I dedicate my anthology to my family, who have been there every step of the way. For celebrating my success and being there for me when I didn’t. For this I dedicate it to you.
“Family” By Violet Creek
“Being the Oldest”
“The Road Not Taken” By Robert Frost
“Nature” By Abdul Wahab
“Dear Baby” By Penny and Jason Morelyle
“My Forest”
After sitting in a tree For most of the day With the ancient spruce trees, surrounded in towering poplars, This place seems alive, A fall wind sends golden leaves spiraling down to the ground Squirrels chase each other up trees Bird’s dance in the air The soft crackle of leaves as they rustle in the winds All while sitting in my majestic spruce tree These woods are like my home I know every hiding spot Every nook, every cranny Every spot to get away This is the place were I grew up. I know it all, from fall to spring to summer to winter. It all changes yet stay the same. My favorite place in the world, full of wonder and surprises This place is like Forest, this place is home
When writing this poem, I had trouble coming up with the shape that I would put it in. It was easy writing it, there weren’t many rules, but I had to wright something that had to do with a shape that :it my identity. I wrote this poem to try to express my connection with nature. This is shown in “These woods are like my home” which is also a simile. It shows how I know this place just as well as I know my own home. I chose a tree because, well I am talking about a forest, and the tree that I tried to show is one of my favourite ones in this forest.
“Identity of I” By Abhiraj Rajadhyaksha
Identity is not what I promise others Identity is what I do when I am alone Identity is what I think of others Knowing all the hatred they've shown Identity is what every wound reminds me Identity is what I learn and what I pass by Identity is what I see in the mirror After giving my best try Identity is what I make out of my given chance Identity is what I accept and what I deny No one else has control over me Life is about me, and what I identify
“Identity of I” is a poem about how your identity isn’t what people may see, its what you do when you’re alone. It’s a pretty basic poem, but it still conveys an important message. “Identity is what I learn and what I pass by” and “Identity is what I think of others” does an amazing job describing everyone’s identity. It may be short but it’s a good poem, and done by an amateur. At the start of the :irst three lines on the :irst 2 sections, and the :irst two on the last, are all parallelism; they all start with “Identity is” which sticks in my head.
Part D:
I was raised with and around my family. Every summer was mostly spent with my cousins (At least the parts that I remember), so I explored the area around our cabin with them. I grew up with a lot of family values because of that. I was also the oldest, so had the most responsibilities. These all changed my life in a big way. It probably changed almost everything in my life. Even if almost everything has changed since I was young, the experiences have stuck with me. When I say my family, I mean my mom’s side, because my dads side all live in Ontario. I can only remember two times I went and visited them, and one time when my Grandma and my great Aunt came and visited me. I would de:initely be way different if I spent all that them with them instead. Since I was young, I had a fascination with :iction (especially fantasy/sci-‐:i (just like every other kid)), and when I :irst started reading chapter books, I read Star Wars. Since then, I’ve played D&D (and other fantasy games), lots of fantasy video games and even more books. Its one of my favourite things in the world, and my free time revolves around it. For those reasons, I had to write at least one poem about it. I guess I felt like :iction is a way for me to get away from hardships, even if it’s not the right thing to do. But mostly its how I prefer to spend most of my free time (rather than sports or hobbies like bird watching or carving). Some of my favourite memories have been in a forest. Lying down in a bed of leaves during the fall, or going on a hike one bright summer day. Because I’ve spent so much time in the forest, I’ve developed resentment about zoos. All that time is also why I hate it when people just clear entire forests to make a house, or a new store. When I was younger, my great uncle sold his lot, which was right next to ours. The new owners cleared the entire lot, old trees that have been there for decades, just to replace them. When it happened (I think I was about 9 or 10), I got really angry and wanted to do something, but my parents didn’t let me. Ever since, I’ve always thought negatively about our neighbours. Stuff like this has happened a few other times, but I don’t remember them as well. Identity of I says “Identity is what I do when I’m alone” and I completely agree with that statement. I never do things that I do when I’m home, and there are some things that I would just never do. I guess that’s just who I am, but the other Aidan, the one when I’m alone is who I am too. The Road Not Taken is about an important choice, which is what we all do every day. In the end he chooses the one less traveled, but I don’t know if I would. Name Haiku is what I wrote when I tried to show how my name is one of the things that de:ine me. I don’t mean the de:inition on the internet, but, when I think of who I am, I think Aidan. I don’t know why, but it’s also what I use to describe myself. Maybe I stuck everything that I stand for in the name? It’s become less of a name for me, but kind of a statement? I’m confusing myself right now.
Found Poems: Thanks for all these amazing authors and their poems! Identity of I: By “Abhiraj Rajadhyaksha” http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/identity-‐of-‐i/ The Road Not taken By Robert Frost “Nature” By Abdul Wahab http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/nature-‐198/ “Family” By Violet Creek http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/family-‐141/ “Dear Baby” by Penny & Jason Morelyle (My parents) Pictures: Sonnet background: http://www.wexphotographic.com/blog/wp-‐content/uploads/2010/10/Texture-‐ Old-‐Parchment-‐e1287582423676.jpg Road not taken background: Old:http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/002/d/b/abandoned_road_by_david2500-‐ d5q62c6.jpg New: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_XduOx6Tzuvk/SwnPs0df-‐cI/AAAAAAAAATo/W707z6v2_VA/ s1600/winding-‐road.jpg Forest: http://static.cornucopia3d.net/galleries/albums/userpics/1155165/AncientForestEo.jpg Lake+Sunset http://www.defendersofcrookedlake.com/images/Crooked%20Lake%20Sunset.jpg Family silhouette: http://thedailydigi.com/wp-‐content/uploads/2012/02/IMG_2403.jpg Family Silhouette 2 http://www.christiancentury.org/sites/default/:iles/imagecache/article_detail/images/detail/ family_silhouette-‐detail_0.jpg Giraffe: http://cdn.cutestpaw.com/wp-‐content/uploads/2013/01/l-‐Loving-‐parents.jpg Cover: http://wallchips.com/galaxy-‐stars-‐wallpaper-‐widescreen.html Cover 2 http://www.zastavki.com/pictures/2560x1600/2011/Space_Saturn_032541_.jpg Cover poetry http://www.cariocanames.com/Poetry-‐scroll.jpg Dedication: http://image.wallpaper777.com/Animal%20Wallpapers/6634_1280x800.jpg Mystery man http://buildingmarkets.org/blogs/:iles/2010/04/mystman.jpg Mystery man 2: https://si0.twimg.com/pro:ile_images/1370874480/private_investigator.jpg Sacri:ice: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-‐Y61FTMcZWJs/UH6ktBhVNXI/AAAAAAAACzw/bdxdqr3udMA/s1600/ Law_Sacri:ice.png Three Sisters: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/The-‐Three-‐Sisters-‐Szmurlo.jpg