Sam's Poem anthology final copy

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A glimpse at me By Samuel Foran

by: Samuel Foran

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Dedication This poem anthology is dedicated to my great teachers for inspiring me, as well to my parents for always supporting me.

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Table of Contents 1.) Title Page 2.) Dedication 3.) table of contents 4-15.)Found poems & analysis paragraphs 16-25.) Written poems & analysis paragraphs 26.) Personal reection 27-28.) MLA work-sited lists (Poems .27, Images .28)

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Found Poems

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Wind Is Anywhere By Dee Mcdonald The wind it moves in wondrous ways Wind Is Anywhere By Dee Mcdonald Through the tree branches it blows and its sways The wind it moves in wondrous ways

Found poem 5.) Through the tree branches it blows and its sways

It takes all the leaves and flies them so high Then briefly it lets go and they fall from the sky.


Its strength is so varied from timid to strong

It takes all the leaves and flies them so high Then briefly it lets go and they fall from the sky

The length of the blowing can be or fr lon g Its str ength isshort so varied om timid to strong

The length of the blowing can be short or long

ome mesnos ite tickles Sometimes it tickles theS ti p of ti your

the tip of your nose Sometimes sends shivers to the tips of your toes

Sometimes sends shivers to the tips of your toes

It can bring some surprises with each passing day

It can bring some surprises with each passing day The wind will surprise you in many a way The sweet sound of whistling, the roar of a storm

t can bring youin some happiness and The wind will Isurprise you many a wa y also bring harm The next time you see a bag blow down the street The next time you feel th e wind at you feet of Th e sweet sound

The next time you see a bag blow down the street

Remember its power, its beauty and grace

whistling, the roar of a storm It can bring you some happiness and also bring harm

For the wind can be anywhere, it can be any place.

The next time you feel the wind at you feet

Remember its power, its beauty and grace For the wind can be anywhere, it can be any place. Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Found poem 5.) This poem although I might seem like It doesn't relate to my identity it really does. One of the things that makes me really happy in life is opening my windows in my room and listening to the wind howl. This really makes up who I am as a person, I find nature really relaxing and I love just lying back and listening to the sounds of the night, thats what make me up as a person. I think that the writer of this poem was going for a more relaxing tone, she wrote about the wind but used personification to really makes you feel like you see and can feel the wind. I think that she was going for a really gentle and soothing tone in this poem, describing the wind using very short sentences and rhyming. (Every line rhymed with the next one.) I think that the rhyming really enhanced this poem it really helped with the gentle theme. The poem made me thing that it was the wind, it had a great tempo and tone to it. it really suited the poem. I think the theme of this poem is “never take anything for granted.” I say this because the author puts so much effort into describing the wind, of how the wind feels, and I think that some people really don’t take the time to think about things like the wind, and she is really pushing that it is a great things. That it makes you feel so many things.

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Found poem 4.) No title MarcusO_o its like it doesn't matter, you don't think, you don't move, you don't feel anger nor disappointment. the way people think of you is gone. it's you in your own world a world that can't be any others, the one thing in your life you don't have to share. when you cut and curve they look at you, like one of those out cast crazies, but it don't matter its yours take it, show it o and you'll be king.

Cut Out Crazies MarcusO_o its like it doesn't matter,

you don't think, you don't move,

the way people think of you is gone. it's you in your own world a world that can't be any others,

you don't feel anger nor disappointment.

the one thing in your life you don't have to share. when you cut and curve they look at you, like one of those out cast crazies, show it o and you'll be king. but it don't matter its yours take it,

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Found poem 4.) This poem doesn't have very many literary elements but I still like it, every-time I read it I really feel a connection to it. I like the tone of this poem, I think it’s more of an inspirational poem about long-boarding and being yourself. I think that the poem is very inspiring to be yourself. Such lines as: “The way people think of you is gone.” or “a world that can’t be any others.” These make me feel like long-boarding is yours so do whatever you want and don’t be worried about being judged by others. Later on there are 3 lines that really stick out to me, “When you cut and curve they look at you, like one of those out cast crazies, but it doesn't matter its your take it.” This I found supported my idea of the tone even more, but I really enjoyed these lines because of the authors word choice like “out cast crazies”. I don’t think I’ve heard this expression ever, I think that the author was really making a personal connection in this poem. Like once he/she was an out cast crazies who was judged. And when he/she longboarded he/she felt all of these things. That they were king of their own world, that no one else could have. I really connected to this myself when I longboard I really feel like it’s my own world. I can make up my own rules, and do whatever I want to do.

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Why would you want to be someone else? Ellen Bailey No title Ellen Bailey Why would you want to be someone else When you could be better by being yourself Why pretend to be someone you are not When you have something they haven't got Cheating yourself of the life you have to live Deprives others of that only which you can give You have much more to offer by being just you Than walking around in someone else's shoes Trying to live the life of another is a mistake It is a masquerade; nothing more than a fake Be yourself and let your qualities show through Others will love you more for being just you Remember that God loves you just as you are To Him you are already a bright shining star Family and friends will love you more too If you spent time practicing just being you

Found poem 3.)

Why would you want to be someone else When you could be better by being yourself Why pretend to be someone you are not When you have something they haven't got

Cheating yourself of the life you have to live Deprives others of that only which you can give You have much more to offer by being just you Than walking around in someone else's shoes Trying to live the life of another is a mistake It is a masquerade; nothing more than a fake Be yourself and let your qualities show through Others will love you more for being just you Remember that God loves you just as you are To Him you are already a bright shining star Family and friends will love you more too If you spent time practicing just being you

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Found poem 3.) what really makes up my identity. This poem really reflects that. I think that the overall theme here is “Be yourself no matter what anyone says.” I say this because the first two lines say “Why would you want to be someone else, much more to offer by being just you, Than walking around in someone else's shoes”. This is another example of When you could be better by being yourself” . And it continues this down through other lines such as’ “You have I found that this poem really reflects who I am, I’m still trying to figure exactly what makes me up as a person,

my theme, saying you can be great just by being yourself. You can help and offer things to people that no one else and try to really find out who I am, this poem will always be in the back of my head reminding me that I can be more inspirational from lines of “You have much more to offer by being just you”. It really inspired me to think “I first real time that that statement felt true, and that is why I love this poem and feel it really reflects my identity. I also really enjoyed the rhyme scheme, the first two lines rhymed, and then the next two rhymed and it added a really good tempo and flow to this poem, and was very enjoyable to read. can do whatever I want to, I can be anything I want to, And I will still benefit others.” I think that this was the whatever I want. And whatever I turn out to be I will be great at.I think that the tone of this poem was set to be can, and all you have to do is be yourself. I relate this back to the fact that I am in the years when I experiment

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

F ound poem 2.) Works of Art Gian Torrano Jacobs No title Gian Torrano Jacobs We Create Our Selves. We Are All Works of Art, Playing With Each Other. Identity is an Accomplishment, a Message, To be Delivered MisCommunicated, Communicated, MisInterpreted, Interpreted. Our Actions, Our Expressions, Are the Paints, the Music, the Clay with which We Bring Form to Our Selves.

We Create Our Selves. We Are All Works of Art, Playing With Each Other. Identity is an Accomplishment, a, To be Delivered MisCommunicated, Communicated, MisInterpreted, Interpreted. Our Actions, Our Expressions, Are the Paints, the Music,

the Clay with which We Bring Form to Our Selves.

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Found poem 2.) really great tone, it makes you feel warm inside when you read it. Which is really nice. I say this because There isn’t very much of a rhyming scheme going on, but the poem does have a nice rhythm. I think that it might actually take There isn’t any figurative language (like similes or metaphors), but the author obviously took time picking his words 6-8; MisCommunicated, Interpreted. away if it was rhyming, this poem is really trying to send a message about identity across and it might seem childish. carefully. It’s really clear on line 6-8 that he took time to pick the right words to continue the rhythm. Such as, on line Communicated, MisInterpreted, These are really thought out, and I think that the author was trying to make a point that it’s hard to figure out who that to the world. I really enjoy the clay reference, I think that it was a great metaphor to connect clay to life. The author is saying that like clay we are forming ourselves, molding ourselves up into a beautiful vase, or into a The thing that struck me and drew me to this poem was the writing style and the tone of the poem. I think its sends a

you really are. It’s not going to come to you someday, but you have to figure out who you really are and how to show

beautiful life. I find the tone of this poem really inspirational, I think this because the poem states that you can build this poem is short and right to the point, it really gives you a lot of detail in only 12 lines. But makes you really communicate that while we progress and age in life we are molding our lives like molding clay. your own self up into whatever, And others might not get it or understand it but its okay because its you. I like how

think about what the author was trying to say. I think that the clay was a symbol for our identity. He’s trying to

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Longboarding TheRedBaron eRedBaro nfun or thrilling , its an addiction that creates pride out of broken dreams, it lets your eyes long boarding is not cold and chiTh lling , nor just the trophy or the crown, its about the struggle down the road, much like life, it seems to come up slow and pass faster than your quickest its an addiction that creates pride out of broken dreams, it lets your eyes adjust to the blurred world that once was, your mind is


adjust to the blurred world that once was, your mind is only on the hill, its mistakes are feared and its flawlessness renown, its not about long boarding is not cold and chilling , nor just fun or thrilling ,

glance, a turn in the road is a turn in life it can only lead to yet another turn. Until you cross the finish line. Your adrenaline pumping when given. So respect the hill, respect e man , and you , crown and you will be …..whatever you want to be. renownth , its not about threspect e trophy or the , its about the struggle down the road, much like life, it seems to come up slow and in life it can only lead to yet another turn. Until you cross the finish line. Your adrenaline pumping your mind can think of nothing other than feeling so alive. So strive to be your best, test your skill, gain respect but respect is only received when given. So respect the hill, respect the man, and respect you, and you will be…..whatever you want to be. pass faster than your quickest glance, a turn in the road is a turn

your mind can think of nothing o ther th an so alive . feared So strand ive to your best, test your skill, gain respect but respect is only received only on th e hifeeling ll, its mistakes are its be flawlessness

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Found poem 1.) sentences and some outstanding word choice. Some sentences stood out to me more than others, such as “It’s and this poem got into, this is one of the reasons this poem stuck out to me. I really also enjoyed the rhyming at the into the poem and really engaged me when I first read it. But as I read on it kinda disappointed me that I addiction that creates pride out of broken dreams.” I really like his/hers word choice and the thought and depth I really enjoyed this poem I feel like it is really powerful. Reading over it I noticed some really strong powerful beginning of the poem “Long boarding is not cold and chilling, nor just fun or thrilling.” This really hooked me

didn’t really continue throughout the poem, but I think that maybe having everything rhyme might have taken They took the main-idea of “long-boarding” and expanded so far off of it. I really like the of long-boarding to life connection, and how he really backs up what he/she’s saying. He doesn't just say long boarding is like like life because it can come up fast and pass you faster. He/she really gets into the poem, and really gets their true away from the powerfulness of the poem. I also really like the tone of this poem, this is a really solid, deep poem.

feelings out and I really enjoyed reading it. I think that this was a great poem to read, the only thing I didn’t like about it was the last part of the last sentence “and you will be.....whatever you want to be.” I don’t think it really mixed very well with the ongoing tone of the poem. I think it would have been fine leaving the last last word “you.” It just finishes the poem really nicely.

sentence as; “So respect the hill, respect the man, and respect... you.” I added the ellipsis to really add effect to the

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Written Poems

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Written poem 1.) Haik u Night by: Samuel Foran Flowers fade in dark Night:

hours fading, nights calling no noise only calm

Flowers fade in dark hours fading, nights calling no noise only calm

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Written poem 1.) Haiku I really enjoyed this haiku, I wrote this on at Banfield but I liked it more then the one I had before so I replaced it with this one. I had a problem with this poem though, I didn’t know if just saying “flowers” was good enough for a season word. I think it is so I am going to stick to it. The first part of this I talked about how night was rolling in, taking over the sky. While writing this I was sitting on the balcony of the rick’s center and watching the sunset which was really inspirational to me. And I was looking at the flowers across the waters, and it felt really peaceful and I really tried to get that calm peaceful tone into this poem. Its the end of the day and we can just relax and reflect on the day. I didn’t really use many other literary elements in this poem, but I felt like just a really great tone was really great as well because it was a haiku and so short. I tried to make the tone more relaxing and calming, I did this by using softer words to describe the sky like night calling, instead of nights coming. And “No noise, only calm” instead of saying something like nothing moves or makes a noise. Because haikus are so short I feel like I had trouble presenting this tone into this poem, but I think that I presented it enough so other people will get this feel as well.

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Written poem 2.) Sonnet By: Samuel Foran Long-boarding: Thin wood separates me from the cold earth I move my body but I feel the heat I can feelLong-boarding: a spiritual rebirth I can feel the concrete under my feet I They rise so high, their colors so alive I ride through the forest, I like the trees I envy the tall trees, they are so free They rise so high, their colors so alive I can feel the concrete under my feet Thin wood separates me from the cold earth ride thIrough the forest, I like the trees move my body but I feel the heat I can feel a spiritual rebirth

Written poem 2.)

I envy the tall trees, they are so free They have no systems but they still survive They have no systems but they still survive

I swerve and curve , and watch ahead The wind whispers into my cold,my sore, peers ears I can picture th e four wheels treading along When I ride I am at peace, total calm The wind entangles me, I have no fears When I ride I am at peace, total calm But now I am lost, I should call my mom

I swerve and curve, and watch my peers ahead I can picture the four wheels treading along

The wind whispers into cold , sore, ears The wind entangles me,my I have no fears

But now I am lost, I should call my mom

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Written poem 2.) Sonnet I like this poem a lot, It’s rally special to me. Every quadrant I wrote I was inspired after every separate run I did. Every-time I finished riding around I felt like writing my experience. The last quadrant in this sonnet is probably my favorite “When I ride I am at peace, total calm But now I am lost, I should call my mom”. Because I actually did get lost but it was really pretty where I was, but I was really calm and at peace. And I words and sentences. Like “I ride through the forest, I like the trees” and “They rise so high, their colors so alive”. “Nature and long-boarding connect.” This may seem a little weird but I really felt like this captures everything sonnet. I tried to do this by focusing on a certain topic for a little while, like 4 lines on nature, 4 lines on longpersonification a little in lines like “I envy the tall trees, they are so free” , and “The wind entangles me, I have no fears.” I think that this really enhanced the poem, it really made the reader feel like they were there with me. boarding. To really show how these two ideas for me share common grounds. In this poem i started to use that’s happening perfectly. Long-boarding, and nature both calm me and I wanted to present that in my I tried to give the reader the thought of looking up in a canopy of trees and admiring nature. A nice theme of; was really happy with how the entire poem turned out. I really tried to set a tone of relaxation using peaceful

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Written poem 3.) Concrete By Samuel Foran

Written poem 1.)

It is important that you don’t read the stuff in yellow and red until the end. The flame is a haiku about fire. Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Written poem 3.) Concrete one side and bacon on the other side. The flame on the stove is a haiku I wrote about fire. I thought it was a cool main poem. The top paragraph is shaped like a pan, with eggs sizzling and bacon drizzling in the pan. Then the second section of the poem is a stove. The stove’s flame is made up of a haiku I wrote about fire, I just thought that it would be neat having a haiku about fire on a stove. Anyways During this poem I really tried to bring the “eggs, and bacon” alive. I tried to include both similes, idea. Just in case the poem didn’t make sense, reading the whole poem in just the grey/black writing that is the For this poem you need to read the grey-black parts first, the inside of the pan is more of a imagery of eggs on

metaphors, and personification into this poem. To really get across what was happening in this poem. I wrote the food. And I tried to incorporate that into this poem. I tried to make this theme more mysterious, using the wondering about what is really happening. I also tried to use parallelism in this, “easy come, easy go”. I was different colors and text sizes to support that as well. More of an empty reading that leaves the reader this poem because I really enjoy cooking, and when I cook I always get sucked into a trance of just watching

this poem really engaging using a more mysterious tone. I did this by writing causally about cooking, but then of the “end” at the end. I wanted to leave the reader really thinking about what is really happening in this poem. always hinting back towards this “end.” At the end even I made the text smaller and smaller and left this hint

referring to the eggs and bacon cooking that it’s an easy entry into the world, and a easy end. I tried to make

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Written poem 4.) Freeform A place like no other The space A hole where there shouldn’t be A place that should be filled with life A place like no other An unfortunate wasteland An unfilled void A desolated environment A dark and endless cavern Filled with old remnants of explorers Rough terrain Endless pain It’s... Insane It’s ... hard to explain It ... even hurts my brain Life... slowly draining The dark devils den, deludes dozens of daredevils to death. But where is this place you may ask? Why tell you about a place that doesn't exist? Because it does exist But it’s not on a map, not any map It’s in Joel’s mouth Where his tooth... should... be....

The space

by: Samuel Foran

A hole where there shouldn’t be A place that should be filled with life An unfortunate wasteland An unfilled void A desolated environment A dark and endless cavern Filled with old remnants of explorers Rough terrain Endless pain It’s... Insane It’s ... hard to explain It ... even hurts my brain Life... slowly draining But where is this place you may ask? Why tell you about a place that doesn't exist? Because it does exist But it’s not on a map, not any map It’s in Joel’s mouth Where his tooth... should... be....

The dark devils den, deludes dozens of daredevils to death

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Written poem 4.) Freeform In this poem I really tried to get into the sense of repetition, for example the all the way to the 7 line mark I tried to start all the sentences off with “A, or an”. I read over the poem and noted when it seemed like I carried on to much and then when on even more just to make this poem more unique. As well as the rhyming scheme that starts right after the line “Filled with old remnants if explorers” and goes to “The dark devils den...” I like this part because when you listen to it you except it to stop somewhere at “It’s hard to explain, or it even hurts my brain but it keeps going. As well I also tried the sentence itself flows, but I don’t think it really flows with the tone I was already using. In this poem I tried to set the tone as a darker kind of a sadder tone, using dark words to describe “the space”, along with a mysterious sort of to include alliteration into this poem in the line “The dark devils den, deludes dozens of daredevils to death.” I think that

sense like “what is this place? Is it really real? How will it end?, etc.” I really enjoyed this poem, I had Joel's help while writing it so he knew what I was writing, and he was a really great at writing rhymes which helped a lot. This poem friendship with Joel we are close and when something happens to one of us we always like to take it to the top. For while it might not seem like it reflects my identity off the top, I guarantee that it does. I wrote this poem more about my example in this poem, Joel is missing a tooth. And we take it above and beyond to describe it. Not only does this poem just as well as spacing out from the world. These all make me up as a person and in this poem I totally fell into that and I just kept writing and describing while Joel helped edit.

reflect friendship but also part of what makes me a person is getting wrapped up in things and losing track of time,

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Written poem 5.) Personal choice Midnight ride I cruise down the hill Wind blowing all around me; I’m at total peace I cruise down the hill Wind blowing all around me; I’m at total peace

by: Samuel Foran

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Written poem 5.) Personal choice I wrote this Haiku about long-boarding down a hill. I really tried to capture the feeling of peace and calm when long-boarding down a hill. I tried to mould the theme of this Haiku around peace and being one-with-ones-self. Long-boarding is a really relaxing experience and I really tried to capture setting. I didn’t really think a haiku was long enough to really describe the fact that I am longthat feeling and put it into words. I sorta tried to set the tone of this poem to this, the calm relaxed boarding and that I’m calm, so I tried to add a mysterious tone to make the reader think “what is

really happening here?” I also tried to include how calming it is in the last line “I’m at total peace.” I wanted. I tried a couple of things but nothing really captured what I needed in this poem. I read a couple of poems online and I got the idea to use “total peace”. and I think that it works very well. I also tried playing around with the words to really try and set an image and feeling of the wind blowing all around you, seeing the trees blur by, etc.

took a lot of time planning this out, I thought that just saying “I am at peace” didn’t capture what I

I really tried to get a soothing scent into this poem but like I said above haikus are really short, so well to really get into more description.

you can’t really get into description all that much, so I decided to write a sonnet on long-boarding as

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Vignette “Bob Marley” isn't my name. I don't even know my name yet.” -Bob Marley. People say that names define who a person is, but our names are given to us before we have even developed our personality and our traits. So how can a name define us? Samuel might be the name I was given, but my identity and my personality does not match it. And that is why I go by Sam. Sam is more of a sporty name. It’s more fun and not as sophisticated as Samuel.Today, Sam suits my personality better. A very straightforward, very simple name. And that all who I am, a very straightforward and simple guy. Moving along, my full name Samuel means “God heard”, or “gift from God”. This comes from a story in the bible about how a 65 year old woman named Hannah who prays and prays for a son. She becomes overjoyed when she finally receives one and names him Samuel, Samuel meaning god heard. Like god heard the woman's prayers and sent the child. My name comes mostly from my Grandfather, he is a very religious man and he liked the story so much and he suggested it to my parents. They all thought that the name was great, so they stuck to it and that’s why I am named Samuel. I really enjoy the origin of my name, to know that my name dates back so far is really fascinating to me. I like to think of how it might have sounded back then compared to now, someone yelling Samuel will sound a lot different nowadays than it use to. I personally don’t like someone saying “Samuel” because it doesn't flow very well when their talking. I think that even 50 years ago the name Samuel would sound different. There’s not much backstory to my name, but I like how simple it is. I like how it sounds when people say my name “Sam.” It’s much smoother when they try and saw Samuel. My name is like the story of Goldilocks, my name is not complicated but not simple either it’s in the middle zone. Which is a good fit for me. I think I will start using my full name Samuel as I grow older and more sophisticated, but for right now I just like being called Sam.

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

Personal reflection In my entire poem anthology I have some common themes that I found and I think that all of these come back to really reflect who I am as a person. Some of the sub-topics I discovered while going back and analyzing my poems were; peace, friends, relaxation, being yourself and nature. I had even more but most of them fell into these categories, for example I put long-boarding into nature, as well as relaxation. Because while long boarding was a topic I explored, I felt that it really fit better into these other topics. I think that one of the major sub-topics I explored in my anthology was relaxation. Most of my poems I wrote were about relaxing and enter a calm state of mind. But I think that this was the overall theme of my poem anthology, I found that I had 3 major sub-topics that most of my poems fit under they were; long-boarding, being in touch with nature, and being yourself. I found that my written poems were more about nature and long-boarding rather than about being yourself. While my found poems concentrated more about being-yourself and nature within the border lines of long-boarding. I think this is because I like being inspired by others to be different and myself, I don’t really take it seriously if I tell myself. I find it really interesting that all of my sub-topics end up mixing in with each other. For example in my sonnet I have both nature and long-boarding together. Or in my 4th found poem I have both long-boarding and being yourself. I really like how all of my poems about long-boarding relates back to my poems about nature, or being yourself. I do find how it’s strange that none of my poems connect being yourself and nature together. I think that because these are two different ideas that it doesn't really mix in a poem, like long-boarding can be applied to all of these because it’s an activity that includes a topic. I really enjoy reading back over my poem anthology I think that ever sentence, every word really comes back to who I am. I think that I am naturally a relaxed laid-back kind of guy, who is different, who enjoys nature, and loves long-boarding. I think that all of those things make up my Identity. I am a relaxed laid-back kind of guy, who is different and doesn't care about being judged, who enjoys nature, and who loves long-boarding. One of the ways I chose my poems was to read the poem and really analyze how it made me feel. I found that I don’t really enjoy poems about sports, like poems about soccer or volleyball, or poems that really go into to much detail. I found that I enjoyed the poems that were shorter, more relaxing, enough detail to be enjoyable but not to much to make it unbearable. I think that this really connects back to my identity, being relaxed and in a calm mind really are what I enjoy and long-boarding, art, and nature all bring this out in me which I really decided to focus on. When I was trying to figure out which literary elements fit in which poems I always tried to write about my feeling towards the poem, and some choices I think that the author made. Just so I had writing down it was much easier to add literary elements to a pre-existing peice of work then trying to work from scratch. -being yourself

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

MLA Poems Poems: 5.) By: Dee Mcdonald

4.) By:MarcusO_o

3.) by: by Ellen Bailey

2.) By: Gian Torrano Jacobs

1.) by: TheRedBaron

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

MLA images Images Found poems: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

All my written poems have my own images

Wednesday, 9 October, 13

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