid battery, the world’s first mass-produced rechargeaBle Battery.