7th period immigration

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7th period Immigration

Group Editorial Why did nativism increase in the 1920s, and what consequences did this have on America? By: Lucy Ditch, Dejah Seals, Sakeina Taylor

The United States was built by immigrants. Immigrants have always been a part of our nation’s rich history. So, why is it that Congress wants to set limits on how many immigrants can come to the United States? Well, Congress works for the people. The people elected their senators and representatives to vote on their behalf. When Congress voted to restrict immigration, Congress was acting on behalf of the American people. Americans wanted to restrict the number of immigrants coming to the United States. But it really wasn’t all Americans who wanted to restrict the number of immigrants coming to the United States. Nativists are the ones who want to limit immigration. Nativists who are people who only want native born Americans living in the United States. There reasons are somewhat complicated and their actions have had devastating consequences for Americans.Some reasons that they wanted to limit immigration was because of government expense, Patriotism, the fact that they didn't all know the same language, and because they take jobs away from Native born Americans. Congress decided to pass a law the Quota Law which is a law to restrict the amount of immigrants that are allowed to come here to the United States.This was a temporary law to please the people. Later on ,Congress passed a more official law the Immigration Restriction Act. Which mainly limited immigration is Australia but in the United States as well.

These laws were bad but they did have some goods to them as well. The Quota law and Immigration Restriction act were bad because it limited the amount of immigrants wanting to come to U.S for a better life and better job opportunities. The law was good because these were the kinds of laws that the people wanted passed. Americans wanted to restrict immigration. People who supported immigration restriction didn’t believe that immigrants could ever assimilate to American culture. Immigration laws are not good for the United States. Instead of trying to limit the number of immigrants coming to the United States, Congress should welcome people from different countries. People from different countries are important to the future of the United States. Perhaps if there are more immigrants coming to the United States it could be more diverse and different cultures. Immigrants should come to the United States for many reasons. One being that it's safer in health wise, we have less diseases and poverty. They would have better job opportunities to help out their families and provide for them. They can start over to have a better overall life with families or by themselves. Another, reason is because they could be escaping religious persecution and the U.S is better place to express what religion you decide to come as. In conclusion, we think people should become more welcoming to the immigrants coming to the United States instead of trying to limit the amount of them that are able to come.


Nativism is Bad For the U.S. Who are the Nativists, and are their goals good or bad for America? By Lucy Ditch

Nativism is the policy of protecting the interests of native inhabitants against those of immigrants. In easier terms, Nativists are people who are against immigration that occurred in the 1920’s. Nativists believe that the rise of immigration is doing bad things for America, and I predominately disagree. Nativism is a very diverse topic, but I’m here to address it. Nativism affected hundreds of thousands of people, especially the immigrants, that were seeking to start a new life in America. When Nativists get their way, it’s a recipe for disaster and takes away the freedom and justice of innocent humans wanting to enter the United States for many different reasons. The growing inflow of immigrants in the early 1920’s grew the country’s diversity, languages, customs and religions, along with many other differences they brought to the United States.

Nativists tend to make the problems worse. We are a nation made up of immigrants. Closing the open doors to people that are wanting to come in, having good intentions, will not solve the problems. They soon created the Quota Law, which restricted the amount of people allowed in by hundreds of thousands at a time. Several laws were being made, and the number just kept going down and down by the year. This pleased many, but also hurt many. Nativism is a belief with its own opinions, just like I have mind and you have yours, and that’s fair, but I’m here to say it’s not right. It’s not humane. We can all work together to try and fix the problems in this country, naturally born here or not. This is not the solution to overpopulation, but hopefully one day we will solve it without closing the doors to this amazing nation built up of an enormous amount of diversity, in which it should stay that way. Nativism is not the answer.

But not everyone agreed that these are good things. Nativists, along with a large number of American-born citizens, believed the effects of the large number of immigration was toxic for America. They thought the rise of immigrants caused government expenses, takes away jobs from natural born citizens, invades the country and lowers patriotism in the country. They simply do not want to openly invite more problems to the U.S., given the already uncontrollable population driven issues.



The Quota law is bad for us: Is the new immigration Quota Law(1921)good or bad for America By:Dejah Seals The Quota Law did many harm to a large amount of Immigrants wanting to come here. The Quota law was a law that made the immigrants cut off . We have the law because the people don't want as many of the immigrants here. So, we have the law to please the people. The Quota Law is the Law that ristics immigrants from coming here for a better life. The law makes it so not more than 3% of our country's residence can be immigrants . The law was officially a temporary law unless it was made official. We have the Quota Law here in the U.S because the people believed that immigrants don't belong here. They believe this because they think they are not gonna be real citizens of the U.S , and they think that it would relieve urban crowding and reduce ethnic conflicts.

The law is good because it keeps people who are bringing drugs and violence out of the US. Also, the rise of the immigrants triggered a resurgence of nativism who feared that the immigrants would become 100% American. Although, the people want the law it's bad. It makes it so people who want a better life or wanting greater economic opportunities are not allowed too. The law was bad because the immigrants took the jobs that know one else wanted or would do like construction; of railroads, and gold mines. In conclusion, the law was bad for American. Innocent people were not allowed to have a better life just because of what some of our people believed



Immigrants are Savages Who are the immigrants coming to the United States in the 1920s and are their values good or bad for America? By: Sakeina Taylor

Opportunity. Freedom. Land. Equality. Jobs. All of these are reasons immigrants are moving to the United States. Immigrants come to the United States to start a new life. Starting a new life in the United States means blending old cultures with new cultures and old values with new values. So, who are the immigrants coming to the United States and are their values good or bad for America? The values brought by immigrants are good for the United States.

Despite the beliefs of many nativists, immigrant values contribute to American culture. Newly arrived immigrants are willing to work jobs that no one else will work. Immigrants are giving back to America by working jobs like building roads, railroads, buildings, coal mining, and textiles. They are willing to do anything to succeed. Immigrants are hard workers who want to provide for their families and start a new life in America.

Immigrants arriving to the United States are coming from Mexico, Italy and Southern and Eastern Europe. These immigrants are different than immigrants that previously came to the United States. They look different. They don’t act the same. The don’t speak the same language. They basically do not fit in and there are more of them than ever before that are not assimilating into American culture.

Congress wants to decrease the number of immigrants allowed in the United States. This is wrong. Immigrants deserve equal opportunity in the United States. This is the American dream. Regardless of where you are born, everyone should have the opportunity to make this a reality.

‘Immigrants arriving to the United States are facing a lot of problems. First, nativists do not want immigrants moving to the United States. Nativists are people who believe the interests of native born Americans should be more important than the interests of people immigrating to the United States. Nativists believe immigrants are making American cities crowded. Police officers are arresting more immigrants than ever before because they commit a lot of crimes. In addition, nativists believe that immigrants are taking American jobs.



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