Limon, Brown, three regions

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Three Regions Come Together

In this chapter, you will learn about the European, Native American, and African regions. Their society, government, and innovations will be explained. They all had new traditions to introduce and their government differed from one another. Some of the pros and cons will be discussed throughout the chapter.


Section 1- European




The start of exploration

It is the cause and effect of the

in the 1400s was by European

foundation of the United States.

economic developments.

-Queen Isabella –Renaissance - Columbus

European Government Most European Governments are controlled by a absolute monarchy. To begin with, the Roman Catholic Church controls religion over lost all of Western Europe. The main religion was Catholic. Moreover, Queen Isabella of Castile was the most powerful woman in the world. She expelled Muslims and Jews from Spain in 1494. Catholic today for the most part means, "All are welcome". In this time period it meant the Roman Catholics. Also, there was a completed Reconquista of the Iberian Peninsula in 1492. Lastly, they funded Columbus's voyages to the Americas.

European Society Europe was faced with a lot of obstacles during the 14th and 17th centuries. Social hierarchy was strict and unfair. If you were poor then you would stay poor and couldn’t rise into a higher class so you are born poor and died poor. Religion in Europe was also strict because you didn’t have a choice of religion. In Europe Muslims if they weren’t Christians. Finally a huge obstacle that affected Europeans was the plague. When people in Europe had the plague over 25 million people died. While the French and English were still at the hundred years’ war. This concludes why the Europeans faced a lot of obstacles during the 14th and 17th centuries.

Personal Voice


“The heavens themselves, the planets, and this center [earth] Observe, degree, priority, and place . . . Take but degree away, untune that string, And hark! What discord follows. . . . “

European Innovations Europe had many innovations during the 14th- 17th century that were very helpful to the world. One great example of Europe’s innovations is the Renaissance period. Renaissance means rebirth. The new way of Prince Henry’s Noble Spirit

began the expansion of a European era. This was a cultural movement. Secondly, the Europeans invented the first map in 1472. The production of their unique maps are very useful today and have helped millions of people find their destinations ever since. They also made the 1st edition of Claudius Ptolemy. The final example to note is that they established colonization. Colonization is the establishment of settlement controlled by the parent country. Again, Europe’s many innovations have changed the world.

Section 2- Native American




The land of North America

Native Americans passed down


Encouraged diversity in Native

their cultural customs and they are


American cultures.

kept till today.

–division of labor

Native American Government Native American government included social organization and religion. First and foremost, their religious beliefs were thinking that the natural world was filled with spirits. They listened to the Great Spirit’s commands. He was very important to them. On the other hand there are bonds of kinship which have to do with social organization. Kinship’s are strong ties between family members. This mad their tribal customs permanent. On the third hand there was the division of labor. This was the assignment of tasks based on gender, age, or status, following the basis of social order. Nobles ensured that every law was obeyed. Also, Natives were split into smaller groups when they would go hunting. To reemphasize, Native American government was focused on social organization and religion.

Native American Society The Native Americans' life was difficult due to them having different opinions. The first example is that in their society they grew different crops. By them growing different crops there would always be people/countries that would want to take advantage of this and trade unevenly. The Native Americans also had different cultures. By having different cultures sometimes there would be arguments because how they would do things differently. A last example is the religions that they had. How the Native Americans thought that the world was filled with spirits and other countries didn’t accept that. This is why the Native Americans’ life was difficult. Also, Native Americans built their homes out of adobe which are sun-dried bricks made of clay and straw.

Personal Voice WINTU WOMAN “When we dig roots, we make little holes. When we build houses, we make little holes. . . . We shake down acorns and pinenuts. We don‟t chop down the trees. We only use dead wood [for fires]. . . . But the white people plow up the ground, pull down the trees, [and. . . the] tree says, „Don‟t. I am sore. Don‟t hurt me.”

Native American Innovations The Native Americans introduced many innovations in the 15th and 16th century. To begin with, soul food originated from the Natives. Grits, greens, gumbo, and pork and beans were all previous Native American traditions. Likewise, the majority of the came from the Indians of the Americas. All of the crops are being grown today all over the world. Third and even more importantly, some words that are used frequently today are Native American words. Tornado, Ok, and Mississippi are some of those words. In summary, many innovations by the Native Americans were introduced.

Section 3- African American




The home to a variety of

People that are African American


people and cultures was

today, have many ancestral ties

-Sunni Ali

West Africa in the 1400s.

from West Africa.

– Kente Cloth

African Government African American government was based on three major kingdoms. First of all, Songhai was the ruler in the mid 1400s. Trading made him have more wealth and power. It later became the largest kingdom in West Africa. Second of all, Sunni Ali was the ruler of Songhai during the mid 15th century. He was the largest West African empire there ever was. Third of all, Africans used religion as classification. The leaders claimed their authority based on religion. Clearly, African American government was based on 3 kingdoms.

Personal Voice CHIEF JACOB EGHAREVBA “He fought against and captured 201 towns and villages. . . . He took their rulers captive and he caused the people to pay tribute to him. He made good roads in Benin City. . . . In fact the town rose to importance and gained the name of city during his reign. It was he who had the innermost and greatest of the walls and ditches made round the city, and he also made powerful charms and had them buried at each of the nine gateways of the city so as to ward against any evil.”

African Society African Americans were very smart when it came to organizing plans. For trade African Americans would get together with other countries to trade. By doing this they would have more variety of foods to eat. The religion that the African Americans had was a little bit controlled. This being because leaders basically took power depending on which region it was located at. Finally, the art that the African Americans had was unique. Their paintings were very religious and also memorable. They’re paintings were memorable because they also made wood carvings of their ancestors to keep an image of them.

African Innovations

The African Americans had a few innovations that are still important today. For example, they had the brilliant skill to converting mangrove swamps into rice fields. This was a great skill that accompanied them to the Americas. Furthermore, they had various methods to farming, herding, hunting and fishing. Mining and trading was also one of their great methods. On top of that, Kente Cloth is a cloth that has been woven by artisans for centuries. Some of the cloth is even used today on graduation gowns. Due to all of these reasons the innovations of African Americans are important today.

ASSESSMENT QUESTIONSTERMS & NAMES: For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance.      1. 2.

Colonization Lineage Nuclear Family Adobe Columbus Analysis- Draw a diagram of the European Social Hierarchy. Synthesis- Create a Venn diagram describing the differences and similarities between European Society and Native American Society. 3. Evaluation- Conclude and write a summary on Section 3, African Americans.

Works Cited Hine Clark, Darlene, Hine C. Wiliam,Harrold Stanley.The African American Odyssey. Upper Saddle River: NJ Pearson Education, Inc, 2006. Danzer A. Gerald, Klor de Alva J. Jorge, Krieger S. Larry, Wilson E. Louis, and Woloch Nancy.Americans. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2005. Loewen W. James. Lies My Teacher Told Me. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995. No ed. American Studies. New York: McDougal Littell, 2001.


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