By Laurel, Emily, Ella, Jada and Amber
Table of Contents 1920’s Group Editorial ……………………..…………………...…….3 Scoop 1: Who are the immigrants coming to America and are their values good or bad for America? ……………………….……………………......….4-5 Scoop 2: How has the fear of new immigrants inspired the rise of the power of the Ku Klux Klan? …………………...…………………..…….….....6-7 Scoop 3: Is the new Immigration Quota Law (1921) good or bad for America? ………………………………………………………..……...……...8-9 Scoop 4: Who are the nativists, and are their goals good or bad for America? ………………………………..…………………………….……..10-11
Read about the KKK and their influences on Americans on pages 6 and 7. Read about the immigrants coming on pages 4 and 5.
Read of the nativists on pages 10 and 11.
Immigrants in the US
Why did Nativism increase in the 1920’s, and what consequences did this have on America?
Immigrants seeing the Statue of Liberty while coming to America.
In the early 1920’s nativism continued to increase due to the rise in immigration. There are many consequences of this such as the Quota Law, the Klu Klux Klan, and White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. With the higher amounts of immigrants there was a large rise in nativism, racism, and intolerance towards the immigrants. The KKK also rose again in numbers adding a whole 4.5 million new members. The rise in immigration brought much fear of immigrants and Americans alike. Americans wanted a pure race and they believed the immigrants were stopping them from achieving that goal. A consequence of nativism was the Quota Law was good for nativists because it decreased the number of immigrants coming to America. Immigrants do the cheap and dangerous labor that we Americans don’t want to do. The immigrants doing this labor improves the American economy. There were many push and pull factors for immigrants in the 1920’s. Two very large push factors were poverty and unrest, or violence in their native countries. Two major pull factors are the demand for cheap labor and better lives for themselves as well as their families.
After World War 1, the flow of immigrants into the country increased largely. Around 14.5 million immigrants came the America between 1900-1920. They mainly came from southern and eastern European countries. Many Americans clashed ideas with immigrants, didn’t accept their opinions, and didn’t let them express themselves. The Klu Klux Klan(KKK) had a very large role in nativism because they were nativists. They thought immigrants were going to change and take over America. The KKK lashed out on any group of people who didn’t agree with their beliefs like religion and cultural differences. They even used violence to force Americanism on immigrants. The KKK killed many in their attempt to “save” the country. Immigrants were the main cause of nativism increasing. The increase of nativism had consequences both good and bad for the people involved. Immigrants will hopefully change our country for the better!
The Immigrants Coming to America
Who are the immigrants coming to america and are their values good or bad for the United states? By: Emily Hill
The immigrants traveling to America are mostly from European countries like England, Ireland, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries, and their values are good for the United States. There is a large increase of people immigrating to the US recently, and whether they come here to escape religious persecution in their homeland or find new job opportunities here in the US, they should be welcomed by us. The 1920’s have the perfect combination of push and pull factors helping immigrants decide to migrate to the US, so most of the immigrants coming here are settling mainly in the east coast and in large cities in the Midwest. More than 10% of Mexico’s adult population moved to the US to find jobs, and because of the boom in industrialization more factories are opening, and we are in need of hard workers to work there. Most of the values of these immigrants are being compromised by the views of others. We don’t give them chances to express themselves. We’re too quick to judge people before making presumptions about what they believe. The terms Anarchist, Communist, and Red are used to describe people who are perceived as threats to mainstream American culture. Intolerance against immigrants grows in our country daily. Restrictive immigration laws are being enacted, religious intolerance grows, radicals and foreigners are being persecuted, and membership in the KKK is growing rapidly.
This image shows immigrants coming from different countries Making their way towards Ellis Island
The immigrants coming to America should be welcomed with open arms, not with restrictive laws against them. We need to give them a chance to express themselves before we pass any false judgement to them. Give them a chance to express themselves and teach us new things about their culture.
This image shows immigrants waiting in the Great Hall while in Ellis Island
The immigrants
Who were the immigrants coming to America and were their values good or bad for the US? By amber rose There is so much unneeded intolerance for the immigrants. The nativists think that the immigrants values are bad for the US, but do they really know? Nativists think that the immigrants want to take over the US. They even pushed laws and acts such as the Quota System, the Immigration Act of 1924, the National Origin Act, the Alien Land Law, and the Chinese Exclusion Act. They say the Russians brought “seeds of revolution” and the Germans brought bombs to put in the postal service addressed to important and high up members of the government. Even the Klu Klux Klan is against some immigrants; they have been known to go after African Americans, Catholics, Jews, radicals, and foreigners. One group of immigrants coming to live among us are the Mexicans. People worry that the Mexican immigrants are infesting other countries and are going to try to take over. How can we think that, when so many Americans want them for labor because there were so few Japanese laborers left. At the start of World War I, the Mexicans replaced the black and white Americans as the most important ethnic group in Southwest agriculture. But the Mexicans are “infesting countries”, right? Another group are the Asian immigrants. For a long time they were the majority of our laborers, yet nativists were afraid of them taking over the country and taking jobs and land. Nativists are afraid of every immigrant group, I mean they think that everyone is coming to take over! They just want better lives! The nativists took things to the extreme by pushing for the Chinese Exclusion Act. California even passed the Alien Land Law which wouldn’t allow Japanese to buy land.
This image shows Immigrants coming to a new world in order to start new lives.
Thirty-two other states followed suit with California and passed laws against “alien immigrants”. European immigrants came here to escape poverty and unrest in their home country. The demand for labor here is also a huge pull factor for them. Another pull factor is the thought of a better life for their family. That’s what all immigrants seem to have in common, the want for a better life; so why are these nativists so scared of them? Their ancestors came to america for a new start and a new, better life, so why are they so inconsiderate to these people who want the same thing? I will never understand.
Fear OF IMMIGRAnt INSPIRED RISE OF KKK How has the fear of new immigrants inspire the rise of the power of the KKK Jada Pitchford White hoods Torches Dark eyes. These all
The kkk believed immigrants were taking
describe the Ku Klux Klan. The Ku Klux Klan
advantage of u.s hospitality and immigrants
has emerged as a powerful nativist group in our
becoming too comfortable like the united states
decade. This group wants to change America for
was there home.German continue to drink beer
the worse. The fear of immigration has led to the
which leads to crime.The cities are dirty and
rise of the Ku Klux Klan.
poverty everywhere.Immigrants are spreading
In our society fear of immigrants inspired the rise
disease making the natural born u.s citizen sick
of the KKK.Nativism led to the rise of the kkk
and unable to work.The kkk believe the
and it also played a big role in the fear of
immigrants are making america the dumping
ground for every class of criminals and other
Nativism the policy of favoring the interests of
undesirable.KKK believed immigrants are taking
native americans over those of immigrants.
over us industry immigrants took over all of the
The kkk believed in a perfect race and believed
jobs so there is no room left for americans to
only the perfect race should exist in
work.The immigrants are working in factories +
America.They feared the large number of
taking over farmland.
catholic and jewish immigrants and lord knows why.
Now you can see the evilness and the things americans and immigrants are going through in today’s society and today’s problem and the effect that the Ku Klux Klan have on everyone.
Immigration Quota Law Was the new immigration quota law good or bad for America? By; Ella Johnson
I think the new immigration quota law is good for America. Our population dropped drastically when we established the law, an d has stayed constant ever since. We also now are able to use immigrants for cheap labor. It was good for our economy because it filled our jobs so we could produce more products. Even though, with all these reasons, the quota law wasn’t always good.
Population dropped so much because instead of allowing all immigrants to enter, we only accepted 3% of what it usually was. We later switched that number to 2% because even though with the change, we still were over populated. The U.S did want some immigrants. We favored the Anglo-Saxons. We wanted to spread their religion here. We didn’t want Asians or African Americans, because they often came in large groups and brought diseases. The immigrants that did enter were extremely lucky, the others were sent back.
Immigrants have helped us by providing cheap labor. They are working the jobs that no one wants; mining and factory jobs are great examples because they are usually dangerous and time consuming. Immigrants have been a big help to mass production and helping us with our producing of goods. They have helped filled assembly lines and make products for long amounts of time for low prices.
Immigrants are waithing to see if they will be sent back or welcomed to their new home.
The immigration quota law was not always good for America. When we changed the law to only 3% of a country's immigrants, they weren’t always happy with us. The most common situation was when there was a problem in their country that people were trying to escape, not all of them could. We sent back people to dangerous situations in their home which often made countries upset. Also, the “new immigrants” had trouble fitting in. They were not able to blend in properly due to their lack of work in their previous home.
While the immigration quota law had many ups and downs, it was mostly good for America. The immigrants improved our economy by allowing us to produce more goods to sell, but still brought down our population. Overall immigrants were a big part in what later lead to mass production. 8
The Melting Pot
THE NATIVISTS ArE RUINING OUR NATION Who are the nativists , and are their goals good or bad for america? Laurel Haverkamp
The nativists and their goals are ruining our nation in the way that they put their own interests long before the greater good of America. One way they are ruining America is with their selfishness. They believe that their own race, white Anglo-Saxon protestants (WASP) is superior to all others. Nativists ignore the
KKK marching on Pennsylvania Ave., Washington
common good of our country's economy by trying to stop the immigration tide. They use violence against immigrants just because they are not carbon copies of themselves. The nativists being extremely racist is one way they are ruining our nation. One example of this is their belief that WASP is the superior race and all other races, they think that immigrants being in America means that our race is “doomed”. Nativists have convinced people that discrimination is socially accepted. Nativists think our race is doomed but won’t adapt or take in other traditions, letting them further our culture. They refuse to believe in the melting pot theory. They stopped immigration even though it helped America’s economy. They thought the only way America could be great was if the immigration tide stopped. The amount of immigrants coming to America has gone up recently, do to the fact that
industrialization has created millions of new jobs. These jobs need worker and immigrants coming from all over are filling those jobs. Nativists have acts that limit the amount of immigrants who can come in from countries, 2% from each nationality. With there being more people to fill jobs, there is more mass production, causing America’s economy to sky rocket. The worst thing Nativists have done is using violence against immigrants. In 1924 the KKK which has been inactive raised by 4.5 million members. Lynching, brutally killing, and torturing are just the beginning of what the Nativists in the KKK are doing to immigrants that just came to live the American life. They target JEws, Catholics, anyone who goes against their beliefs of nativism, white supremacy, and protestantism. Nativists have been around for along time, and they rarely benefit our country. Nativists have shown that they are racist, happy to ruin our economy, and use violence against anyone who is different without a second thought. For the greater good of our country, it is up to you to spread the word, tell a friend, and stop Nativists in their tracks.
Blame Game