Matt.F's Anthology

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By: Matt.F

Tuesday, 8 October, 13

Dedicated to - !e

Tuesday, 8 October, 13

Fiery Hea"s of Cana#ans


Analysis: I wrote this poem to show one of my favorite leisure activities which is gaming. I think I created a great tone of enjoyment and relaxation because this poem was mainly based on how it makes me feel. This poem was mostly free verse so it didn’t have much elements other than descriptors and the tone. I used pretty good word choice to help paint a picture in a way of how I enjoy gaming and why I do because I think that is a big part of making a good poem that makes sense. The theme of this piece is how I enjoy gaming because I find that it was something easy for me to write about and It makes up a very small fraction of my identity but is still there. Tuesday, 8 October, 13

T h e C o n t r o l l e r

Analysis: I chose this poem because I like to swim and want to become a lifeguard. This poem contains some very well thought out rhymes every second line or so like how they used night and light. With the great rhyme scheme it creates a better atmosphere and gave it a great rhythm. There was some parallelism in rhyming at the end of the lines, “help, help or fun, fun.” The theme of this piece is swimming being really fun because thats all it really talks about which gives a strong opinion of what the writer thinks and wants the reader to think. It feels as if the writer wants you to enjoy swimming when they said “ Just swim with a friend or Now go ahead go swimming.” The tone of this poem is a vibrant fun activity that is swimming and how much fun it can be because it is always saying swimming is fun.

Swimming Swimming is fun you can swim in the sun Yes swimming is fun. You can swim at night Even though you may just Need a little bit of light. You can can swim with a friend To keep a good trend Just swim with a friend. When you need help Look for a lifeguard They can always help. Now go ahead go swimming Go enjoy the water Because swimming is fun. Casey Noe

Tuesday, 8 October, 13


Canadians Analysis:

Sizzling warm bacon, It fuels Canadians hearts: On chilled winter days

Tuesday, 8 October, 13

This haiku is showing my Identity as a Canadian. It shows the theme that a lot of Canadians like bacon and how it warms our spirits during the long winters in canada. ( I am sort of stereotyping this ) This is really powerful to me because of how symbolic it is to me and my country. It incorporates our climate with the “chilled winter days” because that is often the type of weather we have, long winters and short summers. The Haiku also uses some description to help paint a better picture and and give a bigger meaning to the reader because I find that very important. One other thing I like about this haiku Is how I used “ Sizzling and chilled.” It made me think I’m sitting in a warm log cabin in the middle of a blizzard eating bacon which is creating a nice tone because it is a sense of warmth and relaxation. This poem also has a nice rhythm it doesn’t just cut off into a new line it flows and that makes it easier to read because haikus are often short and hard to understand but by creating a better rhythm it is easier to understand.

Winter Winter trees stand bare looks for coats to wear hovers together seeking a refuge from the icy winters air. Heather burns

Analysis: This poem is a great poem for all canadians and makes up fair bit of my identity and how I love winter as well. This poem has a little bit of a rhyme scheme, “bare, wear” but thats about it. The theme of this poem is the cold winter days and trees preparing for the winter. I think this poem is targeted at canadians because we often face sudden change in weather and hate winter so we find it a struggle to prepare for it. I love winter though because it make me canadian in a way and brings all new activities. In this poem I was also able to find a bit of personification where it said “Trees look for coats to wear.” This poem also has a nice rhythm to it because it never randomly cuts off it all flows. I also liked the description that they used like, “refuge, hovers and bare.” The main theme of this poem is the winters and how the author enjoys winters. Tuesday, 8 October, 13


Road Running

The feeling of gliding on pavement so smooth The razor wind slicing at my skin The slope in the hill as I race downwards It takes me away from the real world It takes my to a place of enjoyment It makes me want to never leave Long boarding and Biking The wheels spin, spin, spin around at speed unimaginable The crunch of the tires hitting the pebbles on the pavement The part of not knowing where your going only wishing it could last forever Being able to learn new tricks Being able to glide across the asphalt Being able to pass the traffic of cars to find new roads Riding the streets is one of the greatest things

e av h ay I m oem EE. s E ike his p DD- on b T D d ti an lot. B-C- peti ded e s c B e re rd t a oa joy i A-B ome it ne is pie b A s g lt n h on till e d a A sed I fe of t l e n e e u s s o s ts but I , I u also ecau them e e I str etry elism ce. ect b . The e e l o t i l h ff n t ing p para he p ng a e tha o t i siz ide be ng of ad o r of it bei ing e re pha t m m ad e th ke s I li e sak f the e re nto uld e w o h o wa g. I o t o r th ne I d w h e : e r v n s in ad is o o ton elax bette ow bit f nts mpro t to etitio lys e h a r s e s i h a An . T nd it int a ce d it elem e to in ju t rep s e i i d a h p e p f th w I fi nd p oul y id is erat any chempin s oug o h w fm Id h g ho il a T agg s m s t t s i n y i o t d a ex ntain lelism spin n an inn show deta ff bu one e w g h l e d b is it t co ara sai atio dd t o to the tone ” to a ’t cu This ribe F p ere I xplan t d a ack cing uldn fect. esc e wh re e d n o af i b li mo pla laid nd s . It w the le to x e b a s I and nch ythm ds to ing a a s d rh u e ed ort chill r, cr ent o it a so b p s ec s zo ts e ee mor e, ra a d nse iend r t d r e s d f t ha e s s a gli or e f e wa ke “ iece mak th ou v i p li lo at it he cre tors this ing nd w t a t s k p o wa ing t scri ugh ma with ne. d o e try ed d . I th blen do ell do us ture tely gs to ry w pic mple thin s ve co orite ht wa fav oug I th

Tuesday, 8 October, 13

Goal Soccer, Soccer I scored a goal Soccer, Soccer I am great at goal because I play everyday and learn Josef myles

Analysis: I chose this poem because it shows athletics and soccer which are two things I exceed at. I like this poem because it is short and to the point, it’s meaning is strong and the writer covers the topic he loves in a great way. The writer uses parallelism and repetition with “Soccer, Soccer” to help give the poem rhythm because with a poem like this it is needed. He kept the line length short to try and show how meaningful it is to him and how he wants other to fell the same. The theme was, how the author was trying to send a message to the reader that they should work hard for goals they want to reach. The tone of this poem is sort of serious I thought because of the last sentence “ Because I play everyday and learn. I liked The way that he takes the sport seriously and was trying to show that with his sport being the main topic. Tuesday, 8 October, 13


Lake Life The swift water stream courses through the lake As I float across the smooth glass at dawn The boat is the one thing that makes a wake I feel the chilly breeze and am withdrawn The pull of the boat as I drift across No waves to be seen just lakes so pristine I’m pulled from one end of the lake across The mountains surround this lake so very clean The minutes pass as I float water Then I splash into a cold liquid force I am pulled up and out of the water Water and sport is my getaway source I enjoy every single water sport Because it is my favorite resort

Analysis: This poem shows how I spend most of my summer making up a large part of my identity which is water sports. In this poem I was limited to the types of figurative language I could use because it was a sonnet which is very detailed in a certain way and only uses certain types of figurative language. One of these is line length every one of these lines it 10 syllables long and roughly the same size because that is one of the main things a sonnet needs. I also used rhyming and it was done in a ABABCDCDEFEFGG format. I found this really hard to write and tried really hard to give it a good rhythm which I think I accomplished. I used lots of descriptors like “pristine, chilly, smooth and splash.” But the most effective thing in this poem is the theme it means a lot to me because it makes up most of my talents and relates to my identity a lot, It also stay on the same topic and I thought I did a great job of trying to convey what I was trying to say and creating a very easy to follow theme.

Tuesday, 8 October, 13

My Identity Look at me, Tell me what you see I have 2 identities. Which is hard to see. To my friends and family, I’m a different me. I have a secret identity, Which may not describe me. The secret identity that I have is deep inside my soul which is hard to find. I’m still searching hoping that I will find the complete me myself and I. Lucia Domingos Fula

Dual Personalities

Analysis: This poem is showing that everyone has a hidden identity that they don’t know yet. Its kind of like your future you don’t know the outcome yet. The reader gave his opinion very strongly and I think I could really relate to their ideas and agree with him. This poem also contains rhymes which keep the poem alive and interesting to read. This poem also has a really good rhythm which is because of the rhyming, it really adds to the poem. It also describes me well because I don’t completely know my identity in a way. This poem also tells us a lot about Identity in general like how you make up yourself and it just takes time you don’t know who you really are till your more experienced in life.

Tuesday, 8 October, 13


Floyd Analysis: This poem I found is very deep. The author was expressing his thoughts very strongly and showed his ideas on the topic. I though this poems was a very good representation of Identity because it is saying that your Identity is not defined by your name but is defined by what you believe and what you do which I find to be very powerful. This poem also uses elements like parallelism where most of the sentences start with the same two words “ My Identity.” It is like he is trying to fight Identity by telling it he makes his Identity not his name as he says in the first sentence “Listen Identity...” There was a lot of descriptive words which helped convey his story. He created a great rhythm with the repetition in sentences and it made the poem a lot more fun to read. I like this poem because I think that I share the same Ideas on Identity that he had and he treated identity as another person. Tuesday, 8 October, 13




To meet up with friends After the long summer break: School starts once again

Analysis: This poem is one of the biggest parts of my identity and will make up most of my Identity when I am older. This haiku talks about school as the theme because I go to school almost everyday and It is has made my friends and my intelligence which are very big parts of Identity. The line length in this haiku is very short because I had to stick to the westernized 5–7–5 syllable count. I think this poem has some great rhythm to it and it flows well from the first to second line and sort of helps define the third line. I think it this poem makes it seem as if school is symbol towards friends and a impact on life like where I said “To meet up with friends and School starts once again.”

Tuesday, 8 October, 13

Reflection Of How My Poems Relate To Me I am not super complicated but there are many aspects that make me, well, me. I think that a human is not defined by the piece of paper they carry but by their choices and backgrounds/heritage. My life is defined by many things but I’m just going to talk about a few of the topics, mainly the largest ones. Sports and my leisure activities consist of many things but some of my largest and favorites are what help to make me. Swimming is very important to me and spend most of my summer swimming I also want to become a life guard someday because I like helping people. In a swimming poem I found it had one part that really stood out to me “When you need help Look for a lifeguard They can always help. Now go ahead go swimming Go enjoy the water Because swimming is fun.”Another part of this sub topic was road sports like long boarding and biking. I spend lots of my spring and free time with friends biking and long boarding. It is very fun and there are no limits to what you are able to do which makes it so enjoyable. I also like the exhilarating thrill of speed while riding. In this poem I wrote “It takes my to a place of enjoyment It makes me want to never leave.” Soccer also makes up most of my spare time and is one of my most favorite things to do and learn about because I am very good at it and find it very enjoyable. I love to play with my friends and run around scoring because it gives me happiness and exercise. A really meaningful part of the poem I found that describes how I see soccer “because I play everyday and learn.” One of my most favorite free time leisure activities is gaming. What I love about it is the co-op aspect where if you can’t hang out with your friends you can play with them online. It adds to the effect by allowing you to play with really people which I think is very cool, it’s also very relaxing and stress relieving. When I wrote my concrete poem I included this line “I play for relaxation and enjoyment, to relieve the stress and to kick back.” I guess this defines me by showing how I relax and take a step back in life to help me cope with the busy world. Another humongous part of my identity is my heritage as a Canadian and where I live in Canada. I find that I am more of a stereo typical Canadian ( one of those EH see the game, and bacon eating fanatic ). I am very proud to be canadian and think that I am super lucky to live in a safe country, it means a lot to me. I made a poem about Canadians to express how I feel about being canadian and used this passage “Sizzling warm bacon, It fuels Canadians hearts: On chilled winter days.” Along with being Canadian we have harsh excruciating long winters. I love winter because my B-day is in January and I like playing in snow and the feeling of the cool breeze. I found a poem that help describe this and one part of it was “refuge from the icy winters air.” Living in Canada I get to go places many people dream of like have the rocky mountains in my backyard. One of the times I spend the most time is at my cabin which is located in the rocky mountain of British Columbia. I spend my whole summer here and have been for the past 8 years so it is a big part of my life. I have learned a lot of skills at this place and get to do things like water sports which is a great privilege. I am able to do almost every water sport and love to just cruise on the vast lakes. To express how I feel about this I created a poem and here is my favorite sentence of it “I enjoy every single water sport because it is my favorite resort.” My final topic was how I view Identity and my first poem of this section was My Identity this was a poem I found it shows how I feel about myself and how I think more to me than an ID or birth certificate I believe everyone has two identities. One thats only skin deep and one that goes on to your family, your beliefs and your worldview. One of the more meaningful parts “Which is hard to see. To my friends and family, I’m a different me. I have a secret identity, Which may not describe me.” I found another poem that describes the other part of identity that I believe exists and that is how I view my own identity. Everyone views their identity differently I view mine as the people I meet and the connections I make in my life that make up my identity. I found a passage that describes this very well “My identity is different from me because it is given.” The final thing that makes up my identity is school because it makes up almost all of my away from home Identity. I’ve met all my friends and have learned everything. I spend most of my time at school so It makes up a large portion of Identity because people often view you through school and thats how they see you as a person making up one of those two Identities I talked about earlier being your sort of public Identity not your personal Identity. I wrote this to best describe how I was feeling “To meet up with friends After the long summer break: School starts once again.” These poems explain a lot about me and I hope this was I great representation about that. Being Canadian this shows a lot of those aspects and describes me as Canadian which is truly who I am. Tuesday, 8 October, 13

Vignette On My Name “My name isn’t Matt, I don’t even know my name yet.” -Bob Marley My name is Matthew according to the christian religion, I am a gift from God. That is what my names says and it is very meaningful to me. My name is tied to the Christian religion because my family is religious and my parents would always go to church as kids. So when they named me they were impacted by their past experiences and knew what that name meant chose a more religious name plus they thought it was strong spirited name which I think suits me very well. The name Matthew is mentioned in the bible and says that Jesus had twelve disciples and Matthew was one of them Matthew was a saint and was the author of the first Gospel, but that is not the reason for my name. My name dates back to the ancient greek as well. If I was named in the greek time I would have been Matthaios. Matthaios or Matt either or I don’t think I would change it f I had the chance to rename myself because a lot of people just jump to the point of not liking or liking their name when really they don’t always get to appreciate what their name has done for them. A name helps you in the way a job does it is needed and it helps make you you. “I like my name. Its not too complicated or overused, it is plain and simple, it is like a rock and I would not change it.” My name is often shortened to Matt but I don’t think it reflects my personality. I think a name is just a way to remember people because it’s not the name that describes a person but it is their achievements, personality and the way they act that describe them. I find that my the naming of my name has had almost no impact on my achievements and personality. My nickname has no special meaning because it’s a shortened version of my actual name. I like my shortened name, Matt, more because it is straightforward and more my age but still hasn’t affected me that much its just my personal opinion. I find that Matthew is sort of a younger name like a caterpillar before it sprouts into a butterfly. My last name had little to no impact on making my first name. Matthew is sort of unique to me in my family because it is not related to anyone in my family. Outside of family name is also very common like a plague of children, and I happen to be one of them. I also think the country I live in and my heritage has affected my name because names can vary based on the location. Like how people in China have very different names than most people in Canada because it has became the sort of style in naming that the country has used this affects me because I was born in Canada so my parents were accustomed to a different way of naming. It is also the language and heritage because although I am Canadian I am still English because all my ancestors date back to Europe, France which is why my last name F****** is French because that is where it originated. My main language is English because although I am French my grandparents didn’t learn that much French because they were born in Western Canada and didn’t need it at the time. Others that live in Canada might have different backgrounds and main languages that have affected their name. My last name is just one of those popular names that dates back to my heritage it doesn’t affect me because my parents didn’t have a say in that last name. I like my name Matthew Fournier because it is easy to remember like scar or a good friend and hasn’t impacted me to much but has made me who I am in a sort of way. Tuesday, 8 October, 13

Work Cited List IDENTITY Floyd Flyodson n.p n.d Found on: September 4th 2013

My Identity Lucia Domingos Fula n.p n.d Found on September, 5, 2013

Goal Josef Myles n.p n.d Found: Sept 11/2013

Winter Heather Burns n.p n.d Found: Sept 11/2013

Swimming Casey Noe n.p n.d Found: Sept 11/2013

Tuesday, 8 October, 13

Images: Title Page/Page 2 n.p n.d Matt.F For All Beneath Author unknown n.d n.p Found on: September 7th to October 1st

Paint Brush: 2 Masks: Sun: Lake: Soccer Field: Flames: Soccer Ball: Bike: Long Board: Road: Snow: Snowman: C140_Snowman__60665.1346168960.1280.1280.jpg Snowflake: Bacon: default/files/bacon_main.jpg Hockey Sticks: Canada: Bacon Heart: Water Drop: Swimming Icon: s1600/Swimming-Logo-200.png School bus: REN_AutobusLion_34av_rue_2011-05-02.jpg Promise Land: Family: Person: Passport: Credit Card:

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