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Background Image | Proposed DBKL Club House in Brickfield


C O N T E N T S ABOUT DATARANREKA & OUR SCOPE Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur Kolej Vokasional Slim River Wangsa Central Sitiawangsa Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah KBE A15 KLang Gerbang Ampang Hilir Commonwealth Forest Park Chalet Tioman Chalet Museum Sg Lebing Ministry of Health TNB & LHDN MARA Professional College SMK Gali & IKBN Perdana Hotel Maybank Apartment Brunei Airport Sultan Abdul Halim Selayang Market UOA LABUAN Cherating Resort 3 Storey Bungalow Container Designs Interior Architecture Project List

5-6 7-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-20 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-32 33-34 35-36 37-40 41-44 45-46 47-48 49-50 51-52 53-54 55-56 57-58 59-60 61-64 65-72

Organization The Principal Project Director,Interior Architecture Designer, Architects & Staff

74-75 76-77 78-82

Equipment Certificates

83 84-85


A quality oriented firm, providing Architectural consultancy

services inclusive of planning, interior design and landscaping work, Abdullah Shahdan Architect comprise a t ea m o f “ Yo u n g , E n e r ge t i c a n d W e l l Tra i n e d P r o j e c t Professionals”. experienced in various types and magnitude of projects during the course of their involvement in Malaysia Architectural scene.

Hence our firm offers not only quality professional service

geared towards providing our clients with a means of realizing their projects goal through investment and time constraints points if view, but as an addition, we are able to put forth strategies, new methods and possibly new answer or solutions related “Our Commitment to Architecture a n d C o m m u n i t y W e l l B e i n g ”.

It is the conscious duty and architect to translate the dreams, hopes and aspirations of this countr y and community into habitable built forms. He achieves this through knowledge a n d u n d e r sta n d i n g o f t h e “A r t a n d S c i e n ce ” o f d e s i g n i n g and constructing buildings. Architecture, above all, like painting and sculpture, is a fine art the appeals to the eye as music does the ear. Ar. Abdullah bin Shahdan 3



Break the Design Barrier Create the Spirit of Space, Breath the Soul into your Creations Khaliza Osman DRA Architect

About | ABDULLAH SHAHDAN ARCHITECT A B D U L L A H S H A H D A N A R C H I T E C T, a n A r c h i t e c t u r a l f i r m f o r m e d i n 2 0 0 5 , o f f e r s ser vices in the field of Architecture Planning, Landscape and Interior Design. The Principal and his Directors have more than 15 years working experience in various large and small Architectural firms. Their collective experience covers the entire scope of Architectural ser vice from Schematic Design to On-Site Implementation. O ur k nowle dge in C A DD (Computer A ide d D e sign and Dr af t ing ), has b e en applie d to 3 Dimensional Impressions and Construction Detailed drawings. We therefore a c h i e v e e f f i c i e n t p r o d u c t i o n c a p a b i l i t i e s . To c o m p l e m e n t t h i s , w e d o m a n u a l freehand techniques to provide quick respond to our client s’ needs for preliminar y schematic design proposals. O u r, k n o w l e d g e o n C o n t r a c t I m p l e m e n t a t i o n a n d M a n a g e m e n t e n s u r e s t i m e l y completion of project s and qualit y control over the builders workmanship. We carr y out On-Site coordination that aim to prevent, rather than cure defective work. We provide tactful contract management in order to curb disputes and prevent c o n t r a c t s f r o m b e c o m in g “a t L a r g e ” o r e n d in g u p w i t h a r b i t r a t i o n p r o c e e d in g s . Above all, we are commit ted to Architecture the dif ference with mere “building” is that Architecture is a form of Ar t requiring careful and detailed attention. It is our f ir m b e lie f t hat b y o b s e r v ing t his p hilo s o p hy, w e are ab le to p rov id e o ur c lie nt w it h buildings that fulfill their requirement s while reflecting the highest commitment to design.


Proportions, Harmonies in Nature, Art and Architecture are One


Khaliza Osman Project Director

The architectural ser vices cover the whole range of design and construction of all categories of buildings from feasibility studies to completion and commission of the buildings. The individuals in the firm have considerable experience in the management and coordination of building projects and in the interpretation of the client requirements. Time frame from the conceptual design to project implementation is planned and controlled. Summar y of architectural ser vices: • • • • • •

Feasibility study Conceptual development Architectural Design Obtaining authorities approval Preparation of contract drawings and specifications Contract administration

Planning – Housing scheme, recreational and comprehensive developments I n t e r i o r A r c h i t e c t u r e – T h e d e s i g n i n g a n d d e c o r a t i n g i n t e r i o r s i n c l u d i n g furniture for all type of building


“ Our completed projects include prestigious intelligent corporate TNB Headquarters, lifestyle resort hotel, hospital, medical facilities, laboratories and educational building projects, shopping complex, large scale public housing and industrial developing including proposed international airport terminal. The rich mixed used of building categories have given us great maturity in our consultancy services and contribution to the built environment.



| institutional | recreational | commercial | humanitarian | heritage | residential | mixed

LOCATION Brickfileds, Kuala Lumpur CLIENT Kuala Lumpur City Hall Sport Club PROJECT STAGE Tender PROJECT ARCHITECT Khaliza Osman Lam Quek Hua C&S ENGINEER Jurutera Perunding Marak Bersekutu Sdn. Bhd M&E ENGINEER Perunding DDIN QUANTITY SURVEYOR Nasir Ujang Consult




“Rebuilding the History, Green Building and Sustainable Propositions�

Khaliza Osman Project Director Dataranreka Architect




he overall concept of this proposal is to develop a 4-storey and 1 basement building comprising a sports center, sports center and sports club gallery for the development of homeland sports, a recreation spot for juniors and seniors in Kuala Lumpur City. The proposed component and the development of its environment is to create an activity zone that can contribute to the development of Kuala Lumpur City, especially on the site's built environment of area, indirectly it will also create a sustainable and integrated development, to the city centre urban landscape.


community |


| recreational | commercial | humanitarian | heritage | residential | mixed de



“Unconcious Learning of material challenges”

Amirruddin Shah Architect Abdullah Shahdan Architect | KL LOCATION Slim River, Perak CLIENT Ministry of Education EXPECTED COMPLETION July 2020 PROJECT MANAGER Ministry of Health SUBMITTING ARCHITECT Dataranreka Architect DESIGN ARCHITECT Abdullah Shahdan Architect Amirruddin Shah C&S ENGINEER Expert Engineers Sdn. Bhd


he overall concept of this proposal is to develop a 4-storey and 1 basement building comprising a sports center, sports center and sports club gallery for the development of homeland sports, a recreation spot for juniors and seniors in Kuala Lumpur City. The proposed component and the development of its environment is to create an activity zone that can contribute to the development of Kuala Lumpur City, especially on the site's built environment of area, indirectly it will also create a sustainable and integrated development, to the city centre urban landscape.


he overall concept of this proposal is to develop a 4-storey and 1 basement building comprising a sports center, sports center and sports club gallery for the development of homeland sports, a recreation spot for juniors and seniors in Kuala Lumpur City. The proposed component and the development of its environment is to create an activity zone that can contribute to the development of Kuala Lumpur City, especially on the site's built environment of area, indirectly it will also create a sustainable and integrated development, to the city centre urban landscape.


| institutional | recreational | commercial | humanitarian | heritage | residential | mixed

LOCATION Brickfileds, Kuala Lumpur CLIENT Kuala Lumpur City Hall Sport Club PROJECT STAGE Tender PROJECT ARCHITECT Khaliza Osman Lam Quek Hua C&S ENGINEER Jurutera Perunding Marak Bersekutu Sdn. Bhd M&E ENGINEER Perunding DDIN QUANTITY SURVEYOR Nasir Ujang Consult




“Rebuilding the History, Green Building and Sustainable Propositions�

Khaliza Osman Project Director Dataranreka Architect




he overall concept of this proposal is to develop a 4-storey and 1 basement building comprising a sports center, sports center and sports club gallery for the development of homeland sports, a recreation spot for juniors and seniors in Kuala Lumpur City. The proposed component and the development of its environment is to create an activity zone that can contribute to the development of Kuala Lumpur City, especially on the site's built environment of area, indirectly it will also create a sustainable and integrated development, to the city centre urban landscape.



he overall concept of this proposal is to develop a 4-storey and 1 basement building comprising a sports center, sports center and sports club gallery for the development of homeland sports, a recreation spot for juniors and seniors in Kuala Lumpur City. The proposed component and the development of its environment is to create an activity zone that can contribute to the development of Kuala Lumpur City, especially on the site's built environment of area, indirectly it will also create a sustainable and integrated development, to the city centre urban landscape.

community |


| recreational | commercial | humanitarian | heritage | residential | mixed de



“Unconcious Learning of material challenges”

Amirruddin Shah Architect Abdullah Shahdan Architect | KL LOCATION Slim River, Perak CLIENT Ministry of Education EXPECTED COMPLETION July 2020 PROJECT MANAGER Ministry of Health SUBMITTING ARCHITECT Dataranreka Architect DESIGN ARCHITECT Abdullah Shahdan Architect Amirruddin Shah C&S ENGINEER Expert Engineers Sdn. Bhd

community |


| recreational | commercial | humanitarian | heritage | residential | mixed





ocational College Slim River, Perak design act as a trendsetter for all 64 Vocational School developments all over Malaysia by Ministr y of Education. It distinct design set the bar high for all government schools and institutions.


Unconscious learning through material exposure challenges the traditional methodology of learning process. Complementing the term vocational that specializes on industrial learning, it on elimination of excessive material and loop between cost cutting exercise and design exercise. Work closely with Bahagian Pembangunan Pelajaran and Department of Education Development and Economy Planning Unit (EPU).

Amirruddin Shah Architect Abdullah Shahdan Architect | KL

The project consist of 7 workshops which are Automotive Workshop, Concealed Wiring Electrical Workshop, Industrial Machinery Workshop, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Shop, Welding Technology Workshop, Technology Workshop and Electric High & Low Voltage Workshop

Learning of material challenges�

LOCATION Slim River, Perak CLIENT Ministry of Education EXPECTED COMPLETION July 2020


PROJECT MANAGER Ministry of Health SUBMITTING ARCHITECT Dataranreka Architect DESIGN ARCHITECT Abdullah Shahdan Architect Amirruddin Shah C&S ENGINEER Expert Engineers Sdn. Bhd



1 LOCATION 1. Site plan 2. Front Elevation 3. Section





community | institutional | recreational | commercial |


| heritage | residential

HUMANITARIAN SCHOOL | KAN “UNIQUE, one of a kind learning ground ..”

Dato' Syed A. Rahman Secretary General Malaysian Red Cresent Society LOCATION Kandis, Kelantan CLIENT Malaysian Red Cresent Society and International Federation Red Cross PROJECT ARCHITECT & SUBMITTING ARCHITECT Dataranreka Architect DESIGN ARCHITECT Abdullah Shahdan Architect Shakina Shaziman Amirruddin Shah EXPECTED COMPLETION July 2019


| mixed develop | airport





20 6






LOCATION 1. Left Elevation (surau) 2. Section (surau) 3. Left Elevation (cafe) 4. Section (cafe) 5. Front Elevation (first aid) 6. Section (first aid)






community | institutional | recreational | commercial | humanitarian | heritage |


| mixed


Background Image | A15, Kota Bayuemas, Klang




storey super link homes are designed to full your distinctive living experiences with quality -niches and modern spacious layouts which appeals to your exquisite sense of style. Located blooming

in the heart developing area,

of a Klang .

Stylish designs, soothing colours and limitless opportunities for expression create an aura that exudes timeless elegance, allowing a certain charm that reflects your personal style, taste and preferences

“ Combining practicality and modernity. It’s the perfect home to fit your lifestyle and growing family needs ” Wan Ainul Amir Senior Project Coordinator I&P Group subsidaries of SP Setia 1 Interior visualisation that shows internal quality of in living room and dining area with spacious ceiling height and natural lighting 2 Interior visualisation of spacious Master bedroom with maximum cut for natural day light. 3 Exterior visualisation which highlight combination of roof between neighbouring unit and also entrance that can accomodate two vehicale.



Right Elevation

Left Elevation



“Value for


Hisham Daud Head of Product Department I&P Group | Subsidaries of SP Setia


LOCATION Kota Bayuemas, Kang CLIENT SP Setia and I&P Group EXPECTED COMPLETION December 2019 PROJECT MANAGER I&P Group and SP Setia PROJECT ARCHITECT & SUBMITTING ARCHITECT Dataranreka Architect Khaliza Osman DESIGN ARCHITECT Abdullah Shahdan Architect Amirruddin Shah C&S ENGINEER Perunding ISP Sdn. Bhd M&E ENGINEER JZA Consult QUANTITY SURVEYOR MF Associates Sdn Bhd



26 Background Image | A15, Kota Bayuemas, Klang

1 LOCATION 1. Site plan 2. Rear Elevation 3. Section





community | institutional | recreational | commercial | humanitarian | heritage |


| mixed

“An Environmental

Friendly Building that blend with our Climate ” Saif KL Chai Architect Dataranreka Architect | KL

LOCATION Ampang Hilir, Kuala Lumpur CLIENT Able Venture Sdn Bhd STAGE Construction DESIGN ARCHITECT Saif KL Chai PROJECT ARCHITECT M. Amirruddin Shah C&S ENGINEER Leyu Partners Sdn Bhd M&E ENGINEER Noble Existance Sdn Bhd QUANTITY SURVEYOR Loh QS Sdn Bhd




30 Courtesy of Bunga Atelier Design | Landscape Architect for Gerbang Ampang Hilir 02


| institutional | recreational | commercial | humanitarian | heritage | residential | mix


LOCATION Pasar Baru, Selayang

CLIENT Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur STAGE Proposal PROJECT ARCHITECT Abdul Aziz Mahamad Shakina Shaziman


xed develop | airport




Organise, Disable Friendly, Modern ..”


Ar. Abdul Aziz Mahamad Principal Dataranreka Architect | KL

58 5


community | institutional | recreational |

mixed development

| humanitarian | heritage |




residential | commercial | airport

LOCATION Labuan, Sabah CLIENT UOA PROJECT ARCHITECT Abdul Aziz Mahamad Shakina Shaziman Amirruddin Shah

“ Labuan

Waterfront Icon ” Abdul Aziz Mahamad Architect Dataranreka Architect, KL


ased on the study of the site location by the sea, and studying the client’s requirement in providing a totally new intervention of modernity, a landmark of the town is created, which shall later integrate the area into one focal point. This future intervention shall create the city future commercial hub, a reference to all others future development.


community | institutional | recreational |


| humanitarian | heritage | residential | mixed develop |


Background Image | Cherating Resort , Pahang Darul Makmur



“A retreat of

Tropical Paradise, Relaxation, Lively, away from the City ...”

Shakina Shaziman Architect Dataranreka Architect | KL


LOCATION Cherating , Pahang CLIENT | DEVELOPER Hartanah Duta Sdn Bhd PROJECT ARCHITECT Shakina Shaziman Amirruddin Shah






| institutional | recreational | commercial | humanitarian | heritage | residential | mix



69 2


xed development





7 5

8 6

70 9

community | i n s t i t u t i o n a l | r e c r e a t i o n a l |


| humanitarian | heritage | residential | mixe

“Rustic and Classy" Hafidz Din Abdul Aziz Designer Dataranreka Architect | KL LOCATION Kuala Lumpur City Centre, KL CLIENT | DEVELOPER Cigar Malaysia PROJECT DESIGNER Hafidz Din Abdul Aziz Zulhairi Zainol CONTRACTOR Lebar Layar Sdn Bhd QUANTITY SURVERYOR Nazri Nazman


ed development




Commonwealth Forest Park at Rawang 1996 Program : Humanitarian | Resort Location : Rawang, Selangor Client : Kayu Sedia Sdn Bhd Project Cost : Status : Completed Description :

Shah Alam Equestrian Club at Shah Alam 1996 Program : Commercial | Recreational Location : Shah Alam, Selangor Client : Kayu Sedia Sdn Bhd Project Cost : Status : Completed Description :

Terrace House at Puncak Alam 1998 Program : Residence Location : Puncak Alam, Selangor Project Cost : RM 2,000,000 Status : Completed

TNB Head Quarters at Johor Bahru 1996-1998 Program : Commercial | Office Location : Jalan Yahya Awal, Johor Bahru Client : Tenaga Nasional Berhad Project Cost : Status : Completed Description :

Ambulatory Care Centre (ACC) at Penang 1996-1998 Program : Healthcare | Office Location : Georgetown, Penang Client : Ministry of Health, Malaysia Project Cost : RM 80,000,000 Status : Completed Description :

Botex Ceramic Warehouse at Masjid Tanah 1997 Program : Commercial Location : Masjid Tanah, Melaka Client : Suhuwang Sdn Bhd Project Cost : RM 200,000 Status : Completed Description :


Rest House at Pulau Indah 1997 Program : Private Residence Location : Indah Island, Klang Client : Sultan Selangor Project Cost : RM 500,000 Status : Completed

Sofia by the Sea at Tioman Island 2001 Program : Commercial Location : Tioman Island Project Cost : RM 500,000 Status : Completed

Shop Office at Pandan Indah 1997 Program : Commercial Location : Pandah Indah, Selangor Client : Talam Transform Berhad Project Cost : RM 200,000 Status : Completed

Tioman Peladang Chalet at Tioman Island 2001 Program : Commercial Location : Tioman Island Project Cost : RM 500,000 Status : Completed

Housing at Chepur, Perak 1997 Program : Residential Location : Chepor, Ipoh, Perak Client : Project Cost : Status : Completed Description :

Sri Nelayan at Berjaya Tioman Resort 1997 Program : Commercial Location : Tioman Island Client : Kayu Sedia Sdn Bhd Project Cost : RM 1,000,000 Status : Completed

Multilevel Parking at Pandan Indah 1997 Program : Commercial Location : Pandah Indah, Selangor Client : Talam Transform Berhad Project Cost : RM 700,000 Status : Completed

Animal Department Quaters 2001 Program : Residence Location : Hulu Bernam, Selangor Project Cost : RM 500,000 Status : Completed

Health Clinic Class III at Slim River 2001 Program : Healthcare | Office Location : Slim River, Perak Client : Ministry of Health Malaysia Project Cost : RM 80,000,000 Status : Contract Mnagement KIV Description : Project Management Services

Staff Kuarters Langkawi Hospital at Kedah 2001 Program : Residential Location : Langkawi, Kedah Client : Ministry of Health Malaysia Project Cost : RM 80,000,000 Status : Completed Description : Project Management Services

Health Clinic Type III at Kulim 2001 Program : Healthcare | Office Location : Kulim, Kedah Client : Ministry of Health Malaysia Project Cost : Status : Completed Description : Project Management Services

Health Office at Pendang, Kedah 2001 - 2002 Program : Healthcare | Office Location : Pendang, Kedah Client : Ministry of Health Malaysia Project Cost : RM 8,000,000 Status : Completed Description : Project Management Services


Office Tower for LHDN at Shah Alam 2001 Program : Commercial I Office Location : Shah Alam, Selangor Client : Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) Project Cost : RM 69,000,000 Status : Contract Mnagement KIV Description : KIV

Sungai Lembing Museum at Pahang 2003 Program : Humanitarian Location : Sungai Lembing, Pahang Client : Department of Museum, Malaysia Project Cost : RM 5,000,000 Status : Completed

Health Clinic Type III at Kuala Gula, Perak 2002 Program : Healthcare | Office Location : Kuala Gula, Perak Client : Ministry of Health Malaysia Project Cost : RM 22,000,000 Status : Completed Description : Project Management Services

MARA Professional College at Johore 2004 Program : Educational | Office Location : Bandar Penawar, Johor Bahru Client : Ministry of Education Malaysia Project Cost : RM 36 ,000,000 Status : Completed

Integrasi Store at Penang Hospital 2002 Program : Healthcare | Office Location : Penang Client : Ministry of Health Malaysia Project Cost : RM 9,800,000 Status : Completed Description : Project Management Services

Laboratory of Science Faculty 2005 Program : Educational Location : Uitm Shah Alam Client : Mara univeristy of Technology Project Cost : RM 1,083,711 Status : Completed

Nurse Quarters at Taiping Hospital 2002 Program : Healthcare | Office Location : Taiping, Perak Client : Ministry of Health Malaysia Project Cost : RM 8,800,000 Status : Completed Description : Project Management Services

Pontian Plaza 2005 Program : Location : Project Cost : Status :

Village Clinic at Padang Lembu 2002 Program : Healthcare | Office Location : Gurun, Kedah Client : Ministry of Health Malaysia Project Cost : RM 9,800,000 Status : Completed Description : Project Management Services

Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara (IKBN) at Naka 2006 Program : Educational Location : Kuala Nerang, Kedah Client : Ministry of Education Malaysia Project Cost : RM 15,000,000 Status : Completed

Airport Sultan Abdul Halim 2003 Program : Commercial Location : Kepala Batas, Kedah Client : Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad Description : Design and Built Tender Proposer

Hotel Perdana at Kota Bharu 2007 Program : Commercial Location : Kota Bharu, Kelantan Client : Permodalan Nasional Berhad Project Cost : RM 89,000,000 Status : Completed

Commercial Pontian, Johor RM 1,500,000 Completed


SMK Gali at Raub 2008 Program : Educational Location : Raub, Pahang Client : Kementerian Pendidikan (KPM) Project Cost : RM 20,176,000 Status : Completed

Terrace House at Taman Debunga Merlimau 2010 Program : Residential Location : Merlimau, Melaka Client : Sri Pengkalan Binaan Project Cost : RM 700,000 Status : Completed

Housing at Qatar 2008-2009 Program : Residential Location : Qatar Status : Proposal

Terrace House at Taman Maju Jasin 2010 Program : Residential Location : Jasin, Melaka Client : Sri Pengkalan Binaan Project Cost : RM 800,000 Status : Completed

Low Cost Link House at Jerantut 2009 Program : Residential Location : Jerantut, Pahang Client : Ministry of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Project Cost : RM 250,000,000 Status : Completed

Maybank Renovation at Cambodia 2010 Program : Commercial Location : Chroy Changvar, Cambodia Client : Malayan (Cambodia) PLC Project Cost : RM 500,000,000 Status : Completed Description :

Wangsa Central at Setiawangsa 2009 Program : Mixed Development Location : Setiawangsa, Kuala Lumpur Client : Kharisma Wira Sdn Bhd Project Cost : RM 1,200,000,000 Status : Design Development Description :

Maybank Renovation at Cambodia 2010 Program : Commercial Location : Kampuchea Krom, Cambodia Client : Malayan (Cambodia) PLC Project Cost : RM 500,000,000 Status : Completed Description :

Ukays Bestari Development at Kg Pasir 2009 Program : Mixed Development Location : Kampung Pasir, Selangor Client : Jitra Engineering Sdn Bhd Project Cost : RM 1,100,000,000 Status : Proposal Description :

Maybank Renovation at Cambodia 2010 Program : Commercial Location : Serey Sophorn, Cambodia Client : Malayan (Cambodia) PLC Project Cost : RM 500,000,000 Status : Completed

MAB Quarters Tioman 2010 Program : Commercial Location : Tioman Island Status : Completed

Maybank Renovation at Cambodia 2010 Program : Commercial Location : Obek Kaorm, Cambodia Client : Malayan (Cambodia) PLC Project Cost : RM 500,000,000 Status : Completed


3 Storey Bungalow at Puncak Setiawangsa 2010 Program : Residential Location : Puncak Setiawangsa, Kuala Lumpur Client : Dato Azri Murad Project Cost : RM1,000,000 Status : Proposal Description :

National Department of Culture & Art 2015 Program : Recreational Location : Ipoh, Perak Client : Department of National Culture and Art Status : Completed

Sungai Tua Development at Gombak 2010 Program : Mixed Development Location : Sungai Tua, Gombak Client : Hidayah Pertiwi Sdn Bhd Project Cost : RM 1,000,000,000 Status : Design Development Description :

National Department of Culture & Art 2015 Program : Recreational Location : Alor Setar, Kedah Client : Department of National Culture and Art Status : Completed

CIDB Training Centre at Serendah 2013 Program : Commercial I Office Location : Serendah, Selangor Client : Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Project Cost : RM 68,000,000 Status : Proposal Description :

DBKL Club House at Brickfield 2015 Program : Commercial | Sport Hall Location : Brickfield, Kuala Lumpur Client : Kuala Lumpur City Hall Project Cost : RM 50,000,000 Status : Tender Description :

Bungalow at Melawati 2014 Program : Residence Location : Taman Melawati Client : En.Hanafiah Project Cost : RM 1,000,000 Status : Proposal

Bungalow at Bangi 2016 Program : Residence Location : Bangi, Selangor Client : Prof Zul UiTM Project Cost : RM 750,000 Status : Completed

Bungalow at Putrajaya 2014 Program : Residence Location : W.P Putrajaya Project Cost : RM 800,000 Status : Proposal

Phase A15, Kota Bayuemas at Klang 2016 Program : Residential Location : Kota Bayuemas, Klang Client : I&P Group Sdn Bhd | SP Setia Project Cost : RM 2,500,000 Status : Tender Description :

SPNB at Melaka 2014 Program : Residential Location : Melaka Client : Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad Project Cost : RM 395,000 Status : Proposal

Vocational College Slim River 2016 Program : Educational Location : Slim River, Perak Client : Ministry of Education Project Cost : RM 22,000,000 Status : Contract Management Description : Project Management Services


Gerbang Ampang Hilir Bungalow Residential Phase 01 2016 Program : High End Residential Location : Ampang Hilir, Kuala Lumpur Client : Impiana Project Cost : RM 7,000,000 Status : Construction Description :

MyPPP (People's Progressive Party 2016 Program : Commercial I Office Headquater Location : Kampung Attap, Kuala Lumpur Client : Tan Sri Datuk Seri Dr. M. Kayveas Project Cost : RM 500,000 Status : Construction Description :

Street Market Selayang at Selayang 2017 Program : Commercial Location : Batu Caves, Kuala Lumpur Client : Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) Status : Proposal Description :

Mara Liner Commercial Workshop 2017 Program : Commercial Location : Batu Caves, Kuala Lumpur Client : Mara Liner Project Cost : RM 1,500,000 Status : Proposal Description :

Malaysian Armed Force Hospital 2016 Program : Healthcare Location : Jalan Genting Klang, Kuala Lumpur Client : Ministry of Home Affairs Project Cost : RM 340,000,000 Status : Proposal Description :

Gerbang Ampang Hilir Bungalow Residential Phase 02 2018 Program : High End Residential Location : Ampang Hilir, Kuala Lumpur Client : Impiana Project Cost : RM 6,000,000 Status : Contract Management Description :

PR1MA at Terengganu 2017 Program : Residential Location : Cherating, Terengganu Client : SPNB Project Cost : RM 30,000,000 Status : Proposal

Resort & Service Apartment at Cherating 2018 Program : Commercial Location : Cherating, Pahang Client : Hartanah Duta Sdn. Bhd. Project Cost : RM 50,000,000 Status : Proposal Description :

Humanitarian School at Kandis 2017 Program : Humanitarian Location : Kandis, Kelantan Client : International Federation Red Cross Project Cost : RM 1,500,000 Status : Construction Description :

Site Office for SEA Sport Games 2017 Program : Commercial I Office Location : Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur Client : Ministry of Youth and Sports Project Cost : RM 1,500,000 Status : Proposal Description :

Food Court at Jalan Gurney 2018 Program : Commercial Location : Jalan Gurney, Kuala Lumpur Client : Project Cost : RM 1,000,000 Status : Proposal Description :

House for Iman & Bilal at Masjid Al Iman 2018 Program : Humanitarian Location : Kemensah, Selangor Client : MAsjid Al-Iman Project Cost : RM 125,000 Status : Completed Description :




Ar. Abdul Aziz Mahamad (Principal)

Principal | Project Director | Architect | Assistant Architect | Interior Designer| Administration

(LAM A/A 141 , PAM M1999 , NIOSH 48538, CIDB W 51270820010020) Dip. Arch (ITM) Adv. Dip. Arch (ITM)

Amirruddin Shah (Project Director)

(LAM AG/M 894, PAM, RIBA) M. Arch (MELB) B. Sc. Arch (UiTM)

Interior Designer


Radzali Rahmat (Architect )

(LAM, PAM, RIBA, RAIA) B. Arch Hons (UiTM) Dip. Arch (UTM)

Shakina Shaziman (Architect) (LAM II, RIBA) B. Arch (UKM) B. Sc. Arch (UM)

Mohd Zamri Hassim (Project Associates )

Sufian Husainie (Assistant Architect)

Aizan Baba (Project Architect )

Dip. Arch (Poly Tech)

B. Arch (Texas USA)

Nurzahidah Zainuddin (Technical Assistant) Dip. Arch (Poly Tech) Cert. Arch (IKM)

M. Sufi M. Noor (Senior Draughtperson) Dip. Arch (Poly Tech)

Trainee and Intern

(LAM II, PAM, RIBA) B. Arch (USA) Ass. Art . Arch (USA)

Fitriah Yunus (Interior Design )

(MIID M165) Adv. Dip. Fine Art (USA)

Iman Sumayyah (Interior Architecture Designer )

Nor Aishah Othman Zuhairi Zainol (Interior Design ) (Interior Designer (LAM ID/N 44, MIID M204) Assistant ) Dip. Int.Arch (UiTM) Hanizah Hazir (Admin / Account ) Dip. LCCI

Architectural Collaboration

Ar. Abdul Aziz Mahamad Dataranreka Architect


Shamila Bt Ismail (Admin ) Dip. Management (UiTM)

Mohd Saleh Kasim (Finance)

B. Hons.Accounting (UiTM) Dip. Accounting (UiTM)

Architectural Association (London) Dip. Arch UTM The following organisation is based on information @2018




ABOUT | PRINCIPAL 1983-1984 Architectural Association School of Architecture, UK 1984 - 1985 North London University, UK 1979 – 1982 University Technology Malaysia, UTM


r. Abdul Aziz Bin Mahamad studied AA School of Architecture and graduated with RIBA Part II London, United Kingdom. He founded and established the firm Dataranreka Architect (DRA) in 1994. Prior to the establishment of his own practice. He has established himself as a highly sought after talent. He worked as a project architect in various firm in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and United Kingdom. His design has consistently reflected his approach of individual uniqueness of each project. His conscious emphasis in scale, proportion and sensitivity towards use of materials has produced elegance result even in the tightly budgeted project. Sensitivity in art and environment is the main philosophy and vision with have always been a constant influence in the design concept of produce by the firm.

Experience 1982 – 1983 Jabatan Kerja Raya (Technical assistant) 1987 – 1988 TP Bannet Partnership, London (Graduate Architect) 1988 – 1989 Sheppard Robson Architects, London (Graduate Architect) 1989 – 1990 Architect Binajaya, Kuala Lumpur (Project Architect) 1990 – 1992 Architect Rekabina, Kuala Lumpur (Senior Architect) 1994 – Till now Dataranreka Architect, Kuala Lumpur (Principal)

Ar. Abdullah bin Shahdan Principal of Abdullah Shahdan Architect



ABOUT | INTERIOR DESIGNER North London University, UK University Technology Malaysia, UTM


e are an architecture and interior design practice which focuses on creating experiences as familiar as they are surprising. Our projects are collaboratively crafted by consistent philosophical approach - not predetermined style- by which we create spaces that are intimately connected to it’s function & individual context. Our practice is client-focused.We are constantly challenging ourselves to create compelling spaces that fits clients brief, budget and meeting the aspirations of the client. We are collaborators. We enjoy working with all studio members and client groups. We are still growing from a small two-man operation to a studio capable of designing & procuring large commercial project.

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Timber Chalets for Jabatan Haiwan Timber clubhouse for Selangor Equestrian Club Mix development of Taman Maju Jasin, Melaka Multilevel Carpark and 40 units shop offices for Talam Corporation, Pandan Indah Botex Ceramic Warehouse at Masjid Tanah, Melaka for Suhuwang Sdn. Bhd. 446 units double story terrace houses at Chepor, Perak 4 story TNB Head Quarters at Jalan Yahya Awal, Johor Bharu Hotel Perdana Kota Bharu Kelab Sukan DBKL Sekolah Menengah Gali, Raub, Pahang Laboratories renovation for University Technology Mara, Shah Alam

Khaliza Osman Project Director of Dataranreka Architect LAM / PAM / RIBA



INTO University, London, UK


am currently, involve in various Dataranreka Interior Design Works varying from works worth RM40,000 to 4million. Being very passionate about the details in design have brought me into Dataranreka. I began my career in the Food and Beverage business and later formed my own Sekkle Cafe Sdn Bhd food truck business after going for the specialist barrista course in London. My passion in design began after doing design for designer Cafes and Restaurants for friends and clients and later ventured into interior Design and Build with Dataranreka Besides developing my skill as income generating tools I feel that it is also a media to expand Dataranreka with the multi network connections of the young urban entrepeneur to the experienced professionals in various business lines

Experience 2014 – 2016 2016- 2017 2017 - 2018

RDZ Tech sdb Bhd Sekkle Cafe Sdn Bhd Dataranreka Architect

Hafidz Din Abdul Aziz Interior Architect of Dataranreka Architect


ABOUT|ARCHITECT Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melb Mara University of Technology, UiTM


e-defining Architectural terminology in an Emergent Era where cross discipline should take place between all industry i.e arts, technology, craft, material and even artificial intelligence (A.I)” Curiosity have striven me to what I believe today is no longer sufficient if an Architect act to follow the traditional methodology in design. One should be eager of knowledge and passion in exploring new territorial which enhance our daily routine. “Architecture is not just a Money Making Industry where soulless, monotonous, Ctrl C + Ctrl V project are created. One should be sensitive in making decision.” Cross discipline should take place in every design, similar as biological pollination where differential outcome occur in every process and that’s the beauty of it. “An Architect provide Vaccine rather than spreading Viruses” Strip those ego and arrogance, and you will see a brighter nation and future. Believe me. I got a portion of it in this, and this is my critic.

Muhammad Amirruddin Shah Architect of Abdullah Shahdan Architect LAM AG/M 896 / PAM / RIBA / RAIA


ABOUT|ARCHITECT University Malaya, UM National University of Malaysia, UKM


ince graduating from college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture, I have been practicing architecture for over five years and has experience on a variety of projects including healthcare, education, commercial buildings and many more. I whole-heartedly believes that good design should be formed by environmental circumstances and programmatic needs. " Architecture is a blend all of the technical aspects of getting a design constructed, while still achieving good aesthetics and high user functionality". Practicing architecture make me realized that architecture offered the perfect mix of being creative, getting into technical details, problem-solving, and being able to see a project come to life after all the hard work. I enjoys problem solving as well as the new challenges that come with every project. I keeps my creativity flowing outside of work by photography, painting, cooking and exploring other creative outlets.

Experience 2009 – 2010 2012 - 2016

Es Raof Architect FD Architect

Shakina Shaziman Architect of Abdullah Shahdan Architect LAM / PAM / RIBA


Saif Chai KL

SCKL Design Consultancy Architectural Association (London)

Ruzanna Abd Aziz

Lam Quek Hua

(LAM II, PAM, RIBA) B. Arch (UTM), B. Sc. Arch (UTM)

B.Arch(UPM) B. Sc. Arch (UPM)

Project Architect /Revit Tutor

PSA Design

Nazri Nazman

Zaruddin Manaf

Yuhannis Abdul Aziz

B. QS (UiTM), Dip. QS (UiTM)

B. Arch (UK), Dip. Arch (UiTM)

B. Hons.Accounting (UiTM), Dip. Accounting (UiTM)

Quantity Surveyor/ Contractor

Sufian Husainie Assistance Architect Dip. Arch (Poly Tech)

Resident Architect

Nurzahidah Zainuddin Technical Assistant

Dip. Arch (Poly Tech), Cert. Arch (IKM)


M. Sufi M. Noor

Senior Draughtperson Dip. Arch (Poly Tech)



*Computer (Intel i7 8700k 8th Gen) (Nvidia GTX 1050)-13 *Plotter (HP Designjet 510)-1 *Printer Ricoh Aficio MPc505 (Copper/ Fax/ Faximille/Scanner )-1 *HP Officejet 7610 *Cloud Services Synology DS 218J *Software - Rhinoceros 6 -Microsoft Officer -Adobe Photoshop CC -Adobe Indesign CC -Adobe Illustrator CC -Sketchup Pro 2016 -Autocad 2019 -VRay





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