Voi - Natural Handmade Skincare

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process journal for voi design brief

s l i a t e d y c o m p a n y the owner b Supplied

general What sets your company apart from others? Natural and organic skin care products that are made to order. Also the ability for customers to customise their product by choosing their own scent (essential oils).

What services or products does your company provide? Natural skincare such as cleansers, face and body creams, lotions, scrubs, masks.

Why should I choose your company over your competitors? We can guarantee freshness and quality and a “made date’ rather than an ‘expiry date’. All of our skin care will be handmade, hand poured and hand wrapped to create true fresh quality products. Using ingredients that are the best nature has to offer.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of your company? • Strengths – Made to order. Customised skin care. Quality. Freshness. Recyclable packaging. Sustainable. Fair trade. • Weaknesses – None I can think of yet!

Where do you see your company in 5 years? 10 years? 50 years? In educating customers about the benefits of natural skincare and a leader in its field.

Who is your main competitor? Companies such as Aura, Sanctum, Bod, Grown, Trilogy, Bella Lucce, Pangea Organics. Why was your company founded? Inablitly to find something really fresh. Most products had a long expiry date meaning the product had to be preserved – quite often unnaturally. also trying to also incorporate an easy way to get this sort of product – online.


Target audience

If you had to describe your company/organization in one word, what would it be? why? Fresh! Want people

Who is the primary target audience? (who is most likely to use your services/product?) Men and women

to know that freshness is key!

interested in fresh and natural products. Probably a high socio-economic crowd with a medium to high disposable income. I don’t think it is necessarily age restricted.

If your customers had to describe your company/ organization in one word, what would it be? why? Customised skincare (sorry two words!!)

What is the positioning or mission statement of your company? Premium fresh made to order product using

How do you plan to focus on your target audience? Word of mouth. Promotions online.

How do most customers find out about your company?

natural and certified organic ingredients that are chosen for their abilities to benefit the skin.

Through friends and family

What do you hope your company can be known for?

males will be interested too

Quality and freshness. Also for being sustainable.

Which gender are you targeting? Mostly female but think Where do most of your customers live? Near me at the

Design preferences


What color palettes might you prefer? why? Natural

What is the average income level of your target audience? $60,000 +

colours – browns, greens etc,.

Where will the logo be primarily used? On the website, business cards, letter templates, envelopes, packaging

Are there any elements you would prefer to see in the logo? Something that encapsulates an image of ‘fresh and natural’

In your opinion, what is the primary purpose for a logo? Immediate product recognition. Desire for product.


t u o t i g n u t t i n r the owner fo questions

product I need to know exactly what products you will be doing. Natural and organic skin care products that are made to order. Also the ability for customers to customise their product by choosing their own scent (essential oils).

Could you list of all the ingredients that could be in each? I may be able to center the design around this, (colour etc) if not just good for brainstorming. Natural skincare such as cleansers, face and body creams, lotions, scrubs, mask

What are the names of the possible smells...Natural and organic skin care products that are made to order. Also the ability for customers to customise their product by choosing their own scent (essential oils).

You said you had decided on a name ‘M4U’ which meant made for you. Why did you choose this name?


fe e i r b n g i d e s tural Skincar M4U Na

business summary M4U is a new brand on the market offering natural and organic skin care products that are made to order. It was established due to the owner having the inablitly to find something really fresh. “Most products had a long expiry date meaning the product had to be preserved – quite often unnaturally”. The design of the M4U products allows the ability for customers to customise their product by choosing their own scent (essential oils). They can guarantee freshness and quality and a “made date’ rather than an ‘expiry date’. All of their skin care will be handmade, hand poured and hand wrapped to create true fresh quality products. Using ingredients that are the best nature has to offer.

Market position


M4U is a completely new brand, so they dont have the exposure of anything else. This means they will need a strong visual appearance so stand above and beyond the competition.

As M4U is entering the market they need to brand themselves and the product. The aim is to have a identity, business card and the products packaging. These must fit the brands core values and target the right audience for the highest possible hit rate/sales. This identity should be memorable and have a strong link to clear labeling systems for the user. This identity should also be universal in use for the web, packaging and publication.

target Audience Men and women interested in fresh and natural products. Probably a high socio-economic crowd with a medium to high disposable income - +60,000. Age range shouldn’t be too focused, a broad age is preferred. But primarily 25-60.

Tone of voice It should be primarily friendly, it doesn’t need to be the consumers best friend but it shouldn’t shout you’re old and need me to enable you to live with your wrinkles. It should speak fresh, organic, natural, friendly, credible, quality, handmade, young but not too young, but also a bit established and finally Australian but not played up.

Mandatory requirements 1 x Identity for M4U 1 x Business card 1 x Product packaging

Deliverables As listed under mandatory requirements. Submit with a bound research, ideation and development file and written rationale.


sre? r o t i t e p c o m resting out the

te Whats in

colour heirarchy

natural, fresh!

Market position

The heirarchy not only of the type but colour is quite strong here, but I think I could still get confused between them.

I think the leaf is a nice touch, you would think it’d be clichÊ but it is done well here. especially the box.

Clean simple logo, nicely spread out tracking too.


clear labeling

bottle colour

This would definitley stick out on a shelf, but I wonder what the rest of the range looks like.

Drugs are an interesting place to look for good labeling, heirarchy and clear differences need to be made.

I think the colour of the bottle really makes these, otherwise a very simple design.


the whole lot


This is more so an interesting way to photograph the product, and could be used on the website.

These work quite well as a whole, but singular they are a bit plain

The contrast of the script and the actual copy on the packaging works quite well too. brand is high then packaging eco...

organic & handmade


the jars

The labels in this handwritten style and duo tone colours works really well.

One problem with this would be the fact that one cant tell what is what without doing some reading.

The jars are quite succesful in that they show the colour of the product, and these work well with the labels.


rhsere? o t i t e p m c o teresting out t

Whats in

handwritten type

clean, colours

clean, clinical

haivng the type handwritten or even the labels being individually written would be a really nice touch.

This packaging has a nice colour palate of the brown/gold white, black and deep green.

Perhaps a bit too clinical but the logo has a nice presence on the bottle.

clean and white

high market


I guess the good thing about this packaging is that it would suit anywhere.

This has the higher market feel due to the silver feel and grain texture. Nice to see it in the packaging too.

Simple yet effective, a subtle change that really makes the product stand out. quite a fresh logo too.



clean, colour coded

I could see this being used for both men and women, perhaps too masucline though.

Quite plan but adaptable to many styles as the brand evolves.

Nicely colour coded and still plain packaging.

consistent, ingredients


colour changes

Obviously very consistent packaging, also I like the ingredients used on the side here.

Interesting to see the design go around the folds of the box.

not really the colours I would choose but nice to see a strong variation in colour for the various products.


rhsere? o t i t e p m c o teresting out t

Whats in

too repetative?

the pack


very nice, but perhaps too repetative, how do I know whats what?

Producing packaging that works together but also by themselves.

Nice adjustment of type to make something more interesting.

clear labeling


label shape

Nice big letters so that we know what is what.

This style of bottle is very old style, but also has that handmade and packed feel going, also lovely colour.

The label actually has a rough edge which is a thought...



colour combo

I would say this is kinda cute, makes the box that much more interesting.

beautiful little infographic showing whats inside.

The wood and the black + the infographic colour combo is oh so nice in this, very complementary.


old style


This is a lovely fresh colour.

lovely old natural feel, perhaps too hard to read though.

Nice type for the logo, serif but soft and not old.


rhsere? o t i t e p m c o teresting out t

Whats in


too girly

colour difference

lovely little icon

perhaps a little too girly but nice none the less.

super clear colour difference, and should be easy to make the connection.

playing bits up


modern, classy

finding the right bits to play up, these are lovely

The application isn’t as nice sadly as the number loses its strength but nice still.

the modern packaging with old serif style type works quite well, plus its plain-ness will always get it there.




interesting to see the product put on some wood and photographed, just that extra something.

I know M4U will have these, and this colour difference is nice.

The colours and materials in this combo are just right, but do they say more vitamines than skin care?




I think this is better with the white, but I think still too clinical

Nice to see the ingredients on the packaging, nice clear and bold.

The colour difference on the label is quite nice and you dont see much of this on packaging.


rhsere? o t i t e p m c o teresting out t

Whats in


nice photo


Interesting to see a visual take on labelling the products, quite clear as to where they would get used.

This is quite a nice photo, with is all ligned up against a nice background. def a way to go for the website.

Awesome to actually have bubbles and soap around it, it gives it context.

subtle colour

nice wrap around

clinical but clear

Subtle colour is oh so nice in the corner, but should this be played up?

lovely wrap around on the tube with nice labeling heirarchy of whats what.

Now this is clinical but super clear, reminds me of the periodic table.

blends in

texture application


I wonder if this would blend in with other products on the shelf?

application of the striped texture is quite nice this could be applied in a number of ways too.

The logo has a nice presence in this and nicely spread/brocken out.

homemade & clear

clear type


This stock looks like normal card, which gives it that homemade feel, also the colours are really strong & fun.

clear type for the lables, but i think colour is the point of difference for the product, one just needs to learn it.

I wonder if these labels would be distroyed by the oils etc from the contents of the jars.


rhsere? o t i t e p m c o teresting out t

Whats in


periodic table


Nice to see the infographics again as to when it should be taken.

Too clincal but it’s very clear, if this labeling could be mixed then thats what we want.

Lovely balance in this logo, kind of up market, but also just univeral.



clean and simple

A bit too girly but would look awesome on a bottle as just the type.

Lovely contrast of the logo and the chosen background, very fresh natural background too.

I think this could sit really well on a bottle but triangles should be avoided.


balance, context

classy, traditional

Very classy logo, the colours really boost this too, the grainy feel is a nice touch

Nice logo application but also nice balance in the logo.

Very traditional and nice and clean, also the red is so nice and strong. Fresh in its own way i would say.


competitors What did I learn?

1. A photographic approach really jumps out on the shelf, whether this would be appopriate for M4U is another thing.

2. Batch numbers would work really well, as in this is 0324. This would give it a more hand made feel.

3. Colour systems would work really well in establishing what is what, these colours would need to be learnt though. This in conjunction with a letter or name would produce a really strong system as to whats what.

4. The packaging needs to be instantly recognisable, in terms of which is which. So when a person is in their bathroom and hasnt got glasses on they can still just grab it without thinking twice as to which one is for what.

5. Colour coding like evo could work well, the type is all the same but the colour of that type on each is varied.

6. Consistency can cause confusion if it is too consistent

11. The information doesn’t techniqually have to be on the

across the product range. There needs to be enough differnce or play up of what is different.

bottle/jar it could be on a slip that is attached to the bottle when they receive it.

7. Infographics could be helpful to establish whats what.

12. The packaging needs to be simple enough that it can be put together by hand.

8. Photos of the ingredients could be used, this would push a more natural feel and allow people to see whats actually in the products they are putting on their face.

13. The stickers need to work in a way that the oils in the

9. Make sure its not clinical

14. The labels need to work with what ever coloured

products wont peel them off if some spills over the edge.

contents that is, whether that is yellow from lemon, green from olives or brown from gains.

10. Strong colours can clear things up but they cant be too commercial or plastic (lolly like) 15. The design is the whole lot together, the logo, type, ingredients list, box and the bottle or jar.



d eAmudience Analysis

Age Skin care products often hit the age range where wrinkles and all that jazz become a problem or is becoming a problem, in which case the primary age range is 25-70 but thats being a little greedy, if we were to really nut down the primary audience we can emphasie on 35-55 year olds who have the right values and attitudes but are also interested in a more beneficial product that considers the environment and isnt a commercial product.

gender The products are meant to be unisex, but we all know that the women will far outstretch the males willing to use this product, this doesnt suggest the design should be girly or anything but it just considers that we are designing more so for how a woman would USE the product rather than how a male would use it. In the end the design should neither be masculine or feminine.

primary geographical location Well the business is starting in Perth and will be targeting here first, In time the business may be able to expand nationally but as the product has a short life expand it may not work as well. So Perth in general, and probably more so south of the river as this is where the business is being produced from. The spread of consumers will also be through work of mouth starting at close family and friends hence why the location is fairly specific depending on the spread of the word of the mouth.

social class This type of product isn’t for the lower class, as they are interested in something more commercial that is also more affordable. They would also be looking at something that has a longer shelf life. So M4U would be looking at a mid to high class range, more primarily around $60,000+ individuals who perfer to have something of higher quality, and are willing to pay a little more for something with fresh ingredients and that is natural and so on.

education The clientel will most definitly be in the know how of whats good for the skin and all the little in’s and out’s of special mixes. If not they’ll believe what you tell them hoping it’s that special combination that they have been promised for years. But seriously they will be in the know how of what natural products are good and also they’ll have a good idea of what they want, as im sure they’ll have used many products by the time they get to this one.


c i h p a r g o p s y c h ce Analysis Audien

What do they value/look for in skincare They want something that is as Natural as possible, they don’t want to see packaging with a list of numbers in it, they want to see raw ingredients that they can understand. Value for money is always important, obvioulsy if they are paying a little more they expect something better, the way it should be. The packaging has to be likeable, it needs to catch their eye and be something they dont mind having on their bench. They like essential packaging but not unnecessary extras, as this then just becomes a waste and rubbush. They want the product to be organic or bio-organic, they want to know whats in it and know it hasnt got weird chemicals or ingridients in it, they want it to be as natural as possible as this is the way it should be for these things, why do they need to be over complicated with weird additions. They want to know what they are essentially putting on their skin and know it hasnt had pesticides put on it or any other weird substances. Consistency is also very important, not only in terms of they want a product that is always the same as that’s pretty well said with anything but they want something that has a good texture to it, something that isn’t completely runny and goes everywhere.

The product needs to have a Good smell, they dont want to be putting something that smells like arse on their face. Unless they are super sure that its the best thing for their face, but even then that would only be the super deticated, or the super ugly. They are looking for something that is basic and pure. They dont want something that looks like a cheap commercial that is consistently shouting at you. They also dont want it to be something that says you need me, no one wants to be told that they depend on this product to look good. This is just an extra thing to make themselves feel better, that they dont depend on. The person has the power not the product.

what do they read To gain a bit of an idea of the audience we are dealing with I have a few outlines of the type of magazines they would read such as House & lifestyle magazines then other magazines such as vogue and belle.


sinwess Aonatlysis




Well firstly they dont have to worry about any current connotations or experiences with the brand. As they are new they can essentially create themselves as what ever they want to be, a clean slate essentially. In terms of the actual product there are plenty of strengths, the product is very natural and fresh due to the ingredients used. There isnt any special process in making the products so it’s also easy to make for the business, this also suggests how pure the actual ingredients are. The next is the ability for customers to choose what oils go into the product, so the product becomes more personal to each person. The next is the fact that it is all home made which gives it a nice quality but also says that its been made with care and by a person who has the knowledge in how to do it.

You could say its a weakness that the product would only last 3months but due to the small amounts that you would order this doesnt really matter, and ends up showing that the product must be fresh as it only lasts for so long. In terms of other weaknesses it could be the fact that the product themselves dont really like labels on them as the oils tend to take them off.

OPPORTUNITIES The world is this businesses oyster. But i think they’d work within Australia anyway, essentially the business can only grow from here, whether that is opening a store/working shop for the products to be made and sold would be great. This would be a great way to get the clientel into the idea of they are constructing their own product. Ie a system is created where you select ingredients from to achieve a cleanser. This way the clientel can come into the store select what they want and be 100% with it and see what goes into it. This would work really well as a future opportunity.

THREATS The main threat is obviously the other businesses that already exist. But in terms of design threats could include the design becoming too clinical or commericial which would have a negative effect on the sales.


pineess sAnatlysis




In terms of political factors acting upon the business they will need to comply with regulations for the labelling of the products, I would assume the milliletres would have to be marked on it, as well as the ingredients within that product and perhaps warnings to not eat if it wasnt edible. Although considering that the ingredients within these skin care products are all natural these warnings wont be enforced. Other political factors may account for postage of the products.

The social factors would include how the design of the product will influnece the audience, or how it will be interacted with. Will it be a positive proiduct to the bathroom or will it have a negative effect. Will people be able to open the lid when they have oil on their hands, will the label peel off. Can it be used in the shower? how does it hold against water. What if it gets left in the sun. How does the container look compared to the other products. Is it easy to understand.



For economic fators aspects of cost, life spand and the quality will act upon this, essentially are the customers getting the worth out of their money. Other factors such as the economic downfall could play a role in this but as the product is of small worth compared to a car or furniture then this will most likely have no effect what so ever.

What is available for the packaging but what is more so important is what is achievable for a person to construct themselves. The owner needs to be able to produce the product and packaging itself. this may need a standard run of labels that can then be edited by her. or perhaps every possible label that can be applied.


the name

seuFminaml Daecrisioyns


Up to this point of time the client has been set on m4u (made for you) but they have now come back to me that they have thought of some others but havn’t disowned m4u either. The other names she has come up with are e4u (especially for you), o2o (organic to order). As for these I still think M4U will serve them best but I will meet with her tomorrow to brainstorm over it.

product list Cleanser - H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract with your choice of essential oil – 100ml don’t have sample (on order). Moisturising lotion - H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil with your choice of essential oil – 100ml don’t have sample (on order). Clarifying Scrub - French clay, almond meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water with your choice of essential oil – 30ml & 60ml jar, have sample. Night serum - Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E with your choice of essential oil – 50ml boston bottle, have sample. Body butter - Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter with your choice of essential oil – 80ml jar, have sample. Lip balm - Jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, beeswax and your choice of essential oil – 15g jar, have sample.

essential oils Peppermint, Rose, Jasmine, Duranium, Grapeseed, Lavender, Mandarine, Lime, Orange, Ylang Ylang, Mertle, Francensence.

keywords/summary for design Natural, Fresh, Healthy, Love your skin, Beautiful, Raw Ingredients, Grainy, Simple, Clear, Pure, Higher Class, Natural beauty. - The individual has the power not the product. Not dependant on it. Basic, Recycle, Sustainable, Brown Paper, Twine, Organic, Pastal.





N a mDeecisions

l The Fina

the name So if you can follow the previous page you may have seen that we decided to go with the name ‘Voi’. Whilst we were looking into the name we came to a few conclusions:

1. The name should be short and easy to remember 2. The name needs to in some way reflect what they are about - descriptive words that relate to the brand, ingredients, senstation, experience...

3. The name probably shouldn’t be a descriptive word of the product, ie natural skincare as when we use these descriptive words we cant remember it because it doesnt stand out.

4. It may be worth having a made up name or using a translation from another language As a result we have decided on the name Voi. Voi means You in Italian, and as the product is essentially all about the individual hence the smell choice and container choice it seemed to make perfect sense. The name is also short enough and different enough for those to remember it. And so Voi was born.






g e xSopmle Coornciepnts 45

1st concept Out of the sketches, I found that this had the most character and was the most expressive. But this also means it doesn’t allow for certain things, such as it wouldn’t connect to a male audience as well as the plain letters. In the end it’s nice but too feminine and probably too young. Besides that the ‘V’ could also be read as a lowercase ‘R’.


Letterforms As there are only three letters and they are fairly basic letter forms it’s difficult to get the difference and details when sketching. So i have selected whole lot of typefaces that i felt could be suitable for the brand. Each thogh may communicate two contrasting things, say for example didot is very classic and high class, where as futura is quite clean and pure.








Has a nice elegance to it, it also has a nice whole image together, in terms of the letters fit together really nice. One characteristic is that the letterforms aren’t as short as what the others have, they are that little bit more elongated which makes it sit really well as a solid image.

Within these typefaces there wasn’t really anything that was more old style in its strokes, so I pulled up caslon, it still has the nice difference in the V but is still balanced across the board.

Relatively similar to Bodoni but perhaps a little sharper. The thick and thins within didot really provide a beautiful feel. Very elegant & classy.






Likewise obviously with the upper case ‘V’. Some refinements to the height of the V and the dot on the ‘i’ could also be made, this would have to work optically though.

I found that these also had that more elongated shape to it, not as much as Bodoni but none the less still there. The softer serifs here also provided a smoother more pure feel as well.

It’s a tough choice to say whether the uppercase V makes sense or not. As fot this typeface I dont think it works as even though it matches in being classy for the high market it doesn’t portrey purity, cleanliness or organic nature like the product.








This sits really well together, it’s quite strong as a whole with how the letters interlock with one another. The single stroke width really brings it together as well. I think a logotype like this could work really well and would apply to so many more applications.

This once again sits really well but I think the thickness of the stroke is too thin for application, it just wouldn’t stick out enough.

I think this is the main contender against futura. Both are really clean and pure but are both really adaptable to many applications. The main difference is the V. In this case the three letters are all very similar but futura has that diffence that makes the V stand out quite a bit.







The V in this case is too large, it is very nice, it has that beautiful joint at the base but this also causes the balance of the logo to be thrown off.

This is really stong as a whole and sits really well together, the main problem is that it’s helvetica. Besides that it’s probably just too harsh on the tails and the overall weight of the letterforms

As for the uppercase I think we can see that it isn’t the way to go. When in lowercase it comes off much more relaxed, as if it doesn’t have that same formality.



voi clients choice I met with the client to look at what i had together and both she and I agreed that the futura Voi would best suit the brand and would allow for the best applications and evolution of the brand as it develops more products and moves from a home run business to having it’s own store. The client also saw the dot of the i being used bellow the O so she wanted me to give that a quick go to see how that worked. But the logo still needed to say voi and not vol.


ctsoonlcoolouurr palettes



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Limitations for the packaging For the packaging there are certain limitations and items that it needs to adhere to and achieve. Firstly it needs to be achievable at minimal cost and needs to be able to be produced or applied at a home base. It also needs to be something that one person can do and it won’t take too long to do. Next the packaging itself in terms of the jar/bottle etc can only permanetly have the logo as the contents may change depending on the persons next order. This leaves the scent and ingredients to be used in an interchangable way. The design also needs to work with both an amber jar and a glass frosted jar. The decision for the use of brown paper bags has already been made by the owner, which is okay anyway, but the design will need to accompany this. For summary the packaging needs to be fairly basic at the moment but should allow for evolution over time, if the design can be basic for home creation at the moment but show development towards higher costs and better materials the brand will develop smoother. So cost effective and home assembley.


Photography Photography always works well, this could be adapted in some way into the design. Though would need to work with the different applications.

nere? o i t a r i p s i n teresting out th

Whats in

Colour I picked this one up more so for the fact they had the greyscale colours then this one strong maroon. Seems to work well.

Type on wood/background Nice to see the infographics again as to when it should be taken.

Fill out These fill out styled cards would work well for the card that we are probably going to have for interchangable details.


info arrangement The information is spread out really nicely on this business card, this could be used as the treatment for the cards.

photography The Photography here works quite well and could be adapted in the business cards of Voi. With natural ingredients.


All natural

The one colour print on the cream cards really gives it that hand made feel. Also some old styled type combinations going on between the typewriter styled and he crest

These library cards work really well, when i say all natural i mean this by the hand written type, it is what it is rather than typed up.

nere? o i t a r i p s i n teresting out th

Whats in


fresh ingredients This could work well in terms of showing what fresh ingredients are in the products, whether its a photo or a drawing though would need to be explored.

info arrangement Once again just and interesting way of doing the information. Not that this exact style will match but something worth considering.

nere? o i t a r i p s i n teresting out th

Whats in

Brown paper & stamp We know that the client wants the brown bag, so a stamp seems to make sense for this rather than a sticker.









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Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and chosen essential oil


Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and chosen essential oil


Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and chosen essential oil

Cleanser Cleanser Cleanser Cleanser


Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and chosen essential oil

Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and chosen essential oil

Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and chosen essential oil

Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and chosen essential oil

Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and chosen essential oil

1. 18x140mm. Logo stand alone, followed by product type and ingredients. all links up

2. Thought perhaps a green could be used across the product range. doesn’t stand out though

3. Trying to construct a heirarchy system through colour.

4. Something a bit brighter, also trying something softer for product type 5. This works quite nicely in different colours too.

6. Not sure if there is enough difference in those colours but i like the combination of them together. 7. Also with the ingredients title in italics.

8. Playing up the product type to allow for instant identification for the user.


9. trying it in a base colour that could work in all applications. deep brown.

Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and chosen essential oil

Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and chosen essential oil

Cleanser Cleanser

C Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and chosen essential oil

Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and chosen essential oil

Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter,

Cleanser Moisturising Lotion

coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and chosen essential oil

Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and chosen essential oil

Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter,


coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and chosen essential oil

Body Butter

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and chosen essential oil

10. if the product type was repeated it’d be more visible from any angle

11. does it need to be written as well so they can read it to make sure?

12. just trying another sans serif but it’s a bit too clinical.

13. So back to Gotham, also ingredients oblique and bolded.

14. How does that work with a two liner? has to be run smaller.

15. if smaller a one liner would look like this.

16. and trying another two liner. bit of space there now.



Moisturising Lotion

Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oil.

Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter,


coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oil.

Body Butter

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.

Night Serum

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oil.

Clarifying Scrub

Ingredients: French clay, almond

Lip Balm

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.

17. Putting together the range of products and giving each a similar hue of blues and greens to give it that fresh & natural feel. Each individual product has their own ingredients too to judge how much type there is to deal with.

meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oil.


Moisturising Lotion

Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oil.

Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter,


coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oil.

Body Butter

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.

Night Serum

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oil.

Clarifying Scrub

Ingredients: French clay, almond

Lip Balm

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.

meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oil.

18. Not sure if the sans serif was quite right, it’s even a bit of a tough decision as to serif or sans serif. But also not sure what type of serif in terms of old style, modern, block etc...



Moisturising Lotion

Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oil.

Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter,


coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oil.

Body Butter

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.

Night Serum

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oil.

Clarifying Scrub

Ingredients: French clay, almond

Lip Balm

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.

meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oil.


Moist Lotio




Body Butt


Nigh Seru


Clari Scrub


Lip Balm

18. Trying out number 18 on the jars to see what they look like. I do like them, but not set on the colours at the moment. i wonder if they would blend in with one another.



Moisturising Lotion

Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oil.

Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter,


coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oil.

Body Butter

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.

Night Serum

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oil.

Clarifying Scrub

Ingredients: French clay, almond

Lip Balm

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.

meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oil.


Moist Lotio




Body Butt


Nigh Seru


Clari Scrub


Lip Balm

19. Okay getting to this stage i think it needs to be higher class still. Also the colours arn’t organic/natural enough. Also im thinking the type is too young and commercial


Moisturising Lotion

Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oil.

Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter,


coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oil.

Body Butter

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.

Night Serum

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oil.

Clarifying Scrub

Ingredients: French clay, almond

Lip Balm

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.

meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oil.

Moisturising Lotion


Body Butter

Night Serum

Clarifying Scrub

Lip Balm

20. I think it makes sense to have the letters played up as before and having the colour difference. BUT colours need to be refined more and types used need to be refined to give it higher status and take it away from looking commercialised.


M C B N S L 21. Definitely a bit boring. I also dont think that the serif works well as the big letters but i’m not really sure what to use there instead.

Moisturising Lotion

Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oil.

Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter,


coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oil.

Body Butter

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.

Night Serum

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oil.

Clarifying Scrub

Ingredients: French clay, almond meal,

Lip Balm

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.

jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oil.


Moisturising Lotion

Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oil.



Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oil.


Body Butter

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.


Night Serum

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oil.


Clarifying Scrub

Ingredients: French clay, almond meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oil.


Lip Balm

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.

22. This is better, But still a bit young i think. Also dont think these letters are perfect...


Moisturising Lotion

Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oil.



Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oil.


Body Butter

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.


Night Serum

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oil.


Clarifying Scrub

Ingredients: French clay, almond meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oil.


Lip Balm

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.



Mo Lo




Bo Bu


Nig Ser


Cla Scr


Lip Ba

23. This is nice, but still too commercial i think. I may play with a few other colour ranges. or separate the voi and the N, but we’ll see.



Moisturising Lotion

Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oil.


Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oil.

Night Serum

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oil.

Body Butter

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.

Clarifying Scrub

Ingredients: French clay, almond meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oil.

Lip Balm

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oil.


Moi Loti




Nig Ser


Bod But


Cla Scr


Lip Bal

24. I think I’ve stretched this idea as much as possible. Essentially it’s nice but i need to make some proper changes to it. Lets see what i have and what i want to get it to.



Moisturising Lotion Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oils.

Cleanser Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oils.

Night Serum Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oils.

Body Butter Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.

Clarifying Scrub Ingredients: French clay, almond meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oils.

Lip Balm Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.

25. Another version of the last ones. The system is here but i want it to say/ communicate more so what these images on the left feel like.



Moisturising Lotion Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oils.

Cleanser Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oils.

Night Serum Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oils.

Body Butter Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.

Clarifying Scrub Ingredients: French clay, almond meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oils.

Lip Balm Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.

26. The colour palette produced here is from the photo of the atichoke’s and these colours have then been selected for the labels. My only thought here is that it may be a little too boring. you may also have noticed that I’ve ran the full colour around the jar to give more emphasis on colour becoming the symbol of that product.


Body But Ingredients: Jo oil, sweet almon and your chosen



Bod Ingre oil, sw and yo




Clar Ingredi jojoba o your ch

N 101







26. Looking at the bottles compared to the jars in term of label height, they looked a bit stupid. So i’ve raised them up. These at the moment are placed on a 50ml bottle so it would look lower for the 100ml and 200ml bottles.









Body But Ingredients: Jo oil, sweet almon and your chosen

Body But Ingredients: Jo oil, sweet almon and your chosen



Bod Ingre oil, sw and yo

Bod Ingre oil, sw and yo



Clar Ingredi jojoba o your ch

Clar Ingredi jojoba o your ch




Printed out the labels to gain a better feel for them but also for feedback from potential users of the product. Firstly the colours printed out terribly but that’s probably due to my printer rather than the comp, though will match these with pantone cmyk to make sure for next print. So the Print colour is bad - it’s too pale and too dark, though as said that’s probably more so the printer than the colours. Voi prob smaller, not sure whether the logo should be smaller or it’s good that its that size for visibility on the shelf. With the longer bottles the product name can’t be seen so I’m thinking the letter may need to be repeated after a certain cercumference unless the colour differentiation became stronger. I wonder if the product type needs to be in title case rather than all caps? or it won’t have it’s heirarchy status if it were to be in lower case. I guess it’s harder for people to read it wrong if it’s in uppercase.

Should there also be Something between the big letter and the type/ingredients or is this gap alright? The colours also need to be deeper, for better readability. As the contrast between the cream and colour isn’t strong enough, perhaps some more olive colours.

looking at some other labels they have these items too on them: Instructions on how to use - So this is the cleanser you use it before you moisturise etc etc... Where it’s made - Ie made in Australia, but this could say hand made and hand poored in Australia, WA. This will help promote the australian made and the care into the product. Website - obviously this is important for getting re-orders of the product.

I also wonder whether the label placement should be 1/3 or the jars are good at the base and bottles good inline around the 1/3 level? or perhaps they all sit halfway.


Colour fine, could be too similar to cleanser vice versa

Colour fine, could be too similar to moisturiser vice versa

Colour fine, looks really good against the brown bottle, and nice on the frosted perhaps olives and greens are a way to go

more colours selected from image, but a bit more precise this time. colours are then adjusted for the label.

Colour was too light and needed to be deepened for better readability

Body butter made sense to be brown, and comments were continual on this being a nice brown, so may as well use it.

Lip balm was too dull and colour difference to hard to see, this product would be more so used by women, so it lead it self to something brighter that can be found in their bag easier.


Moisturising Lotion Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oils.

Cleanser Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oils.

Night Serum Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oils.

Clarifying Scrub Ingredients: French clay, almond meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oils.

Body Butter Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.


Lip Balm Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.

27. Colours have been deepened if not changed. The Product type has also been repeated further along so when you look at it from another angle you can still see what it is. I may do this in another way. The Lipbalm wont have the repeat as it’s on the smallest container



Moisturising Lotion Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oils.

Cleanser Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oils.

Night Serum Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oils.

Clarifying Scrub Ingredients: French clay, almond meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oils.

Body Butter Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.

Lip Balm Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.


28. Changed the bottom red to a deeper colour, also adjusted the scrub to a brighter colour. But i’m starting to think these colours are becoming too bright and young. I think the top 4 need to be worked with more olive styled colours, but also need enough difference so you can tell what’s what.



Moisturising Lotion Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oils.

Cleanser Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oils.

Night Serum Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oils.

Clarifying Scrub Ingredients: French clay, almond meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oils.

Body Butter Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.

Lip Balm Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.

29. I’m trying to get really specific colours

29. So I deepened all these colours to try and

now and it’s proving to be a pain in the ass. Obviously the colours are very different on screen, for example the moisturising colour and clarifying colour look black on screen. when they are actually a deep blue and green.

increase readability as much as possible. As my audience are older they need that strong contrast between the text and background. But when printed they are all just too dark, it just doesnt say natural.


pantone 5473

pantone 330

pantone 3295

pantone 560

pantone 5545

pantone 5605

pantone 5477

pantone 5467

pantone 561

pantone 554

pantone 3453

pantone 5753

pantone 199

pantone 485

pantone 1995

pantone 7554




Moisturising Lotion Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oils.

Cleanser Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oils.

Clarifying Scrub Ingredients: French clay, almond meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oils.

Night Serum Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oils.

Body Butter Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.

Lip Balm Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.

pantone 362

pantone 7497

pantone 202



Moisturising Lotion Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oils.

Cleanser Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oils.

Clarifying Scrub Ingredients: French clay, almond meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oils.

Night Serum Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oils.

Body Butter Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.


Lip Balm Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.

30.These colours print out so differently! It’s killing me!

30.So showing these to the client she agreed they were

the top pale turquoise turns out like a pale gray, the next green one prints out so pale and the body butter prints out so much pinker rather than the computer grey based brown.

nice but she raised the point if we are giving the user of choice of bottle colour to match their bathroom why make it harder for it to match with various colours. Would it not be better to have one consistent colour and let the initials really do the speaking for whats what. Plus then no confusion is made on the smell to as there is no interfering colour symbolism going on.



Moisturising Lotion Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oils.

Cleanser Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oils.

Night Serum Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oils.

Clarifying Scrub Ingredients: French clay, almond meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oils.

Body Butter Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.

Lip Balm Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.

31.These are then all in Pantone 5605 which is a really deep green. Though in print the cream pretty much goes away to, so I’ve deeepened that to and matched it with the green in print.

What I need to do now is work out the distance for the repeat letter so that it works well on the different sized labels, as atm it repeats just before the logo again and looks stupid. I also need to kern the type, capitalise the ingredients, check spelling and do tricky shit with the H20 so the 2 is smaller.

pantone 1995

pantone 5605



Moisturising Lotion Ingredients: H20, grapeseed extract, jojoba oil, emulsifying wax, apricot kernel oil and your chosen essential oils.

Cleanser Ingredients: H20, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, vegetable glycerine, grapeseed extract and your chosen essential oils.

Night Serum Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, rosehip oil, macadamia oil, vitamin E and your chosen essential oils.

Clarifying Scrub Ingredients: French clay, almond meal, jojoba oil, poppy seeds, rose water and your chosen essential oils.

Body Butter Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.

Lip Balm Ingredients: Jojoba oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter and your chosen essential oils.

32.Before I completely went away from the idea of using colour I thought id try this one, but in the end i think just the duo tone cream and a colour still work the best and considering what and how it’ll be used it makes more sense.



Moisturising Lotion Ingredients: H2O, Grapeseed Extract, Jojoba Oil, Emulsifying Wax, Apricot Kernel Oil and your chosen Essential Oils.

Cleanser Ingredients: H2O, Cocoa Butter, Coconut Oil, Sesame Oil, Jojoba Oil, Vegetable Glycerine, Grapeseed Extract and your chosen Essential Oils.

Night Serum Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Sesame Oil, Avocado Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, Rosehip Oil, Macadamia Oil, Vitamin E and your chosen Essential Oils.

Clarifying Scrub Ingredients: French Clay, Almond Meal, Jojoba Oil, Poppy Seeds, Rose Water and your chosen Essential Oils.

Body Butter Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Avocado Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Shea Butter and your chosen Essential Oils.


Lip Balm Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Beeswax and your chosen Essential Oils.

33.Looking at the diameter of one of the smallest containers it makes sense to have the repeat at 130mm from the left edge of Voi. Also kerned product name and copy. Adjusted H20 to chemical styling. Bumped big letters to better center them. Removed double spacing.



Moisturising Lotion Ingredients: H2O, Grapeseed Extract, Jojoba Oil, Emulsifying Wax, Apricot Kernel Oil and your chosen Essential Oils.

Cleanser Ingredients: H2O, Cocoa Butter, Coconut Oil, Sesame Oil, Jojoba Oil, Vegetable Glycerine, Grapeseed Extract and your chosen Essential Oils.

Night Serum Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Sesame Oil, Avocado Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, Rosehip Oil, Macadamia Oil, Vitamin E and your chosen Essential Oils.

Clarifying Scrub Ingredients: French Clay, Almond Meal, Jojoba Oil, Poppy Seeds, Rose Water and your chosen Essential Oils.

Body Butter Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Avocado Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Shea Butter and your chosen Essential Oils.


Lip Balm Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Beeswax and your chosen Essential Oils.

34.changes here were to take the repeat product letter out of it’s box and just have it reversed out. This way only the logo is being pronounced and also gets its own treatment rather than being done the same as something else.


ratderial a c o f n i t h e changable m

ter All the In


Batch No: Date Made: Volume: Eo/Scent:

1.The first idea stems from the labeling of the bottles. Firstly we are using a brown card, about 300gsm. Then we’ll use the deep green on the card, unless we decide to do B&W in which case it’ll be 100% black.


Moisturising Lotion Ingredients: H2O, Grapeseed Extract, Jojoba Oil, Emulsifying Wax, Apricot Kernel Oil and your chosen Essential Oils.


Use Cleanser before applying moisturiser. Apply to face, and wipe off excess.

Volume: Eo/Scent:

Batch No:

Batch No:

Date Made:

Date Made:





Batch No Date Made: Made in website

2.Considering the application of the sticker as to what scent it is, thinking that could be done with a drawing off what that scent is, ie peppermint, orange, lemon, rose...

3.Could also run the colour as a line along the bottom, not sure about it though.

4.Might try and work out the information first. How to make it work well on the card before I get too bugged down into the scent sticker application.


5.Decided for the information that

Use Cleanser before applying moisturiser. Apply to face, and wipe off excess.

Volume: 25ml 50ml Essential oils: Batch No: Date Made: D M





I’m also trying to construct it so that the client can fill in the items or cross them. This will promote the hand made feel to the products.


Made in Australia. Hand Made, Hand Poured. www.voi-body.com

Use Cleanser before applying moisturiser. Apply to face, and wipe off excess.

Volume: 25ml 50ml Essential oils: Batch No: Date Made: D M



is going on the card a landscape orientation would be better. This means it wont sit as perfect on the products but for how people read business cards and are used to holding something this size it just makes way more sense.




6.Introducing more of the labeling into it with the strong solid colour applied. This is the deep green, which hopefully doesn’t get too distorted on the card. The how to use information up the top will obviously be re-written and then the other bits will be filled in by the client. Possibly artline black or red.

Made in Australia. Hand Made, Hand Poured. www.voi-body.com

Use Cleanser before applying moisturiser. Apply to face, and wipe off excess.

Volume: 25ml 50ml Essential oils: Batch No: Date Made: D M




Made in Australia. Hand Made, Hand Poured. www.voi-body.com



7.It’s a tough call as to how to do the card scent sticker. I’m questioning whether it’s worth having it on there at all. But I think there needs to be that strong visual symbol as to what essential oils they got. The only problem is they can have more than one EO so what if they had three oils? Lavender, Lime, Rose

Use Cleanser before applying moisturiser. Apply to face, and wipe off excess.

Volume: 25ml 50ml Essential oils: Batch No: Date Made: D M




8.I’ve just reduced the size of these, and yer they look okay, but I’m still a little un easy on them. Perhaps if it’s going to be printed anyway it could be a tag?



Made in Australia. Hand Made, Hand Poured. www.voi-body.com

Use Cleanser before applying moisturiser. Apply to face, and wipe off excess.

Volume: 25ml 50ml Essential oils: Batch No: Date Made: D M






Made in Australia. Hand Made, Hand Poured. www.voi-body.com

Use Cleanser before applying moisturiser. Apply to face, and wipe off excess.

Volume: 25ml 50ml Essential oils: Batch No: Date Made: D M






Made in Australia. Hand Made, Hand Poured. www.voi-body.com


9.These are a list of scents or essential oils that can be added to the products, these are only some of them though. There are many upon many of them.

Use Cleanser before applying moisturiser. Apply to face, and wipe off excess.

Volume: 25ml 50ml Essential oils: Batch No: Date Made: D M




The idea of this tag is that I can add more colours with ease and she will be able to print these at home just with a bit thicker stock than her normal 80gsm. I’m thinking around 170200gsm, depending on her printer.



Made in Australia. Hand Made, Hand Poured. www.voi-body.com




geranium Peppermint




lime Peppermint


ylang ylang








ylang ylang











Moisturising Lotion Ingredients: H2O, Grapeseed Extract, Jojoba Oil, Emulsifying Wax, Apricot Kernel Oil and your chosen Essential Oils.



m er




Mois Ingredie Oil, Emuls your chos

Us e an Cle d w an ipe ser b off efo Vo r ex ces e ap l u ply s. Es m in

e s Ba ent : 25 ml tc i Da h al o 50m No te ils l Ma : Ma : ww de in de w. A : u vo D st i-b



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9.Looking at these I think they work really well. I like the idea that the tags are separate and you can just grab another as you go, better than a sticker too as doesn’t look as cheap! me

The only thing i wonder is does it need the logo on the scent and should that be in the deep green too? as that would make more sense.



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Use Cleanser before applying moisturiser. Apply to face, and wipe off excess.

Volume: 25ml 50ml Essential oils: Batch No: Date Made: D M






10.brought the deep green into the

Made in Australia. Hand Made, Hand Poured. www.voi-body.com

names of the scents which helps it better tie in with the rest of the design.





ylang ylang








g n la y g n la y



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e s Ba ent : 25 ml tc i a Da 5 l h No oil 0ml te s Ma : Ma : ww de in de w. :D vo Aust


Us e an Cle d w an ipe ser b off efo Vo r ex ces e ap l u ply s. Es m in


10.Getting my kerning on...oh yer Peppermint




ylang ylang








9.This is the previous one.

Use Cleanser before applying moisturiser. Apply to face, and wipe off excess.

Volume: 25ml 50ml Essential oils: Batch No: Date Made: D M






Made in Australia. Hand Made, Hand Poured. www.voi-body.com

11.Realised for one the ‘How to use’








Essential oils: Batch No: Date Made: D



would need to be written on each card, as this changes for each product type. so changed that to a fill in area. Also made Day, Month and Year larger as they looked weird small. Then right justified the Made and website down the bottom.

how to use: Australian Made. Hand Made, Hand Poured. www.voi-body.com

12.Increased leading between bottom








Essential oils:

line and made info. Will need to do a test print soon to check the spacing of it all and make sure she can write within the given areas.

Batch No: Date Made: D



how to use: Australian Made. Hand Made, Hand Poured. www.voi-body.com


atg b y r r a c t h e it, chuck it ou get it in


I had quite a long discussion with the client (my

bag design

aunty) on these bags last night. The bag that she showed me gets used at a cafe she owns with her husband and was what she wanted to use for the Voi bag. When I first looked at it i thought it was far to light in gsm, and a little off in colour. It didn’t seem like something that would make a good bag for the products. But as my aunty explained even if it were thicker the bag would get chucked out, the idea is that this bag is thinner and more decomposable. She wants it to be more eco friendly or natural.

As the bag is something that is only a small part of the design, and is going to be chucked out quickly it doesnt need to be extravagent. The simpler the better infact. The basic idea is that she can have the bags and stamp the bag with the identity. The reason we arn’t using a sticker here is in the end this would be more expensive but also it would make it look cheap and would give a shine to the logo and we don’t want that on the brown paper.

Which makes sense anyway, her idea was receive it in the bag and then chuck it straight away. It’s not meant to hang around. So it makes sense to use the bag. Though I did need some convincing.



Moisturising Lotion Ingredients: H2O, Grapeseed Extract, Jojoba Oil, Emulsifying Wax, Apricot Kernel Oil and your chosen Essential Oils.








Essential oils: Batch No: Date Made: D



how to use: Australian Made. Hand Made, Hand Poured. www.voi-body.com


Mois Ingredie Oil, Emuls your chos


1. For the bag I’m really thinking simple is better, something that she can just stamp on it. It doesnt need to be the preacher in the pack. So I think this bottom left will do the job. It’s centered so it should be able to be seen nice and easy, also easy for her to stamp it there then also just raised up from the bottom a bit so that if the bag curves with stuff in it, it should still be visible. This is all then held together with twine, hence the holes in the two tags.


rtdme. a c s s e n i b u s how to contac

i? Who am


natalie woodman

0409293331 www.voi-body.com Australian Made. Hand Made, Hand Poured.

1. First Application, getting what needs to be on there, creating contrast between the two sides


natalie woodman

2. bringing in the labeling of the products into the name of the person on the card. Looks a lil stupid though.

natalie woodman

0409293331 Info@voi-body.com www.voi-body.com Australian Made. Hand Made, Hand Poured.

3. Getting a bit more structure into the copy, but there is also so much space being wasted.


Moisturising Lotion Ingredients: H2O, Grapeseed Extract, Jojoba Oil, Emulsifying Wax, Apricot Kernel Oil and your chosen Essential Oils.


3. Why not bring the labeling style into it, the label is long so lets bring that into it. And save paper at the same time.

natalie woodman

+61 409 293 331 voi-body.com Info@voi-body.com

Australian Made. Hand Made. Hand Poured.

4. Using exactly half the business card, which is more cost effective and eco friendly. Not as much wasted space too.

natalie woodman

+61 409 293 331 voi-body.com Info@voi-body.com

Australian Made. Hand Made. Hand Poured.

5. Working out how to do the other side of the card, if we did this one they could have a one sided card then stamp the other isde with the bag stamp, which would cut costs a lot but then the bag stamp really is quite large.

natalie woodman

+61 409 293 331 voi-body.com Info@voi-body.com

Australian Made. Hand Made. Hand Poured.

6. bringing a bit more spacing into the copy. Then really spacing out the back side, trying not to shout the name.

natalie woodman

+61 409 293 331 voi-body.com Info@voi-body.com

Australian Made. Hand Made. Hand Poured.


7. Bringing the format of the labels into the backside of the card, but it doesn’t really work that well. bit too big. 141

natalie woodman

+61 409 293 331 voi-body.com Info@voi-body.com

Australian Made. Hand Made. Hand Poured.

8. Perhaps just all the one colour, no contrast of sides.... more natural? but also is it as nice?

natalie woodman

+61 409 293 331 voi-body.com Info@voi-body.com

Australian Made. Hand Made. Hand Poured.

9. How about using the jars as visual language in it? brings a more dynamic feel to it, something to look at?

natalie woodman

+61 409 293 331 voi-body.com Info@voi-body.com

Australian Made. Hand Made. Hand Poured.

10. perhaps not in the brown though

natalie woodman

owner & maker

+61 409 293 331 voi-body.com Info@voi-body.com

Australian Made. Hand Made. Hand Poured.

11. Is simplicity the best solution, why shout? why say lots? what would last longer?

natalie woodman

+61 409 293 331 voi-body.com Info@voi-body.com

Australian Made. Hand Made. Hand Poured.

12. perhaps something more playful if i am going to use the jars? is this too young though?

natalie woodman

owner & maker

+61 409 293 331 voi-body.com Info@voi-body.com

Australian Made. Hand Made. Hand Poured.

13. How about creating a pattern that could be used on various applications, perhaps with some perspective?

natalie woodman

owner & maker

+61 409 293 331 voi-body.com Info@voi-body.com

Australian Made. Hand Made. Hand Poured.

14. Is that too messy with overlap though, maybe its better smaller and individual...


14. Deciding which to use, also showing the client and a few others the different backings. In preference the perspective jars look better as they aren’t so full on.

natalie woodman

owner & maker

+61 409 293 331 voi-body.com Info@voi-body.com

Australian Made. Hand Made. Hand Poured.

natalie woodman

+61 409 293 331 voi-body.com Info@voi-body.com

Australian Made. Hand Made. Hand Poured.

natalie woodman

owner & maker

+61 409 293 331 voi-body.com Info@voi-body.com

Australian Made. Hand Made. Hand Poured.

Hand-made skin care with Hand-made skin care with All Natural Handmade Skincare your choice of Essential your choice of Essential Chose your Essential Oils Oils & packaging Oils & packaging Mix & Match Packaging

Australian-made. Hand-poured. Voiskin.com

15. Changing a few details on the business card, such as the explaination summary of the business. As well as other little details in the information like the mobile and the website.

natalie woodman +61 409 293 331

All Natural Handmade Skincare


Chose your Essential Oils


Mix & Match Packaging

16. New information in there, text has been reduced to the same size as the business card, too open on the right though

natalie woodman voiskincare.com

all natural handmade skincare


choice of essential oils

0409 293 331

mix & match packaging

17. Name in lowercase, indent put in to match order card and information sperad out.

natalie woodman voiskincare.com info@voiskincare.com 0409 293 331

all natural handmade skincare choice of essential oils mix & match packaging

18. Stretched out top and bottom line shapes. Also increased point size to 7pt so it isnt so open.


18. Its nice but I have a gut feeling that it just isn’t right, as if sub consciously it could be seen as only jars, when we are saying you can mix and match your packaging. Also it seems more like something used for a promotion rather than long life application. So in this case the plain one is the way to go

natalie woodman voiskincare.com info@voiskincare.com 0409 293 331

all natural handmade skincare choice of essential oils mix & match packaging

natalie woodman voiskincare.com info@voiskincare.com 0409 293 331

all natural handmade skincare choice of essential oils mix & match packaging

12. This is where it was up to before, I








Essential oils: Batch No: Date Made: D



how to use: Australian Made. Hand Made, Hand Poured. www.voi-body.com

showed it to the client and we discussed how she would be writing on it. From this we were able to determine that she needed more space for the essential oils and a lot more for how to use it. So we have decided to give the Eo more space on this side and then instructions will just be writen on the back, but there is no point printing lines or ‘How to use’ on the back as it’s a waste of money so it’ll just be blank with her handwriting.

13. So changes are the proper


15ml 25ml 30ml 50ml 60ml 100ml 120ml

Batch No : Date Made: D



Essential oils:

measurements that she will be producing for the products, then batch number o is smaller and risen. The D,M & Y is then stretched out more and the year line runs to the end of the given area. Essential oils have more space. website change and summary change. And it would get filled out like this:

All natural handmade skincare www.voiskincare.com


15ml 25ml 30ml 50ml 60ml 100ml 120ml

Batch No : Date Made: D



Essential oils:

All natural handmade skincare www.voiskincare.com



g an yl


Ingredie Oil, Emuls your chos

Date Made: D

Essential oils:

Date Made: D


All natural handmade skincare www.voiskincare.com



All natural handmade skincare www.voiskincare.com


15ml 25ml 30ml 50ml 60ml 100ml 120ml

No :


Essential oils:


15ml 25ml 30ml 50ml 60ml 100ml 120ml

Batch No :


Ingredients: H2O, Grapeseed Extract, Jojoba Oil, Emulsifying Wax, Apricot Kernel Oil and your chosen Essential Oils.

grapefruit o m rang a e n d a r in

mint Pepper lim e t

M g an

M Moisturising Lotion



Body Butter Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Avocado Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Shea Butter and your chosen Essential Oils.


natalie woodman all natural handmade skincare choice of essential oils mix & match packaging

g an l y

g an yl

voiskincare.com info@voiskincare.com 0409 293 331

mi Pepper lim e Volume:

15ml 25ml 30ml 50ml 60ml 100ml 120ml

Batch No : Date Made: D



Essential oils:

All natural handmade skincare www.voiskincare.com



15ml 25ml 30ml 50ml 60ml 100ml 120ml

Batch No : Date Made: D



Essential oils:

All natural handmade skincare www.voiskincare.com


15ml 25ml 30ml 50ml 60ml 100ml 120ml

Batch No : Date Made: D



Essential oils:

All natural handmade skincare www.voiskincare.com


15ml 25ml 30ml 50ml 60ml 100ml 120ml

Batch No : Date Made: D



Essential oils:

All natural handmade skincare www.voiskincare.com


15ml 25ml 30ml 50ml 60ml 100ml 120ml

Batch No : Date Made: D



Essential oils:

All natural handmade skincare www.voiskincare.com


15ml 25ml 30ml 50ml 60ml 100ml 120ml

Batch No : Date Made: D



Essential oils:

All natural handmade skincare www.voiskincare.com


15ml 25ml 30ml 50ml 60ml 100ml 120ml

Batch No : Date Made: D



Essential oils:

All natural handmade skincare www.voiskincare.com


s& k r o w t i w ho be printed how it’ll


The brown paper bag is simply just ink stamped with the logo in the centre and about 1/3 up the bag. All the products and tags get put into the bag. The idea of the bag is that it’s recyclable and gets chucked out quick. it’s not designed to hang around, it’s designed to deliver the products and then get chucked out straight away.


15ml 25ml 30ml 50ml 60ml 100ml 120ml

Batch No : Date Made: D



Essential oils:

All natural handmade skincare www.voiskincare.com

The tag card contains all the interchangable information. it’s designed to be cost effective, by having this information on this card the client doesnt need to print various labels for each size & scent of the products. By using a business card size it also becomes even cheaper as it isn’t a custom size. this is also only a one sided print hence cheaper again. The client fills out all the details for the particular order, this becomes more personal for the user. This will also be printed on a 300gsm recycled card stock


gra pef o ruit ra ng e

in ar d n ma

mint Pepper lim e

The essential oil tags are designed to bring some colour into the design and highlight what the scents in the product are. These are printed on a toothy recycled off white stock. These have also been designed in a way that they can develop into scent stick tester things.

er end

g an yl


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g an


The business cards are designed to be sustainable and cheap too. The excess space wasn’t needed and most of Voi’s design was long landscapes so it only made sense to use half the business card. By doing this the cost is halfed and so is the waste.

natalie woodman voiskincare.com info@voiskincare.com 0409 293 331

all natural handmade skincare choice of essential oils mix & match packaging

The card also uses lowercase to avoid coming off as shouting. This was also more friendly. This is also printed on a thick recycled brown card.


The labels are designed for speed, they want to know whats what and quick. For this design it’s not about the shelf but about how the consumer uses the product, how they interact with it and what they need from it. In this case a easy labelling system that allows them to know whats what, even without their glasses on. The labels are also designed to be cheap, as you already know items have been removed that would be interchangable but the labels have also been made so that one fits all sized jars and bottles. The labels also have the repeat for when the bottle isn’t facing front, and this allows for better visibility of what is what. These labels would be made from a super strong stock and would have a bit of a gloss look to them as a result, it has to be like this because otherwise the essential oils would strip back the labels on the jars.


Moisturising Lotion Ingredients: H2O, Grapeseed Extract, Jojoba Oil, Emulsifying Wax, Apricot Kernel Oil and your chosen Essential Oils.

Cleanser Ingredients: H2O, Cocoa Butter, Coconut Oil, Sesame Oil, Jojoba Oil, Vegetable Glycerine, Grapeseed Extract and your chosen Essential Oils.

Night Serum Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Sesame Oil, Avocado Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, Rosehip Oil, Macadamia Oil, Vitamin E and your chosen Essential Oils.

Clarifying Scrub Ingredients: French Clay, Almond Meal, Jojoba Oil, Poppy Seeds, Rose Water and your chosen Essential Oils.

Body Butter Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Avocado Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Shea Butter and your chosen Essential Oils.


Lip Balm Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Beeswax and your chosen Essential Oils.


e rhaytisithoisnthae blest?


The design When Voi was created it was little more than just a natural skincare business with no identity and not even a name. Today Voi stands strong with a name, an image and packaging for their products that is bound to grow the business into something truley big.

The design solution to all of this is a four step solution, the bag, the interchangable info card, the scent tag and the actual label on the product. the brown paper bag

The name Voi was developed from some basic rules, the named needed to be short, reflect what they are about, not be descriptive of what the actual product is, and should have probably been an uncommen word or a name/word from another language. Voi means You in Italian, and as the product is essentially all about the individual hence the scent or essential oil choice and container choice it seemed to make perfect sense. The name is also short enough and different enough for the older audience to remember it. As for the actual design it’s all centered around a few things; firstly in terms of the client it needed to be cost effective, it needed to be able to be put together at home, and it needed to work with her source of bottles, jars and bags. The design then also needed to be functional for the audience and needed to communicate all that the brand was about, all natural handmade skincare, having the choice of essential oils and having mix & match packaging.

So the the brown paper bag is simply just ink stamped with the logo in the centre and about 1/3 up the bag. This over time will be super cheap and super quick to do. All the products and tags get put into the bag. The idea of the bag in the end is that it’s recyclable and gets chucked out quick. so it’s not designed to hang around, it’s designed to deliver the products and then get chucked out straight away.

The card The card contains all the interchangable information about the product. it’s designed to be cost effective, by having this information on this card the client doesnt need to print various labels for each size & scent of the products. By using a business card format it also becomes even cheaper as it isn’t a custom size. this is also only a one sided print hence it being cheaper again. As for the card the client fills out all the details for the particular order, this also becomes more personal for the user as they can see that it really was individually made or at least packed. This card is also printed on a 300gsm recycled card stock so it gives it a natural organic look and is good for the environment.

The scent tags

The business cards

The essential oil tags are designed to bring some colour into the design and highlight what the scents in the product are. These are printed on a toothy recycled off white stock. These have also been designed in a way that they can develop into scent stick testers as the brand grows or people request samples of the scents. The toothy grain of this stock (like water colour paper) also emphasises this raw sensation that the brand is all about.

Lastly the business card, which is designed to be sustainable and cost effective too. The excess space wasn’t needed and most of Voi’s design was long landscapes so it only made sense to use half the business card. By doing this the cost is halfed and so is the waste. The card also uses lowercase to avoid coming off as shouting. This was also more friendly. Then the card is also printed on a thick recycled brown card so it continues the natural organic look of the brand and is even more sustainable.

The labels The labels are designed for speed, the audience want to know whats what and quick. For this design it’s not about the shelf but about how the consumer uses the product, how they interact with it and what they need from it. In this case a easy labelling system that allows them to know whats what, even without their glasses on was the focus. Hence the creation of the enlarged product letters so they can pick up exactly what they want quickly, and without glasses. These labels are also designed to be cost effective, as you already know items have been removed that would be interchangable but the labels have also been made so that one fits all sized jars and bottles. The labels also have the repeat for when the bottle isn’t facing front, and this allows for better visibility of what is what. These labels would be made from a super strong stock and would have a bit of a gloss look to them as a result, it has to be like this because otherwise the essential oils would strip back the labels on the jars.

Voi’s solution or strategy is straight forward, it needed to be cost effective so everything is and without feeling cheap. it needed to be put together at home and it can be. It needed to be functional for the audience so it’s design allows for ease of use. and lastly it needed to be natural and sustainable so it uses less materials (we got rid of the box packaging that other brands use), recycled materials and as a result also looks natural by being simple and uncomplicated.


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