Noah's Final poem project

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Oh fearless plumber, short and fat but brave Whose selfless task to rescue the princess Your adventures, they tell such a story grave That leave even the greatest men impressed

This poem is about a plumber who fights through tons of people to save the princess. The tone of this poem feels kind of fast paced because the poem feels fast and lots of stuff happen. The topic of this poem is from a video game: Mario. I find it cool because I’ve never read a poem about something like this.

The land of Hyrule Grassy plains shadowed in dark The Triforce is split  Elemental tombs Within lie ancient weapons To defeat evil A hero of time Aided by his loud fairy Wields the Master Sword

This poem is about a dark place with dark evil lurking around and a man who's brave enough to stand up and fight the evil. There not much rhythm in this poem the writer could of done a little bit more than this.

Money money money Brighter than sunshine, sweeter than honey. Money money money It brings luxury & comfort it makes life funny. Money money money People comes to you if you have lot of money. Money money money People leave you alone if you don’t have money. Money money money Who uses it carefully they are very brainy. Money money money Whatever it may be, I love only man not money

This poem is about money and hows it’s taking over peoples lives. This poem has great rhythm, it’s smooth when you read it and they used great words. They keep the poem interesting with their choices of words. The word money is written over and over again.

Leaves of golden hues cling to the trees in Autumn refuse to let go.

This poem is about fall and how beautiful it looks when it lasts. I think the haiku is great, it tells a lot for a few sentences. I like the sentence, “Leaves of golden hues.� I thought it was great.

Snow covers the ground the icy days of winter soon to reappear

This poem is about winter and its icy cold days. The tone of this haiku is happy and sad.i the way you read this poem makes it sad but it’s a happy poem it gives a great description of the season; word choice was good.

I don’t like eggs they taste really bad, yucky i like winter, ya

This was my ďŹ rst poem that I wrote and I thought I did good. I talked about how I hate eggs and I like winter. The words I used were simple ,the tone of this haiku was was just happy but there was not really a tone to this haiku.



Oh how i love the juicy crust


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those pieces of flaming hot pepperoni water my mouth

This concrete is in the shape of a pizza slice. The design was good, I used pretty detailed and descriptive words that make my mouth water every time I read it.

Oh how I love the smell of blazing hot meat, the taste of hot sauce flowing through my mouth the cheese lettuce and tomatoes make it taste heavenly the choice between soft or hard the hardest choice i’ll ever make.

This poem is about a taco. I used good and descriptive words in my poem. My words didn’t really rhyme, but I tried to make it rhyme.

i love the winter the hockey and snow come back soon please

This poem is about winter and how much I love winter. I talked about hockey and that I want winter to come back soon. This poem was a haiku, there was not a whole lot of rhyme, but I tried to make it rhyme.

oh how i love me some video games i love to play them everyday ya i love video games more than the flames who doesn't love to play video games ha Video games have been around for a very long time. My first video game was pong, the game was very simple.

What is my name? Well my name is Noah William Wallace Schmid. My name means rest and peace. It was originally hebrew and made its way into the bible. There was a story of a man named Noah. He

built a boat because there was a record breaking flood that was taking over the world so he had two of every creature on the boat to save them from the rising waters .

I have two middle names, William and Wallace. my mom... gave me these middle names because my great grandpa’s name is William and his middle name is Wallace. I did’t really know my great Grandpa, I

only know his name. I think its funny that my middle names are the name of the powerful leader in the Scottish War of Independence.

Would I ever change my name? No, I would never change my name because my parents made a great choice in giving me my name and I like it very much. I don’t know many people with the same name as

me. And... I don’t think my parents would be very happy if I changed my name. If I was born at a

different time would my name be different? If... my parents ever had a third child they were going to

name it Noah.

I found and wrote 10 poems about my identity 5 I wrote five I found most of the poems I found were about video games. Video games are very important to me because they have been in my life for a long time and I would not know what if the different if I didn’t have them. Another big thing in my life is wintertime, this season is my favorite season, I just love the snow. Also winter is hockey season, I can’t stop watching hockey. My favorite hockey team is the Philadelphia Flyers, my family gives me a hard time about that because they are Calgary Flames fans. One of the other big things in my life is food, yes-delicious food. I love eating food, cooking food, and talking about food.

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