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happiness by CHRIS SAUNDERS - South Africa
Photo • Chris Saunders
Whats your name ? Chris Saunders Where do you live ? Johannesburg, South Africa What do you do ? I am a photographer / filmmaker Does your work make you happy ? It effects me emotionally yes, one of those emotions is often happiness, this is often preceded by lots of frustration though. If you are in the creative world , how does happiness affect you, do you create better when happy ? Not necessarily, my work changes with the different emotional states that I am in when I create it. Happiness is often a result of something I have experienced while working. What is happiness ? Lying on the grass, touching it, feeling selfless and thankful. Is there a physical expression for happiness ? A good hug. What is the difference between happiness & sadness ? Black and white. When was the last time you said ‘i am happy’ & why ? I haven't said it in a while, I think its something I have thought about though, I don't think you need to tell people that your happy, you just have to be happy. Someone said ‘sadness is the key to happiness’ whats your take ? I think in order to truly embrace happiness it is important that you have experienced complete and utter sadness. It makes you more thankful when things are good. When people say ‘ i want to be happy ‘ do you know what they mean ? I never truly like to believe that I understand what people 'mean'. But I think I understand the pursuit of happiness. Its part of the human condition, every person has their ambition, let it be health, wealth or joy. Why are sad songs so popular ? Depends if you think they're sad ? Here’s our stupid question of the issue… Why did you watch the olympics ? I watched the beginning of it and then it faded away when I got tired of watching people throwing poles, running in circles and jumping over things. I enjoyed the rowing and cycling though. Did you know half of the countries & their flags at the opening ceremony ? I hope I do, are you gonna pop quiz me ?