Phil's Anthology

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Phil’s Phantastic Poems Thursday, 10 October, 13

Thursday, 10 October, 13

Thursday, 10 October, 13

Table Of Contents: 1:Title Page 2:Blank 3:Table of Contents 4:Winter 5:Getting Back Up 6:The Little Things 7:The light 8:Friends 9: Nature 10:Sports 11:Jungle 12: Fear 13:Limits 14: Vignette 15:Part D

Snow covers the ground The icy days of winter Soon to reappear. Heather Burns

The reason I chose this haiku is because I live in Calgary Canada and here there is around 6 or 7 month of winter each year. The bigger reason is because I have so many experiences and memories from when I was little in the snow making forest and snowball ?ights. I think the tone of this poem is a tad bit of horror because she is saying soon to rear appears and I just have the feeling that she is saying in in a negative tone. I think that she was maybe born in the here it Ii ls ive warm most oCf anada the year is sis till in the 6s oummer mood hen ew riting this wrote his haiku mostly The untied reason sI tates chose stomewhere his haiku is w because in Calgary and ahnd ere sthe here around r 7 month of ww inter ach year. The pboem. igger Srhe eason is btecause I have so many correctly w ith t he k ireji a nd k igo, t he k igo b eing t he s eason w ord a nd t he w ord i s w inter b ut I a m n ot t o s ure a bout t he k ireji b ecause I c ant r eally t alk o Ms. experiences and memories from when I was little in the snow making forest and snowball ?ights. I think the tone of this poem is a tad bit of horror because she is staying burns I tahink that she used kireji the stecond with tin he winter. I think that the theme f this oem wuinter the wsomewhere orst season nd tihat is arm it a soon to brut ear ppears and I just have the ifn eeling hat she line is saying in waord negative tone. I think that she was moaybe bp orn in its he ntied iss tates wa here t is w that is horror. most of the year and she is still in the summer mood when writing this pseason oem. She wrote this haiku mostly correctly with the kireji and kigo, the kigo being the season talk to Ms. burns but I think that she used kireji in the second line with the word word and the word is winter but I am not to sure about the kireji because I cant really winter. I think that the theme of this poem is winter is the worst season and that is it a season that is horror.

Thursday, 10 October, 13

Getting back up I feel that the tone is tad bit dark but very inspirational. I think that it had to be very inspirational because people could be struggling or could know some one struggling, And then read this poem and it inspires them to help others or themselves. In the second half of the poem there is a lot of rhythm and rhyme because there are many adjectives, like falling, crying and fearing. This makes the poem more intense for the reader. He or she chose very intense words I think he chose these because it is a very emotionally strong topic and he needs to be firm about describing his or her struggle. The word choices make it more engaging for the audience. I found that you could read the rhymes at different speeds, making it more fun to read and more engaging. The mood of this poem makes you think of times that you gave up or someone close to you had a tough time getting back on his or her feet. In the end they overcome the obstacles and are now happier than ever. I think that he or she wrote this poem because there are a lot of people that have been through a tough time and have struggled in life. I think that the theme is that once you’re down the hardest part will be getting back up if you manage to do that life while reward you in the end.

Thursday, 10 October, 13

Life is a bright, long star boulevard, Where you get good, when you work hard. But Life is not a fantasy, or just a love that's shared between thee' It's a battlefield of broken goals, A purple sky with empty souls. The city streets with littered trash, the wild fire left with ash. Falling, hurting, crying, blurting, fearing, slipping, failing, tripping. Lies from fakers, burning heart breakers. Those knocking you down, smiling when you frown. But others tell you keep on going, you try so hard though your steps are slowing. You can't see the future or get a head start, So getting back up is the hardest part.

The little things Remember, in life; you must enjoy the little things. Because you’ll never know what tomorrow brings. Just be thankful that you can wake up each day, Never let any precious time in your life slip away. Take a moment; enjoy just sitting in the grass, Look at all the trees and just watch nature pass. While you’re sitting, think of what you’ve been through. Think about the future and what you want to do. Now that you have thought about the old and the new, Think about something that is more important, you. Continue enjoying all the things in life, big or small, Because smiling a lot is better than no smiling at all Mike Nissan.

I think that they’re many topics that he tried to explore throughout this poem. I believe that Mike Nissan was trying to relate are life’s back to other people that aren’t as fortunate. He showed this by telling us take moments of are life to think about the how fortuned we are to be alive on this beautiful earth. I think he did this because he know that he is very spoiled in that he could education and that he was most likely the 1 percent and he acknowledge the struggle of the other 99 percent. He also pointed that we should be enjoy the nature that we have been blessed to have Thursday, 10 October, 13

The light Philip Ketchum I see the bright light; In this dark snowy cavern Why I keep fighting

The reason I wrote this haiku the way I did was because I am trying to make the audience feel motivated. The reason I tried to motivated the audience because this problem is very common so I tried to shed some light for people that have this trouble. The mood I chose was to keep on Cighting, I chose this because I think we can all learn something from this message because a lot of people give up when the going gets rough when they should try to perceiver. I used the kigo by saying the snowy cavern because that there is mostly only snow in winter witch is a season. I made my poem around the saying “light at the end of the tunnel” I used this because I thought it Cit right with topic I chose. The theme of this poem is that when you are doing something difCicult that is long and grueling you must try to reach it.

Thursday, 10 October, 13

I think that the author of this poem must have had a very good friend that has supported through though times. There is a big alteration through this whole poem all the lines start with friendship witch stated with f. I think the author did this because he was making the poem somewhat like a list about what friends do. This poem isn’t just the good thing about friends but there are some negatives about them to, I thought it was like a pro and con list but for everything good there is an Antonym to match it. I think that the author did this because he knows that some friends bring good thing out of people but other can bring terrible things out of you. I think that mood of this poem was that what can be could good can always be bad. I think he wrote the mood this way because he must have a couple good friends that helped him throughout struggles but then must have had friends that have token advantage of him. I think that the theme of this poem is that you must chose your friends wisely. Thursday, 10 October, 13

Friendship contains love Friendship contains anger Friendship guides us to light Friendship guides us to darkness Friendship gives us dreams Friendship gives us nightmares Friendship brings us a lot of friends Friendship brings us a lot enemies Friendship lets us have fun Friendship lets us have ?ights Friendship gives us the courage to try Friendship gives us the moment to be shy Friendship means a lot to me. No one is to be left out 'Friendship is many'

This Author (me) used more descriptive words to really describe the way he was tone he was feeling. I didn’t make it rhyme because I thought it would take a lot away from the poem. The reason why I think it takes away from the poem is because rhymes are more for up beat poems but I was trying to connect to nature so I think that is was more of a relaxing poem than up beat poem. I used a simile to describe the wind because when ever I go camping I am always outside and wind is blowing in my face the air feels so fresh that it feels like your wind pipes have just be cleared. I used mostly descriptive words because the topic was nature, and in nature there are many breath-­‐taking things. That is why I used words like beautiful or breath taking because I was emphasizing the tone that it was a very beautiful setting that makes you gasp for air. I believe theme of this poem is that we should slow down and go

I Have Always Liked the Great out doors The blowing Wind Like a fan on full blast At my back, I could lay There for hours looking Up at the beautiful breathtaking Glowing Constellations, the breath Taking view from up top of the most Beautiful mountains, some times I can Be hyper and very energetic but when I Am outdoors I calm down, I think that when You are outdoors it can make you a lot more relaxed And the fresh air and view helps you relive much stress If there is one thing I can tell you is to remember to breath Thursday, 10 October, 13

Sports Anonymous Sports are complex in that they are a way to escape our lives as well as a way to look at our lives in a clearer way. In the world of sports the line of victory and defeat is quite clear. There is no question of what team you are on or what position you play within the team. These things are not always clear in real life. Escaping to the world of sports is an opportunity to think about these questions in our own lives. believe that the theme of this poem is that problems can be solved by easier ways then you think.

I believe that the poem relates to me because I am very active person and when I am playing sports I lose all sense of the real life. I believe throughout this whole poem there is a really big simile. The simile is connecting the world of sports and the real world. I think that the author did this because he must half been a very active person, he was most likely puzzled with a big problem at work or in the real life and when he went to play sports he must have found a solution for his problem by clearing his mind. I think that the tone of this was that you can perceiver and sports are a great option to try. He wrote in this tone because he has perceived and know he wants to help the world by sharing his poem to people with the same problem.

Thursday, 10 October, 13

In The Jungle by Philip Ketchum In the jungle I see the animals That roam around like majestic creatures When night comes they become cannibals When light comes a new leader will emerge The trees emerge from the dark dusty grounds Bearing fruit from the glowing long branches All the animals making chirping sounds All the trees are sledding out to ranches The water glistening and shimmering Where animals of all sort come to drink Home of creatures that are glimmering It’s so beautiful you won’t want to blink These components combined are an amazing habitat That’s why we need to be more respectful and not attack

Analysis #9 The author (me) had to write a sonnet witch is a ABAB CDCD EFEF GG rhyming scheme and each line must be ten syllables besides the last stanzas with is a of 2 14 lines. I believe the tone of my poem is to appreciate what has been given. I chose this topic because I thought that with the formatting of the sonnet I could break up nature into three. I broke the Sonnet into three parts Animals, Water and trees and plants I did this because I wanted to get deeper on what I was feeling about nature. I believe the theme was that how great our forest is. I chose this theme because it really reClect me because I am a person that loves the environment Thursday, 10 October, 13

FEAR Philip Ketchum As the year ends Its time to move for the squirrel Out of the comfort of his home To leave his friends and family To the place beyond the horizon The squirrel is scared out his mind Doesn’t no what to do As he tries to run away run from leaving his home Years later he Cinds himself with his own family

This poem written by Philip Ketchum was conceit poem. I was trying to connect the squirrel leaving his home and family to start his own family, to a graduating high school student going off to college. I choose this topic because this is something that most of us will face in is life. I think this mood of this poem was a little sad because most people have had this feeling and did not like it. I think the moral of this story that was not fully explained was that there are things that are scary that they can always be triumphed. I think that the theme of this poem was the same as the metaphors the theme being things can be scary. I think I chose this theme because every single person on this earth has a fear so it’s a topic that affects all people from everywhere. Thursday, 10 October, 13

Limits Philip Ketchum The author (me) was talking about limitations and how people deiced to face them. I chose this because most people that succeed in this world try hard and don’t let anybody decide what they will do. I think that the mood of this poem is that comfort zone. I chose this mood because if people would get out of their comfort zone they will be more successful and happy. When I was righting this poem I tried to divide two groups of people, the ones that aren’t limited and that are. I did this because it is never to late to change their life around to tire to succeed and go over and beyond. I think that the theme of this poem was limits are the obstacle we must face to become more successful.

The whole world has them Some decide to push through them People fear them People embrace them Some run way from them Some run at them This is what divides us

Thursday, 10 October, 13

“Hi my name is Philip” I have always wondered whenever I introduce myself, why my parents called me Philip. My grandfather has the same name as me, but I don't know much about him because he has had Alzheimer’s for the last 12 years. My grandmother tells me that he was very smart and intellectual man. One day I hope that I will be as intellectual and smart as he was because I would like to exceed my family’ expectations and go on to change the world. I have always wondered why names are so reflective of who we are. I believe they are very reflective because there have been many people that have had the same name and that have either done amazing or terrible things that influence your thought of their identity. Another reason why people but a label on someone without knowing them is because most names come from different religions and countries, people could judge others by their country and religion. People could judge me because I have a French background and name. Those that might not like the French a lot could judge me on this aspect without even knowing me. If I could change my name I don’t think I would because my name has great meaning to me. It reminds me of all the experiences that have shaped myself to be the amusing man I am today. It reminds me that my name is special because my great grandfather and grandfather had the same name. If I have boy in the future I think I will name him Philip to carry on the tradition of my family. By the time I am dead I hope that I will have a positive reflection on the name Philip. .

Thursday, 10 October, 13

These Poems I have been writing have been separated in to four major categories Athletic, Nature, Challenges, and friendship. The Cirst topic I will be talking about today Is Athletics. I had only 1 piece in this category called sports I think this relates to me because I am a very active person and love to be outside playing sports. I don’t just like playing sport I play them on a regular bases and I play many of them so it’s a very big part of my life because I dedicate my time to play them. One very powerful quote I found from this poem was “Sports are complex in that they are a way to escape our lives”. I think that this relates to me because whatever sport I play I am always forgetting about whatever problems I am facing in life and just focus on the sport I am playing. My next category was Nature I had four poems in this category. In the Jungle, Nature, The light and Winter. I think the reason I had so many poem under this topic was that I am a person that really respects nature and loves to be around it. I had four quotes let me start with the Cirst from In the Jungle “These components combined are a amazing habitat”. I think I wrote this because I can really connect with the major parts of nature like the animals and understand them on a higher level. The second quote from Nature was I have always like the great outdoors. I believe that this relates to me because since I was a little boy I have always liked to go out on adventures and admire the world’s true beauty. The third quotes came from the Poem The little things. I think that this poem relates to me because I am person that is very grateful for what I am given and I tire to remind my self to remember the little things once. While the fourth and Cinal quote that Cit into the section Nature was The icy Days of Winter. I think that this reClect to me because I have many memories of snow and winter some where good and some were bad but if reClect me because I Canadian and this what I have to grow up with for 6 moths a year. My next category was challenges as well I had four poems in this category. In general I think this reClects about me because I am person that when things are thrown at me I just step up my game even more. For this category I had four poems all relating to challenges. The Cirst poem I had was getting back up here is a quote that really spoke me it’s a battleCield of broken goals. I think that this speaks to me because I know that in the future I will have many goals that will be broken but I think that if I keep my attitude up I will be able to stride through them. The Next quote I found very powerful and relates to me was from the poem the light the quote was why I keep Cighting. I think this relates to me because I am a person no matter the circumstances I will ways keep on Cighting. The third quote I found that was very easy to relate to my self was the quote from the poem Fear. The quote from the poem fear was “So why not face it”. I think that this relates to me because I am one person that will never back away from my fear or give up on something’s I started. The fourth and Cinal quote I felt that really spoke to me was from the poem Limits the quote was this is what divides us I think it relates to me because I am person not phased by limits I just try to raise over them. My Cinal topic was friend ship I think I chose the category because I am a person that have had many good friends that help me through good and bad times. The only poem on this category was called friends I think it relates to everyone and me because we all have friends some good and some bad. The quote I found that really spoke to me was Friendship contains love Friendship contain anger. I think what this poems was trying to say was that friends can be very good or bad. I think this really relates to me because I have had many good friends and a couple bad friends that have earthier helped me through tough times or caused me to be in those times. Thursday, 10 October, 13

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