Steven's Poetry anthology

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Do You Know Me Yet

If you don’t you soon will. By, Steven All the poems not listed in the work sited list are by me.

To my greatest friend. Thanks for being there for me.

Universe Motion:

Around the hub, the galaxies turn Pinwheels scrubbed, in magnetic urn Gravity attracts, while motion glides Equal force acts, to sustain the rides The Milky Way, is towed along Its center conveyed, by nature's song The flux lines strum, as they pass by A radio hum, an electrical sigh And so it be, with our own sun By magnetic sea, its field is spun The axial spin, then thus does tow It's satellites in an induction row The best conductors turn fairly fast While the resistors last with the past Lines of force roll round the outside Because the course is too dense inside When the field of the planet is low It tends to yield all turning flow If more than one set of poles it has It will turn yet, but less as lines pass

In this poem the last word of a line rhymes with the last word of the line under it or an A,A,B,B, rhyme scheme. In this poem the author is describing the milky way and our solar system. I think that the author of this poem is trying to show his amazement, and curiosity about the universe. I think that this is a great poem and is very interes>ng.

River: The river feels like home more than where I live The water keeps me sane To be without the water would be my end I am the water and the water is me. I also think that the tone author is trying describe the feeling of being on the river with no worries or stress of your normal work. In this poem the author uses a metaphor to compare the river to his home. The author then goes on to say that the river feels more like home than where he lives. The author of the poem uses symbolism to create the idea of being one with the river. I think that this metaphor was very effec>ve. i think the theme of this poem being worry free. Overall i think that this poem is very well made.

The warm water flows. Flowing in mountain valleys, like the blood of earth.

The kigo (season word) in my haiku is the word “warm,” because the water is only warm during the summer months. The kireji (separation) is the period at the end of the first line, because it separates the thought of the actual river from the thought of the water being “the blood of the Earth.” I used a simile to compare the flowing water with blood because water is essential to all life, just how blood is essential to humans and other living organisms.

When we abuse nature:

For the burning of fossil fuels there will be some price to pay A looming Natural disaster some climate experts say A looming disaster of destruction and death Climate change than terrorism to human kind is a far greater threat. Our abuse of Nature is out of control Our burning of fossil fuels especially coal From our Earth Mother who feeds us far too much we have stole When we dig up her ground we root at Nature's soul. The things we will destroy ourselves with in Nature we've found Uranium for nuclear reactors and bomb making should be left in the ground Other safer forms of energy that humans can use When we abuse Nature ourselves we abuse. On polluted or clean air and water we do have a choice And for our abuse of Nature we will pay the price It is due to our Earth Mother our gift of life we enjoy And in trying to destroy her 'tis ourselves we'll destroy.

I think author is trying to show his anger about the way people destroy nature and how we take nature for granted through this poem. The rhyme scheme of this poem appears to be A-­‐A-­‐B-­‐B, which is the same as the first poem i analyzed. I think that the tone that the author is trying to create is a tone of sadness, despair and anger at those who destroy nature. I think that the author did a good job at geEng the tone of the poem across because by the end i felt like we should treat nature beFer then we are right now. The theme of this poem is to respect and to not abuse nature. Overall I think that this is a very well wriFen poem.

Life's highway With bumps and turns life’s We enter Go a distance Of time And exit.


Let travel Be safe And safe For others.

This poem has a conceit that extends through the en>re poem. I think that his metaphor is very effec>ve in geEng the message across. the line length is always to words long. I think that the theme of the poem is to be save through life and make life safe for others. the tone is almost factual. I think the author did a very good job at geEng the theme across. I think that this poem is very correct and well made.

The heart of snow:

THE HEART OF SNOW IS A MIRROR WHITENED BY HANDS THAT KNOW A SURFACE ENLIGHTENED THE HEART OF SNOW A FEEBLE BEAT OF TIME OF THINGS THAT GROW IN SEEDS OF FRAGILE RHYMES THE HEART OF SNOW BLEEDS THE BLOOD OF WHITE FOR A LAMB THAT KNOWS THE EDGES OF THE LIGHT THE HEART OF SNOW LANDSCAPES HURT THE HEART IN A DEATH THAT BLOWS A FLAKE'S GRACEFUL ART THE HEART OF SNOW DO NOT EVER TOUCH UP YOU WILL GROW AND STILL KNOW TOO MUCH The rhyme scheme of this poem is ABAB and so on. The author uses a metaphor to compare the snow to a whitened mirror. The author of the poem used parallelism by star>ng each stanza with “The heart of snow”, i think that this adds to the poem and helps get the theme across. the theme of the poem is the beauty of snow. the tone is almost barren. The author did a great job of geEng the tone across. Overall i think this is a good poem.


The warm water flows. Flowing in mountain valleys, like the blood of earth.

I think that the kigo in my haiku is warm because the water is only warm during the summer months. I think that the kireji in my poem is the first period. In this poem I said that the the flowing water is like the earth’s blood because water is essential to all life, just how blood is essential to humans and other living organisms. I used a simile to make this comparison. I think that this is a good poem.

Wave The river is flowing bringing me along with it. I lose all thought of my school and normal life. Absolutely stress free I kayaked through the rapids at top speed. Cold glacier water surrounds me as I punch through the wave. I keep paddling hard after I get through the wave to avoid flipping in the turbulent waters after the rapid; still paddling at full force I get into an eddy where for the first time i'm truly safe from flipping. With the adrenaline still running through my veins I am eager for the next wave.

The author of this poem is trying to show his love of kayaking. All throughout the poem, the poet did a horrible job with using poetic elements. The tone of this poem is very happy. The topic of this poem is about kayaking and how stress free it is. The shape of this poem is a wave in a river. I think that the poet did a good job of getting his point across. I think that this is a pretty good poem.

Tree The tall, white mountains call me to their slopes. They fill my veins with adrenaline rush. The snowy mountain slope gets up my hopes. I like the powder like a new found crush. I choose my line carefully and start down. I get faster while trees go flying by. The snow is so deep I might almost drown. I go so fast that the wind makes me cry. I decide that this line is too easy. I make my way over to the next run. I begin to find this ski hill cheesy. With this thought I am blinded by the sun. I’m unable to see the giant tree. I hit the trunk; this might be the end of me.

Tree A The sonnet is very hard to do. Making it rhyme, takes a lot of time. I like how the person dies when he hit the tree. It made the poem much more humorous tone. I think the ending is an unexpected surprise. Poetic license appears in the poem to describe the hill as “cheesy”. The poem is used to describe a progressive story that is easy to understand. This sonnet is a masterpiece and should go into a museum of popular culture. The amazing author deserve a nobel prize.

The author used the second poem to analyze the sonnet. The amazing author of this poem used a masterpiece to describe an amazing piece of poetry. I really like how the author put in the very ingenious rhyme in the second and third line of the poem, “Making it rhyme,” and “takes a lot of time.” I think the topic of this poem is that the sonnet before is very good and should be recognized as such. The tone of this poem is very positive. In all I think someone should make a poem about this poem.

Four A one will not do for these poems were not made by gru. A two would be cruel because I’m too cool. A three would be mean for these poems deserved more, They must make a four because they are not poor. He worked very hard and went very far to make these poems. So show him his four.

The author of this poem is completely true in the point he is trying to get across. At the end of line two the poet made an allusion to “Despicable Me”. The factual topic of this is that the author must get a four and that any other mark just will not do. I think that this poem is the most correct and factual poem ever made and should be recognized as such. I think that the poet does a very good job at getting its point across. Overall I think that this is a very good poem.

Connections to Identity. By Steven

I have separated all of my poems into three categories; sports, life questioning, and gloating. Each of my poems I choose for a specific reason and these are my reasons. I’m first going to talk about my sports poems. The first poem I’m going to talk about is River, by Gigi Levin. The reason I chose this poem is because I love water and every sport I do right now (except skiing) is in or on water. In this poem the author talks about how the river is more like home than his home. I agree with him because, for me, water feels like home. The next poem I’m going to talk about is Wave by Me. This poem expresses my love for kayaking and how it makes all of my problems seem to disappear. This poem was inspired by my brother’s poem he wrote in grade eight that had the same theme. The third poem is another one that I made myself its called Tree. This poem expresses my passion for skiing and other winter sports. It does not have a deeper meaning than the fact that I love skiing. This next poem relates to the poem I talked about before. It’s called The Heart Of Snow, by Miroslava Odalovic. I chose this poem to express the peacefulness I feel when I look at a snow covered landscape. This is the end of my identity analysis of my sports poems. These next four poems that I’m going to talk about will be from my life questioning section. This first poem called Universe Motion, by Udiah was the first poem I picked online. This poem reminded me of how small we actually are compared to the rest of the universe, and how lucky we are to live on this safe haven among nothingness. This poem also expresses how I think that the universe is a beautiful thing. The next poem Is called When

We Abuse Nature, by Francis Duggan. The reason why I chose this poem is because it’s all about how we shouldn’t abuse nature and I agree with what they say in the poem. I really hate when we destroy parts of nature when we don't need to. The next poem, like most of the poems I made, is about water. The poem is called River, by Steven Hill. This poem shows how I think water is the creator of life; life can survive without O2 but we need water to survive. The last poem of this section, is called Life’s Highway, by Tirupathi Chandrupatla. I really like this poem because of it’s last three lines, which are “be safe, and safe, for others”. This poems tells a great way to live life. These two poems are from my gloating section, and I only made them because I thought they were humourous. Both of these poems are written by me. The first of these poems is called Tree A, and it’s really just an analyzation of my Tree poem from the sports section. I used this poem to show I will always take the way that takes the least amount of time, as long as it gets the job done correctly. The evidence for this is not actually in the poem, it is the poem. The next of these poems is called Four. I used this poem to show my humorous side by making it about why I should get a four and not any other mark. These poems all showed part of my identity. Thanks for reading.

Vignette. I’ve always wondered what my name meant but I’ve never had the chance to find out, this is my chance. My name means crown, and it is of Greek origin. My name is Steven Donald Hill. I’ve never really thought about whether I like my name because it’s been my name for as long as I have exist and I just accept that. It was the 136th most popular name in North America in 2012. There are two spellings of my name, Steven and Stephen, and each of my parents wanted a different spelling. In the end, they agreed on Steven. Even though they agreed on Steven they are still questioning their choice. My middle name is in honor of my grandpa on my mom’s side. When most people think of middle name they either think of Donald duck or Mc. Donald. According to the Internet, my name “makes” me independent, practical, resourceful, and patient, which is interesting because I’m not many of those things. These are all of the facts I know about my name. For this assigned I was told to tell how my name connects to my identity this is how. I have always wondered if I were to change my name, would it change my identity? I think that if I change my name, I will be the same person but people will look at me a little differently. I believe that a name is simply a title, a representation of you on the surface and not who you really are. I think that the nickname represent you better than your actual name because people who know you made your nickname. I’ve wondered that if I had the chance, would I have chosen a different name for myself? I find it nearly impossible to think of another name for myself because I have never thought about it before. But in the end I think that I would keep my name because I am so used to it, and i t would be very hard to get used to a new name. There are many nicknames for Steven, such as Steve, Stevo, and so on. Most people call me Stevie. The people that originally came up with my

nickname was my old swim team, my new swim team also calls me Stevie though. Although I like my nickname now, I don’t think it will suit me when I am older, so I will have to think of another nickname. Some people call me “Over the Hill”, my swim coaches call my “king of the hill”, because my last name is Hill, but I don’t really care what they call me, as long it isn’t mean. I find it funny that everyone assumes that my name is spelled with a “ph” instead of a “v”. That is what I think about my name and how it connect to my identity.

Work pictures:

Unknown, Universe Space Nebula Stars X Px Hd, wallng, 2013 10-4,

unknown, falls river towards sheep falls, flying fish frenzy, 2013 10-4, 2009/02/falls-river-towards-sheep-falls.jpg Unknown, Clearcut at Clonmal, FSC-WATCH, 2013, 10-4, Clearcut_at_Clonmel_IMG_1028.JPG Unknown, Lost Highway, Highway Dreamers, 2013, 10-4 http:// losthighway.jpg Unknown, Sacred Snow Winter, Divine Ancestry, 2013, 10-4 sacred-snow-winter.jpg Unknown, Yellow Stone River Valley, Astro Joes Bar and Grill, 2013, 10-4 Yellowstone/RiverValley.jpg Unknown, Raging River 2, Core Jolts, 2013, 10-4

Unknown, Skiing In The Tantalus, Altus Mountain Guides, 2013, 10-4

Poems: Chandrupatla Tirupathi, Life’s highway, Poem Hunter, Monday, March 25, 2013, web, 2013, 10-4, Duggan Francis, When We Abuse Nature, Poem Hunter, N.P., Tuesday, june 17, 2008, web, 2013, 10-4, Levin Gigi, River, Poem Hunter, N.P., Wednesday, January 30, 2013, web, 2013, 10-4, http:// Odalovic Miroslava, The Heart Of Snow,Poem Hunter, Thursday, February 09, 2012, web, 2013, 10-4 Udiah, Univers Motion, Poem hunter, N.P.,Saturday, January 26, 2013, web, 2013, 10-4

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