Then and now

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-Table of ContentsWhere Have All the Gibson Girls Gone? 1 Traditionalists vs. Modernists………………………………………… 2 Should Evolution or Creationism Be Taught in American Schools? 3 Political Cartoon: Evolution vs Creationism………………………...… 4 Is New Women’s Fashion a Threat to American Values? 5 Advertisement for Women’s Makeup…………………………………….pg. 6 Are The Youth of The 20s Destroying American Values? 7 Political Cartoon: Youth of 1920s……………………………………… 8 Are The Cultural Values of Cities Good For America? 9 Advertisement of Harlem Renaissance Book………………………… 10


Traditionalists vs. Modernists, Who Will Win? Group Editorial Lily Nicknish, Rylie Baldes, Trinity Armento, Melissa Lisinovic, Hayley Allen Barbara Stewart loves the nightlife. She loves to drink wine, smoke cigarettes, gamble, dance, wear make-up, and disobey her parents. Barbara is the epitome of current youth culture. Gone are the days of long dresses, stay at home housewives, and teaching the bible in schools. The youth are changing American culture and the effects will be felt for a long time. The Traditionalists believed that you should follow the same beliefs all your life with no change. They also believed that learning evolution in school was completely wrong. Women in their eyes shouldn’t ever leave the kitchen, or change the way they look. As soon as women started going out and drinking traditionalists tried to make birth control illegal. They just completely disagreed with modernism from the beginning. The Traditionalists are wrong because ever since women started to “Rebel� they have gained more independence and respect for themselves. Instead of depending on a husband for their income and feeling pressure to have kids and get married instantly, women are getting their own jobs and buying their own houses. Being able to choose how you live and what you wear is an important part of new freedom that traditionalists do not understand.

Youth culture should win because they deserve the freedom that they are currently getting. Traditionalists would say that they have to always obey their parents, but while that is true it is just as important to be able to make your own decisions. As youth begins the new transition they will become more independent and confident, which is an important aspect in starting their adult lives. So as they become less dependent on their parents they will start to learn responsibility and learn from their mistakes. In conclusion, the modernist should would win. The traditionalist are totally against change and they believe that everything should stay the same. The modernist just wanted a change from the irrational rules and beliefs of the traditionalists. Women like Barbara Stewart wanted to change the view on women and have them gain more respect.


Gibson Girls Who? Where have all the Gibson Girls Gone? Rylie Baldes The Gibson girl’ where did they go? They definitely aren’t around as much as they were. The traditional girls are gone and changed into a new kind of woman. The woman with the new hairstyle and a cigarette in her hand walking to her job with her shoulders back and her head high, as confident as ever. She is the modernized woman. Since the 19th Amendment was passed women are starting to have more opportunities. Women are able to get jobs in factories and/or businesses. Some even are working in higher positions like in politics. Women have more power and say in what they believe in. For example as death rates are increasing for women there are more and more groups forming to push for better health care. Modern women are also changing their looks. The latest hairstyle is the “bob” which is shorter so it’s easier to take care of. Women are also dressing in shorter dresses that are going above the knee. Before many women focused on covering almost all their skin and now there is a lot shorter and more scandalous dresses. The new hair and outfits are followed by more makeup such as lipstick, rouge, and eyeshadow. We can see in contrast that the modern look is a lot different that the traditional gibson girl look. In the past year more and more people are moving to the city. Farms bought many machines they couldn’t afford before the European war and as the demand for US crops has dropped the farms never had the chance to pay for their loans and are forced to sell their land. This has caused more people to move to the city for more job opportunities. Now as more people move to the city the more cultural difference there is.

Because many of the gibson girls are gone, so are the regular behaviors for young people. Many of the young are testing the limits or pushing the boundaries such as drinking and smoking. Parents, teachers, and any authorities are working to keep them under control. We are hearing new slang brought in by young people such as “the bee’s knees” or “the cat’s pajamas.” Women and younger people also have also had sexual freedom because now sex isn’t only used for procreation. So where have the gibson girls gone? Well the answer is they haven’t gone anywhere. They are living within us as new modern women. They are continuing to try new things and new experiences with a whole new side of freedom, and it’s working out great.

Frey, Wendy, and Diane Hart. History Alive! TCI, 2004.


New Women’s Fashion Is New Women's Fashion a Threat to American Values? Lily Nicknish Have you seen women these days, dresses above the knees, caked on makeup, and short hair? Is this at all threatening to you? It certainly doesn't sound threatening to me. Just because women wanted hair that was easier to take care of, and they wanted to express themselves with unique clothes and makeup does not mean they are a threat to American values. I think that this change in appearance was a good thing because when their clothes changed, so do their attitudes. “No women can call herself free who does not own and control her body.” Many women are now trying to create a new image for themselves. They are breaking tradition and many of the older generations are worried about the future of america. I think that the women should be able to express themselves and they are changing for the better. Women began to gain more respect for themselves and that led to more personal freedom. They could now drink, smoke, and gamble, like men, and not be judged or shamed. This opened opportunities to meet new people and attend more social events. They can now vote, buy their own houses, and work. Women are becoming more independent and changing their stereotype of homemakers.

Now, women are also not afraid to stand up for themselves or what they believe in. Many women learned that they didn’t need to marry or have children and they lived their lives how they wanted. “No women can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother.” This was said because many traditionalists expect women to get married and have kids, but many women do not want to chose that path. Overall, this women “rebellion” was helping the entire city. They put on shows, mostly in hotels, to entertain people. For example, the annual beauty pageant in Atlantic City. This attracted many tourists to their city which made the economy rise. I don't think that the change in attitude and appearance in women is becoming a threat to American values. I think that it is helping women create a better future for themselves and making them more independent.



Evolution or Creationism in the 1920’s By: Melissa Lisinovic Should evolution or creationism be taught in American schools, and what’s the deal with the scopes trial? Well since you were wondering what’s going on with the scopes trial, i’m here to tell you what’s happening. Even though I believe that evolution should be taught in schools, in this time teaching evolution in any form was a crime and was prohibited. John Scopes was the first teacher to openly teach evolution knowing that it is a crime. This may seem a bit ridiculous to not let teacher teach a basic form of science; a science about human evolution. In the 1920’s that was frowned upon. People were very closed minded and took the very religious route in the theory of evolution. Last week Scopes was arrested for teaching his students about this subject; later, Scopes went to court for this crime, resulting in a fine. Although, in later years we most likely won’t even think twice about teaching evolution. There is nothing wrong with teaching different viewpoints. Theories and stories cannot always be one sided, there can be multiple opinions. Though the judges and jury were beating Scopes down for teaching evolution in school he didn’t crack and he still pleaded not guilty.

After the trial was over, there was still a lot of conversation circulating the Scopes trial. In the end, Scopes lost and was fined $100 (current day $1,100). Before any of these crimes occurred, there was a law called “The Butlers Act” which made it illegal to teach evolution in schools. In the 1920’s people started speaking of new ways to teach schools and started accepting the idea. It was the start of modernism. The issue of teaching evolution brought awareness to modernism. The fact that life was changing and it was not going to be the same was terrifying. Much of the public feared this change. Women were dressing differently; they were partying, and a different curriculum was being taught in schools. The change eventually played a very big role in the uprise of modernism in the 1920’s.



Destruction of the World Are the youth of the 20’s destroying American values? Trinity Armento The youth of the 20’s have been a vexatious bunch to the older generation. Their crazy fads and rebellious ways have created some problems: mostly with their older generation.. After watching the youth change everything, the older generation made the decision that the youth ruined the world that they have created. The world was so clean and nice before the younger generation ruined it. People were upset that the youth were not following in the older generation's footsteps. So, are the youth of the 1920s destroying American values? One could argue that the reckless living of the youth are destroying American values. A wide selection of the older generation cannot seem to view the youth with optimism. The youth are selfish and inconsiderate; they don’t care for anyone more than they care for themselves. They don’t make time for their parents anymore: they only care for their own pleasure and enjoyment. They tend to be very brazen and disrespectful. The men catcall girls saying provocative things like “nice legs” or “hot mammas” even “keen shapes”Then they also tend to do their “business” behind churches, theatres and many more places. They are not setting a good example for the generations of youth to come. Many parents were disappointed that the youth of the 20s did not follow in the older generation's footsteps like they hope they would.

What do the youth of the 20s believe in? They believe that the old morals, did not matter. Many girls started to cut their hair short and dye it, go to clubs, drink, smoke cigarettes, and wore makeup. They supported trends and believed that whatever style is in, that is the way to go. Traditional Americans had strong morals on things like marriage, children, and sex. The youth believed that dating was better than marriage and they also believed that you should be able to talk about sex in a normal conversation. The youth’s morals are much looser than the original American values. The youth of the 20s have destroyed America’s values. The youth follow trends and bend rules that parents and society have made. The youth of the 20s have bent morals and rules and that has been passed down for generations. This will eventually shape future generations. Who knows what the youth of the next generation will be like.



Cultural Values in U.S. Cities Are cultural values good for U.S. cities? By; Hayley Allen

Cultural values were good and bad for cities. Cities had a lot to offer for Americans, but were they good or bad? Cities had a lot of good things to offer but of course there were some bad things too. Most of them were good. But what did they have to offer and why were most of them good? Well keep on reading and you will see.

Here are some reasons why cultural values are good. Cities were growing. Factory output grew, because the population was getting bigger so the needed to make more supplies. Small business grew because of the population growth. Incomes rose. More free time for the workers. And urban attractions. But what are urban attractions?

The cities offered jobs at stores which made them work hard to meet the growing needs. Parks and amusement parks were built to have fun and time to spend time with family. Transportation was improving a lot. Outside of the house was fun but what was it like at home life like?

At home women didn't have to work only at home. Women had for freedom. They were finally able to work outside of there house and just be free. Which was good because quality life at home wasn't great. Bad water, over crowding homes, bad streets some urban areas didn't even have paved roads. As you can tell these are the reason why the cultural values were bad. But working life was improving and and there was fun things to do. More good things then bad.




Frey, Wendy, and Diane Hart. History Alive! TCI, 2004.


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