By: Martin Martinez Anthony h Lopez Tyler Harden
Contents Christianity- The worlds largest religion pg. 3 Hinduism- The worlds oldest religion pg. 4 Islam- The second largest religion in the world pg.6 Judaism- The smallest religion in the world pg.7 Buddhism- The fourth largest religion in the world pg.8
The article is going to be about. Who was the founder of the religion? Explains and talks about who was the founder of the religion. The time period the religion was founded. Explains the when the religion was founded. Talks about where they worship and titles of religious leaders. Explains where they worship and the titles or roles of the religious leaders. Explains who was the founder, when it was founded and the place of worship and titles of the religious leaders. The formation and history of the religion. It was founded around 33 A.D. by a Jewish carpenter. L Founded by a Jewish carpenter in 33 A.D. The founder was Jesus of Nazareth. It was founded by Jesus of Nazareth around 33 A.D. It started when Jesus was to be nailed to a cross and was buried in a tomb but when people went to his tomb he was not there That was the formation of the religion there. religion. The founder was Jesus of Nazareth a Jewish carpenter carpenter. The beliefs of the religion. The god is to watch over all the sons of Adam. That was the role of the god. The individuals are to have faith in the true god and Christ’s resurrection, as well to know, love, and serve god. That was the role of the individual. The relationship that they have is to always believe on each other. That was the relationship between god and believers. The god and individuals have their own roles in the religion. The geography of the religion. Christianity is the largest religion in the world with two billion believers worldwide That is how many believers there are worldwide worldwide. worldwide. The place where believers lived during the formation was in Palestine. That was where believers lived during the formation of the religion. Believers now live in Europe, North America, and South America. These are the places where believers live now. Christianity is the largest religion with two billion believers in Europe, North America, and South America. The practices of the religion. They would worship in the church, chapel, cathedral, basilica, and meeting hall. These are all places where they worship. Titles of religious leaders are priest, bishop, archbishop, patriarch, pope, minister, preacher, and deacon. deacon These are all titles or roles of the religious leaders. leaders Holy days that they have are advent, Christmas, epiphany, lent, good Friday, Easter, and all saints day. These are all holy days that they have. They would worship in the church, some titles they have are priests and major holy days are advent, Christmas, and Easter. Recapping on the article. The founder was Jesus of Nazareth around 33 A.D. That was recapping on who was the founder of the religion. There are two billion believers worldwide. Recap on how many believers there are worldwide. Major holy days they have are advent, Christmas and Easter. Recap on the holy days that they have. The founder was JJesus of Nazareth; there are over two billion believers worldwide.
Things the article is going to talk about is things like the founder and time period that Hinduism was founded. This article is also going to talk about where the believer lived and where they live know, along with where they pray and how many times they pray in a day. This article will also be about how Hinduism started and what it is all about. Hinduism was founded around 1500 B.C. or earlier in India. It is said to have been found aroud 1500 B.C. or even earlier. There is no known founder in the religion. We don’t know if there is any formation of the religion. Since there is no founder they have no one to look up to for making this religion or any kind of god. In Hinduism there is no god what so ever so they have very few beliefs. The role of an individual in Hinduism is to pray a couple of times a day. There is no relationship between god and a person in that religion. Because of this they don’t pray to a god and instead pray to the heavens. The practices of the religion are where they worship, the religious leaders, and holydays they have The place where they worship is in temples and shrines. have. shrines Some titles of the religious leaders are gurus. Gurus are people who live a normal life than become a person who dedicates their life to their god once they turn a certain age. Holy day/celebrations are Mahashivarati, holi, Ramnavami, dusserah, and diwal. There are 900 million believers and 82 million live in India alone. Believers living during formation of the religion lived in India. Besides India, most believers are in countries like United Ki d Kingdom and dU United it d St States. t In this religion there is no founder but it started around 1500 B.C. or earlier. In Hinduism there are many believers but most of them come from India where the religion was originally founded. In Hinduism they look up to gurus who are like leaders in to their religion. Even if there is no god in the religion they still pray and worship often.
The article is going to be about. The founder and time period it was founded. Explains who was the found the religion it many believers there are in believers live li i and d what h time i i was founded. f d d How H b li h i the h world. ld Explains E l i where h b li li now and where they lived. The place where they worship there god. Explains where they would worship the god. Introduces what the article is going to be about. The formation and history of the religion. The founder of the religion was Muhammad. Muhammad was the founder of the religion. It was founded over 1400 years ago in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The religion is over 1400 years old. Muhammad was wondering the country side when Alah (god) came to him and told him to start the religion. That was the formation of the religion. Muhammad was the founder of the religion and it was founded over 1400 years ago. The geography of the religion. There are over 1 million believers worldwide and one fifth are Arab. There are over 1 million believers worldwide. The believers living when it was first found was in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. That was where believers lived during the formation of the religion. Believers now live in the middle east and North Africa. Believers now live in other places than Saudi Arabia. There are over 1 million believers and they now live in the middle east and North Africa. The Belief of the religion. The role of the individual is to live your life do no harm to others. That was one belief that they y had. The role of the g god is to honor the sons of Adam. The role of the g god is to honor. The relationship p between the god and the individual is that god had honored man and preferred him to his creature. That was the relationship between god and individual. The god and individual honor each other every while. The practices of the religion. They would worship in a place they call the Mosque. The Mosque is the house of worship. The religious leaders are the sheikh, imam (shi’ite). Those are titles of the religious leaders. Major holidays are Ramadan, Eid al-fitr, Hijra, and Eid al-adha. Those are some of the holidays that they celebrate. They worship in the Mosque, the religious leaders are sheikh, and imam. Recap on what the article talked about. The founder was Muhammad from Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Explains how Muhammad found the religion. It was founded over 1400 years ago by Muhammad. Recap when the religion was founded. Believers live in middle east and North Africa, there are over 1 million believers. Recap on the topic how many believers there are. The founder was Muhammad around 1400 years ago, and there are over 1 million believers worldwide.
The article is going to be about. Who was the founder of the religion, which it’s going to talk about in the first paragraph. who What the h It I talks lk about b h was the h founder f d off the h religion. li i Wh time i h religion li i it i was founded, f d d which hi h is i also l going to talk about in the first paragraph. Explains who found the religion and what time period it was founded. It is also going to talk about the beliefs that the people have in the religion in paragraph four. Talks about every belief they have in the religion. So all it talks about is who was the founder, what time period it was founded and what are the beliefs that they have. The founder, time period and the story of the formation of the religion. First of all the founder of the Judaism religion was a man named Abraham. L Abraham was the man who made what the religion is today. Secondly the time period i d th thatt it was founded f d d was around d 1300 B B.C. C It fi firstt started t t d around d the th 1300 by b Ab Abraham. h Th The story t off the th formation f ti of the religion is the Tanakh and the Talmund. The Tanakh and the Talmund are the stories that formatted the religion. It was founded by Abraham around the 1300 and uses the Tanakh and Talmund stories. The religions practices. The place of worship was in a place they call the synagogue. The synagogue is the place where they worship their god. Major holidays are Rosh Hashanah, Yom kippur, Sukkot, Hanukkah Tu Bishevat, Pesaeh, Passover and Purim. They are all the holidays that they celebrate. They would pray every Sunday when they go to church. They go to church every Sunday and pray. They would pray in the synagogue every Sunday and some of the major j holiday’s h lid ’ are Rosh R h Hashanah H h h and dH Hanukkah. kk h The geography of the religion. Some of the places where believes live now are in Israel, Europe, and the United States. It is where the believers mostly live. The place where believers live during the formation of the religion was in Mesopotamia. It was in Mesopotamia founded by Abraham. The physical layout of the region is about the size of Illinois. The believers mostly live in Israel, Europe, and the United States. But it was formatted in Mesopotamia. The beliefs of the religion. The role of the individual is that they only believe in one god. It’s the role of the g The role of g god is to watch over believers. It’s one of the beliefs the p people p know. The individuals in the religion. relationship between the believers and god was the believers would go to church every Sunday. It’s a belief that the people have. And this is the beliefs of the religion. Recapping on the whole article is was about. The founder Abraham who was told to start the religion by the god Alah. Recap on who was the founder which is Abraham. It was founded around 1300 b.c. by Abraham. Recaps when the time period the religion was founded by Abraham. The one belief that all the people in the religion is that they only believe in one god. Recaps on what the people in the religion believe. To recap the whole thing the founder was Abraham which was founded around 1300 b.c. and the one thing g that they y believe is that they y only y believe in one g god.
This article is going to be about the founder and time period that Buddhism was founded. This is also going to be about believers and where they lived and where they are now. In this article The formation and history of the religion. The religion was found over 2,500 years ago, so Buddhism is over 2,500 years old. There is no known person who came up with the religion. There is also no information about a founder in the religion. Siddhartha Guatama was born in 500 BCE in Nepal p had discovered the truth that led to the cessation of pain. That was the story of the formation of the religion. There is no founder but it came around 2,5000 years ago. The beliefs of the religion. There is no god in the religion and because of this there is no rule. Buddhism is not centered on relationship between god and humanity. There is no relationship p between g god and humanity. y The role of an individual is to worship p at home or temple. There is no god and relationship between the god and humanity and worship at home or temple. In this religion they worship at home or in a temple. They usually have a special place or room where they worship. Prayer and meditation are chanting, playing music, and mantra. One major j holiday y is wesak, an important p festival. There are over 376 million followers worldwide that strongly believe in their religion. The believers lived in Nepal when it was first coming around. That is where the religion originally started. Most live in the the india area but the religion is still global.