Will's anthology

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Will’s Anthology By: Will Stretch

Thursday, 10 October, 13

You know those chores you always have to do, like mowing grass: I grumble, go outside— a lawn this size will take an hour or two at least—put on my Red Sox hat and ride around designing circles, lines, a border. I move from shade to sunshine, deftly steering, looking purposeful and bringing order so neat and sure—and sure of disappearing. With all this sun, I know that what I’m doing won’t last, won’t keep a week; I ride about to find the pleasure in the not pursuing, to learn beyond the shadow of a doubt the patterns that I long to bring to pass get mown and overgrown like summer grass.

Thursday, 10 October, 13

in this poem by midge Goldberg it talks about mowing the lawn, which is a task, most people have to do on a weekly basses. The line structure is very similar through the whole poem and he ;inishes each thought, also in the she has an A,B,A,B rhyming scheme where there is a rhyme in every second line, like do and to or boarder and order, it is kind of confusing because you don’t catch on to it right a way but after you look it really stands out. The word choice in the poem is really strong and really emphasizes here point, and makes the poem more powerful.

Mountain biking is my favorite sport. I feel the bright suns warmth upon my face, The run is lengthily and seldomly short, When I’m out there its like I’m lost in space. I am racing down as fast as I can I hit a big jump and hope that I land I know that a new day has just began I know I could die with one wrong command Riding up the chair again and again Here’s the top about to do my descent I would like to come back and bring my friend At the end of the day I’m feeling spent Biking is fun and better then a run But after a long day I think I am done.

This is my sonnet with the theme of mountain biking I choose this theme because I like mountain biking and it is some thing I spend a lot of time doing. The tone of my poem is relaxed but also uptight and this is because when mountain biking you feel the adrenalin but you also have to be careful or you could hurt your self. It consists of an A,B,A,B,C,D,C,D rhyming scheme, and 4 stanzas three of which have 4 lines, and one that only has 2 which is called a rhyming couplet it has a G,G rhyme scheme. Every line only has 10 syllables, and the line length dose not very to much.

Thursday, 10 October, 13

Thursday, 10 October, 13

The Ride up The chair Is frigid, my ears are freezing, It is worth the wait because I know when I get to the top the long powder ;illed run will be like no other… This poem is a concrete poem shaped as a mountain, I chose to do this because the poem is about skiing. That is why the top of the mountain is white. I chose words like frigid and freezing because I wanted to make the reader feel how cold it really is. At the end there is an ellipsis, I put that there to make the reader feel that the run goes on. In my poem I create mystery by saying what it is like going up the chair li= but not what it is like on the way down.

May is a nice month; It is a time for ;lowers, A time for warm days…

This is one of the poems I wrote and it is about the month may. At the start I have my kireji which is the semi colon which separates the ;irst line from the second line, then I have my keigo in the third line which is warm and I think this ;its may very well. Ant the end there is an ellipsis that shows that the summer season is going to stay for a while, i found my tone in this poem was happy but excited about my birth day, and the warm days to come.

Thursday, 10 October, 13

Happiness lies in good health Not in accumulation of wealth Happiness lies in caring for others Like dear friends and brothers Happiness lies in sharing Not is amassing Happiness is the state of mind Nowhere else you can find Enjoy the moment, live the life Settle score and end the strife Happiness is the journey not destination Happiness Is doing what is your fascination Happiness is doing what you like Sleeping, walking, running and riding a bike Happiness will come near When you will venture without fear Render service that you can Live a life that adorn a man

Thursday, 10 October, 13

In the poem real happiness by Shashikant Nishant Sharma, is a poem about happiness and how there are many things that can make you happy. This is a very simple poem that has an A,A,B,B rhyming scheme, and incorporates parallelism star=ng with happiness is, and ending it what she thought her happiness is, she uses personifica=on and gives happiness real traits to make it sound more powerful and meaningful. The theme of the poem is happiness it is a free forum poem and I really like it and how it relates to my iden=ty.

Winter is coming; Excited for skiing, I just cannot wait.

Thursday, 10 October, 13

Winter is one of my favorite months, and skiing is my whole winter life. And the start I have my keigo, which is winter this is my season word that describes what part of the year it is in. the line length makes it look like a rectangle, which helps to show my excitement. I also have my kireji, which is a semi colon and this help with the jump between winter and skiing.

To be apart of a family like mine is so divine where love is shown hurt is shared our love for each other is never impaired we talk we laugh we cry but we are a family and we do it all together for as a family we do it all as one you hurt one you hurt all and as a family unit we will all stand tall for we are family a family full of strength a family full of love a family no one can touch that’s why I love my family so much.

Thursday, 10 October, 13

This is a free forum poem about family. In this poem there are not that many literary elements, there is a bit of rhyming like touch and much but there is not really a pattern. The line length in this poem differs, and there is no syllable pattern. It talks a lot about a family and how they are one and if some thing is wrong with one person it affects every one

Will It means very lax and crea=ve person, It is the number 13, It is like a deep ocean in a warm place, It is like the feeling of skiing a steep run, It is the memory of my grand father, Who taught me to be loyal and never lie, When he is around me he makes me feel good, My name is Will, It means good vibes and great =mes. In my poem I choose to do a free four about me, at the start it has parallelism which goes through half the poem, in this poem there are a lot of similes/metaphors when it says it is like, or it is, it emphasizes what I am talking about, and invokes more emotion in the reader, the line length differs in this poem to show more relaxed writing.

Thursday, 10 October, 13

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

Thursday, 10 October, 13

In the famous poem the road not taken by Robert frost is a good metaphor life and how there are hard decisions to make. This poem consists of a ABAAB rhyming scheme, and has 4 stanzas with 5 lines, these stanzas are deep and meaningful and really get his point across. Most of the lines are 9 syllables long which is a weird choice, but I know it was intenDonal.

Identity is not what I promise others Identity is what I do when I am alone Identity is what I think of others Knowing all the hatred they've shown Identity is what every wound reminds me Identity is what I learn and what I pass by Identity is what I see in the mirror After giving my best try Identity is what I make out of my given chance Identity is what I accept and what I deny No one else has control over me Life is about me, and what I identify

Thursday, 10 October, 13

Abhiraj Rajadhyaksha’s poem is very powerful and shows how there are many things that affect persons Identity. You can’t just pick one thing that defines you. Through out this poem there is a lot of parallelism, each line starts with identity is, and goes through a lot of different thing, This goes through almost the whole poem. The parallelism really gets the author’s point across well, and helps emphasize the theme of Identity and how it is hard to pick something that defines you. This poem also shows that other people and your environment can have a big affect on your identity, and depending on what they do and how they treat you could completely change whom you are.

Why do I have my name? This is a hard question to answer; it is like asking why is your favorite color red. There are so many reasons that factor in, but out of the millions of names my parents picked one. Will is my name. The way it sounds reminds me of a free lion with a will to survive. My name has many meanings because it is what people link all of my actions to, and when someone says “Will” people think of me and my personality. My parents picked my name because most Will’s are like waterfalls they are powerful and relaxed. They also know a lot of Will’s and have not met one they have not liked. I think my name reflects me very well and I have never even thought of changing it I don’t think any other name would fit me as well as the one I have now. My name is different from most of the other Will’s in the world because it is not William it is just Will. I don't really like being called William because it does not reflect me as who I am. I like being called Will, just will. It feels very calm, but William on the other hand sounds up tight. if I was born in another country or my parents were of another race I don't think I would have such a good name. If I was German I would have a name like Albert, or if I was Russian I would have a name like Bogdan, so I am glad I was born in Canada and got the name I have. My middle name is Weston, it is my grandfather's first name, and my parents named me after him because he is as wise and courageous as Superman, and would be happy if I turned out like him. My middle name is interesting the way it sounds, Weston. I have never met anyone else with this name besides my grandfather, it is very unique and different. Everyone is different in his or her own way and a name is just a small part of that individuality, and what makes them unique.

Thursday, 10 October, 13

Part D Hello my name is will and I wrote an anthology, with poems that ;it my life style and identity. There are many things that makeup a persons Identity and these are just a couple things that make up mine. And in the poem identity by Abhiraj Rajadhyaksha’s it talks a bout just how many thing have an impact on a person’s identity. The ;irst of these being athletics this is a big part of my life style because I usually have sports 3 times a week. Skiing is one of my favorite sports and I am really passionate about it and I wrote a couple poems about it, one of them is the chairlift and this talks a bout skiing and is a concrete in the shape of the mountain, in my poem I think I got my feelings across and I cant wait for the ski hills to open. My second poem is a haiku called skiing and this one is also about skiing this one is short but shows my excitement to the up coming season. I do play other sports like football, rugby, and mountain biking, this is another mountain sport that I love doing I don’t do it competitively but is a really fun and exciting sport, in my poem mountain biking I talk about a day mountain biking and what it is like. Family is a big part of your identity because you know your parents for your whole life and they make you who you are. In the poem family by anon it talks about how families will have there ups and downs but in the end they are still your family, and I think he did a great job getting the message across. I think I am very fortunate to have been born in Canada even though it is cold some times and have the family and friends and school that I do. That is why I have poems on happiness, in real happiness Shashikant Nishant Sharma explains what his happiness is, and you need to live your life because you only get one so enjoy it. I also wrote a poem called free and it is a bout me and my life and what makes me happy. Another poem I found is Mowing the lawn, by midge Goldberg this poem is about mowing the lawn and how you don’t wan to do it at ;irst but after you start it feels so good, it is also a good metaphor for life, because you go out and mow the lawn, even though in a week it will grow back and you will have to do it again, which will be the same for a lot of things in life. The last poem is one I ;ind inspirational and a poem that I have known since I was little the road not, taken by Robert Frost. This poem talks about a guy who is faced with two paths one that is taken all the time and one that is untouched, and he decides to take the one untouched. This is a good relation to life because you will be faced with two choices and some time the right choice wont all ways be the obvious one.

Thursday, 10 October, 13

work cited list pictures



-Goldberg, Midge. "Midge Goldberg: Poet, Poetry, Picture, Bio." Midge Goldberg: Poet, Poetry, Picture, Bio. Anon, n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. <http://www.thehypertexts.com/ Midge_Goldberg_Poet_Poetry_Picture_Bio.htm>.

Anon. "Identity HQ WALLPAPER." Identity. Anon, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2013.


Anon. "Lands WideScreen Wallpapers 22 (45 обоев) » Красивые картинки, Обои для рабочего стола, Картинки на рабочий стол, Красивые фото девушек. Ежедневно." Lands WideScreen Wallpapers 22 (45 обоев) » Красивые картинки, Обои для рабочего стола, Картинки на рабочий стол, Красивые фото девушек. Ежедневно. Anon, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2013.

Trey Ratcliff Stuck in Customs. Taken on September 29, 2009 http:// www.flickr.com/photos/stuckincustoms/4204913417/

Ratcliff, Trey. "Two Paths Through the Tangled Japanese Forest." Flickr. Yahoo!, 22 Dec. 2009. Web. 08 Oct. 2013.


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http://mouseandman.com/portfolio-item/tarheel-trailblazers/ Thursday, 10 October, 13

-Rajadhyaksha, Abhiraj. "Idenity of I." Poem Hunter. Anon, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2013. <http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/identityof-i/>. -Sharma, Shashikant Nishant. "Real Happiness." Poem Hunter. Anon, n.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2013. <http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/ real-happiness-2-2/>. -Frost, Robert. "1. The Road Not Taken. Frost, Robert. 1920. Mountain Interval." 1. The Road Not Taken. Frost, Robert. 1920. Mountain Interval. Bartleby.com, Dec. 1995. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. <http://www.bartleby.com/119/1.html>.

-Ali, Mahfooz. "I Love My Family so Much." Poem Hunter. Anon, n.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2013. <http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/i-lovemy-family-so-much/>.

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