Pioneers In The West
By Norah Pruitt
Table of Contents Section Title
Page Number
Chapter 1:All About Westward Expansion Louisiana Purchase Lewis & Clark Moving West
Chapter 2:All About The Pioneers Who Were The Pioneers? How Did Pioneers Live?
Chapter 3:The Impact Of The Pioneers
Chapter 1:All About Westward Expansion The Pioneers on the westward Expansion were brave.They helped to shape the United States. Louisiana Purchase In 1803,our President Thomas Jefferson gave $15 million for some land called the Louisiana Territory.The Louisiana Territory was 828,800 square miles.This unone land was west of the Mississippi River & stopped at the Rocky Mountains.It doubled the size of our contry over night.That is why the Louisiana Purrchase was so emportant.
Lewis & Clark After Thomas Jefferson bought the land he asked Meriwether Lewis & William Clark to explore the land he had bought.Jefferson wanted them to find a water route that went all the way to the Pacific Ocean.He also wanted them to take notes in journals.The journey began May 14,1804 in St.Louis.The journey was was over 7,000 miles. They traveled with 40 other men.On their journey they met a native american woman named sacagawea. She joined the expedition to translate and guide.While they were there they made friends and traded things.They made it to the Pacific Ocean November 7,1805.Then traveled home to tell everyone about the west.
Westward Expansion During the 1800s lots of pioneers turned their faces to look at “the land of golden promise that laid beyond the rocky mountains.”They went there to get farmland, gold,freedom and maybe even a new life.They went on wagons or wagon trains .The trip was hard many didn't survive.There many different trails.One of them was the Oregon Trail.The trip inded in 1890.Every one was happy.The pioneers were brave.
Chapter 2:All about pioneer life In 1867 in a log house in the big woods a pioneer named Laura was born.As a child one of her first memories was moving. She moved a lot.There was something wrong with every place,like there house on plum creek.It was fine untel grasshoppers started falling out of the sky.They were everywhere.While traveling Mary got sick and became blind.Laura became Mary’s eyes.She lived a good life in the west. Who Were The Pioneers? Pioneers were american people who thought it was their duty to move west.It was called manifest desteny.thay didn’t just move because of manifest desteny.They also moved for gold,farming and a new life.There were many trails.One example is the Organ trail.The pioneers were brave.They risked everything to get there and start a new begining in the west. How Did Pioneers live? When the pioneers got to their destination they built a house.There were many different kinds of houses.If you lived in the desert you would make a house out of brick.You would have a sod house if you lived on a prairie.Sod houses were mad out of sod,grass and shingles.Snakes and bugs could get in.If you lived near woodland areas you would build a log cabin.The log cabin didn’t need eny medle because they made nails out of wood.The pioneers houses were 15 feet wide and 5 feet long.The houses were small,but they were big enoff to hold what they brought. After their houses were built they took out their belongings.They brought things for protection.Pioneers brought rifles,pistols,gun powder and bullets.They also had cooking utensils like pots and pans.The girls of the family had bonnets,shoes,socks petticoats and underclothes.The pioneers had extra parts and food.Some of the food they brought was bacon,dried beans,sugar,salt,coffee and dried fruit spices.Pioneers got water from streams and wells.They were busy,they didn’t just sit around all day. 4
The children had chores.They milked cows,got wood and helped in the fields. Pioneer children went to school.There school was one room.They were taught reading, writing and arithmetic . Pioneer children brought an asortment of dicionaries,histories, encyclopedias and story books.Many had Mc Guffys readers. At the end of the day they went to baseball games,horse races and curcis.Pioneers went swiming.They also played enstroments.Pioneers were good people.
Chapter 3 Impact On The Pioneers Pioneers were a big impact on the Westward Expansion.The United States grew from coast to coast because of them.They moved because of their hopes and dreams.Pioneers marked there trails and land.Pioneers marked trails by leaving tracks.They marked land by cutting down trees and letting the livestock eat the grass.That is two reasons why the pioneers were important. The pioneers have taught us a valuable lesson.They have taught us to follow our heart and have hope.The pioneers used that on their journey west.They hoped for land,gold and farming areas.There dreams were to get there and live a good life.They passed down a lesson that anyone can use.So remember to follow your heart and have hope. 6
Glossary arithmeticanother word for math covered wagonsa bison drawn wagon covered by a long sheet mcguffy's readerspopular story books utensilsforks,spoons,knives,pots or pans wagon trains group of families that travel together in covered wagons Bibliography Domnauer,Teresa. “Life in the west.”New York:Scholastic Children’s Press.2010. Freedman,Russell. “Children of the wild west.”New York.Scholastic Inc.1903. Sandler,Martin. “Who were the american pioneers and other questions about westward expansion. New York:Sterling Children’s books.2014. 7