Luftmensch: EJ Agustin

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(n.) one with their head in the clouds EJ Agustin

Dedication: To all my new friends that I know I’ll make in my future. Also, to my friends and family who helped me become who I am today.

Table of Contents: *Note that after all poems in this anthology, an analysis follows.*

”My Name” Vignette... 1 Found Poems Music...3 Your Family...5 Filipinos...7 Sideman...9 Why Do I travel?...11 Personally Written Poems Ukulele Love...13 They’ll Judge Me Anyways...15 Evening Strolls...17 I Am The Actress, My Bed Is My Stage...19 Beyond Measure...21 “My Identity” Synthesis...23 Work Cited Pages... 24-26


My Name

“Noun. A word or set of words by which a person, animal, place, or thing is known, addressed, or referred to.” –Merriam Webster Dictionary. Originally from the Hebrew culture, and taken from the bible, meaning “fruitful.” Why my parents decided to name me Ephraim, that’s another story. While my parents were expecting a boy, I was waiting to surprise them. The way you anticipate that 50 foot drop on your favorite ride at the amusement park, but you never know when its going to happen. And then boom, it happens and you’re surprised. Initially from my father, shortened for my brother, and given to me. My middle name. The grace or mercy of the Lord. Johnson, John, and Ephraim John. When I was born, of course my parents wanted to change my name. Anne. Shortened from my mother’s name Annie, and given as a middle name to my two older sisters. So why isn’t my middle name Anne? If I were to be named Ephraim John, I would’ve been given the nickname “EJ”. You know the feeling you get when you really like something? Like when you go to the pet store, see your favorite animal, hold it in your arms, and instantly fall in love? That’s what my parents felt. They liked the name EJ and didn’t feel like changing it. A combination of John and Anne came Janne: meaning, “God is gracious” from the bible. My middle name. Ephraim J**** A******. Some people use their names to describe who they are, the way we use names for objects to describe what they are. Would I change my full name or be addressed by my full name if I had the chance? Yes and no. Why? I would change it to something more meaningful or feminine. I don’t like Ephraim just because people always assume I’m a male. I would change it to something like “Emily-Anne Jesabell.” Would I change my nickname if I had the chance? No. Why? EJ. Two letters, two syllables. Simple. Six letters, two syllables. I’m a simple person, and my name fits my simplicity. Just like the last piece of the puzzle. Once that piece fits perfectly, you don’t try and find a different one. A name is just “a set of words by which a person, animal, place or thing is known, addressed or referred to.” My name is the last piece of my identity puzzle. I am EJ A*****.

Found Poems

Music Anonymous Music has the power, to help and to heal, It’s truly amazing, how it makes us feel. It brings us hope, and a positive mind. Motivates us, to be friendly and kind. Music offers messages, about others and earth, Guides us with purpose, assures that we’re worth. A single song, countless hearts it may touch, will help us love others, so very much. Music is here, to entertain and inspire, has the potential, to ignite our inner fire. Together with music, we can create good, we have what it takes, we definitely should.

Analysis When I was reading the poem Music, the author conveyed a very passionate tone. The way the first part talks about music having the power to help and heal is what made me think this. As I got further into the poem, I realized that the author tried to convey the feeling of happiness as well. Throughout the poem there are lots of rhymes, and usually when I read a poem and there’s lots of rhyming, it creates a rhythm. For example, “to help and to heal, It’s truly amazing, how it makes us feel (Anonymous Stanza 1 line 2-4). While line length throughout the poem was short with about 3-4 words in each line, the poet used a broad variety of words, making the poem stronger. I think that by making the lines shorter, and using the “AABB” rhyming scheme, the author kept the rhythm steady. I liked how the poet didn’t have too many pauses in one line, and how the lines were shorter. The theme of this poem is the affect of music on individuals. The poet writes about how music can motivate us, bring us hope, heal, and touch our hearts.

Photo By: EJ A******

Your Family Judith Kempis Your family are people, you can depend, If you get in trouble, they shall defend. They are the ones that understand, Always willing to give you a hand. Your family, you should always cherish, Without them you would probably perish. Your Connection with them is very deep, If something happens, together you weep. Your family can help, your confidence build, With their love and support, you’ll feel fulfilled. Just don’t forget to show your appreciation, That will strengthen your relation.

Analysis I think the author of Your Family really tried to convey the feeling of love throughout this poem. The author talks about cherishing your family, and how they will always be there for you, that’s why I believe the tone is love. This poem doesn’t really have any similes, but does include lots of rhyming and has a good rhythm. This poem uses the “AABB” rhyming scheme, but the lines have longer sentences. There are about 2 commas used within each line, causing the reader to pause every few seconds. Although, the rhyming scheme is not consistent throughout the poem. I think the universal message of this poem was that Family will always be there for you no matter what. This is evident because throughout the poem, the poet writes about how your family will always help you throughout whatever, they will be there in times of good and in times of trouble. As a reader, I felt the poet did a great job trying to relate to her readers, because everyone in this world has a family, maybe not by blood but definitely everyone has people who they consider to be their family.

Filipinos Judith Kempis Filipinos are hardworking and responsible Friendly to others and all hospitable Good moral values and respectful most of all With long-patience and all lovable. Filipinos help each other, whether rich or poor For those who need especially the neighbor Filipinos are brave and pride they stand for To protect and fight for country are worth-dying for. Filipinos are always smiling Though some nation keep on insulting For being simple, low status of living But hear and mind are rich human being. I am proud to be Filipino, in blood and skin. The religion of Christianity in God we believed in. The own mothertongue we use and for grand children The culture and tradition form ancient till next generation

Analysis This poem has lots of direct metaphors, the poet wrote lots of “Filipinos are, I am…” etc. without using any similes. After reading the poem, I realized that every few seconds I would be pausing because within more than a few lines, the poet used 2 commas. The theme of this poem is to be proud of where you come from and to embrace your culture and ethnicity. Throughout the poem, the poet does use an end rhyme in every stanza, and within the first stanza i realized that lines 1, 2, and 3 have and end word that sounds like “ble.” For example, responsible, hospitable, lovable.” After reading further into the poem, I noticed that every line in stanzas 2 and 3 also end with the same 3 letters. In a way, I think the author did this to show the literary component of parallelism. Overall, the poem was a very personal to me because it does talk about my heritage and where I’m from, and definitely represents who I am.

Sideman Paul Muldoon I’ll be the Road Runner To your Wile E. Coyote I’ll take you in my stride I’ll be a Sancho Panza to your Don Quixote your ever faithful guide I’ll stand by you in the lists with our market strategists I’ll be your sideman, baby, I’ll be by your side I’ll be a Keith Richards to your Mick Jagger before he let things slide I’ll be your Sears to your Roebuck before he took the headstaggers and opened nationwide I’ll support you at Wembley I may requite some assembly But ill be your sideman, baby, I’ll be by your side I’ll be McCartney to your Lennon Lenin to your Marx Jerry to your Ben & Lewis to your Clark Burke to your Hare James Bond to your Q Booboo to your Yogi Bear Tigger to your Pooh Trigger to your Roy Rogers Roy to your Siegfried Fagin to your Artful Dodger I guess I’ll let you take the lead

I’ll be a chingachgook To your leatherstocking a blaze of fur and hide our shares consolidated our directorates interlocking I’ll be along for the ride I’ll be at Ticonderoga I’ll be there for you at yoga I’ll be your sideman, baby, I’ll be by your side

Analysis In the poem “Sideman” the poet uses the literary component parallelism. This is evident because the poet writes one stanza, and then at the end of the next stanza, the poet writes: “I’ll be your sideman, baby, I’ll be by your side.” This literary component is consistent throughout the entire poem. Within each stanza, the poet uses plenty of metaphors. Muldoon uses metaphors to convey the theme “We go well together” for example, Muldoon writes: “I’ll be McCartney to your Lennon, Lenin to your Marx, Jerry to your Ben” (Muldoon stanza 5, lines1-3) After reading the first two stanzas, I could already tell that the tone was love. I thought this because the poet writes about support, and being there for his significant other and then ends the stanza again with “I’ll be your sideman, baby, I’ll be by your side.” (Muldoon, stanzas 2,4,7 lines 3-4) Muldoon did not use any similes, but because of the way he chose to write his poem, it’s still very strong without them. I think that Muldoon did a great job in connecting with the readers, and talking about love by relating it to real life examples.

Why Do I Travel? Sana†Musama It is on the road that my inner voice speaks the loudest and my heart beats the strongest. It is on the road that I take extra pride in my wooly hair, full features and lineage. It is on the road that I develop extra senses and the hairs on my arms stand up and say "Sana, don't go there", and I listen. Its when I safety pin my money to my underclothes and count it a million times before I go to sleep, It is on the road that I am a poet, an ambassador, a dancer, medicine woman, an angel and even a genius. Its on the road that I am fearless and unstoppable and if necessary ball up my fist and fight back. It is on the road that I talk to my deceased parents and they speak back Its on the road that I reprimand myself, and set new goals, refuel stop and begin again. It is on the road that I experience what freedom truly is. It is my travel that has transformed me making me a citizen of the world. When my humanness, compassion and affection are raised to a new level and I share unconditionally. When I travel I arrive empty and leave full.

Analysis In the poem, “Why Do I travel?” the poet does a great job of describing how it makes her feel (i.e “Its on the road that I am fearless and unstoppable and if necessary ball up my fist and fight back.” Musama 6) Musama also uses strong metaphors like “It is on the road” and “I am a poet” to make her poem strong. She uses the metaphors to prove her points of whatever she’s talking about. She doesn’t use similes to say something like “I am like a poet” and stands strong says “I am.” Because this poem was an excerpt of the poem, it was difficult for me as the reader to understand what the theme was. From what I’ve read, I could say that the message from the poem that the poet was trying to convey would be that she loves to travel. This is evident because of the way the she sets the tone for her poem, how she rights that she feels good and confident and as if she can be herself. For example, in the beginning of the poem Musama writes “Its on the road that my inner voice speaks the loudest and my heart beats the strongest.” and “Its on the road that I am fearless”. The poet also uses repetition. She starts 9/11 lines of her poem, with “Its on the road”. I think that the Musama used repetition to try and express that she loves to be on the road to be traveling to and express to the reader that she only gets these feelings when she’s on the road. I think that Sana Musama did a fantastic job trying to relate to her audience about how traveling makes her feel, and really connecting to a new level.

Written Poems

Ukulele Love EJ *******

When I’m stressed or upset, I play the 4 strings. Strumming up and down, from my heart, I begin to sing. Complications of life escape my mind, In this moment, I’m at ease and feel kind. I focus on the lyrics and not on my troubles, The warmth that music brings me is just a bonus. I’m in a world of my own, Wait, am I singing in the right tone? I’m getting chills in my bones. For three minutes, reality escapes me. For a moment I stop and think About how these lyrics relate to me. The song comes to an end. Acoustic and therapeutic My ukulele is my sweet serendipity, As it brings me positivity. There is nothing more that I enjoy Than to strum those 4 strings, And to feel my heart sing.

Analysis The poem “Ukulele Love” written by EJ *******, is written about the authors love for playing the ukulele. The poet uses lots of metaphors like “I’m at ease and feel kind” and “my ukulele is my sweet serendipity.” Using metaphors really helped the reader understand her true passion for playing the instrument. A****** did not use any similes in this free verse. The tone of this poem is relaxed and calmed. This is evident because in the first stanza, the poet writes “When I’m stressed or upset, I play the 4 strings.” (A******, Stanza 1 lines 1-2) and in the last stanza she writes “Acoustic and therapeutic, my ukulele is my sweet serendipity, as it brings me positivity.” (A******, Stanza 4 lines 1-3) and then continues on and writes about how there is nothing more that she enjoys, than playing her ukulele. She writes with lots of passion, which is refreshing and helps the reader connect and understand how much she really does love playing the ukulele and what it means to her.

They’ll Judge You Anyway EJ ******* You ask me what’s wrong and I’ll tell you “Nothing, I’m okay.” I’ll tell you I’m tired because you won’t understand I’ll tell you I’m okay when I’m really hurting I’ll tell you I’m happy when I’m really feeling bland It doesn’t matter what I tell them, they’ll judge me anyway. Some days I’ll feel like I’m beautiful, like a princess from a disney movie. But most days I won’t. You’ll ask me what’s wrong And in my head I’ll think: Everything.

I’ll think about how I hate my hair and I feel its disgusting. I’ll think about how insecure I am about my weight. That I can starve myself and still gain ten pounds. How I feel trapped in this body with all these flaws. That I try and perfect myself every day but it never works. It doesn’t matter what I tell you, you’ll judge me anyway. I don’t want to weigh you down, or make you feel bad, So I don’t say any of this because I know I’m being stupid, I know I should be happy but I’m not. So instead I’ll just say: “Nothing, I’m okay.”

Analysis The poet writes with detail about how she struggles to feel a confident very great poem. beautiful, and tostill feel living in her own skin. She uses repetition to make her arguments and points stronger. For example A****** writes “I’ll tell you… I’ll tell you… I’ll tell you” and “I’ll think about… I’ll think about…” The tone of this poem is very sad. This is evident because the poet will write about how she will tell you she’s feeling okay, but really she’s hurting deep down. For example, the poet writes “I’ll tell you I’m okay when I’m really hurting.” (A******, stanza 1 line 2). She writes about her insecurities and sadness within that she carries every single day, which makes the reader feel sympathy and empathy for her. The message that came from this poem was that no matter what, society will always judge you. It’s evident that the poet wrote this poem coming from a dark place, but she wrote it in a way where many teenagers who are also struggling can relate, which helps the poem stand strong. A****** uses the simile “Some days I’ll feel like I’m beautiful, like a princess from a Disney movie. Most days I won’t.” (A******, stanza 3 lines 1-2) and by doing this, she paints a picture for the readers which helps them understand exactly how the poet felt during a certain period of time, or maybe while writing this poem.

Evening Strolls EJ *******

Cool weather, sun set:

I take a stroll through the park.

Dark night, faint light, walk.

Analysis The author of “Evening Strolls” did a good job of keeping the 5-7-5-syllable count throughout her haiku. The kireji was easy and clear to identify because the poet used a colon, separating the ideas given (“Cool weather, sun set:” A****** line 1). A****** used “cool weather” as her kigo describing the season as end of summer transition into fall. The poet did add rhymes which created a short rhythm. The tone of this haiku was very set back and relaxed. This is evident because when the author says “Cool weather, sunset:” you imagine a nice calm evening which really helped paint the tone. There were no metaphors or similes that were used in this haiku, although it was definitely still a great poem.

I am the Actress, My Bed Is My Stage EJ *******

I am the actress, my bed is my stage. My lamp is my light, it shines so brightly. The world outside my bedroom is my cage Everyday I step into it bravely. I stare at myself in the mirror and I see that I am my own audience. I’ll make it to the top, I know I can, Wait, am I shining with bright radiance? This is my passion; it gives me great joy. Give me a script and lines to remember, I’m nervous to play a role with a boy. Here I come, buy tickets for December. I am the actress, my bed is my stage, The world outside is no longer my cage.

Analysis A****** wrote “I Am the Actress, My Bed Is My Stage” evidently through passion. In her third stanza and first line, the poet states “This is my passion” completely setting the tone of the poem. Throughout this sonnet, the poet did a great job with keeping the 3 stanzas with 4 lines, and ended with a strong couplet that connected right back to the beginning and the title of her poem. A****** used lots of metaphors (for example “this is” “I am” “my bed is”) instead of smilies which really helped make her poem stronger. She writes about confidence, and how she knows she can perform on a real stage and real audience. Assuming the poet wrote about herself, in the first stanza, she writes “the world outside my bedroom is my cage.” and then during her couplet she says “The world outside is no longer my cage”. By doing this, the poet really showed growth throughout the sonnet and it helped the reader understand her true passion, and how she overcame fear. As a reader, the main message that I got from poem would be that the author loves to act and that it is one of her passions. A****** did a great job of conveying her passions through the text, all the while using literary elements.

Beyond Measure EJ *******

Analysis The author of “Beyond Measure”, EJ A****** did a fantastic job of writing her concrete poem, and shaping it into a heart. The shape relates to the poem because the poet is writing about love. A****** talks about two friends who fall in love, go through a tough time, but over come it and find happiness within each other. The overall theme for this poem was a little hard to identify because there wasn’t many literary elements to the poem. The poet did have some rhymes here and there, but it wasn’t completely meeting all elements and expectations. Although, after reading the poem a couple times over, the theme became clear. Plain and simple, the universal message is love. Love can be found within each other, through whatever, no matter what. Even though A****** didn’t include many similes, or metaphors, she did you symbolism. She took a poem that she wrote about love, and created it into a shape that related and helped make her poem strong. Because the poet talked about such a meaningful topic, she was able to connect with her readers by pulling at their heart strings by writing about being hurt by someone who you thought would never hurt you but overcoming those differences because you know something special is there. So you fight for what you want and what you believe in and eventually finding that happiness within that special person once again.


My Identity After reading through my anthology, you’re probably wondering about my identity and who I am exactly. Truth is, what I included in my anthology are pieces to my identity. For example, I included a poem called “Filipinos” by Judith Kempis. I decided to include that poem because I come from a Filipino family. Both my mother and father, and the rest of my family are from Philippines. Part of your identity is where you come from and where you were born, so I thought it’d be a good idea to add in my ethnicity and where I come from. I am a Filipina, and sometimes society judges me for that. I used to be called “yellow skin” and “Asian” all the time when I was younger; which brought me to a really deep insecure place. I became certain that no matter what I would tell people, they would judge me, as if I was a book and all they saw was my cover. After finally finding confidence in myself, and being okay with where I come from, and accepting who I am, I became a bigger person and I became stronger. Confidence will always be an everyday struggle for me, and it will always be apart of who I am. I am insecure. That’s why I decided to write the poem “They’ll Judge You Anyway”. I decided that no matter what you tell someone, whether its that you’re confident or that you’re insecure, they’ll judge you anyways. I wrote that poem to help the reader relate, and to show a more vulnerable side of myself that I don’t usually show. One of the main reasons that I found confidence in myself was because I found someone who was happy with the way I am. This special person made me feel as if I was good enough, and that I’m perfect just the way I am. This special person inspired me to write “Beyond Measure”. This relates to me because the two friends I wrote about were actually about my special friend and myself. The male that I wrote about has been a huge part of my life, and he’s the main reason I am confident, the main reason that I’m happy, and the main reason that I feel loved. On the terms of having that special someone, I included the poem “Sideman” by Paul Muldoon. Speaking of love, I found a poem called “Family” that I decided to include in my anthology because family has been there for me, has helped me grow, has helped me learn right from wrong, and helped me realize my likes and dislikes. I also incorporated a couple of poems about my likes and passions. For example, the poems “Ukulele Love” written by me, “Music” by an anonymous author, “Why Do I Travel?” by Sana Musama, “I Am the Actress, My Bed Is My Stage” written by me, and “Evening Strolls” also written by me are all examples of my likes and passions. In “Ukulele Love” I write about how my ukulele is my sweet serendipity, and how it is my stress reliever. “Music” Is related to my identity because it’s apart of my everyday life. I listen to music every chance I get. I often find music has the words that I never know how to say, and the words that I can never find from anyone else. Music helps tell my story, music is often the friend I always turn to. I wrote about “Evening Strolls” because when I take walks, it gives me the opportunity to clear my head, have my own thoughts, and reflect on my week/day. “Why Do I Travel?” represents how I feel when travelling excited and free and full of new information and culture. It’s a passion to see how others live, and to see what this big beautiful world has to offer. Last but not least, the biggest piece to my identity puzzle would be that I love to act. When I was younger, I would act as if my bed was the stage, and I would sing, and dance. Acting has been my life long dream, and it’s what I strive to be. Acting makes me feel amazing, and worth something, and good about myself. Being on stage with the lights, and sounds, and the music, and looking about without being able to see the audience is what reminds me of that little girl who is back in her room, using the bed as her stage, but this time, she’s on a real stage and living out her dream. All these pieces are what make up parts of my identity, and I hope you’ve enjoyed having a glimpse of me.

Work Cited List 5 Poems Written by Various Artists Poem 1: Music Unknown, “The Music of Life” N.p., n.d. Web. 5 September 2013 Image Source: Maziu, JC. The G Key. September 7, 2012. JCMaziu’s absent art. Web. September 15 2013. Poem 2: Your family Unkown, “Your Family” N.p.,n.d. Web. 5 September 2013. Poem 3: Filipinos Judith Kempis, “Filipinos” N.p. May 9th 2011. Web. 18 September 2013. Image source: Mohamed Ibrahim, Untitled, 27 January 2011. Web. 7 September 2013. Poem 4: Sideman by Paul Muldoon, Poetry Speaks Who I am, Pg Num: 85 Muldoon, Paul. “Sideman.” Poetry Speaks Who I am. Ed. Dominique Raccah. Chicago: Sourcebooks, Incorporated, 2010. 161. Print. Image source: Image Source: mickeyandminnie. “Mickey and Minnie.” Photograph. Tumblr. November 11, 2011. Web. September 19 2013. Poem 5: Why do I travel? Excerpts from a poem written by NYC sculptor, Sana† Musama. Image Source: *Unable to find any information about this photo* +airplane+tattoo+world+map+arm.jpg

Work Cited List 5 Poems written by me: Poem1: Ukulele love image source: Kitiyud Phornphibul. “Ukulele on bamboo background”. Web. September 18 2013 mack2happy110700004/10094146-ukulele-on-bamboo-background.jpg Poem 2: They’ll Judge You Anyway Image source: Luiza. “Untitled.” Web. September 17 2013 tumblr_mhrm4jEvse1rj8j47o1_500.jpg Poem 3: Evening Strolls Image Source: Photographer: Noah Vespa Source: Phone Poem 4: I Am The Actress, My Bed Is My Stage Image source: *No information about this photo was found* __SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1330735029431 Introduction to found poems image source: *no found accurate information about image* Introduction to written poems image source: *No accurate information about image was found*

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