Are Workers Succeeding with the Struggle of Better Conditions? For the last 10 years workers have been struggling with better conditions in the workplace, such as pay, rights, conditions, and hours. These workplaces would be various jobs such as factories, farming fields, construction, and mines. These workers have been fighting for their rights through unions, who would protest the conditions by going on strike. Why work for a dollar a hour if your job entails getting burned, crushed, or get a life threatening diseases. Workers are succeeding by bringing attention to the problem to the public and their bosses. Although workers have failed in many ways they are starting to get their words out. They are getting this because they go on many strikes and halt cities. Although most of these strikes failed some of them got their points across to their bosses, and they returned to work with higher wages. Together they form Unions and charge through streets with signs reigning high above their heads and their beliefs deep inside their hearts. Bosses are not listening to their employees, they only care about the money they earn. Sadly there is nothing stopping the bosses either, government no longer cares what business does. These worker unions are ineffective and solve none of their problems. Although the unions get the word out, it doesn’t
matter because the bosses don’t care what they have to say. These bosses are only in it for the money, and they do not care what people think, because as long as there’s money involved they will crush some dreams, and break some hearts. Failure may not be an option for the workers, but right now it’s their only choice. All of the workers methods to get better pay, hours, and conditions are ineffective. Strikes are a good idea, but they fail when they’re put into practice. This is because people need jobs and everybody wants a job. This means that bosses can fire the people who are striking and hire new workers. Also the people on strikes still need money, so eventually they will have to go back to work. Like we stated earlier bosses don’t care what their workers think. As long as they’re making money they won’t listen to what the workers have to say, they simply don’t care. These workers are failing, and there is no light at the end of the tunnel for them, at least not anytime soon.
Are Workers Succeeding with the Struggle of Better Conditions? These methods aren’t effective, and we need new ones. So in response to these failure I challenge you! This won’t be an easy fight, but if you all join it will be well fought. Workers are struggling, they are going through hardship, and they can’t win this fight on their own. So if you join and come up with new ways to solve the problems that they face, then they will be solved. Think of the stories you could tell your children if you helped. You would be marked down in history, and taught about through the schools. You will have pride and glory. This will be a challenge, but the workers aren’t succeeding, and they need help, they need a slight bit of hope, and that bit of hope would come from each and everyone of you. Failure may not be an option for the workers, but right now it’s their only choice. All of the workers methods to get better pay, hours, and conditions are ineffective. Strikes are a good idea, but they fail when they’re put into practice. This is because people need jobs and everybody wants a job. This means that bosses can fire the people who are striking and hire new workers. Also the people on strikes still need money, so eventually they will have to go back to work. Like we stated earlier bosses don’t care what their workers think. As long as they’re making money they won’t listen to what the workers have to say, they simply don’t care. These workers are failing, and there is no light at the end of the tunnel for them, at least not anytime soon.
These methods aren’t effective, and we need new ones. So in response to these failure I challenge you! This won’t be an easy fight, but if you all join it will be well fought. Workers are struggling, they are going through hardship, and they can’t win this fight on their own. So if you join and come up with new ways to solve the problems that they face, then they will be solved. Think of the stories you could tell your children if you helped. You would be marked down in history, and taught about through the schools. You will have pride and glory. This will be a challenge, but the workers aren’t succeeding, and they need help, they need a slight bit of hope, and that bit of hope would come from each and everyone of you.
Are New Production Techniques Good or Bad for Workers? By Tristen Mehmen
New production techniques is very
With these new techniques there is
good for consumers, workers, and
also some cons. Workers said the heat
America. Production techniques like mass
was unbearable. While working in the
production, the assembly line, and
assembly lines, tasks were very
machines have been especially helpful
repetitive, boring, and crowded. A full
toward workers. These new production
day of work consists of these repetitive
techniques make everything easier. New
machines have been made by workers to
Overall, these new production
make products faster and they are
techniques make our society better. The
cheaper. These machines are able to make
workers are making more money. Consumers
products in a few minutes, that would
are getting products for better prices.
take worker's hours or even days to
The rich are not the only ones that are
complete. Not just machines, but also
able to afford nice things.
the assembly line, created by Henry Ford
happier with their pay and their work.
have helped not only workers but
Even though there are some cons, these
consumers too. It has created more
techniques are better for everyone.
Workers are
automobiles which has decreased the price of them and has allowed not just the rich to buy them.
Carter Wachendorf, November 5, 1935
Republicans, Good or Bad for America? We have put ourselves in a major
This is what is called a Socialist
set back. The finish of World War I
economy which is in between Communism
brought great happiness to our faces and
and Capitalism. Socialism is great for
hearts, but it filled the economy of
wartime strategy, but it does not work
great darkness and despair, a depression
for our nation in peace. The economy
if you will. Though it may seem the
crashed. War factories were shut
recent Republican presidents have been
down,workers were not needed in those
putting us in this set back, that is not
factories, crop prices fell
really the case. We can really blame
dramatically, and the result was
demobilization, the process of the
millions of unemployed Americans.
change of wartime to peace.
Warren Harding told us that he will make
During World War I our economy
sure that government will stay out of
depended on making steel, manufacturing
business and spend more of its business
weapons, buying war bonds/ liberty
in government. This is good in a way
loans, and mass production of the newest
that big business will no longer control
military machines. As many large company
the outcome of government decisions, but
owners say, “War is great for business.�
now there is no eye watching over the
We conserved food for the soldiers
factories and fields. Many workers
overseas and even dedicated days to not
suffer terrible conditions that may
eating certain foods like Meatless
cause serious injury and even death.
Mondays and Wheatless Wednesdays. 7
Clouds of smoke and fire fill compacted rooms of red hot machines that can scorch skin by the touch of it. These threats are what they have to deal with everyday with only the pay of 8 dollars a day with a work day of 15 hours a day. This decision would be good if only it were revised and put in programs
this.Two Spanish Americans, Sacco and
where government workers will come and
Vanzetti, were accused and charged with
check the conditions of a work place and
robbery and murder. Neither one of them
calculate a minimum pay for the job.
had any evidence to prove the case. They
In the judicial side of things,
were both sentenced with the death
many new immigrants have been
penalty for a crime they did not do. The
discriminated and dealt with horrid
reason why this happened? Because it was
treatment from judges in the court of
easy. This treatment is corrupt and
law, sworn to protect the rights of
unfair to any person who has come here
every citizen. These immigrants, from
was promised by our founding fathers
the nations that our father's father
that all men are created equal, endowed
came from and even their father, are
by their Creator with certain
being stripped of their rights as
unalienable rights, that among theses
citizens, just to come here to “The Land
are life, liberty, and the pursuit of
of Opportunity�. The Sacco and Vanzetti
happiness. Republicans would have helped
Trial is perfect representation of
this country if they slowed down and
this.Two Spanish Americans, Sacco and
thought about their choices. We could
Vanzetti, were accused and charged with
have better pay and equalize incomes and
robbery and murder. Neither one of them
keep the economy moving forward but now
had any evidence to prove the case.
we have to perish in others mistakes. 8
Are Unions Good or Bad for America The divide between workers and their bosses is higher than ever, but we might have found a new solution. It’s called a union, but it’s really just a group of people who are protesting their bosses. Unions have sparked a conversation as to whether they are good or bad for America. All of the bosses and myself believe that unions are bad for these United States. About 16 years ago in Seattle, Washington a group of shipyard workers went on strike, and this single event triggered a massive strike across the city. Like I said this strike was massive,100,000 Seattle workers,left their jobs to protest for better pay, hours, and conditions. That same year the entire Boston police force left the job, and demanded the same things.
The strike increased crime across the city until governor Calvin Coolidge fired all of the cops and hired new ones These unions aren’t just wreaking havoc in the north though, they hit the south too. Not too long ago the unions protested mining. However this wasn’t exactly a peaceful protest. The union members harmed and even killed some of the miners who wouldn’t join them. I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t sound like progress to me. Also some of the bosses said that protesting gets nothing done. For example some bosses believe that if you have a problem with someone, then you need to talk to them man to man, not out with a group of people. Bosses may seem rude, but they’re people too, and they will listen.
Are Unions Good or Bad for America
Now I will admit that the unions do
Unions do have potential to work.
have some perks. For example they bring
It’s just that when they try to get
attention to the problems of the
their points across it doesn’t work,
everyday industrial worker, and their
because no one wants to listen to the
struggles in that field. Also some of
man that is too scared to confront
the bosses listen to the unions, and
someone. Unions are a lost cause, but if
give them better conditions. I also am
all of the union members just talk to
willing to admit that the bosses just
their bosses then we might have a
don’t understand the struggle. For
happier America.
example, the workers walk everywhere, they’re cold,and tired, and they have a very uncomfortable place to sleep at night. While the bosses just drive around in their nice cars with luxury fire places in their homes, that are placed right next to their luxurious beds that were most likely made by some house worker.
What should workers be fighting for in the 1920s? My fellow American citizens, black or
Workers are being treated like dogs, not
white, Italian or Mexican,we have a
humans. Many jobs are not safe or
serious problem. The economy is rigged,
sanitary, and many of the products that
we, the citizens are at crisis. The
businesses make aren't safe themselfs!
common man is being used. Our
People who work these long, dreaded
blood,sweat,and tears are only making
hours and days, which are not humain
the big businesses money.Our hard work
either, get no health care, benefits,
everyday, all day, makes us nothing, and
dental benefits, or insurance. These
they’re the considered the lucky ones,
hard working citizens don't get any time
most of us don't even have jobs! So the
off or breaks either, and bringing up
question prevails, What should workers
their hours would shock you. Bring back
be fighting for the the 1920s?
fair pay into the picture, the hours
Hard working Americans work 12 hours a
they work for the pay they receive is
day 6 days a week,for next to nothing.
Both men and women work Physically and Mentally draining jobs for 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. Now, the prices are raising on products and wages are lowering! How are you supposed to have a stable family if you make less than what you need cost? It just doesn't make sense.
What should workers be fighting for in the 1920s? However, What we can do my fellow
In the end, rich or poor, black or
Americans, to get what we deserve and
white, we are all Americans. We need to
really make this the land of liberty are
make our country proud by sharing the
two things. Join unions, and protest. A
wealth and living the American dream but
union is organization built to protect
us hard working citizens of this country
humans rights, interest, and pay. They
with not let this country be run by the
also help people who do not have jobs
businesses. We have to stand up and
find good work for them. Unions will
fight for what's rightfully ours!
help you fight for your right as a American citizen, not like a slave like the businesses see you as. Secondly, you can protest. Without the businesses precious workers there industry will crumble. You can go on strike for anything and everything the company's aren't giving you, because without you, they’re nothing. Of course a combination of both protesting and Joining unions will be the best way to get your point across.
Are Unions Good or Bad for America
Are Unions Good or Bad for America Unions are giving themselves a bad reputation. Unions are a group of workers trying to get better pay and working conditions. Good things about unions are what they are fighting for, their safety. The way they are going about it isn't in a good way. Unions are a group of people that try to get better working conditions and better pay. A lot of people started joining unions making them even bigger. They want better pay and less hours to work. Even though some people are saying they're bad. They really are trying to do good things. They work good with each other. They are trying to get better pay and working conditions for everyone. They are trying to do this because working conditions are harsh and they can barely get by with the money they are getting paid. Other attempts to get this were unsuccessful. The Workers had no other choice, they had to go on strike and protest. Like the Seattle strike were they marched for better pay and shut down the city. They ended up with no results and a bad representation of a union. Unfortunately they are very unsuccessful and their methods rarely work. They also can be violent when they are on strike . Middle class do not like them because the unions mess with there lives and they see all of the violent things they do. They only want white men and no other race. No women of any race can join. They are selfish and they never stop asking for things even when they even get their way. I think unions are good, they try to do good things for America. What I I don't like about the unions is how they went about it. I think they could have gone about things in a different way and maybe got better results. 15
Citations Hart, Diane, and Bert Bower. History Alive!: Pursuing American Ideals. Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2013. “Labour Unrest - Time Capsule by Holly Beazley.” Google Sites, sites.google.com/site/historytimecapsulehollybeazley/b2-3/labour-unrest. “1920 Newspaper.” Who Rules America, www2.ucsc.edu/whorulesamerica/power/history_of_labor_unions.html Source Packet