A Poetry Anthology by Lily

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The Big Book of Me

A Poetry Anthology By Lily Hayden

Dedicated to anyone who is trying to bring peace to our world.

Table of Contents 1. Found Poems I.

Oh The Places You’ll Go

3. My Name A Vignette by Lily H*****

By: Dr. Seuss

II. Roar By: Katy Perry

III. The Fragile Warriors By: Aldo Kraas

4. How do these poems relate to me?

IV. A Poem to Save Our World By: Missspoon


The Road Not Taken By: Robert Frost

2. Written Poems All By: Lily H*****

I. II. III. IV. V.

Freedom Who is She? Life I Dream Heaven has Gained an Angel

5. Works Cited

Found Poems

The theme of this poem is “the struggles of life”. It is talking about how you will mess up and do things wrong, but in the end you will succeed. Dr. Seuss has written about a serious subject, but has found a way to make it enjoyable for all ages. This helps him get his point across to a wider range of people instead of one specific group. The tone of this poem is positive and uplifting. The poem helps take some of the stress away from the thought of growing up and I think it is very successful. In the poem, every other line rhymes. This contributes to the meaning of the poem because it makes it entertaining and pleasurable.

Oh The Places You’ll Go By: Dr. Seuss

You'll get mixed up, of course, as you already know. You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)

The theme of this poem is about being submissive and gaining the power to overcome it. The tone of the poem is personal growth. It builds in strength as the author builds in strength. The author starts out as a follower showing her weakness, but soon realizes that she can make her own decisions and not let anyone tell her how to live her life. This poem has good rhythm, and you can feel the strength building through the words. The rhythm contributes to the meaning of the poem because it makes the poem more appealing. “Rock the boat and make a mess� is symbolism for doing things out of your comfort zone. In this poem, the author is scared to do risky things.

Roar By: Katy Perry

I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath Scared to rock the boat and make a mess So I sat quietly, agreed politely I guess that I forgot I had a choice I let you push me past the breaking point I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything

!e Fragile War"ors By Aldo Kraas !e fragile war"ors Are fighting for peace In #at brutal war #at never ends

I was $a% to #& poem because it & 'o(, simple and to ) point. !e #eme & 'owing *reng# from tenderness. I #ink #& poem & ab,t regular people, who have kindness in #eir hea(s, fighting for peac- !& & impo(ant to many of us because #ey can relate to it easily. Because a lot of people can under*and #& compa"son, it greatly cont"butes to #em poems meaning. !e tone of ) poem & somewhat depressing because ) au#or says ) war"ors are fighting “In a brutal war #at never ends�. When y, are rea.ng #& poem, it makes y, feel a bit depressed as well.

Every day my heart shatters, my soul is torn

You say sacrifices must be made for more freedom

Day after day our hatred for each other has grown

What I think you need is the strongest word of wisdom

We’ve killed men, we’ve killed women and we’ve killed children

And if all this keeps up I‘ll announce treason

We’ve even killed babies before they were born

Don’t waste you lives bickering with guns and just live ‘em

Our hearts have blackened when they were once white as snow

You think you’re all so smart to have survived till now on Earth

We’ve torn countries and families with every shot and blow

But animals did it first and you know it’s the truth

We’ve put out the candle of hope so it would never again glow

So stop and think about what all of this is worth

This is all our own doing and nothing else’s throw

Stop killing every creature that gives birth

The Earth complains every night and every day

Our grandchildren won’t see polar bears, is that fare?

“Why do this to me?” it asks with tears, no foul, no play

Animals are put to sleep to make some purses and fake hair

Animals kicked out of their own forests when wanting to stay

Why do I even bother? You’ll never learn to share

Trees cut down, no mercy, and on the ground now they lay

And you who only talk get a move on instead of just glare

Dolphins, whales and even sharks too

Mr. Harrison Ford is against killing tigers and with him I am

Mad at humans for not keeping their oceans blue

One day I’ll be as big as him and you’ll all be saying “Yes, Ma’am”

Children being orphaned, and why? They haven’t got a clue

Then you’ll do something instead of sitting eating P.B and Jam

Every three seconds a human in Africa dies, oh yes it’s true

And when you do, then you’ll truly have true (Salam)

“You’ve got your head in the clouds” people might tell me

That’s an Arabic word which means peace

But I will not stop till I get every creature free!

In Arabic, English, Spanish or even words of Greece

Wars all over and all the big ones care for is freakin’ tea!

You’ll never understand the true meaning of the word (peace)

I’ll ask for help from every one and I shall even plea “You can’t save the world” they say, but at least I try

Well, I’ll bet you you’ll get it if you ask your little niece

A Poem To Save Our World By MissSpoon

I’ll try every way there is, and if need be, I will even fly It will not be an easy job, I won’t lie

“Stand for what you believe in” is what I always say I’ll do what ever possible till my hair turns grey I’ll destroy whatever’s in my way like a prey

But I won’t sit here while humans, animals and all the plants die

“You’ll give up one day” you say but I say “No way”

All around the world, wars, poverty and starvation

You don’t even listen to an animal saying “Have mercy”

It will not all go away with a simple incantation

You should’ve known you would have the curtsy

Let’s stick together and be a family, not just a nation

You’re feelings died after your first kill, so you don’t see

Don’t be shallow and only think of your summer vacation

I’ll have help from every land and every sea

The theme of this poem is world issues. The poem talks What’s the point of fighting when there’ll be nothing to fight for? You’re healthy and you have your family, so what do you need more? Children playing in the back yard with pets whined up on the floor They bleed to death, so did you have to? Or were you just having a bore?

about everything that is wrong with the world and how she wants to change it for the better. Throughout the poem the author seems frustrated and upset about how many other people complain about the worlds issues and

How much time do we have? Not a lot I won’t stop moving unless I get caught And I’ll need help from all you lot I’ll need all the courage, dedication and words you’ve got

Close your eyes and imagine that happening to your own kids

don’t do anything to improve them. She is also shocked

Use every power you have and don’t hold back

Babies all over needing bandages and a lot of meds

about the state the world is in right now. There is no set

If we all unite together we’ll be as tall as Shaq!

Hospitals so full that they’re in need of much more beds

rhyme scheme, but many words rhyme. I noticed that in

And we’ll whiten their hearts which have turned black

The problem with you is if any one wants peace then off with their

some stanzas there is an ABAB rhyme scheme and in

We’ll win this fight with a shout and a smack


others an AAAA rhyme scheme. In the last line of the fourteenth stanza the author uses the Arabic word for

So join me troops and let’s lose no time

You don’t even try to listen to what we’re saying

peace, Salam. Using this unexpected word makes the

Let’s get together; it’s our time to shine

Why don’t you understand what all of us are doing?

reader think more about the true meaning of this poem.

Don’t think about it and here just sign

We lay in our beds every night just wishing

This poem has a lot of emotion and it makes you think

I know for sure we’ll do it and bells shall chime

Wishing to be heard, understood or thanked for trying

about how we are really treating our world and its people.

The Road Not Taken By: Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear, Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

The theme of this poem is making tough life choices and the two roads symbolize the options you have. The road most traveled symbolizes the easy way out and the road less traveled symbolizes the hard way. Frost is saying that he decided to take the hard way and that has made all the difference in his life. The symbolism enhances the meaning of the poem because it provokes deeper thought for the reader. This poem has a thoughtful tone. In the poem, Frost is thinking about which of the two paths he should take. The rhyme scheme is ABAAB CDCCD EFEEF GHGGH. The rhyming makes the poem more memorable and delightful.

Original Poems

Freedom By: Lily H*****

Free. All I want is to be free. Free like the birds in the sky and the dolphins in the sea. Free like the puffy white clouds above my carefree head. Free with no more worries or stress Free to dance and sing like no one is watching. Free to be myself with no one to judge. Free to be who I want to be, say what I want to say, and do what I want to do. Free to dream with no limit. Free to be as free as I desire... Forever.

This is a concrete poem. A concrete poem is a poem where the words are arranged to make a shape that contributes to the meaning of the poem. In this poem, I used two similes. The first simile I used was “Free like the birds in the and the dolphins in the sea.� Both birds and dolphins have a huge space to roam. This enhances the poems meaning because it puts a picture in your head of just how much freedom I would like. All through the poem I say free; this is an example of repetition. The tone of this poem desire. All through this poem I have the desire to be free.

Who Is She? By: Lily H*****

Lily Louise H***** With that crazy blonde hair And her darkish blue eyes She’s long, lean, and fair She laughs like a child With a smile like the sun She loves being alive Her happiness never done Through ups and through downs By your side she will stay Whenever you need her She won’t go away She is easily frustrated and angered a lot Her mum says it’s her age But she insists it’s not! Go over, say hi She won’t mind one bit You may even become friends A missing piece that might fit

This poem has a fun and quirky tone. The rhyme scheme is ABAB CDCD EFEF GHGH IJIJ. This enhances the meaning of the poem because it reflects the tone. “She laughs like a child” and “With a smile like the sun” are both similes. They contributes to the poems meaning because they help show what I look and sound like.

The theme of this poem is new life. The tone

of this poem is happiness because the birth is a happy time for everyone. Because this

poem is a haiku, the number of syllables in each line is important. In the ďŹ rst and last line there are ďŹ ve

syllables and in the middle line there are seven syllables. Because

this poem is like

no other, it makes it more



By: Lily H*****

Chilly September: I am taking my ďŹ rst breath Here I am, alive

In this poem, I used parallelism. Every line starts with the words “I dream of”. This contributes to the meaning of the poem because it helps the flow of the

I Dream

By: Lily H*****

poem. In the line “I dream of the day I can take the reigns” I used symbolism. The reigns symbolizes the control over my life and I would love to have complete say in every I do. I think this enhances the meaning of the poem because many people my age can relate to it. This poem has an AABB CCDD EEFF rhyme scheme.

I dream of my future and what it will be I dream of the many things that I will see I dream of the day that I graduate school I dream of a world that I may rule I dream of the day when I learn how to drive I dream of the day I help a family thrive I dream of the day when I enforce animal rights I dream of reaching great heights I dream of the day that I get to fly planes I dream of the day I can take the reigns I dream of my future and what it will be I dream of the many things that I will see

This enhances the meaning of the poem because it makes it more enjoyable to read.

Heaven has Gained an Angel By: Lily H*****

I will be there like the stars in the sky Shining brightly, leading the way for you Don’t be upset my darling, don’t you cry The past, I know, you wish you could undo Cancer may have stolen me away dear But my love for you will never die down I will watch over you now don’t you fear Many people love you, just look around Yes, the time we had together was short But I will stay by your side forever All of your decisions I will support You can talk to me whenever, my love

This poem has an ABAB CDCD... rhyme scheme. This enhances the meaning of the poem because it makes it more memorable and interesting to read. In this poem I used the simile “I will be there like the stars in the sky.” This contributes to the meaning of the poem because it gives some variety to my writing. The theme of this poem is loosing a loved one, but feeling that they are still with you. The tone of this poem is love and hope. The love of a loved one that you dearly miss and the hope that they are still with you spiritually.

I love you more than you will ever know And unfortunately I had to go

In loving memory of Nanny Twig

My Name A Vignette By: Lily H*****

Lily Louise H*****, that’s my name. In Latin America my name means blossoming flower. In England it represents purity, innocence, and beauty. In Hindu it means manuscripts of God. I love my name; I love the way it sounds when you say it. It sounds delicate and fragile like a flower. I was named Lily because of an exquisite flower that is also my mum’s favorite flower. When I was born my parents immediately knew it was the right name for me even though they had other names picked out. They said I looked fragile and beautiful like a porcelain doll. Even now, I believe that I am still fragile. I am a very emotional person and I often get upset or angered over small things like if someone doesn’t do something they say they were going to do. Some other names my parents had picked out for me were Georgie, Alice, Charlotte, or Rosie for a girl and George or Louis for a boy. I really like the name Georgie because I think it’s unique. I also really like the name Charlotte. I don’t think that I would change my name to either of these because it wouldn’t have as much meaning to me. Neither of these names would be as fragile as Lily is. My middle name, Louise, was passed down from my amazing great grandmother. Louise means a famous warrior. Even though this contradicts the fragile and innocent part of my personality, I still think it describes me well. Over the years I have learned how to control my emotions. I am also level headed; I make logical decisions and I keep my priorities straight. I guess you could call me a fragile warrior.

During the time I worked on this poetry anthology, I learnt a lot about myself. I was able to dig deeper into my own identity more than ever before and it opened my eyes about who I am and what I want to achieve. These poems are all about things I'm passionate about. A Poem to Save Our World by Missspoon tells the story of everything that is wrong with the world, how she wants to make a difference and what will make the world a better place. I could not agree more, I think that the world has issues and needs saving. “Freedom” is a poem written by me about my desire to be free. "Free to be myself with no one to judge" is one of my favourite lines because in this day and age, society will judge you no matter how you look or what you do. It seems that we are never be good enough. I would love to live in a world where everyone could be themselves without having to justify who they are. I also wrote a poem called I Dream. My dreams are very important to me because they give me hope for the future, and something to work towards.

Everyday I get a little older and a little wiser. I am at an age now where I need to start thinking about and planning my future. Oh The Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss is all about the struggles of growing up. I know that as I grow up, I will have to stand on my own two feet. I may face struggles and fail at times, but if I work hard I will succeed in whatever I do. Roar by Katy Perry is about growing up and learning to stand up for yourself. During this past year I have learned to stand up for myself and not let people overpower my ideas; I can speak up and say as much as everyone else. The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost is one of my favorite poems. It is about being faced with tough choices and trusting yourself to make the right one. When I am faced with tough choices, I try to choose the option that may take more time and effort, but will reap the most reward. I think the most powerful line in the poem is, "I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." I also think that this line relates most to me because I have been forced to do many things in my life that other people would struggle with. The Fragile Warriors by Aldo Kraas is about people who are fighting for peace in this world. In my vignette, I described myself as a fragile warrior and this poem describes that perfectly. Right now in my life I consider myself a fragile warrior and I often wonder if I will stay that way as I get older.

My family and I are very important to each other, they encourage me to believe I can achieve anything, However, when you have a close family, and you loose someone it can be very painful. All of the poems in this section are written by me which makes them very personal. Who is She is all about me! This poem describes how I look and my personality! Life is about the day I was born. This was a special day for my parents as they now had a child of their own. Heaven has Gained an Angel is my favorite poem in this section. This poem is about my grandmother, Nanny Twig, who sadly passed away due to cancer, "Cancer may have stolen me away dear." I was only three years old when we lost her and it was a very hard time for my family. In the poem I said, "You can talk to me, my love, whenever" because I feel like she is still with me; she is watching over me. I Dream is about my dreams and aspirations for the future. My family are very supportive and they cheer me on whatever I do.

Works Sited Frost, Robert. “The Road Not Taken.” Poem Hunter. np. 1916. Web. October 3, 2013. http://www.poemhunter.com/ poem/the-road-not-taken/

Unknown. Unknown. Pics to Pin. np. nd. Web. October 4, 2013. http://www.picstopin.com/2560/download-earthfrom-space-wallpaper-229049/http:%7C%7Ckhongthe*com %7Cwallpapers%7Cspace%7Cearth-from-space-229049*jpg/

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Kraas, Aldo. “The Fragile Warriors.” Poem Hunter. May 5, 2010. Web. October 3, 2013. http://www.poemhunter.com/ poem/the-fragile-warrior/ Missspoon. “A Poem to Save Our World.” The Literature Network Forums. September 27, 2009. Web. October 3, 2013. http://www.online-literature.com/forums/showthread.php? 47092-A-Poem-To-Save-Our-World Perry, Katy. “Roar.” AZ Lyrics. Capitol, August 10, 2013. Web. October 3, 2013. http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/ katyperry/roar.html Seuss Geisel, Theodor. “Oh The Places You’ll go.” Schribd. Random House, January 22, 1990. Web. http:// www.scribd.com/doc/32330468/Dr-Seuss-Oh-The-PlacesYou-ll-Go Unknown. “Sunset with Mountains.” Wallsave. np. December 18, 2011. Web. October 8, 2013. http://www.wallsave.com/ wallpaper/1600x1200/sunset-x-art-mountains-is-one-of-thefree-desktop-49938.html

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