Star tales Edmond Halley was born in 1656. While studying at the University of Oxford, he became interested in ASTRONOMY. He left university early to travel to the South Atlantic where he documented the celestial position of 341 stars. He later met Isaac Newton and helped him to publish his groundbreaking theories about gravity.
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Halley’s Comet is the only comet visible to the naked eye, and might appear twice in a person’s lifetime.
Halley’s Comet
The scientist who predicted the reappearance of the world’s MOST FAMOUS COMET 82
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Edmond Halley
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In 1705, Halley made his most famous discovery. He noticed that descriptions of comets sighted in 1531, 1607, and 1682 were very similar. He eventually realized that these sightings were actually all of the same comet that came near to Earth roughly every 76 years. He correctly PREDICTED that it would return in 1758, but sadly died before seeing his prediction come true.
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